Dewi tcp Bellefonte, Pa, November 24, 1922. NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. — Fdwin C. Graden and Anna S. Ripka, both of Spring Mills, were mar- ried at Hagerstown, Md., the latter part of last week. : — The Ladies’ Aid society of the “Methodist church will hold a food .sale at the Bellefonte Hardware com- ‘pany, Saturday, November 25th. — The Thimble Bee of the ladies .of the Reformed church will be held .at the home of Mrs. M. H. Brouse, on “Thomas street, this (Friday) after- moon. A full atteendance is desired. — Mr. H. E. Gregory has resigned as manager of the Hotel Philips, in Philipsburg, and has been succeeded ‘by Arthur E. Reighley, at one time manager of the Passmore house, in the Same place. Get yourselves in shape for the big hospital drive which will be made early in February. The drive will be for $40,000 and no institution in Cen- tre county deserves it more than the ‘Bellefonte hospital. — The Woman’s Aid society of the Presbyterian church will have a sale of aprons, fancy articles, cakes, etc., in the chapel, Thursday afternoon and evening, December 14th, the sale to begin at 2:30 o’clock. ——The annual Thanksgiving mar- ket of the ladies of the Reformed church will be held on Wednesday be- fore Thanksgiving, in the store room of the Bellefonte Hardware company. ‘The usual supply of eatables will be on sale. Next Thursday will be Thanks- giving day and with the price of tur- keys around war time figures most people will feast on duck or chicken. In fact we should all be thankful we are alive and able to feast, even on «chicken. — Penn State went down in de- feat before Penn’s football warriors, at Philadelphia last Saturday, by the close score of 7 to 6. Each team scored one touchdown but Mike Palm missed his attempt at goal. This was the first time Penn has defeated State since 1916. ——The Bellefonte Academy foot- ball team will leave today for Mor- gantown, W. Va., where tomorrow they will play the Freshman team of the University of West Virginia. This will be the first time that the Belle- fonte athletes have appeared on the Morgantown field. Word was received in Belle- fonte on Tuesday of the arrival in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra B. Bimm, at Dayton, Ohio, on Monday evening, of a little daughter. Mrs. Bimm will be well remembered by her many Bellefonte friends as Miss Rebecca «ruse, a daughter of Mrs. Charles “Cruse, and naturally there is rejoicing in the Cruse household. Bellefonte will again have the pleasure of hearing A. E. Martin, pro- fessor of history at State College. “The Woman’s club cordially invites all those interested to the meeting at ‘the High school building on Monday, November 27th, at eight o’clock p. m. Professor Martin will speak on “The ‘United States in the Far East,” a sub- “ject which is particularly pertinent at ‘this time. The regular business mect- ing for members will be held at 7:30. ——Manager T. Clayton Brown has booked that famous picture, “The Prisoner of Zenda,” for exhibition at the Scenic on January 12th and 13th, 1923. While this is a wonderful at- ‘traction patrons of the Scenic are al- ways sure of seeing good pictures (every evening and now that colder weather is here and the evenings long “there is no more entertaining place in “Bellefonte than this popular motion picture show. All the good ones will “be shown at the Scenic. The Last Resort tea room, which was opened so auspiciously, on Armistice day, has since that time continued its success. With a unique housing, a clever hostess, excellent food and reasonable charges for the food, there can be nothing but a bright outlook for the future of this under- ‘taking. Miss Valentine, whose tea room is located directly above the ‘Brant house, on Allegheny street, is very glad for local patronage, but will cater especially to tourists. — William R. Cooke, of Llanerch, has been elected president of the board of commissioners of Haverford township at the meeting of that body early this month. Mr. Cooke is an old Bellefonte boy, a brother of E. C. “s Cooke, of this place. The office is quite an important one, for in the thickly - populated suburbs of Philadelphia, “township business is as varied and voluminous as that of many of our cities. Mr. Cooke has been a mem- ber of the board for six years. Last Thursday afternoon the compressed air tank in the basement of J. 0. Heverley’s auto supply store «exploded with sufficient force to shake ‘the whole building. In fact it broke «one joist and cracked the glass in two of the windows. The tank stood on end, the top of it being against the joist. It was being filled with air at the time and although the automat was set for 180 pounds pressure the @xprosion occurred at 145 pounds. The entire bottom of the tank, which was ‘brazed on, blew off, and thus the most of the force was downward. While the noise of the explosion was not very loud the concussion was consid- erable. Fortunately no one was in the basement at the time of the explosion. MILK ORDINANCE ON TAP. Considerable Business Before Coun- cil on Monday Evening. Eight members were present at the regular meeting of borough council on Monday evening. A written commu- nication was received from James C. Furst Esq., requesting exoneration of water tax on the Mrs. Hiller proper- ty, on High street, from October 11, 1921, to date, and thence until the property is again occupied. Mr. Cun- ningham called attention to the fact that a resolution passed two years ago provides that no exonerations be granted on water tax. The matter was referred to the Water committee. Regarding the State Board of Health’s request for a bactereological analysis of the water in the big spring secretary Kelly reported that the bor- ough manager had communicated with the department of chemistry, at State College, and the officials there agree to collect their own samples and make the analysis for five dollars, and the borough manager was instructed to have them do so. Ambrose Ray, of east Howard street, requested council to fix the water hydrant at his place so it will not freeze up during the winter. Re- ferred to the Water committee. An application was received from Edward W. Kane for appointment on the police force. On recommendation of the Fire and Police committee he was elected to continue on the force as long as his services are deemed satisfactory. Secretary Kelly reported that an adjustment had finally been made with the State Highway Department for the borough’s share of the cost of repairs on Allegheny and other streets, the amount being $958.41, and he was instructed to send an order for | that amount. | At this juncture in the proceedings | L. A. Schaeffer made his appearance and complained about the lack of a de- cent crossing between the properties of Mrs. M. B. Garman and Frank Crawford, on east Curtin street. The borough manager was instructed to fix it, at least temporarily, before win- ter sets in. Mrs. Harry Haag asked that a light be placed near her home at the corner of Penn street and alley. Referred to the Street committee. At this stage in the proceedings president John S. Walker called the attention of council to the fact that State College, along with all sur- rounding towns, is about to pass an ordinance governing the sale of milk within the borough and he advised that Bellefonte council do likewise. He presented the draft of an ordi- nance recommended by the State Board of Health, which, however, can be changed or modified to meet local conditions, and urged council to give it serious consideration. On motion the matter was referred to the Sani- tary committee and borough solicitor to prepare an ordinance applicable to Bellefonte and submit it for consid- eration. The Street committee reported the receipt of $72.58 from the State High- way Department for the use of road roller. The Water committee reported the colection of $150.85 on the 1921 du- plicate and that old scrap iron to the amount of $100.61 had been sold to the Sutton-Abramsen Engineering company. The Fire and Police committee re- ported a contribution of $33.00 from residents of Hublersburg as an appre- ciation for the good work done by the Logan fire company on the occasion of a recent fire in that place. The com- mittee also suggested that the bor- ough manager make a test of all fire- plugs before cold weather sets in. The Finance committee requested the renewal of notes for $1,800, $7, 000, $1,500, $2,000 and $630, all of which were authorized. Mr. Cunningham reported that the new water wheel is now in place at the Phoenix mill pumping station and its efficiency is approximately twenty- five per cent. greater than the old wheel, which should result in a con- siderable reduction of the electric pump bills. Regarding the request of the Kra- der Motor company for permission to close up the rear of their building on Howard street with a temporary structure and construct a driveway in- to the same, the Special committee recommended that the same be grant- ed, and it was so ordered. President Walker called attention to | the fact that the trustees of the Pru- ner orphanage have recommended that the balance in the hands of the treasurer received from the sale of lands, amounting to $3650.00, be in- vested in Liberty bonds, and that in- stead of having the bonds now owned by the orphanage and those to be pur- chased registered, that the treasurer be required to give bond with a relia- ble bonding company to the full amount of all bonds in his possession. The recommendation was approved by council. Mr. Hazel called attention to what he considered a dangerous condition in the rear of the Bellefonte Hardware company’s store where there is an ac- cumulation of rubbish, empty oil barrels, etc. The matter was refer- red to the Fire and Police and Sani- tary committees. Bills to the amount of $747.57 were approved and council adjourned. — Come to Bellefonte on Dollar Deer Hunting Season Will Open a Week from Today. Just one week from today, or on Friday, December 1st, the deer hunt- ing season will open in Pennsylvania and several days prior thereto there will be a general exodus of Centre county hunters to their favorite camps in the mountains, and likewise a steady influx of hunters from every section of the State. Most of the hunting clubs have their regular camps and occupy them year after year. The parties include practically the same men and they know every trail and every hiding place of the deer, so that a buck with a visible rack of horns stands very little chance of escape if it gets out from under cover within gunshot of the watch- ers. Many deer have been seen in all the mountainous sections of the coun- ty during the summer and there is every reason to believe that the two weeks season will yield good results to the energetic hunters. Bear are also reported more plentiful this year, but they are a wily animal and hard to shoot. HUNTING NOTES. C. A. Dunlep and F. L. Kendig, of Pittsburgh, spent last week down Nit- tany valley hunting small game. They were successful in bagging quite a number of pheasants and rabbits and engaged a man to bring them, their game and equipment to Belle- fonte. Motoring along in the neigh- borhood of Hecla park, on Thursday evening, a tire came off the machine with the result that it ran into the ditch. Mr. Dunlop was thrown out and the ligaments in one of his legs were torn loose. He was brought to Bellefonte and after spending the night here was taken to Pittsburgh on Friday morning. Some ten days or two weeks ago four hunters from Pittsburgh, in a new Chevrolet car, arrived in Belle- fonte and after filling up with gas and oil started down Bald Eagle valley. They carried a full complement of camp equipage and almost a week’s supply of food, and as they were mo- toring along the Lingle place below Milesburg their car caught fire. In fact flames seemed to envelop the en- tire car and the men were compelled to jump and run to save themselves. | Without any means of fighting the fire they were compelled to stand by and see their car and all it contained go up in smoke. This included their guns and ammunition, and there was a regular fusilade of discharging car- tridges while the machine burned. During the latter part of the week both Collins and Philip Shoemaker were successful in bagging wild tur- keys with the result that a wild tur- key dinner was served at the Shoe- Sunday. On Saturday Lester Sheffer, of Mil- roy, superintendent of the National limestone quarries, at Naginey, walk- ed into the woods above the quarries and shot a wild turkey in less than half an hour and the Sheffer family had turkey for dinner on Sunday. a———————————————————————— The Bellefonte Business Men’s Association will hold a live stock sale on Nov. 29, and you will be guaran- teed satisfaction. 46-1t Posting Lands with Trespass Notices. It is reported on good authority that many farmers and land owners in Pennsvalley, especially the lower end, are posting up “no trespass” notices as a warning to hunters to “keep off the grass.” It is also reported that this action upon the part of the land owners sas precipitated by an inci- dent which occurred during the deer hunting season last year. A certain gentleman, of Millheim, owns some four or five hundred acres of woodland on Brush mountain and early in the hunting season last year he took his gun and went up on the mountain in the hope of getting a deer. While tramping along an old road he came upon a strange hunter watching on a deer crossing. The stranger proceed- ed to call down the Millheim man for what he termed “encroachment upon their territory,” and it then developed that he was a member of a hunting party from the western part of the State which had gone onto the moun- tain and made camp without asking permission of any one. When the Millheim man told him that he was the owner of the land and had a legal right there the stranger became very abusive. Other instances have been reported where hunters from other sections disregarded most every rule of sportsmen’s etiquette and it is because of these facts that land owners are posting trespass notices. — The Bellefonte merchants will hold a Dollar day sale November 29. 46-1t Music Study Club Meeting. At eight o'clock Friday evening, November 24th, in the parish house of the Episcopal church, the regular bi- monthly meeting of the Music Study Club will be held. Giving selections from English and American compos- ers in the form of mixed quartettes, double octettes, piano, vocal and vio- lin solos, and a dramatic reading, a number of the club members will take part. There will also be a paper on the influence of the early English set- tlers on American music. a —— cad Dollar day, Bellefonte, Nov. day, Nov. 29. 46-1t Another sale of live stock, Bellefonte, Nov. 29. 46-1t 29. 46-1t maker home on west High street on : ai A FRENZIED FINANCIER. Bellefonte Young Man Attempted to Pass Many Forged Checks Last Saturday, At this writing (Wednesday after- noon) the sheriff of Centre county and police officials are looking for Thomas Woolford, a young man of Bellefonte, who last Saturday started on a career of frenzied finance through the me- dium of forged checks. Some time during the forenoon he went to the First National bank and presented a check for $500.00 drawn to his order and signed by Elizabeth Green, re- questing the cash for same. The bank officials saw at once that the signa- ture was not genuine and naturally re- fused to cash the check. Later he went to Montgomery and Co’s and wanted to buy some clothing, tendering as payment a check for $150.00 drawn to his order and signed by J. D. Neidigh. The salesman at Montgomerys declined to accept the check and Woolford left the store. Nothing daunted, however, he went to Sim, the Clothier, and purchased a suit of clothes, an overcoat and other articles amounting to $52.00. In pay- ment therefore he presented a check for $250.00, drawn to his order and signed by J. D. Neidigh. The check was marked “for wiring,” and Wool- ford explained that he had wired Mr. Neidigh’s buildings for electricity and had received the check in payment therefore. Mr. Baum finally accepted the check and gave him the change, $198.00. Later he got in communica- tion with Mr. Neidigh and learned the check was a forgery. Securing the services of sheriff Dukeman he started cna hunt for the young man. He was | finally found in the Bon Mot, where | he was nonchalantly taking a drink. ! When confronted by Mr. Baum and the sheriff he confessed to having forged the check, but as he willingly surrendered the clothing and the mon- ey given him by Mr. Baum he was al- lowed to go free. Later in the evening, however, it developed that he had also tried to get a check for $50.00 cashed at Ha- zel’s grocery, and did succeed in pass- ing a check for $75.00 on a Bellefonte meat dealer and one for a smaller amount on another merchant. The $75.00 check was drawn to his order and signed J. M. Corl. Woolford claims to be an electrician and has done wiring in Bellefonte and at places throughout the county, and all the checks being marked “for wir- ing” probably aided him in success- | fully cashing some of them. One of the men victimized, as soon as he { learned that the check he cashed was . a forgery, went before ’Squire J. M. Keichline and swore out a warrant for Woolford’s arrest, but up to this writ- i ing he has successfully evaded the of- ficers of the law. Hogs, sheep, cows, horses and all kinds of live stock on sale at Belefonte, Nov. 29. 46-1t Interesting Talk on Hawaiian Islands. The lecture given in the Methodist church on Friday night by Miss Lottie L. Tillotson, on the Hawaiian Islands, the habits and customs of the natives, proved a rare treat to those who at- tended. The entertainment was in- tensely interesting, as Miss Tillotson is possessed of a charming personality and gave her lecture with unspoiled naturalness. She has visited nearly every known country and not only has something to say but knows how to say it. She told of the characteristies of the natives and described the people, saying that the average height of the men of the original Hawaiians was six feet and their weight 200 pounds. That was in the ancient times before the race had intermarried with na- tives of other countries. The original Hawaiians were the tallest and larg- est people in the world. She also told of the beautiful scenery and said that the Island has twenty-six of the world’s highest waterfalls. The tem- perature throughout the year varies only about ten degrees but during the winter months there are severe storms, after which the small streams become swollen rivers and traffic is blocked for some time. There are many exquisite flowers and shrubs throughout the Islands. The principal products are sugar, fruits and coffee. — The Bellefonte merchants are going to give some real bargains on Dollar day, Nov. 29. 46-1t A Tree Nursery at Rockview. Inmates at the western penitentiary at Rockview, Centre county, will grow millions of trees to be planted in all parts of the State. The Department of Forestry has arranged with the prison officials for the establishment of a nursery at that institution. About eight acres will be devoted to a trans- plant nursery of shade and ornamen- tal trees. This tract will be developed this fall. Next spring another area of similar size will be prepared for growing large quantities of young for- est trees. — Pure bred and registered stock on sale Nov. 29, Bellefonte live stock sale. 46-1t — The customary annual Thanks- | giving donation for the Bellefonte hos- pital will be collected on Friday of next week, the day after Thanksgiv- ing. Everybody is requested to have their donation ready so that the col- lectors may not be delayed in making their rounds of the town. ee mem NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. —Judge Henry C. Quigley is holding court in Pittsburg this week. —Mrs. Joseph Fry, of Tyrone, Thursday in Bellefonte, a guest of Mrs, ! Edith Knoff, at her apartments in the Me- | Clain block. —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor, of Hunt- ingdon, were over Sunday guests at the home of Mr. Taylor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor, on Spring street. Miss Blanche Underwood, secretary of the Pennsylvania Match company, went up to Erie the latter part of last week to spend a two week's vacation with her brother, Irvin Underwood and family. —Miss Carrie Neiman has left State College to return to her farm near Union- ville, where, with her nephew George to assist her, she will continue farming. Miss Neiman spent Monday in Bellefonte doing some buying for the farm. — Mrs. Rachel Harris is now a guest of her son George, at his apartments in Bal- timore. Mrs. Harris left Bellefonte a month ago, for Hagerstown, where she spent some time with her son Charles and his family, before going on to Baltimore. —A. R. MeNitt was among the Princeton men from this section who went east last week to see the Princeton-Yale game. As a football enthusiast, it has been Mr. Mc- Nitt’s custom for a number of years to be with Princeton’s men for this one great event. Mrs. Sara Brown is in Bellefonte for an indefinite stay, with Mrs. Louisa V. Harris, on Allegheny street. Since leaving here a year or more ago, Mrs. Brown has spent the greater part of her time with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Wray, of Renovo, and her family. —John Bell, of East Hampton, N. Y., is spending a part of his two week's vacation in Centre county with his sisters, Mrs. Cal- vin Troupe, Mrs. William Chambers, of Bellefonte, and Mrs. Kessinger, of State College. Mr. Bell arrived in Bellefonte the early part of the week. —Thaddeus B. Hamilton has left his own home on Howard street, to go to live with his brother Thomas, on Allegheny street. The wives of these two brothers both hav- ing died within a short time, the men have decided to spend the remainder of their days here together. —Miss McMullen returned to her home at Hecla Saturday, after a two week's visit with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, at Philadelphia. Mrs. Johnson accompanied Miss McMullen home and spent the week- end with her, then went on to Altoona for a short visit with her daughter. —Mrs. D. Q. Decker, of Altoona, was in Bellefonte between trains Wednesday, look- ing after some business interests here. Al- though having left Centre county thirty years ago, Mrs. Decker keeps in close toueh with everything in this section, by her fre- quent visits back home to Ferguson town- yesterday. ship. Miss Jeannette Cooke, whose return to James I. Hughes, with Mrs, Hughes { and her sisters, Mrs. Dinges and Miss Em- Atlantic City was deferred on account of | y illness, left Bellefonte Sunday to go to Mil- ja Gree a5 motor guests, drove’ to Wil. ford, Delaware, to attend the funeral of her liamsport Monday, having gone down to be nephew, Donald Cooke Pearce, the elder under of Dr. Haskins for several son of her sister, the late Hazel Cooke days. Mrs, Hughes and Miss Green re- Pearce. From there Miss Cooke returned turned home at the expiration of. that time, to Atlantic City to resume lier Work atthe While Mrs. Dinges remained for a visit with Nort American sanitorium for crippled friends in Williamsport, children. 0 —Robert 8. Walker drove to Lewistown ——Among those from Bellefonte who at- Friday and left his cur there, going on by tended the Statedl. of P. ball game in train to Philadelphia, where he joined Mrs. Walker and her hostess, Mrs. Workheiser, STETTAAGERER, Tr —Mrs. G. Murray Andrews is in Phila- delphia, having gone down Tuesday. | —Mrs. Carl Olsen will return to Belle- | fonte this week, from a month's visit with ' friends in Pittsburgh. ——Miss Katherine Allison spent Sunday in Philadelphia, the game Saturday being the principal attraction. —Philip Robb is home from Camp Knox, Ky., to spend Thansgiving with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Robb, of Curtin street. — spent —Miss Mary Cooney left a week ago for a visit in Philadelphia, expecting while east to spend a short time with her sister, Miss Margaret, at Bethlehem. —Miss Berenice Knoche spent Tuesday in Bellefonte, doing some buying for their farm, west of State College, which she and her mother are now occupying. —Alex. Morrison went to Philadelphia yesterday and it is reported that he will bring some one back with him to live in that house for which he is buying coal. —Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hunter and their daughter Henrietta drove to Blooms- burg Sunday, for a day’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Foye. Mrs. Foye is Mr. and Mrs. Hunter's eldest daughter. —W. B. Rankin and his two daughters, Mrs. Helliwell and Miss Mary Rankin, will go to Harrisburg Wednesday, to be Thanksgiving guests and to spend several days with Mr, and Mrs. Walter B. Rankin. —Mr. and Mrs. Hugh N. Boyle, of Ha- zleton, with their two children, and Mrs. Boyle's brother, George Tanner, drove to Bellefonte recently to spend the week-end here with Mrs. C. D. Tanner, and for Penn- sylvania day at Penn State. —Mrs. W. Miles Walker is visiting in New Jersey, a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Albert Numbers. Mrs. Numbers only re- cently left Bellefonte, having spent sev- eral months here, while her new home in Trenton was being completed. —Lewis Daggett, Basil Mott, Milan Walker and Ben Beezer, all Penn State football rooters, went to Philadelphia last week for the State-U. of P. game Saturday. Mr. Walker and Mr. Beezer remained in the city for an over Sunday visit, returning home Wednesday. —Mrs. C. U. Hoffer came over from Phil- ipsburg Sunday and went from here to State College, for the funeral of the late Mrs. Josiah. Dale, Monday. Returning to Bellefonte, Mrs. Hoffer visited with her daughter, Miss Louise, until Wednesday, when she drove home with Mr. and Mrs. Foun Hoffer, who had motored over for er. -——Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Walker and Miss Mary Treaster returned home yesterday. Mrs. Walker had been at Atlantic City since going east two weeks ago and has about completely recovered from her indis- position of the past year. Mr. Walker mo- tored down Tuesday, making the return drive with Mrs. Walker and Miss Treaster Philadelphia, Saturday, were Dr. M. J. £ Locke, James Calderwood, Max Gamble, or the SiateU, P. game Saturday, Mrs. Frank Naginey, William P. Seig, Nevin Walker and her younger son, who ' had been in Philadelphia for a week, and Mrs. ‘Workheiser and her son returned to Belle- fonte with Mr. Walker Monday. —Prof. and Mrs. Irving G. Foster, of State College, are contemplating leaving in February on the Clark Meditterranean cruise, to spend three months sight-seeing in the countries touched by the itineracy of this conducted tour. At the expiration of the cruise they have planned to go to Par- is, where Prof. Foster will spend some time in the libraries of that city, continu- ing his study eof the French language. Their booking is for the Empress of Scot- land. Noll, Gordon Montgomery, Harry Ruhl, Samuel Waite, Wagner Geiss, H. Laird Curtin, Elliott Lane, William Kline, Rich- ard Herman, George Shugert, Jack Decker, Ellis Keller, Francis Musser, Allen Mec- Clellan, Thomas Cairns, William Katz and Robert Hood. —Bright and early Saturday morning M. L. Emerick, of Centre Hall, dropped in {lo send his subscription along another year. He didn’t come to town just especially to contribute his bit to make the ‘“Watch- man” mare go, however. He is Centre Hall's blacksmith and as farmers still have horses and horses must have shoes Mr. Emerick supplies them, consequently he comes over to buy whenever his stock gets to the point where there is danger of his not being able to accommodate his cus- tomers. —Mrs. H. K. Hoy is in Bellefonte with her daughter, Mrs. Clayton Royer, after a five week’s visit with Mrs. Wagner, in Boalsburg. Mrs. Hoy expects to remain here until after Christmas, then return to Boalsburg. Her daughter, Mrs. Shuey, who had been with Mrs. Hoy at Mrs. Wagner's and who had spent three weeks with Mrs. Ely, in Turbotville, left Wednesday for Wilkinsburg, for a visit of several days there with Mrs. Grant Pifer, and with her daughter in Akron, on her way to Pros- peet, Ohio. —Lieut. N. Vincent Taylor has resigned from service in the regular army and ar- rived home last Thursday evening. It will be reealled that Lieut. Taylor graduated at the West Point military Academy a year ahead of his schedule owing to the world war and was sent to France. At the close of the war he returned home and most of the time since he had been on service in Pan- ama, though during the past month he had been doing research work in Washington, D. C. The cutting down of the maximum force of the regular army by act of Con- gres had considerable to do with his re- tirement at this time. —George T. Bush returned home on Sun- day morning from a week's trip to Read- ing and Philadelphia. At the former place he attended the dedication of the new mil- lion dollar building of Rajah Temple, No- bles of the Mystic Shrine, as a representa- tive of Jaffa Temple, of Altoona. The Reading temple is now one of the finest in the United States. On Monday and Tuesday they entertained about five thous- and people each day and initiated a total ——One herd of pure bred, regis- tered Holstein Fresians for sale at Beilefonte, Nov. 29. 46-1t ——The new concrete bridge on the other side of Lemont will be opened for traffic this (Friday) morning, but Peter Klinger will not care very much as the weather is getting too cold to collect toll on that temporary bridge of his. Rubin and Rubin Coming. Our large practice is the best proof of our success. Rubin and Rubin, Harrisburg’s leading eyesight special- ists wil be at the Mott drug store, Bellefonte, on Thursday, December 7th. Good glasses are fitted for as little as $2.00. Eyes are examined free and no drops used. Satisfaction is guaranteed. 46-2t ——The household effects of the late Mrs. Hunter Knisely will be sold at public sale at her late home on Railroad street Saturday, Nov. 25, at 1p. m 46-1t — Mr. Farmer, you can sell your live stock in Bellefonte on Nov. 29. 46-1t — The usual Thanksgiving turkey dinner at the Brockerhoff house, 12:30 until 2:30. 46-1t Wanted. — Female stenographer. of almost eight hundred candidates. In Apply American Lime & Stone Philadelphia Mr. Bush attended a num- |, 46-1% ber of Masonic gatherings as well as the State-Fenn footuall game. — Live stock sale in Bellefonte on —John Dimeling, of Spokane, with Nov. 29. 46-1t “Father” Baird, of Clearfield, was in m—————————— town Tuesday for an hour or so. The gen- tlemen were en route to Clearfield from Williamsport where they had been on a business trip. John came east several weeks ago for a visit at his old home in Clearfield. We didn’t ask him how he likes life on the Coast. We didn’t need to, ——Rolls at 6 and 12 cents a dozen, at Gross’ store. 46-1t Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected Weekly by C. ¥. Wagner & Co. for his appearance spoke for that; in fact | Wheat - - - = - - $1.20 he has grown so rotund that we had to | Rye - - - - - - - .80 take the second look before being certain Corn, shelled - - A - .80 that he was the same person who figured | Corn, ear - - - - - .60 so prominently in the business and pol- | Oats - oe - - - 40 itics of Clearfield county only a few years Barley - - - - - - .60 Ti «ot 2go. Buckwheat - wi ma