Church Services Next Sunday. ST. JOHN'S REFORMED CHURCH. Services next Sunday morning at 10:45. Special Children’s day serv- ice entitled “Grow,” will be used. Evening service at 7:30. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. and C. E. meet- ing at 6:45 p. m. Strangers welcome. Ambrose M. Schmidt, D.D., Minister. UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST. C. E. Rally at Julian his (Friday) evening. All who are going with us in bus must be at church at 6:45 p. m. Children’s day service Sunday morn- ing. Charles T. Stine will give an ad- dress and report of recent conference at State College. All our young men should hear this. George E. Smith, Pastor. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. «The Friendly Church.” Firt Sunday after Trinity. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning worship 10:45, “The Wealth of Friendship.” Junior church 2 p. m. with short ser- mon, “Little by Little.” Vesper serv- jce 7:30, “God’s Voice in the Cool of Day.” A summer evening meditation. Visitors are always welcome. Rev. Wilson P. Ard, Minister. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. “We Aim to Serve.” Wednesday evening, service of praise, Bible study and prayer. We are making a study of the Epistle to the Phillippians. Join us and get ac- quainted with the Bible, the greatest book in the worla. Study chapter 4 (June 21st). Friday of this week the Woman’s Missionary society meets at the home of Mrs. James A. Beaver. Devotional service in charge of Mrs. Thomas Young, Home topic, “West Indies.” Leader, Mrs. Evelyn Rogers; Foreign Topic, “Philippine Islands.” Leader, Mrs. R. L. Weston. Hostess, Mrs. J. A. Beaver. Lord’s day services:—9:45 Bible school with classes for all ages. Brotherhood Bible class in charge of Col. J. L. Spangler and the Pastor. Are your children all connected with the Bible-school? It’s the best safe- guard for their character, the best fraining-school for the noblest things of life and the finest insurance for the serenity of your old age with reference to the treatment your children will then accord you. Think it over and bring them all with you. Morning worship at 10:45. The preacher of the day will be the Rev. E. D. Parkhill, of the First Presbyter- ian church of Lock Haven. Rev. Park- hill is a preacher of fine personality and pronounced pulpit power. Hear him both morning and evening! Tuesday, June 20th, the monthly meeting of the young woman's Mis- sionary society. Hostess, Mrs. Thom- as Beaver, on Bishop street. Devo- tions in charge of Miss Winifred Gates. Home topic, “West Indies.” Leader, Mrs. Charles Hughes. For- eign topic, “The Philippine Islands.” Leader, Mrs. Joseph Runkle. Every woman of the church should identify herself with one of the mis- sionary societies. It’s the easiest way to keep in touch with world-move- ments. David R. Evans, M. A., Minister. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Children’s day services will be at 10:45. The little folk will have right of way and all will be delighted. Bap- tism at the beginning of the service. The offering taken will be for the Board of Education, which goes to help worthy young men and women obtain an education. Sunday school at 9:30. Epworth League 6:30. The pastor will speak at 7:30 on “The Val- ue of a College Education.” The Sunday school picnic will be held Tuesday, the 20th, at Hecla park. All are welcome to join. E. E. McKelvey, Pastor. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. Christian Science Society, Furst building, Hight street, Sunday service 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet- ing at 8 o'clock. To these meetings all are welcome. A free reading room is open to the public every Thursday afternoon, from 2 to 4. Here the Bible and Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. UNITED EVANGELICAL CHURCH. Worship and sermon 10:30 a. m. Also infant baptism. Class meeting 9 a. m. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Children’s day exercises 7:30 p. m. Everybody invited. All welcome. Reed O. Steely, Minister. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Schedule for the week beginning June 18th: First Sunday after Trini- ty, 8 a. m. Holy Eucharist. 9:45 a. m. church school; 11 a. m. Mattins and sermon, “The Sacred Banquet;” 7:30 p. m. evensong. Thursday, 7:30 a. m. Holy Eucharist. Saturday, Nativity of St. John Baptist, 7:30 a. m. Holy Eucharist. Visitors always welcome. Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. E PAY—$36.00 weekly full time, 75c. W an hour spare time selling hosiery guaranteed wear four months or replaced free. 36 styles. Free samples to workers. Salary or 30% commission. Good hosiery is an absolute necessity, you can sell it easily. Experience unnecessa- ry. BAGLE KNITTING MILLS, Darby; Pa. 7-22-10t A of administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Martha J. Furl, late of Boggs township, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are re- quested to make prompt payment, and those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenticated, for set- DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.—Letters tlement. JOHN FURL, Administrator, W. Harrison Walker, Runville, Pa. Attorney. 67-20-6t A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—Letters of administration having been : granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Calvin T. Gerberich, late of Bellefonte borough, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt payment, and those having claims against the same, must present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. BELLEFONTE TRUST CO. Harry Keller, Administrators. Attorney. 67-21-6t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OST.—On Bishop St., Tuesday, silver bar pin, emblem of Kappa Sigma fraternity. Return to Mrs. J. K JOHNSTON, Bellefonte. 24-1t* TTENTION: OWNERS OF PHONO- GRAPHS.—If you appreciate good music; why not take better care of your RECORDS? Preserve them and im- prove the tone, by using a “HAND-MADE PHON-O-BRUSH.” Made better and cost less. Satisfaction er money refunded. Send 25 cents silver or stamps. MARTINS AYE-WON SERVICE, 115 HARNEY STA- TION, OMAHA, NEB. (Agents and Deal- ers write). 67-24-3t given that an application will be made to the Governor of the Com- monwealth at Harrisburg on Tuesday, June the 27th, 1922, for charter and letters patent for a proposed corporation to be known as the NEW GARDEN COAL COR- PORATION, having its principal office at Bellefonte, Pa., the purpose of which cor- poration is to mine bituminous coal, pre- pare the same for market, and marketing coal so mined and prepared, and buying and selling coal and byproducts of coal, and for all these purposes to own and lease real estate. C HARTER NOTICE.—Notice is hereby ORVIS & ZERBY, 67-23-3t Solicitors. Daily Motor Express Bellefonte and State College We Make a Specialty of Moving Furniture, Trunks & Baggage “SERVICE AND RIGHT PRICE” Anthracite Coal at Retail. Pittsburgh Coal Wholesale and Retail A. L. PETERS GENERAL DRAYING STATE COLLEGE, PA. Bell Phone No. 487-R-13. Commercial Phone No. 48-J. Terms Cash. 66-50-tf Bac-te-lac Costs no more than ordinary Buttermilk Is superior to ordinary Buttermilk because of its Delicious, Velvety Smooth- ness, Appetizing, Creamy Richness, Uniformity, Puri- ty, Keeping Qualities, Pal- atable Flavor and High Food Value. SPLENDID RESULTS COOKING and BAKING IN BAC-TE-LAC Highly recommended by physicians as a healthful bev- erage and general conditioner. SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY Western Maryland Dairy 66-24-tf Bellefonte, Pa. PUA SINS IPP SIPS POPPA PS Audits, Cost and Accounting Systems - [- - Local Office, Room 7, AAAS ANAL AAPA SPAS SSAA SS SL SPSS ESPEN National Accounting Company Owned, Bonded and Controlled by National Surety Company 67-13tf WILLIAMSPORT, PENNA. | Siva Compact (Rouge side open) Wf hp » RE phi vs 0 ) RICHA HU ‘THREE FLOWERS TWIN COMPACT oo The Satest C (Sold Finished) Containing POWDER IN FIVE TIMES QUANTITY OF ROUGE Smart Freshening-up Packet for Hand Bag Sparkling Ornament to the Dressing Jable Gwin Compact (closed) cers reation of Richard Hudnut Federal and State Tax Service 32 West Fourth Street, Bell Phone 1547 Fwin Compact (Powder side open) The Mott Drug Co. BELLEFONTE, PA. Special Attention Given to Mail Orders { NEW ADVERTISEMENTS | TENOGRAPHER WANTED.—One with NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OR SALE.—Franklin Touring Car. office experience. Apply at office Bought last July, driven 3500 AMERICAN LIME & STONE CO, ny Guaranteed to be good as Bellefonte. 67-23-tf | new. Wire wheels, with extra wire wheel - -= | and tire; paint good. Bargain. 67-21- I IRA D. GARMAN ji Ny J EWELER Farmers and Others Take Notice. 101 South Eleventh St., a— PHILADELPHIA, I will insure dwellings at $1.00 a hun- dred and barns at $1.60 a hundred on the cash plan, for three years, as against fire and htning. J. M. KEICHLINE, 66-16-6m Bellefonte, Pa. Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum 64-34tf EXCLUSIVE EMBLEM JEWELRY Scenic Theatre.. Week-Ahead Program Cut this eut and save for reference. SATURDAY, JUNE 17: EILEEN PERCY in “WHATEVER SHE WANTS,” a story of a rich girl trying to be a business woman contrary to the wishes of her fiancee, and who runs into a variety of cemplications. Adso, Snub Pollard Comedy. MONDAY, JUNE 19: WILFRED LYTELL in “THE MAN WHO PAID.” Good outdoor practice work, excellent scenes. A trading post factor and his brother rescue far- mer’s wife from trapper who kidnapped her. Also, Pathe News and Top- ics and Harold Lloyd Comedy. TUESDAY, JUNE 20: MAUDE HAWLEY in “THE TRUTHFUL LIAR,” a story of a young wife who gets into all kinds of trouble trying to hide from her husband her vis- its to a gambling house. Also, Screen Snap Shots and a Comedy. BH Different styles on hand for your in- spection the stone look twice the size. from F. P. Blair & Son, 64-22-tf PET ST AVE that Diamond mounted in the new style White Gold Ring that is so popular and is here to stay $8.00 to $25.00 Jewelers and Optometrists Bellefonte, Pa. This style mounting makes Prices WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21: WILLIAM DeMILLE production, “WHAT EVERY WOMAN KNOWS,” a story of a young politician gains fame through speeches his wife writes for him and then falls in love with another. Also, Sunshine Comedy. THURSDAY, JUNE 22: REGINALD BARKER produces “SNOWBOUND” (Goldwyn). ern snow scenic effects. believe he is handsome. brother. Fine north- A murderer takes a blind girl north, making her She receives sight in time and finally marries the Also, Pathe News and Review. FRIDAY, JUNE 23: MISS DUPONT in “WONDERFUL WIFE,” a story of a young wife who tries to gain promotion for her husband by being pleasing to his com- mander. He falls in love with her and consigns him away, but she arrives in time to save him. Also, the 15th and last episode of “THE ADVEN- TURES OF TARZAN.” See the finish. Next Friday begins the new serial, “ROBINSON CRUSOE.” OPERA HOUSE. SATURDAY, JUNE 24: JOHNNY HINES in “BURN EM UP BARNES,” a fine six reel comedy you will like. Condensed Statement of The First National Bank of Bellefonte, Pa. The certainty of getting unusual riding comfort in the Nash is proving a powerful attraction to buyers in every section 51% greater in sales than the same period last April set a new pass car sales record, an year. enger d the month of May registered of the country. The first a full 23% increase over quarter of this year ran and above April. FOURS and SIXES Prices range from $965 to $2390, f. 0. b. factory ee] — NASH Te WION GARAGE, ——— —— Willis E. Wion, Proprietor. ea ee? RE C—O - BELLEFONTE, PA MAY 15th, 1922 ASSETS Loans and Investments - § 1,433,822 Real Estate - - - - 36,479 U. S. Bonds, Circulation - 100,000 Liberty Loan Bonds - - 168,500 Cash and Reserve - - - 254,440 $1,993,241 LIABILITIES Capital and Surplus - $ 260,573 Circulation - - - - 100,000 Deposits - - - - 1532608 Due Federal Reserve Bank - 100,000 $1,993,241 QUICK ASSETS Cash and Reserve $ 254,440 Liberty Loan Bonds 168,500 Securities at Market Price 804,000 $1,226,940 | Boys and Men We have something Special to offer you this week Reach Base Ball and Tennis Supplies A very complete line. Anything in our window display at 20% reduction Remnants of Linoleum at a Great Sacrifice See our line of Qil Stoves, Electric Irons Refrigerators, Sellers Kitchen Cabinets Window Screens and Screen Doors The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. 06- AAAAAARARAANAI NIAAA SPSS PS PSPSPS PITS »