Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 30, 1922, Image 1

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    Benoa td
—The wheat harvest is tramping
hard on the heels of the hay makers.
—If everybody is going to strike
who is going to pay the strike bene-
—The proposed sesqui-centennial
exhibition for Philadelphia is starting
off with enough fighting to augur
great success.
—There will be no issue of the
“Watchman” next week. We're going
fishing and you’ll have to go without
your favorite newspaper. :
—— Tt is also worth while*to re-
member that election day comes just
about the time the average voter is
ordering his winter supply of coal.
—Probably Germany will never set-
tle her domestic problems until the
Republicans chase all the monarchists
out or the reverse is accomplished.
— Harding enjoys himself yacht-
ing and playing golf while the leaders
of his party are “sweating blood” in
the shadow of defeat. But Nero fid-
dled while Rome burned.
—John A. McSparran arranged
things yesterday so that he will not
have to keep bachelor’s hall in the
Executive mansion in Harrisburg next
winter. He married Mrs. Sadie Hol-
land, Mills, Mass.
—If there were smaller strike ben-
efits there would be fewer strikes.
Many union workers are idle today
because they can draw down more or
as much money in “strike benefits” as
they could earn by working.
—June is about over and some peo-
ple remember only its rain and torrid
weather. Others, there are, who saw
the profusion of flowers and the
splendid garden vegetation the heat
and the moisture brought.
—1It’s really amazing the number of
people who claque about what the oth-
er fellow should do, when it is not so
much what the other fellow should do
that counts as what they would do
were they in the other fellow’s place.
—An old, old man from State Col-
lege told us on Tuesday that there are
more good looking women up there
now taking the summer school work
than he thought could be gathered up
in Pennsylvania. Twenty years ago
we would have been on the way up to
State now, but in a way we're like
the purveyor of this news—we're get-
ting old.
—At the meeting of the finance
committee of the Republican organi-
zation it was decided that assessment
of office holders would not be made.
It was also decided that the usual let-
ter soliciting contributions would be
sent out—that Mr. Pinchot insisted
upon. The usual letter is all that
ever has been sent out. Isn't Gif. the
foxy little fellow.
—Congressman Fordney, of Mich-
igan, has announced his intention of
retiring at the close of his present
term. Inasmuch as he has been in the
House twenty-four years it is but nat-
ural that he would be missed there,
but the country will have little rea-
son to regret his voluntary retire-
ment. The only thing of note he has
done in his near quarter of a century
in Congress was to father the tariff
bill that is notorious.
— Last week our Pleasant Gap con-
tributor used up about a column of
space in this very precious sheet dis-
sertating in red-headed girls. Next
week he will discuss bald-headed men.
And we are in a quandery. Is Levi
trying to start something? Of course
we can’t recall any youthful charges
of having been a “Sis” but when we
had hair it was red and we don’t like
this coincidental discussion of red-
headed and bald-headed people.
—The tri-county conference of the
League of Women Voters, at Hecla,
on Wednesday was wet, though the
iadies from Centre, Clinton and Ly-
coming, who were there are mostly
dry. It was purely a woman’s gath-
ering, though a few men candidates
willing to have the ladies give them
the once over were there. Among the
latter, however, the Hon. Tom Beaver
was not. We have been unable to
learn whether he feared or ignored the
ladies. However that may be the
Hon. Tom’s record as a “fusser” in his
early days would indicate that he was
making other kind of hay that day and
forgot all about it.
—A. M. Holding, president of the
Pennsylvania State Bar Association,
delivered himself of a lot of good
sense on the occasion of the opening
of the association’s annual meeting at
Bedford, on Tuesday. Mr. Holding’s
forcible discussion of the dangers
lurking in frequent and impulsive
amendments to the Yejonl constitu-
tion was much along lines of theory
always presented by this paper in de-
fense of its motto: “State Rights and
Federal Union.” People get an ob-
session to have something through an
amendment to the constitution. They
got what they wanted but in doing so
pushed the door just a bit more ajar
and made it that much easier for oth-
ers to get something that may not be
so desirable. It is possible to so cen-
tralize government by amendments to
the constitution that a Republic will
become, in effect, a Monarchy. The
townships and boroughs of Centre
county, the counties of Pennsylvania,
the States of the Union are all being
insidiously made’ impotent as initia-
tive or constructive entities by the
process of centralization and Mr. Hol-
den is not only right but timely, in-
deed, in calling public attention to the
VOL. 87.
NO. 26.
McSparran Will Clean House.
There are rumors floating about
that the investigation of the State
Treasury is to be dropped. The in-
vestigation began during the primary
campaign. The friends of Gifford
Pinchot were largely responsible for
it and it is believed that the early de-
velopments helped the Forester to
the nomination. The later evidence
threatened injury to the party, how-
ever, and the hearings were promptly
adjourned to an indefinite time. That
grave irregularities have been the
rule in the State Treasury is fully re-
vealed. That other departments of
the State government are equally
slovenly is generally suspected. And
that the Republican machine is re-
sponsible is beyond question.
The attack on State Treasurer Kep-
hart helped to create sentiment for
Pinchot for the reason that Mr. Kep-
hart was supporting Alter. But a
searching investigation would be like-
ly to show that the entire machinery
of government in Harrisburg is rot-
ten and that Gifford Pinchot was quite
as culpable and exactly as re-
sponsible for the evils as any oth-
er member of the Sproul administra-
tion. You can’t make fish of one and
flesh of another in the circumstances.
The whole mess is rotten and if ex-
posed to full view of the public eye
will appear alike. J. Pierpont Mor-
gan once said “you can’t unscramble
an egg.” It is just as impossible to
discriminate between politicians in the
same group.
The investigation of the State
Treasury has not thus far revealed
the extent of the losses of the people
of Pennsylvania by Mr. Kephart’s
manipulation of the funds. It has not
even shown who were the beneficiaries
of the operations. But it has com-
pletely disclosed the fact that the peo-
ple have suffered and that some favor-
ites have been benefitted. It has also
made it clear that the only remedy is
in a complete change in administra-
tion of the State government. No Re-
publican can make substantial and en-
during improvements. They are all
slike the machine and
whether Grundy or Vare is in control
the corruption will continue. But
John A. MecSparran will “clean
— Harding favors the admission
of cabinet members to seats in Con-
gress. He probably imagines that At-
torney General Daugherty would be
an ornament in the Senate.
Pinchot’s Farce Comedy.
Mr. Gifford Pinchot’s hypocrisy is
converting his campaign into a farce
comedy. The other day he met with
chairman Baker and his associates on
the Republican ticket and after a good
deal of boasting about political moral-
ity issued a declaration that there
shall be no assessment of office hold-
ers for campaign purposes this year.
It was agreed that office holders may
make voluntary contributions to the
campaign fund and chairman Baker
was authorized to appoint a finance
committee to receive any contribu-
tions that may be offered by office
holders or any one else. But no as-
sessments are to be levied and it was
solemnly announced that the minute
an assessment is levied Pinchot will
to such a past master political ma-
chinist as Mr. W. Harry Baker. It
gives him full license to draw on the
Pinchot family millions to the limit
of his inclinations and as much right
to collect from the office holders as the
machine has enjoyed at any time since
the law prohibiting campaign assess-
ments of office holders was enacted
several years ago. Since the passage
of that law there have been no cam-
paign assessments on office holders.
The office holders have simply been
invited to contribute “voluntarily”
with an implied understanding that
if they don’t pay they lose their jobs.
That is precisely what will happen
this year and while checks come Pin-
chot will “wink the other eye.”
Obviously Mr. Pinchot has lived so
much of his life outside of Pennsylva-
nia that he is unable to accurately
measure the intelligence of the voters
of the State. He imagines that he is
fooling a considerable number of peo-
ple by this camouflaged political mo-
rality. But he is only deceiving him-
self. Possibly he is willing to draw
from his inherited millions a sufficient
sum to buy an election to the office of
Governor of Pennsylvania if such an
honor were for sale. There is no such
auction scheduled this year, however.
The people of Pennsylvania have de-
termined to choose from their own
number an honest, earnest and capa-
ble man who will administer the office
for their benefit, Mr. McSparran.
A ———— ———————————
——The assassination of Dr. Rathe-
nau, in Germany, on Saturday, is con-
vincing proof that the people of that
' country are not improved by the re-
| cent adversities.
Nothing could be more satisfactory
Clean House Completely.
The Supreme court of Pennsylva-
nia, carefully organized for the pur-
pose of the Republican machine, has
affirmed the validity of the tax on an-
thracite coal and completely reversed
its “better self.” The constitution
declares that “all taxes shall be uni-
form, upon the same class of sub-
jects.” The act in question levies a
tax on one kind of coal and exempts
all other kinds. A former act in
practically the same language was
declared by the same court to be in-
valid upon the ground, briefly stated,
that “coal is coal,” and a tax on coal
must cover all kinds of coal. For
some reason the Republican machine
wanted to tax anthracite coal and
ever since that decision the bench has
been fixed that way.
The result of this decision is that
the people of Pennsylvania, mostly
those who can ill afford the expense,
will be taxed to the tune of ten to fif-
teen millions of dollars annually in or-
der to make continued profligacy in
the administration of the Staic gov-
ernment possible. If the service were
made reasonably economical there
would be no need of this additional
burden on the people. The statement
of the Governor that the greater part
of the tax will be paid by consumers
outside of the State is beside the ques-
tion. That portion which will be lev-
outrageous because it is burdensome
and unnecessary. It will cause great
suffering and destruction of life.
The remedy for this great evil is
the election of John A. McSparran to
the office of Governor. He will inau-
gurate a system of economical gov-
ernment which will reduce the expen-
ditures so that this iniquitous and
unconstitutional tax may be repealed
at the next session of the Legislature
and he will present the matter to the
General Assembly with such force as
will compel the Legislature to wipe it
off the statute books. There are many
other reasons for the election of the
Democratic candidate for Governor
but this one is sufficient in itself. The
endurance and the only way to stop
the criminal operation is to “turn the
rascals out.” Clean house completely.
——June has been a sad disappoint-
ment in various ways but what’s the
use of complaining. The Republican
administration has been no more sat-
isfactory and it makes one weary to
just think of Congress.
Tariff Tax a Trouble Burden.
If the pending tariff bill passes in
the Senate, which now seems certain,
it will be the first piece of legislation
to go through with eighty per cent. of
those supporting it opposed to its pro-
visions. The beneficiaries of tariff
taxation contributed millions of dol-
lars to elect President Harding on the
promise of legislation which would re-
imburse them. Upon the fulfillment
of this promise will depend future
contributions, and a vast sum of mon-
w | ey is needed to conduct the Congres-
sional campaigns this year. The
Fordney bill has been framed with the
view of compelling every Republican
Senator and Representative in Con-
gress whose election is in doubt to
vote for it.
For example, Senator Johnson, of
California, will vote for the bill in or-
der to secure tax protection on lemons
and walnuts. He is bitterly opposed
to nearly all other provisions of the
measure. But his campaign for re-
election is on and he imagines that a
tariff tax on lemons and walnuts will
help him in an uncertain contest. Sen-
ator Leroot, of Nebraska, abhors most
of the features of the-bill but the tax
on beet sugar forces him to support
the bill or at least makes it dangerous
for him to vote against it. Other Sen-
ators are held in line by selfish inter-
ests. They would gladly vote to de-
lay the passage until after the elec-
tion and have been trying to accom-
plish that result by recommitting it.
But the pressure from the White
House is too strong for them.
Of course all the Democrats in the
Senate except the two from Louisiana
are opposed to the bill and willing to
join in any movement to defeat it.
With this idea in view it is likely they
will vote for recommittal. But they
are not influenced to this course by
politics. If they were looking only to
political results they would let the
measure go through at once. It will
increase the tax burdens of the peo-
ple at least one hundred per cent. and
the cost of living quite as much, and
that will be certain to cause a revolu-
tion in political sentiment before the
next election. It affords the strong-
est argument for a Democratic Con-
| gress.
i en fH ss,
| —The French gentleman who thinks
|that America will “soon be wet
i again” evidently hadn’t a line on the
‘number of stills within twenty miles
of this pencil point.
ied upon and paid within the State is:
public has been imposed upon beyond
Absurd Claims of Saving.
Senator McCormick, of Illinois, in a
recent speech, has undertaken to jus-
tify the Harding administration by a
statement that during the three years
since the Republicans acquired a ma-
jority in Congress some seven billions
of dollars have been saved as compar-
ed with the expenditures during the
three years of the Wilson administra-
tion immediately preceding. He im-
agines that the average citizen is
credulous enough to accept such state-
ments as facts. That puts him unmis-
takably in the Pinchot class. It indi-
cates that in his opinion the voters of
the country neither think nor reason
and that therefore any preposterous
proposition may be put on them. This
is proof of the proverb that “a little
learning is dangerous.”
During the last three years of the
Wilson administration the achieve-
ments of the government of the Unit-
ed States became the wonder of the
world. Within that brief period an
army of four million men was organ-
ized and equipped and half of it trans-
ported to the seat of the greatest war
in history three thousand miles away.
The greatest results in naval construc-
tion and equipment in the history of
the world were accomplished. The re-
turn of the troops from abroad and
the demobilization of the vast army
was equally epochal and all these
great events were perfected without
even a breath of scandal. They cost
money but the money. was cheerfully
given by an appreciative and patriot-
ic people and wisely spent.
During the three years that have
elapsed since the Republican party
acquired a majority in Congress the
army has had an average strength of
less than a million men and the navy
has fallen back to third o' fourth
place in the rank of nations. The dif-
ference in the maintenance account of
the army alone is vastly more than
the amount Senator McCormick claims
has been saved under Republican con-
trol. But as a matter of fact there
has been no saving at all except to
the millionaires who have had to pay
1éss income tax on their vast profits
in business. The savings are all the
result of “book transfers” of accounts,
just as former State Treasurer Kep-
hart balanced his books for monthly
statements to the public.
meneame enemas
In another column of this pa-
per will be found accounts of two au-
tomobile accidents and a motorcycle
accident during the week, all the
cause of children running out onto
the road in front of these dangerous
vehicles. In two of the cases the
drivers smashed their cars to avoid
hitting the children, while in the other
two boys were hurt, though fortunate-
ly, not seriously. In the cases of the
wrecked cars it will mean hundreds
of dollars of expense to the owners to
have their cars repaired, yet neither
man hesitated a second when it was a
question of wreck his car or hit the
child. All of which proves that the
majority of drivers of cars are neither
mercenary nor blood-thirsty, and be-
cause of this fact it would seem only
right that parents endeavor to caution
their children as to the danger of
playing on a much traveled highway.
The writer has seen children stand
alongside the road and watch cars ap-
proaching then deliberately run across
the road in front of it just to show
that they were not afraid, when a mis-
step might have resulted in their
death. The danger of such actions
should be impressed upon the minds
of the children and it would probably
result in fewer serious accidents.
——Dr. John M. Thomas, president
of The Pennsylvania State College,
has discovered that the College is le-
gally a State institution because the
Attorney General has decided that the
College is exempt from the tax on gas-
oline and because its teachers and oth-
er employees are eligible for retire-
ment in the same manner as other
State employees. So far as the writer
recalls there never has been any con-
tention that the College was not a
child of the State, but it has always
had a hard time convincing its worthy
sire that it was entitled to a better
upkeep than was being doled out to it
by parsimonious Legislatures year
after year.
—————————— a ——————
——There are to be no assessments
of office holders this year but the wise
office holder will get his bank account
into shape to make the usual “volun-
tary” contribution.
——Chairman Baker is an amiable
fellow and enduring but if Pinchot
gets too exacting there may be trou-
ble in the camp. Even a worm will
——Those Russian statesmen are
the most impudent beggars the world
has ever seen. They don’t ask favors.
They demand them.
—————— fp ——
——Subscribe for the “Watchman.”
Another Political Murder.
From the Philadelphia Record.
The murder of Field Marshal Wil-
son in London is promptly followed by
the murder of Foreign Minister
Rathenau in Berlin. This is the sec-
ond political assassination in Germany
since the war, and in Hungary Count
Tisza was murdered very soon after
hostilities ceased.
Political murders are as imbecile
as they are criminal. Tisza was kill-
ed ostensibly for bringing on the war,
whereas he was about the only Hun-
garian or Austrian statesman who re-
sisted Count Berchtold, backed by Wil-
liam II. Erzberger, leader of the
Centrist party in Germany, was assas-
sinated by Socialists, and now Rathe-
nau, who, if not a Socialist, was at
least the principal figure in a Social-
ist Administration, is killed, probably
by patriots of the Junker type. He
was hated because he was straining
every nerve to maintain living rela-
tions with the Allies, to pay the repa-
rations and avoid giving France ex-
cus2 for a military demonstration.
And yet nothing is more important
for Germany.
These political assassinations, from
that of Marat down to that of Rathe-
nau, never serve the purposes of the
assassins. They are simply brutal
murders without the least political
Before the war Rathenau, son of
the founder of the greatest electrical
engineering works in the world, was
one of the most accomplished and
forceful men of affairs in his country.
During much of the war he was Min-
ister of Raw Materials, and did a
marvelous work for Germany.
The aim of the German Finance
Ministry for a couple of years after
the peace treaty was to trifle with the
Allies, to procrastinate, to evade and
to default. The result was an addi-
tion of nearly one-third to the pecu-
niary penalty imposed upon Germany.
As Germany was in no position to re-
sist it was folly for it to evade and
balk. But in Germany this passed for
patriotism. Chancellor Wirth took of-
fice pledged to pay the indemnity, and
he gathered about him men who would
help do what had to be done. Dr.
Rathenau became Minister of Repa-
rations, and about a year ago he met
Louis Loucheur, French Minister of
Devastated Regions, and agreed with
him for payment of a part of the in-
demnity of materials. This eased the
burden of Germany and afforded very
great relief to France. It was a fine
piece of statesmanship. Later his of-
fice was abolished, but after being in
private life for a short time he re-
turned to the Wirth Cabinet as Min-
ister of Foreign Affairs. In that of-
fice his chief achievement was the
treaty of Rapallo, establishing com-
mercial relations between Germany
and Russia, and practically combining
two-thirds of the population of Europe
against the other third.
No man was more needed by Ger-
many than Walter Rathenau, man of
business and diplomatist. He under-
stood that Germany only injured itself
by making faces at the Allies. If it
felt strong enough it might defy them,
but until then it must obey the terms
of the peace treaty. Stinnes and
Helfferich denounced him for trying
to preserve the nation’s honor and
prevent another military demorstra-
tion by France. Germany could spare
Stinnes and Helfferich much better
than Rathenau, who, like his chief,
Wirth, was willing to recognize facts
and do the best he could for his coun-
try under the circumstances.
ere pe ese.
How to Defeat Pinchot.
By I. J. McG. in Philadelphia Record.
Let the Democratic workers in
every division of our Commonwealth
rise and go forth and win the coming
election. The time is’ opportune, as
the Republicans are now throwing the
harpoon into each other.
Pinchot has surely stultified him-
self when he admits in one breath he
will accept contributions from a State
officeholder or from an officeholder, no
matter the grade.
“The officeholder,” he says, “is ex-
actly on the same level with every
citizen. He can do what he pleases in
the way of contributions.” If that is
not an invitation for officeholders, or
an intimation to come forth and hand
out your good money to sustain a
crookeder party in power, then what is
it? To what level doth this man Pin-
chot, reformer, pine forester, descend
that he thus degrades himself to the
level of a Caliban?
Only a few weeks ago Pinchot was
lauded as the mighty reformer of the
Republican party in this State and as
the personage who would purge that
aggregation of wrong and expose
wrongdoers. Now he takes them un-
to himself with all their corruption
and hugs them to his bosom with the
affection a dear mother would press
her first-born.
Democrats, not dolts or dunder-
heads, in every valley and village
from Philadelphia to Ohio should or-
ganize and begin at once a campaign
for the election of the candidate of
the party. '* #* = # =
Peculators in public office in this
State should have been sent to the
Eastern penitentiary after the burn-
ing of the State capitol, but the evil
has been continued, until today, when
again the lamps of investigation have
been turned on.
Fellow Democrats, do your duty and
elect a Democratic Governor who will
abide by the obligation of his office by
sending the scoundrels to prison.
! Don’t trust a Pinchot.
—Two months ago Michael Lepski, 112
vears old, of Pittsburgh, was hale and
hearty. Then he injured his foot when he
stumbled over an obstacle in his yard. The
injury became infected. He died on Sun-
—At an expense of $60,000, the Manor
township school board will erect at Mil-
lersville the biggest vocational high school
building in Lancaster county. An enroll-
ment of more than 100 pupils for next year
is certain.
—Lightning played queer pranks in New
Kensington last week when a bolt struck
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin McLaugh-
lin, going through the roof, through the
center of the bed in which they were sleep-
ing and setting the bed on fire in three
places. Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin were
uninjured, not even suffering from schock.
—Lives of 150 passengers were imper-
iled at Chillisquaqua, on Saturday, when
a Pittsburgh-Easton express sideswiped a
box car and switching engine that were
leaving the main track to go on a siding.
Engineer Ammerman, of the flyer, wus
quick to see his peril and materially slack-
ened the speed of his train before it struck
and demolished the car..
—The number of vacant farms in Penn-
sylvania is decreasing steadily and there
are approximately one-half less untenant-
ed farms this year than there were in
1920, the State Department of Agriculture
reports. In 1920 there were 6500 farms va-
cant in Pennsylvania and last year there
were 4100, but this year the number of
farms not worked has dropped to 3820.
—A negro burglar Saturday night broke
into the front door of Daniel Conners, of
Pottsville, at midnight. Mrs. Conners saw
him coming, ran upstairs, the negro fol-
lowing in pursuit with a revolver. Mr.
Conners, just arriving, the man jumped
through the second-story window, taking
with him the frame and glass. He was
arrested and proved to be William Spart-
ley, recently paroled from the western pen-
—City officials of Corry, Pa., have been
informed by Attorney General Alter that
fines assessed on motorists for speeding
may be retained by the city and need not
be turned over to the State. The Attorney
General declared in the opinion that in
permitting cities to retain fines assessed
for speeding interest in the prosecution of
traffic violations is stimulated, but fines
for other infractions of the motor laws
must be turned over to the State.
—State police are trying to learn the
identity of a party of men, believed to be
striking coal miners, who opened fire on
the crew of a Pennsylvania freight train,
as the crew were taking a string of cars
from the Carr mine siding, near Export,
Westmoreland county, Friday evening.
Twenty shots were fired, and while there
were no casualties, two of the crew had
narrow escapes, a bullet grazing the
cheek of brakeman William Messler.
Another bullet struck the heel of brake-
man John McAllister.
—Tending a superannuated cat, doing
all the house work and shoveling snow,
were part of the duties of Miss Carrie
Smith, of Reading, at a $6 monthly sala-
ry as companion to the late Mrs. Mary E.
Rhein, who died recently, leaving a $30,~
000 estate, according to testimony, in
Orphans’ court, in that city last week.
Miss Smith is suing the estate for $2975
for services as nurse. The cat survived
Mrs. Rhein, whose will bequeathed the an-
imal to Miss Smith to care for. The will
also gave Miss Smith $500, with further
compensation for caring for the cat.
—Lying face downward in a stall of his
stable, with a bullet wound in his head,
Zachariah W. Keller, of Mount Joy, was
discovered early Saturday morning. His
wallet was found some distance from the
body, opened and rifled, the combination
of circumstances tending to prove that he
was murdered for his money. A coroner's
jury later returned a verdict of murder
by person or persons unknown. Keller
had been in Lancaster early Friday night,
and when he did not return shortly after
midnight his wife and daughter made a
search of the premises and the body was
found. *
—Two large stave mills will be put in
operation on the Mont Alto state forest
early this summer. It is estimated that
during the next three years they will cut
from 12,000 to 15,000 cords of chestnut
wood killed by the blight. One mill will
be located near the old Mont Alto Park
and the other will be set up opposite Glen
Furney along the East Branch of the An-
tietam creek, above Waynesboro. Apple
and cement barrel staves will be among the
chief products of the mill. Each mill will
employ about 18 men on the mill and 7
in the woods. Two mills will give employ-
ment to at least 50 men.
—The Union church at Amityville, Berks
county, which was wrecked by a storm on
Sunday, June 11, has brought the congre-
gation more income since its destruction
than it did during any similar period be-
fore. Thousands of motorists have stop-
ped to inspect the ruins of the historic
edifice, and $3000 has been contributed
since it was wrecked. Women of the con-
gregation have stationed themselves at the
entrance to the church property and with
contribution boxes appealed to the sight-
seers. On Sunday $1000 was received in
this manner. Frankfurter stands alone
netted $300. The church will be rebuilt.
—The Agricultural Trust and Savings
company of Lancaster, resumed business
last Thursday morning after being closed
almost a year. Many of the small depos-
itors withdrew their accounts, while the
larger depositors added additional depos-
its. All of the depositors with $200 or
less in the bank are receiving dollar for
dollar. Those with larger accounts are
given their choice of buying stock to one-
fifth the amount of their deposit and re-
ceiving the remainder dollar for dollar or
allowing the receivers to settle their ac-
counts. Of 2500 such depositors only 180
refused to take stock. The first day the
deposits exceeded the withdrawals ten
thousand dollars,
—The installation of a pipe organ in the
Williamsport High school, for which the
citizens subscribed $10,000, will interfere
with the plans of the annual state conven-
tion of the Knights of Pythias which will
be held in Williamsport in August. Prior
to letting the contract for the organ the
school board rented the High school au-
ditorium to the state lodge for its busi-
ness sessions. It now develops that the
work on the organ must be rushed during
the month of August and the organ com-
pany stipulates in its contract that its
workmen shall have quiet in the building
while they are engaged. The circumstance
forces the local lodge to find some other
place for the sessions of-the convention.