Bellefonte, Pa., August 11, 1922, Country Correspondence Items of Interest Dished Up for the Delectation of “Watchman” Read- ers by a Corps of Gifted Correspondents. PLEASANT GAP. Alderman J. Duncan Herman and wife spent Sunday at Williamsport. Mrs. James S. Cresswell, of Cali- fornia, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Miller, of Pittsburgh, are visiting the family of J. N. Mong and wife, par- ents of Mrs. Cresswell. The real estate of the late Robert Barnes and the personal property of the late Mrs. Sallie Barnes will be ex- posed to public sale on August 17th. A clean-up sale is announced by W. H. Noll Jr., executor. Orrie Mulbarger, farmer on the Noll Bros. farm, expects to abandon farm- ing at the end of the season. He is about closing a deal whereby he will become owner of the former home of the late Daniel Schlottman. Mrs. John Herman and daughter Edith motored to Williamsport on Sunday morning last with a view of visiting with their intimate friends, Mz». and Mrs. John Hartman. They will be absent for a week at least. The ladies of the Patriotic Sons of America held their annual pienic in Noil’s grove on Saurday evening last. It was a decided success, socially and financially. The attendance was up to their anticipations and all were happy and satisfied. Messrs. John and Frank Barnes sold their homes last Saturday to a Mr. Davis, of West Virginia. The John Barnes residence will be the fu- ture home of Mr. Davis, while a son of Mr. Davis will occupy the Frank Barnes premises. Mrs. Raymond Melroy, accompanied by Miss Ruth Melroy and two of their friends, have been taking in New York city the past week, object—sight seeing and generally speaking, having an enjoyable time. They will drop oft at Atlantic City for a few days on re- turning home and see what they can see, and, visiting Atlantic City for Mrs. Melroy is like visiting at home, as she taught school for several terms adjacent to Atlantic City some six or eight years ago and enjoys meeting her old friends in Jersey. Some men profess to be highly mor- al, put on the appearance of being in easy circumstances, and even go SO far as to make great pretentions as to what they are worth. The facts may be exactly the reverse of all this, their sole object being to get wives who are able to keep them. The woman who falls a prey to a swindler of this char- acter is truly an object of pity, but not more so than the man who gets roped in by a woman who marries merely to keep out of the old maid row. If one of these biters happens to get bitten, for them there is no rest, no comfort, no happiness; they must abide the consequences. There seems to be a slump in the market situation of chickens. The market declined 5 cents per pound the past week and a further reduction is anticipated at an early day. Over production is the cause. Our commu- nity never raised so many chickens as were produced the present season. Farmer Spicher, who purchased the Larimer farm some time ago, has over 1700 head of chickens. T. E. Jodon has over 200, James Bilger about 225, Bent Bell has something like 500 to his credit and a number of others have |. over fifty. As over production has a tendency to bring down prices it is but reasonable to suppose that a still further decline will be the result at an early day. Have you not noticed that the boy who respects his mother less, and his father more, is invariably, or almost invariably, a bad boy; and that the girl who hates her father, or clings especially to her mother, is apt to prove a failure? Possibly you have not noticed particularly, but you will find it about that way if you take the trouble to make a few notes as you go along. Mamma’s girls are sometimes beautiful, very beautiful but that is their only stock in trade, and it is tee often counterbalanced by an irritabie disposition, bad temper, or disagreea- ble spirit. A most notable character- istic of this class is their dislike for men. They rarely love their fathers or brothers, and merely respect their husbands. They prefer the mother’s company to that of the father or hus- band, and go to her for all their ad- vice and with all their troubles. Hav- ing married because it was the best thing to do, rather than because they expected to be happier in that state, they take but little interest in making home pleasant and enjoyable. The HAMBONE'S MEDITATIONS 2 GooD BOOK SAY HITS Mo’ BLESSED T' GIVE PAN T’ RE-CEIVE BUT AH BLIEVE AHN RUTHER PO DE RE-CEIVIN' ENDURIN' DESE HARD TIMES! great majority of wives who delight in henpecking their husbands were “mamma’s girls.” They regard a hus- band in the light of a household con- venience, to be used as a handy uten- sil. They see but little in any man to admire except his money, and his services as a general waiter, a conven- ience as it were. Take notes and make observations as you go along and you will discover that I am not far wrong. As the fruit preserving season is now on it might be beneficial to many, more especially the ones who are just embarking in the housekeeping prop- osition, to give the views of an expert on the subject. When I say or use the word expert I am referring to Ruthie, my room-mate for lo, these many years. 1 think she knows all about the game. I quietly interview- ed her and here are her experiences. Rich “pound for pound” preserves and jam can be put away without sealing; simply tie up with 2 or 3 thicknesses of paper over which put a cloth. Look at them occasionally and if signs of working appear, heating up thorough- ly will sweeten them again. Remove catopally any mould that may show it- self. To prevent preserves and jams from sugaring add a teaspoonful cream tar- tar to every gallon of fruit before it is quite cooked. A very little tartaric acid will answer the same purpose. Use small jars for preserves. Pre- serves that are candied may be liqui- fied by setting the jar in a kettle of cold water. Let the water boil for an hour or more. The “pound for pound” custom of preserving fruit has been growing less for many years, though many still prefer the preserved to canned fruit. Pare fruit for canning and preserv- ing with a silver knife that it may not blacken. Melted parafine poured on top of jellies, jams, etc., also on top of canned fruit when the covers are discolored, will be all the covering necessary, excepting a cloth or paper to exclude dust. Use fruit before it is too ripe. Fruit, to extract the juices well, should be brought to a scald. Put in a stone jar, mash and stand the jar in a kettle of boiling water. Scald thor- oughly and strain through a coarse cloth; squeeze but slightly that the jelly may be clear. Jelly should not stop boiling until done. Do not make too large a quan- tity at once. Jelly is much nicer if strained before putting in glasses. Do not squeeze nor stir, but let drip slow- ly through. Placing it near the stove will, prevent the jelly thickening and hasten the straining process. A pan or shallow preserving kettle is best for boiling jelly. Do not use a brass kettle. Set the glasses, when filling them, on a folded damp towel, or drop a sil- ver spoon in the glass to prevent breakage. Mould may be prevented by cover- ing the surface of the jelly thickly with powdered sugar. P. S.—You can use this or dump it— up to you—If it goes in I'll catch hell —but nothing bothers me—well. JACKSONVILLE. Willard Weaver spent Sunday with friends in Lock Haven. Miss Rosalie Yearick spent Sunday with her cousin, Miss Rosetta Year- ick. A baby girl arrived in the home cf Mz. and Mrs. C. E. Aley on August 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Ertley and children were Sunday visitors at the J. J. Vonada home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yearick and daughters Hilda and Maxine spent Sunday at the Clyde Yearick home. After a very pleasant visit at the Joseph Neff home in this place Miss Ella Neff has returned to her home at State College. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Garbrick and daughter Dorothy, of Centre Hall, and Mrs. Willard Rockey, of Boals- burg, were guests at the Harry Hoy home last Sunday. A large party of young people and some not so young made merry at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Neff last Thursday evening. The time was spent in playing games, music and dancing, with delicious refeshments. Those present were as follows: Mrs. John Hoy and baby, of Blanchard; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Yearick and children, Lucille, Bradley and Geraldine; Mi. and Mrs. Harry Hoy and son Willard; Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Dietz and daughter Josephine; Mrs. William Weaver and daughter Pearl; Edith and Mary Meckley, Helen Harter, Edith and Eleanor Lucas, Eleanor and Mary Weight, Helen and Beatrice Hoy, of Blanchard; Mrs. Mary Stover, Rosalie Yearick, Kathryn Holmes, Ma- ry Bartley, Madge and Jeannette Al- lison, Kathryn and Edith Hoy, Clara Butler, Rosetta Harter, of Howard; Mary Garrett, Ella Neff, Martha and Florence Neff, Russell King, Fred and Vincent Lucas, Clarence and Geo. Weight, Deimer Ertley, Mervin Hoy, Willard Weaver, Christ Heaton, Ho- mer Yearick, Henry and John Vonada, Leon Aley, Floyd Yearick, Raymond Harter, Miles Bartley, Austin Allison, Hogan Long, Stanford Hoy, of Blanchard; James Decker, Philip Neff, Willard Markle, M1. and Mrs. Joseph L. Neft. In a Bad Way. A speaker in a minister’s meeting in Boston told the story of a Negro clergyman who so pestered his bishop with appeals for help that it became necessary to tell him that he must not send any more appeals. His next communication was as follows: “This is not an appeal. It is a re- port. I have no pants.” P—— CASTORIA Bears the signature of Chas, H.Fletcher. In use for over thirty years, and The Kind You Have Always Bought. = BOALSBURG. The Civic club met at the McFar- lane home on Friday afternoon. Miss Margaret Snyder visited friends in Bellefonte the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Wiliams, of Houserville, were in town last week. ! Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Brown, of Yea- gertown, spent the week-end in town. Fred Brouse is home from Allen- town for a visit with his parents and friends. Mrs. Henney and son, of Scranton, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFarlane. A number of people from town en- joyed a picnic supper at Boal camp on Saturday evening. Mrs. Oscar Smith and children re- turned home Saturday, after visiting friends in Maine for six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reitz entertain- tained Mr. Freeman Reed, son and daughter, of Shamokin, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart and son, George Jr., are spending their va- cation at the home of Mrs. Emma Stuart. Mrs. Caroline Geary, of Centre Hall, accompanied by her niece, Mrs. Wise, of Texas, visited friends in town part of last week. Mrs. L. Mothersbaugh returned on Wednesday, after sepnding six weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Reuben Stu- art, at Crafton. The men’s bible class of the Luth- eran Sunday school will hold their an- nual corn feast in McFarlane’s woods on Thursday evening. Mrs. James Irvin spent Thursday at State College, visiting her mother, Mrs. Sarah Krumrine, who celebrated her eighty-sixth birthday. Mz. and Mrs. L. H. Musser, of Belle- fonte, and Mrs. Mary Sellers, of State College, were visitors at the home of Austin Dale on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher enter- tained a number of friends on Thurs- day evening, the occasion being Mrs. Fisher’s birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Musser, Mr. and Mrs. Chester McCormick and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coxey and children, of Pine Grove Mills, were in town Sun- day. Rev. Kirkpatrick, of Centre Hall, will preach at the open air service on Sunday evening, August 20th. Every- body is invited to attend these serv- ices. After an absence of several weeks, Mrs. Hess and little grand-daughter, Mary Hoffman, returned and have opened the Hoffman house on Main street. Mrs. Maria Wagner, of Tusseyville, is visiting at the home of her son, Samuel Wagner. Cyrus Wagner, of Altoona, also spent some time at his home. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Homan, of State College, and Mr. and Mrs George Ho- man and daughter, of the Blue Spring farm, were guests at the home of Charles Mothersbaugh on Sunday. RUNVILLE. Willis Heaton, of Altoona, visited at the home of Silas Emenhizer on Mon- day. Mz. and Mrs. E. S. Bennett made a trip to Pittsburgh the beginning of the week. Lulu McCliney returned home Sun- day, after spending several weeks at Williamsport. Mrs. James Snyder, of Wingate, spent Sunday at the home of her sis- ter, Mrs. Ida Witmer. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walker and children, Mrs. John Walker and Mrs. Clair Poorman and children made a business trip to Howard on Friday. Mir. and Mrs. Claude Johnson and four children, of Kylertown, and Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lucas, of Altoona, spent Sunday at the home of L. J. Heaten. Myrs. Sadie Holt and son Russell, of Winburne, and Mr. and Mrs. Nahan Jacobson and children visited, Satur- day, at the homes of J. O. MecClincy and Jacob Shirk. Myr. and Mrs. J. O. McClincy and daughters, Georgianna and Bessie, Jacob McClincy and J. H. McClincy visited on Sunday at the L. E. David- son home, at Milesburg. Myr. and Mrs. Merril Watson were tendered a kitchen shower by fifty of their friends on Friday evening. The evening was spent playing games and at a late hour refreshments were serv- ed. Mr. and Mrs. Watson received a nice lot of useful presents. e————— eee Centre County Beaver Colony Chang- es Home. The beaver colony placed in the Centre county game preserve about Buy this Cigarette and Save Money TIIE DIAMOND BRAND. LS Ladies! Ask your Drugglst for EN : 1 KX) Ohi-ches.ters Di £68 28 Pills (n Red DlomondHirand en = god boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon, NN aN Take no other. Buy of your ( DT Druggist. Ask for CILL.ONES. TER § ¥ DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for 25 years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable OLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE | ee meme TT three years ago, and which migrated to the stream near the Boy Scouts camp at the Pat Gherrity place in the Seven mountains, a short time later, where they felled timber and made a large dam, became peeved at the ad- vent of too many visitors and migrat- ed again. This time hey were missing for months and were discovered only recently by J. I. Quigley, president of the Lewistown and Reedsville Electric Railway, and a party of friends who were spending the day in the forest near McAlevey’s Fort, more than a dozen miles from the former location. It is a question whether they trav- eled overland or followed the course of some stream to their present loca- tion. In any event they have not been idle and the foundation of their new home is well under way. HOOD’S SARSAPARILLA. | ATTORNEY’S-AT-LAW. Roots Barks Herbs Berries Such as physicians prescribe for ail- ments of the blood, stomach, liver and kidneys are combined in Hood’s Sar- saparilla,— Sarsaparilla Mandrake Yellow Dock Dandelion Uva Ursi Stillingia Blue Flag Pipsissewa Guaiac Juniper Berries Gentian Wild Cherry and other excellent tonics, thus mak- ing one of the most successful of all medicines. Get only Hood’s. 67-31 Are you using twice the labor you should be using? Are you sowing twice the amount of seed you should be sowing? If so, then you are paying double for labor and double for seed. What's the answer? For every acre of land deficient in plant food on which you apply a good, commercial Fertilizer you can produce a yield equal to two acres without the use of Fertilizer. If your land is deficient in plant food you must use Fertilizer, otherwise you are toiling in vain and losing money every day. Royster’s Fertilizers are scientifically prepared to supply just the plant food needed. Royster’s Fertilizers have stood the field test for forty years with highest results. The name Royster on a bag of Fertilizer is your assurance of highest quality. Ask your dealer or write us. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO., BALTIMORE, MD. ROYSTER'S Taa08 MARA FERTILIZERS —#8- § LULL BET y ZonaGale TIRE TSA “Here, most certainly, is a work of genius and it is going to last a long time. Real American stuff, naked and unashamed.” Meredith Nicholson. “Of all American novels received in the last six months, Zona Gale's “Miss Lulu Bett’ seems at the top of the list.” —Heywood Bioun, in New York Tribune. “A story that is certain to appeal to every reader who enjoys real human beings in the pages of a novel. Throughout the tale runs a shining line of humor, warming the whole book.” ~ Hilde- garde Hawthorne, in Chicago Daily News. A portrayal and an arraignment of a certain type of married life; a thrilling presentation of the problem of the poor relation; the most talked about and successful story depicting small town life. Read it, and afterward we shall be pleased to have your views concerning the problems. “Miss Lulu Bett” Has Been Released for Serial Reproduction and Will Be Printed in The “Watchman,” beginning next week. KLINE WOODRING — Attorney-at« Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices im all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s Exchange. 61-1y B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law, Practices in all the courts. Come sultation in English or German. Office in Crider’s Exchange, Befleroity, Pa. EENNEDY JOHNSTON-—Attorney-ate Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt ate tention given all legal business em- trusted to his care. Offices—No. § East High street. 57-44 M KEICHLINE—Attorney-at-Law and Jus:ice of the Peace. All pre= fessional business receive prompt attention. Office on second floor ef emple Court. 49-K-1y G. RUNEKLE — Attorney-at-Law. Consultation in English and Ger man. Office in Crider’s Exchaigg Bellefonte, Pa. Sm—— PHYSICIANS. R. R. L. CAPERS, : OSTEOPATH. State Coll 66-11 Holmes Bldg. Bellefonte Crider’'s Hxch. Ww dence. 8. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, State College, Centre county, Pa. Office at his resi- START the new year right—in feed—by forming the habit of letting us supply your feed. We will wreath your satisfaction with the most nutritious feed on the market, and charge you only the same old prices you've been paying! Make this a res- olution! chirps our little song- ster. “Qualiy talks” C. Y. Wagner Co., Inc. 66-11-1yr BELLEFONTE, PA. Employers, This Interests You The Workmans’ Compensation Law went into effect Jan. 1, 1916. It makes Insurance Com- pulsory. We specialize in plac- ing such insurance. We inspect Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce Insurance rates. It will be to your interest to consult us before placing your Insurance. JOHN F. GRAY & SON, Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College sms wes. The Preferred Accident Insurance THE $5,000 TRAVEL POLICY BENEFITS: $5,000 death by accident, 5,000 loss of both feet, 5,000 loss of both hands, 5,000 loss of one hand and one foot, 2,500 loss of either hand, 2,000 loss of either foot, 630 loss of one eve 25 per week, total disability, (limit 52 weeks) 10 per week, partial disability, (limit 26 weeks) PREMIUM $12 PER YEAR, pavable quarterly if desired. Larger or smaller amounts in proportion: Any person, male or female, engaged in a preferred occupation, including house keeping, over eighteen years of age of good moral and physical condition may insure under this policv. Fire Insurance I invite your attention to my Fire Insur- ance Agency, the strongest and Most Ex tensive Line of Solid Companies represent- ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania H. E. FENLON, Agent, Bellefonte Fa. $ 50-21. Get the Best Meats You save nothing by buyin SRE, thin or gristly meats. i use aly Die LARGEST AND FATTEST CATTLE and supply my customers with the freshest, choicest, best blood and mux- cle making Steaks and Roasts. My ‘prices are no higher than the peozaer meats are elsewhere. I always have —DRESSED POULTRY Game in season, and any kinds of gasd meats you want, TRY MY SHOP. P. L. BEEZER, 84-34-1y Bellefonte Pu; Hight Street.