Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 28, 1922, Image 2

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    ® Jail Expense Account. District Attorney Docket.......... 31 70 | L. FRANK MAYES, in Account with Read, School, P Intake t Funds Aris
Auditor’s Statement [gious soem imag ieee Son 48 A ma i TAA er -
Fel fat and supplies. .01107010) 168.94 | Burrows Adding Machine Col!llll 14 30 ROAD UNSEATED,
Erecting: ZAFBEC +.eexeevesisvveres 2 go | Kee Lox Manufacturing Co........ 3850 :
OF THE DE hing Tor prisoners Ti Oy Sundry Supplies :................. 15613 E » a B
4 Water TOME «oo.vaoiveessnassonssss + 9288 $2448 31 S 52 g e ; £2
5 9] a
i d Expenditures of Centre County Xan | EE |} |:
: Ipts an I eS 0 nire un Mother's Assistance Fund Account, $ " 51 £ Pe
Juvenile Court Expense. y 1508 DISTRICTS I] $ mY e g
Sundry costs in sundry cases......$ 616 51 Sundry expelise to Mother's Fund. .$ «© Sx b SE B En
Rev. M. DePui Maynard........... 5 00 - - 3
For the Year 1921. TEE State Ald Read Account Eri :
$ 89151 | Route 27 ....ooourneneennnnn. § 308 61 5 a
ou seiseseiensretsrserneteves 1817 16
_— Jury Commissioners Pay. Route JOT .... i... cic irvicroneers sc D186 61 dA Sasiedalin bia 23 30 aa 03 30° ST TS ci 8 25
RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURES. John D. Decker, serv.and mileage..$ 189 94 : memes | Burnside Twp, ....00ure0000 348 58) 204 57| 643 15| 331 15| 17 43] 204 57
Bal. in hands of Treas. Appropriation Acct.....$2395 Joseph A. Emerick, services and $11397 41. College TWD. +.vovorvvmnivinasysiinis ; 73 73 78
Jan. 3, 1921.......$37022 30 Assessors account ong BOR i a ah 81 08 foram Twp, cereesererneecseessaeaa..| 276 30] 135 90] 412 20/ 311 92 16 42] 83 86
Amt, from County Ta pA . 5 Mrs. Amy Potter, (clerk).......... 164 00 State Highway Damage. on ey eesssmvaesnnesarss 2 ie 14 06 26 92 26 92
Commissioners .... 28708 87 Bellefonte hospital $ 535 02 Route x desetnesciiiieatarnaserer id 237 41 Hales TWD. rier 12 51 18% 0% 2 5
Amt, from Collectors.. 90865 59 ACCOUDL. ..resvassens Rute DI iuiiesssntesiresessass B9L7 18 Halfmoon TWD. «ccoenrecesrerresaaae:] "23500 478 478 *18 72
Amt. from unseated = Boal of Read 0 5 Miscellaneous. Acooutit. 1SENerersitanieiiany BD. ae. Crsereetrsrssstrrtasncens nn $3 ss 2634 138 88
lands ............. 2118 Bridge account ........ 2007 42 Postage on Tax notices...........$ 206 27 $2638 43 | Huston Twp. ana 68 06 20, 68 26 os 3
Amt. from seated Childrens Aid Society Express, drayage and freight..... 5 56 YAberty Wp. ..cviivivarnsivenrcinie.) 4079 27 34 08 20 68 10
lands 2110 account ...e..oc... 1001 97 Postage, Commissioners office).... 103 54 Telephone Account. Marion Twp. ....... seeesensenens 190 46] 16 75| 3621] 18 49 97 1675
Amt. from liquor l- Commonwealth Costs Postage, (County Supt. office)..... 55 06 | gaj) Telephone 176 70 | Miles Twp. ...............c.oeoen....| 158 76 114 67| 273 43| 16023] 8911 9529
Censes ............ 28499 Cc i RT 2829 21 County, Commissioners expense to 250 00 | United aes Sn reg HET patton T¥p, teerssasesenessaserenians 536 1252 1788 16 99 89
om. © enna, 4ac- ate convention ........ccc000 hidid ’ eI TWP. .ovoveerensssssnssssanssns, 3 99 2
Amt. from dog licenses 2036 00—$162057 73 | Com. of Penna. ac Tar BLE SORVERUOR +uronnresers 250 U0 | figld “agle Telephone +... 0 005i: 18 00) Bomr oem: olny soo eX AR % un
Constables account .... 132 76 Maintaining paupers and burial of 550 73 Rush Twp. ......... . 395 36| 3104 93 3500 29| 3325 27| 175 02
County officers pay ac- ONC ANH reo: serninossersive. 467.03 $ 550 73 | Spring Twp. ............ 1229) 333 1562 15 62
COUNt ....ovoveees..11040 00 Merchandise account .............. 10 88 Snow Shoe Tw 526 13 526 13| 497 76] 26 19 218
County Roads account. 5360 12 To Sundry account................ 209 92 diets’ . , Taylor Twp. 96 98] 45 86] 142 84 142 84
Court expense account. 4986 58 Rent (District Attorney's office)... 236 00 | Soldiers’ and Soldier's Widews’ Account. | Union Twp. 109 65| 102 33| 211 98] 104 17] 548] 102 33
Court House account... 4239 08 ——— | Emma_ Shively .§ 175 00 | Walker Twp. 58 63 42 04] 10157 5570 293 42 94
Damage State High- $1616 03 | John Freeze .. 75 00 | Worth Twp. 425 128] 1710 17 10
5 way Ee 2638 43 John 2 Miles . $B 00 l ] | | | |
og Law ac- Glenn Mills School. am Aley ... . 00 [$1723 17($4577 62|$6300 79|$ 494 95|$ 260 24|$1090 97
Sessestnavniene 0) Lydia Kelly . HTD *It M .
Election. acco i 7804 87 Maintaining Sundry Inmates.......$1979 33 Lydia Botiort 2 ‘ is on ems Marked thus are overpaid
lenn Mills account... b ! amu . Osman ...... . T7500
Huutinzdon Retorma- 041 Huntingdon Reformatory. Mary G Barger ceenennes . 5 2 5 7 SCHOOL UNSEATED,
ory account ...... ) : ames McDonald ........... : GNHET "FWD. ...cvccressnrnrrirronnios :
Iotr er nde and Maintaining Sundry inmates......$ 320 41 | Sucan HArtRock ...........ooooee. 75 00 | Boggs Twp. ..oooiii: 03 $8] 108 Tol 00 9 A
sinking funds ..... 6200 00 Robert Hurly ........... . 75 00 | Burnside Twp. .... 16 54
Inquest Ben his 18 23 Inspector of Weights and Measures. B bran oosiniiveniy . B % College 23D. aiRaies 115
nspector 0 eights OW Hartly... iii rHIN TWD, i. rrcarnssrrrerasssas
DM eanrey Db, 2 Dearce any from Jan, X 250 00 | Annie E. Pontius ........... + 7500) Ferguson Twp. .....00 00000 5 2 on 3 os or 85 27 14
Insurance account .... 778 90 D. T. Pearce, expenses from Jan. Fannie Shultz ............ +s TON) Gregg TWD. .orureecaivsinensss 19 25! 45 33 45 33
Jail account .......... 2870 44 "1, to April 1 74 g5 | Thomas Quick ............. « ND 00 | Haines-Twp. ............. 11 83/ 34 80] 21 82 115 118
Janitors account ...... 2103 00 y earner Edward Spears ........ + 4500] Halfmoon Twp. ....ccovveves 22 64f 61178 61 78
Jury Commissioners ac- $ 324 35 Susannah Ames ...... resvase . 500] Harris TWP. ...voveveorrosss vers 10 60] 10 60 10 60
COURL ..veeoecrensas 535.02 W. A. Bowes, salary from April Joseph Swartz ........ cevees . 75 00) Howard Twp. ...... cvsesertsnssreesyy 5228 1251 12 51
ven Locos ceeens oa 1. to Jan, 1, 1922 $ 750 00 Geo Ni aarke tetecresencas . ig Huston TVD. cesrennaiees 50 50 50
aw PRP voseosane > id ae fro Ane A. McKinley .....co0u0ves. . er WD: cvenein Viedtessesisirii 5 i
Librarian account ..... 55 00 w. 2. Boyes TPons from April og3 70 | Harry Every ................ . 1500 Marion Two, Sire % 10 16 02 5 % 5 3% 1 0
Loan account .........14641 92 ’ sd Sseesxsssunves Abram Hike - 50 0c 000 tn 75 00 | Miles Twp. ...... Sl 50 165 20| 372 70| 197 12| 10 38 165 20
Mothers Asst. Fund... 1508 00 $1033 72 Isane Smith .......ccvviiiiineceness B00] Patton TWD. ..vvevinneensiss 36 11] 10 02] 46 13 46 13
Miscellaneous account . 1617 03 Samuel Albright ........ . 7500}! Penn Twp. ... 6 76] 7 06 708
Prothonotary Acct. .... 1115 14 Robert Kinkead ... . 75 00 | Potter Twp. . 36 11 10 02] 46 13 46 13
Penna training school 1071 39 Insurance Account. John Sorsler ...... . 7500 | Rush Twp. .. 933 41| 4501 95| 5435 36( 5163 60] 271 76
Printing account ...... 5425 46 Sundry Fire insurance............$ 690 64 | Elizabeth Potts . . 75 00 | Spring Twp. .. 41 16 68] 58 51 58 51
Registrars account .... 452 50 Sundry Compensation insurance... 88 26 | Pauline Spottler . 75 00 | Snow Shoe Twp. 1757 37| 1757 37| 1662 25| 87 49 7 63
Soldier's and Widow's Gabriel M. Peltz . 75 00] Taylor Twp. .... 30 02| 45 86] 75 88] 28 52 150 46 86
burial account .... 4146 15 $ 778 90 | John Shirely .... . 75 00 Union Twp. . 213 10] 252 19] 465 29| 202 44| 10 66] 252 19
Stationery account .... 2448 31 Eliza Simler . 75 00] Walker Twp. 86 65| 124 90| 211 45 211 45
State Highway Ala 80 07 Interest and Sinking Fund Account. Mary LEL0T8 es S8tedseiis : E 3 Worth : Twp, ....... 204 72| 1921] 31393] 27998) 1474 1921
Sheriff's account . . 3749 29 Interest on semi-annual bonds....$4000 00 | Alfred Hassinger .........cceeeeee 0 $2999 110803 $8820
Wo Bal. in hands of L Telephone gorount vere a 73 : » Bellefonte Trust Co. Sinking fund. 2200 00 John D. Long"... sevesesvess . B® % 1787804 5201 0} 2818 464 24/$1619 17
'0 Bal. in hands of L. estern Penitentiary.. 00—$120900 ouis OMAR, vrvessevveniveanes (0.00
Frank Mayes, Co. By Balance ....... 32157 03 $6200 00 | Kaward Choplin ".101111 11100 75 00 POOR UNSEATED.
reas., on Jan. remem usan A. Kelly .......c............ 15 Benner Twp. ......cccietetisriiineces
eaten $ 32157 03 —$162057 73 Inquest Account. Jajnes A prbbs ensievee evens asas id Boggs Twp. reste rrveny $ Zap 2 3 28 Mf 28 951° 100 14
es am Theagter .. hii ene urnside sas tedvernarstese
Sundry costs ‘inquest.............$ 18 23 . P. Butler ERR 75 00 | College Wes ts eid i 272 07 id 23 05 121 my
Siatry Pi Austin, ‘Gesige I: Yarnell andl Coirt Expense’ Account. : . eadstones and Markers ......... 996 15 Cra Pw: tsevesunasnsmees «eeeo| 110 54) 54 37] 164 91] 105 01 553 54387
Printing Account. g WD. ceetirnccsnenseinncans 3 85 385 3 85
George M. Harter, County Commission- | Court Officers pay.................$ 402 50 | a td 14 $4146.15 | Gregg Twp. ............0ve. sens 3 61 135 4:96 4 96
ers in account with the County of Cen- Grand, snd Traverse J rors DRY... 263 2 Te es LLY imine Shion Hathes EWE. oorvresonanisans weer] 1004) 546] 1550 15 60
: oarding Ju . vsies ? alfmoo y Aeisadsesaves eves
tre, for the year 1921. Winifred M. ii gy 1200 00 Democratic Watchman, Sundry 253 Harry Dukeman, Sheriff, in Account with Hor ED, De cane 8 20 2 36 13 06 5 % 11 06
Appropriation Account Gilbert M. Burrows, stenographer. 457 011 pn ng Sp rptiaate grains 1352 a the County of Centre for the year 1921. | Howard TWD. .............. sens 2 69 187 4 56 4 56
J. I. Hagerman, stenographer..... 21 90 entre Democrat, Sundry printing . To 2739 4 b 1 1 HUStOn- TWD. oiivercscnsserovreesnees 6 82 08 6 90
Ww. MT Cini Agricultural 800 00 | Spangler” & Walker, (Benedict Philipshire Ledger, Sundry 4) 82 ° 24960 RY Sard a pr 1360 50 | Liberty Twp 18 8 19 8 87 $2
t¥svaneansirnee n Sisistssveasersianivise 45 tessereensee SRA inn
Mott eoreoration Sl 00 Boy asi see 220 50 Nitiny erating Con Haniry To 51 days board and care for in- i 752 516 1268 12 68
Ameriean Logion ........sc0000000s 50 00 | So %ary Court EXDeRme... oer n i 2050 PHNLINE o...csnvessisirvncrnss 28:00 sane prisoners at $2.00 per day. 102 00 | p,¢ton map. ny wll wn 209 21
D. O. Etters, County Superintend- y DENSCsesstesesses Millheim Journal, Sundry printing 2 00 | To boarding Juvenile prisoners at Penn Twp P. 3 3 $e 3 50 8 be
ORL o.aiinsaasnrnnarssrnirssnin 000K) $5631 58 | The Sentinel, Sundry Ge ug 766. $1.90 per A RR 8.00 | hotter Twp. nl 1 36 a 28 > 33
ER EE = working on pipes, ete. at $1.00. 55 00 Rusk THD: Vrinw 209 77| 1023 38 1233 15| 1171 49 61 66,
Court House Account. To S70 yurn Key Zees af 50 conts 185 00 Snow Shoe Ciwp. 1 307 i 303 a 200 51 15 29 3 5
Assessors Account. Electric Light and supplies........$ 629 04 Registrars Account. To Per accounts and conveying Taylor rp me 10 801 185 12 65 12 65
Sundry ASSeSSOTS DPAY.............$0744 18 | Fuel ....coiiiiiiiiniiiiiiieiiae, 1935 64 | Reporting 1127 Births and 683 ing prisonérs to Pittsburgh, ton Tors Toe 41 39] 40 95 82 34| 39 32 207 4095
Drayage Giri pLiaEite es esseess 4 5 DeatNE i idires es 3 402 5D Danville and Huntingdon. ..... 1653 90 | yoo &F Toe ' 3 = 16 5 37 ge 20 58 27 55
Be eo 0 1 eae tis ia nara
Bellefonte Hospital Account. Paint and painting.......ccv00.... 531 90 To Sundry T9gistments nd Costs. 415 40 | | 35 %
Maintaining Sadie Delige..........$ 428 00 | Plumbing, Etc. ......cooeverenrer. 249 20 Stationery and Supplies. By Sundry Vouchers. ..$2000.00 I$ 568 75/$1840 65[$2409 40/$1694 00]$ 89 17$ 620 24
Nate lens esvsadensssnasvenensras 2 os i G. Johnson So 2102051358 5 Ly Jundry Todictments 478 40
sin: BDL cesescscessensrens altimore Supply Co. bala ue H INTER he
Asylum Hospital Account, Mops and Brushes ..... . 26 40 | Eliot Fisher cid 025 Pan DY 1373 40 ha UNSEATID i
Maintaining jnmates, (Danville)...$2168 21 | Laundry bills ........cceeeeveeee.. 12 44 | William Mann Co ves 2013 errr weer § GTCEE TWD. veeciereeennseoisnn WL 150% ©5088 6588 $ $ 658
Maintaining inmates, (Warren).... 430 29 Robert Brow ,...cveevvcinereevees 31:59 $3851 80 $3851 80 Haines TWD. .....ccocuiiiiininainann 74 222 2 96 2 96
intaining inmates, (Fairview).. 143 43 $4239 08 RUSH TWD. vicvassecsnnenseosnssndeins] 109: 17] 1613 80; 718 97, 718 97
taining inmates, (Polk....... 8615 is 107 pe 621 10/8 728 |
$2828 08 :/ County Officers Pay. Statement of Taxes Outétandingon the Duplicate for the Year 1920. mh : suse i yn
Harry By Astin, Co, Com iesre 181000 x 2 ROAD SEATED.
Cost of the Assessment of Centre County | GEOrge ©. Xarhell, Lo. Lom...... Ral Due Jan, Amount D B T TT]
ge M. Harter, Co. Com.. 1000 00 1921, Includi ount Due OBES. TWD: +catsrentnsssernreivanses]d D3 8HS 2:30 5 20! 5 20
as returned and sworn to by the va- | I, Frank Mayes, County Treas... 2000 00 Districts. Collectors. § per cent. Addea| Jen. 8, 1922. Curtin TWP. ......- Asasrrrsaenerir. 2:36 aD So 93 06 t 93 06
rious Assessors, from April 1, 1921, to Jas. C. Furst, Dist. Atty, includ- Liberty MWD, '.cvvcresrisinsssovivens, 51 35 32 51 67 51 67
April 1, 1922 ing $50.00 Bal. of 1920......... 1300 00 | County | State | County State Marion TWD. t.eeessnnscisnsisnsosnsess 9 56 8 82 18 38 18 38
PELL . 50 Harrv Keller, County Solicitor.... 600 00 | Bellefonte Boro ........;J. K. Johnston ...... [# 2148 63[§ 16 62]$ 961 60) Patton TWD. ...oovvnvrnnenenennee.s| 1271 6 49 19 20 19 20
Bellefonte Boro N. W...$ 737 M. W. Reed, County Physician... 100 00 | Centre Hall Boro ....../C. D. Bartholomew .. | 152 16 34 94 Rush Twp. ......ooeeeenens cena 37 13 361 4074 40 74
Bellefonte Boro 8. W... 675 50 R. W Irwin, Chief Clerk......... 1800 00 | Howard Boro ........../T. A. Pletcher ....... 5 45 TaYIOr TWD. .veessrsvcnrrnseranneenes] 11306) - 13 34): 126 40 126 40
Bellefonte Boro W. W.. 263 00 Harry Valentine, Assistant Clerk,. 1440 00 | Milesburg Boro ........|Orin N. Heaton ...... 270 10 8 65
ll Bote... Mrs. Harriet Ray Smith, assist- Millheim Boro .........lJ. W. O. Houseman... | 266 44 798 12187 8 38 1$ 309 01]$ 45 64]$ 354 65) ls 354 65
Howard Boro ......... 1 ANE CELE +.....ecsvessvennsaess 800 00 | Philipsburg Boro ....../Roy Wilkinson ...... | 1694 51| 1056 07| 457 10] 39 27
Milesburg BOro......... i. % ———— | 8. Philipsburg Boro ..|J. B. Hoffman ....... | 11071] 2721 INTEREST SEATED.
Millheim Boro ........ 11 28 $11040 00 | Snow Shoe Boro ...... Logan M. Kelly ...... 757 53 23 40 68 27 24 57
Philipsburg Boro 1 W. 159 State College Boro ....|Jas. M. Williams .... | 1507 33] 193 63 Curtin TWP. ............... $ 2968 296 $ 296
Philipsburg Boro 2 W. 402 12 Unionville Boro ......../G. W. Rumberger ... 30 22 Rush TWP. ccicirevesnes . 126 126 ! | 126
Phlupshurs Doro 3W. 0 38 Live Stock and Poultry Damage. Beunce Twp tas usmrnane Join Srgaziey in 2s 2 9 31| 408 85 9 | = =) j
2ene e ssesenvsnrseigohn 0, Harn Srsasesilersaases
8 Philipsburg Boro.... 115 56 (Dog Law of 1917) Boggs Twp. John I. Harnis 4753 2831 west 2993 $ $ 422 ] $ 422
State College Boro 603 70 Sheep killed and injured includ- College Twp. Jesse Shuey .. 1145 66 51 00 SCHOOL SE.
Unionville Boro 58 ing costs ....oc.ccocecneenee $182 00 | Curtin Twp. John A. Mann Fr 17 80 ATED.
Benner Twp. ... 134 24 63 dogs killed by Constables, in- | Ferguson J. E. Elder ... 943 27 BOBES TWD. -.c0resvsesenscnmnsrsnres]d SOTO 328 00 SHS $ $ 563 85
Boggs Twp. ... . 140 74 cluding costs ............cooo. 187 50 | Gregg Twp. . Robert D. Musser 296 78| 189 35 COFGN DWDL rian: -. 148 38 23 81) 171 57| 140 96] 7 42 23 57
Burnside Twp. T-138 License Tags and Notices......... 3500 | Haines Twp Wilson Haines 828 67 7 84 Liberty Twp. ....... a nd 39 52| 7471] 7048] 3871 52
College Twp. ... 191 80 Poultry, hogs, cattle, colts killed.. 20% 00 | Jaif Moon Twp. Grant Davidson ...... | 413 20 44 39 Marion TWD, .ovevrereirrresrvanranis] ‘2880 "883 1690 ‘701 37 sg
Curtin Twp. ..... 73 69 - Harris Twp. .. Geo. BE. Meyers ....... 591 17 38 51| 317 53 28 46 | Patton TWD, ...ceveeeesncsnseanssese.] 1123 7 33] 18 56 18 56
Ferguson TWD. ....... 190 00 $ 618 50 | Howard Twp. . T, A. Pletcher ....... 5 46 RUSH TWD. escevececcecenccosenncneset 125 84] 946] 13530] 119055] 629 946
Gregg TWD. cocevesse.. 201 42 siececaiiees Huston Twp. . Geo. BE. Campbell .... 350 11 6 02 68 94 TAYIOF. TWD, sresesrverrsessnsressnees) 2290 1384 36 31 86 31
Haile Jv i Suansvess J 84 Election Expense Account. Liberty Twp. sirveenssi Xs i aa o89 98 2 10 84 11 220 | |
Harris TWD. ccooencer. 70 80 Primary - Gen’ | Hi irany., iE a ean | Ha wee WE $ 886 32|$ 66 32!$ 505 50)$ 338 00|$ 17 79[$ 151 09
Howard TWD. « 183 56 Harry P. Austin, expense JR. Re 'CrUBt +uveeseess 706 81 POOR SEATED,
Bantex pen cianeeiris 148 80 gletivering supplies ....$ 25008 30 00 w. E. Braucht ....... 430 00 4 40 ?
esr eo. H. Yarnell, expense . B. Fortney ........ | 1107: 33 33 : rt ae re er Ia irae, 2 8
Marion TWD. ccocesnse. 245 T2 delivering supplies .... 4580 4530 Rush TWD. oevevsssneas William Wood asvave 17 > 1 60 casks Twp. avis iran ive a to 4 2 3 oN 3 fe 36 5
Miles TWD. ccceceesss. 21313 Geo. M. Harter, expense Snow Shoe TWD. ......|Solomon Lohr ........ 418 35 02 02 Liberty TWD. veesccrssrnsess ese 15 13 14] 15°26 15 26
Patton TWD. .......... 125 84 delivering supplies ..... 1398 13 96 | Spring TWD. ...........|Levi Miller .......... 103 35 Marion PWD. .ecerisescessesssravesses 4 10 3 30 740 7 40
Penn TWD. ¢ecevvees... 161 28 Election Officers pay and Taylor TWD. «cecceessso|ds T. Beckwith ....... 237 81 10 80 PRION TWD. 2.aviveesncens Siiy 2 92 56 3 48 3 48
Potter TWD. .......... 190 90 TENE +vvvveecrsseesenessss3008 19 3187 42 | Union Twp. «..eevveneo|B TT, Hall c0onniinnens 309 57{ 32 01 Bush TWD. .:..civusasivaees vere) 23137) 216; 2553 25 53
Rush TWD. .cceceeeee.. 391 14 Election supplies or Walker TWD. ..ocoe..e..| Wilbur Dunkle ....... | 1194 94 94 91] 1254 69 90 65 | TAVIOP TWP. seesscecccscecsssecsssene 17 87 134 1921 19 21
Snow Shoe Twp. ...... 213 38 Primary and General... 787 98 | Worth TWD. .........../H. C. Rothrock .......| 47463] 6401 ; |
Spring TWD. verveaeras 439 42 Philipsburg Spec. election 217 86 | | | I$ 97 13)$ 12 34|$ 109 47|$ I$ $ 109 47
aylor Twp. . 204 42 John Love, Tabulating $19636 33[$ 2305 96]$ 4557 50|$ 253 15
Quip fh .- 10 > Primary and General ned Bw 2
i's .s election returns ........ tatem licate to
Worth TWD. ........... 8787—$ 831235|p, R. Foreman, Tabu- s ant of Taxes Outstanding on the Dup for the Year: 1921, Statement of County Funds from Duplicate 1915 to 1919,
lating primary and | Amount | Amount Due
Roglstration Assessor: General election returns 20 00 20 00 Dletelets. Collectors. Levied 1922. Year Collectors Districts
Mary A. Kline, Tabulating | County | State | Co 1915—W. C. Raymond......cscees0eese0... Harris Twp ........$ 3 74
State College Boro.....$ 46 50 ing primary election re- y | County | State 1915—Roy Calhoun Union Tw . 175 15 49
Benner TWD. .......... 20.00 TUFDS cuveseriisnaopodese 3000 Bellefonte Boro .......|J. K. Johnston ........ [F11378 O7(§ 5085 5I[8 2071 4318 414 38 | 1018-3 K. JORRSIOD -.ommneeereiiill lll, Bellefonte Boro on. B05
Boggs TWD. ccceeeeec.s 60 60 Verna Chambers, Tabulat- Centre Hall Boro ......[C. D. Bartholomew .. | 1176 15] 499 85/8 4894/$ 9 00 |1918 Orin HEALON .......oeeosvrorsovonns. Milesburg Boro ..... 30 25 889 62
Curtin Twp. ........... 6529 ing primary election re- Howard BOr0 ..........|T. A. Pletcher ....... | 1043 67 10 00 I. TOURBIOM ssn ee TPenetonte Boro .... 553 83
Ferguson Pe caeere.s M344 CUITIR Lo eeoeatvacssas 00 Milesburg Boro ........|David McKinley ..... 612 30 81 30 275 18 1919—Orin Heaton a ans ‘Milesbure Boro... 299 95
Gregg TWD. «c..oevonn. 99-12 | Millheim Boro .........[J. W. O. Houseman.. | 1356 23| 426 09] 263 158 11910 Roy WIIKIDEOD reseverveversenoenns PRilipabarg Boro +. 332 96
Haines Twp. .......... 3806 $3282 45 $4322 52 | Philipsburg Boro .....|Roy Wilkinson ....... 8026 19 2144 30 1937 92| 140 68 |3919—Logan M BOUT or ey Snow Ee no .e 81 83
Harris TWD. .......... 8640 Grand Total $7604 97 | 8 Philipsburg Bero ...[J. B, Hoffman ....... 333 52| 310 80] 187 99] 280 66 | 1019 Jas, M. WILHAMS ..o.oveonnennove.e. State College Boro. . 01
Liberty Twp. eats ae AD. OR seus trsgespvesssnasane Snow Shoe Boro........./Logan M. Kelly ...... 777 81 19 20, 162 147 11010-JORD A, MADD «ures rrr: Curtin Tree >: 118
Miles Twp. ..ocovvene.. 59 30 . State College Boro ....|E. J. Willams ....... | 7015 63| 2325 00| 1236 57| 46 59 | 1010 Geo. KE. Meyer ........... Harris Twp Saran 95 98
Potter TWD. c.ceveeees.. 14575 Librarian of County Library Account. Unionville Boro .......|G. W. Rumberger .... 521 79] 245 34 65 1010-H EK. MALLET oor ranens ‘Huston Twp. 2a 31 1326 63
Eno Shoe Twp. [11 180 00 W. C. Armstrong, (8 months......$ 40 00 | Benner wp. .oooooooo: Jon Speagley C...: | HGHO3 MOH SRE0 164 | je Duipente #3 500
Spring Twp. cerasvreee 169 50 +558 8 John G. Love, (3 months)......... 1500 Buraside Pwo. B. Burger i ‘| “373 53 a 1 1% 20 1921 DUPHCALe ..ovvvverrernnsssneereessnnncunstnuiecninsnnenneeans 27440 50
e sesveesens 94—$ 'ollege Twp. esse Shuey .. 3509 1229
$ 5500 Curtin Twp. John AM : 223 ot = 7 oid 8 a Total Outstanding Taxes Jan. 3, 1922.........000000 $33082 80
erguson Tw. . B. er veees .| 4628
County Abdiobs Acsoust: 180 0s | B°¥ Wilkinson, Prothonotary’s Account. | Gregg Twp. Robert D. Musser ... | 4410 34| 703 68] 943 02( 13 33
T. A. Pletcher, services & mileage.$ By Bal, 1920 Account...$ 416 84 Haines Twp. . Wilson Haines ....... | 3718 96] 675 38] 1108 53 41 67 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES
C. H. Gramley, services & mileage. 202 76 | p08 oo Fh BolT Halfmoon Twp. .. Grant Davidson ,......| 1433 45| 101 48| 901 84| *1 09 2
H. H. Stover services and mileage. 201 82 ToRAIY dreas. Acer. 753 #1 Harrls Twp. ........... Geo, E. Me ers .......| 2353 461 390 68 968 32 wo | Lisbilities .
Ee v A a owar Pr sree A. €F seeeess 0 Qutstanding Bonds at PF Gelb. secs serssersnsrcnnnsessnnsees 3 100000 00
$ 55¢ e | To'Sundey Aver, Jeol, WH Bd up. eer hr Ter | I al cE 500 | Din EE Bret Bihan BAH irre Te
count, 1921 . 617 25 Liberty TWD. .cccee..s.|0. J. Stover ........... | 1583 95] 256 61| 254 31 35 00 | To Balance due Roy Wilkinson, Prothonotary.....cceeeveeeeneeans 389 33
. Board of Road View. By voucher .. § 416 84 | Marion TWD. ...ccocceee Chas. A. Dolan ...... | 1881 79 78 76] 798 01 198 | To Estimated Commonwealth CostS......ccvevvecerncicancccnrnes 1055 17
M. Ward Fleming serv. and mileage$ 21 40 By voucher 364 48 | Miles Twp. ......c....eiS. A. Bierly ...........| 827287] 31577] 39198) 375 77 | To Estimated Exonerations ......cccoeveececcrsssssescescsccncscss 1730 48
M. Was 8 ng cand 1 id 160 00 | BY voucher’. 53 30 | Patton Twp. ........c..|R. R. Crust ...........| 1790 10| 132 89( 875 07 78) | To Estimated Commissions ....oceeeveecescssrossscncasaasssesesss 160015
¥ Nari Serve = HlSater. 155 20 | By voucher ..... = 617 25 penn TWD. csdresr eves La ey Tn | os a 353 31 $34 EL To Outstanding INOLEE s.2stsresrsrenssnsuresnissurasivvrnsnseneas 49400 O0
Arthur C. Dale, serv. and mileage.. 77 50 | Jan. Bal. due Roy Wil- 380 33 | Rush Twp. ........000 William Wood ill... | 3121 15| 113 89 654 34 By Cash in hands of Treasurer Jan. 3, 1022...cccereenunnsereeeess $32126 03
jiline Wesdsing, sere Ald Jnileage 138% n,.210 y _ 38933 | Siow Shoe TWD. ......|Solomon Lohr ....... | 1479 30| 3477 73168] 11 65 | By Cash in Sinking Fund........... 20035 00
elent Schhaeller, grapher... $1841 20 $1841 20 Spring TWD. «.eeceoeeso (Levi Miller ...........| 4044 29] 625 33| 2201 By Outsanding Duplicate ...... 33982 99
$ 605 80 Taylor TWP. ccoceesceees|d. T. Beckwith ....... !- 673 05 74 29] 229 84 74 20 | By Tax Liens Filed.....cco0ceceess 03 84
Union TWP. scaesnereeeB. To Hall auseeseoese 1014 24] 152 19] 460 23 30 31 | By Tax Liens entered and Unpaid 212 00
Statistical Report of Centre County Farm | Walker TWD. ..c........| Wilbur Dunkle........ 3426 46) 714 16] 1210 160 15 | By Asylum bills due County........ 264 94
Bridge Account. Bureau, 1921. Worth Twp. .........../H. C. Rothrock ,.. ... | 1119 60] 111 40] 576 75 68 By Snow Shoe Township Road Account.. 1975 02
Sundry Bridge account............$2007 42 } Appropriation to Farm ! 1891603 10]$19473 61/$25606 59|$ 1833 91 By an id v, Oe iste) Bt %
st Dares i eee S150 00 $ 690 00 sItems marked thus are overpaid. By Blair County, (Escaped Convicts)...... 85 10
Children’s Ald Soclety of Western Penn- | S{cHOFTaphic work -... By Mercer County, (Escaped Convicts)........ a revrarrer 123 88
sylvania. IY er. 31 01 pr Y satmoreland County, {Rsca ed ORVICES) ceesernsonccccnnnses 84 85
Maintaining Sundry Inmates......$1001 97 | Postage Tei ‘and Tel... 1% Recapitulation ef State Licenses for the Year 1921. By Laurence County, (seabed Comvietsy..... 1. 11. 1.1111 101! 57 08
Fo aid “Fiktiiten 53 n Dr. Cr. By Somerset County, (Escaped CORVICES).....cevececrecesressoces 84 40
Commonwealth Costs Account. Traveling, Car ........ 670 b4 | TO Real) Mersantile Hicensen, eed Hoe R $165647 53 9
. 0 olesale Mercantile Licens asene 3
Sundry 3Viiueaces, Constable, Sua $2829 21 Travels other than 82 65 | To Retail Liquor Licenses... 499 20 Total Indebtedness of Centre County, January 3, 1922.......... {36301 74
Contingent expenses ... 3 90 | To Wholesale Liquor Licens 93 69
Constable’s Pay. De ation of car... 250 00 xs Bicwers Asetizes, Liliane: os 2
Returas to COurt.......ccoeeee.q..$ 132 76 | Bal on hand........... 85871 1c Brokers Liconses....;....«. 22 70 00
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Account. $1800 00 $1800 00 4 Pidgire pid Circus Licenses. esaeseiennses is o We, the undersigned Auditors of Centre County, having carefully examined the ac-
: G. W. ReeB..ccoencrrenensascsenessd 7000 % ‘ 0 ReBIENt UHUBESES ux ss aasrrerrertsrenserensrsssioessasinssnsens UBT 0D counts of the County Commissioners, Sheriff and Treasurer of sald County, de hereby
% tacts J s Accoun “To: Non-resident HUNters....,.ceeeeeflececcsnccscsscscscsnsncennnse 110 00 | certity that correct statem receipts and .
4 County Read Account. John Love, Janitor....ceeeeeesas...$1020,00 | To Balance Due County LT esssncnseerssnne 4 56 ¢ y dior di deg at uf Sie 4d pend)
5 Boalsburg PIKE cu..coveoeensssees $1987 63 | J. C. Showers, JANIEOT. oe ossesssss 00 [BY BURATY - VOUCREIE. sa er eeeerasaanssnnssrerasasresrnasessenanee §21170 83 | tures and of their respective accounts for the year 1921.
» Marion and Howard Pike......... 2246 87 | William McGovern, (17 days Asst. By Sundry CommissionS......ceeeeceesscasccssscescssceccsscascess 862 80
Fort Matilg Road, iio: assesses np wil: r) IF aes arnisant By Sundry BIOUErAtionS, oe ssssssersntsnnrvsrssssitrssssreesisions 140 & ST GRAMIEY, wn,
es and Walker BGuosssvccnsen m olf, (4 days assistant y Sundry RE ocsnscscsossosssososcossosasssssssccossctosnnscse .
tae oy iE Wel, 4 ans wea BB PANE Harta aps sn, 5 50 HERBERT H. STOVER,
a— a— Ty Auditors of Centre County.
$5360 12 $2103 00 $23046 00 $23046 90 | Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, April 1st, 1022,