Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 18, 1922, Image 1

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    —In thirty-one days fall will be
here and it seems that spring came
only yesterday.
——In other words the Pennsylva-
nia Republican ship proposes to sail
without a rudder.
—The miners have gone back to
work, but if the railroaders continue
on strike there will be no cars to load.
—The business men have had their
picnic. Now let the American Legion
go to it for a bigger one on Labor
—Talk about deflation, there are a
lot of people who bought farms a few
years ago who know exactly what it
means now that they want to sell
Those statesmen who declare
the bonus proposition is an insult to
the soldiers would be perfectly willing
to have a similar insult put upon
Without any inside information
on the subject we are willing to risk a
small wager that Senator Pepper will
not “spit in the eye” of Senator Vare’s
pet bull dog.
——The Prohibitionists who are
moving upon Germany are “riding for
a fall.” The average German would
as soon pay the reparation claims as
give up his beer.
——The sale of liquor on board
American ships continues in unabat-
ed volume while all the energies of
the government are being employed to
suppress the back alley bootleggers.
——Judging by the vehemence with
which some corporation managers in-
sist on keeping faith with the strike
breakers one might imagine that they
never betrayed a trust in their lives.
Those millionaire bootleggers
might find it worth while to employ
chairman Lasker, of the Shipping
Board, in some such capacity as the
movie kings got Will Hays for a
—In the coming fight for Senator
the soldier boys will have a chance to
decide between Col. Kerr, one of their
pals who wants to do something for
them, and Senator Pepper, who
wouldn’t do anything when he had a
—Gradually the stage'is putting the
lid on “wet” and “dry” jokes. People
are tired of them, of course, but it
must be admitted that about ninety
per cent. of all other jokes they hear
coming across the footlights make
them just as tired.
~The soft coal strike is over and
coal again. The price is
high at ent, but if those who act-
ually don’t need coal until later hold
off their orders until more pressing
demands are met the price should fail
rather than advance.
—President Harding’s feet have
been examined by an expert who has
pronounced them to be muscularly
and anatomically perfect. We pre-
sume this discovery will be used in
the next Republican campaign book
to prove that their candidate is a man
of perfect understanding.
—The Senate has given up the at-
tempt to make a palatable pill of the
Fordney tariff measure and turned
the whole mess over to President
Harding. The nearer election day ap-
proaches the more desperate are a lot
of Senators and Congressmen becom-
ing in their search for a goat.
—We note that some one has given
The Pennsylvania State College fifty-
six dollars with which to provide
homes and shelter for the birds on the
campus. Of course this is for the
feathered variety, but on certain rare
nights in June we have seen the need
of homes up there for numbers of the
other kind.
—One of our contemporaries an-
nounced on Tuesday that “forty-five
state clerks will lose one week’s
work.” Isn’t it pathetic! What a
pitiable plight for fellows, who have
been accustomed to the grind, grind,
grind of departmental endeavor at
Harrisburg. Why, they won’t know
how to loaf.
—The London parley has broken up
with relations between the Allies more
strained than ever. It is a lamentable
outcome, indeed, and we may be more
vitally affected by it than we know.
The world is not sane in thought these
days. The little crevices between
friends may be great chasms tomor-
row and then—well, let us look it
squarely in the face; war looms again.
.—Those of our readers who are
reading, with so much pleasure and,
we hope, benefit the sage counsel that
Levi Miller sends, on occasion, from
Pleasant Gap will find his contribu-
tion next week profound with wisdom.
Really we never expected to hear from
Levi again after he undertook to write
a cook book and betrayed his wife’s
culinary secrets. Evidently the good
lady didn’t give him what he expected
to get,— h—and we may hope for fur-
ther fulsome dissertations from Levi.
—Lord Northcliffe’s death removes
a striking figure from English jour-
nalism. His rise to power in the Brit-
ish Empire was almost sensational
and his death, at less than sixty years,
but the natural sequence of burning the
candle at both ends. For a time he
made and unmade cabinets but the
ravaging strain of his prodigious
work finally broke his physical and
mental powers to the point where he
lost his last battle with Lloyd George
and since that he had been a broken '
have been idle for months |
_VOL. 67.
Who is David A. Reed and Why?
On Tuesday, according to news dis-
patches, Governor Sproul appointed
David A. Reed, of Pittsburgh, to the
great office of Senator in Congress to
fill the vacancy caused by the death
of Senator Crow. This fact moves us
to ask who is David A. Reed, and what
service has he performed for the peo-
ple of Pennsylvania worthy of such a
reward? He is a comparatively young
man who has acquired considerable
wealth and some reputation as a coi-
poration lawyer. His father was as-
sociated in the practice of law with
the late Senator Philander C. Knox,
and when Senator Knox entered pub-
lic life, became the head of the legal
staff of the Steel trust. The son, Da-
vid A. Reed, succeeded to this lucra-
tive job when advancing years and
abundance of wealth made it possible
and desirable for the father to retire.
Beyond that David A. Reed has had no
professional experience.
A year or so ago Senator Penrose
set out to administer the affairs and
distribute the emoluments of the Re-
publican machine of Pennsylvania for
the immediate future. There was an
unwritten but sacred law of the or-
ganization that the Pennsylvania rail-
road should not only have the power
to name, but absolutely control, one of
the Senators in Congress and the Steel
trust the other. Senator Knox repre-
sented the Steel trust and Senator
Penrose the Pennsylvania railroad.
When Knox died last October Senator
Crow was appointed in his place and
when Penrose died Senator Pepper
was named as his successor, thus pre-
serving the status between the ma-
chine and the corporations. The infir-
mity of Senator Crow’s health made it
inexpedient, however, to continue him
in the office and it was decided to shift
the toga to the shoulders of John A.
Bell, a banker.
Mr. Bell had been an obliging ad-
junct of the machine and was satis-
factory to both corporations. He had
given former State Treasurer Kep-
hart full liberty to use his name on
checks and -other evidence of debt or
Lewis suggested that there had been
irregularities in the management of
the State funds and started an inves-
tigation. That made the nomination
of Mr. Bell for the office of Senator
hazardous if not impossible and the
machine managers, Senator Penrose
having died in the mean time, set
about to select a candidate to repre-
sent the Steel trust in the Senate.
After a careful scrutiny of the can-
didates and a searching survey of the
conditions Mr. Reed was chosen.
In justice to David A. Reed it must
be admitted that he is a capable cor-
poration lawyer and that he has been
a faithful and efficient servant of the
Steel trust. In fact his entire mature
and professional life has been spent
in the service of that corporation and
he probably deserves from it any re-
ward which fidelity and industry mer-
it...But he has never done anything in
his life which in the remotest degree
inured to the benefit of the people
of Pennsylvania. He has taken no
part in civic progress, local or Sate-
wide. He has led in no philanthropic
enterprise nor has he contributed to
any social or benevolent undertaking
for the advancement of science or the
promotion of public welfare. In fact
he has been a drone in the hive of
progress and improvement and devot-
ed his whole life to the advancement
of the interests of a predatory corpor-
The American Steel Corporation,
known as the Steel trust, may have
performed some useful service to the
public in standardizing business and
stableizing industry. But it was es-
sentially a selfish service. The cor-
poration was created to control the
prices of its product and exact the
highest tribute possible from consum-
ers. Mr. Reed may have contributed
a considerable part to this achieve-
ment. But we can see no reason why
the people of Pennsylvania should re-
ward him in this extraordinary man-
ner for such a service to the corpora-
tion. Senator Knox had other claims
to popular favor. Senator Crow had
shown some inclination to consider
the interests of the people. But Da-
vid A. Reed has done positively noth-
ing for the people of Pennsylvania or
humanity. Why should these corpor-
ate agents in office impose him on the
voters of Pennsylvania?
—— Upwards of seventy-five funcr-
al directors of Central Pennsylvania
held their annual summer outing at
the Nittany Country club last Thurs-
day. Frank E. Naginey, of Bellefonte,
acted as host and toast master at the
banquet served at noon. A business
meeting was held in the afternoon
which was followed by an hour on the
golf course. Later the members mo-
tored to Rockview and inspected the
new penitentiary.
—————— i ————————
—Get your job work done here.
credit in the manip ation of the pub-
lic funds for the benefit of some one
or group d or identified.
But about that time Auditor General | vested with
Delegating the Taxing Power.
The Senate has approved the sug-
tion of Mr. Frelinghuysen, of New
Jersey, vesting in the President the
power of regulating the tariff tax
schedules. A similar proposition was
made in 1918 when Woodrow Wilson
was President and defeated. During
the discussion on the subject then
Warren G. Harding, then Senator for
Ohio, protested vehemently against
such a surrender of the legislative
functions. In a letter to Senator Mec-
Cumber on Friday, Warren G. Hard-
ing, now President, quite as earnestly
asserts the opposite view. “I be-
lieve,” he writes, “it is a highly con-
structive and progressive step in re-
taining the good and eliminating the
abuses which grow up under our tar-
iff system.”
The constitution of the United
States declares that Congress “shall
have power to lay and collect taxes,
duties, imposts and excises.” That
authority is placed nowhere else.
From the beginning of the govern-
ment no serious effort has been made
to vest the power elsewhere. Every
tax imposed upon the people for use
of the general government, has been
by act of Congress and it would be as
reasonable to authorize the President
to fix the rates and regulate the con-
ditions of the income or inheritance
taxes as to make the schedules for
tariff taxes. As one Senator declar-
ed it “would give the President a pow-
er which no constitutional monarch
possesses” and another stated it “is a
direct retreat of Congress from the
authority which it held to levy taxes
and which it had no right to dele-
The reason for this prostitution of
power is plain. The tariff mongers
who furnished the funds to buy the
election of Harding are pressing for
dividends on their investments and the
Republican leaders in the Senate see
no way of satisfying them other than
this. The Senatorial wool growers
and the beet sugar lobbyists in the
Senate carried their points for the
time though at such expense of trou-
d labor that they have dispair-
Harding is 1r
power to fix tariff
schedules they will get all they want
and “when they want it.” He will
keep faith with the millionaires be-
cause he will need their help again.
The “Watchman” this week be-
gins the publication of Miss Zona
Gale's latest story, “Miss Lulu Bett.”
Read the opening chapters ‘and you
will-long for those to follow.
Crime Against Women.
Another “Richmond” has entered
the tariff fray in Congress to confuse
the protection mongers. Mr. F. H.
Miles, widely known as former chair-
man of the National Tariff Commis-
sion association, has interposed objec-
tions to the Fordney measure and
places his substantial arguments
where “they will do the most good.”
That is he addresses himself to the
women voters of the country and pre-
sents to them such facts as ought to
persuade them to vote against Re-
publican candidates for Congress
everywhere. “Some of us protection-
ists,” he writes, “have been carried to
the point of dishonor by our careless
acceptance of the misrepresentations
of greedy interests, or their pressure.”
His statement presented in the form
of a circular shows that “the rates on
corsets will cost American women up
to $58,000,000, while rates on hosiery
and knit goods will invite price in-
creases up to the preposterous total
of $587,000,000. The revenue to the
government from corsets will be only
$10,000.and on knit goods and hosiery
$3,600,000.” In other words, in order
to secure a revenue for the govern-
ment of $3,610,000, the women of this
country wiil be compelled to hand over
to the domestic manufacturers of
those necessary articles of women’s
apparel the enormous unearned boun-
ty of $636,000,000. The present duty
on hosiery is high enough and the pro-
posed addition is graft levied on wom-
Mr. Miles is no longer a spokesman
for the National Tariff association
but represents the Fair Tariff League.
He is not a “free trader,” but has
turned with disgust against the tar-
iff pirates. “Our hosiery wages,
though on a piece-rate basis, are, per
day, the highest in the world,” he
writes, “but our costs per unit pro-
duced are the lowest.” Yet the tar-
iff mongers in Congress propose to
levy an additional burden on the wom-
en of $636,000,000 a year to present to
the domestic manufacturers under the
false pretense of protecting thera
from the pauper laborers of Europe.
It is a crime against every woman in
the United States which ought to be
resented by the women voters at the
——The “Watchman” gives all the
news while it is news.
No Platform for “the Gang.”
The Republican machine leaders of
Pennsylvania have arrived at the de-
termination to conduct the campaign
without a platform. This conclusion
was reached at a conference held in
Philadelphia, the other day,in which
W. Harry Baker, state chairman, Gif-
ford Pinchot, candidate for Governor,
and George Wharton Pepper, candidate
for Senator in Congress, participated.
It was a wise thing to do. There
could be no possible agreement among
them. Baker, an expert spoilsman,
Pepper, a changed churchman, and
Pinchot, a bogus reformer, the safest
course was to allow each to go his
way unrestrained by convention. As
for Major Reed anything will do. He
represents the Steel trust and noth-
ling else.
| Mr. Baker will attend to the collec-
i tion and disbursement of the funds,
| Mr. Pepper will “spit in the eye of the
bull dog,” Mr. Reed will milk the
Steel trust and Giff will “guff” the
public. It would be impossible to im-
agine a better system of team work.
Of course in the matter of contribu-
tions neither “will be a dead head in
the enterprise.” Giff gave liberally to
the primary fund and will be equally
generous now. Nobody can say that
Pepper is a “piker,” either, for his
primary contribution was ten to one
in excess of that of any previous as-
pirant for the office in Pennsylvania.
What Reed will do is a matter of con-
jecture. It is said that “nobody knows
where a hobo goes” but everybody re-
alizes that the Steel trust is no men-
It is easy to see that a platform
with such a ticket and in such circum-
stances would be an embarrassment
rather than 2a help. Promises that
would satisfy the element upon which
Baker is working would be anathema
to the blind victims of Pinchot’s pre-
tences and those that might appeal to
Pinchot’s friends would work like poi-
son in the blood of Baker’s adherents.
Pepper has nothing to do but please
Senator Vare and Reed is already un-
der mortgage to the Steel trust. What
good could a platform do under these
Sproul is a “has-been,” no longer
worth considering and “the gang”
doesn’t need a platform.
John W. Yearick, of Marion Township,
Appointed County Commissioner.
John W. Yearick, a life-long Demo-
crat of Marion township, was appoint-
ed minoriy County Commissioner on
Wednesday morning by Judge Henry
C. Quigley to succeed the late George
M. Harter. Mr. Yearick is one of the
most successful farmers of little Nit-
tany valley and was a warm, personal
friend of the late Mr. Harter. He is
at present assessor in his home town-
ship and has the confidence and es-
teem of all who know him.. He is a
man in the neighborhood of sixty
years of age but active and energet.
There is no doubt but that he will
make a capable and conscientious
County Commissioner.
Dog Poisoner Abroad at Howard.
The people of Howard and vicinity
are considerably wrought up over the
fact that a dog poisoner is abroad in
that neighborhood and, according to
reports, a dozen or more dogs have
met their end by the poison route. The
individual or individuals who are do-
ing the work put out chunks of bread
saturated with poison and covered
with parafine. So many dogs have
died from eating the poison that the
people of that section are considering
making up a substantial purse to offer
as a reward for the detection and in-
formation leading to the arrest and
conviction of the guilty person.
——A few days ago the “Watch-
man” received a letter from Lynch-
burg, Va., and upon opening the same
it proved to be from an old friend,
Harry L. Camp, who is evidently lone-
ly for Pennsylvania news as he had
his name placed upon the “Watch-
man” list. Mr. Camp is now factory
manager for the Voegele and Dinning
Co,. manufacturing confectioners and
dealers in cigars, fireworks, ete. Thir-
ty-six years or more ago Mr. Camp
came to Bellefonte from Mifflin coun-
ty and with Frank E. Naginey em-
barked in the furniture business un-
der the firm name of Camp & Nagi-
ney. While living here he visited his
grandparents at Milroy and word was
received here that he had been killed
by the kick of a horse and his friends
naturally were greatly grieved that he
had met such an untimely end, but in
due course of time Harry turned up
as usual and it developed that the re-
port of his death was an error. In
fact he is still alive and going strong
and we hope he will continue the
stride for years to come.
——It may as well be remembered
that a wet straw vote will neither ab-
rogate the Prohibition amendment nor
repeal the Volstead law.
Griest, Eyer
The Tariff and Labor.
From the Chicago Evening Post.
One of the anomalies of the politi-
co-industrial situation in the United
States is the faet that, while the
movement for deflation of production
and service costs isin progress, Con-
gress is determinedly pushing on with
a tariff bill which must inevitably in-
crease the cost of living.
This is poor co-operation on the
President’s program for a return to
Wage deflation is justified on the
assumption that living costs are drop-
ping. The assumption is sustained, in
the main, by the figures of the gov-
ernment’s bureau. But this down-
ward tendency will not continue if we
are to have a tariff which takes from
the free list the imported raw mater-
ials used in American manufacture
and boosts duties in general on pro-
ducts of farm and factory away above
the schedules of the Payne-Aldrich
Labor is insisting that the true
measure of a wage is its relation to
commodity and other cost factors in
the individual and household budget.
And here labor stands on sound foun-
dation. This rule of measurement
must be recognized. The government
has made unbiased figures available to
both labor and employers, and the ap-
Plication of the rule is readily possi-
If, then, after the inflating process
has run its course to more or less de-
gree in industry, we find the cost of
living rising as the result of a high
tariff, are we not likely to face anoth-
er period of industrial disturbance
when labor attempts to readjust its
wage to the new cost scale?
Senator McCumber has declared one
purpose of his tariff is to maintain
the wages of the American worker.
We are not clear as to what he means,
but we do know that the American
worker need be less concerned about
the number of dollars in his wage than
about the relation the. dollar bears to
the price of things he must buy; and
we know that more costly to the em-
ployer than good wages are'the unrest
and dissatisfaction, controversy ' and
warfare which result when living
costs climb beyond the ratio they
should bear to the income of the work-
The Republican party, we fancy,
will find it difficult to justify its tariff
in the eyes of organized Jabot. Nor do
we see how it can be justified in the
eyes of the intelligent employer. Un-
organized wage earners and .salaried
workers will be in worst plight of all.
Where is support to come from if
the tariff be: made an election issue?
The G. O. P. Dollar Mark.
Irom the Philadelphia Record.
It is gratifying to see that the Penn-
sylvania League of Women Voters has
taken strong ground against the polit-
ically immoral project, probably orig-
inating with the G. O. P. bosses, to
have young women voting for the first
time pledge themselves to support
only the straight Republican ticket,
and to stimulate such a movement by
offering cash prizes of $1000 to those
most successful in securing the organ-
ization of clubs composed of such
brainless voters. It is difficult to say
which is the more reprehensible of
these suggestions at a time like the
present, when Pennsylvania is partic-
ularly in need of electors who show
character and independence in polit-
ical action.
But could anything be more charac-
teristic of Republican methods and
thoughts than such a use of money
for the degredation of the ballot-box ?
It is no wonder that the Pennsylvania
League, a non-partisan body, regards
it as nothing less than an insult to the
intelligence of women voters and
makes a vigorous protest against it.
If the newly enfranchised voters are
to accomplish anything of value in pol-
itics they cannot afford to allow them-
selves to be seduced by cash offers in-
to promises which rob them of all
freedom of thought and action and de-
liver them like so many sheep on elec-
tion day to the bosses.
We have already far too much of
that sort of thing in Pennsylvania. If
the young women wish to take pledg-
es let them be to vote according to
their best intelligence, their con-
science and their duty to the city and
State. Any promise in which money
has played a part is essentially im-
moral and should be strongly rebuked
by all self-respecting women.
Prohibition Will Stay.
From the Altoona Tribune.
The Harrisburg Patriot takes the
ground that if Congress were to un-
dertake to modify the Volstead act so
as to permit the sale of light wines
and beer the Supreme court would de-
clare such a measure unconstitutional
for the reason that it would amount
to a practical nullification of the
eighteenth amendment to the Federal
constitution. The Patriot also says
quite truthfully, that “prohibition is
here and here to stay. Money and en-
ergy devoted to its repeal are wasted.
The highly paid anti-prohibition prop-
agandists are supported by selfish in-
terests which hope to profit commerci-
ally by discrediting prohibition. The
overwhelming sentiment of the nation
is for a dry country. The ‘wets’ are
great noisemakers, but their impoten-
cy to upset what the majority of the
Americans want will be only the more
apparent as their futile campaign goes
on.” And these are words of truth
and soberness.
—Realizing that she was about to die,
Mrs. Amanda Garrison, a well-known resi-
dent of Bloomsburg, made all the arrange-
ments for her funeral, even selecting the
text from which the minister was to
preach. Her plans were carried out to
the letter.
—While working at the bottom of a
thirty-seven foot well on the Jacob Bru-
baker farm at Cross Keyes, Blair county,
on Monday, Brooks Brubaker was over-
come by gas and is in a critical condition.
Frank Rollins was overcome in rescuing
him. It is supposed a pocket of natural
gas was released by a blast of dynamite.
—Dr. H. A. Surface, of Susquehanna
University, has determined to be a candi-
date for the State Legislature on an inde-
pendent farmers’ ticket in Snyder county.
He lost the nomination on a technicality
because votes of Susquehanna University
students who have been voting illegally
for years were thrown out at the instance
of his opponent.
—On his way home from the Geissinger
hospital, where his wife is a patient, Rog-
er Wainwright, of Lewisburg, ran into a
horse driven by a woman out of a lane di-
rectly in the path of his automobile. The
horse was so badly hurt it had to be kill-
ed. Wainwright's machine was damaged
and he suffered three broken fingers, be-
sides cuts from the broken glass of the
—During an electric storm at Middle-
burg, Snyder county, last Thursday, light-
ning struck the residence of John Winey. .
The chimney was demolished and bricks
thrown 200 feet. Eight windows were
shattered and dishes in the kitchen cup-
board were smashed to fragments. Even
inlaid linoleum en the floor was torn to
bits, it was said. The family was absent
at the time.
—After having extracted seven teeth for
Howard Breiner, 40 years old, of near Naz-
areth, last Friday, Dr. C. M. Koontz, a lo-
cal dentist, was surprised to find his pa-
tient dead. Deputy coroner Clarence Ru-
loff, who made an investigation, learned
that Breiner was subject to severe attacks
of asthma, and gave a certificate that death
was due to heart failure, absolving doctor
Koontz from blamed.
—Harry J. Straub, 51 years of age; his
daughter Alva, 14, and her chum, Mary
Kuski, 17, all of Shamokin, on Sunday
drove to Bluff Point, a mile below Cata-
wissa, for an outing. The girls removed
their stockings and began wading in the
river, when they encountered a bar of
quicksand. Drawn by their cri's, Straub
went to their rescue and all three were
drowned. The bodies were recovered.
—MTrs. Mary Gross, of Bethlehem, who is
86 years old, lays claim to being one of
the oldest, if not the oldest, woman Sun-
day school teacher in Pennsylvania ‘and
perhaps in the United States, still in active
service. Mrs. Gross began teaching in Sa-
lem Lutheran Sunday school at Bethlehem
in 1850 and, with the exception of a period
of eight years, during which time she lived
elsewhere, she has taught continuously.
Secretary of Agriculture Fred Rasmus-
sen is to make a tour of McKean, Clearfield
and other counties in the interest of a
movement to bring back Pennsylvania's
old-time grazing activities. He will ac-
company a number of men interested in
raising beef cattle through parts of those
and ‘adjoining counties, to inspect soil con-
ditions and see if farms and cleared land
which are available but not under cultiva-
tion can be utilized for raising of cattle.
—Caught by his feet in a belt while he
was putting it on a high-speed flywheel at
a coal digger operating along Shamokin
creek, on Monday, William Refeor, 29 years
old, was so badly injured that he died
within an hour at the Mary M. Packer hos-
pital. Workmen found him with a broken
skull and broken legs suspended by his
feet in the shafting, head downward, over
deep water. He was still conscious and
vainly trying to extricate himself, they
—A. M. Stine, a Clearfield lumberman,
closed a deal on Monday last, whereby he
became the owner of a tract of timber,
part of which is located in Curwensville
borough, which contains nearly five hun-
dred thousand feet of saw timber. The
purchase was made from Hugh M. and
Elizabeth Irvin, the timber lands being a
part of the Col. E. A. Irvin estate. Mr.
Stine is arranging to move his mill to
Curwensville and will begin the work of
cutting the timber at once.
—Charging a violation of the prohibition
laws when prominent citizens of Shamokin
and Sunbury broke a bottle of champagne
on a new state road last Friday night, a
celebration commemorating the opening of
the last link of a $300,000 state highway, a
young man, who gave his name as J. L.
Smith, of the Scranton prohibition office,
sought information on Saturday as to its
ownership and who transported it. Mayor
Drumseller declared he did not know, and
the sleuth went on to Shamokin in search
of a clew.
—Women complaining to the State bu-
rrau of elections against assessment of
taxes when they own no property have
been referred by chief George D. Thorn to
State laws on the subject, and, where they
complain of inequality, to county commis-
sioners. A number of complaints have
been received the last few weeks from
women who protest to the state authorities
against being required to pay taxes. They
have been informed the laws have made
them citizens, and the State can make no
—~Sudden and unexpected spread of diph-
theria at Pottsville is declared by Dr. Hen-
ry Dierscheld, president of the board of
health, to be due to people disregarding
quarantine of homes where the disease ex-
iets. An epidemic is feared. That the dis-
ease if of a serious type was evidenced en
Sunday by the death of Catharine Spino,
a girl, who had apparently recovered, but
whose heart was suddenly affected. She
was a daughter of Frank Spino, who was
killed a year ago when a companion gave
him a poisonous drink.
—Holding a revolver to the head of
George Manis, a Pottsville business man, a
highwayman took $150 and his gold watch
on Sattirday’ night. The robbery took
place on, Market street, only 10 yards
away from the home of chief of police
James Moyer, who lost no time in getting
on the trail of the bandit, who, however,
left no clue. Women saw the robbery, but
thought Manis was only peaceably talking
with the bandit. The latter addressed
Manis by name and after asking him how
his business: prospered, ordered him to
hand over his cash. The bandit rode on
the same trolley car with Manis prior to
the robbery, and got off with his victim.
The hold-up instantly followed.