Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 12, 1923, Image 5

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    Circulating Library Opening.
The committee of the Women’s Aux-
iliary of the Y. M. C. A., who have
charge of cataloguing the library
books, will have them ready for dis-
tribution by Saturday, January 20th.
The back portion of the community
room has been assigned them for li-
brary use and cases with glass doors
will be provided to keep the books
free of dust and from being disar-
ranged when the library is not open.
A total of about twelve hundred books
have been assembled from the ex-
tinct book club, the Y. M. C. A. library
and the books given at the time of
the book shower last year. It is the
plan of the committee to add new
books as funds from memberships
warrant it. These books will be kept
in a separate section and be classed as
“seven day books.” ‘Other books will
be allowed to be kept for fourteen
days. After that a fine of one cent a
day will be charged. For seven day
books, a fee of five cents a day will be
charged on over-due books.
The committee are much indebted
to Miss Alice Wilson and Mr. Isaac
Mitchell for the interest and assist-
ance they have taken in making it pos-
sible to adjust the bock club interests
so that the library may be placed at
the disposal of the public.
The annual membership fee will be
$3.00, and those who do not wish to
take out annual memberships may
draw books for twenty-five cents a
copy, subject to the regular rules.
The library will be open on Tuesday
and Saturday afternoons, from 2 to 5,
until the demand is such as to require
additional periods. The reference li-
brary will be catalogued and pre-
pared for use as soon as possible.
There will be in the neighborhood of
a thousand books in this section in ad-
dition to the excellent Rhoads memor-
ial reference library already in use in
the Y. M. C. A.
A Penn State Man—
Built the railroad up Pike’s Peak.
Had charge of the construction of
the Union station in Washington,
D. C.
Invented a special bullet for use in
the world war.
Directed the production of half the
T. N. T. used in the war.
Is in charge of all the electrical
work in the “anama Canal zone.
Constructed the approaches to the
Pennsylvania station in New York
Built and directed the largest emer-
gency chemical warfare plant the
world has ever known.
Planned, constructed and operates
the automatic subway signal system in
New York city.
Designed the electrolytic cell used
in the largest chlorine plant in the
worlds .-
Is at the head or the Targest engi-
neering corporation of its kind in the
Directed the manufacture of nearly
half of the picric acid produced dur-
ing the war.
With such a record behind it the
college authorities are appealing for
help in their two million dollar build-
ing campaign so as to be in a position
the better to carry on its good work.
rn —— A ——
“He-Men” as Character Builders.
A very nice compliment was paid
in the Pittsburgh Times of Sunday,
January 8th, to the splendid work that
is being done by the Bellefonte Acad-
emy and other such preparatory
schools in directing boys aright dur-
ing the impressionable age—the for-
tunate character building period in
their lives. Among cther things that
Mr. Chester L. Smith had in his
“Sport Shafts” column was the fol-
“It is such he-men as Peck, athlet-
ic coach at Culver military academy,
and “Sunny Jim” Marks, of Kiski, and
Jimmy Hughes, of Bellefonte, who are
responsible for the correct physical
and mental training of our youth. And
it is to their everlasting credit that
the American college man is the high
type of sportsman that he is.”
——On Sunday night something
went wrong with the furnace in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry Tay-
lor, on Spring street, with the unfor-
tunate result that the house became
polluted with an accumulation of coal
gas. Fortunately Mr. Taylor awak-
ened before becoming overpowered by
the fumes and was able to get to the
windows and open them to clear the
house of the poisonous gas, but at
that every one in the house had in-
haled a sufficient quantity of the gas
to make them quite ill. In fact, it
was a very narrow escape from as-
——The “Watchman” has received
from Major William H. Hastings a
menu of the meals served at the Penn-
sylvania soldiers’ and sailors’ home at
Erie on Christmas day—breakfast,
dinner and supper—and we’ll venture
the assertion that the average old sol-
dier outside the home did not have
anything better than was served at
the Erie institution that day. And we
sincerely hope that every man there
was in shape physically to do justice
to the spread.
——William Jodon, living just north
of Bellefonte, is sure that the mean-
est man in all creation is living in this
section somewhere, and he would give
a good cigar to learn his identity. The
individual in question stole his entire
supply of meat, the pork from two
nice hogs, from his smoke house one
evening last week.
——Subscribe for the “Watchman,” | Saturday. Both phones.
Church Services Next Sunday.
The United Brethren church extends
Sincere greeting to her friends.
The revival meetings now are on,
And we invite you all to come;
Not just to hear the Miss Monroe,
Who is here from Buffalo;
But to sing and praise His name
Who is always just the same.
Every night at half past seven
We begin our praise to heaven.
Back to God they’re coming now,
Humbly at His feet they bow.
Will you be among the number
To be awakened from your slumber?
Or don’t you feel your need of Him,
But rather love to go in sin.
If you think you are a christian,
We would ask, what is your mission,
Do you pray and read the bible;
Love our Christ and hate all evil ?
Yes, yes, to Him we will Ye true,
And for our God we’ll dare and do.
George E. Smith, Pastor.
“We aim to serve.”
Lord’s day services:
school; 10:45 Communion service. Re-
ception of members on confession of
faith and by letter; also baptismal
service for children. 7:30 p. m. ser-
mon theme, “The Kingly Fool.”
Plans are under way for the organ-
ization of a senior Christian Endeav-
or society, to meet every Sunday
evening at 6:30, and a junior Christian
Endeavor society to meet at 3 o’clock
every Sunday afternoon.
The missionary exhibit room will be
ready for service in about two weeks.
Miss Hoy will be in charge of this
room and will teach the classes. Each
class of the Bible school will have
one session of study in this room dur-
ing the regular period, once in nine or
ten weeks.
David R. Evans, M. A., Minister.
Dr. E. A. Pyles will bring the mes-
sage at the worship hour, 10:45; the
pastor will speak at 7 7:30 on “God’s
Pay Day.” The revival meetings will
continue every night except Saturday,
at 7:30. Fine interest and good at-
tendance marked the first week.
The Bible school for all ages at
9:30. Mrs. R. S. Brouse will speak in
the Epworth League service at 6:30,
on her trip to the Orient.
The fourth quarterly conference
will be held Sunday afternnon at 2:30.
E. E. McKelvey, Pastor.
Services beginning January 14th:
Second Sunday after Epiphany, 8 a. m.
Holy Eucharist; 9:45 a. m. church
school; 11 a. m. 'Mattins and sermon,
“The Beginning of Miracles.” 7:30 p.
m. evensong and sermon, “Why was
Our Lord Baptized?” Thursday, 7:30
a. m. Holy Eucharist. Visitors al-
ways welcome.
Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector.
“Phe Friendly Church.”
Second Sunday after Epiphany.
Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning
worship 10:45, “The Sympathetic
Christ.” Junior church 2 p. m. Ves-
per service with sermon 7:30. Visit-
ors always welcome.
Rev. Wilson P. Ard, Minister.
The Holy Communion will be cele-
brated next Sunday morning at 10:45,
and evening at 7:30. Preparatory
services as well as the annual congre-
gational meeting will be held Friday
evening, January 12th, beginning at
7:30. Sunday school and C. E. meet-
ing at the usual hours.
Ambrose M. Schmidt, D.D., Minister.
Christian Science Society, Furst
building, High street, Sunday service
11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet-
ing at 8 o'clock. To these meetings
all are welcome. A free reading roomw
is open to the public every Thursday
afternoon, from 2 to 4. Here the
Bible and Christian Science literature
may be read, borrowed or purchased.
——=Sherman Lutz has gone to De-
troit, Mich., to take a course in an
automobile school in that city.
Mrs. James Alexander, who was
quite ill, is again down stairs.
Winter is with us and the children
have been enjoying the coasting and
On Wednesday two immense vans
from Johnstown came to Centre Hall
to move the Brady household goods to
that city. They left here about 4 p.
Word came to Centre Hall on Tues-
day that Jeannette Odenkirk, of Burn-
ham, youngest daughter of R. P.
Odenkirk, is quite ill with scarlst
A number of the teachers in and
about Centre Hall attended loeal insti-
tute at Spring Liiils, on Friday after-
noon. The kiddies enjoyed their half
day off.
Rev. Alexander Scott, Methodist
minister, of Williamsport, preached a
very able sermon in the Reformed
church on Monday evening. All the
services have been good and fairly
well attended.
The Value of a Smile.
“The thing that goes the farthest
twards making life worth while, that
costs the least and does the most, is
just a pleasant smile.
“It’s full of worth and goodness too,
with hearty t, it’s worth
a million olinss anG doesn’t cost a
Proper fitting glasses will remove
the frown and make it easy to smile.
Dr. Eva B. Roan, Optometrist. Li-
censed by thc wiaie board.
Bellefonte every Saturday 9 a. m.
to 4:30 p. m. Rooms 14 and 15 Tem-
ple Court building.
State College every day except
9:45 Bible-
Pinchot Appoints “a Friend” Attorney
Philadelphia, Jan. 8.—George W.
Woodruff, of Philadelphia, a long time
personal friend of and co-worker with
Governor-elect Gifford Pinchot, was
announced today by the Governor-
elect as having been selected for At-
torney General of Pennsylvania under
the incoming administration. The ap-
pointment did not come as a surprise
to those who have known the intimate
relations between the Governor-elect
and Mr. Woodruff.
Mr. Woodruff was a classmate of
Mr. Pinchot at Yale and for years has
been associated with him in the na-
tional conservation movement. Dur-
ing his college days he was a star ath-
lete, having been a member of the
Yale varsity football crew and track
teams. He was once coach of the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania football squad $1
and originator of the famous Wood-
ruff “guards back” play.
Mr. Woodruff was chief law officer
in the United States forestry service
during the Roosevelt administration.
Later he was appointed assistant At-
torney General for the Department of
the Interior and served for a time as
acting secretary of the interior. He
was a member of the Roosevelt “Ten-
nis cabinet” and at one time was
United States district judge in Ha-
waii. When Mr. Pinchot was appointed
head of the State forestry department
by Governor Sproul he took Mr.
Woodruff into the department with
him as chief of the bureau of land.
Mr. Woodruff is a native of Susque-
henna county and is fifty-eight years
Other appointments made by the
Governor-elect included the following:
Dr. Ellen Potter, Philadelphia, to
be commissioner of public welfare,
succeeding Dr. John Baldy, Philadel-
A. Nevin Detrich, Chambersburg, to
be superintendent of public printing.
Peter G. Cameron, Wellsboro, coin-
missioner of banking, to succeed him-
Major Lynn G. Adams, Scranton,
superintendent of state police, to suc-
ceed himself.
Dr. Clyde L. King, of Swarthmore,
as Secretary of the Commonwealth.
The Governor offered to re-appoint
Fred Rasmussen, of State College, but
that gentleman declined a re-appoint-
ment as he will shortly become presi-
dent of a Pennsylvania—Maryland
joint land bank which will have offi-
ces in Harrisburg.
Art and Money Making.
The old theory that when art turns
to making money, either to satisfy
need or to gratify desire, it is near
death is open to debate. Too mdny
young people who have determined to
devote their life to art mistrust the
“world’s coarse thumb” and the judg-
ment of those who pay money for
things that please them. The first
thing for any young artist or writer
«0 understand is that he must have
something to suy tdat will appeal to
ordinary human beings. If he cen
manage to express himself through
his art and still keep a certain amount
+7 liking for the common people and
anderstanding of them, he needn't
‘ear for the outcome.—Youib’s Com
Glacier “Got a Movs.”
Chased by a glacier which sudderly
came to activity after having been in-
active for years, a trio of Minnesota
geological student climbers hurriedly
abandoned camp. The students went
to Glacier National park to study
Heaven's Pe: «lacier, pitching their
camp 50 feet om the end ‘of the ice
wall. They were awakened by a dull
rumbling and with daylight they dis-
covered a widening crack some 200
feet back on the glacier and noted
that the wall of ice was advancing.
They hurriedly moved and half an
hour later the ice floe had covered
their camp site. The ice moved about
200 feet down the valley, advancing
about one foot a minute.
Island Now Sheep Pasture.
The island of Cuttyhunk, in Buz-
zard’s bay, is to be turned into a sheep
pasture. The head of the American
Woolen company is now the owner of
the greater part of Cuttyhunk, and
this is a new venture of his in turn-
ing the island pastures over to sheep.
Neighboring islands have long been
used for sheep pasturing, the animais
running wild for the greater part or
the year, with a little extra feeding
during the winter.
Real Estate Transfers.
Lawrence A. Hile, et ux, to White-
rock quarries, tract in Spring town-
ship; $600.
Jared Harper, et ux, to Charles E.
Larimer, tract in Bellefonte; $2,200.
Margaret J. Clevenstine, et al, to C.
Frank Clevenstine, et al, tract in
Walker township; $11,000.
Hosiery, Underwear
at rock-bottom prices, stocking
at 7 cents the pair.
Margaret J. Clevenstine, et al, to
Wm. L. Clevenstine Jr., tract in
Walker township; $13,000.
Philipsburg Coal and Land Co. to A.
. Kennedy, tract in Rush township;
Wm. L. Foster, et al, to David A.
Sarpbell, tract in State College;
. Charles I. Mulbarger, et al, to Cal-
vin W. Lambert, et al, tract in
Spring township; $175.
John L. Holmes, et al, to B. E.
Smith, tract in Ferguson township;
Adam Wilson Jr., et ux, to Wm. C.
Wilson, tract in Philipsburg; $1.
Philip L. Beezer, et ux, to Philip F.
Hoover, tract in Bellefonte; $1,250.
Margaret J. Sunday to Marshall C.
Musser, tract in Ferguson township;
Mary Ellen Ellenberger to Carl L.
Gates, tract in Ferguson township;
Joseph B. Shope, et ux, to W. W.
Hennig, tract in State College; $6,500.
Charles E. Fisher, et ux, to L. E.
Kidder, tract in State College; $1.
J. D. Keller, et ux, to borough of
Site College, tract in State College;
John L. Holmes, et al, to Leota
Hess Doty, tract in Ferguson town-
ship; $400.
Martha S. Leitzell, et bar, to Ma-
bel Grazier Volens, tract in State Col-
lege; $500.
Clara E. Bennett, et bar, to W. W.
Laird, tract in Port Matilda; $200.
David Fry, et ux, to David Dennis,
tract in Ferguson township; $125.
We are authorized to announce that E.
R. Taylor, of Bellefonte, will be a candi-
date for Sheriff of Centre county, subject
to the decision of the Democratic voters
as expressed at the primaries to be held
on Tuesday, September 18th, 1923.
We 210 authorized to announce the name
of J. Yearick, of Marion township, as
a SOR for County Commissioner, sub-
ject to the decision of the Democratic vot-
ers as expressed at the primaries to be
held Tuesday, September 18th, 1923.
ING.—The regular annual meeting
of the stockholders of The G. F.
Musser company for the purpose of elect-
ing directors for the ensuing year and to
transact such other business as may come
before the meeting, will be held at the of-
fices of Spangler & Walker, Crider’'s Ex-
change building, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania,
on the 2nd day of February, 1923, at 10
o'clock a. m.
68-2-3t Secretary.
ING.—The annual meeting of the
stockholders of the Whiterock
Quarries will be held at the offices of the
company, in the Centre County Bank
building, Bellefonte, Pa., on Monday, Jan-
uary 29th, 1923, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the
election of directors for the ensuing year
and to transact such other business as
may properly come before said meeting.
68-2-3t Secretary.
A 0
granted to the undersigned upon
the estate of Marilla Dawson, late of
Bellefonte borough, deceased, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate
are requested to make prompt payment,
and those having claims against the same
must present them, duly authenticated, for
W. G. Runkle, Administrator,
Attorney. 2006 Wallace St.,
68-1-6t Philadelphia.
Orphans’ Court of Centre County.
In the matter of the Estate of
late of Liberty town-
Pennsylvania, de-
A "orphans: Court NOTICE.—In the
James F. Swartz,
ship, Centre county,
Notice is hereby given that letters of Ad-
ministration on the above estate having
been granted to the undersigned, all per-
sons indebted to the said estate are re-
quested to make payment, and those hav-
ing claims, to present the same without
delay, to
SUSAN E. SWARTZ, Administratrix,
¥. C. Gross, Atty., Beech Creek, Pa.
Lock Haven Pa. 68-1-6t
of Common Pleas of Centre county.
No. 209 September Term 1922. Em-
ma Wilson Counsel vs. John Richard
Quigley Counsel. In Divorce. A. V. M.
To John Richard Quigley Counsel, Re-
spondent above named :
Notice is hereby given that the under-
signed Master, appointed by said Court to
take testimony in the above entitled case,
and report the same with his opinion and
form of decree to said Court, will sit for
the purposes of his appointment at his of-
fice in Foster Block, Philipsburg, Pa., on
Saturday, January 27th, 1923, at 10 o’clock
a. m. where and when you and all parties
interested may attend.
White Enameled Combinetts
Regular price double that.
U. S. Government Underwear.
2,500,000 pe. New Government Wool Un-
derwear purchased by us to sell to the
public direct at 75c. each. Actual retail
value $2.50 each. All sizes. Shirts 34 to
46. Drawers 30 to 44. Send correct sizes.
Pa postman on delivery or send us mon-
order. If underwear is not satisfacto-
Sy we will refund money promptly upon
request. Dept. 24.
1476 Broadway,
67-46-tf & New York, N. Y.
Farmers, Attention!
LIM Now is the time to haul Lime.
Run of kiln, forkings, air-slak-
ed, ground limestone, hydrate.
68-2-1t Bellefonte, Pa.
An Entire New Line of
The Much-Wanted Pieces
Separafe Vests and Bloomers
101 South Eleventh St.,
Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum
administration having been
Fatten Your. Hogs
There is nothing
better than Fresh
Skimmed Milk.
Our Price only 25c.
per 10 Gallon Can
Western Maryland Dairy
Caldwell & Son
Plumbing and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
Full Line of Pipe and Fittings
Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings
66-24-tf Bellefonte, Pa. Estimates Cheerfully and Promptly
Notwithstanding the fact that our
Holiday Trade was the best in years
* we still have on hand many nice
things in
F. P. Blair & Son,
Jewelers and
Bellefonte, Pa.
We offer the security of our capital
and surplus, our modern vault and safe
equipment, and the long experience of
our officers as guarantees that your
bank account will be carefully guarded.
Have you secured a safe deposit box?
The charge is nominal, with many ad-
| nj IH Hf
lo Strength of a Bank
lies— First, in its surplus.
Second, in its management.
The First National Bank
Bellsonte, Pa
Saturday Special
Universal Iron Coffee Mill—Reg. price $2---now $1.00
Wooden Coffee Mill—Reg. price 60c., now 25c.
10-Quart Granite Kettle—43c.
Potter-Hoy Hardware Stores 7