Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 12, 1923, Image 4
Deworric Yada " Bellefonte, Pa., January 12, 1923. Editor To Correspondents—No communications published unless accompanied by the real name of the writer. P. GRAY MEEK, - - - Terms of Subscription.—Until further notice this paper will be furnished to sub- scribers at the following rates: Paid strictly in advance - - $1.50 Paid before expiration of year - + 1.1p Paid after expiration of year - 2.00 Published weekly, every Friday morn- ing. Entered at the postoffice, Bellefonte, Pa., as second class mail matter. In ordering change of address always give the old as well as the new address. It is important that the publisher be no- tified when a subscriber wishes the pa- per discontinued. In all such cases the subscription must be paid up to date of cancellation. A sample copy of the “Watchman” will be sent without cost to applicants. Pinchot a Glutton for Spoils. Mr. Pinchot seems to be a glutton for spoils. According to information from Harrisburg he is even claiming a voice in the appointment of pages in the Senate and pasters and folders in the House of Representatives. No other Governor-elect has gone so far in search of patronage. But there is a reason. hte old Penrose machine was never very kind to Pinchot. In his several past efforts to get on the pay roll he was vigorously opposed by the bosses. Even when Sproul appointed him Commissioner of Forestry a long and loud protest was made. These facts not only aroused a bitter feeling in the Pinchot chest but inspired an ambition to create and control a ma- chine of his own. It has been a rule at the organiza- tion of the General Assembly to ap- point a “slate committee” to apportion the patronage of each chamber. The State organization selected the chair- men of these committees and the chairmen named the officials, also se- lected by the State organization. There are a good many jobs in the Senate and House and the recom- pense is liberal. This year the Gov- ernor-elect put in a claim for a share and the information is that it has been allowed. Naturally those he favors will acknowledge fidelity to his ma- chine rather than that of the organiza- tion. This force will afford a nucleus upon and about which to build. The next primary fight of the organiza- tion will be on even terms. The Governor-elect has announc- ed the selection of Dr. Ellen C. Pot- ter, of Philadelphia, to be commis- sioner of Public Welfare; A. Nevin Deitrich, of Chambersburg, to be su- perintendent of Public Printing; Pe- ter C. Cameron, of Wellsboro, to be commissioner of Banking, and Lynn G. Adams, of Scranton, to be super- intendent of state police. The ap- pointment of Dr. Potter fulfills the pre-election promise to have a wom- an in the cabinet, recognizes Mrs. Barclay Warburton, of Philadelphia, as the potential force in the female contingent of the Pinchot machine and Cameron and Adams are re-appoint- ments. Deitrich is a “long-time friend” and it may be said that all are’ satisfactory. —And just when every boat landing on the coasts of this U. S. A. is be- ing guarded to prevent his slipping in Grover Bergdoll writes from Switzer- land that he is married and “is still an American citizen.” It may be pos- sible that he has found some girl sim- ple-minded enough to link her life up with a yellow streak, but as for his being an American citizen—he only thinks he is. Having told Europe that the United States entered the world war for cowardly and selfish reasons Am- bassador George Harvey is now giv- ing Washington a few private lessons on foreign policies. ——A diagram of the mental opera- tions of Dave Lane, of Philadelphia, as he contemplates the surrender of the machine to Pinchot, would find a ready market on the well known rialto. Brother Bill Vare is still a Congressman-elect and he may elect to continue his services in Washing- ton after he has pointed the way to the party in Pennsylvania. ——Kid McCoy, the pugilist, is said to be bankrupt after having been married nine times. Kid has proba- bly done too much of his fighting in the kitchen. Nobody knows who'll be Secre- tary of the Commonwealth except our old friend Giff, but whoever he is he will be a long-time friend of the Gov- ernor-elect. Harding continues to fear that soldiers’ pensions will bankrupt the country, but believes that subsidies to ship owners will make us rich. min imine ——1It is said that good, hard cider puts a flavor into the mince pies that almost makes one forget about the good old days. Even Max Leslie, of Pittsburgh, is so docile under Pinchot’s orders that he “stands without hitching.” ——The cheering information comes from Russia that Lenine is dangerous- ly ill. JACKSON.—A brief item in last week’s “Watchman” told of the illness at Indiana, Pa., of Maurice A. Jack- son, where he had gone to spend Christmas with his sister, Mrs. George T. Brew, and this week it is our sor- rowful duty to chronicle his death and pay this last tribute to his memory. He went to Indiana from his home in Pittsburgh on the Saturday before Christmas and had a very pleasant visit but on Tuesday following he was taken quite ill as the result of a heavy cold. By Wednesday pneumc- nia had developed and he was taken to the Indiana hospital. From the first his condition was deemed very serious and though everything possi- ble was done to save his life he was unable to resist the inroads of the dis- ease and he finally passed away last Friday morning. Deceased was a son of George W. and Jennie Thompson Jackson and was born in Bellefonte forty-four years ago last August. He was edu- cated at the Bellefonte Academy and as a young man entered the bank of Jackson, Hastings & Co., as a clerk, his father being the senior partner. After the death of his father, when the Bellefonte Trust company was or- ganized as successor to Jackson, Hast- ings & Co., he was continued in his position, remaining there until about nine years ago when he resigned, and shortly thereafter went to Pittsburgh and accepted a position with the Ed- ward A. Woods agency of the Equi- table Life Insurance company. Some years later he resigned that position to become night clerk in the William Penn hotel, and two years ago be- came a stock salesman. He had giv- en up that line of work and was to have started in on a new position on January 2nd, but his life work was at that time ended and his days already numbered. Such, in brief, is the material story of a young man who spent the greater part of his life in Bellefonte and was known by every man, woman and child. The Jackson family in its day was among the most prominent social- ly in Bellefonte and quite naturally Maurice, the youngest member, grew to manhood in a life of social activi- ties which developed in him the most refined and gentlemanly instincts, and yet left him unspoiled and unafraid to face life’s usual hardships. He went to work while yet in his teens and eventually, when thrown upon his own resources, faced the situation with a smile upon his face and with as much optimism as if the end of the golden rainbow was already in sight. In the years he lived in Bellefonte after attaining manhood he was one of the leaders in all social activities and was a welcome guest in every home. He was a member of St. John’s Episcopal church, of Bellefonte; the Logan fire company and the Bellefonte Lodge of Elks. For a number of years he was also a member of the Panther hunting club and one of the most active hunters while out on the trail in the wilds of the Alleghenies. The family name of Jackson passes into oblivion with his death as the only survivor is his sister, Mrs. George T. Brew, of Indiana. The re- mains were brought to Bellefonte on the Pennsylvania-Lehigh train on Sat- urday afternoon and taken to the Episcopal church where funeral serv- ices were held by Rev. M. DePui May- nard, after which interment was made in the Jackson lot in the Union cem- etery. Il QEMAN John J. Osman, a well known and highly respected citizen of Ferguson township, passed away at his home at Krumrine on Tuesday morning. He had been in feeble health for a year or more and just last November retired from the farm. He was a son of David and Marga- ret Lichty Osman and was born at Oak Hall a little over seventy-four years ago. His entire life was spent on the farm. He was a lifelong mem- ber of the Methodist church and a most estimable citizen in every way. He was twice married, his first wife having been Miss Laura Rishell. They had one son, James Osman, living in Arizona. In 1901, following the death of his first wife, he married Miss Eliz- abeth Tibbens, who survives. He also leaves one brother, living in Ohio. Funeral services will be held at his late home at 9:30 o’clock this morning by Rev. S. C. Stover, after which bur- ial will be made in the Boalsburg cemetery. H i FERGUSON.—Mrs. Myra Fergu- son, wife of J. F. Ferguson, died at her home in Altoona last Friday morning as the result of hemorrhages, following an illness of some months. She was a daughter of William T. and Laura E. Holderman and was born at Linden Hall, this county, on January 6th, 1889, hence was within one day of being thirty-four years old. In 1902 the family moved to Altoona and four years later she married Mr. Fer- guson, of that city. He survives with one son, Belvedere, at home. She also leaves her mother, living in Altoona, and two brothers, Lester A. Holder- man, of Frazier, Cal.,, and George E., of Altoona. Funeral services were held at her late home in Altoona at ten o’clock on Monday morning and the same afternoon the remains were brought to Bellefonte for burial. Il ! RHOADES. Andrew Curtin Rhoades, a native of Centre county, died at his home in Rochester, Pa., on Monday morning following a few day’s illness with pneumonia. He was bern at Pennsylvania Furnace on January 20th, 1865, hence was almost fifty-eight years old. For many years he had been engaged as a traveling salesman and frequently made Belle- fonte on his trips. He was twice married and is survived by his second wife and five children. He also leaves a number of brothers and sisters. Burial was made in Pittsburgh yester- day afternoon. I I INGRAM.—Thomas C. Ingram, a life-long resident of Union township, died on Sunday evening as the result of a stroke of paralysis. He was a son of George. G. and Eliza Davis In- gram and was born in Union town- ship sixty-two years ago. He follow- ed farming all his life and was highly respected by all who knew him. He married Miss Harriet Davidson who survives with the following children: Frank, Mrs. May Ike, Miss Anna, Blair and Clark, all of Tyrone; Edna and Catherine, at home. He also leaves one brother and three sisters, George Ingram, of Emporium; Mrs. W. A. Peters, of Unionville; Mrs. Eli Stere, of Milesburg, and Mrs. Ella Young, of Berwick. Funeral services were held at his late home at two o’clock on Wednes- day afternoon by Revs. J. F. Andreas and M. C. Piper, after which burial was made in the Dix Run cemetery. HOOVER-—Mis. Ninh Hoover, widow of the late Jackson Hoover, of Kylertown, died on Tuesday of last week at the home of her daughter. Mrs. H. W. Buckingham, of Mahaffey. Her maiden name was Nancy Wil- liams and she was born up in Halfmoon valley, Centre county, eigh- ty-one years ago. Following her mar- riage to Mr. Hoover they located in Kylertown. Her husband is dead but she is survived by seven sons and daughters. Burial was made in the Kylertown cemetery last Thursday. i il COMMIS. —Mrs. Susan Cum- mings, widow of George W. Cum- mings, died at her home in Millheim last Thursday as the result of a stroke of paralysis, aged 87 years, 8 months and 13 days. She is survived by one brother and a sister, George Royer and Mrs. Jane Walizer, both of Millheim. Burial was made in the Millheim cemetery on Saturday . Brood Sow Show a Special Feature at Harrisburg Exhibition. When the State farm product show is held in Harrisburg, January 23rd to 27th, Centre county swine raisers will witness and take part in one of the biggest and best brood sow shows ever held in the east. More than half of the counties in the State are en- tering their best animals, many of which were leading prize winners in numerous fall fairs and shows. Par- ticular significance is attached to the 1923 swine show because of the sale which-is to be held in connection with the ringside competition. All of the animals entered in the exhibit will not only be put through their paces in the ring but will also be viewed by pros- pective buyers and sold to the highest bidder. The breeders, in staging this combi- nation show and sale, bring to Penn- sylvania the distinction of being the first of the eastern States to hold a state-wide swine show and auction, where blue-ribbon hogs from a large number of districts and counties are brought together, judged and sold at auction. The idea of the show sale combination was brought to the at- tention of the State show committee by the five State swine breeders or- ganizations, which will be in charge of the sale. H. H. Havner, live stock specialist at The Pennsylvania State College, delegated by the State show commit- tee to pass judgment on the sows of- fered for entry, has already complet- ed the inspection of most of the coun- ties. The coming show and sale, in his estimation, will present the most outstanding display of females ever driven into an auction ring in the east. The Berkshire Breeders’ Asso- ciation have made application for the entry of two blooded sows selected by Dr. Havner from the herd of W. F. Rishel, of Pennsvalley. ~Y. M. C. A. Orchestra and Chorus. The general secretary has made ar- rangements with Mr. Frank Wetzler, director of the Milesburg band and known to all as an excellent musician. and leader, to conduct a male orches- tra in connection with the Y. M. C. A. It is hoped that as many as twenty- | five musicians can be assembled and rehearsals will be started once a week as soon as the enrollment will war- rant meeting. Those interested are asked to notify the secretary and spe- cify the instrument played. Action will be taken early in Feb- ruary in the organization of a group of mixed voices for the purpose of presenting standard vocal selections. ——On November 3rd, 1921, Walter Gray, of Blair county, and Willis Woodring, of Port Matilda, went out on the hunt of wild turkeys in Worth township, this county. The young men separated and hearing a noise in the underbrush Gray shot on the sup- position that he was shooting at a turkey, but he hit Woodring, instead. He was later arrested and almost a year ago tried in the Centre county courts and convicted of shooting a man without proper investigation. A motion for a new trial was made by his attorneys and in due course of time the case was argued. On Wednesday morning of this week Judge Quigley refused the motion and sentenced Gray to pay a fine of $200, costs of prosecution and undergo imprison- ment in the county jail for a period of one year. ——Subsecribe for the “Watchman.” AN OPEN LETTER TO AUDITOR GENERAL LEWIS. ‘(Continued from page 1, Col. 4). In so far as they allude to a pro- posed movement to standardize the system of accounting of the hospitals of the State and the consequent use of uniform records and charts I, as pres- ident of the Bellefonte hospital, want to express my hearty approval of the plan. Knowing something of the matter of printing it has long been apparent that there has been needless loss in printing supplies to our institution for the reason that most of the charts and record blanks are what we print- ers call special ruled work and heavy composition falling under the most expensive class of printed matter. My observation, formed with my con- nection with the local institution since it was built, has been that nearly every new superintendent has chang- ed the forms presumably to corres- pond with those in use at the institu- tion from which she was graduated or in which she had served before com- ing to us. Rarely have we been able to purchase these forms from a sup- ply house where they might be pro- duced in large quantity and conse- quently sold at a very much lower rate than a local printery could pro- duce them for in small quantities. Repeatedly I have personally writ- ten and have had our superintendent do the same thing to find supplies al- ready printed in the forms we have wanted. Almost always we have met with failure. If your plans, in conjunction with those of the Auditor General’s Depart- ment, contemplate a standard form of accounting as well as standard forms of all medical and surgical rec- ords kept in hospitals of the State then some large printing house could run them in quantity, we would all know where they could be procured, and the cost would be so much less to each hospital that the aggregate sav- ing would be very much larger than I think many of us realize. I certainly hope you will be able to garry your plan through along such ines. The above is only the portion of my letter of February 25th that pertains to the item of printing. Under date of February 28th, 1922, Dr. Baldy replied to the above com- munication as follows: February 28th, 1922. George R. Meek, President, Bellefonte Hospital, Bellefonte, Pa. My dear Mr. Meek: I have just received your letter of February 25th. In explanation I might state that it will be necessary for you to separate any communica- tions received from the Nurses Exam- ining Board or the Auditor Generals! Department from the Department of Public Welfare. These are all sepa- rate departments and work independ- ently. Coming then to the subject matter of your letter referring to the issuing of a standard accounting system for hospitals it is the intention of this de- partment to furnish the binders and the loose leaves free of charge to the hospitals. They are now being print- ed by the public printer at Harrisburg and the system including the voucher blanks will be forwarded as soon as they are in hand. Subsequently we hope to be able to furnish the loose leaves on the same basis. We are doing this because of the fact that we regognize that in the past a great deal of expense has been put on institutions because of constant changes as indicated in your commu- nication and we wish to make the change, first, with no expense to the institutions, or as little as possible; secondly, to establish a system which would be permanent and which would for all time obviate this constant change; thirdly, that the hospitals would have such a system that they could be judged comparatively as re- gards expenditure and that the de- serving hospitals doing a great deal of charity work would be able to get the benefit of it as against institutions which did little charity work and pull- ed a great deal of politics. We are sorry to have put any of the institutions to any expense whatever but if we are to save them in the fu- ture from the constant changes which have been taking place and the con- stant inequality of State aid it is nec- essary that the step be made and we believe it was better to make it toto at once than to allow the thing to be strung along piecemeal until it was finished. In this connection I might add that | the Auditor General’s Department has been freely consulted in the formation of the system and has agreed to bring all their blanks and forms into con- formity with it and to allow the con- trol of the system to be vested in this department. In other words it will have the effect of stepping the con- stant changes made in the past by the Auditor General’s Department. You will see therefore that we have fully appreciated the situation as in- dicated by you and have taken into full consideration the move made by us having the correction of that sit- uation as part of its background. Thanking you for your communica- tion, I am, J. M. BALDY, Commissioner of Public Welfare. It will be seen from reading Dr. Baldy’s reply that he was already at work along some of the lines that I had suggested. 1. was a matter of much gratification to me until the practical result of his efforts to sim- plify and standardize our hospital forms and accounting system became apparent. It appeared some weeks later in the form of a parcel contain- ing 105 different blanks and loose tend sheets which we are to keep in order to analyze and distribute the cost of | running the Bellefonte hospital. They are all part of a most involved system of book-keeping and probably excel- lently designed for a large institution where the business is sufficient to car- ry the overhead of competent account- ants but like the pathological labora- | tory, and the nurse’s affiliation, adding | system a cost to our maintenance out of all proportion to the advantage gained. Almost it would be the same as a law that would compel the “Watch- man” office to keep the same account- ing system as does the United States Steel company or the Pennsylvania Railroad. If we are to conform to this new system, Mr. Auditor General, I can Sr inquiry by saying that we will have to buy an adding machine and employ a regular accountant in- volving us in an annual outlay of from $1200.00 to $1800.00 a year, merely to check up a business that has always been honestly conducted though probably not analyzed down to the nth degree of modern business detail. It will be noted that Dr. Baldy’s ef- forts have been directed only along the line of standardizing the account- ing systems of the State’s hospitals. My suggestion as to a standardiza- tion of the charts and other patient record devices—which was my idea of where the greatest saving could be ef- fected—seems to have been overlook- ed entirely. These are the items of unusual expense because they are not uniform and if they were made so they could be printed in large quanti- ty and supplied out of stock to the hospitals at a very much lower figure than they are now costing as special jobs in short runs. There are no losses in the Belle- fonte hospital that can be detected or stopped by any method of book-keep- ing. Such as do occur are trifling Iit- ! tle items that go out through the back door exactly like they do, occasional- ly, in every one of our homes. They are unavoidable and infinitesimal when compared with the expense that the proposed system of accounting that you inquire of will entail. Already the mere item of expense of the experts who have been here from Harrisburg to assist us in get-! ting the new system started—and there have keen probably exceeds all the savings it may effect throughout the next ten years—losing sight entirely of the overhead its adoption is imposing on i us. Coming then to direct replies to your communication of December 12th, Mr. Auditor General, I want to answer your question (1) as follows: There should not be duplication in the work of the Traveling Auditors from your Department and that of the representatives of the Department of Public Welfare, for yours are busi- ness investigators and theirs scien-' tific. As a matter of fact my personal opinion is that Traveling Auditors and representatives of the Public Welfare Department are merely parasites on public institutions. If the business were standardized and REALLY simplified our quarterly re- ports would be acceptable to You when they are sent in and the State would be saved the expense of maintaining a corps of Auditors who travel to such institutions as ours where they return ' no real service to the State. If the physicians and surgeons who are at- tached to our staff are not competent to conduct the hospital as it should be conducted then we should close our doors and surely you will not say that some one willing to work for the com- pensation he receives from the De- partment of Public Welfare as a trav- eling investigator is qualified to check up on their activities. As to your question (2) Mr. Audit- or General, I think I have already answered it. Certainly “the installa- tion of the uniform system of book- keeping” will entail additional cost. As I have said above we will have to buy an adding machine and add a book-keeper to our personnel. Here- tofore there has been no administra- tive cost in the conduct cf the Belle- fonte hospital. The Superintendent has done all the work, with the assist- ance of a woman who has served for $150.00 per year. The new system is beyond her unless she gives her entire time to it and that she cannot afford without adequate compensation. In conclusion let me say that this letter has been written you without consultation or authorization with or | by any members of the Board of The Bellefonte Hospital. It is entirely my own idea of getting before the public a more intimate knowledge of the problems that are confronting their smaller public institutions through the insidious process of centralization that has been going on in both Na- tional and State governments for years. It seems to me that every step forward that the public is advised to take is designed as much to provide positions for new governmental at- taches as to serve the public weal. If there are to be any reprisals for my frankness in writing you thus let them fall upon me, not upon the Belle- fonte hospital. I have the honor to be the president of its Board of Man- agers, but have written you not in my official capacity. Very sincerely yours GEO. R. MEEK. In default of one thousand dol- lars bail Earl Slopey, of Rush town- ship, was brought to the Centre coun- ty jail on Wednesday on the charge of converting to his own use funds be- longing to the Oak Ridge Coal compa- ny. Information was made against Mv. Slopey by John B. Dugan, one of the partners. = ——Twenty employees of the State Highway Department in this district I were laid off on Tuesday, quite a num- ber of them being from the Bellefonte offices. They were informed, how- ever, that if their services were need- ed they would be put on again in the spring. several of them—- | | Rev. Kirkpatrick and Family Kindly Remembered by Parishioners. Rev. J. Max Kirkpatrick and fami- ly, of Centre Hal, have good cause to remember, the recent Christmas sea- son. The congregation of the church at Pine Grove Mills gave them a purse of $42.00 and a quantity of fresh pork. During the holiday week a social was held at the manse in Centre Hall at which a banquet was served by the Ladies Aid society and a musical pro- gram given under the leadership of Dr. J. V. Foster, of State College. Among those who took part were Miss Nan McWilliams and Florence, Luel- la and Sarah Rearick. At this social Charles Arney contributed four dol- lars to complete the purse of $25.00 donated by the Centre Hall congrega- tion, the members also giving a chick- en, a liberal donation of pork and a load of wood. The guests present at the social included the following: Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Goodhart, Mr. and Mrs. Ebright and daughter Betty, Jesse T. and G. W. Sarson, Mr. and Mrs. David tearick, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rearick, Misses Mary, Ida Catherine, Anna, Sarah, Luella and Florence Rearick, Ellis Rearick, H. Duane Crum, C. Hubert Haugh, Andrew C. Jordon, Mrs. P. S. Brady and daughters Dorothy and Barbara, J. C. Goodhart, Mrs. S. E. Sweetwood, Mrs. Mary J. Odenkirk, Mrs. W. Frank Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Smith, Capt. George M. Boal, R. H., J. T., Harry and Mary Delinda Potter, B. D. Brisbin, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Heckman, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Lingle, F. V and Mrs. Cora i Jodon, Mr. and Mrs. George Emerick and : daughter Verna, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Craw- ford, Misses Elsie and Martha Boal, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Slack and son Russell, Mr. . and Mrs. Charles Arney and daughter Ma- bel, George A. Reiber, J. F. Coble, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Daup, John and Miss Breeze i Benner, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Brooks, Mrs. T. L. and Miss Miriam Moore, Carrie M. Sweetwood, Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Benner, Miss Emma McCoy, Miss Nancy McWil- liams, Mrs. D. Reiber, Mrs. G. I. Yearick, Miss Grace Smith, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Brun- gart and daughters Thelma, Emily and Lo- raine, Mrs J. W. Bradford, William E. Bubb and Dr. and Mrs. Foster. On New Year’s eve the Kirkpatricks were surprised by a large delegation of members from the Lemont Presby- i terian church who presented as their donation $18.00 in cash, 50 pounds of sugar, wool blankets, potatoes, ap- ples, fresh pork, lard, a chicken, eggs, i butter, canned fruit and vegetables and various other articles. The dele- | gation included the following: | Mr. and Mrs. L. Frank Mayes, Hilda and Kenneth Mayes, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Evey i and son Elwood, Mr. and Mrs. George O.- ryan and children, Madaline, Harold and Imogene, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Louder and daughter Dorothy and son Ross Daniel, Miss Miriam Dreese, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Shuey and daughter Madeline, Miss Nell Peters, Mrs. Mary Runkle, John Bathgate and sister Alverda, Mr. and Mrs. George Bohn, David Reese, Clifford Warner, J. H. and James G. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Louder and daughter, Mrs. J. Elmer Camp- bell, Mrs. Philip Bradford, Mrs. Ei’ W. Evey, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Glenn and son Robert, Lewis Baylett, Mrs. Emma Bath- gate and daughter Helen, Mrs. Samuel Glenn and daughters Eleanor and Marga- ret, J. T. Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Glenn, Norman Englert, P. W. Knepp, My. and Mrs. S. B. Wasson and children, Pris- cilla, Eleanor, John and Paul. A Baseball Dance. The old adage “in times of peace prepare for war” applies equally as well to the field of sport, and now is the time to organize a baseball team for the summer season. A certain amount of money is required to outfit a team and for the purpose of secur- ing the same a dance will be held in the armory on Friday evening, Feb- ruary 2nd, from nine to one. The mu- sic will be furnished by the popular , Academy orchestra, which assures a ‘good time. The admission of one dol- lar per couple will be within the reach j of all, and you will not only have an _ enjoyable gvening but help out for the summer as well. | Officers of the local baseball asso- ciation include Blaine Mabus, as sec- retary, and W. Frederick Reynolds, treasurer. Notice to Penn State Alumni and - Former Students. The committee on the alumni pro- gram for commencement, R. L. Watts, ’90; C. L. Kinsloe, ’03, and the alum- ni secretary, which was recently ap- pointed by your board of managers, has met and after considering the sit- uation, urgently desires a meeting of all the alumni and former students of . Centre county. This meeting has been called, there- fore, for Friday evening, January 19th, at 7:30, in the old chapel, State College. Please make every effort to be pres- ent as the matters to be considered and acted upon require the co-opera- tion of every alumnus and former student. : THOMAS BEAVER, President. | Music Study Club Meeting. The program of the Music Study Club’s first 1923 meeting—in the Epis- copal parish house at eight o’clock Friday evening, January 12th—evi- dences the fact that the high standard of the work done is not to be lowered in the new year. Scandinavian com- posers will be studied and among the numbers will be the Peer Gynt suite arranged for the piano, four hands, with a synopsis of Ibsen’s play pre- pared by Mr. Hubbell. There will be a Grieg sonata for violin and piano, and Sweedish and Norwegian folk songs by a women’s quartette, as well as vocal and instrumental numbers from Finnish and Danish composers. At the end there will be singing of American folk songs by the club mem- bers.