Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 10, 1922, Image 1

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    Demonic pom
~ —Congressman Volstead is gone,
but not forgotten.
—Former President Wilson is just
smiling, not gloating.
—The failure to defeat Lodge in
Massachusetts is about the only fly in
the ointment.
——1It may be true that all men are
liars but every defeated candidate is
persuaded that the number of liars is
increasing rapidly.
——LEvery cloud has a silver lining
and somebody gets comfort out of
most incidents. William C. Sproul
will soon join Martin Brumbaugh in a
well earned oblivion.
——Bill Vare has certainly quali-
fied for leadership in the Republican
party. He ran for two offices on
Tuesday which was an indication of
lust for power beyond the average.
—Those who fear that the Moslems
are rising to conquer the world might
well ponder the wonders Christianity
would work were they as loyal to
Christ as the Moslems are to Buddah.
—1It doesn’t seem possible that such
could be the case, but we have heard
that women’s votes were being bought
in Bellefonte, on Tuesday, at a dollar
a head. Poor things, if they wanted
to sell their independence they ought
to have demanded the man’s price,
which we have heard was five dollars.
—The first Democratic Senator from
Michigan in seventy years, the first
Democratic Congressman from the
Dauphin district in fifty-seven years
and rock-ribbed Republican New
Hampshire gone clear over to Democ-
racy are outstanding upsets of the re-
cent reversal of the political thoughts
of the country.
—So it is Congressman Billy
Swoope. Well, well! And almost the
last thing Billy did before he was
elected was to tell them up in Brad-
ford that his party saved the farmers
from distress by giving them the
Farm Loan bill that was enacted by a
Democratic Congress and signed by a
Democratic President.
—Two years ago Snow Shoe bor-
ough and the two precincts of Snow
Shoe township gave Beaver a majori-
ty of 377 over Naginey. On Tuesday
the same precincts gave him a major-
ity of only 41 over Miss Zoe Meek.
That is her home district, where peo-
ple knew her best and, certainly, her
vote there was a wonderful expression
of the esteem in which she is held.
—We’re not worrying about State’s
defeat at the hands of the Navy last
Friday. It seems only yesterday that
we would have been tickled sick if we
had been able to cross the goal line on
one of our annual visits to Annapolis,
when a victory over Bucknell at Wil-
liamsport meant the culmination of a
highly successful season. State is no
longer in the bush-leagues. She’s up
with the big ones now, where some-
thing more than coaching is needed.
She’s got a coach, the peer of all, a
line that will screen anything behind
it, but, the players behind it are born,
not made. A McCaskey, a Sutter, an
Atherton, a Mcllveen, a Voris, a
Mauthe, a Miller, a Killinger don’t
matriculate at any College every year.
— This is election night and here we
sit placidly writing this stuff. Ten
years ago had any one told us that on
such an occasion we would have been
doing anything else than gloating over
or trying to figure some comfort out
of incoming returns we would have
asked for a commission on him at
once. We used to think an election
board couldn’t organize unless we
were there and that it hadn’t any
right to close the polls until we had
given the last “floater” personal con-
duct inside the rail. In the old days
sister got up and had breakfast ready
for us at six-fifteen. She never saw
us again until seven-fifteen when a
cup of steaming coffee and a sandwich
or so was served before we had to
hurry out to collect the returns. To-
day, sister didn’t know whether she
was a horse or a foot. She was get-
ting out the vote in the West ward
and we had to stay at home and ex-
amine the type for lice. Have the pet-
ticoats got us or is it old age?
— Once we were told that surprise
is a sign of ill breeding. Often we
have heard it said that superstition is
a sign of illiteracy. We have no in-
tention of fulsomely discussing either
proposition, for so doing might con-
viet us of both; because we have often
experienced surprise and own to a
rather satisfied feeling when we hap-
pen to glimpse a new moon over our
right shoulder. To get to the point
though, do you believe in signs? If
you do we have a new one for you.
It is a way to get rid of rats and a
very simple one too. Make dough-
nuts on Shrove Tuesday. Then take
the grease the doughnuts were cooked
in and with it paint the wagon tongue
—if you have one—point the tongue
in the direction you want the rats to
vamoose and you'll need no more cats,
ferrets or poison. Of course we have
had “hunches” and we wouldn’t dig in
the ground on Ascension day or plant
garden truck in the down sign of the
moon, but we'd be a litle skeptical as
to this
tongue rat runner if we didn’t person-
ally know of a place where it was tried
with highly interesting results. The
day before the tongue was greased the
rats were having as much fun with an
army of cats as the Bellefonte kids
are supposed to have with our police-
men. That was over a year ago and
from that day to this there hasn't
been a rat seen about the place.
‘the Father of
doughnut - grease-wagon |
‘adopted the easiest way to get it.
SA emoecta
VOL. 67.
Ford Hope May be Realized.
According to the esteemed New
York World a long cherished hope of
many Democrats of the country that
Montecello, the home of Thomas Jef-
ferson, may be acquired and convert-
ed into an American shrine, may soon
be realized. For many years there
was public expectation that the State
of Virginia would purchase and pre-
serve in its original form this home of
the father of Democracy. Dispairing
of this result Mr. Jefferson M. Levy,
of New York, purchased the property
and proposed the organization of the
Thomas Jefferson National Memorial
association as an instrument for the
completion of the project. The World
announces that the consummation of
the plans for the enterprise are al-
most perfected.
- Mr. Levy offers the property to the
Association for $500,000, the price he
paid upon a payment of $50,000, and
with others associated with him in the
original transaction offers to under-
write the balance. Of course this
would involve a voluntary contribu-
tion to the capital fund of the asso-
ciation without expectation of reward
other than the satisfaction of paying
just tribute to the memory of the
greatest of our Presidents, and next to
Washington the most illustrious of
our public men. This project has been
talked about for many years and
ought to have been accomplished long
ago. But the neglect of our predeces-
sors gives the opportunity to our-
selves to achieve the result.
Every Democrat in the United
States, and millions of men in other
countries, cherish fond memories of
Thomas Jefferson. As the author of
the Declaration of Independence and
among the foremost of those great
men who devised and set in operation
our form of government it is not an
exaggeration to say that he was
among the greatest benefactors of all
times and throughout the world. As
Mount Vernon, the home of Washing-
ton has become a patriotic shrine, not
only for Americans but for all nations,
it is fit and proper that similar hon-
ors should be paid to the memory of
the ‘Démocratic party as
well as one of the most distinguished
figures among those who created our
Those coal region folk who
commandeered all the coal in sight
may have hurt the feelings of the
dubs who have been appointed to reg-
ulate the distribution of coal but the
school children will forgive them.
Small Tax Dodgers Penalized.
News comes from Washington to
the effect that the commissioner of
internal revenue has organized a force
of sleuths to be distributed through-
out the country for the purpose of
rounding up dodgers of income and
other forms of internal taxation. “It
is estimated,” writes a Washington
correspondent, “that the Treasury is
losing a billion dollars annually by the
dodging of corporations and individ-
uals” and the purpose of the com-
missioner is to stop this leak. The
process will be expensive, no doubt,
for gum shoe men are usually high
priced but the chances are it will
prove profitable for there are many
tax dodgers in all sections of the
For partisan reasons Congress re-
cently cut a billion or more from the
revenue receipts by decreasing the ex-
cess profit taxes and the super taxes
on big incomes, but the beneficiaries
of that legislation are generous con-
tributors to the Republican campaign
fund. The proposed action of the
commissioner of internal revenue is to
be taken in order to reimburse the
treasury from the pockets of small in-
come earners for the loss caused by
the favor of the few who measure
their incomes by hundreds of thous-
ands and millions. The little fellows
have no right to dodge their obliga-
tions to the government and the com-
missioner not only intends to make
them pay but to penalize their dodg-
Ever since the Civil war the aim of
those who have controlled the tax leg-
islation has been to put the burden of
expense upon those who being too
poor to make resistance may be easi-
ly compelled to pay. Imposing the
burden upon those most able to bear
it is the scientific method of taxation,
but it has never been the method of
the Republican leaders or statesmen.
They reason that it is a waste of en-
ergy to levy taxes upon persons able
to put up a fight when the money can
be extracted from the poor devils who
can’t afford to refuse. But the gov-
ernment must have the money and the
commissioner of internal revenue has
Automobiles killed 10,168 per-
sons in thirty-four States during 1921.
Unless this form of life destruction is
stopped there will be no need of pes- |
tilence or war to keep down popula- |
The Country Protests the Iniquitous Tariff Legistation
and Rebukes a non-Constructive Congress
Pennsylvania for Pinchot but Yields Eight Congressional Seats to Democracy.
In this Dis-
trict Betts Won the Senate Fight aud Beaver Defeated Miss Meek for Assembly
The election in Centre county was |
without color except for the strenuous |
effort put forth for Scott and Beaver. '
Of the total registration of 21,934
slightly more than half the votes,
11,050, were out to the polls. While
on the face of the returns it would ap-
pear that there were more Republican
stay-at-homes than Democrats we are
inclined to believe that it was about a
fifty-fifty break in delinquents, for it
was Republicans who voted the Dem-
ocratic ticket that ran the poll of our
party up and held that of their own
Just what might have happened had
the Democrats of Centre county alone
polled their full vote would have been
the election of Miss Meek to the Leg-
islature and J. Frank Snyder to Con-
gress. Of course the water is over
the mill, but it does seem unfortunate
that when we had the opportunity
and so many Republicans were willing
and even anxious for us to grasp it
that so many Democrats, like one we
heard of over in Harris township,
stayed at home because they thought
it “was no use.”
In the Congressional race William
1. Swoope, of Clearfield, won every
county in the district: Centre by
126; Clearfield by 664; McKean by
1200; giving him a majority over Sny-
der of approximately 2144.
Tor State Senator the result in Cen-
tre county was Betts 5735 and Scott
5286. In this contest evidently the
voters were more interested than in
any other than that of McSparran and
Pinchot, for the total poll was only. 29
votes less than for that of the head of
the ticket and hundreds more than
the totals of any of the other candi-
dates. It is impossible to analyze this
vote and show what percentage of Re-
publicans voted against Scott, for it is
quite well established that many Dem-
ocrats, some openly and others under
cover, were supporting him.
The vote in the District was as fol-
: Betts Scott
Centre - - - 5735 6241
Clearfield - - - 8108 5286
13841 11527
Betts Majority 2314
Of all the contests that for the Leg-
islature between the Hon. Tom Bea-
ver and Miss Zoe Meek was most in-
teresting. Miss Meek was Centre’s
woman pioneer in county politics. Her
campaign was started in the face of
indifference on the part of some of her
own party leaders and wound up with-
out having had their co-operation.
She was almost alone, but made a
fight that will long be remembered for
its clean conduct and near success in
the face of the many disadvantages a
woman is under in playing the politic-
al game.
Miss Meek has much to be proud of.
Two years ago her opponent carried
Centre county with a majority of
8146. On T.iesday he defeated her by
185. While the two most apparent
contributions to her defeat were the
difficulty in getting some reconciled to
the novelty of voting for a woman
and the fact that Mr. Beaver was on
the Prohibition ticket and secured a
hundred or more votes from that
source, it is certain that she was cut
by some Democrats who professed to
be for her. Some think, but we don’t,
that the eleventh hour story, that was
whispered around, reflecting on her
character, hurt her some. Such a
cowardly, base calumny cannot go un-
challenged and the “Watchman” hopes
that its originator may be discovered
so that he or she may grovel at the
feet of this pure woman and beg her
Mr. Beaver will admit that he can
never hope to have a cleaner and fair-
er opponent than was his in last Tues-
day’s race and certainly he must re-
gret the pollution that some of his
advocates have tainted his victory
———— A —————————
Lloyd George has been appoint-
ed to the House of Commons but he is
likely to have a lonely time of it there.
Only forty others of his party were
The automobile racers are pre-
paring to organize “a protective bo-
dy.” But strangely enough it is not
the purpose to protect the public.
tr —— a
—When the Red Cross roll is called
on Sunday will you be there?
NO. 44.
Sultanate and Caliphate.
From the Philadelphia Record.
Angora has given a perfect imita-
tion of a man sawing off the branch
he is sitting on. During four years of
war the Indian Moslems fought for
George V against Mohammed V be-
| cause the Sultan was simply the head
of a State with which the Brit-
ish Raj was at war. But the
Allies dallied unp&rdonably over
the terms of peace to Turkey,
and Mustapah Kemal then or-
ganized his Nationalist party, set up
a government in Angora and aroused
the Moslems of India with the ery that
i the Allies’ terms to Turkey invaded
The magnitude of the Democratic |
tions became fully apparent yesterday
as fairly complete returns showed the
staggering reverses suffered by Re-
publican administration candidates,
which drove some of President Hard-
ing’s closest personal and political
friends from public life, endangered
Republican control of the next House;
seriously reduced the Republican mar-
gin in the Senate; put New York
State overwhelmingly in Democratic
control, and generally changed the
country’s political complexion.
The gathering of returns has re-
That the Democrats have gained at
least sixty-six seats in the next House,
making it necessary for them to win
but twenty-one more to control the
That the Republican control of the
Senate has been reduced from twenty-
four to less than fifteen. Contests in
doubt make it impossible to fix the ex-
act margin definitely.
That Ohio, President Harding's
home State, on which the administra-
tion pinned its strongest hopes for ap-
proval of the Harding program, elect-
ed a Democratic Governor and showed
Democratic Congressional gains, thus
frustrating the hopes of Republican
. That New York State was swept
into the Democratic column so over-
whelmingly that not only Al Smith,
Democratic candidate for Governor,
and Royal S. Copeland, for Senator,
were elected, but the entire Democrat-
ie State ticket, and a majority of the
Senate delegation.
a That such Republican strongholds
as. Rhode Island and New Hampshire
fell into the Democratic procession.
That Senator Henry Cabot Lodge,
leader and chief sachem of the Repub-
lican party, was in danger of defeat
by Colonel William A. Gaston in
Massachusetts, in the closest election
that State has seen in years. So close
were they running that it was indicat-
ed the final votes counted might de-
termine the icsue. As it now stands
Lodge has a majority of only 8425
and talk of a state-wide recount is
_ That expected Republican victories
in Kansas, Indiana, New Jersey and
possibly in Michigan, failed to ma-
That on the wet and dry issue there
seemed to be an even break as to
state-wide results, but considerable
wet gains in Congress. Illinois and
Massachusetts voted wet, Ohio and
California swinging into the dry col-
Two women apparently were the only
successful candidates for Congress
from among twelve who aspired. They
were Mrs. Winifred Mason Huck, Re-
publican, Illinois, elected to succeed
her father, the late Representative
William Mason, and a Democratic
woman from Indiana. Miss Ailce Rob-
ertson, Representative from Oklaho-
ma, was beaten, and Mrs. Anna Dickie,
Oleson, Senatorial candidate in Min-
nesota, was a poor third.
Victor Berger, Socialist, ousted from
the last Congress, again was returned.
Andrew Volstead, father of the dry
law, was beaten by the Rev. O. J.
Kvale, a drier rival. Representative
Nondell, Bepubifoan leader in the last
e, failed in hi i
Soars, all s effort to get into
pansion, Hitchooek,
ance, aryland; Frelinghuysen
New Jersey; Townsend, Poin ly are
among the Senate veterans who will
be seen no more after March 4, as a
result of the voting. Ohio, where Vic
Donahey, Democrat, has beaten Carmi
ompson, Harding’s choice for Gov-
All |
over the nation they cut dow
the huge Republican Ai of irk
years ago, and in States where they
did not score overwhelming victories,
restored the normal balance between
the parties, as it existed before the
Harding landslide two years ago.
_ Pinchot and the entire Republican
ticket has carried the State by major-
ities ranging from 200,000 to 300,000.
Pepper and Reed, for Senators, ran
far ahead of the Forester, everywhere.
The result is not without comfort to
the Democrats, however, for we have
gained eight, possibly more, Con-
gressmen, whereas the State had only
one Democrat in the last Congress. In
the Dauphin district Frank C. Sites is
the first Democratic Congressman
since Civil war times. From Luzerne
John J. Casey goes back after an ab-
sence of four years. From Northum-
berland and Montour Herbert W.
Cummings was elected. From York
Samuel F. Gladfelter will succeed a
Republican and the Fourteenth, Thir-
tieth, Thirty-sixth will have Demo-
cratic Representatives.
(Continued on page 4, Col. 2)
nation-wide sweep in Tuesday’s elec- |
the prerogative of the Caliph and the
! religion of Islam was in danger.
The British government was easily
scared by reports of the disaffection
of the Indian Moslems. There was
disaffection among the Hindus, but
they are not a warlike race. On the
other hand, the Moslems of whatever
blood strain are warlike, and there
are about 72,000,000 of them, of whom
probably 12,000,000 are Shiahs, who
curse the Sunnis, orthodox Moslems,
with great heartiness. :
The Sultan’s Caliphate rests upon a
very slender title. It was extorted
from a prisoner who was the Caliph
of Egypt, but he was not the Sultan
of Egypt; he was no more than a
court chaplain. When the Sultan of
Turkey had conquered the Sultan of
Egypt he took the Caliph to Constan-
tinople, where the latter ceded his of-
fice to the Sultan. The Arabs have
never conceded the Sultan’s title.
The Persians are Shiahs and detest
the Turks. The Moslems of Tripoli,
Tunis and Algeria were subjects of
Turkey not so long ago, and proba-
bly the Caliphate and the Sultinate
are closely associated in their minds.
The Moslems of Morocco, Turkistan,
Afghanistan and India have a very ha-
zy interest in the Caliphate, which ac-
cording to learned Moslems, descends
in the posterity of the Prophet, and
the Sultans of Turkey do not pretend
to be descended from the Prophet;
they are Turcomans and not Arabs.
Practically the Caliphate amounted
to nothing outside of Turkey until
after the war, when Mustapha Kemal
got India aroused with the idea that
the Sultan was the Caliph and the
peace terms to Turkey affected the
status of the Moslem religion. The
whole stock in trade of Mustapss:
lies has
mal in dealing with the ©
been that the Sultan was the Caliph.
Now his National Assembly separates
the temporal from the spiritual pow-
er and allows the Sultan only the lat-
ter. The tie of Turkey to India is cut.
The Grand Vizier in Constantinople
telegraphs Mustapha Kemal that any
measure affecting the status of the
Sultan will impair Turkey’s position
abroad and that the Allies will gain
at Lausanne at the expense of Turkey
if there is any division between the
Sublime Porte and the National As-
sembly. Nothing could be more ob-
vious than this. Mr. Sastri, an In-
dian, but not a Moslem, says that the
Moslems of India “will be thoroughly
disillusioned and bitterly disappoint-
ed. This will confirm the conviction
among sincere Indian Moslems that
the young Turks are concerned ex-
clusively with politics and have no
reverence or regard for the Moham-
medan religion.” The Emir Abdul-
lah of Arabia says the action has no
effect upon his people because “the
population of Arabia does not recog-
nize the Sultan of Turkey as the Ca-
If Mustapha Kemal is plotting to
rule a restored Turkey with all the
foreign Christians withdrawn and all
the native Christians exterminated
he has probably overreached himself.
The Romance of Advertising.
From the DuBois Express.
_The adventurer who starts out on
his travels meets perils and dangers,
and by his shrewdness and initiative,
manages to avert them and accom-
plish the purpose of his journey.
People say his story is romantic.
But you do not have to go to the fron-
| tiers and ends of the earth to find ro-
The advance of many young men in
commercial life has this element of
romance, of triumph over difficulties.
At the start they did not look like
winners. Often they did not have
much education or social advantages.
But they had an idea in their head,
that by telling the public what you
have to sell, and supplying good stuff,
you can invariably win trade.
From the very opening of their lit-
tle shops, those fellows would begin
telling the public about their goods.
They considered that the distribution
of this information was just as much
an essential of business as hiring a
store to trade in. And from the very
first, as the result of this idea, the pub-
lic responded to their initiative, and
came in increasing numbers to see
what they were selling.
_ As their sales grew, so their pub-
licity would grow. In many cities
fellows who were at first laughed at
for their deficiencies, have risen to
the top of the ladder, just because
they made use of the power of adver-
tising. Their triumph over obstacles
and difficulties had as much romance
as the adventures of the traveler in
far lands.
——The normalcy which Harding
promised is probably expressed in the
400 per cent. dividend recently de-
clared by the Standard Oil company.
—Get your job work done here.
—Engaged in clearing away a freight
wreck at White Marsh Junction on Sat-
urday, in which two Harrisburg trainmen
were killed Joseph Hansella, a member of
the wrecking crew was run down by a
shifting engine, had a leg cut off and died
in the Montgomery hospital at Norristown.
— Fifteen inmates of the Northumberland
county jail will receive a free course in civ-
il engineering taught by State College in-
structors, warden William H. Calhoun Sr.,
announced on Saturday. The course was
instituted as a result of efforts by the Rev.
Dr. B. Talbott Rodgers, of St. Matthew's
Episcopal church.
__H. B. Swoope, the well known Madera
coal operator, who also has extensive in-
terests near Philipsburg, has just closed a
deal whereby he becomes the owner of a
fine body of coal in Jordan township,
Clearfield county. The tract contains 302
acres and was purchased from Mrs. Jen-
nie Nevling, the consideration being
$48,462. ;
—As Frank Portzline, of Aline, Snyder
county, helplessly paralyzed, sat in a chair
alone in his home, three men entered and
said they were doctors. They examined
him, and when they left drove rapidly
away. They had stolen his wallet contain-
ing $100 in bills. It was an hour before a
son came from a field, and then the men
had disappeared in a high-powered car.
—Firing through the door of a house
barred against her when she attempted to
collect a small board bill, Mrs. Hannah
Pondexter, a widow, 42 vears of age, of
Brownsville, Pa., is alleged to have killed
Pauline Wichte, a five year old girl in the
house at the time of the shooting. The
woman was arrested by state police after
the shooting and lodged in the Fayette
county jail.
Chalmers Van Dyke and J. F. Bodeun-
horn, members of a train crew employed in
the yards of the Punxsutawney Furnace
company at Punxsutawney, were horribly
burned when a ladle of molten metal over-
flowed upon them while they were hauling
it from one point in the yards to another.
The men were on the train near the ladle
when the train was jolted and the hot met-
al splashed upon them.
_ —Attacked by a mountain hawk, Mrs.
Charles E. Sorge, living in Carson valley,
Blair county, is recovering from the en-
counter. She was working in her garden
when the hawk swept down and struck her
with its beak and clawed her with its tal-
ons, tearing her arms and hands. Seizing
a club, she struck the bird on the head,
stunning it. then tossed it into a chicken
coop, where it is still confined. i
— The Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh
railroad will move the large part of its
office of transportation from DuBois to
Punxsutawney on November 15th. Ap-
proximately fifty men and women em-
ployed by the railway company in DuBois
will be removed to Punxsutawney, which
includes eighteen men with families and
about thirty single men and women. The
change means about 125 more people for
— Gunners were surprised last Thursday
when they discovered cached in woodland
near Neiffer’s store, Montgomery county,
1000 pounds of lard, 100 pounds of ham, a
lot of bacon, scores of cans of peas and
corn, etc. Police chief Scheets found the
goods were stolen last August from. the
stores of Warren H. Freed and W. F. Con-
rad, of Boyertown. At Fruitville gunners
found a lot of lard in cans, silver knives
and forks and fine chinaware in a woods.
—Francis M. Stewart, of Sunbury, a fu-
gitive for nearly a year, was taken on
Saturday to Middleburg to await trial on
a charge of burglarizing the store of Ray -
Johnson, at Shamokin Dam, and stealing
goods worth $25 Two others implicated
in the burglary are now serving prison
terms. Stewart had been in New York
State and went to Danville last Mondty and
secured employment at the State hospital.
He was arrested there by the state police.
—Charles Bomboy, 45 years old, a far-
mer of Mifflin township, Columbia county,
committed suicide on Sunday by shooting
himself through the head with a revolver.
His body was found by passersby soon
after the shooting. Bomboy had figured in
Columbia and Luzerne county court pro-
ceedings in more than a dozen cases ‘dur-
ing the last year, numerous civil and crim-
inal proceedings growing out of a dispute
over crops on the farm, which is partially
in Luzerne and partly in Columbia county.
—After a week's search by Boy Scouts
and organized posses over the mountains
near Llewellyn, Luzerne county, a mining
patch, a scurrying rabbit chased by three
miners disclosed the presence thirty-five
feet below the surface in a mine breach
of Mrs. Letta Kehler, 71 years old, who dis-
appeared after she had turned from the
path 100 feet from her home. “The rab-
bit’s in the hole,” one of the men explain-
ed. “So am I, get me out,” was the as-
tonishing echo. The men found the wom-
an on a ledge three feet from a 600 foot
drop into an abandoned mine workings.
She stated on Sunday she had been there
three days.
—“Fatty Arbuckle,” a prize 600 pound
hog, owned by a farmer at Wetmore, jump-
ed from a wagon in Kane, last Friday, and
ran directly into the Temple theatre, where
a matinee performance was in progress.
The big pig smashed through the swinging
doors and reached the main aisle of the
theatre before he was turned back to the
vestibule, where after an exciting tussle
“Fatty” was secured and led from the
building. The hog then escaped his cap-
tors and an interesting game of “pig in the
alley” was participated in by a hundred
volunteer players. Traffic was blocked for
an hour before the mammoth porker was
finally hoisted into a motor truck by twen-
ty men and taken to a slaughter house.
—Six complete electric locomotives, rep-
resenting the third shipment of an order
for 39, were started on Saturday from the
Bast Pittsburgh works of the Westing-
house Electric and Manufacturing compa-
ny, the shipment representing about $700,-
000 of the $7,000,000 contract given the
Westinghouse International company by
the Chilean State railways. The locomo-
tives are of the road freight type and
weigh 113 tons each. They go from Phila-
delphia directly to Valparaiso, Chile, where
they will be used on the railroad from that
city to Santiago. The contract received by
the Westinghouse company is said to be
the largest ever received by an American
company for railroad electrification, and
the present shipment is held to be the larg-
est of its kind. The remaining locomo-
tives will be shipped at the rate of ona
each week.. Chilean railway. officials de-
cided to electrify their system after a
careful study of the electrified roads in