Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 14, 1922, Image 1

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—So far as Bellefonte’s experience
is concerned it was a safe Fourth and
must, therefor, have been a sane one.
— Paradise is wet. It was raided
by dry agents last Saturday. We re-
fer, of course, to Paradise, New Jer-
— After fifteen days the trout will
find release from the pestering they
have been subjected to by a lot of us
since the fifteenth of April.
—What William Rockerfeller gave
to charity won’t strike any terror to
the heart of his brother John lest the
family fortunes be dissipated.
—Pity the poor little flapper who
can’t get the frizz out of her bobbed
hair. She's as passe as we were when
other men were brushing theirs
straight back.
—German printers are on a strike
and the consequent shortage of paper
money has caused a crisis, which few
people on this side will understand
since they have generally supposed
the stuff to be no good anyhow.
— Latest market quotations show a
decrease of from 15 to 20 per cent. in
the price of radium, which is now
worth only $13,125,000 an ounce.
is hardly likely, however, that any
very heavy stocks will be laid in, even
at the reduced price.
— Fearful that Monarchists may
again control Germany France is
showing signs of conciliation with re-
gard to reparations due her, but she
predicates all her proposals of ameli-
oration on the presumption that all of
the inter-allied debts will be cancelled.
— Those farmers who were so dis-
tressed because of the wet weather of
the fore part of last week have dis-
covered that all things come to him
who waits, for surely finer harvest
weather than has followed that wet
spell has seldom prevailed in this sec-
—The Democratic State Central
committee is planning to raise seven-
ty-five thousand dollars with which to
conduct the campaign. That ought to
be enough, but when we remember
that Pinchot spent nearly a quarter
of a million in his primary fight it
looks like we are sending a boy to do
a man’s work.
—_The twenty Wilkes-Barre blind
men who went out on strike because
their blind foreman was replaced by
2 man who could see the kind of work
they were producing will probably see
things in a different light ere long.
They’ll find out some day that the
sense of touch can’t put anything over
on the sense of sight.
— And to think we have been camp-
ing, off and on for months, within
twelve miles of those Florida fruit
farms and didn’t know there was even
one barrel of moonshine hidden there,
not to speak of the other four hun-
dred and ninety-nine that the revenue
officers dug out of those peaceful,
harmless looking fields lying out from
—The hospital is going to have the
biggest picnic of the season at Hecla
Park, on Thursday, July 27th. No
matter where you live you'll be wel-
come there. You are expected to ar-
rive with a full pocket and put up no
squeal when the elephant steps on it,
for the hospital needs the money and
is going to get it if somebody has to
knock you down and take it from you.
_ Suzanne Lenglen, the French ten-
nis champion, finally got back into her
vaunted form and defeated Mrs. Mol-
la Mallory, our star, at Wimbledon,
England, on Saturday for the world’s
grass court championship. Remem-
bering her actions at Forest Hills last
year we can’t refrain from remarking
that while the French girl has finally
demonstrated that she is a good ten-
nis player she has yet to prove to us
that she is a good sport.
— Prof. Joseph Tykociuski-Tykoci-
ner, of the physics department, Uni-
versity of Illinois, has successfully
photographed sounds and his inven-
tion is expected to ultimately produce
the voice of the screen actor, thereby
giving the dialogue as well as the mo-
tions of a film play. We are wonder-
ing whether Prof. (see name above)
would have had any hope of ever per-
fecting his invention had he employ-
ed us to pronounce his name while he
was undertaking the photography of
the sound we would have made.
—The President’s plan for settle-
ment of the strike of coal miners does
not seem to offer a solution of the real
problem. It merely postpones a day
which must come before there can be
a definite, final agreement as to the
rights of employers of labor and of
the rights of labor, itself, whether it
be organized or unorganized. As we
view the situation no condition should
exist that insures to the man who
works greater advantage because he
is a member of some organization than
is secured to the worker who is not an
organization man. The productive
power of the individual, no matter in
what capacity he produces, should
measure his compensation. It is so in
the white-collared profession and it
should be so with the men of the ging-
ham shirts and overalls. Alike, they
should be able to sell their services in
the highest market and be free to
work in safety when and where they
can find employment. Collectively
men should have no more rights than
they do individually and the sooner
governments and organizations recog-
nize this fundamental principle of
freedom the sooner the questions of
industrial conflict will be settled.
VOL. 67.
EFONTE, PA., JULY 14. 1922.
Pinchot’s Self-Confessed Unfitness. | Practical Versus Moral Obligations.
When Gifford Pinchot acknowledg-
ed that his family had invested the
sum of $125,000.00 in the purchase of
the Republican nomination for Gov-
ernor of Pennsylvania, he signed a
certificate of unfitness for that or any
other office of honor. Mr. Pinchot is
not a philanthropist. With more
money than he can possibly use le-
gitimately he juggled the constitu-
tion which he had solemnly sworn to
“support, obey and defend,” in order
to get a salary increase for services
to the public of $3000.00. An earnest
an honest altruist would not have
done that. Having done it, Mr. Pin-
chot cannot claim that he spent so
vast a sum to secure the nomination
for Governor because of his love for
or interest in the people.
The moment it is established that
high offices may be purchased in
Pennsylvania the principles upon
which the government of the State are
based are destroyed. The equality of
citizenship is ended forever. Only
very rich men or very cunning crooks
will be eligible for office and the
chances are that one of these elements
in the life of the Commonwealth is as
bad as the other. The rich man will
strive for dividends on his investment
and the crook for profits on his pow-
er. There are millionaires who
would make admirable Governors and
there have been very rich men who
adorned public life. But they didn’t
buy nominations or intimate a willing-
ness to buy an election regardless of
cost or method.
Many a man has been hung on cir-
cumstantial evidence and subsequent
events justified the action. When a
man pays thousands of dollars more
than it is worth for an object the pre-
sumption is that he has an ulterior
motive in making the investment.
Gifford Pinchot paid $50,000.00 more
for the nomination for Governor than
the salary will amount to and he is so
covetous for money that he violated
his oath for $3000.00 a year for three
years. A genuine altruist, a real
philanthropist would have served for
the stipulated salary if he thought
his service valuable tg the - public.
Gifford Pinchot now ah the peo-
ple will believe he is throwing money
to the birds for the benefit of the pub-
—If anybody imagines that Gif-
ford Pinchot wants to be Governor
“for his health,” an examination of
his record as Forestry Commissioner
will help toward a better understand-
ing of the facts. Gif. is after gold.
—————— mes ee.
Republican Machine Rebuked.
The refusal of the Senate to adopt
a cloture rule on the Fordney tariff
bill was a fit rebuke to the Republi-
can Congressional machine. The pur-
pose of the rule was to force that in-
iquitous measure to passage without
full and free discussion of its fea-
tures. The Democratic minority in
the Senate realizes that the bill will
pass in the end. The pledge to pass
it was made during the Presidential
campaign in consideration of contri-
butions of funds by those to be bene-
fitted to buy votes for the Republican
candidates. But the Democratic Sen-
ators insist on their right to expose
the defects in the measure and voted
solidly against the cloture. Five Re-
publicans were honest enough to vote
with them.
The Republican leaders pay no re-
spect to the pledges they made to la-
bor interests in order to secure the
votes of wage earners. They are
equally indifferent to the promises
they made to the public to cut down
the cost of living. They have openly
repudiated one and wilfully disregard-
ed the other. But the promise to the
monopolists and millionaires who gave
so freely of their tainted money to de-
bauch the ballot is to be scrupulously
kept for the reason that more ruoney
is needed for the coming Congression-
al campaign and the old pledge must
be made good before a new one will
be considered. The cloture was in-
tended to achieve the result without
letting the people know the evil of it.
The Fordney tariff bill will increase
the cost of living to every family in
the United States from thirty to
eighty per cent. It leaves no. neces-
sary of life free from the tax exac-
tions. To some extent its baleful in-
fluence is already felt, for - prof-
iteers are already increasing
prices in anticipation. In this way
alone it will add to the burdens of the
people more than a billion dollars a
year. But that is not the only evil
effect. It will close foreign markets
to the products of our manufacturers
and thus to a great extent deprive la-
bor of employment. But the Republi-
cans imagine that the people will not
find it out until after the Congression-
al election, if it is passed at once.
— If the late Kaiser had begun
reading the Bible earlier in life the
map of the world might be vastly dif-
ferent in this year of Our Lord.
There is at present a good deal of
mental speculation among officials in
Washington as to the outcome of a
conference which has been called by
Attorney General Daugherty to con-
sider the question of the legality of
dispensing intoxicating liquors on
board ships owned by the government
of the United States and operated by
the Shipping Board. Recently a
prominent brewer raised the question
by a charge that the government is
engaged in the boot-legging busi-
ness. He stated that all kinds of
liquors are procurable on board these
ships as soon as they pass the three-
mile limit, and as the Volstead act
prohibits the sale of intoxicants any-
where on United States’ territory, the
sale is illegal.
Chairman Lasker, of the Shipping
Board, promptly admitted the charge
as to the liquor traffic on board the
ships but justified it on the ground
that it is necessary in order to make
the operation of the ships profitable.
Foreign ships, he said, sold liquor on
board and passengers, whether tour-
ists or business men, would not pa-
tronize “dry” ships while it was pos-
sible for them to get passage on ships
that are as “wet” inside as out. The
government owned ships cost a vast
amount of money and unless they are
used by persons crossing the sea,
there could be no return on the in-
vestment. This is of course the
practical side of the subject but it en-
tirely ignores the moral question as
well as the law enforcement prob-
lem, which ought to be more or less
Obviously Attorney General
Daugherty is in sympathy with chair-
man Lasker’s attitude on the subject,
but as the official interpreter of the
law he is bound to line up on the op-
posite side, unless he can side-step
the subject, and it is believed in Wash-
ington that his conference has that
purpose in view. His first assistant
promptly decided the question
against the traffic and left the depart-
ment the alternative of forbidding
foreign ships from coming within the
three-mile limit with liquor en board.
That, more than likely, would create
trouble with foreign governments
which are not under obligation to obey
either the provisions of our constitu-
tion or the Volstead act, and Daugh-
erty is “an artful dodger.”
——Nobody who owns a good auto-
mobile yearns for the “good old
Pinchot’s “Mock Heroics.”
Recent developments show clearly
that Gifford Pinchot’s heroic protests
against assessing State employees
for campaign purposes was a “play
to the galleries.” It is true that he is
an immensely rich man, having inher-
ited milliors of money. He paid a
large amou .t for the nomination and
could easily finance the campaign for
election without depriving himself of
any of the comforts or luxuries of life
to which he is accustomed. But when
he made the protest against assessing
State officials and employees he had
no intention of paying the expenses
of the campaign himself, and he has
no intention of doing so now. He sim-
ply wanted to fool the public by a
rather dramatic exhibition of “mock
Mr. Pinchot is probably willing to
pay a fair share of the expenses of
the impending campaign, but not all
or even nearly all. The State com-
mittee will not assess the job holders,
of course, because he has forbidden it.
But the job holders will pay as
promptly and quite as liberally as they
ever did before. The assessments will
be made by the county committees
and the Congressional committee and
the contribution of Mr. Pinchot and
his family and friends will simply be
“velvet” in the hands of that master
manipulator of campaign funds and
campaign tricks, Mr. W. Harry Baker,
chairman of the Republican State
committee. The funds collected from
the job holders will be used to per-
petuate the machine.
The Republican candidate for Gov-
ernor may imagine that he is fooling
the public by his false pretenss of
political morality and altruism. When
he bought a nomination from an un-
willing electorate he proved himself a
party huckster. Without his money
he wouldn’t have come within speak-
ing distance of the nomination and
when he violated the constitution and
his oath of office in order to get an in-
crease of salary he left his moral
measure for popular scrutiny and con-
tempt. The people of Pennsylvania
do not want a man of that type for
Governor. They will prefer the stur-
dy farmer and honest citizen who has
been nominated by the Democratic
party, John A. McSparran. He rep-
resents what they stand for.
— Properly enough! the increased
coal bills will come in about election
Chairman McCollough Inspires Hope.
The Democratic voters of Pennsyl-
vania are greatly encouraged by the
signs of improvement in their State
organization. The new chairman, Mr.
Austin E. McCollough, has set about
the work of organization in a manner
that promises excellent results. He
will continue the headquarters of the
party in Harrisburg but will establish
branch offices, manned by earnest and
active party leaders, in Philadelphia
and Pittsburgh, and from these van-
tage points will have every section of
the State in view all the time. He has
already visited most of the centers of
population, advised with the local par-
ty workers and in every respect has
shown the qualities of leadership
which make for success.
It is early in the campaign to talk
politics seriously but the Democratic
organization had fallen so low in’ ef-
ficiency and the process of organiza-
tion being so slow and tedious neces-
sarily, that it is heartening to find
a young leader with sufficient earn-
estness and determination to engage
in the work at this season and pursue
it even through the dog days in order
to guarantee the best results. Mr.
McCollough has the ability, the incli-
nation and the earnestness necessary
and what is of greater importance
than anything else, his work in the
cause is a labor of love free from self-
ishness. His friendship and admira-
tion for John A. McSparran is happily
incidental. His devotion to Democra-
cy the main influence.
With such an organization as chair-
man McCollough can and will create,
and such a ticket as the party has
nominated, the Democratic voters
have abundant reason for the confi-
dence which is expressed everywhere.
The people of Pennsylvania have been
ruthlessly looted for many years and
are suffering from tax burdens which
would dismay less hopeful people.
But the signs now point to rescue and
if all the Democratic men and women
of the State will follow the example
of our young chairman and begin the
work now and continue it until the end
of the campaign, the rascals will not
only be turned out of places of power
but some of them will be turned into
places of detention.
e—————— eee.
——The announcement that John
F. Short, editor of the Clearfield Re-
publican, has been selected as public-
ity director of the Democratic State
committee is evidence that the voters
of Pennsylvania will be kept fully in-
formed on every issue which may
arise during the campaign this fall.
Editor Short is not only a forceful
writer on political topics but he is able
to pick out the worthwhile issues and
present them in a way that will be
convincing. The committee has also
selected A. W. Bigler, of Clearfield, as
chairman of the Finance committee
and decided to raise a campaign fund
of $75,000.
—With all the industrial unrest
with resultant strikes and violence,
and that infamous tariff bill to stand
sponsor for it isn’t much wonder that
President Harding has decided that
he would rather be back in Marion,
Ohio, than remain in Washington.
The President is beginning to realize
that the life of a man occupying his
position isn’t all golf and Mayflower
and the country is more and more
comprehending what Woodrow Wilson
endured for he carried a world war in
addition to the industrial chaos that
alone seems to be chilling President
Harding’s feet.
—A dispatch from Washington
on Tuesday stated that Senator Pep-
per had sent the name of Major H.
Laird Curtin, of Curtin, Centre coun-
ty, to Secretary of the Treasury Mel-
lon for appointment to the office of
assistant appraiser of merchandise at
the Port of Philadelphia. The office
pays about $2500 a year but the du-
ties are not very burdensome, it is
——The apportionment of the $32,-
000,000 public school appropriation
for the years 1921-22 shows that Cen-
tre county’s share will be $119,691,
against $68,417 for 1920-21. And
this does mot include the appropria-
tion for vocational schools or trans-
—————— A ——————]
——1If reports coming from Germa-
ny of extortion of tourists are any-
thing like truthful the United States
will ultimately pay most of the repa-
ration bills.
———— A ——
—Protection on wheat might be
all right if the things the farmer has
to buy were on the free list. It would
neither harm nor help them.
———— A ———————
——The chairman of the Republi-
can National committee threatens to
resign unless the Senators come to an
agreement on the tariff bill.
r— A ———
——Subscribe for the “Watchman.”
NO. 27.
Borough Council Proceedings.
Harry C. Yeager and G. Oscar
Gray, representing the Bellefonte
Business Men’s Association, appeared
before borough council at its regular
| meeting on July 3rd, and asked per-
{ mission to rope off the Diamond on the
| Wednesday nights of the band con-
! certs up town. They gave as the rea-
i son the incessant stream of autos
i going back and forth and almost con-
| stant tooting of horns disturbed the
! band and spoiled the concert for the
people who turn out to enjoy it. The
matter was referred to the Fire and
Police committee with power.
Walter Baney, who recently pur-
chased a property on the unopened
portion of Burnside street, asked
council to establish his street line and
give him a grade. Referred to the
borough manager and Street commit-
tee. '
The Water committee reported the
! collection of $24.25 on the 1920 water
_ duplicate, and progress in the matter
of adjusting the water assessment
against the Titan Metal company.
The committee also recommended
that the water rate for 1922 be made
the same as last year and that the
date for the appeals be fixed as soon
as possible.
The Fire and Police committee re-
ported that all the fireplugs in town
have been painted white.. The com-
mittee also called attention to the fact
that automobilists pay no attention to
the painted circle at the fire plugs but
continue to park cars right up against
the plugs. On recommendation of the
committee the newspapers were re-
quested to publish the fact that in the
future any man caught parking his
car within the painted circle at a fire-
plug will be promptly arrested and
The Finance committee reported a
balance of $203.89 in the hands of the
borough treasurer on July 1st. Re-
quests were also made for the renew-
al of notes for $600, $1,500, $2,000,
$2,500, $500, $3,000, $18,000, $7,000,
and $2,000, and that a new note be
authorized for $2,000 with which to
pay current bills, all of which were
approved by council. The cidmnittee
also recommended that the tax mill-
age to be fixed at the same rate as for
the year 1921, namely: Borough, 10
mills; street, 10; interest, 5, a total of
25 mills.
S. B. Miller appeared before coun-
cil and asked that Curtin street from
Armor to Wilson, and Wilson street
from Curtin to Linn, be graded. He
stated that he now has a good oppor-
tunity to sell lots on ali of that sec-
tion of Curtin street, with the assur-
ance of the erection there in the near
future of five or six houses. He was
informed by the president of council
that just as soon as there is a need or
demand for the grading the borough
will take care of it.
A motion was passed instructing
the borough solicitor to enter liens
against all property owners on Bish-
op, Spring and Pine streets who have
not paid their assessments on the
state road account, before the time
limit expires.
Mr. Cunningham stated that a well
known business man of Beliefonte
would like to rent a strip of ground
along the creek on the Phoenix mill
property as the location for a business
building and asked what council
thought of the matter. The question
was referred to the Water committee
to secure details and make a recom-
Bils to the amount of $1944.73 were
approved for payment.
mm ——— fp ————————
Thin Your Apples for Select Fruit.
Now that the June drop is over ap-
ple growers will do well to start thin-
ning those trees that are set heavily
to fruit, is the advice of farm agent J.
N. Robinson. In the case of winter
varieties, a light thinning may be
made for the present and the first
picking of the fruit in September will
then serve as the second thinning.
This first fall picking can often be
sold to advantage, especially to ex-
pert trade.
The grower who takes time now to
locate his market and lay plans for
the sale of his fall and winter crop
of apples will be a few jumps ahead
of the one who neglects to make any
plans for the marketing of his pro-
ducts. Timely preparation will ena-
ble the grower to take advantage of
any unusual or unexpected opportuni-
ties during the marketing season.
The next few weeks is a good time to
look ahead and see that all the re-
quirements of harvesting, packing and
selling are fully met. Packages
should soon be placed at the farm so
that a large supply is on hand for the
season of sales.
e———— ee
——Taxing peanuts by tariff legis-
lation may not be “peanut” politics
but it comes perilously close to that
kind of statesmanship.
mmm—— A ras
: ——All the news, while it is new,
in the “Watchman.”
fired upon the officers
Campbell engaged in a running fight with
farms were “not at home.”
ner, the only man found there, is being de-
tained. Three officers armed to the teeth
—Cultivated huckleberries are on sale in
the Harrisburg market.
— Daniel Welkel, aged 8% years, father of
sixteeen children, nine sons and seven
daughters, all of whom are living, died as
he was seated in his chair at his home at
Gowen City, near Shamokin, on Sunday.
—Struck by. lightning while getting in
his last load of hay, Albert Kramer, aged
60, a Berks county farmer, was instantly
killed Saturday evening. His son and a
hired man working near the wagon were
stunned, and both horses hitched to the
wagon were killed.
—The Dauphin county court has con-
firmed the final report of the auditors of
the Keystone Guard, a fraternal organiza-
tion of Bradford county, which has been
in litigation since 1911. The assets amount-
ed to $25,409 and there are 4,000 creditors
who will receive about 32 per cent.
—Two negro bandits penned Carl L.
Snyder, a Harrisburg butcher, in his re-
frigerator last Thursday when he went in-
to the ice box to get some meat, and fled
after rifling the cash drawer of $750. Sny-
der, half frozen, was rescued a half hour
later by a customer, who heard dull thuds
from the ice chest. The police have been
unable to find any trace of the bandits.
—One hundred pair of stockings were
stolen from the Brubaker Hosiery Mills at
Lititz and carted away in a stolen truck
early Saturday morning. The auto was
taken from a garage near the mill. The
robbers are believed to have worked the
best part of the night on the job. State
police after an investigation declared that
the robbery was virtually the same as one
which occurred at New Cumberland, Cum-
berland county, recently.
—Raymond Hazlett, aged 32 years, of
Uniontown, who was recently discharged
from the western penitentiary, where he
had served on a robbery conviction, was
sentenced in criminal court at Uniontown
last week to a term of from 26 to 30 years
on a plea of guilty on a charge of crim-
inally attacking a 17 year old girl. He
had confessed upon his arrest the day be-
fore that he had held the girl prisoner in
a woods near Dawson most of Monday.
— Search of the home of Wenzelus Koeh-
ler, a retired farmer, of Northampton, who
died recently, revealed nearly $35,000 in se-
curities concealed under carpets, in closets
and other places. The executors of the es-
tate had previously found $35,000 in securi-
ties in the cellar. The estate is valued at
more than $100,000. The will is being con-
tested by Mrs. Mary Larosh, of Allentown,
a daughter, who alleged that her father
was incompetent to make a will and that
undue influence was used.
__Mrs. Marie Dressler, mother of seven
children and widow of J. Clyde Dressler,
of Sunbury, killed at a grade crossing in
that city, has been awarded the highest
compensation since the State law provid-
ing this fund has been in effect, the ad-
juster said. She was allowed $7563.84.
Dressler, an ice wagon driver, drove his
team directly in the path of a Philadelphia
and Reading passenger locomotive. Un-
der a recent ruling that a person cannot
be paid both compensation and civil dam-
ages, the award prevents a suit against the
railroad, lawyers said.
— The holdings of the Nordmont Chem-
ical company, at Nordmont, Sullivan coun-
ty, have been purchased by Senator
Charles W. Sones, of Williamsport. An-
nouncement of the transfer of the prop-
erty, which involves a consideration of
several hundred thousand dollars, was
made last week by the Senator. The Nord-
mont Chemical company practically em-
braces the entire village of Nordmont in-
cluding fifteen houses, a hotel, a garage
and a standard gauge railroad of ten
miles. It is the intention of Senator
Sones to erect a saw mill to cut over 6,000
acres of land involved in the purchase.
—James J. Flannery, prominent Pitts-
purgh undertaker, who was tried for kill-
ing his wife, was acquitted on Saturday
by a jury that deliberated the case more
than fourteen days. The jury was out 345
hours, a record in Allegheny county. Sev-
eral days ago a verdict of involuntary
manslaughter was returned, but the court
refused to accept it, because involuntary
manslaughter was not charged in the in-
dictment. Flannery was arrested several
months ago after he had called the police
and told them he had shot and killed his
wife in mistake for a burglar. The State
tried to show domestic troubles had caus-
ed the shooting.
—Samuel Gazette and his family have
returned to their old home in Lewistown
after three years spent in Australia, where
Mr. Gazette was general manager of a
large steel plant at Sidney. Mr. Gazette,
who spent his whole life in the locomotive
tire and forge departments of the Stand-
ard Steel works at Burnham, was sent
across by the Baldwin Locomotive works
people to put the new plant at Sidney in-
to running condition, and his work com-
pleted, he returned to Lewistown to take
up his former position. Mr. Gazette says
conditions there are practically the same
as in this country—wages are good, liv-
ing expenses high and the working men
are only the agents of their weekly wage.
—The body of Mrs. Henry Miller, aged
70 years, who disappeared from her home
at Port Royal late last Wednesday night,
rose to the surface of the Juniata river
Monday afternoon and was discovered
floating along by section foreman George
Wagner, of Tuscarora, as he paroled his
track section four miles east of Port Roy-
al. Wagner waded into the river and
brought the corpse’ ashore and then noti-
fied the proper authorities, the body later
being taken back to Port Royal. The aged
woman had for some time been under the
surveillance of her family and it is believ-
ed, in her weakened mental condition she
either committed suicide in Tuscarora
creek or fell into the water by accident
and was drowned.
—John B. Ernest, prohibition enforce-
ment officer in charge of the Williamsport
district, and chief of police 8S. R. Camp-
bell, of Jersey Shore, assisted by five oth-
er officers, drove into the Nittany moun-
tains last Thursday afternoon and con-
ducted a raid on what is known as the
“Florida Farms,” where they seized fifty
barrels of liquor valued at $200,000 which
they found buried in the fields and con-
cealed in wood and stone piles and other
Gunmen concealed in the brush
and Ernest and
two who got away. Two three hundred
gallon and several smaller stills were de-
stroyed. The owner and tenant of the
Joseph Gard-
were left in charge of the farms.