Deworvaiv ata. —_———— Bellefonte, Pa., September 22, 1922 — SP ———— NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. — The annual meeting and the sixth shoot of the season of the Sus- quehanna trapshooter’s league will be held at Lock Haven today. — The Ladies Aid of the United Evangelical church will hold a bake sale in Sourbeck’s store the first Sat- urday in October. The public is asked to keep the date in mind. — The First National bank and the Farmer’s Trust company, of State College, were consolidated into one in- stitution last week and all the busi- ness will hereafter be done by the First National bank. — James Parks, of Snow Shoe, se- cured the Sellers kitchen cabinet on exhibition in the window of the Pot- ter-Hoy hardware store last week and offered to the highest bidder. Mr. Parks topped all other bidders by of- fering sixty dollars. The cabinet re- tailed at $75.00. ——1In the list of old soldiers in at: tendance at the recent reunion of the Centre county veteran club, as pub- lished in the “Watchman” last week, two names. were unintentionally omit- ted. They were William Flack, aged 79, Company A, 45th Pa. Inf, and Henry Pennington, aged 80, Company D, 49th Pa. Inf. ——Rev. M. DeP. Maynard has been spending this week at Holy Cross Monastery, West Park, N. Y., in com- pany with numerous other priests of the Episcopal church, at the annual retreat. A retreat is a series of re- ligious exercises in retirement from the world in which a most earnest ef- fort is made to renew one’s vision and increase one’s hold on spiritual reali- ties. Mr. Maynard will return in time for Sunday’s services. ——Announcement has been made by ex-president and Mrs. Edwin E. Sparks, of State College, of the en- gagement of their daughter, Ethel, to Mr. Carvel E. Sparks, of Pedricktown, N. J. Both are graduates of The Pennsylvania State College, she in landscape gardening and he in horti- culture. Miss Sparks is now an in- structor in industrial art at State Col- lege, and Mr. Sparks is a fruit grow- er, located in New Jersey, near Phila- delphia. — Lester T. Mills has resigned his position in the Potter-Hoy hardware store and is making arrangements to move to Altoona in about two weeks. Mr. Mills came here from Bedford about three years ago and until his marriage several months ago lived with his mother on Lamb street. When he and his wife go to Altoona his mother will accompany them. Mr. Mills has been secretary of the Belle- fonte Camp P. O. S. of A, and has also tendered his resignation of that office. : — The women’s bible class of the Methodist church, with several men as their guests, held their annual meet- ing at the Nittany Tea room, at Nit- tany, Tuesday evening, the meeting being followed by a dinner of thirty- four covers. Mrs. McKelvey, the pas- tor’s wife, who is the teacher of the class, and Mrs. Sydney Keefer, the president, had charge of all arrange- ments, the after-dinner talks being the principal feature of the evening. The party was taken to Nittany in private automobiles. — The Peerless colored concert company, consisting of four men and four women, will give a concert in the court house under the auspices of the Otterbein Brotherhood of the United Brethren church, next Wednesday evening, September 27th, at eight o’clock. This is one of the best con- cert companies on the road and the Brotherhood is very fortunate in se- curing their services at this particular time. The program will consist of single and double quartettes, trios, du- ets, solos, etc. Admission, adults 50 cents; children under twelve years, if accompanied by parents or guardians, 25 cents. —During the past year or longer the Pennsylvania freight depot in ‘Bellefonte has been overrun with rats, .and nothing eatable escaped from the depredations of the rodents. In fact ‘the rats were so plentiful that some .of the men who work down there claim that they had to kick them out of their way to keep from falling over them. Naturally they were quite de- structive on some food shipments and to protect the latter the railroad com- pany built in the wareroom a rat proof wire cage fourteen feet long, eight feet wide and eight feet high in which all foodstuffs were stored until with- drawn from the depot. And mow the peculiar fact in connection therewith is that not a rat has been seen inside the depot since the cage was installed. — Judge Witmer, of the Federal district court, has handed down a rul- ing in the matter of the application to amend the petition of John M. Shu- gert to show cause why Florence F. Dale and Geo. R. Meek should not be adjudged bankrupt. It is the outcome of the argument before Judge Wit- mer, at Sunbury, last Friday. The original subpoenas again:i Mrs. Dale and Mr. Meek are ordered quashed and the petitioner is granted the right to cause a new one to issue which will be returnable October 10th, when answer to the Court must be made, on the part of Mrs. Dale and Mr. Meek, to the amendment granted the peti- tioner. After this answer is made on October 10th. A date will be set for the argument on it and the preceed- ings will begin anew again. i 3 LONG SESSION OF COUNCIL. Considerable Business Transacted at Monday Evening’s Meeting. Probably the first time’ in six months every member of borough council was present at the regular meeting of that body on Monday even- ing. Mr. T. R. Hamilton was present and called attention te the bad condition of Decatur alley, and the matter was referred to the Street committee. Secretary W. T. Kelly reported that the uncollected portion of the 1921 water tax duplicate amounting to $3589.08 had been turned over to the borough manager by the Keystone Power company. The Street committee reported the collection of $298.00 by the borough solicitor on the Bishop street paving. The borough manager reported that in conference with officials of the High- way Department an agreement had been reached regarding the borough’s share for the repairs and oiling of Al- legheny, Bishop and Linn streets over a year ago. The amount is $1117.34 and a motion was passed accepting the Jepon and authorizing payment of the ill. The Water committee reported that all the ditch has been dug for the ex- tension of the water out over Hali- moon hill and that the pipe is now be- ing laid. The committee deemed it wise to extend the four inch pipe a distance of 1400 feet, instead of 1100, which will increase the cost of the job over the original estimate. The committee also reported that the borough manager had collected $50.99 on the 1920 water duplicate and requested exoneration of $17.50 in order to clean up that duplicate and council authorized the same. The committee also reported that the bor- ough manager has collected $1541.43 of the balance on the 1921 duplicate turned over to him. The 1922 dugli- cate amounting te $11,291.85 and one quarter’s meter bills aggregating $1225.35 will be turned over to the Keystone Power company for collec- tion by the first of October. The Fire and Police committee re- ported the employment of George C. Glenn as traffic officer on Bishop street during the hours the children are going to or from school, or a total of four hours a day. The committee also reported that Elmer Yerger had re- signed as borough policeman and Wil- liam Bottorf had been selected by the committee as his successor. Council ratified the selection. The Finance committee requested renewal of notes for $1000, $2000, $1000, $1000, $2000 and $3000, and or- ders for interest to cover same. The committee also presented the check of tax collector Herbert Auman for $3225.25 for taxes collected on the 1922 duplicate. Mr. Waite entered complaint about the actions of one of the policemen in entering his store on south Water street and notifying one of his cus- tomers to remove his car, which was parked on the side of the street. He claimed that such acts, if persisted in, would hurt his business and further declared that the car had not been there over five minutes. Mr. Flack stated that he and the policeman had both timed the car and it had been there over ten minutes. The Fire and Police committee were instructed to have the police exercise proper judg- ment as to the parking of cars on said street and the time allowed before warning the drivers to move on. Regarding the complaint as to boys congregating in front of the Scenic the Fire and Police committee report- ed that the youngsters merely make fun of the police. The question was then raised as to whether it is the borough’s duty to break up the prac- tice or the manager of the Scenic to keep the pavement clear. The matter was finally referred to the Fire and Police committee for consultation with the borough solicitor. Mr. Emerick stated that now that the public schools are in session boys attending the High school building are playing around the old steam heating plant and climbing onto the buildings, which are so rotten and di- lapidated that they are very danger- ous, and he urged council to take some definite action toward getting rid of the nuisance. He was informed that council had placed the matter in the hands of the Special committee and borough solicitor with power, and they have full authority to take any action deemed expedient. Myr. Emerick called attention to the fact that street signs should be put up, not only signs with the names of the streets but signs showing stran- gers passing through town the way to surrounding towns. Considerable dis- cussion followed as to just what kind of signs would be best and where they should be placed, and the matter was finally referred to the Street commit- tee and borough manager. Mr. Emerick also called attention to the bad condition of High street be- tween Spring street and the Spring creek bridge. Borough manager Sei- bert stated that it is his intention to repair the street as soon as he can get to it, but he has been kept busy on other work. This led Mr. Emerick to suggest that he put a foreman on each job so that it will not be necessary for him to stay permanently on one job to see that the work is done. Mr. Sei- bert stated that he has been trying to find men suitable for such positions but has been unable to get the right persons. The question of policemen firing boilers during the winter season was discussed and it was the unanimous opinion of council that they should not be allowed to fire any boilers except those at the two fire houses, where po- lice headquarters have now been es- tablished, and the Fire and Police committee was notified to so instruct the police. Mr. Emerick further called atten- tion to the fact that many drivers of cars fail to observe the rights of oth- er drivers at cross streets, as pre- scribed by the State highway laws, which give the man on the right the right of way at all times. As an il- lustration: If a car is going up High street towards the Diamond and another car going north on Spring street, the Spring street car has the right of way when the two cars reach the intersection of High and Spring streets. But if the Spring street car is going south between Howard and High then the High street car has the right of way. Report was made that the boys per- sist in the habit of coasting down Spring street on bicycles, express wagons, ete., crossing Linn street at High speed and they are in constant danger of being run down by cars. The Fire and Police committee was in- structed to caution the boys of their danger. Residents of east Curtin street some time ago requested council to estab- lish a curb line on each side of that thoroughfare and also give a grade for pavement, but so far nothing defi- nite has been done and the president of council instructed the Street com- mittee and borough manager to go on the ground and be prepared to make a recommendation at the next meet- ing of council. Bills to the amount of $2501.10 were approved for payment after which council adjourned. ———————————————— Major Hastings Now at Soldier’s Home at Erie. Major William H. Hastings, a brother of the late Governor Daniel H. Hastings, who was released from the eastern penitentiary early in July after serving nine years of a twelve year sentence for shooting his nephew by marriage, Ross A. Hickok, of Har- risburg, was taken from Philadelphia to Erie last Friday and placed in the soldier's home at that place. Major Hastings’ release from the peniten- tiary was secured through the activi- ties of the woman’s relief corps of the G. A. R. He is eighty years old and his last days will be spent at the soldier’s home. The Third Musicale. The third in the series of musicale teas given by the Bellefonte music club for the joint benefit of the Belle- fonte hospital and the club will be at the home of Mrs. Ellis L. Orvis, on Curtin street, next Thursday after- noon, September twenty-eighth, from three to five o'clock. Those who will take part in the program are Mrs. Louis Schad, Miss Marie Doll, Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Russell Blair, Miss Re- becca Valentine, Mrs. Robert S. Walk- er, Mrs. A. M. Schmidt, Mrs. Alberta Krader, Miss Magdalene Sunday, Mrs. George P. Bible, Mr. Johnston, a stu- dent at the Bellefonte Academy, and Dr. George P. Bible. A silver offering will be lifted. a ———————— Centre County Auction Sale Next Wednesday. That big Centre county auction sale to be held in Bellefonte next Wednes- day, under the auspices of the Asso- ciated Business Men of Bellefonte in co-operation with the farmers of Cen- tre county, promises to eclipse any- thing of the kind ever held in this sec- tion of the State. The Farm Bureau office will be sale headquarters but the sale will be held at the stables of the Bellefonte Fuel & Supply company, near the silk mill. Fifty-four head of live stock are listed for sale that day, including five horses, nine head of cattle, twenty- two hogs and pigs, thirteen head of sheep, a number of coops of poultry, ete. There will be farm implements, household goods and many useful ar- ticles. Sale starts at 9:30 o'clock. Free movies will be shown from twelve to one o’clock. Most every merchant in Bellefonte will offer bargains for sale that day. Come to Bellefonte next Wednesday and take advantage of the big offers. ————————————————— Methodists to Dedicate Building at Penn State. Tax-supported colleges are neces- sarily limited in what they can do for the religious care of students, but de- nominational enterprise is trying to meet the full needs of the situation. The Methodist Episcopal church at Pennsylvania State College has com- pleted the first unit of a building, to cost one hundred thousand dollars, and to be used in meeting the re- ligious and social needs of Methodist students and others affiliated with St. Paul’s church of which Rev. Robert C. Peters is the pastor and Rev Harry F. Babcock the student pastor. The first unit now completed provides class rooms for religious instruction, an assembly room, a gymnasium, and auditorium. It is built of native lime- stone to correspond with the church building which it adjoins. Bishop William F. McDowell," of Washington, D. C.; Bishop Francis J. McConnell, of Pittsburgh; secretaries W. F. Sheldon and E. M. Conover, and president J. M. Thomas, of State Col- lege, will be the principal speakers at the dedicatory services which will be held Tuesday, October 3rd, when Methodist preachers and laymen from all over the State will gather at State College for the formal opening. Knights Templar Had Big Time at State College. Upwards of two hundred Knights Templar, with their wives and lady friends created a spectacular event at State College yesterday, the occasion being the first annual field day since the world war of the Tenth division of Pennsylvania, which includes the commanderies at Lewistown, Hunt- ingdon, Philipsburg and Bellefonte. The Knights journeyed to State Col- lege by automobile and created no lit- tle interest among the people of the town as well as the student body. Most of the Knights were resplend- ent in glittering uniforms and full re- galia and the parade at two o’clock was a very imposing spectacle, espe- cially as it was led by Wetzler’s band of Milesburg in their new uniforms. The Knights marched to old Beaver field where they were inspected by the division commander, Charles T. Der- ick, of Huntingdon; the grand gener- alissimo, Arthur D. Bacon, of Harris- burg, representing the grand com- mander, and the grand junior warden, Boyd A. Musser, of Scranton, who is a member of the Bellefonte Com- mandery. Following the parade and review the visiting Knights were turned over to the College authorities and escort- ed to various points of interest at the big institution of learning. At six o’clock the entire delegation was serv- ed with a delicious supper by the wom- en of the Presbyterian church. At 8:30 o’clock a reception and dance was held in the College armory, and it was quite late when the affair broke up and all departed for their homes feel- ing that the field day had been a suc- cess and pleased with their reception and entertainment at the College. The Bellefonte Commandery were hosts of the gathering and as many residents of the College and members of the faculty are members of this Commandery they did everything pos- sible to make the day one of good fel- lowship for all. The present officers of the local Commandery are as fol- lows: Commander, James R. Barlett; generalissimo, Charles E. Garbrick; captain general, Thomas W. Mason; recorder, George T. Bush; treasurer, William B. Rankin; trustees, Wilson S. Sholl, George T. Bush and A. C. Mingle. Rev. T. W. Young Relieved as Chap- lain of Western Penitentiary. On Sunday afternoon when Rev. T. W. Young journeyed to the western penitentiary to perform his regular duties and conduct his customary preaching services he was met by Rev. C. M. Miller, chaplain of the peniten- tiary at Pittsburgh, who told him that it was his unpleasant duty to inform Him that his services were at an end, and that he (Rev. Miller) would con- duct the afternoon services. Pressed for a reason for such a summary dis- missal Rev Miller stated that he had been given to understand it was be- cause of the fact that Rev. Young was not in harmony with some of the poli- cies being carried out at the institu- tion. Rev. Young was appointed chaplain of the western penitentiary at Rock- view six and a half years ago by war- den John Francies and during prac- tically all of that time has lived in Bellefonte. He has formed many warm friendships among the people of the town because of his geniality, kind disposition and high christian character. To these friends and the public at large his abrupt dismissal as chaplain of the penitentiary seems in- explicable. He has always been faith- ful and sincere in the discharge of his duties, and we have every reason to believe was revered by the hundreds of inmates of the institution. Opening of the Opera House. Wednesday night, October 4th, is the date set for the opening of the legitimate show season at the opera house, when a New York cast and chorus of the “Shuffle Along” compa- ny will be seen. This great musical comedy extravaganza carries fifty-one of the country’s greatest colored tal- ent and has just finished its two year’s run at the 63rd Street theatre, New York. “Shuffle Along” carries its own ten piece orchestra, which is a knockout and is without doubt one of the best attractions of the season. The singing and dancing is far above the average and soft shoe, buck and wing and excentric dances are the best seen in many a day. Their quartet is mighty hard to beat. Some of the best musical numbers are “Love Will Find a Way,” which is put over by Miss Blanche Thompson, soprano, and Theodore MacDonald, tenor. “Ban- danna Days,” “I'm Wild About Har- ry,” and “Mary Ann From Mary- land,” are also very clever. “The Pa- trol,” a dramatization of a midnight charge over the top, written by the late Lieut. James Europe and present- ed by Al Baldwin, is a specialty of high merit. The prices for this attraction will be 50 cents, $1.00, $1.50 and a few choice seats at $2.00. Watch next week’s paper for details. a r———— ip ————— ——The first meeting of the Wom- an’s club of Bellefonte, for the sea- son of 1922-23, will be held in the High school building, Monday even- ing, September 25th, at 7 :30 o’clock. Miss Mary Linn will give a talk on her trip through the Great Northwest. The Banjo club of the Academy, will furnish music, and following the meet- ing there will be a social hour, during which refreshments will .be served. Please attend and take your annual dues. NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. — Mrs. Rachel Harris went over to Johns- town a week ago for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. John VanPelt and her fam- ily. — Mrs. Gregg Curtin and her )oung son have been in Philadelphia for the past two weeks, visiting at Mrs. Curtin's former home, — Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Reynolds, of Lancaster, and their daughter, Miss Nora, are guests of Col. and Mrs. WwW. F. Rey- nolds. — Mr. and Mrs. G. Murray Andrews have returned from Winter Harbor, Maine, where they spent the late August and ear- ly September. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Strawn motored in from Pittsburgh last Thursday and were guests at the Brockerhoff house until their return home on Monday. Miss Jennie Miller, who fell last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McCoy, and broke a small bone in her ankle, is a patient in the Bellefonte hospital. __Mr. and Mrs. W. Harrison Walker went out to Cleveland Saturday, where Mr. Walker has been attending the National convention of thirty-third degree Masons. __Mrs. W. F. Reeder, who has been in Bellefonte since coming east from Cali- fornia during the late summer, is now spending a short time with friends in Lock Haven and DuBois. —Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Lochrie and Mrs. Lochrie’s mother, Mrs. Helen Malin Shu- gert, drove over from Windber the after part of last week, for an over Sunday visit at the Malin home on Howard street. —The D. R. Foreman family will leave early tomorrow morning on a motor trip to Frederick, Md., where Miss Lois Fore- man will matriculate as a student in Hood's College, which opens next Tues- day. —_Among the Centre countians who will atteend the 56th annual convention of the G. A. R., at DesMoines, Iowa, next week are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, of Pine Grove Mills, who left for that city yester- day. —Having completed her course and grad- uated last week as a professional nurse at the University of Georgetown hospital, Washington, D. C., Miss Teressa Shields returned to her home in Bellefonte on Tuesday. —Miss Lillian Mattern came up from Philadelphia Saturday night, remaining in Bellefonte until Tuesday, her time here having been spent with L. Olin Meek, who continues critically ill at his home on west High street. —On account of a nervous collapse, Miss Louise Kelsoe, instructor in history of the Bellefonte High school, has been unable to resume her work this fall, being ill at her home at Wooster, Ohio. Dr. Robert M. Beach is carrying on the work of the de- partment. __Miss M. H. Snyder, who had been east for two weeks, for a visit with her niece, Miss Jeannette Cooke, at Atlantie City, and on to New York, to get her early fall goods, returned to Bellefonte Saturday. Miss Cunningham, who was with Miss Sny- der last season, returned to Bellefonte Tuesday and will be with her during the autumn season. : 3 __Col. Theodore Davis Boal is entertain- ing Mrs. A. Roosevelt and her daughter. Mrs. Roosevelt is identified with Miss Anne Morgan's work of rehabilitation of the children of France and has just re- turned from that country for a conference concerning its further development. She is a cousin of our lamented President, Theodore Roosevelt. __Mr. and Mrs. George C. Bingaman, of Howard street, are entertaining Mrs. Bing- aman’s mother, Mrs. Clara Weeks, of Nor- ristown, who motored here two weeks ago with her daughter and son-in-law, when they were returning home from Mr. Bing- aman’s vacation. Mrs. Weeks’ son will drive to Bellefonte tomorrow for his moth- er, leaving Sunday to take her back to Norristown. —Capt. W. H. Fry left on Wednesday afternoon for DesMoines, Iowa, to attend the national encampment of the G. A R. He will make the trip out by easy stages, making stops in Altoona, Pittsburgh and Chicago, expecting to reach DesMoines on Monday. One purpose of his attending the convention is to intercede with the old vet- erans in favor of holding next year’s gath- ering in Washington, D. C, __Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Reese, of Pitts- burgh, have been guests at the Bush house the past week, coming here for the benefit of Mrs. Reese’s health. Mr. Reese, by the way is a grand-son of Isaac Reese, the pi- oneer firebrick manufacturer who was in- strumenta! in the building of the brick plants at Sandy Ridge, Powelton and var- jous other place§, later selling out to the Harbison-Walker Refractories company. Jack Blackburn and his cousin, Miss Margaret Brisbin, and Miss Geish of Eliz- abethtown, drove here from Philadelphia Friday, for Eliza and Albert Blackbura, who had visited for the greater part of the summer in Bellefonte with their grand- mother, Mrs. J. L. Spangler. The party returned to Philadelphia Monday, Eliza Blackburn going to Lititz the following day, to enter the Moravian school, where she will prepare for college. John B. Goheen was a Bellefonte vis- itor on Monday. He drove down from his home in “the Glades” with Milo Campbell, who had to be here for a meeting of the directors of the Farmer's Mutual Fire In- surance company. Mr. Goheen was a di- rector for a long, long time but resigned three years ago when he began to take life a little easier and give way to the younger fellows. He was 77 years old on Wednes- day. A good long span, but he has carried them well for he is just as alert, physic- ally and mentally, as we recall his having been on the occasion of our first meeting many years ago. —R. B. Freeman, of Philadelphia, is in town, having come up the latter part of last week for a visit with his daughter, Mrs. Hugh N. Crider, of east Linn street. Mr. Freeman is still with the Pennsylva- nia Railroad company, and has special du- ties in the general manager's office at Broad street. He was taken from Tyrone and detailed for special constructive work during the war with offices in Philadelphia and railroad operation has been so dis- turbed ever since that it has been neces- sary to continue the special assignment he has had. Time has changed him little in appearance and certainly none in nature for Reub’s is one of those happy ones that takes things as they come and crosses the bridge only when it is reached. IIe went up to Tyrone yesterday for a short visit at kis old home there, but will return for {he week-end at the Nittany Country club. — Mrs. Mott has returned home from her six week's visit with her daughter and sis- ter, in Michigan. —Mrs. Norman Good and her two chil- dren were week-end guests at Mrs. Good's former home, in Cambria county. —8im Baum has been in New York this week doing some early fall buying for his big clothing store on Allegheny street. —Thomas Caldwell, with a force of his plumbers, are in Snow Shoe, on a contract which will require two weeks to complete. —Harry Crissman stopped over in Belle- fonte for several hours yesterday, for a short visit with his brother, Homer Criss- man, while on his way to the Knights Templar field meet at State College. —Mrs. George Kerstetter came up from Harrisburg Tuesday and has been a guest this week of her sisters, Mrs. Geissinger and Mrs. H. C. Yeager, at the latter's home on Spring street. —MTrs. Richard Lutz entertained a week- end house party at her home on Howard street, the guests including Mrs. Laura Holderman, J. F. Ferguson, Ralph Kelley and Park Steininger, of Altoona, and Mr. and Mrs. Foster Housel, of Coleville. —Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Harper accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Seixas on their return drive to Germantown, Thursday of last week, remaining there for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Seixas and their two daughters had been in Bellefonte for a visit with Mrs. Seixes’ and Mrs. Harpers’ mother and aunt, Mrs. Charles Smith and Mrs. Wood- en. —Mrs. Thomas A. Shoemaker expects to take possession of the McQuistion home on High street, next week, Miss McQuistion having vacated the house several days ago. Mrs. Shoemaker’'s eldest son, Philip, who has accepted the position of manager of one of the Col. Boal farms, near Linden Hall, moved sufficient furniture there this week to furnish apartments for his own use in the farm home. —Dr. and Mrs. Jones and their small child arrived in Bellefonte Wednesday, from Philadelphia, stopping here for a two week's visit before going to their new home in Chicago, to which place Dr. Jones has been transferred by the company with which he is associated. Mrs. Jones, before her marriage, was Miss Mary Kline, and she, with Dr. Jones and their child, are now guests of her aunt and cousin, Mrs. John Olewine and Miss Adaline, at their home on Allegheny street. —Among the friends from a distance who were here for the funeral of the late H. K. Hoy were Rev. and Mrs. W. A, Wag- ner, of Boalsburg; Rev. and Mrs. George Ely and their son, of Turbotville; Mrs. An- na Pifer and her sons, Gilbert and Lester, of Pittsburgh; Mrs. A. Shuey, of Pros- pect, Ohio; Rev. and Mrs. Harkins, of State College; Christian, Harry, Miles and Allen Hoy, of Pittsburgh; Mr. and Mrs. Tate, of Punxsutawney; Mrs. John Mar- tin, of Harrisburg, and Fred Fishburn, of Pitcairn. —(Cephas L. Gramley, of Rebersburg, was in Bellefonte on Tuesday and very few of his friends would judge from his ap- pearance that he had celebrated his sev- entieth birthday anniversary on Sunday. While he don’t look it Mr. Gramley is one of the oldest school teachers in point of service in Centre county, as his entire life has been devoted to educational work. He began teaching when a young man and taught regularly until he was elected county superintendent. Since retiring from that office he has taught every school term with the single exception of the year he served as a member of the Legislature at Harrisburg. He has now reached the age of retirement en a pension as prescrib- ed by the school code, but has not yet an- nounced when he will avail himself of this privilege. In Society. Mrs. William Seig was hostess at a card party the early part of last week, given in compliment to her sister, Mrs. Libby, of Newport, who has been Mr. and Mrs. Seig’s house guest for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Spangler enter- tained with a card dinner at the Nit- tany Country club, Tuesday evening, thirty-two guests being present. Mrs. James B. Lane is giving a series of dinners this week at her home on east Linn street. a—————— er —— — If you think there is nothing new under the sun go to the Scenic and see some of the wonderful motion pictures displayed there night after night. While some of them are fea- tured over old subjects the settings are entirely new and replete with in- terest from beginning to end. Read the weekly program published in the «Watchman” and keep informed as to the appearance of your favorite stars. ————— ip e————— — The Thimble Bee of the ladies of the Reformed church will meet in the chapel this (Friday) afternoon, as the guests of Mrs. Schmidt. en —————————————— — The Keystone Power Corpora- tion has just acquired a limited sup- ply of standard six pound Westing- house electric irons which will be sold to its patrons for $3.75 each, while they last. These irons formerly sold for $6.75 each. Orders may be placed by telephoning the office, either phone. 37-2¢ —— i ——— ——Miss Cooney invites the ladies of Bellefonte and Centre county to her fall opening of The Hat Shop, Mon- day and Tuesday, September 25th and 26th. The Hat Shop always aims to please and has as its motto, superior models at reasonable prices. A visit will convince you. 37-1t ————————————————— —_At the Mary McQuistion home, west High street, Friday, September 22nd, at 1:30 p. m., public sale of fur- niture, tables, mirrors, carpets, old- fashioned settle and four chairs to match, three chest of drawers: \'t drop leaf tables, four stoves, ete. o ——————————————— Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected Weekly by C. XY. Wagner & Co. New Wheat - - - - - 1.00 Rye, per bushel, - - - - 60 Corn - - - - - - .65 Qats - - - - - - 35 Barley, per bushel - - - - 45