Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 24, 1922, Image 4
PB EE RA I TR, ol RE Tn OR Benoni itd “Bellefonte, Pa., November 24, 1922. Editor P. GRAY MEEK, cael Te “Correspondents.—No communications published unless accompanied by the real ; same of the writer. Terms of Subscription.—Until further motice this paper will be furnished to sub- scribers at the following rates: Paid strictly in advance Paid before expiration of year 1.75 Paid after expiration of year 2.00 Published weekly, every Friday morning. Entered at the postoffice Bellefonte, Pa., as second class mail matter. In ordering change of address always give the old as well as the new address. It is important that the publisher be no- tified when a subscriber wishes the pa- per discontinued. In all such cases the subscription must be paid up to date of cancellation. A sample copy of the “Watchman” will be sent without cost to applicants. $1.50 Official Vote on Congress and State Senator. The Clearfield Progress last week had considerable fun at the expense of Centre county officials because the Congressional and State Senatorial re- turn judge failed to turn up in that place on Tuesday to compute the offi- cial vote cast in the districts. Sec- tion 1 Article XXVIII of the election laws of Pennsylvania provides that the “return judges for each Congres- sional and Senatorial district shall meet on the Tuesday following the election to compute the vote in the dis- trict,” but Centre county officials evi- dently overlooked that fact and the man appointed by the court, John G. Love Esq., did not go over until Wed- nesday. The other return judges were Lester M. Hackett, of Cameron coun- ty; Harry R. Evans, of Clearfield county, and E. A. Studholm, of Mec- Kean county. The official vote in the district on Congress was as follows: Swoope Snyder Kane Cameron - 836 468 197 Centre - 5231 5205 385 Clearfield - T7044 6391 1302 McKean - 3817 2228 1957 *16928 14292 4041 *In Mr. Swoope’s vote are included those he received on the Socialist ticket, 9 in Cameron county, 65 in Centre, 305 in Clear- field and 116 in McKean, a total of 405 votes. The State Senatorial count was as follows: Scott 5208 6272 Betts 5738 8102 1157 *13840 *Mr. Betts received 39 Prohibition votes in Clearfield county which are included in his total. EIGHT WOMEN IN LEGISLATURE. The official count throughout the State shows that eight women, all Re- publicans, will have seats in the low- er house at Harrisburg at the next Centre - - Clearfield session of the Legislature. They are as follows: Alegheny county—Miss Helen Grimes. Butler county—Miss Gertrude Mac- Kinney. Cambria county—Miss Sarah M. Gallaher. Chester county—Miss Martha G. Thomas. Crawford county—Miss Alice M. Bentley. Philadelphia—Mrs. Martha G. Spei- ser, Mrs. Lillie H. Pitts and Mrs. Ro- sa S. de Young. Bellefonte sale of live stock, Nov. 29; sale starts at 10 a. m. 46-1t County Teachers Gave Liberally to State College Fund. Centre county now leads all other Pennsylvania counties in the amount subscribed to The Pennsylvania State College emergency fund, with a cred- ited total of $67,622.15. One of the most encouraging fea- tures of the Centre county campaign, came last Thursday when the school teachers of the county, gathered at their annual institute, contributed $2,200. This sum will be increased in a few days when a 100 per cent. par- ticipation on the part of the teachers is expected. Professor D. A. Ander- son, who has charge of this feature of the State campaign, presented the project to the teachers at the Belle- fonte gathering and it met with in- stant favor and response. A movement is under way to com- plete the county quota by the end of this week. Less than $10,000 remains to be raised in the county and under the direction of Professors J. O. Kel- ler and O. B. Malin, of the college fac- ulty, it is expected that the county will join the list of those “over the top” within a few days. College of- ficials look forward to Centre county going beyond its quota with a wider margin than any other county. Cam- bria is now more than twelve per cent. “over” and an attempt will be made to better this record in the college home county. Almost $45,000 of the county quota came from college employees; $20,000 from the borough of State College, and $2,000 from the potato growers. One subscription for $1,000 was re- ceived in Bellefonte last week. Centre county contributors thus far even exceed those of Allegheny, Cam- bria and Philadelphia counties, an ex- cellent record. It is possible that Cen- tre in the long run will stand up fa- vorably with Allegheny and Philadel- phia counties, and if it goes well over the top may count third in the final accounting. The workers are out to secure as high a final rating as pos- sible and are anxious to make Centre county the first of the larger quota counties to finish the job. I FISHER. — Mrs. Emma Amanda | Fisher, widow of the late Dr. C. P. W. Fisher, of Boalsburg, passed away last Friday night at the home of her sis- ter, Mrs. John W. Stuart, at State College, of valvular heart trouble, following an illness of two weeks. She had gone to her sister’s home on a visit, was taken sick and died at the time above stated. She was 2a daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth Hunsinger Musser, early settlers of Boalsburg, where she was born on August 25th, 1848, hence had reached the age of 74 years, 2 months and 20 days. She was educated in the public schools of her home town and at the Boalsburg Academy and on April 1st, 1866, she married Dr. C. P. W. Fisher, who served during the Civ- il war, and they took up their resi- dence in their native town. There she spent her entire life and became one of the best known and most loved women of the town. Her husband died in 1886, leaving her with a fami- ly of young children but she very no- bly responded to the extra call of du- ty and gave all of them a good edu- cation and a start in successful life pursuits. She was a life-long mem- ber of the Reformed church and her daily life was a beautiful example of her faith in the doctrines of her church. During the World war she was an enthusiastic supporter of the Red Cross and most of her time was devoted to knitting garments for the men in the trenches. Her survivors include five sons, as follows: John, of Bellefonte; William, of Wilkes-Barre; Frank H., of Juni- ata; Charles, of Danville, and George, of Boalsburg. She also leaves sixteen grand-children and three great grand- children, as well as three sisters and a brother, namely: Mrs. Angeline Bottorf, of Lemont; Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobs, of Centre Hall; Mrs. John W. Stuart, of State College, and John K. Musser, of Wilkes-Barre. The remains were taken to her late home in Boalsburg where funeral services were held at 10 o’clock on Tuesday morning by her pastor, Rev. S. C. Stover. A large concourse of sorrowing friends followed the re- mains to their last resting place in the Boalsburg cemetery. The floral of- ferings were so profuse that they were carried to the grave by twelve women, intimate friends of the de- ceased. Il I DALE. — Mrs. Catherine Hoffer Dale, widow of the late Josiah Dale, of Centre Hall, passed away last Fri- day night at the home of her son, Dr. P. Hoffer Dzale, at State College, as the result of chronic heart trouble. She had been ailing for nine weeks but had been confined to her bed less than a week. She was a daughter of Peter and Lydia Keller Hoffer and was born in Potter township almost seventy-six years ago. About a half century ago she married Josiah Dale and the first few years of their married life were spent at Woodland, Clearfield county. From there they moved to Centre Hall where she lived until a few years ago when she went to State College and had since made her home with her son. She was a life-long member of the Reformed church and an exceptionally kind and good woman. Her husband met a tragic death up- on the top of Nittany mountain =a number of years ago but surviving her is one son, Dr. Hoffer Dale, and one sister, Miss Mollie Hoffer, also of State College. Funeral services were held at her late home at the College at ten o’clock on Monday morning by Rev. Romig, of the Reformed church, assisted by Dr. A. M. Schmidt, of Bellefonte, and Rev. Martin, of the Presbyterian church, State College, after which the remains were taken by auto hearse to Centre Hall for burial. I I HAZEL.— John Thomas Hazel passed away at his home on east Lamb street last Saturday, following an ill- ness of some weeks with chronic ne- phritis. He was a son of John T. and Margaret Garbrick Hazel and was born in Walker township on Febru- ary 26th, 1861, hence was 61 years, 8 months and 22 days old. He was a laborer by occupation and years ago worked at the Gatesburg mine bank, rock quarries. He was a member of the Lutheran church for many years and an upright, conscientious citizen. Surviving him are his wife and the following children: Mrs. Victor Lutz, living near Bellefonte; Harry, of Pittsburgh; Roy, Claire, LaRue and Mrs. Charles Barner, of Bellefonte; Mrs. Merrill Moyer, of Curtin’s Gap; Dora and Nyle, at home. He also leaves one sister and a brother, Mrs. Alice Corman, of Bellefonte, and James Hazel, of Mt. Eagle, as well as a half-sister living at Coburn. Funeral services were held at his late home at ten o’clock on Tuesday morning by Rev. W. P. Ard, after which burial was made in the Union cemetery. | PEARCE Bors Cocke Pearce, son of Harry Ash and the late Hazel Cooke Pearce, died in a Washington, D. C., hospital last Saturday. He had been in ill health for some time and was taken to the hospital in the hope that an operation would afford relief, but he passed away within forty- eight hours after the operation. He was born in Panama and was almost eleven years old. Following the death of his mother, several years ago, the family have been living at Milford, Delaware. In addition to his father he is survived by one brother, Douglass Pearce. Burial was made at Milford on Monday. later being employed at the White- with a complication of diseases. twice married, her first husband having been J. H. Lytle, of Ferguson township. Most of her married life with Mr. Ly- tle was spent at Pine Grove Mills. Twenty-three years ago the family moved to Bellwood, which had been her home ever since. Following Mr. Lytle’s death, or seven years ago, she married Mr. Markle, who survives with the following children by her first marriage: Edward Lytle, of Bell- wood; Frank and John, of Altoona; Mrs. C. L. Lovelace, of Pittsburgh, and Mrs. E. J. O’Neil, of Akron, Ohio. She also leaves four sisters and one brother, namely: Mrs. D. H. Meek, of East Altoona; Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, of State College; Mrs. O. L. Weaver, of Bellwood; Mrs. E. E. Blair, of Altoona, and William W. Steffey, of Clearfield county. Funeral services were held at her late home at 2:30 o’clock on Wednes- day afternoon by the pastor of the Methodist church, of which she was was made in the Logan Valley cem- etery. i i! McAFEE. — Mrs. Anna McAfee, widow of Decatur McAfee, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Abner Nearhoof, in Tyrone, on Tuesday of last week, following several month's illness with a complication of diseas- es. She was a daughter of Benjamin and Jane Lightner and was born at old Monroe Furnace, in Stone valley, on June 16th, 1840, hence had reached the age of 82 years, 4 months and 28 days. Most of her girlhood life was spent in the vicinity of Meek’s church, in Ferguson township and on Decem- ber 7th, 1865, she married Decatur McAfee and practically all of her mar- ried life was spent at Stormstown. Mr. McAfee died in 1866 and four years later the family moved to Ty- rone. Her surviving children are C. D. McAfee, Mrs. Hattie Bibble and Mrs. Myrtle Nearhoff, of Tyrone, and Mrs. Fannie Shoemaker, of Boise, Idaho. She also leaves two brothers, Matthew Lightner, in Iowa, and S. C. Lightner, of Tyrone. Burial was made in the Grandview cemetery, Ty- rone, last Thursday afternoon. Il Il BARRETT.—Information has reach- ed Bellefonte of the death in Berkeley, i Cal.,, on October 31st, of Charles | Thomas Barrett, a cousin of Mrs. H. i C. Valentine and Edgar Burnside, of Bellefonte. He was a son of Dr. J. M. ‘and Sarah Thomas Barrett and was born in Wilkes-Barre sixty-five years ago. Dr. and Mrs. Barrett both died in Wilkes-Barre leaving a family of four children, Charles, Lilly, May and Edward, all of whom came to Belle- fonte and for a number of years made their home with the Burnside family. Charles learned telegraphy here and forty years ago went west where he followed his profession, being located at Berkeley, Cal., most of the time. Lilly, who passed away some years ago, was one of the first telephone op- erators in Bellefonte. May, now Mrs. Panton, and Edward J., are living in Ponca City, Okla. In addition to his brother and sister Mr. Barrett leaves his widow and one son. Burial was made at Berkeley on November 2nd. If i MUSSER.—William J. Musser, a native of Ferguson township, died at his home in Ladysmith, Wisconsin, on November 9th. He was a son of George and Julia Musser and was born on the Branch over seventy years ago. About fifty years ago he went west and that section had been his home ever since. He learned the carpenter trade when a young man and in his western home became a successful contractor. Forty-five years ago he married Miss Mary Wolf, of Miles township, who died some years ago, but surviv- ing him are two daughters, Elsie, of Ladysmith, and Grace, in West Vir- ginia. He also leaves one brother and a sister, J. M. Musser, of Los Angeles, Cal,, and Mrs. J. R. Smith, of Pine Grove Mills. Burial was made at La- dysmith on Armistice day. Il J HARTMAN. — Mrs. Yio Jane Hartman, widow of C. W. Hartman, died at her home in Millheim last Thursday evening as the result of a stroke of paralysis, aged 72 years, 11 months and 21 days. She is survived by three sons and three daughters, Mrs. Mae Lose, of Youngstown, Ohio; Frank M., of Wilkes-Barre; Mrs. J. C. Hosterman, of Millheim; Clyde B. and Harry B., of State College, and Mrs. E. R. Shreckengast, of Millheim. She also leaves one brother and a sister, H. C. Frankenberger, of near Mill- heim, and Mrs. Emma Bartges, of Penn Hall. Burial was made at Mill- heim on Monday afternoon. Il I} VAUGHN. — Thomas H. Vaughn died at his home at Windber, Somer- set county, last Thursday. He had been an invalid for fifteen years but only seriously ill about three weeks. He was a native of Taylor township, this county, but a good part of his life was spent in the mining regions. For a number of years past he had been a mine inspector at Windber. In 1900 he married Miss Sadie Tanyer, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Tanyer, of Pine Grove Mills, who sur- vives with no children. The remains were taken to Pine Grove Mills where burial was made in the new cemetery on Saturday afternoon. MARKLE.—Mrs. Laura Araminta! FAUST.—James Koch Faust died at Markle, wife of John I. Markle, died his home in Tyrone on Tuesday, fol- at her home at Bellwood, on Sunday, | lowing an illness of five years with a following an illness of some weeks complication of diseases. A month or Her | more ago he went to the Clearfield maiden name was Laura Steffey, and hospital where he spent several weeks, she was born in Stone valley on Sep- | returning home last week slightly im- tember 25th, 1853, hence was a little ! past sixty-seven years old. She was | proved. On Monday, however, he suf- fered a relapse and died on Tuesday. He was born in Buffalo Run valley on August 16th, 1853, hence was in his seventieth year. In 1881 he mar- ried Miss Ellen E. Bohrer and prac- tically all of their married life was spent in Tyrone. Mrs. Faust died last May but surviving him are the fol- lowing children: Budd Faust, of Mt. Union; Mrs. David Whittaker, of Phil- adelphia; Mrs. Charles Belin, Gray and Theodore, all of Tyrone. He also leaves one brother and a sister, John Faust, of Braddock, and Mrs. John Strunk, of Warriorsmark. Funeral services will be held at his late home in Tyrone at 12:30 o’clock today by Rev. E. G. Sawyer, after which the re- mains will be taken to the Pine Hall cemetery for burial. i I | | MINGLE. —Word was received in! Bellefonte yesterday of the death on | Wednesday of Capt. D. H. Mingle, at | his home in Maxwell, Iowa, following | an illness of one year. He was a son | | years practiced his profession at Mill- | heim. Forty years or more ago he went west and located in Maxwell, | Iowa, and that has been his home ever since. He is survived by his wife, who prior to her marriage was a Miss Bair, | of Potter township, and several chil- | dren. He also leaves three brothers, Thomas J., of Minneapolis; Albert, of Bellefonte, and Edward, of Aarons- | burg. Burial will be made at Max- | well, Iowa. A herd of 18 pure bred and reg- istered Holsteins for sale at Belle- fonte, Nov. 29. 46-1t | Big Blast Put Off by Chemical Lime | Co. on Wednesday. Six tons of dynamite and two hun- | dred pounds of TNT. were used in a! big blast put off at 4:45 o'clock on | Wednesday afternoon at the quarries | of the Chemical Lime company, up | Buffalo Run valley, and from thirty to | forty thousand tons of limestone rock | were dislodged and shattered, enough to keep the plant running for many | months. The blast was put off under the supervision of representatives of the Hercules Powder company, and so | well had it been planned that only a | rumbling sound was noticeable in Bellefonte. : The idea of putting off the blast was | conceived by the company several | months ago and when news of the fact became public considerable alarm was | felt in some quarters as to the dam- ! age it might do. State officials even took a hand in the matter by sending | a man here to see if there was any i possibility of such a blast damaging | the Big Spring in Bellefonte, but the | men who were put in charge of the | work were confident no such disas- | trous results would follow. Nine six-inch holes were drilled from the top of the cliff to a depth of ninety-five feet. These holes were located back some distance from the face of the cliff and loaded with the dynamite and TNT. Electrical con- nections were used in putting off the blast, and instead of a thundering noise and a shower of flying rocks there was a deep, rumbling intonation, a noticeable vibration of the earth and the whole face of the cliff in the quarry was shoved out and shattered to pieces. A A sss si. Come to the Bellefonte Busi- ness Men’s Association live stock sale, Nov. 29. 46-1t i | Death Caused by Stove Explosion. Mrs. Guido C. Boecking, of Tyrone, but who was well known by many Bellefonte people, died on Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Bergstresser, of Pittsburgh, as the re- sult of burns and shock sustained in the explosion of a gas heater in the bath room. Mrs. Boecking had gone to the bath room and struck a match to light the gas when the explosion occurred. She was badly burned and this, with the shock, caused her death in a few hours. Her maiden name was Foster and she was born at Mifflinburg. Her hus- band prior to his death a few years ago, was one of the leading druggists of Tyrone. Surviving her are her daughter, Mrs. Bergstresser, and her mother, Mrs. Foster, who made her home with her daughter in Tyrone. The remains were taken through Bellefonte yesterday afternoon to Mifflinburg for burial. ——Bellefonte is the place to save money on Dollar day, Nov. 29. 46-1t Christmas Bazaar. Tuesday afternoon, December 5th, at 2 o’clock sharp, is the time for the Christmas sale in the Episcopal par- ish house. A table of wonderful fan- cy articles, also plain ones. Foods of all descriptions, candy, too. Christ- mas cards at all prices. White ele- phant table and the grab bag. Re- freshments of coffee, tea and sand- | wiches sold all afternoon and evening. : Go and look, if you don’t buy. A Api sss. Come to the Bellefonte Busi- ness Men’s Association sale of live stock, Nov. 29. 46-1t HOWARD W. BUTLER Next Evening. Keystone Players Friday The first of the series of entertain- ments to be presented under the au- spices of the Y. M. C. A. will be given in “the little theatre at the Y,” Fri- a life-long member, after which burial | of Henry A. and Eve Bower Mingle day evening, December 1st, the per- and was born at Aaronsburg seventy- | four years ago. As a young man he | studied medicine and for a number of formance beginning at 8:15 o’ciock. All of the five performances are be- ing given by the Keystone players, or under their direction. The numbers include high class monologists, magi- cians, cartoonists, vocal and instru- mental soloists, and sketches, closing with a three-act comedy. Tickets for the entire course are being sold by the Y. W. girls and members of the Wom- an’s Auxiliary, at $1.50. Reserved seats 10 cents extra. The personnel of the first group of players includes Helene Fry Hoffman, musical monologist; Miss Elizabeth Stopper, violinist; Howard W. Butler, reader; Miss Isabel Brown, dancer, and L. C. Townsend, the latter being the director of the entire course. Mr. Townsend will play in Bellefonte three times during the winter, twice with sketches and once with the com- edy company. Helene Fry Hoffman has won a wide reputation as a reader and actress, be- ing a graduate of the Emerson school | of oratory, Boston, and with a wide experience gained in professional the- | atrical work. Mr. Butler, a graduate of Dickinson, has, for the last ten years, delighted Pennsylvania audienc- es with his work. Miss Stopper, who played last sea- son with a moving picture corporation, has returned to her first love, the vio- lin, to which she has devoted several vears of study in New York city. Miss Brown comes to Bellefonte from Sun- bury, where she has been playing with the Kramer Stock company. She is a juvenile dancer of unusual ability, and is equally at home in a speaking role. The opening half of the first enter- | tainment Friday evening, December : 1st, will be solo numbers by these four artists. The second half will be the presentation of the famous one-act English drama, “In Honor Bound.” In this drama Mr. Townsend plays the part of Sir George Carlyon, a London players in this drama. “In Honor Bound” is a tense story of domestic life in aristocratic life, replete with startling climaxes, and | containing but very little humor. The players who bring it to Bellefonte have played their respective rolls many times before, so a smooth and finished production is assured. The other numbers to be presented later in the season are so varied that every taste for entertainment will be gratified. Among the players to be seen here later is Freddy Walsh, for several seasons with Bowman’s Min- strels and later with the Vitagraph Corporation. Mr. Walsh recently com- pleted a successful season with stock productions. Mr. Butler, Miss Stop- per, Mrs. Hoffman and Mr. Townsend will also be seen here in later offer- ings. You can list your farm stock with the County Farm Agent or G. O. Gray, secretary Bellefonte Business Men’s Association. 46-1t Hospital Benefit Game. At 2 p. m. Saturday, November 25th, on Hughes field, the football fans of Bellefonte will be afforded a treat extraordinary in the way of a game between the local High school and the ! North ward collegians. The latter is composed for the most part of “stars” from the following schools, colleges and universities: Princeton, Yale Lafayette, Williams, Penn State, Bucknell, Gettysburg, Bellefonte Academy, St. Lukes, A. E. F. Uni- versity, and the Great School of Life. Engagements may prevent the ap- pearance of Morris and Taylor, of West Point; Fredericks, of Yale, and Wilson, of Lafayette, while an injury in the knee will possibly keep Quigley, of Williams, from the line up. How- ever, their places will be filled with other competent men. And the flying back-field with Ish- ler, Moore and Stock, from the High school faculty, will prove a dangerous threat against the Varsity line. As the entire proceeds are to go to the Bellefonte hospital Mr. Hughes has kindly offered the use of his field and some equipment for the players. 25 cents will be the admission and manager Scott, Princeton, ’17, of the collegians, guarantees the spectators more than their money’s worth of ex- citement. ; Dental Hygienist Goes to Philipsburg. — Miss Henrietta Waters, graduate of the Rochester Dental Hygiene school, who has been deing dental hygiene work in the public and parochial schools, left Wednesday for Philips- burg, where she will continue the same work in the schools there. It is a matter for regret that Miss Waters could not have remained long- er in our schools as her services were muchly needed but the tuberculosis committee had funds to support the work only two months and Miss Waters engagement had to terminate this week. From Philipsburg she will go to State College. ! The writer is a tax payer and knows : full well the constant appeal for mon- ey through the various drives, ete., | but, glancing over the list, is there one . investment quite so good as promot- ing health and preventing disease? : The Red Cross nurse and health-edu- { cation work of the Tuberculosis com- mittee bring a bigger return to the community for the money invested than any other agency and yet how very small the amount needed to finance this work as compared with that needed to support the hospital. Bear in mind that the more money spent in preventing disease, the less there will be needed to support hos- pitals, asylums and other similar in- stitutions. The only single contributor to the dental hygiene fund was Miss Lyde Thomas, who, after hearing an appeal for several different causes, decided the most worthy to be dental hygiene work in our own schools and, unsolic- ited, sent a contribution for its main- tenance. May the day be hastened when a school nurse, visiting commu- nity nurse, dental clinic and whatever contributes to the. physical welfare of our community will be supported as part of the town budget rather than by reluctantly-asked-for contributions in Red Cross and tuberculosis Christ- mas seal drives! Each merchant will have spe- cial bargains on Dollar day, Nov. 29. 46-1t Woman’s Club Program for the Year Completed. All of the lectures for the Belle- fonte Woman's club had not been defi- nitely decided upon when the prelim- , inary announcement was published a month ago but Dean Chambers, of State College, has since completed the following program: November 27—Dr. Jacob Tanyer, “Government by Political Parties.” January 29—Dr. A. E. Martin, “The U. S. and the Far East.” February 26—Prof. A. L. Kocher, “What is Good Architecture.” March 26—Dr. W. S. Dye Jr.— “What is Bernard Shaw?” April 30—Dr. J. E. DeCamp— “Modern Psychology.” The first in this series, “The Mo- hammedan in the Modern World,” giv- en by Prof. W. F. Dunaway, October 1 30th, in the High school auditorium, | was attentively listened to by a larger ‘than usual attendance of women and ' several men interested to learn more , of the relation of the Turks to the { jurist. Helene Fry Hoffman, Miss | present political situation in Europe. | Stopper, and Mr. Butler are the other : As it is predicted that five years will | see the world involved in another and ‘greater war, Professor Dunaway’s | subject was a most timely one. This series, offered by the Woman’s club, was arranged by Dean Cham- bers, of the educational extension school, to suit the varied tastes of a ' general public and it is hoped that many will take advantage of the op- portunity. The lectures will be in the High school auditorium, are free and for both women and men. ——Mr. Farmer, bring your live stock and turn it into cash at the live stock sale in Bellefonte, Nov. 29. 46-1t Both Mrs. Melvin J. Locke and I Mrs. John Bullock entertained last i night, the former at the Nittany coun- !try club, where she was hostess at a card dinner, for which forty covers were laid, while Mrs. Bullock’s guests were entertained with cards, at the Bullock home, on Curtin street. ——The Bellefonte Camp P. O. S. + of A. has made arrangements to pur- chase the entire equipment of Gregg Post G. A. R., in their rooms in the Potter-Hoy Hardware company build- ing. The price agreed upon is $600. ——Remember the date of the live stock sale, Bellefonte, Nov. 29. 46-1t The Left Hind Foot of a Rabbit Caught in the Dark of the Moon Is claimed to have much influence for good. If caught in a graveyard its power against evil is unlimited. If it had the power to restore over- taxed eyes, which cause so many head- ‘ aches, we would have them on sale, but knowing it has no such power we advise properly-fitted spectacles. I will advise you honestly. Consult me today. Prices moderate. Dr. Eva B. Roan, Optometrist. censed by the State Board. Bellefonte every Saturday, 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. State College every day except Sun- | day. Both phones. Li- |B Dollar Day WEDNESDAY, Nov. 29 GARMAN’S | 8