Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 21, 1922, Image 1

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—Beware of the apple when it is
—No matter how hard you might
crack some persons on the head you
couldn’t brain ’em. There’s a reason.
—The world is full of people who
think the other fellow ought to do
what they wouldn’t do themselves.
— Pinchot and Pepper both begin
with P. So does Parade. The voters
of Pennsylvania will do the rest in
—A few Thursday afternoons in
Bellefonte are all that one needs as in-
spiration to sing: “Every day Will
be Sunday, By and By.”
—Nothing will ever make us see
that the man who doesn’t want to
work himself has any right to inter-
fere with the man who does.
—It’s only to save depreciation on
the lawn mower and the type-stick
that we succumb to the lure of the
fishing rod and the golf stick.
—The Presidency is being dangled
before the eye of Senator Pepper and
the supposition is that the Vares are
out for something bigger than mere
—Ten days of wonderful harvest
weather and a rain specially propi-
tious for the corn and potatoes leaves
nothing to be desired on the part of
the farmers but three dollar wheat
and forty dollar hay.
When fall housecleaning time
comes remember that McSparran is
the man you want to select for the
job and he needs good assistants from
every county in the State. Centre
should give him Zoe Meek.
Of course he did the best he could
and probably as much as any other
man could have done under the cir-
cumstances, but it must be admitted
that President Harding settled the
coal strike exactly like the old wom-
an kept tavern out west.
Tt seems that summer came only
yesterday, vet tomorrow the Granger
picnic will be here and then it will be
fall and all you folks who didn’t buy
coal, when it was two-thirty-five, as
we advised you to, will be singing
‘that revival of “Little Annie Rooney,”
the high cost of living.
—If foreign language papers were
suppressed in the United States there
would be less labor turmoil. If the
alien resident were compelled to talk
United States and read United States
he would not be so susceptible to ex-
_ploitation by frenzied agitators who
get to him in the printed and spoken
mother tongue.
— The strike situation is growing
more serious from day to day. Efforts
of the government seem to avail little
and it is beginning to look as though
the great test, so long deferred, as to
the relative rights of capital and labor
is about to be made.
“Watchman” proclaimed its belief that
industrial tranquility could never be
permanently attained until this ques-
tion is settled once and for all and
certainly now is as good a time as any
to do it.
—1It is pathetic to read the efforts
of the Republican press to find some-
thing in the present administration to
point to with pride. The latest boil-
er plate attempt is a claim that Pres-
ident Harding has put Liberty bonds
back to par as naturally as ducgs go to
lion dollars into the pockets of the
American people. Liberty bonds went
back to par as naturally as ducks go to
water and they would have been just
where they are if Andy Gump had
been President.
-—If the government could give
those miners who really want to work
absolute guarantees of personal safe-
ty all the coal that is needed would
soon be coming out of the mines.
Many miners who want to work are
fearful that bodily harm will come to
them if they do and in the light of
what has already happened in some
of the coal fields of the country this
fear is not an idle one. The flag and
a posse of soldiers on the operation
should be, but is not a guarantee of
personal safety.
—The big benefit picnic for the hos-
pital, that was scheduled for next
week, has been called off and the ef-
fort to raise money for the local in-
stitution will be deferred until the
cooler weather of October, when an
intensive drive will be made. We
mention the cooler weather of Octo-
ber feelingly for some of the ladies of
the auxiliary made it so hot for those
who wanted to run paddle wheels at
the picnic that itll take to October for
everybody to cool off and settle down
to the notion that we're all trying to
do something worth while; only we
look out different windows when we
want to see what and how to do it.
— The Osceola Leader reminds its
readers that “Labor day will soon be
here,” and wants to celebrate it with
a monster celebration. There are a
lot of things we don’t know about Os-
ceola, but we do know that there are
a lot of people over there who might
reasonably ask brother Whitmer what
his big’ idea is. The mines about Os-
ceola have been closed for months and
there ain’t mo such thing as a labor
day for the men who contribute most
to the business of the town. They
won’t work because they can’t be paid
more than most of the editors, preach-
ers and school teachers of Osceola are
satisfied with and why the Leader
should grow grandiloquent over the
celebration of Labor day is a mystery
to us.
Long ago the |
VOL. 67.
Y 21. 1922.
to the
Suggestion Com-
Mr. Pinchot’s self-appointed, non-
salaried and purely philanthropic
commission to inquire into or do some-
thing with the irregularities of the
State government at Harrisburg, is
having all sorts of trouble in begin-
ning its work. The commissioners
are without legal authority or stand-
ing. They have no power of investi-
gation, no right to administer oaths
and no authority to examine records. |
Of course everybody knows of the ir-
regularities in Harrisburg. They are
running wild on the streets and rid-
ing about in automobiles of the most
expensive type and at public expense. | < |
> yo > P ‘failure to pass the bill during the
But the commission can’t stop them
either by force or persuasion, and the
commissioners can do nothing except
look wise.
Thus far the commission has done
nothing but rent an office and instal
some furniture. Of ‘course that is
“true to form.”
must have a home and habitation and
it is essential that the homes have
desks and chairs for the commission-
ers to sit in and put their feet on.
But sitting on the chairs and putting
their feet on the desks gets them no-
where. It is necessary to do some-
thing else if they expect to fool the
public to any great extent. And this
particular commission is expected to
do a great deal in that direction. It
is a creature of false pretense, organ-
ized to deceive and intended to con-
fuse. But it doesn’t know how to be-
gin. The threats are all tangled and
it is impossible to find an end.
We are strongly in sympathy with
the professed purpose of this com-
mission. We get frequent inquiries
from subscribers and others concern-
ing the rumors of graft, salary-grab-
bing and other abuses practiced in
Harrisburg. Judging by these inqui-
ries we assume that salary-grabbing
is the greater of ll the evils and
therefore it has occurred to us that
probably the best lead for the Pinchot
commission would be an inquiry into
the circumstances in which Gifford
Pinchot secured an increase in his sal-
ary as Commissioner of Forestry, in
violation ‘of the constitution. He en-
tered upon the duties at $5000.00 a
year and drew out of the treasury
$8000.00 a year. The commission
might tell the public how and why.
— If American ships are allowed
to “boot-leg” they oughn’t to ask for
subsidies. One big favor is enough at
a time.
Defeat of New and McCumber.
In searching for the cause of the
defeat of Senator New, in Indiana,
and Senator McCumber, in North Da-
kota, the Literary Digest has consult-
ed the columns of a great many influ-
ential newspapers and published their
comments on the subject. Many opin-
ions are expressed and of course they
vary widely. The tariff gets some of
the blame and the failure of the Hard-
ing administration a considerable part
of it. In the case of Senator New
two reasons are conspicuously brought
forward. One is that he was the inti-
mate friend of President Harding
and the other that he was particularly
active in the campaign to seat Sena-
tor Newberry, of Michigan, after he
had been convicted of fraud in procur-
ing his election.
With respect to the McCumber de-
feat the preponderance of opinion ap-
pears to be his vote to seat Senator
Newberry. Some of the papers say
that his support of the bonus bill hurt
him and others blame his wavering
attitude on local political disputes.
For example, one paper says he “was
too radical for the conservatives and
too conservative for the radicals.”
But all the papers agree on one point.
That is that his attitude on the New-
berry question was obnoxious to the
moral sense of the voters and that
more than any other question influ-
enced the vote against him. Even in
far off Dakota, in the wild and woolly
west, the outrage upon decency in pol-
itics inflicted by the seating of New-
berry is resented.
In view of these facts how is the
country to interpret the nomination
of George Wharton Pepper, in Penn-
sylvania? Mr. Pepper makes pre-
tense of a high standard of morality.
He sedulously and fearlessly fought
the iniquities of machine politics for
many years. He frequently aspired
to office and failed in his ambitions be-
cause of his repudiation as a church
man and champion of civic righteous-
ness. Yet the first vote he cast in the
Senate was in favor of seating New-
berry and he acted without the leust
understanding of the subject. Do the
people of Pennsylvania care less for
political integrity and official moral-
ity than those of Indiana and North
Dakota? The primary vote indicates
The next vote will tell.
——————— i ——————————————
Germany has paid the July rep-
aration claims. “Swearing she'd
ne’er consent, consented.”
| ed the forcing of the measure in time
All commissions |
Fordney Tariff May Fail.
Out of the discord and confusion |
among the Republicans in Congress |
there are coming signs of failure of |
the Fordney-McCumber tariff bill to |
| pass during the present session. Pres-
ident Harding’s program contemplat- |
to hold up the beneficiaries for cam-
paign slush funds this year. Thelav-
ish contributions in the Presidential
campaign were obtained by the prom-
ise of speedy tariff taxation and the
long drawn out unsuccessful effort to :
keep that pledge has made the con-
tributors resentful. The party is sad-
ly in need of money for the impend-
ing Congressional contest, and the
present session may leave the organ-
ization stranded.
It is admitted, even by the most ar-
i dent supporters of the tariff bill, that
its levies are vastly in excess of those
| of the McKinley bill and considerably
higher than those of the Payne-Aldrich
measure. It is a fact, moreover, that
the pending bill discriminates against
the wage earners and in favor of
wealth in greater measure than either |
of those bills. Every article of house-
hold necessity is taxed under the pro-
visions of this bill and experts esti-
mate that it will increase the cost of
living anywhere from fifty to eighty
per cent. But the conspirators who
are pressing the measure imagine that
these facts will not be revealed until
after the election,
pective beneficiaries will be encourag-
ed to make liberal contributions to
the slush fund.
While the discord among Republi-
cans on the subject of schedules may
compass the defeat of the bill during
the present session these differences
are not on principle. There is perfect
agreement upon the question of loot-
ing the public but each Senator wants
the loot to be levied on the communi-
ties and interests represented by the
other. For example, Senator Moses,
of New Hampshire, one of the most
ardent of the regulars, objects to the
tariff on dye-stuffs beause it hits the
print factories of his State. Other
radical tariff mongers protest against
levies which will directly affect their
constituents. But the public has lit-
tle interest in these differences. They
are welcomed if they defeat the bill.
Mr. Pinchot got something like
$8000 out of his salary grab but that
was only about one to sixteen of the
dollars he paid for the nomination.
Probably he imagines there is a way
to get the rest.
eae ee pee
Purely a Bargain and Sale.
Those men, women and newspapers
that interpret the nomination of Gif-
ford Pinchot as a great achievement in
political morals are utterly destitute
of a sense of proportion. The nomi-
nation of Mr. Pinchot was simply the
result of a purchase and sale of votes.
If a millionaire and a mechanic go in .
same butcher’s |
competition to the
stall at the same time the millionaire
will get the choice cut of the beef.
The mechanic hasn’t the money to out-
bid. Mr. Pinchot and his friends ap-
proached the primary election under
exactly like conditions. They had the
money, they paid the price and they
got the goods.
There is an adage that “a fool and
his money are soon parted.” Mr. Pin- |
chot may be fool enough to pay three
times as much for a nomination to of-
fice as the salary of the office will
vield, though his scheming to get his
salary as Commissioner of Forestry
increased doesn’t indicate it. But Mr.
Joseph R. Grundy, who invested $80,-
000 in the enterprise, is not that sort
of a man. Mr. Grundy wants a gen-
erous return for all his investments
and it is practically certain that he
has a guarantee of a fair profit in this
adventure. As president of the Man-
ufacturer’s association he has vital
interest in legislation and will exact
from Pinchot all that is coming to
So far from being a triumph of po-
litical morality the nomination of Gif-
ford Pinchot is the severest blow
against equality and justice that has
ever been struck in Pennsylvania. It
makes public office purely a matter of
barter and trade. The question of fit-
ness will not enter into the consider-
ation hereafter, if this deal is ratified
by the people. Ability, integrity and
experience will have no place in the
computation. It will be simply and
solely a matter of buying and paying
and the poor man will have no stand-
ing in the market. The election of
John A. McSparran will avert this
scandalous condition.
Six months ago Mr. Beidleman
was as confident that he’d be the next
Governor as Mr. Pinchot is now that
the distinction will come to him.
———— A ——————
——If Wayne Wheeler doesn’t look
sharp the Literary Digest’s poll may
show a majority in favor of light
wines and beer.
| ment multiplying
“voluntary” contribution.
! cies were met by deficiency appropria- |
while the pros- |
Treasurer Snyder's Reform Gesture.
burg, is the latest development of the
false pretense of reform in the State
government. During recent years of-
ficial salaries in all the departments
of the State government have been |
limbing and the expenses of govern-
with amazing ra- |
| pidity. As the “cost-plus” system of
| letting contracts was an advantage to
crooked contractors, large salaries
were a boon to the Republican ma-
chine. Three per cent. of all salaries,
large or small, went into the cam-
| paign fund automatically and the
‘greater the salary the larger the
‘ tions.
It is interesting though not al-
together surprising that the largest
cuts were made in the salaries of
those treasury officials who gave in-
criminating evidence in the investiga-
tion of the accounts of Harmon DM.
Kephart, Mr. Snyder’s predecessor in
office. W. H. Kreider’s salary was cut
from $5000 to $2500. Harvey J.
| Smith was cut from $4800 to $4000
and J. B. Lecompte from $5000 to
$4000. Each of these gentlemen had
given damaging testimony against
Kephart’s methods of conducting the
office and incidentally damaged the
party. All the other employees were
made to suffer in the ratio held by
them to the higher paid officials and
it is estimated that the saving will
amount in the aggregate to about
$20,000 a year. The luxurious travel-
ing expenses are also cut out.
Of course this reform “spasm” is
simply a gesture like Pinchot’s pro-
posed investigation, to fool the pub-
lic. The defeat of the Sproul machine
at the primary and the exposure made
by the inquiry started for factional
purposes by Auditor General Lewis
i admonished the machine managers
that a day of reckoning is imminent
and they are now pretending to make
improvemets in the hope that public
indignation will be checked. But the
| people of Pennsylvania are intelligent
enough to see through such schemes.
{ They know that unless the Republican
| conspirators are driven out complete-
ly the old practices will be resumed.
! They know that the real remedy for
| existing evils lies in the election of
| John McSparran.
cee eee.
| ——In this issue of the “Watch-
: man” our Pleasant Gap correspond-
{ ent discusses the “jolly bachelor” and
| takes issue with those people who are
all the time declaiming that “it is not
! good for man to live alone.” Our cor-
| respondent not only defends the
bachelor but intimates that he is far
better off than living with some wom-
en. On the other hand the Methodist
minister at Hazleton defends the
“hachelor girl” and asserts that she is
such from choice because she couldn’t
find a man who came up to her expeec-
tations. Of course there will always
be men and women who for various
| reasons of their own prefer going
through life in a state of “single
blessedness” and no writer or preach-
er can alter this fact. But the argu-
, ments our correspondent puts up in
"his article on page two make interest-
_ing reading, even if the women do not
| coincide with his views.
| ——There was no meeting of bor-
ough council on Monday evening,
principally because the majority of
the councilmen decided it was too hot
to sit in the council chamber; and es-
pecially as there was no business of
importance demanding action at this
—————— pr eee——
— The Democratic State commit-
tee will get all the money necessary
to conduct a clean campaign and the
signs are that an attempt to buy the
election this year will be a foolish en-
— Mr. Pinchot seems to imagine
that he is already elected, and from
the beginning of time counting chick-
ens before hey are hatched has been
the most prolific source of disappoint-
ER Sa el
— When Governor Sproul dramat-
ically declared that “Pennsylvania
pledges immediate and continuous
support to the Federal government,”
the whole world was thrilled.
a—————————— pe —————————
— The railroad and coal mine
strikers must use lawful methods to
win. That affair in Illinois was a
back-set that will be hard to over-
— Senator Pepper voted against
every proposition to decrease tariff
tax rates. Possibly he thinks that
was “spitting in the face of a bull
evt——————— A ——————
——Henry Ford's supporters are
not as numerous as his “tin Lizzies”
nor as useful.
The slashing of salaries in the office From the Philadelphia Record.
of State T er Snyder in Harris- | ;
e Ireasurer ny | cratic Senators were actuated by par-
| tisanship in voting against cloture on
We do not believe that the Demo-
the Tariff bill. It would be more dis-
astrous to the Republicans to have
the bill enacted a few weeks before
the election than to have it still pend-
ing, which condition could be attrib-
uted to the Democrats. Five Republi-
cans joined the Democrats, and we be-
lieve the object was not to prevent the
| enactment before the election, but to
. give the fullest information to the
| country regarding the provisions of
the most extreme and obnoxious of
all tariff bills.
Mr. La Follette is not in very good
odor with the Republicans, but he is
certainly not a Democrat, and his
State is always counted by the Repub-
licans as one of theirs. Mr. La Fol-
lette’s warning may not change the
character of the bill—it is rather late
for that— but it will increase the ap-
prehensions which many of the Re-
publican Senators contemplate in the
future. The bill is most unpopular,
and deservedly so, among Republi-
cans, and in view of the warnings of
history in 1890 and 1892 and 1910 and
1912, the probability that the Repub-
lican party will be defeated this year
and in 1924 seems exceedingly strong.
In supporting this preposterous
Fordney-McCumber bill the Republi-
cans have been sinning against light,
their own light. Two years ago the
slight and spiritless reference of the
Republican national platform to the
tariff, long the dominant issue with
Republicans, caused grave disgust in
the offices of a good many G. O. P. or-
gans. It was a warning that interest
in the tariff was waning. Manufac-
turers were becoming more conscious
of the benefits of exports, and more
restless under the burden of taxed
raw materials.
But the Republicans in Congress
paid no attention to this cautionary
signal hoisted in their own convention.
The framing of a tariff law was left to
Mr. Fordney, who comes from a raw
material State, and who has always
been the most extreme protectionist
possible. No duty was high enough
to suit him under which foreign goods
could get into the country. The Re-
publican platform was a tip to go
light on the tariff, but Congress paid
no attention to it, and probably Ford-
ney was too blind to see it. ¥g. has
prepared a higher tariff than we have
ever had. He has introduced the
American valuation plan in order to
raise duties higher than he liked to
say out loud. The Senate has raised
many duties, and in both houses of
Congress this distribution of tariff
benefits has been frankly personal
and political.
_ Fordney and McCumber are still try-
ing after fifteen months to pass their
bill, and the reason they have been so
long about it is that Republicans in
Congress and out of it balk at the
pending measure. Whether passed be-
fore the election, or still pending when
November comes around, the people
know pretty well what is in the bill
and the Republicans will be beaten.
Their defeat will be completed in 1924,
when there will be chosen a Demo-
cratic President and a Congress Dem-
ocratic in both branches.
SE —
If This is a Free Country.
From the Louisville Courier-Journal.
If this is a free country—its free
dom bulwarked by the reign of law
over lawlessness—every man on its
territory, outside of its prison, has a
right to work where and when he
pleases, if he can get work. Every
man and every combination of men
have a right to quit work—to strike—
when and where they please, unless in
violation of contract. But no man, no
combination of men, have a right to
say that others shall not do the work
which they themselves refuse to do.
When they say that and resort to vi-
olence to enforce it they attack the
very foundations of a government of
Union labor has got to come to a
thorough realization of this if it is to
attain to the full the laudable ends for
which it is organized. The more in-
telligent of its leaders do realize it
and deplore such crimes as the Herrin
infamy, not only as crimes against
civilization and humanity, but as
crimes against union labor. They
know that in the long run their cause
is bound to suffer from violence, what-
ever temporary local successes it may
———— te —
The Coal Strike.
From the Altoona Tribune.
Thus far the only change in the
coal situation, from the standpoint of
the observer and the consumer, has
been an advance in price. Those
having the cash have had no_difficul-
ty in keeping up their supply. But
cold weather is just around the cor-
ner and something must be done be-
fore the furnace fires are started in
private residences. The conference of
operators and miners called by the
President has done nothing and is not
generally expected to reach an under-
standing. Nobody is greatly excited
just yet, but trouble of a serious na-
ture is right ahead unless something
occurs to end the strike in time to get
a proper supply into the market be-
fore the snow and the cold weather
arrive. It is probable that the gov-
ernment will take possession of the
mines, as a last alternative, although
some folks have an impression that
the remedy might prove worse than
the disease: ;
—Juniata valley barns are not big
enough to hold the wheat crop.
—Painfully injured when she fell into a
hole in the main street of Fairchance,
Fayette county, Mary Lewis, a widow, has
filed trespass action for $15,000 damages
against the borough.
—In tearing down an old house on the
property of W. W. Sullivan, near Avon-
dale, Chester county, carpenters found a
wallet hidden under the eaves of the house,
containing almost $300 in cash. It had ev-
idently been placed there by some one
afraid of banks.
—Members of the Improved Order of
Red Men from all over Central Pennsylva-
nia met at Sunbury, Friday night, and
took preliminary steps toward selecting a
site for a $100,000 home for orphans and
aged members of the order. A site be-
tween Sunbury and Selinsgrove on the
west side of the Susquehanna was favor-
ed, it was said, but will be determined b
all lodges. .
—Charles Summers, who was knocked
down and robbed in the locker room of a
Williamsport factory, on July 1, has dis-
covered on recovery that the blow which
the thief struck him on the head has re-
stored the sight of one of Lis eyes, in
which he was nearly blind. He suffered
an injury to his eye while at work in the
Altoona railroad shops several years ago
which virtually destroyed its sight.
—Trying to follow book instructions in
swimming, Albert Brown, 20 years old, of
Wilkes-Barre, was drowned Thursday
afternoon in the Susquehanna river.
Brown entered the water with a book that
explained the various essentials to propel-
ling the body, and in his interest he got
beyond his depth. Feeling the bottom go
from under him, he screamed and went
under. Before rescuers could reach him
he was dead.
—William Delong, a deserter from the
marine corps, was arrested at Shamokin
on Saturday by his own father. The elder
Delong had letters from the Navy Depart-
ment telling him of the desertion, so when
the son turned up at home the father de-
cided he would collect the $50 reward and
took his son in tow. The elder Delong left
immediately for League Island, Philadel-
phia, to deliver the boy to the naval au-
thorities there.
—J. H. Bigley, of Huntingdon, was held
in $500 bail for the next sessions of Unit-
ed States court at a hearing before Com-
missioner Burkett at Lewistown, on Sat-
urday. He was charged with having used
the mails to defraud through the old
scheme of advertising that a company at
Huntingdon would send 10 yards of silk
upon receipt of $1. It is surprising how
many bit and received 10 yards of silk
thread instead of the cloth expected.
—Timely discovery of a twenty-ton iron
casting that had toppled off a flat car at a
curve a mile west of Northumberland
classification yards of the Pennsylvania
Railroad early last Friday saved a Phila
delphia-Williamsport express train from
crashing into the obstacle. William C.
Fenstermacher, a flagman, was first to see
what had happened. He seized a lantern
and ran down the tracks in time to bring
the rushing train with its passengers to a
—The new bridge which spans the Sus-
quehanna at Harrisburg cost $3,000,000.
It is 3450 feet in length and thirty-six feet
wide, with forty-seven piers in the foun-
dations, and forty-six arches. It requir-
ed 1,000,000 feet of lumber to construct the
forms and the materials used in the great
bridge including 60,000 barrels of cement,
45.000 tons of sand and 800,000 pounds of
steel reinforcing. In the building of the
bridge no one suffered serious injuries.
The electrical switch control of tracks cost
—Private Lester Hetherington, of Dris-
tol, Pa., sentenced to seven years in mili-
tary prison, for an alleged swindling op-
eration, after a court-martial at Coblenz,
Germany, was last seen in Bristol three
years ago. At that time he returned home
following the expiration of his enlistment
in the marine corps, in which he served
during the war. He had entered the ma-
rines before the war. After a short stay
at home he re-enlisted, choosing the regu-
lar army, and was subsequently sent to
Germany. Hetherington is the son of
Robert Hetherington, of Bristol, who was
drowned ten years ago in the Delaware
river near that place.
—A bear, chased into a tree by dogs,
furnished amusement for hundreds of
campers along Loyalsock creek, in Lycom-
ing county, one night last week. When the
bear took refuge in the tree, word of its
predicament quickly spread along the
creek and campers came from all direc-
tions to watch it. Some one suggested
raising a plate of ice cream to the bear on
a long pole. This was done and the bear
enjoyed the ice cream with so great relish
that the trick was repeated eight times.
The bear also drank from a bucket of wa-
ter raised to it in the same manner. After
several hours’ exhibition, the owners of
the dogs called them and permitted the
bear to escape.
—Mrs. Joseph Lace, wife of a striking
coal miner, was shot and killed while
picking berries on a farm near Revere,
Fayette county, late last Thursday, accord-
ing to word received by sheriff I. I. Shaw.
Deputies who went to the scene reported
that Mrs. Lace and the wives of three oth-
er strikers were ordered to leave the farm
by a man armed with a rifle. They re-
fused, the women said, and the man fired,
the bullet striking Mrs. Lace and passing
through her heart. The man, they said,
then turned and walked away without
looking at his victim. The three women
carried the body to Revere and notified
the sheriff. The deputies arrested Enod
Endsley, a farmer.
—Charged with looting the treasury of
the Citizens’ Insurance Agency and Mort-
gage company, a $2,500,000 corporation of
Butler, A. L. Hepler, manager and treas-
urer, and his wife, Nina A. Hepler, secre-
tary of the company, were arrested last
week by sheriff Harvey Hockenberry, of
Butler, on warrants issued from the office
of Alderman E. P. Peffer and placed under
bond for appearance at the September
term of court to answer charges of con-
spiracy, embezzlement and fraudulent con-
version of property. Hepler and his wife
are charged with organizing a fictitious
sales company for the purpose of sclling
the stock of the Insurance agency and
mortgage company. It is alleged they took
$200,000 of the funds of the company for
“good will,” and also took $5 from each
share of stock sold at $15 per share, and
entered the shares on the books as sold at
$10 per share, cleaning up $100,000 or more.