Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 21, 1922, Image 2

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    SE EE
Auditor’s Statement
Receipts and Expenditures of Centre County
For the Year 1921.
Bal. in hands of Treas.
Jan, 3, 1921.......$37022 30
Amt, from County
Commissioners .... 28708 97
Amt, from Collectors.. 90965 59
Amt. from unseated
ands; ices vnvane.e 2113 78
Amt. from seated
JANAS .oecierenrees 21 10
Amt. from liquor Ili-
CENSER ..'creeves .. 28499
Amt, from dog licenses 2936 00—$162057 73
To Bal. in hands of L.
Frank Mayes, Co.
Treas, on Jan. 2,
+ sesssesssasses
$ 32157 03
Appropriation Acct.....$2305 00
Assessors account...... 9744 18
Asylum account........ 2828 08
Auditors account ...... 584 76
Bellefonte hospita
aCCOUNt ...iovcanene
Board of Road View
account ............ 605 80
Bridge account ........ 2007 42
Childrens Aid Society
ACCOUNL .evessvees . 1001 97
Commonwealth Costs
ACCOUNL 20s vases 2820.91
Com. of Penna.
COUNE scvcevsnssesee
Constables account ....
County officers pay ac-
COUN. .voruvesnrsss 31040 00
County Roads account. 5360 12
Court expense account. 4986 58
Court House account... 4239 08
Damage State High-
way account ...... 2638 43
Dog Law (1917) ac-
count ....... Tense . 618 50
Election account ...... 7604 97
Glenn Mills account... 1979 33
Huntingdon Reforma-
tory account ...... 329 41
Intrest on bonds and
sinking funds ..... 6200 00
Inquest account ....... 18 23
Inspector of Weights
and Measures ..... 1358 07
Insurance account .... 778 80
Jail account ........ .. 2879 44
Janitors account ..... . 2103 00
Jury Commissioners ac-
count «.........
Juvenile account
Law Library ...
Librarian account
Loan account ..... .
Mothers Asst. Fund... 1508 00
Miscellaneous account . 1617 03
Prothonotary Acct. .... 1115 14
Penna training school 1071 39
Printing account ..... . 5425 46
Registrars account .... 452 50
Soldier's and Widow's
burial account .... 4146 15
Stationery account .... 2448 31
State Highway Aid ac-
count ............». 11397 41
Sheriff’s account ...... 3749 29
Telephone account .... 550 73
Western Penitentiary... 5132 00—$129900 70
By Balance ..... % 32157 03
—$162057 73
Harry P. Austin, George H. Yarnell and
George M. Harter, County Commission-
ers in account with the County of Cen-
tre, for the year 1921.
Appropriation Account
W. C. Smeltzer, Agricultural
Extension Work .........c.....$1 00
Memorial Appropriation ........... 345 00
American Legion .......ccec00000.. 50 00
D. O. Etters, County Superintend-
sesessscessanens sesseecscsne
Assessors Account.
Sundry ASSESSOrS PAY.............$9744 18
Bellefonte Hospital Account.
Maintaining Sadie Delige..........$ 428 00
Asylum Hospital Account.
Maintaining inmates, (Danville)...$2168 21
Maintaining inmates, (Warren).... 430 29
Maintaining inmates, (Fairview).. 143 43
Maintaining inmates, (Polk...,... 8615
$2828 08
Cost of the Assessment of Centre County
as returned and sworn to by the va-
rious Assessors, from April 1, 1921, to
April 1, 1922.
Bellefonte Boro N. W...$ 737 50
Bellefonte Boro 8. W... €
Bellefonte Boro W. W..
Centre Hall Boro......
Howard Boro .........
Milesburg Boro.........
Millheim Boro ........
Philipsburg Boro 1 W.
Philipsburg Boro 2 W.
Philipsburg Boro 3 W.
Snow Shoe Boro.......
8 Philipsburg Boro....
State College Boro.....
Unionville Boro ....... 5812
Benner Twp. .......... 13424
Boggs TWD. .cecvv.... 1D U4
Burnside Twp. ........ 138 98
College Twp. ..
Curtin Twp. ..
Liberty TWD. cceccces
Marion TWD. ..vevenene
Miles Twp. «.ceeneee:e
Patton TWD. «ceceenens
Penn TWP. sevecsnseess
Potter TWD.
Bush TWD. .....c0vsees
Snow Shoe Twp. ......
Soring TWD: sscesnenss
AYIOr TWD. .ccossscre
Union TWD. ..cevseesss
Walker TWD. .ccvennenn
Worth Twp. ...........
Registration Assessor.
State College Boro.
Benner Twp. 20.00
Boggs Twp. . 60 60
Curtin Twp. . 65 29
Ferguson Twp. 143 44
Gregg Twp. ... 99-12
Haines Twp. .... 38 06
Harris Twp. .......... 8640
Liberty TWD. ......... 4298
Miles Twp. ...cccvveee. 59 30
Potter Twp. ......0.... 145 75
Bush TWD. ...e00eve.s 10780
Snow Shoe Twp. ...... 8000
Spring Twp. .......... 169 50
Walker TWD. «......... 109 94—$ 1333 63
County Auditor's Account.
T. A. Pletcher, services & mileage.$ 180 08
C. H. Gramley, services & mileage. 202 76
H. H. Stover services and mileage. 201 92
$ 581 76
Board of Road View.
M. Ward Fleming serv. and mileage $ 21 40
L. BE. Swartz, serv. and mileage... 160 00
W. M. Grove, serv. and mileage... 155 20
Arthur C. Dale, serv. and mileage.. 50
Kline Woodring, serv and mileage 153 90
Helent Schhaeffer, stenographer... 14 00
$ 605 80
Bridge Account.
Sundry Bridge account............$2007 42
Children’s Aid Soclety of Western Penn-
Maintaining Sundry Inmates......$1001 97
Commonwealth Costs Account.
Sundry Witnesses, Constable, Jus-
tice and Commonwealth costs $2829 21
Constable's Pay.
Returas to Court.....coovveeeeee..$ 132 76
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Account.
Ge. W. ReEB.eserrsnrsncsrsnsesesses:$ 7000
County Road Account.
Boalsburg Pike ........oceeeeeess.$1987 63
Marion and Howard Pike, . 2246
Port Matilda Road..... . 43575
Miles and Walker Pike 648 96
Sundry Road Account.... 40 01
Court Expense Account.
Court Officers PAY....eeeeueeessa..$ 402 50
Grand and Traverse Jurors pay... 2654 42
Boarding Jurors (A. Glintz)...... 9 5
Winifred M. Gates, stenographer... 1200 00
Gilbert M. Burrows, stenographer. 457 01
J. I. Hagerman, stenographer..... 21 90
Spangler & Walker, (Benedict
CABO) evnvsivesnssnssnssrnrsnss 22050
Roy Wilkinson ........... 645 00
Sundry Court Expense........ 20 50
Court House Account.
Electro Light and supplies........$ 629 04
le den van enon snimnee viwrmen sues: 1950 0F
Drayage ....... sessveusa crecenvrray DYDT
Material and Repairs.............. 549 2
Paint and painting................ 55190
Plumbing, Ite, coves vsevseve vues 249-20
water rent... aa. ieee 158 58
Disinfeetant’ ................ Coenen 02.08
Mops and ‘Brushes ................ 2640
Laundry bills ....... crit iaeiide essa 12:44
$4239 08
: “County Officers Pay.
Harry P. Austin, Co. Com.........$1000 00
George H. Yarnell, Co. Com...... 1000 00
George M. Harter, Co. Com....... 1000 00
L. Frank Mayes, County Treas... 2000 00
Jas. C. Furst, Dist. Atty, includ-
ing $50.00 Bal. of 1920......... 1
Harrv Keller, County Solicitor....
M. W. Reed, County Physician...
R. W Irwin, Chief Clerk..... sess 3
Harry Valentine, Assistant Clerk.. 1440 00
Mrs. Harriet Ray Smith, assist- 500
ant Clerk ...... seven shine ersaiive
$11040 00
Live Stock and Poultry Damage.
(Dog Law of 1917)
Sheep killed and injured includ-
INE COSA ‘.vvsceunssasnisaionns
63 dogs killed by Constables, in-
CIUAING COSER ...ooevuvvnseese:
License Tags and Notices.........
Poultry, hogs, cattle, colts killed..
$ 192 00
187 50
35 00
204 00
$ 618 50
Election Expense Account.
Primary Gen’l
2500 $ 30 00
45 30
13 96
3187 42
787 98
217 86
Harry FP. Austin, expense
delivering supplies ....$
Geo. H." Yarnell, expense
delivering supplies .... 4530
Geo. M. Harter, expense
delivering supplies ..... 13 96
Election Officers pay and
PORE .ovsunessnsasseeees.3008 10
Election supplies for
Primary and General...
Philipsburg Spec. election
John Love, Tabulating
Primary and General
election returns ........ 20 00
, R. Foreman, Tabu-
lating primary and
General election returns
Mary A. Kline, Tabulating
ing primary election re-
CUPAS. cossavssnonsusssnnes. .. 30.00
Verna Chambers, Tabulat-
ing primary election re-
20 00
2000 20 00
$3282 45 $4322 52
Grand Motal ..c...ccoovecnevaves 3700597
Librarian of County Library Account.
Ww. C. Armstrong. (8 months......§ 40 00
John G. Love, (3 months)......... 1500
§ 500
Roy Wilkinson, Prothonotary’s Accoupt.
By Bal. 1920 Account...$ 416 84
To Sundry Treas. Acct.
192 753 81
53 30
617 25
To Sundry Acct, 1921..
To Commonwealth ac-
count, 1921 ........
By voucher ..........:
BY: YOUCHOr evrvivences
By voucher ............
By voucher ............
Jan. Bal. due Roy Wil-
kinson, Prothonotory
$ 416 84
364 48
53 30
617 25
389 33
$1841 20 $1841 20
Statistical Report of Centre County Farm
Bureau, 1921.
Appropriation to Farm
Bureau ........e.0...$1800 00
Stenographic work .... $ 690 00
tationery and small
printing ,....c0.0.000 31 01
Postage Tel and Tel... 14 45
Supplies ,.....:..vioirs 29 11
Furniture and Fixtures 21 47
Traveling, Car ...ece.s 670 54
Traveling other than
CAF t.eceenesrennans 82 65
Contingent expenses ... 3 90
De; ation of car... 250 00
Bal on hand.....ceoee. 6 87
— ——
$1800 00 $1800 00
Janiter’s Account.
John Love, Janitor...ccoceveeees...$1020.00
J, C. Showers, Janitor.............$1020 00
William McGovern, (17 days Asst.
JADIEOr)’ ..ieureesirnccienrssans Hl
Wolf, s assistant
JAIMLOR) - cures snsisrvnsvoncanssnies
Jail Expense Account. District Attorney Docket...... «ee. 38170 | L. FRANK MAYES, in Account with Read, School, Poor and Interest Funds Aris
lectric light and supplies........$ 301 43 | Remington Typewriter Co.......s. 7173 : from Unseated and Seated Lands. tag
FUEL vcuvvrrenrrisapenssnsaisrennias 37093] I0dEX Store. .......... Soscsisese - 1055 ROAD UNSEATED
Material and supplies.............. 188 94 | Burrows Adding Machine Co..... - 1430 2
Erecting garage .................. 1842 60 Kee Lox Manufacturing Co....... . 3850
Bedding and clothing for prisoners 63 1¢ | Sundry Supplies .................. 15613 g = E e E
WALES TeBt wsicrevorsersnrsnrneces. 22.38 $2418 31 : F2 g os £ £3
g £
$2879 44 Vo es of - : g
Mother's Assistance Fund Account. el | EF .= : pe
er’s $8! ce n ccoun 8
: Juvenile Court Expense. DISTRICTS ws § = es mg
Sundry costs in sundry cases......$ 618 51 Sundry expease ip Mother's Fund..$1505 00 : Sx 5 SE 2 Sx
Rev. M. DePui Maynard........... 27500 - 3
so State Aid Read Account. £ 3 g
$ 89151 | Route 27 serene 8 308 61 =
ou Siseis ss rinsvensrvenes Csr 16 | Benn Twp. ...... ERC
Jury Commissioners Pay. Route 07 Ln... .....covrivereansssan 150 GF Bo Toe cere 1 7 o 30)" 87 78° sof $5
John D. Decker, serv.and mileage..$ 189 94 ==} Burnside Twp, . 348 58] 294 57| 643 15| 331 15
Joseph A. Emerick, services and $11307 41 1 College TWP, ........ cveieivavnniis: 73 : 73 1748} 524 $2
YHHICHEC i avvicesivenrsrssnniaeee 181 OF Curtin Twp, ...........ov.c0ereeninn,, 276 30| 135 90| 412 20| 311 92 16 42| 83 86
Mrs. Amy Potter, (clerk).......... 164 00 State Highway Damage. hi a: cereneaee. ceeerreeiia.. E-) 54 i 2% 2¢ 2 26 92
DT Trio 25 03
$ 535 02 foute 21 avenues mexgrugsves ge ereer 8 937 £1 flalnes Twp, ....50%000%.. L040 12 51 6 95] 19 46 19 46
ute secsecesesesencsncaeaane. 1817 16 | Halfmoon TWD. ...ovvsvrrvrmmmmonnen, 23 50 478 4 78 *18 72
Route 219° ,.......-- satan snare SON (3 Harris WD: vovviivivaivesn dois 27 72 8 85 36 57 26 34 138
Miscellaneous Account. = —|Howara Twp, ...... 0 T0000 UN "ahh oR vel 0 ae 3
Postage on Tax notices...........$ 206 27 $2638 43 | Huston TWD. .......... eiieve eis J. 68 06 20] 68 26 68 26
Express, drayage and freight..... 5 56 1iberty TWD, i... ceoisiertinyanaes 40 79] 27 31] 68 10 63 10
Postage, Commissioners office).... 103 54 Telephone Account. Marion THD: ieee: es sesrretaans 19 46 16 75 36 21 18 49 97 16 75
Postage, (County Supt. office)..... 55 06 Bell Telephone $ 176 70 Miles: Twp. ........ CARE RE, 158 76| 114 67| 273 43] 169 23 801] 952
Connty, Commissioners expense to 250-00 United DP opons panes Salemrniy 2% 363 03 Latéon T¥ FR Aaa aides 536] 1252 17 88] 16 99 89
ate CONVENLION ..ocvascnenser 250 001 Dorr Fria Spy diS scrrseey vsssnres iN ORY TWD. o.0e...0n Sma E ran rises Tan 3 99 52
Tax Refund ...... aan Te Bald Fagle Telephone ..... seeceeen 1200 | Potter Twp. arrrrnnn. Re ere nsss race) i SL GO 6 57 28 8 38 56
Maintaining paupers and burial of =n =a | Bush Twp, ......c.cvuiinnnnnnnea...| 395 36] 3104 93] 3500 29] 3325 27] 175 02
one Allen cr... $ 500 T3 | Spring TWD. ooovvernnnerns Siero orres 1229) 333 15 62 15 62
Mercliangise pocount Show Bhes DWE. cori venerrarc ei. 526 13| 526 13 497 76] 26 19 218
0 Sundry account............ . aylor Twp. 96 98] 45 86] 142
Rent (District Attorney's office) Soldiers’ and Soldier's Widows’ Account. | Union Twp. . 109 65] 102 33| 211 98] 104 17] 548 ji 5
Emma Shively ............... .$ 75 00 | Walker Twp. oe 58 63] 42 94 101 57| 55 70 2 93 42 94
John Freeze ... 0.001 Worth Twi. ...... 00 di ieienii. o 425] 128} 171 17 10
John Q Ailes . 3 % pr oe ; | | J |
Glenn Mills School. am’ ley 1... ji 723 17|$4577 62($6300 79]$ 494 95]$ 260 24($1090 97
Maintaining Sundry Inmates.......$1979 33 Ay Kelly a = 9 *liemyMarked thos ste OVerpiid,
Samus) H, OSHIAR ~oevveeeaenrs. 75 00 SCH
Huntingdon Reformatory.’ Mary G. Barger ...........oooeo. T8000 ci UHOOL UNSEATED.
Maintaining Sundry inmates. ..... $ 329 41 Jatues fichonald arses sven ve vrais 2 0 Jieutier al Susinnee essen sivaenes ins 3 % § 4 75] 16 75 16 75
edit © oy al ge 300 12] 330 7 31418 1654 02
Inspector of Weights and Measures. H. D. Loveland ..... serves HEE i 00.1 College TWD, .uvueins tric Veresiensie 115 115 115
D. T. Pearce, salary from Jan. 1 foo, vs Ae A ames See te] 00 Qin TWD, .voeceieiosvesnes «eea....| 608 66] 298 08] 907 64] 362 26| 45 38
to Apri 3.2 SRT eeees$ 250 00 fonie Sh on us .... wn 00 guson Twp. srseney de eussevanins 24 18 27 14 51 32 22 97 121 27 14
D. T. Pearce, expenses from Jan. Tho e Oui z ceesrineiiines esse. TD 00 Gregg WD. ceicvies inns. waa a4 dele he © 26 08 19 25| 45 33 45 83
1, to April 1... .... io aaa 74 35 aamas Sons no 9 as ws esssensien sisessseessesnrns 32 3 3 > 5 3 21 82 115 11 83
$ 324 35 Susannah Ames 5 00 | Harris Twp. i EE 10 60 10 ® a =
Ww. A Bowes, salary from April Tn Joseph Syarie 3 & Howard op PE Sa iris rsiehs 729 5 2 12 51 12 5
to Tan LID. a 0. M. Ma i $ i ened eben raeg irs rast
W. A. Bowes, expenses from April E A. MoRinley nines vir eyes nets Tralee 5 00 Jibgity BWI. arse ivrovhesinsniasonives 45 95 109 12 60 01 316] 45 95
, to Jan. Dernier inion nen T Ye + site
1, to Jan. 1, 1922 283 72 | pram Hike 7 00 | Mites er any 169 %0| 33 7 197 13] 10 oe
$1033 72 Isaac Smith ...... ' 5:00.01 Patton Twp, ons 10 02 46 1 46 13
Samuel Albright .. ‘0.00 Penn Twp. ......... 76 7 06 7 06
Robert Kinkead ... 70:00 Potter Twp, i.........5 10 02] 46 1 46 13
Insurance Account. John Sorsler .... 75 00 | Rush Twp. .... 933 41| 4501 95| 5435 36| 5163 60] 271 76
Sundry Fire insurance............ $ 690 64 | Elizabeth Potts . + 1500 Spring Twp. .... 41 83 16 68] 58 51 58 51
Sundry Compensation insurance... 88 26 | Pauline Spottler .. . 75 00 | Snow Shoe Twp. 1757 37] 1757 37| 1662 25| 87 49 7 63
——— | Gabriel M. Peltz ...... . 7500: Taylor Twp. ... 30 02| 4586] 7588] 28 52 150] 45 86
$ 778 90 | John Shirely ........... . «. 5001 Union Twp. . 213 10| 252 19] 465 29| 202 44] 10 66] 252 19
Pi Sater Seid iva teseressess 70 00 | Walker Twp. 86 55 124 90| 211 45 211 45
Interest and Sinking Fund Account. |Jarh RUS, rior B00) Worth Twp... Li ED ah em hy BH
Interest on semi-annual bonds....$4000 00 | Alfred Hassinger ................. 75 00 1$2999 17] | 13882,
Bellefonte Trust Co. Sinking fund. 2200 00 Joka D, Long". hades Sisal seit ie 75 00 8 Tiss: T2108 0 2818 aici ied
ouis OAS. +... savssaveeersnve i 10.00
$6200 CO Edward Choplin "11.0 un i 10 POOR 'UNSEATED,
usan A. Kelly ....... tnbievieesehieiee iD Benner Mwy, ono ITE 2 91 292 5 14
Inquest Account. James A. Dubbs. .............vs.... 75.00] Boggs: Twp. ...... ? 5 08" 23 FHM 28 31 26 05" of 51
Sundry costs inquest....... veer 1823 Y Da aoaMier gasecs trresess 3 % i .- 24 28 272 07 296 gs 2305 1211 27207
Headstones and Markers .......00 996 15 | Curtin Twp. .....00000 000000 110 54| 54 37] 164 91 105 01 54 37
Printing Account. $4146 15 Ferguson Twp. 3 85 38 38
Keystone Gazette, Sundry printing $1470.00 Ara Tos es 1 ok 5 pri 15 5% io
The Republican, Sundry printing 1929 45 Halbneon Bp. an 8 61 2a 15 60
Demoreatie Watchman, Sundry 08% 11 Harry Dukeman, Sheriff, in Account with | HATTIS TWD. ....ooovovsrrnomrnnneons 870, 236 1106 oF = 11 06
Centre Democrat, Sundry printing 300 30 | the County of Centre for the year 1921. Howes rp: sesiesesensrasnns vreess 2 % 1 2 4 5 4 56
Philipsburg edger, “andry To 2739 days board for prisoners Liberty Twp, Lilli eres 18 819 8 37 6 90
DPIREING sine pransrssss irons 429 6f at 50 cents per day............51360 50 | yp go pile ceoerereesreennenns oh IR S28 8 37
Nittany Printing Co., Sundry To 51 days board and care for in- MGS THD. ersten Sh ae 6503 Th 12 68
DENBING oi 2sieacrsesineninse 2000 sane prisoners at §2.00 per day. 102 00 | pon mavp.” sos 15 Ga 109 21
Millheim Journal, Sundry printing 2 ¢0 | To boarding Juvenile prisoners at Penn Twp. | 2 10 16 226 3 2%
The Sentinel, Sundry printing..... 766, SL00 er iy iin. 8.00 | potter Twp. 10 17] 179 11 96 1 56
Se — > working on pipes, ete. at $1.00. 55 00 Rush Twp. . 209 77| 1023 38| 1233 15| 1171 49] 61 66
$5125 16 | mo 370. Turn Kos fore at 0 vents In rw 10 00 0 38 13 33 13 33
Registrars Account. to Faden SG i rg TO [BT os “18 Tw 00 0H 4g
Reporting 1127 Births and 683 ing prisoners to Pittsburgh, Union Lh D: ass 41 39] 40 95| 82 34| 39 82 207 4095
OT I ..$ 452 50 Danville and Huntingdon. .... + 1653 | WRIKSE TWD. 1n0renennsen 10 72| 16 831 27 B55 27 55
To Sundry Indictments and Costs.. 478 40 or WD. iii, terres cies | 31 14] 56] 31 0] 29 58 1 56 56
Stationery and Supplies. By Sundry. Vouchers. , 52000.00 [$ 568 75|§1840 65/$2409 40/$1694 0] 89 17/$ 628 24
Wm. G. Johnston Co,....... vee....$1886 53 | By Sundry Indictments 478 40
Baltimore Supply Co............... 174 92 | By balance due Harry INTEREST UNSEATED,
Bliot Fisher Co...veeneressoss essen 9020 Dukeman. .......... 1373.40 r— i ———
William Mann Cool lm er 2% ee rege rp. cerernaaiiaian, cerrereees $ 1308 oss gga $ $ 6058
obert Brown. ........... 0... ie 1 57 3851 1 anes WD. ...e... testaceciiiiaina.
$3551 50 $0301 30 | Hoon Two tae reanireraevamneaseanned 100 301 OF 0 11597 8 0
> 5 rE 5 $ 107 41]$ 621 10]$ 728 51 728 51
Statement of Taxes Outstanding on the Duplicate for the Year 1920. i id |! | s mo
bal Due Jan Amount Due BOLES TWD: sssasnasssneesss +3 ees|$ 2841S 2368 5 200 $ 520
Districts. Collectors. 5 per ‘cent. Added | Jan. 8, 1922. Curtin "wp. ............... sevevnerse] 82 361° 10 700 93 06 06
Liberty Twp. ...... eens Teves vee 51 35 32 51 67 01 67
| County | State | County State Marion TWD, s.r cecvainsrsseviosiansses 9 56 8 82| 18 38 18 38
Bellefonte Boro ..... ... J. K. Johnston ...... [§ 2148 63]$ 16 62/3 961 60 Patton Twp. ........ EEXERRPRTS eens | 1271 649) 19 20 19 20
Centre Hall Boro ...... C. D. Bartholomew .. 152 16 34 94 Rush Twp.''.......... ras saveiveniavnrnes 37 13 361] 40 74 40 74
Howard Boro ..........|T. A. Pletcher ....... | 5 45 Taylor TWD. .....covennieininnenea..| 113 06] 13 34] 126 40 126 40
Milesburg Boro ........|Orin N. Heaton ...... | 270 10 8 65 I
Millheim Boro .........|J. W. O. Housemau... 266 44 798 121 87 8 38 1$ 300 01ls 45 64]$ 354 5 [$ 354 65
Philipsburg Boro ....../Roy Wilkinson ...... 1694 51| 1056 07) 457 10 39 27
S. Philipsburg Boro ..J. B. Hoffman .. . 110 71 etn INTEREST SEATED.
Snow Shoe Boro ....../Logan M. Kelly ...... 757 53 23 40 68 27 24 57
State College Boro Jas. M. Williams ..... | 1597 33| 193 63 Curtin Twp, ........... waren] * 2 20 2 96 $ 296
Unionville Boro ... G. W. Rumberger ve 39 22 Rush Twp. venesens veedsrraees 1 26 126 128
Benner Twp .. John Spearley ....... 905 32 931 408 85 9 77 | | | |
Boggs Twp. . .Johu 'f. Harnish ..... | 847 53] 2851] 506 81] 20 93 Bsiisiiofirenseredd 4078 4 poy | Is 422
aside IPD. vee B I. Barger RR oo 2 = 2) 109 73 97%
ollege TWD. ..........|Jesse REY voveieees :
Curtin TWD. | secrvenerss Jopn A Blan Site. ont a 17 80 B T aii] ein oH
'erguson Twp. ........[J. BE. OF recesiier 0SZS TWD. (ererrarosinnsssserssoncsesr ;
Gregg TWD. ............|Robert D. Musser .... | 296 78 189 35 CULE TWD, ...i 0 0ieerinsarsnrsestl J48 88 2% 81° 171 57" 140 96 7 af 53 5
Haines Twp. ........... Wilson Haines ....... | 826 67 m8 TADEILY. BWD. ciiovvs tienen snnie shin. 74 19 52| 7471 170 48 3n 52
Half Moon Twp. ......./Grant Davidson ...... 413 20 44 39 Marion TWD: cessineriresccnseoinabsarns 7 38 8 82] 1620 701 37 8 82
Harris Twp. ...........|/Geo. E. Meyers ....... 591 17 38 51] 317 53 98468 [Patton TWD. «ciovertsresrarsseraseesss 11 23 733 18 56 18 56
Howard Twp. ..........|T. A. Pletcher .,..... 5 RUSH BWDP. a... ivi criiiivinnirecasds) 325 84 9 46 135 30| 119 55 6 20 9 46
Huston TWD. ..........|Geo. E. Campbell .... 350 11 6 02 68 94 TAYIor. TWD, voivirsreisosrevsneesence 2200.13.34] 56 36 31
Sberty Twp. reersecn ll 3, ore an 205.90 210 SH 220 Is 886 32) — |
arion Pr esas sneveesjChas, IOAN aves ess 32|$ 505 50|$ 338 00
Miles IRD. rparerinenr en A Blenly sousseniiie 157 8 336 65 115 : $ : Al
atton Pu vue vnerereiBe Re CPUS voviraesee
Penn Twp. .... Wo B Braucki 100 | 430.00 440 rosin POOR SEATED,
otter Twp. ... . B. Fortney ........ . OBES TWD: saeisrssnnsurinavsintich ssn 1 26 56!
Rush Twp. ... William Wood .. 17 48 1 60) inl ly ean ks ea see ae pe 5 30 so 5% p u a
Snow Shoe Twp Solomon Lohr . . 418 35 02 02 1 LAberty TWD. ... i. iii ieiddidaneee 15 13 14| 15.26 15 26
Spring Twp. . Levi; Miller ... 103 35 Marion TWD. uacsaraistsensvavsnve suie 4 10 3 30 7 40 7 40
Taylor Twp. CP h . 237 81 10 80 PREEON TWD. ....ccre en ocanrssnsernse 2 92 56 3 48 348
Caina ni Li all Yi . a 220 iy 25.65 Fash wo. eaeaisse arr e as sentieva vies Ra 2 16] 2553 a3
alker Twp. ur nkle ...... aylor elias veisnatinaneee sid cnaineny ¥ 1 y
Worth Twp. H. C. Rothrock ...... 474 63] 6401 ‘ Y P | i 2 » 2 | a
97 1 12 109 4
$19636 33|$ 2305 96/$ 4557 50/§ 253 15 # : i 5 is $m
ts : .
Statement of Taxes Outstanding on the Duplicate for the Year 1921 Statement of County Funds from Du 1915 to 1919.
Amount, . | Amount Bue Year Collectors Districts
Districts. Collectors. .
| County | State | County | State Pie CaanAYIROND, «4s «x shis basis ve Harris Ewd eesesnasd = 74
Bellefonte Boro .......|J. K. Johnston ......., [11378 07 segs Tig 2671 43 TH IE (1010 JR Soman lars HO re wpa Be
Centre Hall Boro C. D. Bartholomew .. | 1176 15| 490 858 4894/8 9 00 |1918 Orin HeAOR ..........ooosvrnvnsenss Milesburg Boro ..... 30 25 389 62
Howard Boro .. T. A. Pletcher ....... | 1043 67] 343 10 00 1919—J. K. JOhDStOD ........evs0sr0000... Bellefonte Boro .... 553 33
Milesburg Boro David McKinley .. 612 30 81 275 18 1919—Orin Heaton Ha » Milegburg Bore .-.. 229 95
Millheim Boro .. W. O. Housema 1356 23| 426 09] 263 158 (1919—Roy Wilkinson ........esevsee.oov.. Philipsburg Boro .. 332 96
Philipsburg Boro 8026 10| 2144 30| 1937 92| 149 68 |1919- Logan M. Kelly ..oovvrerrrrrrninnr. Snow vga 81 83
S. Philipsburg Boro 333 52| 310 80| 187 99] 280 66 | 1919 Jas, M. WIlLAMS ..vroverrnneronnes. State College Boro. . o1
Snow Shoe Boro...... FISH 1920]. 1288. AT JO in A NAL EIOE -serieriarrsveseane Shale Colles > 113
Stare Cologe. Bory 7015°63 2325 00| 1236 57 46 59 1915-0 A Sam aie rut lhesiioihan CHE vb. weviive aE
Unionville Boro 521 79| 245 34 65 61 I SO at IoteE cenasrirnnarrenaniiey Hartly FWD. saecers 8 1206 68
Boy wn a. 2783 05] 155 08| 859 90 ae IED Nssscscrsuenssansery Decent bin am's f-§ e o
vali ald elie AMM BR RS 86 05| 943 13 102 DubiCal ot tua bee ris s i vali a sun INSEE Soni teenies ong E er Pk
8 aside Twp. i & F. Barger aes eues id a 15-2 PR RAP PEIN NEN NNN NINN NNN E REP IN RNR NI III IIIII IANS
'ollege Pe secnsr esse UeY ......... | 3509 1229
Curtin Woseil h John A. Mann 2reeuire £23 01 £2 old 88 a Total Outstanding Taxes Jan. 3, 1922......000000000 $33982 &9
erguson Pe >vs . BE. @F vrareaarens, | 4628
Sree wD, esse atervas opert D Jiugser —-s je 34 De Si x *13 52
aines TWD. cccvevennee son aines ....... 41 AND LIABILT
Halfmoon Twp. ........|Grant Davidson .......| 1433 101 48] 901 84 *1 09 ASSETS TIES
Harris Twp. ...........|Geo. BE. Meyers .......| 2353 46] 390 68] 988 32 19 40 Liabilities
Howard Twp. ..........|T. A. Pletcher ....... 941 63 42 4 10 00 To Outstanding Bonds at 4 per cent......cccveeveeecnncssenenesss.$ 100000 00
Huston Twp. ... ... ...|H. K. Mattern ...... 731 71 48 00 28% 69 48 00 | To Balance due Harry Dukeman, Sheriff.......cco0tveeencenennnees 1373 40
Liberty TWD. ..e..0..s.|0. J. Stover ..... 1583 951 266 61] 254 31 35 00 | To Balance due Roy Wilkinson, Prothonotary.....coeeeveeenenenes 389 33
Marion Twp, ...........{Chas. A. Dolan ...:. 1881 79 78 76] 798 01 198 | To Estimated Commonwealth BORts eee seas 1056 17
Miles Twp. ............|S. A, Bierly ...........| 327287] 37577 39198] 3756 77 | To Estimated EXONErationS .......eeceueeeeenssseesssssescsesennnss 1730 48
Patton Twp. . R. R. Crust ..,........| 1790 19| 132 89 875 07 7:80 i To Estimated CommiSBIONS .qsccevivrsrsvssaesssrseiensesnnesensss 1699 15
Penn Twp. .. W. E. Braucht .] 2503 80] 413 31] 634 24 23.70 1 To OutStaAnAING "NOLES vue. currnrnscssscnesessassaasiarsssiinesssss 40400 00
Potter Twp. . J. B. Fortney '. 5068S 317 80| 1275 95 8 37 Assets :
Rush Twp. .... William Wood 3121 15 113 89] 654 34 By Cash in hands of Treasurer Jan. 3, 1922......cc000000ueennnnnns $32126 03
Suow Site Twp Solomon Lonr | na ag an 11 65 By Cash in, Biking Fund... ssecsssesinnssnanmneivirisisrerncsoens on 00
ng bie os utsan uplicate
Taylor Twp. . J. T. Beckwith 673 74 29] 229 84 74 29 BY Tax Liens: Fil vaso sbias tus ese 93 84
Union Twp. . ». T. Hall .... 1014 24] 152 19| 460 23 30 31 | By Tax Liens entered and Unpai 212 00
Walker Twp. . Wilbur Dunkle 3426 46 714 16] 1210 40] 160 15 | By Asylum bills due County........... 264 94
Worth Twp. ...........]H. C. Rothrock , 1119 60f 111 40[ 576 75 68 py 320 Sace Township Road SSO. es 2
cKean County, (Escap: nvicts).
[$91693 10|$19473 61/$25606 59|$ 1833 91 BY Cambria Coury (Escaped Convicts) 13 00
*Items marked thus are overpaid. By Blair County, (Escaped Convicts)........ 85 10
By Mercer County, dscaped Convigte shiiel ; 2s =
y Westmoreland County, (Esca onvicts .
By Erie County, (Escaped Convicts)........... Setadirvecunne 85 10
Recapitulation of State Licenses for the Year 1921. By Laurence County, {Escaped Soaviets) Suceuosidosnsesesyioe vans 5 s
Dr. . y Somerset County, scap ORVICEE) es svsieesrsrsanseencrsnns
: i Retall Mercantile LicuRSes..izsvssssescesserssvarareraseresresch 11526 19 on : $105647 03 =
0 olesale Mercantile Lic aetna su venenatis nak okie Sidi lie
To Retail Liquor DC ther emautts srvisiresereessesasiets pi 2 Total Indebtedness of Centre County, January 3, 1922.......... £56301 4
xo Nhelesale Signor Licenses.......... eetesssneesvesanerress 93 69
0 Brewers Licenses......civeecereennns seesssasnnasnres 458 26
To Billiard and Pool Licenses.......... sassaseasaresnenranes 1060 00
00 BroRErS LICCNBEE.. .. erseesearsciresieisscssstsivacsassasinbes 70 00
ig Theatre atid Sitcus’ Livenses, 5. Stsavaseresnsrnnrciedsaselevaieee is 2 We, the undersigned Auditors of Centre County, having carefully examined the ac-
fo’ Regldent Hunters... .raears tar ter tan soaee counts of the County Commissioners, Sheriff and Treasurer of sald County, do hereby
To Non-resident HUDLErB......coersailevicesscivisrasonscniessvine 110 00 ertif: correct statem recel -
To Balance Due County PEN i seins erenrererevarey 4 55 s yShat She fofefolng 1s°w tue Aad . nt ofthe Pheund expend)
BY BUNOTY VOUCHOIE, ceeecezrsorersannr rt arr tay $21170 83 | tures and of their respective accounts for the year 1921.
BY Sungry : COMMIBBIONS. sai css cerersseesrciessssssnacassvensvrvse 862 80
By Sundry Exonerstions. ib 140 47 C. H. GRAMLEY,
By Sundry Printing.... ve Sau steiverisitnsns vis ras snsears 813 30 THOS. A. PLETCHER,
BY. SUNArY: (ROBBER. . vuoi sire nssssssranriioesrtrassvessansrnrarvsns 50 50 HERBERT H. STOVER,
Auditors of Centre County,
823046 00 $23048 90 | Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, April 1st, 1022,