Bema ld Bellefonte, Pa., July 14, 1922. LITTLE THINGS. He rang in a little sooner Than the fellows in his shop; And he staid a little longer When the whistle ordered “Stop.” He worked a little harder And he talked a little less; He seemed but little hurried And he showed but little stress. And every little movement His efficiency expressed ; Thus his envelope grew just A little thicker than the rest. He saved a little money In a hundred little ways; He banked a little extra When he got a little raise. A little “working model” Took his little “leisure” time, He wrought each little part of it With patience mest sublime. New it's very little wonder That he murmurs with a smile, As he clips his little eoupons: “Aren't the little things worth while?” —Selected. THE PRINT OF A RIGHT HAND. To the east and south, the bunch grass stretched in a flat expanse, pale green, scarcely dry from the melting © snow. Westward, a canyon opened into the foothills. Over this stretch of country, for years had raged a bit- ter fight between the cattle and sheep men. For little bunches of steers roamed the prairies, and on the foot- hills the flocks of the woolgrowers grazed. Rob Farquhar climbed to the top of a bowlder from which he could look into the defile. A sharp exclamation escaped him. On the new grass be- side the river were four large, light- gray objects—swollen carcasses of sheep. “They’ve been at it again, poison- ing our flocks!” muttered Rob. His collie, which had followed at his heels, now ran before him to the carcasses. As he approached, Scotch whimpered questioningly. “No, old man,” his master replied, “we don’t know who did it.” Yet there was little doubt in Rob’s mind that the poisoning of the sheep could be laid at the door of some fellow who had been employed by one of the cat- tlemen, ostensibly as a rider, or cow- boy, really to go about the country doing this dirty work. With some chemical he carried for that purpose, he tested the water in the trough. For the river was too deep and swift for sheep to go there to drink.” “Poisoned, without a doubt!” he concluded. And now, stooping to examine the soft mud beside the trough, he saw the print of a right hand. It was a very curious hand that had left its mark; much smaller than that of a man, yet somehow not like a child’s. “A dwarf!” The collie continued to growl. Suddenly, startling Rob so that he leaped to a position of safety, two fig- ures appeared over the lip of the can- yon. “Shut up, Scotch!” Rob recovered his poise with a laugh. “That’s the son of the boss and Tom Bateman.” Wallace Dill, the woolgrowers son, was beside the carcasses in three leaps, while his companion followed more slowly. . As Wallace turned and came toward the trough, Rob pointed out the evi- dence. Silently Wallace bent above Rob could not but admire Wallace —a tall, fine looking fellow, quick in his decisions, a bit “cocky,” perhaps, always sure of himself, yet always honest. Toward Wallace’s cousin the Bateman boy, he felt a vague dislike. In his quick way, Wallace stood up- right. “Well, I'm glad we know, now, who poisoned the sheep. It’s that new rider for the ‘B and G’ ranch. I was certain it was he all along.” He resumed, “Now if he doesn’t catch on and skip the country—" “Before you can notify the sheriff,” finished Rob. He spoke with a purpose. He had been reared to respect the law —a thing they didn’t always do in the sheep county. “Sheriff your grandmother!” sneer- ed Wallace. Rob recalled the stories he had heard of tarring and feathering men, branding them, driving them from the range. “I believe in respect for the law”, he said. “Trouble is, if the law handled this, the sneak would get away for want of evidence,” declared Wallace. “It’s certainly the print of that fel- low’s hand. It was hurt when he was a little kid and it never grew right. They say he can rope steers with any- body, though—and it seems he can poison sheep, too.” Rob recalled the boy. He had rather a pitiful looking face; seemed to be trying hard to do good work. It was a pity he had to do a thing like this. Knowing the rage that was smoulder- ing in the sheep range, Rob trembled for anybody that was suspected. He stood scanning the canyon, a wild place where they had often seen grouse and fool hens, and where raccoons came down to wash their food in places where the cliff was not too smooth and steep. Wallace spoke to him suddenly, “Rob, you're off duty; send Scotch - home and come up on the mesa with us in the flivver. We want to put the best ranchers to watching for that rider. He musn’t get away.” The flivver soon covered the dis- tance to a colony of ranches. On the mesa the country was wild and the trails were sandy or rough, bad for motors. The sheep king’s son halted before a cabin where herder’s dogs lay about in the sun. Two men came from the corral. While one of these answered Wal- Tace’s questions as to the mesa ranch people, the other remained at the rear of the flivver. Rob watched him. Rob was quick to comprehend. Almost at once he said to himself, and his heart beat uneasily, “That young fellow sus- pects us.” The stranger was a boy, big-boned, with a thick neck and a large nose. Rob saw he was looking at something that interested him, in the parcelhold- er at the back of the car. Four more men came quietly into the group—two from a passing wag- on, two from inside the house. Their faces were all alike ugly with the an- ger they felt against the one who had killed their sheep. Still Wallace talked on—and did not guess. But Rob started at every movement of a hand in their direction. Suddenly the boy with the big nose addressed Wallace: “What’s your business here? I these sheep poisonings?” Wallace answered glibly: “Sure. I was just telling the men who killed your sheep.” He proceeded with his story; and Rob saw one man look at another, with an ugly expression that showed hic teeth. Wallace was start- ing his car. “I'll drive on—" he be- gan. > His shoulder was seized by a huge hand. “Wh—what do you mean?” Wal- lace gasped. He looked from hard face to hard face. “I'm a son of Wal- lace Dill, the—" “Always knew the big sheep men wanted the range to themselves. So your dad sent you to poison sheep, eh?” As Wallace denied and defended, they laughed. All the boys now stood ground. “Look here, I want the protection on the of the law,” resumed Wallace. “You can’t keep me here.” A guffaw answered him. “You didn’t think so highly of the law when you was after that cowboy.” Wallace was silent, helpless in the grasp of his enemies, waiting what- ever injustice they saw fit to inflict. Did he rcalize? Did he see, now, what is the inescapable punishment of wrong we do? Destroy your coun- try’s law will you? When you need it, there may be none to protect you. Bad as his plight was, these thoughts went through Rob’s mind. At least Wallace never whined. He just folded his arms and grinned, but watched his captors with bright, un- easy eyes. No more was said to the boys. The youth with the large nose kept his eyes on them, ready if they made a movement toward flight, to raise the alarm and lay hold of them. The men were talking together, grouped about the wagon. Suddenly there was a cry from one of the herders. An eagle from the canyon flew di- rectly above the trail. Chickens scur- ried to cover. There was a terrified bleat from some ewe with a lamb. And then— Rob did not observe that their guard had started on a run for the corral. He did not notice, even, that the attention of the men in the road was diverted. He saw, only, that Wallace had leaped for the car. Im- mediately he flung himself across the runping hoard, falling over Tom Bate- map: Already Wallace was starting. Al- ready there were shouts from the en- emy, and three men rushed toward the car. Sometimes that self-starter balked! But today it worked! grease!” muttered Wallace. A blue smudge of gasoline, a gray- white puff of dust, and they were off. Triumphantly Tom Bateman waved his hand toward the baffled enemy. “We'll strike a cross trail two miles up,” said Wallace. “Then we’ll make a streak for home and safety. If we ever had a close call—” “Wallace,” exclaimed Bob, “there's another flivver taking the chase.” “Didn’t know there was a car on the mesa,” shouted Wallace above the noise of the car. “But I'll say I've got the fastest little wagon.” He in- creased the speed. “Look out, you'll break something or turn turtle,” warned Bob. “And then—" Wallace sped down the crossroad, making for the home trail. The pur- suing car had almost as much speed; but with his start Wallace kept well ahead. A sandy stretch was reached. The flivver took a toboggan slide that made Rob set his teeth. But the place was passed safely. “See if that car is gaining,” com- manded Wallace. Rob had no chance to reply before the flivver slowed—halted—stopped. Wallace threw up his hands. “I know what it is—the timer. And I couldn’t fix it if I were going to be hanged—" He stopped; his sentence unfinished. Rob had already left his place. “They're not in sight, yet, around the curve,” he said. “I saw some metal splints in the parcel box for mending sheep gates.” With this, he dived in- to the hold of the car and produced from among its packages, a strip of metal which he proceeded to bend in- to a spring. | A cowboy halted on horseback, to watch. Rob glanced up. It was the cowboy of the “B. and G.” His right hand controlled his heady pony, but the other was helpless—as Wallace had described it—withered and small. No one spoke to him. Tom kept whispering: not in sight!” The cowboy, wondering, rode on his way. Was it hours or days since he be- gan to work on the timer? Rob was sure, at least, that the pursuing car had been halted by the sand. It might, by good fortune, have skidded off the trail. Wallace exclaimed, “She’s in sight now.” The pursuing flivver rounded the curve. The men aboard her were plainly visible; the boys could hear her engine. “ It's all up!” muttered Wallace. “I don’t think so.” Completing his task, Rob leaped for the running board. “Now whoop her up.” A shudder passed through the fliv- ver. She staggered like a horse with the heaves. Then she moved. Rob released his breath. She flew along the trail toward home. “Slick as “They’re The enemy soon abandoned the Anything to do with. chase. Presently, a famliar canyon appeared, and then the prairie about the great Dill sheep ranch, with many Dill herders near the trail. - Wallace let his engine cool. «J want to ask you something,” re- sumed Rob. “Wallace, did you notice that ‘B and G’ rider? Which hand is shrunken ?” Wallace narrowed his eyes, reflect- ed a moment and replied: “Wh— why, the left.” “Exactly. It was a print of a right hand we saw by the poisoned trough —wasn’t it?” Wallace was thinking. “Le’s walk over,” resumed Rob, “and have another look at the print.” The print proved to be, not merely a right, but much too small to have been left by the withered hand. “And they might have killed him,” reminded Rob, solemnly. As he inspected the print, a new theory occurred to him. He looked carefully about among the rocks near by and behind one of these he found a blackish heap of fur. It proved to be the body of an immense raccoon. “Somebody put poison under a rock, to get wolves for their pelts,” proceed- ed Rob. “And the coons got the meat and came down here as they do to wash it. The river’s hard to get into now. These coons must have had no experience with poison, or they’d have : been too clever to eat it.” “The mystery of the other sheep dying on the range isn’t solved yet; maybe we'll find it’s some contageous disease. But the coon’s these.” As Rob talked he locked Tom Bateman. “You put out the wolf poison?” he hazarded. Tom began to deny this for the sheep king had forbidden the poison- ing of wolves on the sheep range. “I happened to see some poison from a Cheyenne drug store in the car, when I was looking for that metal spring,” exclaimed Rob. “No wonder we were held up on the mesa for kill- ing sheep.” “I put the stuff away under the rocks,” Tom defended. Wallace had stood silent, staring at the print of the raccoon’s foot, so like a little hand. At last he spoke: “So long as I live, no matter what anybidy does, I'll never again help to set aside the law of my country.”— The Boys’ World. poisoned | hard at ! YOUR FRIEND, THE TOAD. The toad, in his homely, mud-brown coat, has always been an object of aversion, yet he is one of the most useful of the lesser servants of man. There is no truth whatever in the be- lief that handling the toad causes warts. There is no magic in his cold little body to produce such an effect. He has but one means of defense, a milky, acrid fluid that he ejects through his smooth skin when fright- ened or disturbed. This fluid irritates the mucous membrane and for that reason a dog that attempts to bite a toad will often show distress. But his worst enemies, owls and hawks, ani- mals that habitually eat the toad, are not annoyed by the secretion. The toad is a great eater. He con- sumes in twenty-four hours an amount of food equal to four times the ca- pacity of his stomach. Of this at least three-fifths consists of insects that are harmful to vegetation. These include cut-worms, army-worms, house flies and rose-bugs. Gardeners are gradually learning that it is worth while to keep colonies of toads in their gardens. English gardeners buy them by the hundred. The toad, however, has so strong a homing instinct that unless he is brought from a great distance, he will promptly hop back home when releas- ed. The carrier pigeon or fireside cat are not more wedded to their home than he. By raising toads, this diffi- culty is overcome, for the place where they leave the water as toads is al- ways home to them. There are rec- ords of toads having lived in one gar- den for twenty or thirty years, and in one English garden the same toad re- sided for thirty-six years. So, if you find a toad in your gar- den, do not destroy or molest him. He is not only harmless but helpful, and if your plants could speak they might tell you of his service to them. Look into his jewel-like eyes, at his wide, almost smiling mouth, and you will forget the rest of the ugly dirt-color- ed body, whose color is the toad’s best protection. When Tommy Came. Mrs. Simpson came to call yester- day afternoon; likewise came Tommy. Tommy is “goin’ on four” and chock full of energy and spirit. His mother discussed her new dress and Lina Hunt's baby buggy and the price of potatoes and poultry raising and rag rugs and the way to make good icing before she reached he sub- ject of Tommy. Said subject didn’t care. He was busy uprooting my best begonia and clawing out the contents of the library table drawer and dis- jointing the cat’s tail, and he didn’t mind a little neglect. But do you know, his mother sat there before that alert, bright-eyed chap and told without any apparent regret that he was the worst child she ever saw, that he wouldn’t mind a word, that the only way she could con- trol him was by whipping him. “I'm going to give him to the rag man,” she concluded, and young Thomas looked up and remarked mildly, ‘“’At’s a lie,” and went on with his job of removing my books from the bookshelf to the floor. Now what else could you expect? What sort of a citizen will Tommy make? I don’t like to think.—Mary Barnett in Farm Life. — Little Maggie, who is staying in the country, always goes out to the chicken-house in the morning to see if there are any eggs. The other day she found none, except the china nest egg. “No eggs this morning,” she an- nounced when she came back to the house, “only the one the chickies measure by.” ——All the news, while it is new, in the “Watchman.” FOR AND ABOUT WOMEN. DAILY THOUGHT. He that wrestles with us strengthens our perves and sharpens our skill. Our antag- onist is our helper.—Burke. Just when it seems that the craze | for sweaters was beginning to wane, it broke out all over again, and every- one is again knitting vigorously at home and abroad. Fancy stitches are favored and some of the newer mod- els have the appearance of being ex- tremely difficult to accomplish. The very smartest wool of the mo- ment is silk ice and iceland. These are both of the softest, finest texture, the silk ice having a delightful sheen. Very brief, slip-over models in white and a pale gray, developed in shell stitches and elaborately purled, are the choice of the younger set, the daz- zling Navejo sweaters being forced into second place. Matrons have returned to their first love, the tuxedo; and this is shown in any number of white medels, to carry out the season’s mandate for all white in sports attire. White silk sweaters in an inch block design are things of shimmering beauty. White iceland is well liked and white angora makes up charmingly if one prefers the thicker variety. One delightful white sweat- er worn over a pleated white skirt of crepe de chine was crocheted entirely of ribbozene. This theme of using fancy ribbons | and braids has infinite possibilities, as you will see at once. The finest, slen- derest sort must ke chosen, however, or bulkiness will result. A charming- ly unusual model uses crchid ribbon- zene for its pretty shell stitches, and ! develops its sleeves in a most inter- | esting manner. These are of the ki- mona family and where they join the sweater proper a great deal of full- ness is added, so that they hang near- ly to the waistline, with a very pouch- like effect. The side seams, below this pouch, are joined with tiny smok- ed pearl buttons, making certain a trim appearance. An exquisite model which uses the silk ice is done in rows of lighter and darker green, apricot and white. The effect of the two shades of green, side by side, in inch stripes, followed by the apricot, which tones off into white, is adorable. A sweater using this soft yarn is of mottled blue with a braided belt, and two fluffy balls at the neck. These little out of the ordinary touches are a thing to be thought of when you are planning your sweater. To achieve the unusual is to acquire | distinction. A model done in length- wise stripes of two shades of blue, with a thread of yellow at the joining, is sleeveless except for the slender band of perhaps three inches, which comes over the shoulder and forms an apology for a sleeve, as many evening gowns do. Sleveless sweaters are well | thought of, by the way, and there is | no denying their freedom and com- fort. These are usually in high colors, Black and | white in combination do not occupy the | high place which they did last season, | tangerine being popular. but they are still seen among the smart sweaters. A hand-knitted one of white in slip-over style has black stripes around the bottom and cuffs. These are in alternate lengths of 6 and 8 inches, and run lengthwise. A black silk tie finishes the neck. A dainty sweater recently seen was of blue silk in a tone of delft. tered over the surface at regular in- tervals were black coin dots and a black braided girdle completed the whole. Dark blue silk sweaters are frequently seen over white satin skirts for the older women. QOatmez]l and graham crackers are useful in feeding children, but should be given only at meal times. Buck- wheat and other griddle cakes, hot breads or fresh sweet cakes should net be given to children until they reach the age of 8 or 9 years. Sponge cake two days old and plain cookies may be fiven at the evening meal occasional- ye. Rouge as a routine will ruin any complexion, and no lips, however al- luring, can survive the daily applica- tion of the lip stick. Dr. William Lathrop Love, of Brooklyn, made this statement at the convention of the American Institute of Homeopathy. He declared the modern flapper is a rebellion against restraint. He said: “The excessive use of cosmetics has reached a proportion that constitutes a national menace, imperiling not only the complexions but the health of the growing nation. “The craze for cosmetics has reach- ed a stage where fourteen year old school girls, unable to purchase even the cheapest face powders, apply clan- destinely to their faces chalk they have captured in their class rooms and crushed to a semblance of pow- der. The modern flapper is a rebel- lion against restraint and a protest against parental control. “No lips, however alluring, can sur- vive the daily application of the lip stick, and rouge as a routine will eventually ruin any complexion. Diet and exercise and oxygen on the hoof are the only necessities of a clear complexion. “If any of the feminine members of our profession have been tempted by the frailties of the frivolous and have furnished their own complexions, then, and then only, will I feel justified in forgetting that they are fellow mem- bers of the medical profession.” Most neck lines for afternoon con- tinue the convenient and becoming bateau, but Worth has a new, deep oval, which he fills in with a white chemisette for morning or afternoon wear, and with a bit of lace or a flat band of the material of the gown for evening. When sleeves are not wide, either intrinsically or by the addition of floating wings of lace or chiffon, then they are suppressed altogether for afternoon wear, but the sleeveless models are usually hidden for outdoor wear under a matching cape or coat. Here and there we have along, tight sleeve for afternoon, as in a striking Lanvin model of black crepe, banded with cyclamen and blue, which has a sleeve as tight as the skin of the arm, banded above the elbow in medieval fashion with two colors. Scat- | ht : FARM NOTES. | wil have a crop of 917,760 bushels of | peaches this year, as compared with the short crop of 265,000 bushels last | year. | —Thirty-eight per cent. of the far- { mers in Pennsylvania were operating cream separators on June 1, 1922, This —1It is estimated that Pennsylvania 1. 6 ———————— RICHEST AREA IN THE WORLD. London reports of oil pools and gushers in the Gold Coast colony of West Africa sustain the opinion of many geographers that this is the . richest area in the world for its size, is a decrease of 2 per cent. during the | past year. | —There were 427,200 fleeces of wool i clipped in Pennsylvania this spring. | They averaged 6.8 pounds each, the | total weight of the clip being 2,895,900 | pounds, as compared with 3,003,000 ! pounds last year. { —So many letters about ants have | been received that the Bureau of Plant Industry, Penngylvania Department of | Agriculture at Harrisburg has been | compelled to issue two circulars. One i is for ants in houses, | ants in lawns and putting greens. —The corn-root web worm has : made its presence known in the corn | fields. Samples have been submitted ' to the Bureau of Plant Industry. No ' trouble from the insect need be exper- | jenced, if land in which corn is to be , grown is plowed during late summer and allowed to lay fallow. The fe- | males will not lay eggs on bare | ground, they will go to some grass i covered field. —The number of vacant farms in Pennsylvania has shown a decided de- i crease during the past several years. Two years ago the vacant farm con- | stituted a real menace in Pennsylva- | nia, but with the slowing down of in- ! dustry, hundreds of men who have . suddenly found themselves without i work, returned to the farm. On June 1 of the present year there ‘were approximately 3,820 vacant ' farms in the State, as compared with | 6,500 vacant farms in 1920 and 4,100 {in 1921. | —The big or mis-shapen growth on cabbage, cauliflower and related plants | is due to club root, a slime mold dis- | ease. The best way to avoid trouble according to a bulletin from the Wash- ington (D. C.) headquarters of the National Geographic society. “Columbus is believed to have done some of his apprentice exploring along the Gold Coast shores before he set sail for America, and many an emancipated slave of our southland could find his family tree among the natives of this British colony. The golden age of the Gold Coast, com- mercially considered, was in the days of flourishing slave trade, and the oil fields promise again to outbuy the en- tire product of gold grains winnowed the other for | from the sands of the many rivers of this region. “When you read that three-fourths - of the colony is covered with thick sought employment in the cities and | from this disease is to rotate crops. { Do not plant cabbage family plants on | the same ground two years in succes- sion. When, hewever, this cannot be avoided as in the case of small gar- i | els to the acre. | are Hollander, Stone Mason, Large Late Flat Dutch, Henderson's Early | jitic plants, such as the orchids which | Summer. —Each year there are many inqui- | ries regarding the apparent, sudden | death of hickory trees. In nearly | every case these deaths are due to the | heavy losses during the last twenty | years. i” A close examination of the dead or dying trees will show many small holes like shot holes. These are where the adults emerged. If the bark ! is removed there will be found many markings like engraving. These were made by the feeding larvae. There is no method of controlling this other than cutting down all dead Lor dying hicgoeies before May first. | The timber cdn be saved but the bal- forests you get a very inadequate idea of what you would see could you look upon the amazing fastnesses of Bom- bax trees, piercing the skyline at 100 feet, with columnar trunks, free from branches below the top quarter length. The trees you know best are like ice- bergs in that their bases, or root sys- tems, are under the surface. These foreign giants remind you of your children’s Christmas tree, buttressed by what look to be huge trianguiar supports. Should you dig beneath one of these buttresses you would find tiny tendrils, such as those which might nourish a sapling. In the spac- es between these buttresses natives sometimes pitch primitive tents. “The impression of a forest of tel- ephone poles is further conveyed by great cables sagging from tree to tree. These ‘creepers’ are popularly known as monkey-rope, appropriate- ly enough, since many varieties of IOReYS are to be found in these for- ests. “With the exception of the horizon- tal network of ‘monkey-rope’ these thickets are vertical forests as truly as New York has been called a ‘Ver- tical City.” They furnish a mute ex- ample of inanimate objects valorous- ly striving for their places in the sun- light. “Finally, so fertile is the equator- C J i ial soil, that nature is far from satis- | dens, lime such land as is to be plant- | fieq with the plant life which clutters ed in cabbage using about 150 bush- | the soil and cranes its foliage aloft to Resistance varieties get a speck of sunshine, but nourish- ment is afforded a second crop of par- . grow from the branches of the Bom- bax trees. “The Gold Coast colony stretches along some 250 miles of a harborless k . coast, and extends back for about half | hickory bark beetle, which has caused | | ance of the tree, the brush, branches | | and bark must be burned. This is a! community proposition. | must clean up for one infested hick- lory tree will reinfest the whole terri- | tory. —Wherever sugar maples Everybody | cldest son of the oldest sister. that distance to the border of Ashan- i. “Of the estimated population of a million fewer than 2,000 are Euro- peans. The most noted of the native peoples are the Fanti, whose women of light brown skin are pretty. Their favorite perfume is distilled from the excrement of snakes. Shark flesh, sun dried, is a favorite edible. Among them, as among many primitive fight- ing peoples, mothers are held in high esteem Property is inherited by the ¢ Land is held in a communal fashion, the possession of a gold ‘stool’ being the badge of a chief’s authority to the lands over which he holds sway. Areas | are assigned to families, but they re- | vert to the community upon the hold- are | grown one is almost sure to find some | | trees marked by heavy ridges going : obliquely part way around the trunk ior partially encircling a large limb. | The foliage on the tree above the af- | fected portion dies. If this ridge is | dug into there will be found to be a groove or burrow as large as one’s lit- tle finger. maple borer. This grub requires about eighteen months to become full grown when it is about two inches long. One Pennsylvania borough having sugar maples as street trees asked a representative of the Bureau of Plant Industry to inspect them. He found the trees all infested with this borer. The only suggestion for control is to put some carbon bisulphide on each burrow and plug the entrance with mud. —Reports from the more than 800 crop reports of the Bureau of Statis- tics of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, indicate that the crops in this State in 1922 will far surpass the crops of 1921. The weather of the past two months has been entirely fa- vorable and unless something unfor- seen occurs, Pennsylvania farmers will reap a bounteous harvest, both in field and orchard. The condition of the wheat on June 1 indicated an average yield of 19.8 bushels per acre as compared with 17.5 bushels last year. While the frosts of early spring injured the fruit to some extent, yet on June 1 indica- tions pointed to a crop of more than ten million bushels of apples in the State. The indications are that practically all the farm crops this year will run above the average for the past ten years. —The carelessness of a number of manufacturers in branding fertilizers offered for sale in Pennsylvania has caused considerable work for the Bu- reau of Chemistry of the Pennsylva- nia Department of Agriculture. At least forty brands have been found on the market that have not been reg- istered as provided by law. Investigation disclosed that the fer- tilizers sold under unregistered brands were up to the standards of the brands that had been registered by the man- ufacturers. Further investigation showed that in practically every in- stance, the manufacturrer, through carelessness shipped the fertilizers in- to Pennsylvania under trade names that had not been registered. The ~zon- dition has been corrected. Approximately 1,600 samples of fertilizer secured in the spring inspec- tion, have already been analyzed. The analysis shows that the fertilizers are of a higher grade than has been found during the past several years. Many of the fertilizers contain pronounced amounts of muriate of potash, which duct having been absent from most fertilizers far more than six years. er’s death. “Trees, plants, animals, snakes and insects are found in amazing variety. Here, as in many other verdant trop- ical regions, flowers are not nearly so abundant. The animate curiosity of the Gold Coast is the driver-ant, which This is made by the larva | or grub of beetle known as the sugar | is exported from Germany, this pro- | fine also constitutes its worst pest. The driver-ants constitute the standing ar- my of the insect world. “A ‘crack regiment’ of driver-ants, solemnly says the Oxford survey of the English empire, marches in close formation, perhaps 12 abreast, form- ing a line some two inches wide, the soldiers being distributed aleng the flanks and at regular intervals amongst the workers, on much the same plan as that laid down for a British column in thick country. The force travels at the double, and gen- erally at night, taking as straight a line as possible and selecting all avail- able cover, an advance party having already prepared the way. These in- sects construct tunnels in exposed spots, perhaps 30 feet in length, with a height and breadth which may be as much as one inch, and provided with airshafts. Every animal makes way for them, for they will attack anything in their path, even fire, their system of communication enabling them to send reinforcements to any threatened point.” ” ——The quickest way to reach a cemetery or insane asylum is to race with a train for a road crossing. op mt MEDICAL. Some Good | Advice by Bellefonte perience. Strengthened Ex- Kidney disease is too dangerous to neglect. At the first sign of back- ache, headache, dizziness or urinary disorders, you should give the weak- ened kidneys prompt attention. Eat little meat, take things easier and use a reliable kidney tonic. There’s no other kidney medicine so well recom- mended as Doan’s Kidney Pills, Belle- fonte people rely on them. Here’s one of the many satements from Belle- fonte people. : Mrs. Boyd Vonada, E. Bishop St., says: “Some time ago my kidneys were in weak condition. I could hard- ly rest at night and during the day when I was on my feet doing my housework my back gave out and ached so I often had to stop and rest. 1 frequently had dizzy nervous head- aches and my kidneys acted too often. 1 used Doan’s Kidney Pills purchased at the Mott Drug Co., and they just suited my case. They rid me of the backaches, headaches and dizziness. My kidneys were regulated and I felt ” 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 67-27