INK SLINGS. —After all isn’t Mr. Coue’s theory only a cure for those who enjoy poor health. —Anyway, for the fellow who can do little else, there seems to be a new snow to shovel every morning. —We’d like to say something about those K. K. K’s down in Mer Rouge but, just naturally we don’t want to be thrown into a lake this kind of weather. —Governor-elect Pinchot has named Dr. Ellen C. Potter to be state comn- missioner of Public Welfare. If her picture in Wednesday’s Ledger doesn’t libel her certainly she looks just the man for the job. —All there seems to be to the Mrs. Schoellkopf notoriety is the fact that she had five hundred thousand dollars’ worth of jewels hanging on her when she was robbed at that New Year's eve party in New York city. A wom- an who goes away from home, without her husband, carrying that amount of scenery isn’t to be pitied for failure to carry a property man with her. —If France wants to seize the Ruhr why should Washington be irri- tated, as Wednesday’s dispatches in- dicate she is? Hasn’t Washington been insisting for some years that we have no business meddling ‘i in foreign affairs, and if that is so why should our Secretary of State get so peeved because France has started off to do some work that he has repeatedly said is no business of ours. —1It is reported that Henry Ford is flirting with our party with a view to being its candidate for President. On first consideration such an ambition seems ridiculous but, after all, Henry has demonstrated that he is a very capable and canny business man and if he could get the cost of government down anything like he has reduced the cost of the flivver it might not prove such a bad experiment at that. —The gentleman who came kidding us because on the occasion of our Jackson day banquet, Monday night, the lone Republican present, among one hundred and forty-eight Demo- crats, had to be called upon to say Grace, didn’t seem to get the signifi- cance of the incident. It wasn’t that those Democrats didn’t know how to pray. Most of the victories they win are through prayer, because they nev- er have enough money to buy elec- tions. It was because they thought, in the light of what happened last No- vember, a Republican would just nat- urally pray a little harder. —We hope Charley Reilly was right id at the Jackson day ban- Woodrow i} merely felicitation at the physical re- covery of the world’s greatest living statesman. The preservation of Woodrow Wilson’s mental and phys- ical faculties is of inestimable value _ to future constructive policies of this country, but he will never “run again” as the sage of the Susquehanna inti- mates. His will be an advisatorial contribution in pointing the way out of the wilderness of chaos we are in. Woodrow Wilson will never run for President of the United States, much as some of us might hope to have him at the helm once more. —The Democratic love feast—in other words the Jackson day banquet of the Centre county Democrats, Mon- day night, was satisfying in that it showed progression. There were more in attendance than at last year’s din- ner, more enthusiasm and more hope- fulness. That is as it should be. There is every reason for Democracy to be enthusiastic and hopeful. It offers the only durable solution of world, national and State problems and gradually the individual is coming to see that our proposals of procedure are something more than mere ges- tures to entice temporary acclaim or favor. They are sound principles upon which to build govermental structures without thought of who shall admin- ister them and enjoy the emoluments of their administration. —Now that Penn State has grown a big boy among the institutions of learning in our country, like| many in- dividuals who have sprung to fame from humble environment, she is un- ashamed of the days when there was little up in College township but “the makins.” Every last little tradition is being run back to with a pride that we share in, for we have long thought that the men who stood by when skies were leaden and grey and the storms of adversity threatened to wreck the school that . Hugh McAllister, Gen. Beaver, Dr. Pugh and Dr. Atherton, and their co-workers, really made for Pennsylvania, have been forgotten in the glamour of success their foundling has won. Waiving discussion of the fact that there would have been no record of great contributions to civ- lization by Penn State graduates, such as is recorded on another page of this issue, had there been no Penn State, this delving into old stuff inter- ests us and we're just going to ask some of those anthropologists up there —to dig in alittle and see if this Hon. George Woodruff who has just been made Attorney General of Pennsylva- | nia, isn’t an evolved edition of the | Geo. Woodruff who used to make State play as much overtime as it took for Penn to beat her, when the blue | and white warriors rode two in an up- per berth and subsisted on a basket of sandwiches handed on at Harrisburg while en route to play on Franklin field Tor the munificent sum of $135. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. _VOL. 68. BELLEFONTE, PA., JANUARY 12. 1923. NO. =. Unless the signs are misleading the harmony that attended the organiza- tion of the General Assembly last week will not endure long. Then “everything was jolly and the goose hung high.” The machine got the president and all the officers of the Senate, but Mr. Pinchot was satisfied. In the House the machine got the Speaker and all the officers, but the Governor-elect was happy and con- tented. He got all the promises he wanted from those who got the “ba- con.” The hand full of “originals” were not quite jubilant. Senator Long and Representative Alexander muttered more or less and talked of revolt in subdued tones but they didn’t even ripple the placid surface of the political sea. But ten days have elapsed since that happy event and the complaints of Senator Long and Representative Alexander have been taken up by hun- dreds of others and the murmurs have grown louder and become menacing. The “mess at Harrisburg,” they say, was not all in the executive depart- ments. There was a good deal of a mess in the party organization and considerable need of improvement in the legislative machinery. The time to make corrections of these obvious faults was in the organization of the General Assembly. But nothing was accomplished in that direction at that time, except that Pinchot got prom- ises and everybody knows of the analogy between promises and pie crusts. Meantime the storm keeps brewing and the pot boiling. But there are no crumbs of comfort falling from the banquet board into the laps of the “originals.” They are looking on with amazement while the machine bosses are garnering the. spoils of a victory which they tried with all their might to prevent. Possibly they will remain quiet for a brief period to come. But the worm will turn and soon after the Governor-elect be- comes Governor-in-fact there will be an eruption which is likely to shake the Forester out of his hip boots. He | has managed to “work | said you can’t Fool all the ini all the time.” : —Attorney = General Daugherty looks no better in the coat of white- wash Congress has given him than he did before Representative Keller be- gan to smudge his official character all up. Pinchot’s Atterney General. It has become a custom of the news- papers to refer to those men who are considered within the raditis of Mr. Pinchot’s mental view in relation to official favors as “long-time friends” of the Forester. As a rule that is a figure of speech employed as a buffer against expected criticism. Literally speaking Mr. Pinchot has no long- time friendships among the active pol- iticians of Pennsylvania. Probably a dozen years ago not a single active political worker in the State had ever heard of Mr. Pinchot, or if his name had been mentioned would have known whether he is a Hottentott or an Ice- lander. His first introduction to pub- lic notice in Pennsylvania was in 1914 when he became a candidate for Sena- tor in Congress. But there is some reason for the statement that Mr. George W. Wood- ruff, whom he has selected for the im- portant office of Attorney General, is an old-time friend of the Governor- elect. They were classmates at Yale and a considerable period of time has elapsed since they ‘“cavorted on the campus” together at New Haven. Subsequently they came together in Washington and their mutual admi- ration for Mr. Roosevelt is probably the “tie that binds” them in friend- ship as well as the magnet that has drawn them together in a present pur- pose to rescue Pennsylvania from “the criminal conspiracy masquerad- ing as the Republican party,” in oth- er words to “clean up the mess at Harrisburg.” Mr. Pinchot is rather fortunate, moreover, in having this amiable ex- cuse for naming Mr. Woodruff for the office of Attorney General. He knows or thinks he knows that his appointee is a scholar, for they worked together in solving the problems of college life. He knows that Mr. Woodruff under- stands forestry, for they wrought to- gether in that useful service under the guidance of the great master. He may even imagine that Mr. Woodruff is a lawyer, for he has assigned him to a lawyer's job and a great many | distinguished lawyers have filled it | since William Bradford was commis- 'sioned in 1791. But we know of no | available evidence on the subject. Still he may make a good official. It may be safely said that Mr. Woodruff will be loyal to Pinchot, and in that event it is unimportant wheth- er he understands the iaw or not. ~ Political Storm Yapending, ! An Open Letter to Auditor General 1 Samuel Lewis. On December 12th, 1922, you authorized the following form letter to be mailed to “The Board of Trustees or Managers” of the Bellefonte Hospital :— December 12, 1922, I will be pleased to have you answer the following interrogatories and re- turn same to me at the very earliest date possible, Beliefonte Hospital, Bellefonte, Pa. (1) In your opinion is there any duplication in the work performed by the Traveling Auditors of this Department and that performed by the repre- sentatives of the Department of Public Welfare? If so, point out briefly in what particular such duplication occurs. (2) Has the installation of the uniform system of book-keeping under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Welfare entailed additional cost? If so, answer the following interrogatories: (a) Increase in personnel (NO) —m m8 (b) Additional clerical hire - - Bir diay (¢) Additional equipment - - - Bsa (d) Other expenses - - - - ei a eases ve Total - - - $i cians Signatures of Trustees or Managers: Yours very truly, S. 8. LEWIS, Auditor General. Believing that you, Mr. Auditor General, have done much toward stimulating public interest in the manner of the conduct of public bus- iness, I take this opportunity to reply to yours of the 12th ult., in an open letter, with the hope that the Boards of Trustees or Managers of the many other small hospitals in the State may find their cases fairly stated along with our own. I have been actively associated with the management of the Bellefonte hospital since its organization, in 1908, and during the twen- ty years of its operation I think the greatest burdens it has had to carry have been those superimposed by the State that aims to aid it. Regulations and requirements have multiplied to the point where an analysis might reveal that the cost of compliance with these, alone, exceeds or nearly so, the amount actually received from the State in annual appropriations for aid. I do not presume to say that they are without merit, but certainly many of the smaller institutions should have been permitted to adapt them to their needs, rather than have been compelled to adopt them. A case in point is our pathological laboratory. Some years ago we were advised that unless we provide room and equip a patholog- ical laboratory the continuance of our appropriation would be en- dangered and the standing of the nurses graduated from our training school would be adversely affected. A laboratory and equipment was provided at a an 3 outlay of over two thousand ¢ dollars and today is noth- ; ere is so little actual physicians requiring’ b 0 counts and other very scientific laboratory investigations prefer to have the work done in the larger laboratories in the cities where experts : are in charge. There are many cases involving corresponding increase in our overhead that I might here cite, but I refer especially to this one be- cause it so aptly illustrates the folly of the State’s failure to differen- tiate between the larger and the smaller institutions when placing proscriptions on them. There are four Departments functioning at Harrisburg that have a finger in the operation of the hospitals of the State: I refer to the Auditor General’s Department, The Department of Public Welfare, The Department of Public Health and the Pennsylvania State Board of Examiners for Registration of Nurses. From one or more of these sources have come demands that have involved the local institutions in additional maintenance cost out of all proportion to possible ad- vantage gained. The matter of affiliating our nurses in training with a larger in- stitution, basing the necessity therefor on a minimum number of beds, seems to be an arbitrary and needlessly expensive imposition. If the small institutions of the State are to be compelled to send their best— their Senior nurses—to some larger institution for periods ranging from two to six months how are these hospitals to continue to function without employing graduate nurses at high salaries to carry on while their Seniors are absent? Personally I was able to show Dr. Martin last year that the Bellefonte nurses had actually had many hours more operating room experience than the nurses in the institution they had been commanded to affiliate with and their experience was all under a Fellow of the American College of Surgery who happens to be the consulting surgeon at a nearby hospital the nurses of which see his operations only on occasion yet are not required to affiliate’ simply be- cause that institution has a few more beds than ours. You will probably be thinking, Mr. Auditor General, that I am. wandering far from the subject you have written us about. In a sense I am, but I am trying to lead up to it by reference to matters that con- tribute largely to the drain upon-the State’s resources the real neces- sity for whieh are scarcely apparent to me as a layman. In watching our overhead grow without corresponding increase in the per capita service rendered I have thought often that the time must come when either the State will have to carry the cost of the new requirements it imposes or small hospitals will have to close their doors—the costs cannot be passed on to the patients, for already the charges we are imposing are such that only a very rich person can afford to be ill at all. Naturally with such thoughts in my mind and concern for an in- stitution that I have long labored for I have continually been on the lookout for methods of saving that I felt my own judgment was com- petent to pass upon. Being a printer the matter of the charts, blanks and other record making devices used in our institution eame under my observation. I conceived the idea that if they could be standard- ized for use in all the hospitals of the State a great saving in printing biils, alone, could be effected. Thereupon I wrote to Dr. J. M. Baldy, Commissioner of Public Welfare, under date of February 25th, 1922, setting forth my sugges; tiens as follows: AE THN Bellefonte, Pa, February bth, 1922 Dr. J. M. Baldy, Commissioner of. Rubli¢ Welfare, Harrisburg, Pa. My dear Mr. Commissioner: ee ‘The Superintendent of our hospital, Miss A. E. Eckert, has shown me the communications from your Department as well as those the State Board of Examiners for Registration of Nurses and the Audit- or General’s Department all recently received. Continued on page 4 column 4), ort an expe pathologist and : Th ! "Taxpayer Burdens on Free Mail, A Human Problem. . From the Philadelphia Public Ledger. | It is vital and imperative that the sum Germany can pay in reparations | shall be fixed and that it shall stand | when fixed. The pressure of that need is behind the indirect, half-secret ne- | gotiations under way ‘between London iand Washington, Berlin and Wash- . ington and Berlin and London. | Until that sum is fixed, it is a waste ! of breath to talk of American help in | | Europe. The Old World is in a pit of tits own digging and cannot get out | until this has been settled. Since the Allies cannot agree among themselves, | to say nothing of agreeing with Ber- lin, it is proposed that America shall i be called in and that Americans shall act as a beard of appraisers and arbi- i trators. This board of men of affairs, bankers and business men is to survey German resources and ability to pay. Fixing these revised penalties is the first step; but something more than a cold-blooded, statistical survey and ap- praisal is needed if any settlement is to endure. In the masses of figures, the totaling of resources and the gather- ing of data the human elements of the problem must not be forgotten. Any settlement that is worth the paper it is written upon must take in- to account the fact that it is dealing with the work, the hopes and terrors of human beings who must live and hope and work under that settlement. There must be some touch of idealism, some recognition of the deeper human phases of the problem, in any solution that is offered. There must be in it justice for the German as well as for the Frenchman and the Belgian. We have had these before. They have resulted in the fall of the mark, in the playing of panic politics, the rise of prices and the disappearance of German capital. While Germany has been committing industrial and financial suicide she has weakened all Europe. The sands have been running out in the Old World. The German panic is beginning to spread through Central Europe. A new moral atmosphere must be created and the bickerings of the last six months must be quieted. In the last two months all European confi- dence has been shattered. Repara- tions have been made a political rath- er than a financial problem. It will be the task of any commis- sion Shak Jieriakes to deal with the situation to mak 4 su: as well as a ER to take the polities out of it as far as possible. If Europe does not want us to deal with it in any way, we may as well stay on this side of the Atlantic. Secretary Fall’s Failure. From the Springfield Republican. Mr. Fall has been marooned in the cabinet. When he was a Senator dur- ing the preceding Administration he had specialized as a critic of Wilson’s Mexican policy, and he found the going very jolly. When the League of Nations issue came up he was con- spicuous among the bitter-enders. As the special representative of that pow- erful element in the Senate Mr. Fall entered the new cabinet. He began to shrink in the public eye from the day he committed that blunder. A Senator rarely shifts from the Senate to the cabinet with results flattering to his prestige, and few Senators now- adays will consent to risk the change. Mr. Fall's greatest service to the country while he has been in the cabi- net was in persuading the President to advocate the ratification by the Senate of the $25,000,000 compensa- tion treaty with Colombia. A less conspicuous service, perhaps, was his declination of the President’s offer of a place on the bench of the United States Supreme court. ————— erent. Robberies With No Death. From the Chicago Tribune. Sir Basil Thompson, former chief of Scotland Yard, recently in Chicago, said what most Americans know, tg be. true. An English crook does not work with a gun. If he is caught with it, he goes in for life. He stays in for life.. For this reason the English’ zen keeps his life when assaulted by a crook. Americans . evidently prefer that there should be no prohibition of the manufacture of the one hand gun, no real penalty for the carrying of it and a doubtful penalty for the use of it. The majority of Americans are as law-abiding as the majority of Eng- lishmen, but they are not law-enforec- ing. Football Coach Best Paid. From the New York Herald. Through its ambition for gridiron triumphs, Salem, Mass., has started a discussion which is spreading all through New England. Salem pays its Mayor $300 a year. Its superin- tendent of schools receives $4200, the principal of the High school $3500, its city councilors $500 each. Now it has engaged a coach for the High school football team at a guaranteed sly of $5500 From the Indianapolis News. Senator Walsh (Dem., Mass.) would be a good deal more in accord with popular sentiment if, by way of equal- ization, he would. abolish the frank-. ing privilege of the “ins” instead. of extending it to the “outs.” The, ulti- mate taxpayer finds no Joy in pa ing’ for the ‘political’ campaigns of of ce- : SPAWLS FROM | THE KEYSTONE. | —Falling 75 feet “over or the side of a strip~ { ping, Matthew Shima was killed at Bea- ver Brook. | "—Qeorge N. Krause, aged 62 years, a | Milton hardware merchant, dropped dead at his place of business. —Mrs. Hannah Shook, aged 81 years, i tripped and fell down stairs at her home in Berwick, fracturing a hip. —Freeland union carpenters have sub- ' mitted a demand for $1 an hour to build- ers, the seale to become effective April first. —Owing to the illness of Commissioner Connelley the meeting of the Industrial Board scheduled for January 10th has been postponed for a week. —Mrs. Albert A. Kissinger, of Lock Ha- ven, was instantly killed Sunday evening when she was struck by a Pennsylvania railroad train at a crossing in that city. —The superintendent of the Hunting- don plant of Pierce, Butler & Pierce, manufacturers of radiators, received no- tice to increase its capacity 50 per cent. —The Milton plant of the American Car and Foundry company has received an ad- ditional order for five hundred tank cars from the Union Tank Line. The company will erect five new dwellings in addition to those it already owns. These will be used for employees. —A party of expert safecrackers early Saturday morning broke into the office of the warehouse of the Flory Milling com- pany, at Nazareth, Pa., blew the safe open with a charge of dynamite, and escaped, taking with them $158 in cash and the last will and testament of the manager of the place, Thomas Snyder. —The dream which David BE. Gorman, manager of the Atlantic Refining company, at Clearfield, had Thursday night, came true on Friday, when the automobile in whieh he was riding was broken to pieces and he lost his life in a collision with a passenger train on the New York Central railroad near Clearfield. —Taking his inspiration from the pic- ture he had just seen, a movie fan remain- ed after the show Saturday night at the Liberty Theatre in New Kensington and carried away the safe containing $600. He left a note explaining that his act had been suggested by the film, and that after see- ing the picture he had decided ‘not to go home broke.” —Dr. Herbert J. Bryson, who was con- victed of murder in second degree at the September court in Huntingdon county, for killing his common law wife, Helen Irene Haines, wife of Bruce Haines, of Washington, last April, while the couple were living at Cassville, Huntingdon coun- ty, was refused a new trial by Judge Bai- ley last Friday and sentenced to from four- teen to eighteen years in the western pen- itentiary. Brysons’ defense was insanity. —Confessing to firing the bullet that killed Mrs. Lydia Lape, Edward E. Ends- ley, a farmer residing at Revere, four miles southwest of Uniontown, has been paroled on condition that he pay John Lape, the infant child of the slain woman, $500 for maintenance. Endsley admitted that last July 12, he shot at a half dozen women to scare them out of a berry patch on the farm of John Harris, his father-in- law. One of the bullets struck Mrs. Lape and killed her. 1 —Working only a few feet from a watch- . man’s box which is punched hourly, yeggs last Friday evening opened the safe of the Champion Blower and Forge company along the main line of the Pennsylvania Railroad, near Lancaster, and stole $1247 in cash, stocks and bonds and other valua- bles. A railroad gateman, less than 100 yards away, failed to notice anything wrong in the office. Neither did he notice suspicious characters early in the even- ing lurking about the big plant. —The Greensboro Gas company, of Pittsburgh, has leased a large territory in the gas field of Indiana county and will soon begin drilling. The company has filed ninety leases for recording, ten of which cover land in Grant township, twen- ty-eight in Mentgomery township, forty- one in Banks township and eleven in Canoe township. Only a few days ago a well, producing 500,000 feet of gas daily, was brought in on the Carl Milliren farm, lo- cated not far from the Pittsburgh com- pany holdings. : i ~—Drilling a well at Mifflinville, a village six miles from Bloomsburg, W. A. Gilbert last week struck a vein of anthracite coal more than fifteen feet in’ thickness on the property of George Rheads. Excitement in’ the village followed the discovery, for al-’ though the drills have gone fifteen feet in- : to the vein, they have not yet penetrated! it. This is the first ‘discovery of coal west® of Mocanaqua, eighteen miles up ‘the: river. The extent of the vein is not know hut, other holes will be drilled to. length and breadth. 7 pi —Arrested on a harge of arson in ection with the burning of barn: on th rm. of D., K. Kerstetter, six f Shamokin, Harold Long, 18 esiding on a neighboting farm, . confession to state police, admitting his guilt and’ implicating K Ke rstetter, owner. of the farm’, The’ structure’ was set on 1 stroying it, so that the farmer could cols lect the insurance, “ Ea AEN sy . —John J.’ Morey, a special vestigdtor, has brought suit: against the Peoples Trust company, Wyomissing, for $17,487 of the $20,000 reward offered for the return of listed securities stolen February 4, 1921, si when the bank was robbed of $180,000, jin, cash and securities. Morey asserts ‘he in- | duced Harry Bernstein, one of the rob- bers, to return $66,000 of the $103,500 in stolen securities. His claim is in pro- portion to the amount recovered. Twenty- ’ three other persons have sued for, + the $5,000 reward for/the bandits ‘thémbelve six of whom are in, prison. Be — After an idl ss of toll ronry, ‘the Di Bois plant ‘of the Reliance Window Glass company is” to beiput: into blat again, Kit January 29th; “according to.’an’announce- | the; new, superintendent. Fires ‘will « be | It is’ ‘proposed to operate the: ilu at: tsi maximum capacity for. the full five fae 1ths run of the last period, of the preadlt’ t* making’ season. eo ‘Almost: 300 pei i 2 pd and laborers . (Willd During the’ {dl ToL Bi seekers. a ment by E." Majot; cof ' Maumee, Indiana, : lighted under . the’ tanksg early Yu nexty week. Wi Cn By ent