Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 03, 1922, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., November 3, 1922.
Don’t forget the Methodist
Brotherhood meeting to be held at
the Methodist church Friday ,night,
November 3rd.
The Bellefonte High school
football team defeated Philipsburg on
Hughes field, Saturday afternoon, by
the score of 18 to 6.
— Three automobile loads of mem-
bers of the Philipsburg Lodge of Re-
bekahs paid the Bellefonte Lodge a
fraternal visit on Friday evening.
——Graduate manager Neil Flem-
ing, of State College, is now driving a
new Hudson coach delivered last week
by the Stott Motor company, of Phil-
——A little son born to Mr. and
Mrs. W. Hassel Montgomery, at the
Bellefonte hospital last Friday morn-
ing, has been christened Donald An-
drews Montgomery.
——Ninety-eight tickets were sold
at the Bellefonte depot on Sunday
morning for the excursion to Tyrone
and Altoona. The train was made up
of eight coaches and 283 men, women
and children went through to Altoona.
Hon. A. G. Morris will celebrate
his 88th birthday anniversary on Sun-
day by giving a dinner at his home on
east Linn street at which the guests
will include all his children and grand-
children, as well as a few close per-
sonal friends from Tyrone.
——1It goes without saying that
everybody had a good time on Tues-
day night, and you can have a good
time every evening by watching the
motion pictures at the Scenic. There
is always something new and inter-
esting and every picture is worth see-
——On Friday two deer were seen
grazing in the wheat field owned by
John McCoy, on the point of the Bald
Eagle mountain. They were too far
away for observers to tell whether
they had horns or not, but they were
full grown deer and made a good meal
on the newly grown grain.
Rev. Harry N. Walker, who has
been pastor of the First Lutheran
church at Milroy since his graduation
at the Gettysburg Theological semi-
nary four years ago, has been extend-
ed a call by the congregation of the
Grace Lutheran church at Bellwood.
Rev. Walker is a native of Ferguson
township, Centre county, being a son
of Mr. and Mrs. A. Stine Walker.
——The Penn State football team
failed to win the game with Syracuse,
played at the Polo grounds, New
York, on Saturday, neither were they
defeated. A scoreless game was the
result. Twenty-five thousand people
saw the contest. Every effort has
been made this week to get the team
in shape for the hard game with the
Navy at Washington, D. C., today.
———The recent registration of vot-
ers in Centre county shows 11,906 Re-
publicans, 7,892 Democrats, 562 Pro-
hibitionists, 86 Socialists and 1,488
who failed to designate their party.
But this is no guarantee that the elec-
tion next Tuesday will go according
to the registration. In fact, we have
every reason to believe that when the
ballots are all counted the result will
be much different.
Thomas H. Harter has a crew
of men at work digging out the foun-
dation for his new building which
eventually will house the Keystone
Gazette office. The building will be
located just south of that paper's
present location, and while it will not
be erected this fall he has hopes of
getting the foundation walls down so
that work on the building proper can
be started early in the spring.
The Byron G. Harlan phono-
graph concert to be held at the opera
house this (Friday) evening promises
to be of unusual interest to the people
of Bellefonte and vicinity. In addi-
tion to the fact that it will be a bene-
fit for the Woman’s Auxiliary of the
American Legion Mrs. M. R. Krader
has consented to sing one or two songs
for a record, which will later be re-
produced to the audience. This fea-
ture alone should draw a large crowd.
b A small but appreciative audi-
ence gathered in the chapel of the
Presbyterian church on Saturday
evening to hear the able young presi-
dent of the Pennsylvania Federation
. of Music Clubs, Miss Elizabeth Hood
Latta, give a short but impressive
talk on American music. The recital
which followed was characterized by
~a beautiful finish in every detail and
Miss Latta proved an interpretive ar-
tist of rare charm and artistic appeal.
She was ably assisted at the piano by
Mrs. G. Russell Blair, whose facile
and accomplished reading of the diffi-
«cult accompaniments was worthy of
-all praise.
William George Gamber, son of
Mrs. Catherine Gamber, of Port Ma-
tilda, is now recounting his experienc-
es of the past summer to his many
friends in his home town. Last De-
cember he joined the marines at Phil-
adelphia and early this summer he
was detailed as one of the guards on
the U. S. ship Henderson for a trip to
Japan and the Far East. Leaving
Hampton Roads in the latter part of
May they first visited the West In-
dies, then sailed through the Panama
canal and after a stop at San Diego,
Cal., sailed west, visiting the Hawaii
Islands, Japan, China, the Philipines
and Guam. They returned through
the Panama canal and docked at Nor-
folk, Va., almost five months after
leaving the States.
Thousands Took Part in Elk’s Third
Annual Hallow-een’ Carnival on
Tuesday Evening.
The delightful weather of Tuesday
evening brought out such a tremen-
dous erowd of merry-makers that the
Mummers literally swamped the big
parade, the chief feature of the Elks
third annual Hallow-een’ carnival.
There were thousands of them, from
gray-locked, ordinarily sedate men
and women to tiny tots that could
barely toddle in the parade. It was a
heterogenous mass of humanity garb-
ed in kaleidoscopical colors so con-
glomerated that it would be a futile
task to attempt to describe even the
best and most picturesque of them.
The turnout of Hallow-een’ revelers
was so large that the parade was stag-
nated from start to finish but the
crowd took it all good naturedly and
plodded along until the last feature
passed the judges stand the second
time. Of course the Mummers were
not all Bellefonte people, as there
were good sized delegations from
State College, Snow Shoe, Milesburg,
Pleasant Gap, and the surrounding
country districts.
The parade formed on Bishop street
at 7:30 o’clock and moved almost on
the stroke of eight. With Major Gen-
eralissimo George Washington Rees at
the head the parade included the Elks
in a body, Wetzler’s band of Miles-
burg, the Harvest Queen (Miss Helen
Smith) in a handsomely decorated
automobile which made her look very
queenly, indeed; the other contestants
in the Harvest Queen contest, Knights
of the Golden Eagle, Odd Fellows
band, the Mummers, thousands of
them; Lemont band, the Undine and
Logan fire companies with their
pumpers, a delegation of Red Men
and the floats. Chief among the lat-
ter was that of the Beatty Motor Co.,
which, with a Fordson tractor pulled
Jake Barlet’s old platform wagon on
which was an old gray mare, the ban-
ner bearing the inscription, “The old
gray mare, she ain’t what she used to
be;” another by the Odd Fellows or-
phanage, the Y. W. girls, Miss Coo-
ney’s Hat Shop, Wion’s garage, Fau-
ble’s store, United Telephone Co., and
an old horse and buggy of the 1822
vintage and a 1922 car, and various
The parade marched to the Dia-
mond, thence down High street and
countermarched to Spring street;
thence cn Spring to Howard, Howard
to Allegheny, Allegheny to the school
house where it countermarched and
returned to the Diamond, passing the
judges stand in front of the Elks and
disbanding. Owing to the fact that on
its final round the marchers were com-
pelled to go slow past the judges stand
it was nine o’clock when the tail end
disbanded. It was undoubtedly the
biggest parade of its kind ever held in
Bellefonte and not an accident hap-
pened to mar the pleasure of the oc-
The charity dance in the armory im-
mediately after the parade was very
largely attended, the net receipts be-
ing in excess of two hundred dollars.
Of course preliminary to the big
night was the Harvest Queen contest
which closed at ten o'clock last Sat-
urday night. Just 41,430 votes were
cast in the contest and the result was
as follows:
Helen Smith - -\ - 10630
Henrietta Nolan - - - 8530
Mildred Gunsallus - - 7920
Mary Pickel - - - 7340
© Anna Eckel - - - - 7010
The result of the cntest far ex-
ceeded the expectations of the com-
mittee having it in charge and for
that reason they awarded a prize of
$25.00 to the winner; $15.00 to the
next highest and $10.00 each to the
three others, giving all of them a
place of honor in the parade.
Of course we didn’t see it all, be-
cause part of it didn’t follow through
to the point of countermarching on
west High street, but what we did
see revealed some really outstanding
make-ups. Beyond a doubt “the Gold
Dust Twins” looked just like they had
stepped right out of the label on the
much advertised cleanser box. The
“Snow Man” and the “Cannibal” were
splendid representations. Beatty's
float illustrative of the passing of the
horse as motive power was well con-
ceived and the bucking auto that fol-
lowed it was the liveliest pile of junk
we have ever seen.
The very best girl, to our mind, was
a boy from Snow Shoe. He didn’t
even wear a mask and his make-up
was so perfectly and modestly femi-
nine that a well known gentleman
from his own town .and the writer
were both utterly deceived when he
stopped to speak to the former, in our
presence. The father who pushed a
perambulator carrying a quartet of
babies deservedly created a lot of
amusement because it was something
few of us hope or want to see in any
other than a parade of impossibilities.
But in all the riot of grotesqueness the
best thing was the spirit. The spirit
to play. The great leveler, the brok-
en barriers of caste, sex, creed and
color. Rich and poor, black and white
were all happy together because mere-
ly a mask concealed who they were—
not what they were.
Notwithstanding the fact that there
were so many creditable costumes no
attempt will be made to enumerate
them. They were all appropriate for
the occasion and showed considerable
ingenuity, time and patience, not
counting the expense.
Because of this fact it was no easy
task for the judges to pick out “the
best,” but they did their work consci-
entiously and with a desire to do jus-
winners is as follows:
Best Froat, Elks Prize—$25.00, Camp
Fire Girls; $15.00, Wion garage; $10.00,
United Telephone Co.
Best Decorated Auto—Auto robe, Miss
Elizabeth Cooney; Ford tire fabric, Adolph
Fauble; Spot light, John Stover.
Best Fancy Costume, (woman)—42 piece
dinner set, Miss Helen Murnyack; Electric
iron, Clarence Keller; hat, Mrs. E. P. Ir-
Best Fancy Costume, (man)—Gillette ra-
zor, Warren Wood; pipe and box cigars,
Willis Grove; electric lantern, Francis Sul-
Best Comic Costume, (woman)—Electric
table lamp, H. M. Myers; ladies’ umbrella,
Nora Stover; basket groceries, Mrs. Ed.
Best Comic Costume, (man)—Load wood,
Elizabeth Lambert; 25 1b. bag sugar, Mary
Hepburn; 5 lb. slab bacon, John Peace.
Best Patriotic Costume, (woman)—Ma-
hogany candle sticks, Bess Cooney; 50 Ib.
sack flour, Joseph Zeigler; 10 1b, lard, Ce-
cil Johnson.
Best Patriotic Costume, (man)-—Pair In-
dian blankets, Edmund McCafferty; shirt,
Musser Gettig; basket fruit, Scott Wolford.
Best Comic Costume, (woman)—=Silk
waist, Mrs. Irvin Tate; silk hose, Mrs.
Geo. M. Gamble; 5 1b. candy
Best Comic Costume, (man)—Fountain
pen or Eversharp pencil, Frank R. Smith;
pair gloves, Grace Kerschner; box cigars,
Miss Helen M. Schaeffer.
Best Comic Musical Organization—Case
mixed canned goods, Coontown Band.
Best Dancing Girl—Ladies’ gloves, Mrs.
Earl Hoffer; 3 Ibs. candy, K. Q. K. Club;
bottle of perfume, Mrs. Guy Coll.
Most Unique Couple—Fabric gloves, Bet-
ty Apt; shirt, Betty Fink; $2.50 box
writing paper, Billy Zerby; flashlight, Al-
exander Morris 3rd.
Best Hobo—Box candy,
pocket knife, Ralph Wasson.
Reno Bland;
Best Costume from Academy—Cuff but-
tons, J. S. Bleecker; pair slippers, W. V,
Best Costume from High School—Scenie
tickets 1 month, Laura Shuey; 2 lbs, can-
dy, Dorothy and Rose Worrick.
Best Costume from Grade Schools—
Boys’ suit of clothes, Peter Gray Meek;
bottle perfume, Rebecca Dorworth.
Best Costume from Parochial School--
Pair roller skates, Maxwell Kelley; 2 lbs.
candy, Franklin Stover.
Best Fancy Costume Child under 14
Years—Pair shoes, Elizabeth Montgomery.
Best Comic Costume Child under 14
Years—Bottle toilet water, Charles Young.
Tallest Man in Costume—Box of cigars
or carton of cigarettes, Alfred Hassinger.
Shortest Man in Costume—5 1bs. of can-
dy, Benny Ichkowitz.
Tallest Woman in Costume—Wear ever
aluminum pan, Mrs. I'red Lufz.
Shortest Woman in
fruit cake, Grace Poorman.
Youngest Child in Line—Toy, Janet Lou-
ise Tate.
Largest Family in Line—Barrel
Viola Miller, seven in family.
Next Largest Family—2 lbs. coffee
Oldest Man or Women in Line—1 ton
Punxy coal, J. H. Johnsen.
Next Oldest Person in Line—Large deco-
rated cake, L. H. McMullen.
Best Representation of Well-known
Character—Sweater, Alf Baum; $5.00 worth
of merchandise, R. J. Evey.
Most Original Gentleman's Costume—-1
barrel flour, George W. Rees.
Most Original Woman’s Costume—Hand
painted china, Mrs. Ed. Gehret.
Centre County Teacher’s Institute.
The seventy-sixth annual teachers’
institute for Centre county will be
held in the court house, Bellefonte, the
week beginning November 13th. The
instructors secured by county super-
intendent David O. Etters will be Al-
bert Johnson and Dr. Lee L. Driver,
of the State department of public in-
struction; Dr. L. H. Beeler, of Chica-
go, I11., and Richard Clark, director of
research and measurements of the
Pittsburgh public schools. Prof. Ted
R. Griffith, of Edwardsville, has been
secured as musical director and Miss
Marian Horton, of Philipsburg, pi-
A meeting of the school directors of
the county will be held in the High
school building on Thursday during
institute week at which the speakers
will be the regular instructors at the
reese Amn
Two on Monday
_ Two convicted murderers were elec-
trocuted at the Rockview penitentiary
on Monday morning. They were
Thomas Verne Rhyal, of Lawrence
county, convicted of causing the death
of Clara Belle Lennox, a fourteen year
old High school girl of New Castle,
and Curtis Sipple, convicied of the
murder of Gabrielle Pociacchia, in
York county, in 1919.
Rhyal went to the chair protesting
his innocence of the crime of murder,
claiming that the girl’s death was the
result of an accident, but the jury did
not think so. On July 14th, 1921,
Rhyal induced the Lennox girl to go
for an auto ride. She failed to re-
turn home that night and a search
was instituted. The next day she was
found by berry pickers in a clump of
bushes four miles from New Castle.
Though alive her clothing was badly
torn, her head crushed and she was
unconscious. She was taken to a hos-
pital and lived until November 26th,
though she never regained conscious-
ness. Rhyal claimed that her injuries
were the result of an accident while
she was assisting him in repairing a
brake band on his car.
Sipple, who was originally from
Kentucky, killed Pociacchia in a rail-
road camp then escaped to his native
State. Two years later he was run
down and captured by members of the
Pennsylvania state police, taken back
to York, tried and convicted. The
bodies of both men were claimed by
Membership Drive for Bellefonte and
Vicinity to be Held November
At a recent meeting of the executive
committee of the Bellefonte Chapter
of the American Red Cross John G.
Love Esq., was appointed chairman of
the local Red Cross roll call. A com-
mittee consisting of Mrs. G. McClure
Gamble, Mrs. Charles R. Kurtz, Mrs.
R. S. Brouse, Mrs. J. D. Seibert, Mrs.
Charles Schlow, Mrs. Blanche Schloss
and Hardman P. Harris was appointed
as a general committee to aid the
chairman. At a meeting of the com-
mittee it was decided to make the roll
call or membership drive during the
period November 11th-24th
District captains have been selected
to cover the local territory and these
captains, with the workers they select,
will canvass Bellefonte and vicinity
during the period of the roll call. An
especial effort to secure as many
members as possible will be made on
the afternoon of Sunday, November
12th, national Red Cross Sunday. The
district workers will endeavor to call
at the homes within their territory
that afternoon. It is earnestly re-
quested that all residents of Belle-
fonte and vicinity, if unable to be at
home Sunday afternoon, November
12th, leave their membership dues
with their neighbors.
The annual membership dues are
$1.00, contributing membership is
$5.00, sustaining membership is $10.-
00, life membership is $50,00 and pa-
tron membership is $100.00.
It seems useless to comment upon
the work done by the National Amer-
ican Red Cross. It is an organization
known favorably in every household.
It serves in many ways at home
through its local chapters and abroad.
In the past year it has expended more
than $9,000,000.00 towards the relief
of ex-service men; $900,000.00 has
been expended in nineteen States in
disaster relief, emergencies caused by
fire, flood and other catastrophes; it
has trained and assigned 1264 public
health nurses under direction of its
chapters; and, it has conducted recon-
struction work throughout Europe.
Locally the Bellefonte Chapter of
the American Red Cross has been of
constant aid to the Bellefonte hospital,
it has been active . in public health
work and has maintained a community
nurse. The weekly reports of the
work done by the nurse have been
published during the past year, and
with these reports the citizens of this
community are familiar.
In its work the Red Cross knows
no creed nor race. Its efforts and re-
lief are unstintingly for all mankind
in emergencies and at all times. As
such it is the organization of all and
every citizen. Every citizen, man,
woman and child is qualified for mem-
bership in this great crganization and
should have his or her name on its
roll. By so doing the American Red
Cross will be enabled to undertake
more extensive work than ever before.
As a result the general welfare of all
communities will be better cared for
and every one will benefit.
Let every citizen have his or her
membership, annual, contributing or
sustaining, ready for the canvassers
on Sunday, November 12th, the Amer-
ican Red Cross Sunday, but in any
event do not let the period of the Roll
Call drive pass by without seeing to it
that your name is enrolled as a mem-
ber of the American Red Cross.
Ladies’ Silk Hose and silk and
wool mixed, Holeproof and Phoenix
brands $1.75 grade, special Saturday
only at $1.35.—Sim the Clothier.
Two Early Sunday Morning Fires.
Two Bellefonte barns were entirely
destroyed by fire at an early hour on
Sunday morning and the fact that the
barns were located two blocks apart
and the fires started at about the same
time would indicate that they were set
on fire. They were the properties of
Hugh N. Crider and ex-sheriff W.
Miles Walker, both residents of east
Linn street. The fires were discovered
shortly before three o’clock and both
barns were already enveloped in
flames, evidence that the fires must
have been started almost at the same
time and that they were undoubtedly
the work of an incendiary.
Both fire companies responded, the
Undines stopping at the Walker barn
and the Logans going to Crider’s. As
the buildings were too far gone to
save efforts of the firemen were con-
centrated on saving adjoining proper-
ties. Nothing of any material value
was in either of the barns, but at the
Walker home the chicken house ad-
joined the barn and all their chickens
were burned but three. The Gilmour
chicken house was also burned but all
the chickens were saved. The Gilmour
house caught fire from flying sparks
but it was extinguished before any
great damage was done. Both barns
were in splendid condition and can not
be replaced under twelve to fifteen
hundred dollars. Mr. Crider carried
$350.00 insurance on his building.
While there is no certainty as to
who started the fires suspicion is di-
rected to a man who recently had
some trouble and later was ordered
out of town by burgess W. Harrison
— Ladies’ Flapper Coats from
Fashion Park & Kuppenheimer at
Sim the Clothier.
G. W. Rees, chairman of the
carnival committee, requests all those
having bills to be paid to submit them
at once for payment.
—Miss Kate McGowan and Miss Louise
Carpeneto spent Wednesday with friends
in Altoona.
—James B. Spangler, of Tusseyville, was
a “Watchman” office visitor on Saturday,
being on his way to Altoona to spend sev-
eral days with his daughter, Mrs. Edwin
—Mrs. Merrill Hagan was sent to Polk,
Tuesday, by Judge Quigley, in charge of
several children from Centre county, who
will be entered there as mentally ineffi-
—Mrs. David Hughes is visiting with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Klinger,
having motored in from Ligonier, Satur-
day, with Mr. Hughes, who returned home
—Mrs. Joseph Klessius and two daugh-
ters, Misses Helen and Christine, and Miss
Ann Snyder, all of Altoona, spent Sunday
in Bellefonte, guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Michael Shields.
—Mrs. William B. Wallis, of Pittsburgh,
was among the visitors in Bellefonte for
the Hallow-een’ celebration, making one
of her frequent visits with her mother,
Mrs. J. Will Conley, at this time.
—Mrs. Frank Bartley has sold her home
on Lamb street and after disposing of her
household goods next week, has planned to
go to Meadville for a visit with her sister,
later going to Wichita, Kansas, where she
will be indefinitely.
—John A. Waite and bride, of Johns-
town, spent the latter part of their honey-
moon in Bellefonte with Mr. Waite’s par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Waite, leav-
ing for their home in the Flood city on
Sunday afternoon.
— Mrs. George B. Thompson, of Alto;
Mrs. Charles Thompson, of Lemont; Mr.
and Mrs. Fauble, Mrs. Schloss, Miss Mc-
Govern and Mrs. Schlow, of Dellefonte,
were among those who heard the Schuman-
Heink concert in Williamsport, Monday
Mrs. Louise Van Tries Harris has been
entertaining her daughter and niece, Mrs.
De Golyer, of Evanston, Ill, and Mrs. Wil-
liam Van Tries and her daughter, of
Parksburg, who came to Bellefonte at this
time to be with Mrs. Harris in celebrating
her birthday.
— John Furst, of Philadelphia, and his
daughter Louise, a student at Birmingham
Seminary, were guests for the week-end of
Mr. Furst’s mother, Mrs. Austin O. Furst,
having come here from Birmingham, where
Mr. Furst had been for a visit of several
days with his daughter.
—Mr. and Mrs. Ward Markle left Tues-
day to return to their home in Bryan, Tex-
as, after a week's visit with Mr. Markle's
mother, Mrs. W. H. Markle, who is critle-
ally ill at her home at Hublersburg. Dur-
ing their short stay in Bellefonte they
were guests of Mr. Markle's aunt, Mrs.
James D. Seibert.
Mrs. E. Norris Bogle and her daugh-
ter, Miss Sara, both of Chicago, came to
Bellefonte early in the week and have
been guests at the Bush house, while
spending a short time here looking after
sone business interests. Mrs. Bogle and
her daughter lived in Bellefonte for a
number of years, occupying their home,
“the Forge house,” during that time.
_ Miss Sara Graham and Miss Marion
Wright, of Lewistown; Benner Graham
and his son Linn, of Philadelphia, and
Mrs. Theodore Gordon, were in Bellefonte
recently for the funeral of Miss Mary Gra-
ham, whose body was brought here from
Lewistown for burial. Mrs. Gordon re-
turned to Lewistown with her sister, Miss
Sara, expecting to be there indefinitely.
__Dr. and Mrs. J. Finley Bell, of Engle-
wood, N. J., and Mr. and Mrs. French, of
East Quogue, N. Y., drove to Centre coun-
ty, Saturday, in Mr. French's car, for a
week’s visit with Dr. and Mrs. Bell's rela-
tives in this section. While in Bellefonte
they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin
Troupe and Mr. and Mrs. William Cham-
bers. Mrs. Troupe and Mrs. Chambers are
sisters of Dr. Bell.
— Those from out of town who were in
Bellefonte Saturday of last week for the
funeral of Mrs. Jonathan Miller were,
Oliver Miller, of Scottdale, and his two
daughters, Mimm and Miss Harriet Mil-
ler; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller and their
daughter Winifred, of Philadelphia, and
Mrs. Sadie Miller, of Altoona. The latter
remained in Bellefonte and is now a guest
of Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, at their
home on Reynolds avenue.
— Attorney General George E. Alter was
a guest of John Francies, at the peniten-
tiary during the early part of the week.
For some years General Alter has been
coming to Centre county for the opening
of the hunting season and was in the
mountains early Wednesday morning with
a small party of companions, one of whom,
at least, we can attest is as capable with
the gun as the distinguished visitor is with
the law. The result of their first day's
hunt was two wild turkeys and four grey
—Mr. and Mrs. W. Frederick Clemson
and their son Billy, who have left Allen-
town to make their home in Davenport,
Iowa, for the present, spent a part of the
month of October with Mr. Clemson’s par-
ents, Mr.. and Mrs. Frank Clemson, in
Halfmoon valley. The party, composed of
Mr. and Mrs. Clemson, Mrs. Clemson's
mother, Mrs. William Keiser, her son and
his wife, Mr. and Mrs. George Keiser, and
a Miss Lutz, drove to Iowa, stopping in
Centre county and at Crown Point, In-
diana, for a visit at each place.
— Mrs. Maynard Murch Jr., of Cleve-
land, and her sister, Miss Georgie Daggett,
of New York, have been visiting with their
aunt, Mrs. Wells L. Daggett, during the
past week. Mrs. Murch, who accompanied
her sister to Bellefonte following a visit
Miss Daggett had made to Cleveland, re-
turned to Ohio yesterday, while Miss Dag-
gett will remain here until Monday. Miss
Boynton, who has been Mrs. Daggett’s
guest through October, will also leave on
Monday, for her home in Elmira, accom-
panied by her nephew, Boynton Daggett.
~The out of town people who were in
Bellefonte last week for the funeral of Mrs.
Robert Hartle included her brother, Gust
Beezer, of DuBois; Bernard Beezer and
Mrs. Kenvie, also of DuBois; Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Beezer, Mr, and Mrs. Frederick Beez-
er, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Beeze., Ferd
Beezer and Mr. and Mrs. John Steinkerch-
ner, of Philipsburg; Joseph Steinkirchner
and his daughter Agnes, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Hartle, Mr. and Mrs. John Olliger, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Hartle and Mr. and Mrs. Mi-
chael Rader, of Drifting; Robert Beezer, of
Punxsutawney; Mr. and Mrs. Christ Har-
tle, of Winburn; Dr. and Mrs. Kech, of
Altoona: John Hartle, of Meyersdale, and
Mrs. McHale, of Kane.
— — : CHER :
San Ta 3 ; ; { —Mr. and Mrs. J H tt
MUMMERS SWAMPED THE BIG |tice to all. The complete list of prize [NOVEMBER 12 WILL BE RED| NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. |, Em
of their frequent short visits back home.
—Mrs. Robert F. Hunter, Mrs. Frank
| Warfi2ld, of Bellefonte, and Mrs. Foye, of
Bloomsburg, were members of a motor par-
ty that drove to Binghamton, N. Y., Sat-
,urday, for an over Sunday visit with Mr.
and Mrs. B. Graham Hunter.
——Ladies’ Silk Hose and silk and
wool mixed, Holeproof and Phoenix
brands $1.75 grade, special Saturday
only at $1.35.—Sim the Clothier.
A Distressing Accident.
A distressing accident happened at
State College on Saturday afternoon
when Betty Freeman, three year old
daughter of Mrs. Eliza Freeman, was
knocked down and run over by a car
driven by Miss Grace Watts, daugh-
ter of Dean R. L. Watts. The young
lady, however, has been exonerated
of all blame for the accident. A
number of children, according to re-
port, were playing in the public square
of the town and when Miss Watts ap-
proached she not only slowed down
her car put applied the emergency
brake. The child evidently did not no-
tice the car and ran right into it, be-
ing knocked down by the fender and
falling in such a way that the car ran
over her right leg, fracturing the
bone in three places and inflicting a
laceration between the knee and ankle
three inches in length.
The child was brought to the Belle-
fonte hospital where every effort is be-
ing made to save her leg.
Fox Killed the Cat.
During the past week or so the
Bellefonte Hardware company has
had on exhibition in one of its show
windows the three “pet” foxes of little
Miss Martha Hugg, daughter of To-
ner A. Hugg, of Milesburg. During
the big parade on Tuesday night one
of the foxes managed to get out of
the window into the store room and
coming across the store cat promptly
proceeded to kill and eat it. When
discovered about the only portion of
the cat remaining was one leg, and the
fox had that in its mouth.
: Ladies’ Flapper Coats from
Fashion Park & Kuppenheimer, at
Sim the Clothier.
The announcement that grand
opera is to be sung in Bellefonte next
Monday night comes as a surprise.
Not at all that Bellefonte is incapable
of enjoying it, but because of the ex-
treme rarity of musical organizations
strong enough to properly sing grand
opera making what the profession
calls “one night stands.” We have
had grand opera attempted here by
concert companies but we don’t recall
that one has ever been sung with full
chorus and orchestral support such as
is announced for next Monday night.
We are assured that the production
will fully justify the flattering ad-
vance notices it has received.
——John F. Howard, a celebrated
Shakespearean scholar and reader,
will give a recital of Macbeth in the
High school auditorium this (Friday)
evening, at 8:15 o’clock. Lovers of
Shakespeare should not fail to hear
Mr. Howard as he enjoys a national
reputation as a reader and interpreter
of the above named author. General
admission will be $1.00, but school pu-
pils will be admitted for 50 cents.
Don’t overlook the fact that
next Thursday night, November 9th,
is the date for dancing and cards at
the Elk’s home for the benefit of the
Bellefonte hospital. From the number
of tickets that have been sold this
promises to be a delightful social
event. If you have not yet purchased
your ticket, you should do so at once.
——The ladies Bible class of the
Bellefonte Lutheran church will serve
a chicken and waffle supper in the
basement of the church next Thursday
evening, November 10th, at 65 cents
per plate, including dessert. You are
Somewhere within the travel
distance of the “Watchman” is a
lonely, middle-aged woman look-
ing for a home where services
will be appreciated and amply
rewarded. This is not a servant
girl proposition. A suitable com-
panion and helper in the home is
what we want and will pay for.
We are Pennsylvanians and the
woman acceptable to us will con-
sider this home her home and con-
form accordingly. Address
New Dorp,
Staten Island, N. Y.
21 Seaview Ave. 67-41
Rubin and Rubin Coming.
Rubin and Rubin, Harrisburg’s lead-
ing eyesight specialists will be at the
Mott drug store, Bellefonte, on Thurs-
day, November 9th. No drops are
used in examining your eyes by Ru-
bin and Rubin, and no charge is made
for examination. Good glasses are
fitted for as little as $2.00, and satis-
faction is guaranteed. 42-2¢
A————— A re ————
For Sale.—Cabbage, 3c. a pound.—
Mrs. S. M. Ray, Axe Mann. 43-1t*
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co.
Wheat - - - - - - $1.10
Rye - - il. - - a5
Oats - - - - - - 40
Barley - - - - - - 45
Corn’ = = = = = '= 5