eee ————————————————————————— Church Services Next Sunday. | POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. | Farmers and Others Take Notice.| NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SS RRER rrgmes - FOR ASSEMBLY. hc FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. We are authorized to announce the name I will insure dwellings at $1.00 a hun- OR SALE.—The McQuistion home on “We Aim te Serve.” of Zoe Meek, of Clarence, as a candidate ared and barns at $1.60 a hundred on the west High Sle For further in- . : : . | for the nomination for the Legislature, oa Hehts for three years, as against fire formation inquire at the home of Sunday services, May 7:—9:45 Bi- | subject to the decision of the Democratic tning. 2.0 Miss M. E. McQuistion, Bellefonte. 67-14-tf ble school for all ages. Lesson, | voters at the primaries to be held May | g5.16.0m . REIONLING «Isaiah’s Ideal for a World of Strife,” 16th, 1922. XECUTRIX'S NOTICE.—Letters tes- Isaiah 2:2-4;11:1-9. The Brotherhood FOR STATE SENATE. tamentary on the estate of George . pt : Ross Parker, late of Bellefonte y Bible class invites every stranger In |y getts, of Clearfield borough, for State borough, deceased, having been granted to The nn leasure of SUCCESS the town and every man not connect- | Senator, subject to the decision of the the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are re- i i '] the Senatorial dis- Curtains ed with the church to meet with us in | Democratic voters of the rial dis Draperies quest Selves fae rw. wn We are authorized to announce William alse session, vey Presbyterian (ie sheng” Srmary on ay 100, of Tesonse and all the little J those having clzime agate, 06 PICT always equals the measure of service. It is the service we and active support. : | greatly appreciated. gs Hen RY SCHOFIELD PARKER render our clients that we like to talk about. For years we Morning worship 10:45. Special | = a GARMAN’S Executrix, h felv i ted and m d the funds of Beant feature beginning this Sunday. The NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Harry Keller, Bellofonte, Pa. ave safely investe anaged the funds oi our ents pastor will give a message to the boys Afieiney: eR who now number over fifty thousand. We have put approx- and girls every Sunday morning in ; — the early part of the regular church F OR SALE.—Desirable residence, west ; italy 4 randeed million of dollars to wah. fnithing wl service. An opportunity will be giv- Curtin street. 8 rooms and bath. sy All modern conveniences. Lot 60x — : en the boys and girls, after the Jun xo, fi. Early BSC of Hobee, National Accounting Com necessities of life. i eats wi eir y , Brocke use. : ; a vi bo a of the service or 67-17-3t ed Owned, Bonded and Controlled by National Surety Company Safety, service and a seven per cent. income are what i : its, Cost and Accounting Systems - {- - Federal and State Tax Service . . to retire from the church. Parents ALE HELP WANTED.—Two men udits, g Dy : and Bible school teachers are asked to M 21 years or over. Must be ambi- Local Office, Room 7, 82 West Fourth Street, we have secured to our clients. Ask for our literature. i in linki tious and willing to work, a hust- co-operate with the pastor in linking ler preferred, to call upon Automobile 67-13tf the younger generation with the | Owners. Preference given to men with church. A Junior choir to assist the | cars. Either full time of part time. Will i jee i n th, Steady work. C present choir in the church service is | Jef © JOU Te Worth, ten ane Ae. 12 THE R. L. DOLLINGS COMPANY you qualify? WILLIAMSPORT, PENNA. Bell Phone 1547 being planned. “The Divine'M 0. Box 308, Harrisburg, Pa. 67-18-8t 3 aE mir Message, on thome, “The | J A" tein Genie povhty, Hone hal . $ 142 Davos 84 8 D, en 1 sy ., Church of God versus the Oates of ne Tile east, of, Rock Springs, hiidiin 3 PHILADELPHIA, PA. Hell.” Evening worship at 7:30. Ser- |as the son Gardner farm; containing Cenic ed re mon heme, ons Time of the Singing | oe imiltags and in a high state hf eo 1) $ : irds is Come. vation. The landlord’s share of the crop g of Bias are all free. Acousticon serv- will be sold with the farm, for be year 4 EDWARD B. FELTY, Rep. ELLIS B. ROHRBACK, Dist. Mgr. jee for those whose hearing is impair- M2 Terms of Se Sil be given on oo Week-Ahead Program $ Telephone 140-R Central Trust Building ed. All are welcome. first day of April, 1923. Q BELLEFONTE, PA. ALTOONA, PA. Spe ial Note—The second Sunday ne 4 » EEICHLINE. Cut this out and save for reference. $ ———————————————————————————————————————— ci p in May is Mother’s Day. We are HARTER JSOTICE--Notics is hereby 3 A A making big plans for its celebration. C given IA A Ee ion Ww e p y, the Gov- ) Mid k al £ Bible-stud and ernor of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- SATURDAY, MAY 6: $ 1 ve Cine 0. SY ot 7:30 Yous, on Mongay, he Dis gay of Mays PEARL WHITE, in “THE BROADWAY PEACOCK,” a story of an actress ? prayer ednesday €} £ sol, ) arrisburg, Pa., for a charter an avenging a wrong and becoming sorry. Will interest those who fancy stage @ We are studying favorite Psalms. The letters patent to a proposed corporation < $ 1 t under the name and style of the BURN- life scenes. More dramatic action by star. Also, Snub Pollard Comedy. é boys and girls are asked to come from | SIpk ELECTRIC COMPANY, the princes 2 7:30 to 8 and be prepared to recite pal ilies will be 10 fhe Borough of Snow MONDAY, MAY 8: 3 Bible verses. = Des oc en Te, 28d State of Yeuh: MACKLYN ARBUCLE, in “’SQUIRE PHIN,” a village "squire called upon S David R. Evans, M. A, Minister. | “rhe purpose for which the proposed cor- to settle all difficulties has a hard time when his own brother, circus man ? ST. JOHN'S REFORMED CHURCH. posaiion will be gid SS i and bully, comes home. A nice rural comedy drama. Also, Pathe News, @ : : . in t | lic and citizens of the Township of Burn- Lioyd Comedy and Topics. $ M d H ” 1 ly “el jovi A Te A Kath ed of Centre, and State of Penn- TUESDAY, MAY 9 $ oving an ouse C eaning «2d. > 2 5, on . 2 ’ : 4 Done This.” At 7:30 p. m., “The Four | ORVIS & ZERBY, WANDA HAWLEY, in “BOBBED HAIR.” Girl craves romance and joins ¢ Lepers of Samaria.” Sunday school | 6718-3 Solicitors. artist’s colony. Mildly entertaining feature with Greenwich village atmos- ¢ at 9:30 a. m. and C. E. meeting at | === I. EE i ma # somal g =X often uncover some forgotten, dam- : s y. y 6:45 p. m. Strangers always wel- $ : > come. Mother's day services Sunday, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10 (Matinee): $ aged piece of Silver, Clocks or Balls Bats Garden Tools Pick GARMAN’S MAE MURRAY, in “PEACOCK ALLEY.” A wonderful picture—be sure to see. Gorgeous photoplay. French dancer marries small town ‘business man. 8 reels beautifully produced. Best acting in her career. Also, Saun- shine Comedy. Don’t miss this. At Opera House Thursday, the 11th. THURSDAY, MAY 11: IRENE RICH, in “THE CALL OF HOME,” a six reel story of husband believing wife has eloped with another disappears, returning year later to May 14th, with special program. Ambrose M. Schmidt, D.D., Minister. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services for the week beginning May 7th: Third Sunday after Easter, 8 a. m. Holy Eucharist; 8:45 a.m. Mattins; 9:45 a. m. church school; 11 a. m. Holy Eucharist and sermon, ° discover his mistake Also, Pathe News and Review. «The Resurrection of the Dead.” 7:30 Dail Motor Ex ress ’ p. m. evensong and sermon, “Imper- p FRIDAY, MAY 12: : Watches. We can make these articles over for you to look like new. Bring them in for an estimate. ishable Joy.” Services omitted Wed- ; BETWEEN FRANK MAYO, in “TRACKED TO EARTH,” with Virginia Valle as lead- nesday evening and Thursday morn- ing lady, a story of girl who saves life of man she believes is horse thief ing owing to the Rector’s attendance Bellefonte and State College and falls in love with him and then learns he is vice president of railroad. at the Diocesan convention in Harris- Also, the 9th episode of “THE ADVENTURES OF TARZAN.” burg. Visitors welcome. Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. We Make a Specialty of Moving Furniture, Trunks & Baggage NAPUS PTO F. P. Blair & Son, aa SS STITT ITN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH “SERVICE AND RI 2 OPERA HOUSE. b o The pastor will speak at 10:45 on ID RIGHT PRICE | Jewelers and Optometrists the greatest “Binding Cord” in life; Anthracite Coal at Retail. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 4, 5 AND 6: ) : and at 7:30 a great paradox of life, Pittsburgh Coal Wholesale and Retail “QUEEN OF SHEBA,” the big spectacular Fox production, lavishly produced ) Bellefonte, Pa. «Qutside Losses and Inside Gains.” A 1, PETERS at a large cost. An excellent show. Ten reels of entertainment. Saturday § Sunday school, 9:45. Juniors, 2 . . Matinee at Scenic oy EpworisLesgns oa Praise service GPNERAL DRAYING SATURDAY, MAY 13: : $ Wena cate prepa: {og : COLLEGE, PA.. «THUNDERCLAP,” a big racing story that will interest you with its eR Micuens | TL ioe Ne EE SSRUNBERCLAR/T.o bie slag. sry. Set yi enint Sogo 3 day and the other for the Epworth Phone No. 48-J. Terms Re Thursday, May 11, Mae Murray, in “PEACOCK ALLEY.” $ x ; 4 League anniversary. E. E. McKelvey, Pastor. | — — Ak TTT ER UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST. i edule. Th . oo change in our Seven no one | Dry Goods, Notions from bringing nice flowers. This Get Our Prices Sunday at 3 p. m. the Synday school TOYS, STATIONERY parade, and then at 7: arrange- L ments are made for our 32nd anniver- GARMAN’S on Builder's Hardware sary of our Y. P. S. C. E., and on the evening of the 10th there will be a district C. E. rally, with plenty to see in the way of our progress as regards to C. E. Near a hundred fine views will be shown on the screen, so come along everybody and witness the Our New Vaults let us figure on your Roofing. Paints, Stains, Varnishes, - - Ready to Apply r— The reinforced concrete work on our new Vaults is completed. The next step will be wiring for the Burglar Alarm and the putting in of the Steel Lining Bac-te-lac Costs no more than ordinary Buttermilk Is superior to ordinary Buttermilk because of its Delicious, Velvety Smooth- ness, Appetizing, Creamy Richness, Uniformity, Puri- ty, Keening Qualities, Pal- atable Flavor and High Food Value. SPLENDID RESULTS IN COOKING and BAKING scene. And then you know ‘tis Mother's day. We'll all observe the 14th of May. George E. Smith, Pastor. Geo. W. Emenhizer, Pastor Emeritus. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. Christian Science Society, Furst building, Hight street, Sunday service 11 a. m. ednesday evening meet- ing at 8 o'clock. To these meetings 8 are welcome: A free reading room 0 e public every Thursday p15 on ty 2 to 4. Here the Bible and Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. “The Friendly Church.” Third Sunday after Easter. Sun- day school 9:30 a. m., S. ‘Ward Fish- er, superintendent. Morning worship 10:45, “Temptation.” Junior church with object sermon and interesting features for the young folks at 2 p. m. Vesper service 7:30, “Majestic Night.” Visitors always welcome. Rev. Wilson P. Ard, Minister. While for many years we have furnish- ed Individual Safe Deposit Boxes to our depositors, our supply has, for a year or more, been inadequate, because we had our improvements in mind and did not want to buy until we had more vault space. Texaco Oil Products, Lawn Mowers, ‘Fencing, Reach Athletic Goods, Fishing Tackle, Oil Stoves, Electric Irons, Bathroom Fixtures. sme — Visit Our China Department - Always Something New You will find Courteous Service and Fair Prices. The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. RAUNT UII We now intend to install a large num- ber of additional boxes sufficient to meet all demands. The First National Bank ~ Bellefonte, Pa. BAC-TE-LAC Highly recommended by physicians as a healthful bev- erage and general conditioner. a a a Se SA IAIAIRIRIIAIARIRAAIAIRINII III RAFU SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY Western Maryland Dairy 66-24-t Bellefonte, Pa. BC SR WRISTS TS » —————————————— A Parrot Can Talk But He Doesn’t I. Know What He is Talking About. C Id Il & S ‘The human family isn’t much dif- da we on ferent than the parrot. We all do a number of things but we don’t know BELLEFONTE, PA. why we do them. : Do you know why you wink your eyes? You may mot but I do. Pre- Plumbing and Heating sribing glasses for a patient suffering from eye-strain requires skill and knowledge. The doctor should know why and what he is prescribing, as By Hot Water well as explain the cause. I know what I am talking about. Vapor Let me prove it. Dr. Eva B. Roan, Optometrist. Li- Steam censed by the State Board. Bellefonte every Saturday, 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. State College every day except Sun- day. Both phones. 66-42 mmm wm Pipeless Furnaces Full Line of Pipe and Fittings AND MILL SUPPLIES cr— ALL SIZES OF Flags Bunting R Terry Cotta Pipe and Fittings Crepe Papers for Decorating ——— Estimates Cheerfully and Promptly Scene of Ice, Snow-Glaciers and Sleigh Bell Ballet, one of the Novel Scenes in “Listen to Me” Furnished. 66-15 QPERA IEE MONDAY NIGHT MAY 8 Prices 50 .75 81.00 ot Drag Bore =r re Seats now selling at Mott Drug GARMAN’S