sep Me Demonic Yaya Bellefonte, Pa., September 8, 1922. THE STAGE AND ITS PATRONS. By L. A. Miller. Melancholy is the muse of frenzy, Therefore, they thought it good you hear a play, And frame your mind to mirth and mer- riment, Which bars a thousand harms, and length- ens life.—Shakespeare. Considering the influence the stage has on the morals of the country, it is singular that so little effort is made to keep it pure and healthy. For some reason it seems to have been given over to the devil to make all he can out of it, and that without even a pro- test from the moralists. It is said that the stage is bad, wholly bad, and therefore defiling. Whose fault is it? Some say it is because good and re- spectable people contribute to its sup- port without first requiring it to purge itself of all that is bad or impure. Others, that it is run in the interest of bad or immoral people, and that good people cannot consistently pa- tronize it. The stage, like any other public in- stitution, is allowed to run itself to a greater extent than a private concern will be. The people have it in their power to make the stage just what they want it. If they patronize light or immoral plays better than they do good ones, then the stage goes to the bad; but if meritorious plays are well patronized, and moral, upright and good actors well supported, then that end of the see-saw will rise. The pub- lic should not kick about the stage, for it is just what they make it. The truth of the matter is that the public cares very little about the pri- vate character of actors, and in their private capacity actors care very lit- tle about the public. If a play is catchy, well written and interesting in plot the public will applaud it, even if some of the suggestions in it are not of the most ennobling character. It makes no difference how immoral the actors are, so they are clever artists. To the public they are merely the characters in the play, nothing more. They are applauded to the echo on the stage, but not recognized on the street. It is business on one hand and en- tertainment on the other. The play- ers want the public’s money and the public wants the entertainment. Thus it becomes a legitimate business transaction. A theatrical agent comes along and offers to put a piece on the stage at standard prices. In so doing he ranks his attractions as standard. He cannot compel the people to pay him their money, and they are under no obligations to patronize him. He has merely offered them something that they can have for so much mon- ey. If they find that the goods are not up to the standard, they need not take them, and are at liberty to run them down in the market. If the agent finds that he cannot dispose of this grade of goods at standard prices, he shelves them and brings something better. However, if he succeeds even fairly well of disposing of his shoddy stock, he will not only continue to of- for it, but make it cheaper still. Now, if the people had the nerve to demand the very best, and take nothing else, Mr. Agent would bring it every time. The people are under no obligations whatever to patronize any show, but in the interest of public morals they are in duty bound to withhold their support from bad ones. The stage is just what you make it. Managers or- ganize play companies purely as a business venture. Their prime object is to make money, and they will go in the direction of the biggest pile. If there is more money in sensational plays than in tragedy then they run to sensation, and so on, following the tastes of the public and working the lead that yields the greatest number of sheckels. Does it seem fair and just to put the blame all on the stage, when it but reflects the+taste of the people? As well smash the mirror in your dresing case for not reflecting a hand- some face when you look into it. Large Amount Paid by State for Bounties. Pennsylvania paid $134,326.50 in bounty awards on 40,039 claims for the killing of noxious animals during the year ending June 1, 1922, accord- ing to a statement of the Game Com- mission. The claims paid included 412 wild- cats, 5,393 gray foxes, 3,720 red foxes, and 74,142 weasels. These claims were paid by the Game Commission which since 1915 has operated entire- ly on funds supplied by the sale of li- censes to sportsmen of the State. Since 1915 a total of almost $1,000,000 has been paid out on bounties on the kill- ing of vermin of various kinds, it was announced. Other expenditures of the Commis- sion since 1915 included $275,000 for the purchase of game for stocking purposes and $125,000 for the pur- chase of lands for refuges. Secretary Gordon of the Game Commission, an- nounced the following totals of game stocked in Pennsylvania since 1915: Elk, 170; deer, 780; wild turkeys, 2,000; ring-neck pheasants, 381,600; ring-neck pheasant eggs, 72,700; rab- bits (cotton-tail), 40,000; varying hares (snow-shoe rabbits), 10,000; quail, bob-white, 31,600; quail, Gam- bel, 180; squirrels, fox, 55; beaver, 70. ep Seven Carloads of Cocoa Shipped from Lititz to Germany. Seven carloads of cooca, amounting to 236,000 pounds, were shipped last week from the Ideal chocolate factory, Lititz, to Germany. The cars were loaded on a boat at Philadelphia. The order was received by the Central Re- lief committees, with headquarters in New York. Cocoa is considered very nutritious. In food calorie value one pound of cocoa from the factory is equal to a pound of steak, so that cocoa is one of the cheapest foodstuffs on the mar- ket.—Lititz Record. FOR AND ABOUT WOMEN. DAILY THOUGHT. God is the perfect poet, who in His per- son acts His own creation.—Robert Brown- ing. One collection for fall emphasizes three-piece costumes, no suit being shown. Skirts are straight and me- dium long, full eight inches off the ground. Jackets are in wrist or fin- ger-tip length, belted and fur trimn- med. Tailored dresses are built on straight lines and have long sleeves tight at wrist and full from elbow to hand. High collars are shown. Waist line is placed just below normal, gen- erally sloping from front to back. Per- sian, Chinese and Hindu embroideries, done in workrooms of the house, are much used. Metallic bead embroider- ies and metallic bead galoons are fea- tured. Coats are full length, with circular cut at sides, and are completed with enormously wide fur collars and cuffs. Bright-colored, fur-trimmed leather suits, and bright-colored leather jack- ets are shown, with matching sport dresses in wool fabrics. This house combines metal matelasse and velvet in afternoon dresses. Two-color and two-fabric combinations are also fea- tured by this house. Lace dresses are well represented in Calais, Chantilly and a new sheer guipure lace. Another house is showing all skirts of suits and dresses short, straight and scant. Waist length circular capes are featured as part of three- piece costumes in cloth or leather. Evening gowns are draped in Grecian and Egyptian styles. Dress skirts have broad scalloped, irregular hems and free gathered pan- els with rounded lower edge. All necks finish in straight, collarless line. Sleeves are long and wide at hand, or they are short, about four inches above the elbow. Amber-colored crepe and velvet and colored metal crepons are extensively used by this house for elaborate even- ing dresses. Satin dresses are well represented in black and in copper for afternoon wear. The Going Away Shower.—Every girl is a potenial bride-to-be, whether she is engaged or not. And, anyhow, why should the engaged girl have all the fun? Let’s give a shower for a girl who doesn’t wear a diamond :ing on her left hand. Or, if she does wear one, let’s give her a shower in spite of the fact, in “celebration” of her going away. This will really be a farewell party, with the shower added as a surprise. The invitations should include enlight- enment to this effect, and also the re- quest, “Please send your latest snap- shot before this date.” Of course, the guest of honor suspects nothing but a farewell party, with the possibility of some collective gift like a pair of field glasses, which she will never use. She may even be a trifle bored, especially when the hostess proposes some fool- ish game like “Going to Florida.” But when it comes her turn to say what she will take in her bag when she goes away the surprise may be sprung. This is done by the hostess, who inter- rupts, rising hurriedly and exclaim- ing: “Oh, excuse me just a rinute and don’t go on. I don’t want to miss any of this!” _ She hastens out of the room, com- ing back in a second with an old, bat- tered suitcase, the oldest she can find in the house, pasted up with all kinds of labels, including Christmas seals and canceled stamps. Putting it down with an impressive thud before the “Going-Away-Girl,” she gets off her carefully prepared remark, “We thought maybe you'd take these along to remember us by.” And inside the “Going-Away-Girl,” who may be going to California for two months, abroad for three or four, Maine for one, Florida for three weeks, or to New York for life, as far as the giving of the party is concern- ed, opens the bag and finds all kinds of interesting gifts inside. After this refreshments are announced, and the guests go into the dining room, which has been arranged like a dining csr. Card tables are placed in two rows across the room, while the dining ta- ble itself is pushed to cne side and filled with plates of food, already ar- ranged. The guests sit down at the tables, four at a time, those who are left over after all the tables are filled being asked to serve as waiters in handing out the plates. Then, when the first lot have finished, the waiters are waited on by their recent custom- ers. With each plate is a correspondd- ence card labeled “Time-Table.” Be- neath the label is a snap-shot of the Going-Away-Girl, made belonging to the hostess or “berrow- ed” from the owner. And beneath the picture is the name and the words, “To be remembered for all time.” These are to be used as favors. Now suppose we look into the suit- case and find out how the snap-shots of the guests are used. Of course, they are all intimate friends and their birthdays are all down in the hostess’ birthday book. So she makes her gift from a film ! v a calendar, with memorandum spaces for each day. And on the birthday of each guest she pastes just a tiny ypic- ture of the girl herself, “in remem- brance.” We don’t find that dreaded pair of field glasses, but we do find such helpful and easily forgotten things as a tiny bag of flowered silk containing a little pincushion, a pack- age of needles and some black and white thread, a book of stamps (pro- viding the trip is in this country); a writing tablet and some envelopes for hasty notes, a folding drinking cup, a silver pencil, a leather book cover to keep that favorite story nice and clean while reading it on the train, a knap- sack-shaped bag of cretonne with a flap that snaps shut but leaves just enough open space for a thread of wool to go through, for the same pur- pose of keeping knitting clean on the train; a pair of amber glasses, in case of continued glaring land or sea scapes; a neat little notebook in a! leather case which buttons shut; a | chamois bag in which to places odds | and ends like pins, combs and neck- | laces at night on a train; a tiny baby pillow in a dark corner for filling in uncomfortable crevices in Pullman seats, steamer chairs or berths; the smallest size of thermos bottle, which will hold: just enough water to quench that middie-of-the-night thirst. Green Olive Catsup. Good catsup is to steak and cold meats, what apple sauce is to roast pork, or mint sauce to lamb—an add- ed something that makes the course delicious. Green olive catsup is out of the or- dinary—the kind that wins friends immediately. Put one dozen large cu- cumbers, one pint Spanish green ol- ives (stoned), and four large white onions through the food chopper. Sprinkle four tablespoonfuls salt and four teaspoonfuls white pepper over the mixture. Add one quart vinegar and put in sterilized bottles or jars. This catsup is delicious on steaks and chops, and is an excellent accompani- ment to all sliced cold meats. i New World Geography Studied at Penn State. More than fifty teachers took the | special two weeks’ course in New { World eography that was taught at The Pennsylvania State College sum- mer session. The course was given this year for the first time to fill the demand of public school teachers for a course of instruction dealing with the reconstructed map of the world as a result of the recent great war. Dr. R. H. Whitbeck, professor of geogra- phy at the University of Wisconsin was in charge of the course, which was novel in that it combines history and geography into a single study. UA SotetablePr AVegetable ENF || similatingtheFood by 2 EN ting the Stomachis and A helpful Remedy for Constipation and Diarrh RTE Ginonths © nT At pay Tea Exact Copy of Wrapper. ! Boars the - ol Signature CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always of In Use For Over Thirty Years (ASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. of users in every line of desired. Hundreds of Thousands cutting haulage and de- livery costs with Ford One-ton Trucks. Let us show you why and how. No obligation. Terms if Beatty Motor Co, F.O.8. DETROIT [Bran Un rs aac, 1 4 a : i hE Si practically business are BELLEFONTE, PA. Cy aN SE AY OS SE RR RR a | § | EI Ss 10 SS PA ZV ET Re 1 SILK HOSE UH CSET Ladies’ $2.50 black and tan Pure Silk Hose re- duced to Maris ed la NE AG $1.50 oo] 1 AL Se ER ue Sn San a Sn ERERSAS Sai Yeager’s Shoe Store THE SHOE STORE FOR THE POOR MAN a Lele Bush Arcade Building 58-27 BELLEFONTE, PA. Ue) i REEEEEE EEE EEEE EEE EEE EEE En Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class Job work. Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co. EXCEPTIONAL Money Saving Opportunity We are selling all merchandise now at strtling low prices. CHILDREN’S SCHOOL DRESSES. One lot of Gingham Dresses, sizes 6 to 12, worth $3.00 to $3.50, now $1.25 to $1.75 : LADIES’ SUMMER VESTS. Swiss lisle ribbed Vests, small sizes only, values 35¢. to 50c. now 20c. LADIES’ GINGHAM DRESSES. In checks and stripes that sold at $3.50 and $3.75 now $2.50. SWEATERS. Slip over Sweaters, all colors, all wool, now $2.50 to $3.50. COTTON DRESS GOODS. 36-inch Percales, light and dark, 18c. All colors Dress Ginghams, 25c¢. WOOL DRESS GOODS. All the new weaves and colors in the sport cloths, Tweeds, Homespun and Diagonals, 58-inch wide, $2.50 and $3.50 per yard. SERGES. All wool Serges, all colors, from $1.00 up. NEW FALL COATS AND SUITS. We are showing advance styles in the new mod- els Coat and Suits, at wonderful low prices. SHOES. Shoes for men, women and children. See our line of School Shoes for Boys and Girls. Ladies’ new tan Sport Oxfords, that are worth $7.00, now $5.00. Men’s dress and work Shoes in this money saving sale. Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co.