A . Miscellaneous Business Transacted by Borough Council. | | Eight members were present at = : Bellefonte, Pa., April 21, 1922. EE NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. — The spring primaries are only a little over three weeks away. —Bellefonte will entertain the Central Pennsylvania League of Red Men at their annual convention on May 6th and 7th. ——The Odd Fellows band gave an afternoon concert at the penitentiary last Sunday as an Easter treat for the hundreds of inmates. — Beautiful weather character- ized Easter Sunday in Bellefonte and the result was a large attendance at all the special services at the differ- ent churches. A few flying snow flakes yes- terday looked as if we got the very tail end of that storm and blizzard which swept the Mississippi valley early in the week. Fourteen tables were in play at a card party given by the Knights Templar, in the Masonic Temple, on Tuesday evening. Refreshments were served and everybody had a delight- ful time. ——The “Watchman” still has a quantity of government garden seeds for free distribution to any one desir- ing to plant the same. Any one wish- ing some seeds can get same by call- ing at this office. The ladies bible class of the United Evangelical Sunday school will serve a ham and egg supper in the Sun- day school room, next Thursday even- | ing, April 27th, from 5 to 7 p. m. Everybody invited. E. E. Ardery, one of Belle- fonte’s efficient mail carriers, who has been confined to his home the past two weeks with illness, has practical- ly recovered and expects to be on his route again in a day or two. ——Some twenty or more members of the Belefonte Lodge of Rebekahs went to Boalsburg by motor bus on Wednesday evening to assist in con- ferring the degree on a class of ten candidates in the Boalsburg Lodge. ——The remains of Mrs. Jacob Has- sell, who died of burns at her home in Columbus, Ohio, last Wednesday night, were brought to Bellefonte on the 9:50 a. m. train Sunday and taken direct to the Jewish cemetery for bur- ial. ——Easter Sunday was ushered in with quite a heavy frost, and in some portions of the county the thermome- tor was down to 28 degrees above ze- ro, but all kinds of fruit is so back- ward that it is not believed any dam- age was done. Dr. LeRoy Locke, of Fleming, was last Friday appointed a first lieu- tenant in the medical department of the National Guard and assigned to the Fifty-second machine gun squadron. Dr. Locke is the eldest son of Dr. M. J. Locke, of Bellefonte. . Sixty and one-half dozen of eggs, ninety glasses of jelly, a dozen packages of several kinds of cereal, canned fruit, peas, beans, etc., repre- sented the Easter donation given to the Bellefonte hospital by the pupils of the Bellefonte schools. Grain fields and grass fields look unusually well in every section of the county but spring plowing is be- ing delayed by the frequent rains. Last year at this time many farmers had their oats in the ground, and the fruit crop was also killed by late frosts. Mrs. Philip H. Haler, of State College, entertained the members of the Y. W. club at the home of Miss Rebecca Rhoads, on west Linn street, on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Haler be- fore her marriage was Miss Eleanor Weston and was one of the most act- ive and enthusiastic members of the club. — Charged with violation of the Woner act Garfield Boalich, of Phil- ipsburg, was arrested on Saturday night and at a hearing before "Squire Byron, on Monday, was held in one thousand dollars bail for trial at court. Being unable to furnish bond he was brought to the Centre county jail on Tuesday. . —Jacob Hoffman, a real estate dealer of Johnstown, was a business visitor in Bellefonte on Monday and a caller at the “Watchman” office. Mr. Hoffman was formerly interested in the forest service in Pennsylvania and was one of the men directly responsi- ble for the organization of the Central Pennsylvania Forest Fire Protective association. ——The blossoming fruit trees are a good sight these days and another good sight are the motion pictures at, the Scenic in the evening. Two hours of good entertainment at a minimum of cost. Get the movie habit and see all the good ones, as manager T. Clay- ton Brown has some high-class attrac- tions for exhibition in the near future. Don’t fail to see them. ——Yesterday Geo. W. Rumberger, of Unionville, celebrated the eigthy- fifth anniversary of his birth. Only a few days ago we noticed him on the streets of Bellefonte and wondered why more of us don’t use his receipt for keeping young. Always he has been optimistic, living in the sunshine while others imagine themselves en- shrouded in gloom. As a parent, as a citizen, as a public official and as a pedagogue-and ginger of popular bal- lads of half a century ago his eighty- five years have been indeed worth while. Monday evening’s meeting of borough council. There were no verbal nor written communications. : The Street committee presented the report of the borough manager which included the collection of $126.55 on the Pine street paving. The Water committee reported the collection of $40.00 on the 1920 water , duplicate. The Fire and Police committee pre- sented the burgess’ check for $96.75 for fines and licenses, principally the latter. The committee also stated that some five or more draymen have not as yet paid a license, but are ready and willing to do so, providing | they are furnished with a license tag to show that their license for the year has been paid. So far this year no li- cense tags have been furnished by the burgess and the draymen insist that it is only fair to them that they be paid. The absence of a tag will also show who has not paid. The matter was referred to the committee to in- quire as to the cost of tags, ete. Mr. Flack, of the Fire and Police committee, quest from policeman H. E. Yerger for a three month’s vacation, which was granted, and upon recommenda- tion of the committee George Glenn was elected by council to act as regu- lar policeman during Mr. Yerger’s vacation. Mr. Emerick, of the Special commit- tee, submitted a supplemental propo- sition by the Krader Motor company in which they stipulated that if coun- cil will grant their application for a permit to erect a garage on the How- ard street portion of their property, they will make the front of it brick and the end and rear of heavy tim- bers with iron or steel sheathing and with iron roof. Mr. Emerick stated that the committee had held a meet- ing on Monday evening of last week to consider the application but the bor- ogh solicitor was unable to be pres- ent and advise them as to the legal side of the question, hence they were unable to make a recommendation. He intimated, however, that some members of the committee were in fa- vor of granting the application. Mr. Cunningham stated that while he was not opposed to the erection of a ga- rage at that place he did contend if the borough ordinance creating a fire zone was any good that council should not allow the erection of anything but a fireproof building. Mr. Bower, rep- resenting the Krader Motor company, called the attention of council to the fact that the word “fireproof” does not appear in the ordinance referred to, the same providing that buildings of “wood or frame construction” shall not be erected within the fire zone. T. R. Hamilton was present and again interposed objections to the erection of any building that is not fireproof. Inasmuch as there seemed to be a di- vision of sentiment on the question of granting the application president Walker referred the matter back to the Special committee with a request that they be in shape to make a rec- ommendation at the next meeting of borough council. A communication was received from the American Legion requesting council to pass a resolution adopting daylight saving. The communication stated that the Legion has in course of organization a baseball team and daylight saving will enable them to schedule all games in the evening. The matter was referred to the Spe- cial committee without comment. The Fire and Police committee rec- ommended that four parking signs be erected on south Water street limit- ing the parking of cars anywhere on that street to five minute periods, and the same was approved by council. Bills to the amount of $994.13 were approved for payment, after which council adjourned. Take Over Building for New Bank at Centre Hall. At a meeting of the stockholders of the proposed First National bank of Centre Hall, held in that place on Tuesday evening, the papers were finally executed for the taking over of the Centre Reporter building as the location for the new bank. The con- sideration was $12,000. The bank will be located in that portion of the build- ing heretofore occupied by the late owner, S. W. Smith, as a residence, and in the remodeling arrangements an apartment will be made above the bank which for the present will be oc- cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Smith. It is the intention of the promoters of the bank to begin work as soon as possi- ble on remodeling the building into an up-to-date banking room. A new burglar proof vault will be construct- ed and a complete banking equipment installed. @H. Leigh Ebright, of Thompsontown, has been secured as cashier for the new bank. The taking over of the Reporter building does not include the purchase of the paper, at least for the present, and it will continue to run under the old management. ——A marriage license was issued at Buffalo, N. Y., late Wednesday of last week to Miss Pauline Sasserman, of Bellefonte, and Francis Sullivan, of Wilkes-Barre, their marriage taking place the same evening. The bride is a daughter of register and Mrs. Frank Sasserman, of Bellefonte, and was a member of the Junior class of the Bellefonte High school. The young couple returned to Bellefonte on Thursday. given a tag to show that they have | presented a written re- year, the “Three Musketeers,” in which Douglas Fairbanks shows his best work. Opera house, April 26, 27, 28, 29. 16-2t ——@G. Calvin Weaver, a Freshman at State College, has been appointed a midshipman at the naval academy at Annapolis. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Weaver, of Flemington, and graduated at the Lock Haven High school last year. He entered State College last fall as a Freshman but now that he Has receiv- ed the appointment to the naval acad- lege, as the appointment is effective at once. Samuel Rowe, at Centre Hall, last Friday evening which was made the -occasion of the announcement of the Isabelle Rowe, to J. William Brad- ford, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Bradford, of that place. The ‘prospective bride is the assistant prin- cipal of the Centre Hall High school while Mr. Bradford is a member of the firm of Bradford & Co., millers. No date has been set for the wedding. ——A very interesting program has been planned for the April meeting of the Woman’s club, to which the gen- eral public is invited. Miss Evelyn K. Wells, of Pine Mountain, Kentucky, will talk about the Kentucky moun- taineers, and will also sing some of their songs with accompaniment on the dulcimer. Col. Henry W. Shoe- maker, of McElhattan, will tell of the people of our own Pennsylvania moun- tains. Remember the date, April 24th, at 8:30 o'clock, in the High school building. Business meeting at 7:30. : ——Famous 12-reel play, “Three Musketeers,” by Douglas Fairbanks. A crackerjack. April 26, 27, 28, 29. Come early. See adv. 16-2t Notwithstanding the fact that several weeks everything is very qui- et and orderly in the Snow Shoe re- gion, according to reports from that section. In fact, better order is now being observed than before the strike went into effect. Large supplies of coal are on hand in the various yards in Bellefonte and at the different in- dustries in this section, and it will be weeks, and probably several months, before Bellefonte and vicinity will feel the strike, and by that time there will probably be a settlement. Conductor and Mrs. George E. Lentz, of Harrisburg, with the pastor of the Lutheran church of Harrisburg and his wife as their guests, will come to Bellefonte next week and go to the Harvey Schaeffer cottage on Spring creck where they will spend a week trout fishing. Miss Hazel Lentz, a daughter of conductor and Mrs. Lentz, and a former teacher in the Bellefonte schools, was struck by an automobile on the streets of Harrisburg some seven weeks ago and injured to that continue her work as a teacher in that city. She is improving slowly but may not be able to resume teaching until next fall. ——Roy Gummo, son of David Gummo, of State College, is a patient in the Bellefonte hospital suffering with a badly mangled hand received in an encounter with a vicious horse last Saturday. The animal, though six years old, has always been ill- tempered and Saturday noon when un- hitching for dinner the animal turned on the young man and grabbed him by the hand. Not content with biting him he dragged him through the barn- yard and into the pasture field where Gummo was finally rescued after sev- eral men clubbed the horse into sub- mission. After the young man was sent to the hospital for treatment his father shot the horse. ——Eighteen cars of coal, brick and other commodities were piled up in a big freight wreck which occurred at the Eugene Mattern farm between Ju- lian and Unionville at eighteen min- utes of two o’clock on Monday after- noon. About a third of a mile of track was torn up and the wreck blocked the track so that all the after- noon trains were compelled to trans- fer and it was not until Tuesday morning that the road was opened to traffic. The only man injured was William Watson, a brakeman, of Ty- rone, who was standing on top of a box car which turned over on its side. Watson was thrown to the ground with his breast on a stone sustaining slight injuries. ——Miss Annie Powers was found in a helpless condition . in the alley leading from east Linn to Lamb street, at noontime yesterday, and was car- ried to her home on the latter street. She evidently had suffered a stroke of paralysis while on her way home for dinner. At the time this item was written she was entirely helpless and unable to talk. Miss Powers for a number. of years worked as.a compos- itor in the various mewspaper offices of Bellefonte, being at one time em- ployed in the “Watchman” office. Since the death of her mother a num- ber of years. ago she and her sister, Miss Eva, have occupied the old home on the extreme end of east Lamb street. Two sisters live in Philadel- Phia. —See the greatest movie of the | preparation made for a pilgrimage to The young man is a emy he will withdraw from the Col- ——A delightful little party was’ held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. | engagement of their daughter, Miss | Hunter attempted to steer the boat the miner’s strike has been on for extent that she has not been able to Hard Rain Spoils Trout Fishing on Opening Day. : Old Jupiter Pluvius sent down a perfect deluge of rain last Friday night and saved the trout for future sport. Of the hundreds who had every their favorite trout stream early Sat- urday morning only a small per cent. had the hardihood to venture out after who did go found fishing poor, as all streams were running bank full of wa- ter the color of a yellow clay field. Some of the “old timers,” who in years gone by have always made prize catches: in Spring creek, between the Lamb and High street bridges, drew absolute blanks this year. Not be- cause of the scarcity of trout but be- cause of the condition of the stream. . A few of those who went up Spring creek and Logan banch early in the morning got some trout before the floodtide of muddy water came down those steams, but the number caught was very small. John Nighthart got twelve and that was the largest catch that was recorded. A number of fish- ermen got one, two and three but they were among the lucky ones. Quite a number of Bellefonters who have permanent camps on Fishing creek went down on Friday so as to be on the ground early Saturday morning, but it rained just as hard down there as up here and the result was a two foot flood in that stream. Most of the fishermen did not bother to fix up their rod and tackle while the few who made a try at fishing soon became discouraged and quit. Robert F. Hunter and borough councilman Benjamin Bradley went out in a row boat to try their luck in mid-stream at bait fishing. Their boat was caught in a fifteen mile cur- rent and carried down stream. Real- izing that they were approaching a twelve or fourteen foot rapids Mr. ashore but his paddle caught beneath a rock, he lost his hat and both men narrowly escaped being thrown into the raging water. They finally man- aged to get the boat near enough to shore that they were able to grab hold of the limbs of overhanging trees and thus managed to beach their boat and get out on solid land. While the streams were still quite muddy on Monday morning a number of fishermen went out to try their luck again. John Nighthart, his son Har- ry and Hugh Daley composed a crowd that fished Spring creek and Logan’s branch. Daley caught 17, Harry Nighthart 15 and John Nighthart 12. Dr. Kilpatrick was also successful in landing seven on Monday morning, while a number of others got trout. While Bellefonte fishermen have been floundering around and wonder- ing when the weather and the streams will be more favorable experts with the rod and line from out of the county come in and gobble up some nice catches. For instance: On Monday William H. Baird, borough clerk of Juniata, but who is an old Milesburg boy and not only knows every old smimmin’ hole in that locality . but every trout hole as well, was fishing host of a little party which included J. J. Barry, Will Roland and Harry Fry, all of Juniata, who whipped Spring creek between Bellefonte and Milesburg and succeeded in catching 35 trout and 8 suckers. Baird led the field with eleven trout, the largest of which measured 15% . inches., Barry. landed ten and Fry and Roland seven each, the latter getting one which measured 15 inches. The result of the day’s sport was a big trout supper at the Baird parental home in Milesburg. Academy Baseball Team will Open Season Next Week. The lovers of baseball in Bellefonte and vicinity will have a chance next week to see two good games on Hughes field. On Friday afternoon, April 28th, at 3:30 o'clock, the Buck- nell reserves will be the opponents of the Academy. The visitors ‘have a strong nine and will put up a classy game. | ; # yet On Saturday afternoon, April 29th, at 3 o’clock the Academy’s keen rivals, the State College Freshmen, will cross bats with the boys from the hill. The fans will be interested to watch the Academy nine play for the latter be- lieve they have the strongest nine they have had in many years. They have two star pitchers in Jones, a south- paw, and Ash, a right hander, with two good catchers to support them in Schmidt and McCleary. The Acade- my boys are good fielders and hit well. The schedule is as follows, showing five good home games: Hughes April * 28—Bucknell Reserves, field. May bB—Dickinson Seminary, Hughes field. May 6—S8tate Freshmen, away, May 12—Pitt Freshmen, away. May 18—Pittsburgh Collegians, Hughes field. . May 19—Pitt Freshmen, Hughes field. May 27—Stroudsburg Normal, Hughes field. wr " May 30—Mansfield Normal, away. June 2-Dickinson Seminary, away. Other games may be scheduled. Pilot W. J. Smith, flying the mail plane from New. York to Belle-. fonte on Monday morning, was com- pelled to set. down at Woodward on ac- count of low oil pressure. The air- plane mail service these days has be- come so stabilized that a mishap of any kind is a rare occurrence. On rare occasions flyers are compelled to come down for some reason or gther but they manage to do so with appar, ently as little trouble as stopping am automobile in a crowded street. NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. —Joseph Lose, of Philadelphia, was an Easter guest of friends in Bellefonte. —John P. Harris went over to Newton Hamilton on Saturday to spend Easter with his son, John P. Harris Jr., and family. _ —Rev. L. V. Barber, of Mill Hall, was a brief visitor in Bellefonte last Friday, stop- ping here on his way home from a trip to d Lemont. | Friday night’s hard rain and those | —Mrs. George E. Lentz, of Harrisburg, was in Bellefonte between trains on Sat- | urday, having come here to look after some business. —Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Fleming will leave Sunday for New Orleans to attend the tri- ennial encampment of the Knights Temp- lar of America. —John Strouse, of College township, mo- tored to Bellefonte on Saturday and found time to spend a few minutes in the “Watchman” office. : —Mrs. William B. Wallis is here from Pittsburgh, having come in to see her grandmotheer, Mrs. John Meese, who is now recovering from a recent illness. —Mr. and Mrs. Lester Sheffer, of Milroy, with their daughter and her husband, Dr. and Mrs. Black, were Faster guests of Mr. Sheffer’s mother, Mrs. Samuel Sheffer. —Miss Mary Rankin, of Harrisburg, spent a few days in Bellefonte the latter part of last week, called here by the ser- ious illness of her sister, Miss Lillian. —Mrs. Lew Wallace, of Akron, Ohio, has been visiting friends in Bellefonte and Milesburg during the past week, and on Monday was a pleasant caller at this office. —Oscar Gray spent the fore part of the week in the vicinity of Cumberland, Md., having left here Monday in his car, to look after some business of the John F. Gray estate. —Thomas Elliott Mayes, of Johnstown, has been spending the week with friends at Lemont and Bellefonte, having come in for the opening of the trout fishing sea- son. —Miss Virginia McCurdy, of Linn street, departed for Pittsburgh Tuesday after- noon, where she expects to spend two weeks visiting with her niece, Mrs. George S. Denithorne. —Mrs. R. G. H. Hayes, who had spent the winter at the Clifton Springs sanitor- ium, is now a patient in the West End hospital, Pittsburgh, where she was taken several weeks ago. —Mrs. Margaret Rhodenbush will be discharged from the Bellefonte hospital on Tuesday and taken to the home of her niece, Mrs. Lunger Wion, with whom she expects to make her home. — Miss Anne Fox and Miss Stella Cooney went to Pittsburgh Wednesday afternoon, called there by the death of their uncle, Thomas Brennan, who died very sudden- ly at his home in that place, Monday. —Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller spent Eas- ter with their nephew, Wilkie C. Horner and family, in Altoona, returning home on Monday evening. Mrs. Miller and sister also spent Tuesday with friends at Union- ville. —Mary Gray Meek, a member of the “Watchman’’ staff, spent her Easter vaca- tion in Pittsburgh with the family of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King Morris, having gone out last Friday and returning home on Wednesday. ‘ —Tirrell and John Tuten came over from Philipsburg on Friday to spend their Easter vacation at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kirk, on the farm south of Bellefonte, returning home on Sunday afternoon. —Thomas K. Morris spent several days the after part of the week here with his father and sister, A. G. Morris and Miss Lida, coming in with one of his business associates to go over the Bellefonte plant of the American Lime and Stone Co. —J. H. Wetzel, wife and two children; Rev. A. D. Gramley and Rev. G. W. Cur- rin, of Williamsport, motored to Belle- fonte in the former's new Studebaker last Friday and visited with Rev. Steely and wife, at the United Evangelical parsonage. —Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Rose, of Pitts- burgh, and their two daughters, drove to Centre county a week ago to spend the children’s Easter vacation at the College and in the mountains of this section; Mr. Rose devoting a part of his time to fish- ing. —Mr. and Mrs. G. Willard Hall, of Har- risburg, were over Sunday guests of Mrs. Hall's father, G. R. Spigelmyer. The Eas- ter party also included Mr. Spigelmyer’'s grand-children, Catherine and John Kase, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kase, of Sunbury. {| —On Tuesday M. R. Johnson motored to Altoona and took with him his ninety-one rear old father, Mr. Joel Johnson, and eorge B., Mallory. The trip was made to visit Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Mallory. Mrs. Mallory is a ddughter of the elder Mr. Johnson while Mr. Mallory is a brother of George Mallory. They returned home the same evening. , —Mrs. R. M. Beach and her sister, Miss Mary M. Blanchard went to Overbrook Saturday, for an Easter visit with their aunt, Mrs. Wistar Morris. From there Mrs. Beach and Miss Blanchard will go to Baltimore, as a delegate and alternate to the international conference of Women’s clubs, expecting to be away from Belle- fonte for two weeks. —W. W. Hennigh, of Buffalo Run valley, enrolled his name as a “Watchman” sub- scriber on Saturday because he wants to read a good, old fashioned Democratic pa- per. Mr. Hennigh spent a few years in Punxsutawney, where all the papers are Republican and he had no hesitation in ad- mitting that he was pretty well fed up on the political dope they put out. —Mrs. Edward Moeslein, of Brooklyn, ‘was a motor guest of Mr, and Mrs, James McKeenen, of Philadelphia, on a drive to Bellefonte a week ago. Mr. McKeenen camé up for the opening of the fishing sea- son expecting to spend several days on the streams of Centre county. During their stay here they all were guests of Mrs. Moes- lein's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Un- dercoffer. —Mr., and Mrs. Clyde Long and Mrs. Chauncey Pletcher, of Howard, drove to Bellefonte Wednesday to spend a part of the-day in the shops, and transacting bus- iness. Both the Bald Bagle road and that across to the state highway have recover- ed so rapidly from the effects of the win- ter that motoring in that section is fast returning to its summer popularity. Mrs. Long is a daughter of Abraham Weber, some -of whose business she was looking after along with her own. —Mr. and Mrs, Roy Wilkinson went to Philadelphia Sunday, expecting to spend the week in the city. Re , —A. A. Dale Esq., went down to Phila- delphia on Sunday to enter the General hospital for treatment. 2 —Horton 8. Ray, of White Plains, N. Y., is visiting with Mrs. Ray and their family, .at their home on Linn street. —Edward Cooke went down to Baltimore last week, expecting to spend a week or ten days looking after some business in- terests. : —Philip D. Reynolds and Sydney Smith, both of New York city, were Easter guests’ of Philip's parents, Col. and Mrs. W. F. Reynolds. —Miss Margaret Stewart went to Wilkes- Barre yesterday to spend several weeks’ with her brother, Dr. Walter Stewart, who is convalescing from a recent operation. —Mrs. R. L. Stepens and her two chil- dren are visiting Dr. Stevens’ former home in Petersburg. Dr. Stevens was with his family for Easter, but returned to Belle- fonte Monday. . —Mrs. Charles K. Rath and her three children are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles: E. Dorworth. Mr. Rath accompanied them here a week ago but returned to Elizabeth, N. J., Sunday. —Hon. and Mrs. Thomas Beaver enter- tained Mrs. Beaver’s cousins, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. McAfee, of New York city, for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. McAfee were on their way to Pittsburgh. —Miss Louise Cruse, an instructor in the schools of Johnstown, was among those who spent their Easter vacation in Belle- fonte. Miss Cruse was home for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Charles Cruse. —Mrs. M. I. Gardner came over from: Johnstown Wednesday to spend several days with her mother, Mrs. Strickland. Mrs. Lester Sheffer, of Milroy, Mrs. Gard- ner’s younger sister, joined her here yes- terday, that they might visit their mother together. —Mrs. John Helliwell, of Atlantic City, has been in Bellefonte for the past two weeks, called home by the critical illness of her sister, Miss Lillian Rankin, who is a patient in the Bellefonte hospital and whose condition has become so serious that no hope is felt for her recovery. > —Mrs. P. A. Sellers and her daughters returned two weeks ago to their farm in Halfmoon valley and opened their home for the summer, after spending the greater part of the winter with Mrs. Sellers’ sons in Johnstown. It has been the custom of Mrs. Sellers for several years to leave the farm to be with her sons during the win- ter, —George Geiss, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Wagner Geiss, went to Philadelphia on Sunday where he has accepted a good po- sition as bookkeeper with John IL. Scull, at 31st and Chestnut street, wholesale deal- er in papetries, paper and envelopes. The young man had graduated at the Pierce business college about a month ago and since then had been at his home in this place. Adam Baweic Paroled Last Friday by Judge Quigley. Adam A. Baweic, the Wilkes-Barre young man who on February 24th was sentenced by Judge Quigley to pay a fine of five hundred dollars and under- go six months imprisonment in the Centre county jail, was released on parole last Friday, a portion of his fine was remitted and he was given four months in which to pay the costs and the unremitted portion of the fine. When called before the court Baweic stoutly maintained that the story he told the court at the time of his ar- rest was the truth. He maintained that on the occasion of his arrest was only his third trip back to the College since his graduation and that he had not carried whiskey on former trips. He stated that he was willing to face any one who made the charge that he had been carrying on a regular boot- legging business. He told the court that there were two other young men from Wilkes-Barre who had made a number of trips to the College and he had probably been blamed for what they had done. In paroling Baweic the court admonished him to keep away from the booze game if he want- ed to escape more serious trouble. rr —— A —————— Jones—Gardner.—A Tyrone wed- ding of interest to residents of Belle- - fonte was that on Saturday afternoon of Benjamin Charles Jones and Miss Amber Laporte Gardner, the ceremo- ny being performed by Father J. F. Looney, at St.’ Matthew's Catholic church. The young people were at- tended by Miss Elizabeth Jones and Paul F. Gardnér. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Jones, his mother being a daughter of the late Monroe Armor, of Bellefonte. Mr. Jones is now a practicing attorney in Philadelphia and it is in that city they will make their home. ——The board of pardons, at a reg- ular meeting on Wednesday, refused the application for a pardon of Irvin G. Gray, of Centre county, now serv- ing a term in the westen penitentiary for larceny. rt ————— A or i. Geiss’ Bazaar. Saturday, April 22nd, 1922, at 1:30 p. m. Horses, cattle, pigs, poultry, autoes, furniture, ete. Also, half-doz. fox hound pups. These sales will be held every Saturday during April. Come. 'S. H. Hoy, Aue. 16-1t For Sale.—Marble top parlor table and several rockers. Inquire at this office. 16-1t ——Douglas Fairbanks — Three Musketeers, April 26-29. 16-2 —————— Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected Weekly by C. ¥. Wagner & Co. Red Wheat - - - - - “$1.35 White Wheat - - - “ lar OO Rye, per bushel - - - 70 Corn, shelled, per bushel - - 50 Corn, ears, per bushel - a 50 Oats, per bushel - «im - 20 Barley, per bushel - - - - 00