Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 12, 1923, Image 6

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T Bellefonte, Pa., ‘January 12, 1923.
By L. A. Miller.
Some people are always in trouble;
they seem to have been born to it.
One man has no luck with horses;
another loses everything when he en-
gages in a game of five hundred, and
another is constantly getting bills
when he has no money to pay them.
‘Their lines are rendered even more
miserable by seeing others around
who always happen to have the nec-
essary funds at hand when a bill
comes in, and their horses die only of
old age.
One woman has sour bread, another
is sure to have the headache on the
night of her favorite opera, and anoth-
er never hears the latest gossip until
it is old. This is all bad enough, but
it drives the iron deeper into their
souls to know other women who get
all the gossip while it is fresh and
fragrant, are always looking their
very best when there is an opera ticket
around, and who have won fame in
bread-baking with the same brands of
flour and yeast they use.
The man with a family of boys
curses the luck that sent them. If
they were only girls he would have a
fortune within his grasp. He looks
at a dude of a boy, and says to him-
self: Now, if that fellow were only
a girl, see where he might be. There
is a Sarah Bernrhardt just coining
money, and many others rolling in
wealth. Why, there would be thous-
ands of chances for him to bring the
sons of wealth to his feet if he were
only a girl. Confound the luck! As
it is, he is barely making enough to
keep himself clothed, and I have to
board him. Give me girls all the
His neighbor, who has a large crop
of girls, goes around pulling his hair
and asking the gods what he has ever
done to merit their displeasure. He
is willing to trade two girls for one
boy, because he can find something for
the boy to do whereby he will earn
his board. Possibly he succeeds in
trading a girl off and gets a young
man in the family, only to find that
he still has the girl to keep, likewise
the young man, also their family.
Mixed families are the best. The
trouble with the boys is balanced by
the trouble with the girls. Thus the
equilibrium is maintained.
It is a fact, whether people want to
admit it or not, that children are not
as welcome as they used to be. Too
many parents haven’t the time to care
for them. You can recall families of
your own acquaintance where the par-
ents haven’t time to raise their chil-
dren properly. They look after them
during their infancy as a matter of
necessity, clothe them as a matter of
decency, and let them run whither-so-
ever they will as a matter of conven-
jence. It may be too much to say that
every one can recall such cases, but
almost every one can who is ordinar-
ily observant.
In olden times it was a parent’s
pride to raise children in such a way
as to make them a credit to their name
and a valuable acquisition to society.
The father who left behind him an
honorable and industrious son, left
more to the world than he who built a
church or endowed a college. The
mother who trained and educated a
daughter in all that pertains to the
true woman, gave to society and to
civilization far more than a Rachel, a
Mrs. Siddens or a Patti.
It is a bother for a business man to
look after his boys and see that they
are surrounded with proper influences.
He hasn’t time to talk to them or to
listen to their talk. His business re-
quires all his time, so he bundles them
off to a school somewhere and pays a
man to look after them. He finds he
has more comfort at home without
them; things are quieter when they
are away, for boy is but another name
for noise.
Such men make money by sending
their boys away, but too often it
proves as curseful as ill-gotten gain.
They forget that there is as much
skill in handling money as in making
it. The boys, instead of being taught
in the father’s practical school, how to
make and take care of money, only
learn in the theoretical borading-
school how to spend it. So many men
are ambitious to leave a fortune and
a name. The latter they strive to
paint high up on the political fence or
some of the dead walls of fame, and
the former flashes in the eyes of the
groundlings from every side. What
better name can they leave than that
borne by a son, and what better for-
tune than a thriving business?
Girls are different. Yes, that’s so,
but there is, or at least there used to
be, a way of bringing them up so they
were profitable to society and the
. world at large.
_#n other days it was the custom for
~rmathefs to teach their daughters the
«domestic arts and fit them for the ac-
‘ Yive duties of life. There are moth-
ers living now who considered them-
selves unfitted to marry until they
had mastered the art of spinning, sew-
- fing, cooking and housekeeping. They
would have been ashamed to have had
3 it kmown among their acquaintances
w.thdt they had no bed-quilts of their
“own quilting, no blankets of their own
spinning, and that they were not com-
petent to make their own wedding
cakes and roast the funky. od
at times have changed. So they
ra and greatly too. Whteher for
the better or not is another matter,
yet none the less important. That
was a practical age. The people felt
it a duty to earn what they got.
man without an occupation useful to
society, or a woman who couldn't take
2 hand in household duties, as well as
at the piano or euchre was regarded
as “aristocracy” and played a very
small part in affairs of the day.—
Well, what are we going to do about )
it? Oh, nothing.
————————— A ———— ——
——Barbarous practices should not be
tolerated in a civilized land. Even the
worst of men are entitled to just treat-
Sun Dial That Belonged to the Found-
er of the University Presented
to College.
The Illihu Yale sun dial, accepted by
the corperation at its meeting in Sep-
tember, has been presentea to the uni-
versity by the following graduates,
who have succeeded in purchasing
this interesting memento of the found-
er of Yale; Ganson G. Depew, 19019;
Clarence. W. Bowen, '73; Henry K.
Smith, ’98, and E. Byrne Hackett, '14
Hon., and R. Eden Dickson, Esq. of
Eden Lodge, Woodbridge, Suffolk, Eng-
The sundial, originally owned by
Elihu Yale, has his coat of arms and
the date 1708 on it. It is a lifesize
figure of a West Indian negro, molded
in lead, standing in a half-kneeling po-
sition with arms upraised carrying the
bronze dial. The dial has never been
out of the possession of the descend-
ants of Elihu Yale until purchased this
summer by E. Byrne Hackett in co-
operation with George E. MacLean of
the American Universities union in
Europe for the group of graduates who
have just presented it to Yale,
This purchase is the culmination of
efforts made during the last 15 years
by Yale men. The final location of the
dial on some suitable site is now being
arranged for by Ganson G. Depew, rep-
resenting the donors, and the consult-
ing architect of the university, when
approved by the corporation committee
on architectural plan.—Yale Daily
Despite Unlooked-For Action of Giant
Baboon He Got Pictures of
Rest of Group.
In an interesting article entitled
“Five Thousand Miles on Foot in Cel
tral Africa” in the Wide World Maga
zine is an amusing account of the pho-
tographing of baboons gz2mboling in
the dried-up bed of a river.
“1t was these river beds,” writes the
author, “that I usually sought, for one
may be perfectly certain that in the
dry season the thirsty animals will
come thither to scratch for the last
remaining drops of water. For the
purpose of photographing this special
group of baboons I had secreted myself
in the branches of a withered uprooted
tree. I had been there ten minutes,
waiting for the animals, which were
running about all over the place, to
compose themselves into a picture,
when just as I was on the point of re-
leasing the shutter, I became aware of
a rustling in the branches above me.
The next moment a weight that seemed
like a ton descended on my head.
“As it happened, the sudden shock
caused me to operate the shutter, with
the result that I got quite a good pic
ture: ‘Ther; having hastily evacuated
my position in the trees, I discovered
that my head had been utilized as ap
‘observation platform’ by the biggest
baboon of the company and the fellow
was now quizzically gazing at me from
the branches!”
United for Short Skirts.
Women in various parts of the coun
try are forming “Short Skirt Clubs,”
the purpose of which is to thwart the
edicts of fashion makers, who have
voted for somewhat greater length.
It seems a bit strange that women
should have to organize for the right
to wear skirts any length they please.
There is no law against short skirts,
But it would be as difficult for one
woman to wear a short skirt when
everybody else had shifted to the shoe
top length as it would for an indi-
vidual to adopt a daylight saving
schedule in a town where the people
had voted for standard time, The
only way the average woman can re-
sist changing fashions is to be con-
scious that she has a wide support
among her fellow-women. If any man
condemns these women as cowards,
let him take off his coat in the thea-
cer. It is more comfortable and there
fs no law against it.—St. Louis Star.
Pian New Monorail Road.
Another experiment with overhead
monorails is to be made, according to
the Practical Engineer. The French
ministry of public works has decided
that an experimental line shall be in-
stalled in the Peronne district. The
subject has been investigated by a
commission, which issued a somewhat
favorable report. If the experimental
installation should prove successful it
is proposed to provide a mono-railway
between Paris and St. Germain. It is
understood that the system is merely
an aerial line carried on standards on
which a car fitted with engine and pro-
peller is mounted, and it is claimed
that speeds up to 150 miles an hour
can be reached.
Origin of “Anzac.”
‘he name “Anzac” was first giver
publicity by the late Major Oliver
Fogue, who was war correspondent
for the Morning Herald of Sydney,
Wew South Wales, Australia. He died
in May, 1920. The name stands for
the initial letters of Australia and
New Zealand army corps, and was
coined during the Dardanelles cam
paign in the World war. It is now
popularly applied to Australians vis.
itinz Great Britain to take part in
lawn tennis matches and other sports
Long Trip to School.
teavel record for fourteen-yvenr-old
pris seems to be held by [Telen rain
golf, Russian refugee. Since she hur
rledly left Vladivostok, Siberia, she
nas traveled 12,000 miles and has not
finished vet, for she recently left the
United States Tor Bonn, Prussia, where
she will study.
i Henley-in-Harden, Hampton-in-Harden.
Salesman Appreclated Dignity of Pct.
nership in the Firm, but It Fa!
Is Drawbacks,
Something like forty years azo one of
our South Meridian street houses Li: | »
star salesman, writes a correspon:ont
of the Indianapolis Star. It also had
two lavatories, in one of which tue
salesmen, bookkeepers and cleri:s
washed off the grime of toil, while i»
other was reserved for the exclusive
use of the two members of the firm.
All the salesmen were on a cominis-
sion basis, and in casting up the ac-
counts at the end of the year the purt-
ners discovered that this particular
traveler had made considerable more
money than either of them. They de-
cided that it would be a pious scheme
to take him in as a partner. The se-
nior member made him quite a solemn
speech on the occasion and ended by
impressively presenting him with a
key to the private lavatory. Delight-
ed with the promotion, the star sales-
man went out and sold more goods dur-
ing the next year than he had ever
sold before. At the end of the year his
ardor was dampened not a little wnen
he found that his profits were consics
erably less than his earnings had heen
in previous years. IIe took the bhal-
ance sheet to his desk and studied it
carefully and finally brought it buck
to the senior partner along with the
lavatory key.
“I'm much obliged for this mari of
confidence,” he said, “but, if it’s «ll tle
same to you, I'll wash with the hoys
next year.”
Young American of Chevy Chase C
spoken in His Opinion of Great
British Diplomat.
Lord Balfour liked a good yw»rn,
even at his own expense, and he roid
one to us at a dinner of which he
was the center at the British embassy
at Washington,
It was a splendid weighty func-
tion, worthy of pre-war days, when
Europe was neither depressed nor hys-
terical. Some one had spoken of Bal-
four in complimentary fashion, of his
great brain and his work at the con-
ference, and he replied that this con-
soled him for an occurrence at Chevy
Chase club, where he had gone to play
golf the day previous.
Finding no one he knew about, he
engaged a caddy and started off,
walking and chatting with the latter.
He asked the caddy's opinion about
the use of a certain club. The boy
gave advice, which Lord Balfour at-
tempted to follow; but he missed
the shot. Caddy took the club, illus-
trated his explanations, also missed
the ball; but further explained this
was because he was too short for the
club. Lord Balfour again tried to
follow caddy’s instructions and aga'n
missed; whereupon caddy eyed him
and remarked in solemn sincerity:
“Gee, if I was as tall as you or you
had my brains, what golf we could
play !”"—Princess Cantacuzene in tle
Saturday Evening Post.
Country’s Farm Population.
Recent statistics sent out by the
census authorities show that the farm -
population of the United States is
only 31,614,269, a little less than 30
per cent of the total. This includes
farm operators and farm laborers and '
their families, who live in the coun- .
try, and shows an average of about
five persons to each farm. About half
the people in the nation are class fied
as rural—that is, they live in the
country or in towns having few.
er than 2,500 inhabitants, but only
81 per cent of the “rurals” are actual-
ly engaged in farming. Thus 39 per
cent of the rural population and the
entire city population must be fed by
the men engaged in agriculture. It
gives the farmer a big job. Only a
few years ago each farmer had to pro
vision his own family and one other
family—now he must furnish food for
nearly three other families besides Lis
own. His occupation should not fail.
—Farm Life.
Remarkable Gratitude.
Fred Grieger, Muncie clothing mer-
chant, is tender-hearted. He says so
himself. One evening recently he was
driving in the country when he no-
ticed a rabbit sitting in the road, ap-
parently dazed by his automobile
lights. Fearing he would run over it,
he stopped the car, and taking it
gently in his arms, placed it by the
roadside, expecting it to hop away
into the neighborhood fields, but in-
stead, according to Grieger, it gave
a running jump and landed in the
car. Now the animal! will not leave
him, out of gratitude, Grieger be-
lieves, for having saved its life.
Grieger intends to use the rabbit
as a decoy for other rabbits when
he goes hunting, he says.—Indiunapo-
lis News.
Great Britain's Earthquakes.
Consternation is reported to have
been caused in England recently at
points 25 miles distant from one an-
other by earthquakes. Seismic shocks
were experienced at Himbleton in
Worcestershire, a few miles from Droit-
wich (famous for its salt baths),
and as far away as Berkswell, in
Warwickshire. In the latter county
reports of similar earth tremors came
from such places as Knole, Solihull,
Moriden and Sparkhill, near Birming-
ham. In Wimbledon the postmistress
was thrown some distance across a
room and her next-door neighbor wus
almost hurled out of an arm chair in
which he was sitting,
Interesting Facts
106,327 Ford Cars and Trucks
Retailed in November
Approximately the same number
scheduled for delivery this month
What Does this Mean ?
This volume of deliveries to actual owners is en-
tirely unprecedented for this time of the year—
It has taxed the manufacturing ability of the Ford
plants working at full capacity—
It indicates a volume of business during the rap-
idly approaching months of "heavy demand”
which will be far beyond the maximum production
schedule which the Ford Motor Company has set—
And that means a Ford shortage even more acute
than the one which existed last Spring and Sum-
Dealers’ stocks all over the country are low—there
are no reserves to draw upon to meet the demands
for delivery.
There is no way in which dealer reserves can be
built up, as deliveries have been made to custom-
ers as fast as Cars could be manufactured since
last April
The only way you can protect your desire to ob-
tain prompt delivery of a Ford even at this time is
to place your order immediately.
This emphasizes more strongly than anything we could pos-
sibly say the necessity of your making prompt arrangements
with a Ford Dealer for the listing of your order, particularly if
you are contemplating the purchase of a Ford Car or Truck for
use this Spring or Summer.
We believe you are entitled to know these facts as
they actually exist.
Ford Motor Company
Detroit, Michigan
Beatty Motor Co., Bellefonte, Pa.
State College Motor Co., State College, Pa.
A Small Deposit, and Easy Payments if Desised