Brown itim INK SLINGS. —Vote for Betts for Senator and be sure your vote will count if you real- ; ly want Pennsylvania to be cleaned ' up. ; | —Centre county always has been a | leader. Let us be first to send a wom- an to represent us in Harrisburg. Vote for Zoe Meek. —If Gif. Pinchot keeps on talking like he is Governor his term will be up before he has any chance of really doing what he imagines he’s going to do. —Bits of political information have been filtering into this office during the past few weeks that lead us to be- lieve that Mr. Swoope, Mr. Scott and Mr. Beaver are on the toboggan and can’t get off. 3 —King Constantine has abdicated his throne again, principally because the Greeks are beginning to discover that so far as accomplishing anything is concerned that there is nothing to him but the first syllable of his name. —Senator Tom Watson, of Georgia, is dead. He has been a stirring fig- ure in the political life of the country for almost forty years and we recall no impression he has made upon it, ex- cept as a fanatical and fantastic ex- ponent of heresies. —The French have been thrown into another frenzy of fear by the discovery that the German birth rate is increasing while their own is de- creasing. We have piles of sympathy for war-torn, unrehabilitated France, but this latest bogey they can and must get rid of themselves. —Georges Carpentier has been knocked off the pedestal that the fis- tic fans of France had built under him. One Siki, a Sengalese, beat him all up on Sunday and after he went down in the sixth round the referee could have counted a million before he could have gotten up again, for he is still in bed. Georges, by nature and manner of fighting, was an ornament to the ring but was too light for heavy work. —The editor of the Indiana Demo- crat has suspended publication of his paper until he gets over an earache with which he has been suffering for several weeks. How do you suppose he gets away with a trick like that? There wouldn’t be any “Watchman” at all if we suspended for every ache and, as for those in the ear, as soon as the paper reaches its readers Fri- day morning both of our ears start burning and there’s rarely any let-up until the next edition goes to press. —Today we expect to have a Michaelmas goose. Some twelve years ago, never having dallied with a ma- ture gosling prior to that time, we fell for the superstition that if goose is the chef-d’oeuvre for the Michael- mas dinner good luck will follow all who partake of it. We've stuck to the superstition and the goose for a leng, long time and we don’t want to dispel any illusions others may have but we've come to the point where we can no longer make ourselves believe that lemons are golden eggs. —The authorities of The Pennsylva- nia State College are trying to get rid of two bears that the Game Commis- sion set up there last year with the hope of stimulating in the studes an interest in wild life. The bears have emerged from the cub state and are indulging little bear pastimes that might far better be screened by the autumn foliage of a mountain fast- ness. The cave man stuff is bad enough, but the cave bear stuff is too utterly shocking for Penn State and interest in wild life will have to be stimulated by the stuffed specimens of bruin in the museum. —1It is quite as important that the voters of Centre county should give the same care to the selection of a Congressman, a Senator and an As- semblyman as they do to a Governor. They should bear in mind that the election of Snyder, Betts and Miss Meek are as necessary, if they desire a change, as is that of McSparran. McSparran will really clean things up at Harrisburg if he has a Legislature and Senate with the courage to stand with him and Miss Meek and Mr. Betts can be counted on to do that. Besides, if McSparran should not be elected Miss Meek and Mr. Betts would be of greater service at Harrisburg than their opponents for the reason that in the event of Pinchot’s election they would support any really construct- ive program he might present. —President Harding and the Senate were probably both right when they insisted that the government had no money with which to pay the soldiers 2 bol... Congress was unable to de- vise a plan for raising the funds and the President, in his veto message, acknowledged that the government is facing a deficit under his administra- tion. Last week the “Watchman” commended his courageous veto and his candid statement of the reason therefor. Already we are driven to doubt as to the sincerity of his utter- ances of last week for he has demand- ed a revival of the Lasker ship-sub- sidy bill and the Senate has voted seven and a half thousand dollars as a bonus to the widow of the late Sen- ator Crow who actually served in the upper branch of Congress only three days. If they knew not where to get the money to pay a bonus to the five million soldiers who responded to the country’s call where is that to come ) enacratic STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 67. Democratic Victory Assured. accurate estimate of the result of the election may be made and it plainly indicates the election of John A. Mec- Sparran, the Democratic nominee, and all his associates on the Democratic ticket. If the Democratic voters per- form their duty that result is certain. The Republican majority in Penn- more votes than Tener who became somewhat but not a great deal. that one-fourth of the loss indicated by the registration thus far will be upon the Democrats and estimating a recovery on the final registration day at the same ratio, the Republican par- ty stands to lose 231,000 votes this year. And it is safe to say that the esti- mate gives the Republicans a shade the better of the facts. phia, at least, the delinquency in the registration is not likely to be made up. Mr. Pinchot is trying to fool one faction of his party or the other. He imagines he is an expert in that line. But the machine managers of Phila- delphia are not what you would call credulous. They have taken Pinchot’s measure accurately and unless they get assurances that it is the other fel- lows that are being fooled, Pinchot is city. SenatorsVare:is somewhat of a energy the Democrats are sure to car- ry the State this year. — In his speeches Mr. Pinchot promises to make “sweeping changes in the State government” but he pro- poses to achieve the result “without offending any one.” Pinchot’s Absurd False Pretense. Pinchot assumes the lordly air of one commissioned by the people to admin- ister the government of Pennsylva- nia. In addressing the Republican committee of Philadelphia, the other day, he assumed this lofty attitude and he has expressed the same thought in various other places. As a matter of fact the people of Penn- sylvania had little to do with his nomination for Governor. Even the Republican voters have not indicated a preference for him as against the candidate who opposed him. The nearly half a million dollars contrib- uted by himself, his wife, Joe Grun- dy, Colonel Elverson and others nom- inated him to rebuke Governor Sproul and his party machine. In a total vote of about one miilion My. Pinchot received a majority of a trifle over seven thousand. This mea- ger majority cost Mr. Pinchot and his family and friends very nearly seven dollars and fifty cents a vote. “Buck” Devlin of the Eighth ward, Philadel- phia, gave him a thousand more than his entire majority and the eight thousand votes supplied by “Buck” hardly cost more than fifty cents a vote, that being the price of a tax re- ceipt in Philadelphia. Deducting the four thousand dollars that Devlin paid for the eight thousand majority in the Eighth ward of Philadelphia Pinchot and his family and friends spent in the neighborhood of half a million dollars for a most humiliating defeat. It is true that Mr. Pinchot is the Republican nominee for Governor of Pennsylvania but the fact is not as- cribable to confidence of even Repub- licans in him, but because W. Harry Baker, Senator Vare, Larry Eyre and Max Leslie, having first entrenched themselves in control of the organiza- tion, adopted him as a political or- phan. But this benevolent act on the part of the machine doesn’t invest him with power of attorney to speak for the people of Pennsylvania or even the Republican voters of the State. He is simply a millionaire posing as a mendicant permitting the machine to milk him of his inherited money. That type of man cuts a poor figure masquerading in the char- acter of a master. ee mmna— from with which to pay subsidies to a few ship owners? We fear the President is getting into deep water. One objection to soft coal is that it makes house cleaning very i much harder. In Philadel- ! | worst. The fact is now revealed that not likely to get any majority in that i politician himself and with reasonable ' In his campaign speeches Gifford | BELLE | | { 4 FONTE ° PA. 9 SEPTEMBER 29. 1922. Mr. Pinchot’s Political Backers. The registration in Philadelphia and; No force has been found strong Allegheny county, including Pitts- | eenough to draw from Gifford Pinchot burgh, on the first two registration | a statement as to who are his backers days this year, shows a delinquency | in the campaign for Governor. Joseph of about 500,000 votes. Possibly half R. Grundy, the inveterate enemy of of this total will register on October ! legislation for the protection of chil- 7th, the last opportunity. This will dren, spent $80,000 to secure his nom- leave a deficiency in those two coun- | ination, but he refuses to acknowl- ties of 250,000. In the other counties | edge publicly that Grundy is behind of the State the registration is light, him. William Flinn, the Pittsburgh but invariably the Republicans suffer | contractor, contributed largely to the most. That being the case a fairly ' nearly half a million dollars spent in his primary campaign, but he is silent on the subject of obligation to Flinn. “Buck” Devlin, of Philadelphia, sup- plied from the slums of the Eighth ward of that city the votes that turn- ed the tide in his favor, but he de- clines to name Mr. Devlin as a backer. It is safe to say, however, that each sylvania is normally less than 200,000. | of these gentlemen are still support- On the vote for Governor in 1910! ing him and that each expects full Grim and Berry together polled 95,908 | recompense for his services. It is their way of doing things. They are Governor by plurality. In 1914 Brum- | not in politics for health or recreation. baugh’s majority was 134,625 and in | Each expects his reward in his own 1918 Sproul’s majority was 93,211. | way and will be greatly disappointed The enfranchisement of the women if he fails to receive it. But there is may have increased this proportion | no uncertainty as to the attitude of In , Thomas E. Finegan, Superintendent any event it is safe to say that the! of Public Instruction. He took little normal Republican majority in Penn- part in the primary campaign for the sylvania, on a fairly full vote is con- | reason that he felt perfectly safe with siderably under 200,000. Assuming either of the candidates. But now ; : that his official life is in the balance he is so earnest that he is prostituting the educational system of the State to the service of Mr. Pinchot. It is a matter of record that wher- ever possible the schools are dismiss- ed in communities during campaign visits of Pinchot in order to swell the crowds in attendance at his meetings. While that is bad enough it is not the a great part of the energies of the Department of Education spent in promulgating propaganda in the interest of Pinchot. In this work the lying statement is made that Mr. McSparran favors a decrease in the salaries of school teachers and the! destruction of the educational facili- ties of the State. As a matter of fact Mr. McSparran takes the opposite po- sition. He favors high wages for teachers and lower salaries for swiv~ el chair bosses in the department. ——The Republican executive com- mittee, which represents the Grundy element of the party, was in session yesterday (Thursday) to devise meth- ods of increasing the registration. ey, Boys,” session. “Fineganism.” Because John A. McSparran has de- nounced “Fineganism” in somewhat | emphatic language and with a consid- erable degree of vehemence, it must not be inferred that he is either op- posed to generous recompense to school teachers or to the highest standard of educational facilities in Pennsylvania. Liberal salaries to school teachers is not “Fineganism.” Long before Mr. Finegan was heard of in Pennsylvania the people of the State had set their heads in favor of fair compensation to school teachers. The Legislature of 1901 enacted a law fixing the minimum wages of teach- ers at $35 a month, which was all the teachers asked. The question of raising the stand- ard of educational facilities in Penn- sylvania was considered as long ago as 1873, when it was taken up in the constitutional convention. That au- gust body inserted a provision in the organic law of the State requiring the Legislature to appropriate “not less than one million dollars a year” to provide “an efficient system of pub- lic schools.” At the session of 1875 this requirement was complied with and at each recurring session the sum has been increased as the enhancing expenses demanded. During the ses- sion before Finegan was discovered the appropriation amounted to six million dollars, so that high standard of facilities for public education is not “Fineganism.” As a matter of fact “Fineganism” is the prostitution of the educational department of the State to the base services of a corrupt political machine by concentrating all executive power of the department and placing all the power of disbursement of the funds in ehe hands of servile and sordid poli- ticians at Harrisburg, with the result that the appropriations are not paid and the local control of the schools has been usurped by a gang of pirates. John A. MecSparran is unalterably op- posed to this system of piracy and this prostitution of power, and he has the courage to denounce it with all the force he can command. And in this righteous protest the people of Pennsylvania are with him. m—————— i ————— ——Mr. McSparran’s style of ora- tory appears to be very offensive to Republican politicians and newspapers but according to reports from sec- tions in which he has spoken it is pleasing to the people. is being ' ; i might safely be called a “Get the Mon- | NO. 38. Pepper and Reed are Delighted. Col. Theodore Davis Boal Reluctant to George Wharton Pepper and David A. Reed, Senators in Congress for Pennsylvania, by appointment of the Pennsylvania railroad and the Unit- ed States Steel corporation, respect- ively, issued a signed statement the ‘other day, expressing cordial appro- ival of the Fordney-McCumber tariff law. This measure, according to the estimate of conservative experts, will increase the taxes of the people of the United States to the enormous amount of $5,080,000,000 annually, which is equal to $45 for every man, woman and child in the ceuntry. Pennsylvania families average five, so that the tax to each Pennsylvania family will amount to $225, a con- siderable sum for the family of a working man to give up. Of course it will be claimed that the burden of this levy will not be as heavy on working men as upon per- sons of greater income, for the rea- son that the families of wage earners do net consume as much in the line of luxuries as their more fortunate neighbor. But this: is a false and fraudulent pretense. The unit in the family of the working man requires sugar, meats, fish, clothing, hosiery, glassware, medicines and other nec- : essaries of life in equal ratio with i that of the merchant and manufactur- er, and the blacksmith has the same physical needs as the banker. But the ability to bear the burden is not equal. The laboring man is obliged to coin his own sweat and his wife's | tears to meet the obligation from - which there is no escape. While the burden of the bricklayer and the broker may be comparatively equal, there is a class among the tax payers required to pay more than either. It is the farmer. He pays like the others on the necessaries of life and in addition has to pay a tax in the aggregate of $45,000,000 a year and as an individual $1.25 a year on fertilizers, to feed the rapacity of the Chemical trust, a tax on implements {as well as a tax on everything else ! necessary to produce his crops. Yet | Senators Pepper and Reed are so de- lighyl. with the measure that they k “the farmers of Pennsylvania to | ratify the appointments of the Penn- | sylvania railroad and the Steel trust by electing them for a full term. -—Up in Altoona last Thursday a woman was fined five dollars and costs for using the city water to scrub the porch. The long dry spell has so af- fected the water supply of that city that strenuous measures are taken to conserve it. Bellefonters should be very thankful that our big spring is always on tap with a steady flow of | pure water regardless of whether the | season is wet or dry. —The Altoona Tribune views the future of that city as something bril- liant and then discovers a speck on the rose glasses through which it gaz- es in the fact that there is a crying need for more houses. We rise to in- quire what Altoona would do with more houses when she can’t supply enough water with which to scrub the porches of the ones she now has. ————————— ——Gifford Pinchot, Republican candidate for Governor, is booked for a reception at the Bush house some I time this afternoon and the London Gayety Girls will be at the opera house this evening. Of course there is no coincidence between the two but the girls will probably draw the biggest crowd. m—— A ———————— ——Senators Pepper and Reed are delighted with the new tariff bill. It adds $45 a year to the expenses of every man, woman and child in the State and makes it considerably easier for the corporations represented by the Senators to keep working men in subjection. ——————— A —————— ——The road building contractors have already been tampering with Pinchot’s conscience, according to a recent statement made by the Forest- er. Those fellows take nothing for granted and Gif. must “toe the mar Red ——1In his “Outline of History” Mr. H. C. Wells tells us that “half a mil- lion years hence this may be a much sunnier and pleasanter world to live in than it is today.” Thanks for “them kind words.” —————— A ——————— — General Pershing is hunting a quiet spot on the seashore to write a book. But a book written by “Black Jack” even in such an environment migh create a good deal of noise if entirely frank. —————— ——Newberryism will continue a live question so long as ambitious mul- timillionaires continue to buy party nominations. ——p A ——————————— —After Monday night there can be no doubt that the frost is on the pumpkin, Talk of the Work of the Penn- sylvania Battlefield Com- mission to France. So little has found its way into print concerning the activities of the Pennsylvania Commission to report to the next Legislature on the nature and location of monuments which this Commonwealth contemplates erecting in France to commemorate the feats of arms of Keystone soldiers that we took advantage of an opportunity to interview Col. Theodore Davis Boal on ' the subject, on Monday. Col. Boal was attached to the Com- mission not only because of distin- ! guished service during the war and his knowledge of the front, but be- cause he knows France almost as well as he knows his own country, much of his life having been spent there. He was most reluctant to talk, presuma- bly because, in the first instance, he had no authority to speak and in the second he might have re- garded it as inappropriate to antici- pate any report it has yet to make to the next session of the Legislature. However, we were able to get some idea of suggestions and impressions that were presented during the stay in France, Belgium and Germany. The Commission comprised Maj. Gen. Wm. G. Price, Col. David J. Da- vis, Lt. Col. Samuel Fleming, Maj. Timothy O. Van Allen and Capt. H. G. Stewart, all well known for their splendid work over seas in various units of our service. Col. Boal went over in May, with credentials from the War Department, and in advance of the party, to make arrangements for the facilitation of its mission. His first calls, after that on our military at- tache, were on Gen. Buat, chief of staff of the French army, and Gen. Joos- tens, military attache of the Belgian embassy, both of whom received him most courteously and gave every aid possible in forwarding his plans. It was through General Buat and Colonel Constantine that the Com- mission was fortunate enough to have the service of Capt. Le Rock as liaison officer. ; over them during the entire war and proved invaluable during the exhaust- ive study of the fronts that followed. Col. Boal also called on the head of the French foreign office, Count de la Rocca, who offered his services to the Commission and entertained its members. While in Paris the party was receiv- ed with great courtesy by Col. Blan- ton Winship, of the American repara- tions commission, who commanded one of the regiments of the 28th Division, and rendered distinguished service in the severe fighting in the Argonne. They were entertained also by the military attache of our embassy and the secretary, F. Lamotte Belin, a Pennsylvanian. Major Ul- lern and Captain Pernet, of the French army, also did all they could for the Commission. The former, it will be recalled, was in charge of the French military mis- sion to this country when we were mobilizing and it was the splendid training by these two officers that contributed so largely to the prepar- edness the 28th Division had when it was suddenly sent into the front line. When it is remembered that Penn- sylvania furnished 870,000 troops it will be seen that the question of mon- uments or memorials was not a mat- ter to be settled in a junketing spirit. As we have said Col. Boal was most reluctant to talk of what really had been done, but he said enough to con- vince us that the Commission gave serious attention to the duty it was sent to perform and took broad and constructive views on the proper car- rying out of the project. . Evidently the Commission was im- pressed by the still devastated condi- tion of the war zones of France. To the members there seemed to have been scarcely any reconstruction of the places with which they were so familiar in 1918. For instance, Fis- mes and Fismet, two French towns lying on opposite banks of the Vesle, are places where the valor of the 28th Division was put to the test. The towns are still in ruins, little or no restoration has been accomplished, and the residents are still using the wooden bridge that was thrown over the river by American engineers, the original structure having been blown up. There was a suggestion in that. Varennes is another point that will ever be fraught with stirring memo- ries for Pennsylvania soldiers. It is the town where Louis XVI was cap- tured when he tried to escape from France. There the old chateau on the edge of the cliff was completely de- molished by the Germans and it will never be rebuilt. Its grounds are a mass of ruins and weeds and there is no regular train service to this once important village-town that was re- taken by the 28th Division. Montfaucon, the point overlooking (Continued on page 4, Col. 1.) He knows: ewery. inch of the battlefields, having hh SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —John Musser, 55 year of age, of New Holland, Pa., who has been blind in his left eye since youth, lost the sight of his other eye when he was struck by a stone while operating a crusher on the site of his new home. —Robert Borlin Brewer, 64 years old, is dead at his home, three miles north of Greensburg, Westmoreland county, as the result of injuries he received when he was kicked in the stomach and chest by a horse one day last week. —The Masonic fraternities of Lock Ha- ven have decided to proceed with the erec- tion of their $100,000 temple at the corner of East Main and Grove streets, as soon after the holidays as the weather will per- mit, and expect to complete it next fall. —The State Department of Internal Af- fairs was last week asked by Oldney Thompson, of Pittsburgh, to inform him what will kill fleas on dogs and cats. The information was also given that “they are big in size and can jump some distance.” —Howard R. Davis, a past exalted ruler of Williamsport Lodge of Elks, has been appointed by Grand Exalted Ruler J. Ed- gar Masters as district deputy for the Pennsylvania North Central district. He succeeds Senator Charles E. Donahue, of Lock Haven. This is the second honor Mr. Davis has received at the hands of Elks’ State and national organizations. At the State convention in Scranton he was elected a member of the State board of trustees for five years. - -—Mike Rancher was gloating over his pay last Friday. He works in a mine at Rockwood, near Johnstown, and drew $291.45 for two weeks’ work. He worked only eight hours each day. Rancher, a coal digger, was “in luck,” as his fellow workers termed it. He struck what is known as a “soft spot” in the vein, and during the two weeks turned out more than 250 tons of coal with a pick. A ‘soft spot” requires little digging, as one stroke of the pick brings down a heavy fall of coal. —A. M. Eby, for years cashier of the Hazleton National bank, who was found dead in bed of heart disease last Thurs- day, had made arrangements for his own funeral. He gave minute directions as to the text to be preached, the singing of “Lead Kindly Light’ and “Nearer my God to Thee,” his favorite hymns, and the se- lection of the pall-bearers. Two of these, were past masters of Hazle Lodge, No. 827, F. and A. M., and four from Robison Post, No. 20, G. A. R., both of which organiza- tions Mr. Eby was a member. —Four young men, Harry Cummings, ° Ralph Enders, Joseph Blackburn and Da- vid Willets, all of Johnstown, who last March were convicted in the Blair county courts on a charge of having robbed the First National bank at Claysburg, were at. noon on Monday sentenced by Judge Thomas J. Baldridge, at Hollidaysburg, to imprisonment at solitary and separate con- finement in the western penitentiary for terms of not less than seven nor more than ten years each. Along with the peniten- tiary sentence the judge also handed out a $250 fine to each of the young men. The bank was robbed of $20,000 in cash and bonds. —FEel fishing along the Juniata river and its tributaries is at its height. Tons of them are being caught and placed in the Iive-boxes of the professional fisher- men or skinned and salted for the winter months by the farmers through whose land flow the streams they frequent. Eel dams, or fish baskets dot the Juniata about every half mile. Many tons of eels are taken from the streams each fall, those caught in the mountain streams being considered best. The Pennington camp crew catch several tons of eels in the Juniata river annually, and keep them in large live- boxes or sell them dressed at 25 and 30 cents a pound. —Women living in Park avenue, Leba- non, who rose early Monday morning for washday, were horrified to see the body of a man hanging from a telephone pole in the rear of Judge C. V. Henry's residence at Third and Locust streets. . Benjamin M. Kline, aged 50 years, member of the firm of Fuller and Kline, prominent hard- ware dealers for the past twenty-five years, left his home a few blocks from the place, early Sunday evening. He had been suf- fering from nervous prostration for sev- eral months. Searching parties spent nearly the entire night hunting him. Mon- day morning his body was found hanging from the pole. Andrew Johnson Kiser, aged 56 years, and residing at Mifflintown, Pa., met in- stant death in a rather odd manner at 7:40- o'clock Sunday morning at the Denholm coaling wharf. He was struck on the side of the head by a sledge hammer in the: hands of a fellow worker and died in a moment. Kiser, who was employed by the: Pennsylvania Railroad company as an ash- man, at the time of the fatality had been holding an iron bar which was being sledged by John A. Watt in order to open the drop door in a coal car. In seme man- ner Kiser allowed the bar to move and the swinging heavy sledge missed it and struck him a glancing biow on the left side of the skull, killing him. —Three cars of burning sulphur threat- ened so much damage on the Pennsylva- nia Railroad, near Marsh run, south of Harrisburg, that the Harrisburg fire de- partment was called out early last Friday to save the rest of the train and surround- ing property. The fire started when a gon- dola of pig-iron jumped the tracks, tore up 100 feet of rails and wrecked ten cars. Wreckers dammed the molten sulphur which was running in a broad stream into the dry woods near by, threatening a for- est fire. The rumor spread in New Cum- berland and near by towns that the Marsh Run United States army ordnance depot, where large numbers of shells are stored, was on fire, and many people fled to the hills. The depot was not in danger. —William Phipps, 21 year old receiving teller of the Jenkintown National bank, who admitted to having caused a fire in the basement of the bank several months ago to detract attention while he remov- ed about $5,000 from the cages of two other employees, pleaded guilty before federal judge Thompson, at Philadelphia, on Mon- day, to having embezzled approximately $6,683 from the bank. Despite the fact that his employers desire his release on probation and that his wife is about to receive a visit from the stork, Judge Thompson indicated that Phipps would receive a jail sentence. “To suspend sen- tence in this case,” said the judge, “would tend to destroy the confidence of people in the integrity of banks.” Phipps, married about a year and receiving a salary of about $85 a month, said he stole the mon- ey to provide a home for his bride.