Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 28, 1922, Image 3

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    Demorrahz ate,
Bellefonte, Pa., April 28, 1922.
Sas——— TE — _—
Country Correspondence
Items of Interest Dished Up for the
Delectation of “Watchman” Read-
ers by a Corps of Gifted
J. W. Gill and family motored to Al-
toona Sunday, to attend the funeral of
Mr. Fink.
Miss Elizabeth Miller, of State Col-
lege, visited at the home of Pauline
Noll over Sunday.
Messrs. Leonard and Frank Brooks,
who are employed at Snow Shoe, were
home over Sunday.
Miss Henrietta Gettig entertained
the Hon. Doc Bodle, the new hose
agent, over Sunday.
Miss Mary Rimmey, of State Col-
lege, was a week-end visitor at the
home of D. F. Rimmey.
Miss Emeline Noll, one of the P. R.
R’s Philadelphia clerical force, spent
Sunday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Noll.
Four girls and two boys will re-
ceive diplomas out of a class of thir-
ty-three at our graduating entertain-
ment on June 7th.
Mrs. Dorcey Eckenroth entertained
her Sunday school class of young la-
dies last Friday evening. All report-
ed an excellent time.
Samuel Weaver and family, accom-
panied by Mrs. Ed. Mulfinger and
Mrs. Jack Noll, attended the David
Zerby sale at Millheim last Saturday.
Mrs. R. S. Melroy entertained a few
young people, Wednesday evening
last, in honor of her brother-in-law,
Paul Melroy, a student of State Col-
Rush Larimer, of Bellefonte, paid
his friends here a brief visit on Mon-
day last. This was the first call for
over a year, although he has many
friends here.
Mrs. Harry Grove and family, of
Bellefonte, visited Mrs. John Herman,
mother of Mrs. Grove, the past week.
Of course the old home appeals to the
majority of mortals.
While our High school team is
learning to play ball, they are too ten-
der hearted to take a game from their
opponents, especially visiting teams.
‘Things may change in the near future.
The fifteenth annual commence-
ment of the Pleasant Gap High school
will be held in St. Mark’s Lutheran
church on June 7th. Don’t forget the
date, as the event will be a very pleas-
ant treat to all observers.
Our neighbor, Miles Zimmerman,
who has been indisposed for some
time, concluded a little trip might re-
cuperate him, and left for Williams-
port last week. From there he went
to Clearfield, his old home. He thinks
a little jaunt might prove beneficial
to him, physically.
The Senior class of our High
school will hold a social May 5th, in
the school room over Noll’s store.
Music will be furnished for the even-
ing by an orchestra from Penn State.
Ice cream, cake and candy will be on
sale. Everybody cordially invited.
Come and hove a good time.
Miss Mary McClincy had a very en-
joyable party last Saturday evening
in honor of her friend, Miss Clara
Schmoyer, on the occasion of the lat-
ter’s birthday. Twenty-four people
were present. Many useful and valu-
able presents were in evidence, much
to the satisfaction of Miss Clara.
William Bilger left on Saturday for
a brief visit to Pittsburgh and Carne-
gie. He alleged that his trip would
be a purely business one. However,
our girls say Billy has some attrac-
tion there and that his business con-
stituted a business interview with an
individual of the feminine gender.
Our favorite industry, the White-
rock quarries, is forging ahead. Or-
ders are beginning to multiply. Quite
a number of new men have been add-
ed to the pay roll, and more are
added daily. A God-send to our pop-
ulation. Am glad to note our people
are beginning to realize what White-
rock is to us.
Jack Noll, our painter and paper
hanger, went to Woodlawn, Beaver
county, with a view of closing an ex-
tensive business deal—but when he
demanded some essential repairs the
owner demurred and Jack returned
home. He says he can make a good
living at his trade here, hence he will
continue in business as heretofore.
With the coming of spring the arri-
Copyright, 192.1 by McClure Newspaper Syndicate
val of events have knocked at the vil-
lage door. Over Saturday and Sun-
day workers of the Y. M. C. A. from
State College, will be in this commu-
nity, conducting various services. Ath-
letics are listed for Saturday after-
noon; Father and son banquet in the
evening, at the P. O. S. of A. hall; dis.
cussions in the Sunday schools, and a
general talk to men and boys Sunday
afternoon, with services in the Meth-
odist church Sunday evening. This is
the program mapped out.
Rev Kepler, of Renovo, the recently
appointed Methodist minister for this
charge, was here Saturday taking a
look over the situation. He is at
present closing his school term at Re-
nova. He was heretofore a talented
school teacher and his term will close
in a month, after which he will em-
bark in his new profession as jour-
neyman soul saver for this communi-
ty. He comes here highly recom-
mended. He is said to be a speaker of
unbending will and courage. He can
here have an opportunity of pouring
oil upon the troubled waters of our
mishaps and misadventures.
The geat wonder is that there are
so many comparatively well people in
the civilized world. It is no fault of
those who are well that they are not
sick. They are well in spite of them-
selves. They have scoured the earth,
air and ocean for fish, flesh and fowl,
vegetable, fungus and mineral with
which to tempt fate. They eat these
without once asking if they will be
the better or the worse for it. If they
get sick a doctor is sent for who, like
themselves, has been scouring the uni-
verse for specific remedies. He gives
them a dose, charges it up to them,
they either recover or die, and he
sends in his bill.
Unrequited love with man is to him
never a cause of perpetual misery.
Other dreams will flow upon his im-
agination. The attractions of busi-
ness, the meteors of ambition, or the
pursuit of wealth will win him away
from his early infatuation. It is not
thus with woman; although the scene
may change and years, long, wither-
ing, and lingering years, steal away
the rose from the cheek of beauty; the
animated; the memories of that idol
vision cannot be obliterated from the
soul. She pines away until her gentle
spirit bids adieu to the treacheries of
earth and flits away into the bsom of
her God. There is this difference be-
tween a woman’s love and a man’s:
His passion may lead him in the first
instance, to act in opposition to opin-
ion, but its influence is soon suspend-
ed, and a sneer or a censure will
wound his pride and weaken his love.
A woman’s heart, on the contrary, re-
poses more on itself, and a fault found
sented as an injury—she is angered,
not altered.
The three recent disastrous frosts
have about knocked out cherries,
peaches and plums. Apples may yield it takes a philosopher to get at it. You
a fair crop unless more frosts follow.
It is to be regretted that unquestion-
ably the smaller fruits are killed be-
yond redemption. After all, the ap-
ple is the main fruit crop and if it con-
tinues safe we will not be knocked out
entirely. Nearly everybody anticipat-
ed that we would have a bumper fruit
crop this year. But as our hopes are
blasted, we must “grin and bear it.”
The great Ruler of the universe has
decreed otherwise.
Willim Florey and Olin Brooks are
building attractive additions to their
homes. Mrs. Fetterhoff has just com-
pleted a substantial garage to house
her automobile. Mrs. Rachel Noll is
making a number of improvements to
her handsome brick residence at the
cross roads. She has installed a hand-
some bath room, also electric light,
while innumerable other changes are
in progress. Joseph Lex and wife are
determined to keep step with the pro-
gress and advancement of our enter-
prising village and have transformed
an inferior house into a superior one,
and are daily adding improvements to
their model home.
I have a brief, perplexing problem
I wish to speak about in a common-
sense way. It is this: Some few peo-
ple censure Tom Beaver for casting
his vote in the dry column when in the
course of human events all members
of the Legislature were called upon
to cast their votes either for wet or
dry—our member voted dry. Let me
ask what else could he do under the
circumstances. His honored father,
one of our best and most progressive
men ever produced in Centre county,
was not only a temperate man but a
conscientious temperance man. His
mother, the daughter of the late H. N.
McAllister, one of our leading lawyers
of his day, a great and good man, both
father and daughter were always
ranked among the leading advocates
of temperance. Under these existing
circumstances what else could the
Hon. Thomas do but vote dry—It
would have been suicidal to do other-
wise, more especally when seven-
tenths of our population advocate and
applaud Tom for doing just what he
ruins of a broken heart cannot be re- | did. The Hon. Tom’s course is meet
ing with the approbation of most
voters. :
When I think of the number of
thoughtless, unsophistocated young
people running around our village, I
almost tremble for fear of what will
come upon us. None of them seem to
have the least idea of what they are
here for, nor a proper conception of
the duties of life. They don’t stop
: and take a philosophical view of what
they are about to do, but they will
have to take the time to repent of
in the object of her attachment is re- isis follies. Tren Is lust ons Shing:
which is honestly believed, will save
many a serious mistake. They should
remember that there is another side
to everything. The other side is oft-
en the very one you want to see, but
‘ possible.
should cultivate the habit of looking
for the other side. It is largely a hab-
it, and one that is not difficult to fall
into. When it is once established it
affords a great deal of pleasure by
throwing light into dark places,
changing cold facts into agreeable
truths; and, above all, in leading us to
a knowledge of why we exist, and how
we may get the most comfort out of
our existence and at the same time
be of greatest benefit to the world.
_ Philosophy is nota hard word, des-
pite the fact that a great many stum-
ble over it, or stand abashed and dis-
heartened in its presence. By some
means or other the masses have come
to regard philosophy as mere sophis-
try, and a philosopher as a sophist, a
queer genius, an impractical person
whose mind is taken up with all sorts
of fanciful schemes. More erroneous
conclusions than these are scarcely
Philosophy—Philos, love,
sophia, wisdom—the love or
search after wisdom. In its broadest
sense it may be defined ag the univer-
sal science which aims at an explana-
tion of all the phenomena of the uni-
verse by ultimate causes; the knowl-
edge of phenomena as explained by,
and received into, causes and reasons,
powers and laws. Philosophy is the
one thing to study. Not exactly the
philosophy found in books, but com-
mon sense philosophy. A great many
have asked how to go about studying
this sort of philosophy. The first step
is to realize—not merely to believe—
: that there is another side to every-
thing; also this the visible side may
not be a fair index of the thing itself.
It will then be necessary to cultivate
an inquiring disposition. When this
is well established you will be a com-
mon sense philosopher. The philos-
opher never doubts. He knows that
it is or is not; he makes it his business
to discover which it is.
Soldiers Will Take Part in Politics.
In addition to organizing the Vet-
erans’ Civic League of Pennsylvania
at a meeting in Harrisburg recently,
former service men from twenty-two
counties voiced their first protest as a
body against the awarding of Federal
appointments to politicians over for-
mer service men.
War veterans who have successful-
ly passed examinations for postoffice
appointments in the State have been
disregarded when appointments were
made, they claim.
Other objects of the League, as ex-
pressed in its platform are:
To prevent the exploitation of the
war veteran in politics.
To protect, by casting ballots as a
unit, the interests of war veterans.
To form a State-wide organization
“ready at any moment to assist those
condidates for office, whether veteran
or civilian, who take a broad American
view of the former service men’s
problems and to strike down those
who are the creatures of mercenary
interests and who propagate princi-
ples which are inimical to those who
have borne the brunt of battle in be-
half of the Republic.”
Ee ——
one-eleven cigarettes ;
9) Three Friendly
In a new package that fits the pocket—
At a price that fits the pocket-book—
The same unmatched blend of
Guaranteed by
111 EET AYE:
First to establish the
102° price~Usco’
E makers of U. S.
dd Tires made this
Oil announcement last
o»24 November—
“Hereafter the price of the
30x 3% ‘Usco’ is $10.90.”
The lowest price ever quoted on
a tire of quality reputation and
standard performance.
* * &
And now, with the opening of
Spring, there seem to be quite a
number of “New and Special
tires” coming into the market in
‘the $10.90 price range.
Perhaps you are wondering just
what there can be either “new”
or “special” about these tires.
It can’t be the $10.90 price—
“Usco” established that five
months ago.
Nor quallly reputation and
standard performance—forittakes
more than one full season for any
new tire to demonstrate where
it stands in quality and value
* % *
With so many tires rush-
ing into this $10.90 price
United States Tires
are Good Tires
U.S. Tire Co.
field (now that the season prom-
ises business from the American
car-owner), it is worth remember-
ing that “Usco” showed its good
faith by announcing this price
last fall.
The same intent to serve that
has made “Usco” a standard value
for years.
The “Usco” Tire was never
better than it is today— with
its established quality, its
time-tested performance,
and its price closelyfig-
ured in tune with the
United States
The Oldest and Largest
Organization in the World
@ Rubber Company
Two hundred and
thirty-five Branches
Where You
Can Buy
U. S. Tires:
P. H. McGARVEY - - -
J. C. & J. B. STERE - -
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices in
all courts. Office, room 18 Crider's
Exchange. 51-1y
B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law,
Practices in all the courts. Come
sultation in English or Germans,
Office in Crider's Exchange, Bellefon
Pa. Fr
S KELINE _WOODRING — Attorney-ate
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at-
tention given all legal business em-
trusted to his care. Offices—No. § Hast
High street. 57-44
M. KEICHLINE—Attorney-at-Law
and Juscice of the Peace. All pre
fessional business ve
rorpt attention. Office on second floor ef
emple Court. 40-5-1y
G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law.
oneulision 11 Sap 120 Ser
Bellefonte, Pa. os 3 ]
Crider’'s Exch. 66-11 Hotes
8. GLENN, M. D.,, Physician and
W Surgeon, State College, Centre
county, Pa. Office at his
(20% Wiican or
YOU'LL never regret using
our flour. But you will regret
not having started to use it
sooner. Start today by putting
a bag where you can always get
it at a moment’s notice. You
will find a new pleasure attach-
ed to your baking.
Try our flour—you’ll like it
C. Y. Wagner Co., Inc.
66-11-1yr BELLEFONTE, PA.
This Interests You
The Workmans’ Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1,
1916. It makes Insurance Com-
pulsory. We specialize in plac-
ing such insurance. We inspect
Plants and recommend Accident
Prevention Safe Guards which
Reduce Insurance rates.
It will be to your interest to
consult us before placing your
Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College
The Preferred |
$5,000 death by accident,
5,000 loss of Both feet,
5,000 loss of both hands,
5,000 loss of one hand and one foot,
2,500 loss of either hand,
2,000 loss of either foot,
630 loss of one eve
25 per week, total disability,
(limit 52 weeks)
10 per w. partial disability,
(limit 26 weeks)
pavable quarterly if desired.
Larger or smaller amounts in proportion:
Any person, male or female, engaged in a
referred occupation, inclu house,
ing, over eighteen years of age
moral and physical condition may
nsure under this policv.
Fire Insurance
1 invite your attention to my Fire Insur-
ance Agency, the strongest and Most Ex
tensive Line of Solid Companies represent-
ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania
50-21. Agent, Bellefonte Pa,
Get the Best Meats
4 uv B, Jum
You save nothin
thin or gristly mea
d supply my customers with the
DD ofcent, best blood and mus-
cle making Steaks and Roasts. My
prices are no higher than the peerer
meats are elsewhere,
I always have
Game in season, and any kinds of geed
meats you want.
Hight Street. 34-34-ly Bellefonte Pu: