Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 03, 1922, Image 7
Demo acon "Bellefonte, Pa., November 3, 1922. LOVE, BILIOUSNESS AND DYS- PEPSIA. By L. A. Miller. It is an undeniable fact that there has been more written on love than any other topic since the world began, and as the population of the world in- creases and the inhabitants thereof grow in knowledge, more and more will be written on it. The simpering school girl sends love missives to the boy she fancies most; the little Miss just budding into womanhood can think of no other topic for an essay; the young lady who has donned long dresses and stands on the threshhold of the society world, writes of it in all her letters to schoolmates and friends; the lady who begins to cast furtive glances over her shoulder to see what she has passed, writes in the sands as she pensively, yet impatiently, waits to be fatally wounded by Cupid; the spinster writes page after page to prove it a myth, a delusion, a snare, herself being witness that there is no such thing; the trembling hand of age writes of it as a silvered page that is ever, ever bright and fresh, even when other pages have grown dim and mus- ty. Thus from childish youth to child- ish age love is woman’s dearest theme. With the conversing, I forget all time; And seasons and their changes, all please alike, So spoke our general mother, and with eyes Of conjugal attraction unreproved And meek surrender, half embracing lean’d On our first father; half her swelling breast Naked met his under the flowing gold Of her loose tresses hid; he in delight, Both of her beauty and submissive charms, Smil'd with superior love. : —Milton. Milton evidently had a notion that women are inferior to men, even in the matter of love, else he would not have spoken of Adam deigning to smile on Eve with “superior love.” As a rule, poets seem to think that wom- en can love harder than men, and that theirs is a purer and more un- selfish love than man’s. Possibly Mil- ton was a little too much soured with the world to write serenely on such a theme. He gives woman credit, how- ever, for wondrous power over man. Adam was influenced against his pow- erful kowledge. So it is yet, and so it will ever be. Before Adam was, love was; and when the last of Ad- am’s race shall have departed, love will still walk the cold, dead earth, fearful that some living thing may have escaped the general doom and exists unlured. As a rule men are bigger fools in matters pertaining to love than wom- en. Before labelling this statement “a mistake” stop and think a little. Do you not know of more men who have committed suicide on account of love affairs than women? Have you not known of men making spectacles of themselves on account of being “cut out” or going wrong because of “a cross” in the love wires, than wom- en? Statistics show that there are more men sent to insane asylums by that conscienceless little busybody, cu- pid, than women. Can you think just now of as many women of your ac- quaintance who have gone to the bad on account of love as you can of men? As women are particularly loud in their clamors for justice at this time, would it not be a strong point in their favor to show that in this matter of love they are stronger-minded and more level-headed than men? Much of the stuff that passes cur- rent for love is nothing more than sickness. In many respects it is sim- ilar to sea-sickness, coming on sud- denly, debilitating both body and mind and making the victim miserable. The love-sick swain is just as pit- iable a sight as the sea-sick tourist. Neither cares whether the sun ever rises or sets again. They want to die, and occasionally when nature refuses to accommodate them they take the affair into their own hands. For genuine love the homeopathic system of treatment is the only one that will ever prove availing. Love is the disease and love the remedy. There are many cases where a dose of blue mass or some other efficient liver regulator is indicated. This may seem silly, but it isn’t as silly as it seems; it is a positive fact. Then there are dyspeptics who think themselves in love when in reality it is only irrita- bility of the pneumogastric nerve. The sensation is reflex, which accounts for its not being readily traced to the stomach. If lovers feel the inflatus most during an hour after eating they may safely suspect that it is due to flatulency; but it is worse when the stomach is empty; it is probably due to irritation of the pneumogastric nerve. No one should marry while troubled with either dyspepsia or liver complaint, as there is great danger of the passion disappearing with the dis- ease, If, during the attack, a man hasn’t a good advisor he is liable to make a fool or wreck of himself, because he may propose and be accepted and go out and tell everybody he knows that he is the happiest man in the world. He is happy, or at least he enjoys the peculiar sensation that possesses him. It is an indefinable sensation which at first is most enjoyable, but as it grows older it seems to take on a tinge of misery. One moment the victim will swear that he is the happiest of the happy, and the very next that he is the most miserable of the miserable. Queer, isn’t it? The larger half of marital infideli- ty is due to mistaking biliousness for love, and the other half to causes equally as avoidable as this. The love that makes one sick is not the kind that yields a continuous supply of hap- piness, and, as a rule, the more violent the attack the sooner it is over and the longer the time for regretting the mistake. There is just about as much ust of talking pholosophy to lovers as reading poetry to owls. They wink and look wise, and that is all. It is a pity it is so, and were it not for the prospect of a change in the near fu- ture the outlook would be anything but encouraging. Not that genuine love is less potent than in Eden, but that dyspepsia and biliousness are in- creasing with such marvelous rapidi- ty. To be happy people must be healthy. A sickly liver is a nuisance. ' Preachers and moralists are de- claiming loudly against divorce laws, and citing the fact that there is an average of one divorce for every ten marriages. Do they ever stop to think that there are just grounds for twice as many more ? Do not the unhappy homes within the circle of their acquaintance teach them that there is something radically wrong and can they not see that divorce or separation is the only rem- edy for it? Unphilosophical love will ever be prolific of trouble. Men and women must learn to distinguish the great and vital difference between fas- cination and affinity, biliousness and love. Until they are able to do this there will be divorces, scandals, mur- ders, suicides, lives of shame and deaths of misery. They must also learn that marriage is not the door- way leading to a feast of happiness, but rather it is the taking up of new and burdensome responsibilities, and all the happiness it affords is that which is incidental to a rational and philosophical conception and faithful discharge of the duties of life. Real Estate Transfers. Jesse C. McClenahan, et ux, to Mar- cia Kimport, tract in Potter township; $700. Edward Glagowski, et ux, to Steve Dorschak, tract in Rush township; $1,550. P. E. Womelsdorf to Harry J. Kelsh, tract in Rush township; $285. Mordecai Dannley, et ux, to Sue Dannley, et al, tract in Ferguson township; $1. I. G. Gordon Foster, et al, to Harry Waterbury, et ux, tract in Ferguson township; $400. George M. Mallory to A. C. Ginger- ich, et ux, tract in Bellefonte; $3,200. B. F. Deitrich, et ux, to Anna D. Neff, tract in Bellefonte; $325. Jacob Hosterman’s heirs to Robert B. Hosterman, tract in Haines town- ship; $100. Philipsburg Coal and Land Co., to Antonio Korakurch, tract in Rush township; $107. Philipsburg Realty Co., to Helen Storck, tract in Philipsburg; $400. Leonidas Mothersbaugh, et al to Al- fred R. Lee, tract in Haines township; $2,400. John L. Holmes, et al, to W. E. Brenneman, tract in Ferguson town- ship; $475. W. L. Foster, et al, to John Mallory, et ux, tract in State College; $1,250. John L. Holmes, et al, to J. C. Nei- digh, tract in State College; $400. Adam H. Krumrine, et ux, to Sim- eon Baum, tract in State College; $1,600. Edward Overton to McKinley W. Overton, tract in Bellefonte; $1. John H. Dawson, et ux, to Peter Kushnara, tract in Spring township; $700. Harry Oscar Walker, to Herbert Woodward, et ux, tract in Howard township; $1. Harry Dukeman, sheriff, to J. E. Kolbenschlag, tract in Rush town- ship; $1,450. James H. Holmes, et ux, to Irene 0. Grant, tract in State College; $6,000. Martha J. Furl’s Admrs., to Michael hit Far, tract in Boggs township; The Choice of Friends and Reading. Your family is worth the best you can give it. You desire for their en- Joyment the best house, the best food, the best clothes that you can afford. And you are very careful that they cultivate the right kind of friends. But are you just as careful about choosing the right kind of reading? You should be, for reading has a marked influence upon character, es- pecially the reading that comes under the eyes of the young and impresion- able. If you choose The Younth’s Com- panion you are giving your family an acquaintance with the best there is in periodical literature. If you see the Companion in a house you may be sure it is a safe family to tie up to—- a family worth knowing. Try it for a year and see. The 52 issues of 1928 will be crowd- ed with serials, short stories, editorials, poetry, facts and fun. Subscribe now and receive: 1. The Youth’s Companion—52 is- sues in 1923, 2. All the remaining issues of 1922, 3. The Companion Home Calendar for 1923. All for $2.50. 4. Or include McCall’s Magazine, the monthly authority on fashions. Both publications, only $3.00. THE YOUTH’S COMPANION, Commonwealth Ave., & St. Paul St.,, Bos- ton, Massachusetts. 67-43 An End of Grief. The young voman was describing to one of her friends a great chagrin which she had undergone. “I was just almost killed by it,” she said; “I could have cried myself to death.” “Did you ery?” asked the other. “No, I was just getting ready to when the dinner bell rang.”-—Phila- delphia Ledger. American Crop Must Feed Europe, Says Herbert Hoover. European countries will soon draw heavily upon the American markets for foodstuffs, according to Herbert Hoover, Secretary of Commerce. He said that the general shortages in Eu- ropean crops has been so marked this year that overseas countries must look to the United States for supplies. The United States has had unusu- ally large crops and, though the grain markets are lower today, this condi- tion is expected to be corrected when Europe comes into the market. Mr. Hoover said that foreign nations were holding out until the last moment be- fore coming over here, but as soon as their meager stock of foodstuffs di- minished they would be here. Farmers are having difficulty in mov- ! ing their grain to market, because of Inadequate railroad facilities, and should the European demand come at once, transportation facilities would not be sufficient to transport the goods to the seaboard for export. As the roads recover from the effect of the shopmen’s strike they should be able to handle all freight. Grain in particular will be needed by Europe, Mr. Hoover said. Surveys of continental grain crops for the cur- rent year indicate a shortage of wheat of more than 160,000,000 bushels, not to mention shortages in other bread- stuffs. The American bumper crops, however, will be ample not only to supply all domestic needs, but also to take care of Europe, he said. AE ENRRRRRARRERRRNNNRINEEN CAST ne Children Cry for Fletcher's NN O11: The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of on the wrapper all these years Tze 1 7 ' generations. All Counterfeits, Imitations to protect the coming Do not be deceived. and ‘‘Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 0il, Drops and Soothing Syrups. neither Opium, Morphine nor Paregoric, It is pleasant. It contains other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; Flatulency, allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Comfort—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALway Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. Shoes. UCSC ! £8 SNES Rae UCU EIUICIUETL Te re - EE ET NE I NE Ne Tae : Free! An always sharp Silver Pencil or a self filling Fountain Pen FREE with all School Shoes purchased at 5 Yeager's Shoe Store : THE SHOE STORE FOR THE POOR MAN 58-27 BELLEFONTE, PA. Bush Arcade Building For ‘ ) Cut your farm costs in half with the Fordson Save money on every acre owed— with the Fordson Multiply the er of Ji your farm | tools | mE eS 9 : B eile fi i Cut your hours | in the field lf ingly That F.0.B. DETROIT | YY = mem dson — ee y This Value Has Never Been Duplicated It takes something besides engineering to furnish a tractor like the Fordson to sell at this astonish- low price. something is owner confidence built on permanent satisfac- tion. There are 170,000 Fordson tractors in use—wherever Power Farming is being done Fordson is showing superior service, If you are not using a Fordson now, start right. The working ability of this remarkable power plant is cutting farming costs in half in almost every kind of work done, at the draw bar or from the belt, Ask us for all the details—call, write or phone, Beatty Motor Co, BELLEFONTE, PA. SPICER, SE Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class Job work. Vy wad PN PRUAUPUINPUINS PAPI AAPA TAAL FS En SL on om TONNES NS WNW NWN WNT SOG GOGO OOO II IONICS INS INS had BB a a a a a a a a a oo, Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co. Our November specials are a feast of values unparalleled. You are cordially in- vited to come and share in this money-sav- ing sale. Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s La Vogue Coats and Suits featured in this sale at remarkably low prices. One special lot of Ladies’ Suits, Coats and Dresses at $9.48. Canton Crepe and Wool Dresses includ- ed in this money saving sale. Our new fall and winter line of Ladies’ and Children’s Sweaters complete; all snap- py styles and new shades. New Silk Blouses in all the new wanted shades. ands Maderia Luncheon Sets, Napkins, Pil- low Cases, Handkerchief Holders, Toast Holders, Center Pieces, Baby Carriage - Covers and Infant’s Dresses. im rN | sa LE Our Holiday line of new Hand-bags, Pocket Books, Fancy Baskets, Jewelry, Gloves, Silk Hosiery. Many other articles for Christmas gifts now on display. Make our store your headquarters when shopping in Bellefonte. Lyon & Co. ws Lyon & Co.