semen: Bema itdpa. Bellefonte, Pa., April 14, 1922, swan ‘NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. . ——The Bellefonte Academy and The Pennsylvania State College both closed yesterday for the customary ten day’s Easter recess. .- ——The auditor’s statement of the receipts and expenditures of Centre county will be found on the second page of this issue of the “Watchman.” ——The funeral of the late H. C. Valentine was held at two o’clock last Saturday afternoon, and was private. Interment was made in the Union cemetery. ——Lest you forget, the Easter market of the ladies of the Reformed church will be held in Runkle’s drug store, Saturday before Easter, begin- ning at 10 o’clock a. m. ——Good homes are wanted for boys of the ages respectively of 12, 10, 9, 7, and 5 years. Apply to Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, juvenile court of- ficer, at the Bush house or St. John’s parish house. ——Mrs. Louisa Bush has received word that her son Harry sailed on April first from Seattle, Wash., to South America to establish a cocoa- nut plantation in the Republic of Col- ombia for a group of capitalists which he was successful in interesting in the proposition. ——According to reports from the Wyoming Methodist conference held at Endicott, N. Y., the past week, Rev. Dr. Frank D. Hartsock, who has been superintendent of the Scranton dis- trict, has been superseded by Rev. Martin, and Dr. Hartsock appointed to the pastorate of the Methodist church at Kingston, Pa. ——Next week will be forest fire protection week and a vigorous cam- paign will be waged in the interest of the protection of the forests from fire. Fishermen everywhere should exer- cise unusual care in regard to fires along the streams. Don’t go away from your camp without being sure that no fire has been left where it might communicate to the forests. ——After working hard all day every man and woman is entitled to some relaxation and one place in Bellefonte suitable for such a purpose is at the Scenic watching the motion pictures. All the vexatious problems of the day arelost sight of in the in- terest of following the continuity of the scenes to a thrilling climax. If you are not a movie fan you don’t know what you are missing. Spring is here without a doubt. The Odd Fellows band was out last Friday evening giving street concerts in ‘various parts of the town and ‘on Saturday the advance man for Sparks’ circus was in town and made arrange- ments for the appearance of that show here on Saturday, May 20th. The next thing we know the storm doors at the Bush house will be taken down and thus the last reminder of winter will have disappeared. At a special session of court last Thursday morning Andy Soltis and John Frenck, two of the Snow Shoe township men implicated in the attempt to wreck the O. P. Morgan mine, plead guilty to the charge and were separately sentenced to serve from one year and six months to two years in the western penitentiary, be- ing taken to that institution on Sat- urday by sheriff Dukeman. Harry McCullough, arrested last week for stealing a watch from Fred Reish, was placed on parole for two years. Milo B. Peck, the young man who had such a thrilling escape from injury- and possible death on Tues- day night when he drove his car through the railing almost into Spring creek, was not so fortunate on’ Wed- nesday. He was helping to transfer a heavy safe from the express car of one of the morning trains to the ex- press truck when the safe slipped and fell the corner coming down on the palm of his right hand cutting a deep gash therein while the weight of the safe also broke his arm just below the elbow. ——The Cincinnati papers recently carried exceptionally complimentary notices of the singing of Miss Ruth Myford in Music hall in that city. Miss Myford sang on the occasion of the better homes demonstration, being the social entertainment feature of the perfect living room designed by Ross Crane, of the Chicago Art Institute. She is a sister of George Myford; of Belle Vernon, who is a student at the Academy here and it will be recalled that she sang with the Academy boys at their last minstrel performance in the opera house. ——Those conversant with the work of the public schools of Belle- fonte have been much impressed by the results that have come from the brief instruction in music that has been given the pupils by Mrs. W. C. Krader. Happily music appeals to the children of the lower grades by its charm alone, so that the little folks learn its lessons joyfully as their innocent child souls sing out. They are learning it, not as a task, but as a pleasure that will sustain and comfort them many a time when the sunshine of childhood is eclipsed by the leaden skies of age. The week of April 30th is to be “music week” in Pennsylvania and Mrs. Krader hopes to make ‘much 'of it.. Ministers, teach- ers and parents are especially urged to assist in whatever way they can in cultivating a love for music. RE A RS ARONA NNR Mrs. Jacob Hassell Burned to Death at Columbus, Ohio. Mrs. Rose Baum Hassell, wife of Jacob Hassell, was so badly burned at her home in Columbus, Ohio, at noon on Wednesday, that she passed away at eight o'clock the same evening. According to telephone reports Mrs. Hassell was in the act of preparing a kettle of soup when it boiled over and she attempted to set it off of the fire. The kettle tipped and in her endeavors to keep it from upsetting her clothing caught fire. Whether she was alone at the time is not known, but she was terribly burned over the upper part of her body, her face, hands and arms. Relatives in Bellefonte were promptly notified and Miss Freda Baum left on the 3:10 p. m. train for Columbus, but her sister had passed away before she reached that city. Mr. Hassell was in Bellefonte over Sunday and had not yet reached home, being somewhere in northern Penn- sylvania. Mrs. Hassell was the third child of Abram and Mary Ansbach Baum and was born in Bellefonte on October 17th, 1870, hence was bl years, 5 menths and 26 days old. She grew to womanhood here and received her ed- ucation in the Bellefonte schools, graduating at the High school. Short- ly after her graduation she entered the “Watchman” office to learn type- setting and worked here until a short time before her marriage. She was married to Jacob Hassell, of Syracuse, N. Y., on March 17th, 1897, and for ten years they made their home in Syracuse. Fifteen years ago they moved to Columbus, Ohio, and that city has been their home ever since. Mrs. Hassell is survived by her husband, two daughters and a son, namely: Henrietta, a graduate of the Ohio State College and now engaged’ in social settlement work in Chicago, and who reached home ten minutes after her mother had passed away. Dorothy, a Senior at the Ohio State College, and David a Senior in the Columbus High school. She was one of a family of thirteen children and hers, is only the second death in the family circle, the surviving brothers and- sisters being as follows: Lena, now Mrs. Monash, of New York; Fan- nie;;mow Mrs. Metz, of Princeton, In- diana; Hilda, now Mrs. Riesman, also of Princeton; Jacob Baum, of Rock- port, Ind.; Israel, of Kansas City; Morris, of State College; Alfred, Sim- eon, Mrs. William Katz and Miss Freda, of Bellefonte, and Harry, of Sunbury. At her own request the remains will be brought to Bellefonte for inter- ment. The body will probably arrive today and the funeral take place ‘on Sunday. David O. Etters Re-elected County Superintendent for Fifth Term. Ninety-two school directors in Cen- tre county out of a total of one hun- dred and forty-seven who attended the quadrennial convention held in Belle- fonte on Tuesday morning voted for David O. Etters, of State College, thus paying him the compliment of being elected for the fifth consecutive term in that office. The convention was called at 10:45 when county superintendent Etters read those sections of the school code which provided for the election of county superintendents. He then an- nounced the convention open for or- ganization and J. Will Mayes, of Howard, was elected president; Chas. F. Cook, of Bellefonte, secretary; L. Y. Green, of Worth township, and L. W. Stover, of Millheim, tellers. Im- mediately on taking the chair Mr. Mayes announced the convention open for the nomination for candidates for county superintendent. Charles G. Avery, of Philipsburg, arose and in a modest but complimentary speech placed in nomination the name of Chester H. Barnes, of Bellefonte, but who the past two or three years has been teaching at Norristown. Mr. Barnes’ nomination was seconded by Murs. M. R. Brouse, of Bellefonte. M. S. McDowell, of State College, who officiated in a like capacity four years ago, placed in nomination the name of David O. Etters, of State Col- lege, and the same was seconded by Dr. M. J. Locke, of Bellefonte. The nominations then closed and on roll call 92 directors voted for Mr. Etters and 55 for Mr. Barnes. Mr. Etters was consequently declared elected, the only man in the history of Centre county to be elected for the fifth con- secutive term as county superintend- ent. Trout Fishing Season Will Open Tomorrow. Trout fishing season will open in Pennsylvania tcmorrow and thousands of men and boys, and a sprinkling of women, too, will hie to their favorite stream with the first break of day to try their luck at catching the speckled beauties. Centre county fishermen will naturally be out in full force. Spring creek and Logan’s branch will likely, as usual, be thronged with en- thusiastic disciples of Izaak Walton, while many will journey to Fishing creek and some to the mountain streams. The water in all the streams is if anything above normal but not too high and about right for either bait or fly. While last winter was cold, with lots of snow and hard freez- ing the streams were well filled at all times so that the trout had ample pro- tection. “The natural conclusion is that there are plenty of trout in the streams if the fishermen are able to catch them. LR ——If you give us the opportunity we will outfit you so that you will be {a credit to the Easter parade. Get i acquainted with the best men’s store ‘in Central Pennsylvania.—A Fauble. 15-1 ——Announcing the agency for the Leonard Cleanable Refrigerator in one-piece porcelain lined and white enamel interior. Uses less ice, has the most economical ice consumption of any refrigerator in the world. Spring stock now on display.—W. R. Brachbill. 15-1t ——1In Centre county 81 per cent. of the farmers use commercial fertil- izer. In this respect ours is in twen- ty-seventh place among the counties of the State, The average number of tons used by each of our farmers is 2%, making the total 4,183 tons at an average price of $25.50 per ton, a to- tal outlay of $108,668.50 for fertilizer during a year. A —————————pe—————— Boy Scout News. At last Friday evening’s meeting of Troop No. 1, Boy Scouts of America, Dr. David Dale gave his first talk on first aid, which was listened to with close attention by every scout. Charles Bullock was elected troop treasurer. Assistant scoutmaster Malin gave in- structions for a hike which took place on Saturday afternoon. The troop left Bellefonte at one o’clock and went out the Jacksonville road to the stone quarries, then up along the mountain. A troop conclave was held after the regular meeting Friday evening. The conclave is composed of the scoutmas- ter and his assistants, the scribe, the treasurer, the patrol leaders and their assistants. Owing to today being Good Friday, no meeting will be held this evening. DAVID GEISS, Scribe. Boy Scout News of Boalsburg. Troop No. 1, of Boalsburg, Boy Scouts was organized in January. Messrs. Metsinger and Henderson, of Penn State, were the organizers. Col. Theodore Davis Boal, A. J. Hazel and H. Lanks serve as scout committee- men. Paul Coxey is scoutmaster and Mr. Miller assistant scoutmaster. The troop consists of three patrols, Beaver, Wolf and Tiger. All the boys are registered as tenderfoots, and most of them have completed their second class requirements. The troop meets every Wednesday night on north Main street, in the hall secured by the Scouts for their headquarters. They have taken several extended hikes in- to the mountains, and have the privi- lege of using the Boal camp, which is located about five miles from Boals- burg. All boys living within a close ‘| radius of Boalsburg are invited to join. Sia BELLA scout Scrisk. The Huntingdon Presbytery. ; The spring session of the Hunting- don Presbytery was held in Philipsburg Monday and Tuesday. The presbyter- ial sermon was preached by the retir- ing moderator, Rev. David S. Curry, of Mount Union, after which Rev. Charles R. Scaife, of Tyrone, was chosen moderator. Rev. David R. Evans, the new pastor of the Belle- fonte church was officially accepted into the Presbytery. ‘ The following commissioners were elected to the general assembly which will meet at Des Moines, Iowa, in speck. of Huntingdon; Rev. E. H. Sperow, of MecAllisterville, and Rev. John T. Scott, of Philipsburg. El- ders—J. F. Williams, of South Altoo- na; J. M. Barton, of East Waterford, and William Shingler, of Petersburg. The overture to give women the right to be elected as deacons in the church was answered in the affirma- tive. An invitation to unite in ob- serving Presbyterian day at Lake- mont park, Altoona, was accepted. An adjourned meeting of the Pres- bytery will be held in Huntingdon on June 12th. The selection of a place for the fall meeting of the Presbytery was left to the stated clerk. . Fall of Aeroplane. Captain Ronald Armundsen, the in- trepid arctic explorer, had a narrow escape from death on Monday when the monoplane in which he was flying from New York to Seattle was forced down from a height of six thousand feet at Miola, near Clarion, Pa., short- ly after noon on Monday. The ship, with H. T. (Slim) Lewis as pilot, and carrying Capt. Amundson, H. W. Bade, E. Buhl and J. Ondell, left New York at eight o’clock Monday morn- ing. Heavy winds were encountered and it was just 11:50 o’clock when they passed over Bellefonte, flying at an altitude of from five to six thous- and feet. In the neighborhood of Clarion the motor began to overheat and pilot Lewis started to descend, volplaning most of the way down. Unfortunate- ly he was compelled to land on rough ground and the ship nosed over. Aside from a few scratches and bruis- es none of the occupants were serious- ly injured. Capt. Amundsen went by rail to Cleveland, the two passengers returned to New York while pilot Lewis and the mechanician remained at Clarion to repair the ship. Captain Amundsen is in this coun- try investigating aeroplanes with the intention of trying to fly to the North Pole. His trip west was being made to test the durability of the Larsen monoplane, an all metal ship. May: Ministers— Rev. R. B. Dauben- | Arctic Explorer Escapes Death in| CY nea Automobile Assembling Plant Propo- sition Turned Down. The proposition of Mr. Crothers, of Philadelphia, to move his automobile (The Champion) assembling plant from Gloucester, N. J., to the old Ti- tan Metal plant near Milesburg did not appeal to the business acumen of the members of the Bellefonte Busi- ness Men’s Association and the Board of Trade as presented to them at a joint meeting held last Wednesday evening. The promoter asked fifteen thousand dollars to pay the expense of moving the plant and it was furth- er intimated that local people would then be required to take stock in the concern. The proposition did not ap- peal to Bellefonte business men and they voted to notify the promoters of the enterprise that the matter would not be considered at this time. The question of putting up street signs was discussed and a committee was appointed to take the matter up with the borough council. The association decided to hold their annual picnic this year at Hecla Park the third Thursday in August, and a committee was appointed to make all arrangements. The association considered the ques- tion of weekly band concerts this year and decided to arrange for same if the necessary fund can be raised by sub- scription, as last year. Just where the concerts will be held is a matter as yet undecided. Owing to the pro- test made by the G. A. R. last year the County Commissioners have re- fused the request to erect the band stand within the circle of the soldiers’ monument, as last year, and among other places considered are the High school grounds. Announcement was made that W. O. Byers, of the State Chamber of Commerce, expects to be in Belle- fonte soon and will address the asso- ciation. Definite announcement of his visit will be made in due time. Young Autoist Narrowly Escaped Fall Into Spring Creek. Milo B. Peck, driver for the Amer- ican Express company in Bellefonte, came within an ace of driving his au- to over the high wall into Spring creek, close to the High street bridge, on Tuesday evening. The young man bought a second hand Ford a few days ago and had driven it only once or twice. Tuesday evening about eight o’clock he decided to take a little spin and getting into the car at the Beatty garage drove out onto High street and across the bridge. Reaching the east side of the bridge he made a short turn to go out south Water street and the inference is that he turned too short and the steering apparatus buckled. In any event he ran onto the curb and knocked out two panels of the iron railing along the. pave- ment and would likely have gone into the creek if the car had not brought up. against the heavy guy wire run- ning from one of the heavy iron sup- ports of the pavement to the smoke stack of the Beatty garage. When the machine stopped Peck lost little time in getting out and on- to solid ground. A crowd of men were soon on the scene and the front end of the car was lifted up and the machine backed onto the street. It was very little damaged. Borough manager J. D. Seibert roped the walk where the railing was knocked out and put up a danger signal, and on Wed- nesday the railing was replaced. Academy Declammatory Contest. The annual declammatory contest for the prizes offered by William S. Furst, Esq., of Philadelphia, was held at the Bellefonte Academy last F'ri- day afternoon. The contestants and their subjects were as follows: Thomas Quinn, Pittsburgh, “Citi- zenship.” LeRoy Kelley, Binghamton, N. Y., “The Cruelty of Legree.” Elwood Kalbach, New York city, “Gunga Din.” x Joseph Silensky, Madeira, “Rever- ence for the Flag.” Nicholas Raschella, Clarksburg, W. Va., “Commerce.” William McCabe, Easton, “The Un ion Soldier.” * : Paul Van Hee, Detroit, Mich., “The World of Whispering Gallery.” All the contestants acquitted them- selves very creditably and the judges, Rev. David R. Evans, Dr. Frank P. Bible, and Miss Ollie B. Mitchell, awarded first prize to Paul Van Hee and divided the second prize between Thomas Quinn and Joseph Silensky. Report of Red Cross Nurse. The report of Miss Pearl Meeker, who succeeds Miss Mary Royer as Red Cross community nurse, for the month of March is: Nursing visits - - - - 43 Infant welfare visits - - 13 Tuberculosis visits - - - 8 Child welfare visits - - - 13 Visits to schools. - = -.. © 30 Sanitary inspection visits . - - 2 Other visits "i=; . ai] .% nd Total * - EE - 158 Two trips to Lock Haven. to take a patient to the State tuberculosis dis- pensary were made during- this month. Miss Meeker-has visited -the- grade schools in the High school building, Bishop street schools and parochial schools every morning but, hereafter, will be in the schools Mondays, Wed- nesdays and Fridays. —————————p el ——— ——Name your price and we will show you he best clothes in America to meet it.—Fauble’s. 15-1t NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. —Billy Potter left Tuesday for a visit with his grandmother, Mrs. Prince, in Pittsburgh. —C. W. Boozer, of Centre Hall, was a “Watchman” office visitor on Saturday while in Bellefonte on a business trip. —Miss Annie Pearl has been spending the week in New York city, attending the retail Easter displays and private show- ings of imported gowns. —Roy Puff and Clymer McClenahan, of Centre Hall, spent part of Friday in Belle- fonte looking after some business inter- ests, and were callers at the “Watchman” office. ; —J. O. Peters, of Stormstown, repre- sented Halfmoon township at the school director’s convention on Tuesday and in- cidentally paid a visit to the “Watchman” office. —Mrs. William Chambers was among the relatives from this locality who attended the funeral of the late Robert C. Gilliland, at Snow Shoe, Tuesday, returning home on ‘Wednesday. —Mrs. George Kerstetter came up from Harrisburg Wednesday to be.a guest over Easter of her sisters, Mrs. Geissinger and Mrs. H. C. Yeager, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Yeager. —Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Spangler spent a part of the week in Danville, where Mr. Spangler had gone to be under special den- tal treatment for several days at the Geis- | inger hospital. —Miss Thelma Hazel and Miss Mildred Wagner, students at Cedar Crest College, and Nevin Robb and Fred Herr, from the : University of Pennsylvania, are home on their Easter vaeation. —Mr. and Mrs. William J. Sager and their family anticipate spending Easter with Mrs. Sager’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Jury, in York, having planned to drive down in their car. —Mrs. Donner, who had been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Marks since Christmas, has returned to her home in Berlin, Pa. Mrs. Marks and her son Keith accompanied her as far as Johnstown. : —Mrs. Thomes V. Hodges, of Syracuse, has been visiting for a week at her former home, with her mother, Mrs. Harry Cur- tin, at Curtin. Mrs. Hodges, before her marriage, was Miss Katherine Curtin. —Mrs. Grant Pifer returned to Wilkins- burg Wednesday afternoon, after a week’s visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. KX. Hoy, both of whom ' are in good health, notwithstanding their advanced age. —Mr. and Mrs, James Krom, with Mrs. McCollum, of Boston, whom they are entertaining, and Mrs. Carrie Sides, were a party from Jersey Shore who spent Mon- day in Bellefonte, driving up to see Mrs. Bush, —James E. Harter and Mr. Auman, of Coburn, favored this office with a call on Monday noon, both gentlemen being in Bellefonte attending a meeting of the di- rectors of the Farmers’ Mutual Fire In- surance company. —DMiss Sadie Bullock left yesterday, ex- pecting to spend the greater part of a month with relatives and friends in the northeastern part of the State. The first part of her visit will be made with cous- ins in Shenandoah. ‘ —Willlam Wood, one of the léading merchants of Osceola Mills, and several years ago mercantile appraiser for Centre county, was in Bellefonte on a business trip on Wednesday and paid his respects to the “Watchman” office. —Mrs. M. B. Garman and her brother, Charles A. Lukenbach, left Saturday for Mr. Lukenbach’s former home in Detroit, Mich. Mrs, Garman expects to return the latter part of the month while Mr. Luken- bach’s plans were indefinite. —~Charles Whitehill, at present located at Philipsburg, made one of his infrequent visits to this section last week, having come over to spend the week-end with his family, who retained their home at Linden Hall, where they have lived for a number of years. oh I —The John M. Keichline family will be Mr. Keichline’s guests this week on a drive to Huntingdon, where ‘they antici- pate spending Easter with the family of Dr. and Mrs. John Keichline, whose chil- dren are Mr. and Mrs. Keichline’s only grand-children. —Mrs. Hammon Sechler and her daugh- ter, Miss Anna, arrived home from Balti- more two weeks ago and opened their home on Linn street for the summer. Both had been guests of Mrs. Sechler’s elder daughter, Mrs. William A. Kirby, since shortly after Christmas. - —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Noll were both in Bellefonte this week, called: here by the illness of their son Nevin, who had his tonsils removed at the Bellefonte hospital Wednesday. Mr. Noll returned to Altoona the same afternoon, while Mrs. Noll re- mained here with her son. —Vance McCormick, with his sister, Miss Anne, and Mrs. W. E. Wright as driv- ing guests, will motor to Bellefonte today, expecting to be over night guests of Miss Alice Wilson and Miss Mary and Henry S. Linn. Mr. McCormick is coming up to attend a trustee meeting at State College. —Mrs. Mattie Evey returned home Sat- urday from a two week’s visit with her son in Pittsburgh, and with friends in Williamsport. All arrangements having been completed for her marriage, which will take place shortly, Mrs. Evey expects to return to Williamsport to make her home, —Miss Carrie Neiman, of Union town- ship, has been spending several weeks vis- iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lew Bullock, at State College. Miss Neiman’s visit at this time is principally to relieve Mrs. Bullock in her care of their aunt, Miss Mollie Eckert, who has been ecritic- ally ill for some time. Miss Eckert has made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Bullock since leaving Bellefonte several years ago. —George T. Bush left Bellefonte on Wed- nesday to join other officers of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar on frater- nal visits to the Encampments at Hunting- don and Johnstown. From the latter place he will go direct to New York where as a guest of a Philadelphia gentleman he will join the Grand Commandery officers for a trip to New Orleans to attend the tri.n- nial encampment of the Knights Templar of America. The trip will be made by a boat of the Mallory line, down the Atlan- tic coast and up the Gulf to New Orleans, and will take about six days. As grand standard bearer Mr. Bush will march at the head of the Pennsylvania division in the big parade. i —Mrs. James Furst is entertaining her sister, Miss Emily Harrar. ; Frank Wetzler and His Ban * Our memory fails to record the time , when music was not coming out of | Milesburg. We go back to the period . when the elder Bierlys were stellar in- strumentalists in the old Bellefonte orchestra composed of such leading citizens and music lovers as Ivan Blanchard Esq., F. Potts Green, Dr. Hibler and Miss Susan Ohnmacht, when there was no commercialism, all love,in music. Then the Milesburg band was young. Frank Wetzler was a boy and ’Squire Bierly awakened the souls of Frank and his companions and they too sought expression in mu- sic. Ever since those days Milesburg has had a band and a band that Belle- fonte would have been proud of and, in truth, has often claimed as one of its creditable organizations. Almost | to Frank Wetzler, alone, is the credit i due for the boys band and the girls | band. While we have all, on occasion, ' had reason to feel grateful to him for ‘our pleasure only those whom he has . persuaded to take up an instrument ‘ know really what the accomplishment his unselfish devotion gave them i means. Milesburg is just a village. It has ' little wealth and few sources from which to draw funds for the support of its band. The boys need uniforms now. We should have helped them get them long ago. In the fall and winter of 1917 and 1918, when the flower of Centre county’s young manhood was marching to entrain for service to our country always Frank Wetzler had some band to lead the contingent pa- rade. They were sad occasions ‘tis true, but how much sadder had it not been for the diverting music of the boys and girls of Milesburg. We owe Frank Wetzler something. We owe those boys something. Let us pay part of the debt by helping to buy them uniforms. If you are not approached by any of the solicitors mail a check direct to Mr. Wetzler, to Milesburg, Pa. Corl—Krebs.—Clayton L. Corl and Miss Lucy A. Krebs, both of Pine Grove Mills, were married at the Lutheran parsonage in Bellefonte on Thursday afternoon of last week, by the pastor, Rev. Wilson P. Ard. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Ada Krebs and has been one of Ferguson town- ship’s successful school teachers. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Corl, and a veteran of the world war, having served overseas. He is a practical farmer and a mechanical en- gineer. The young couple returned to Pine Grove Mills the same evening and were given a rousing serenade by the calithumpians. For the present they will make their home with the bride’s mother. Strausbaugh — Martin.—A Monday afternoon wedding at the Lutheran parsonage was that of Paul Straus- baugh, of Gettysburg, and Miss Olive B. Martin, of Julian, the ceremony being performed by the pastor, Rev. Wilson P. Ard. The young couple will reside in Gettysburg, where Mr. Strausbaugh is engaged in the lumber business. The annual commencement ex- ercises of the Bellefonte High school will be held this year the week of June 4th. President Emory W. Hunt, of Bucknell University, has been secured to deliver the commencement address. —— le ————— ——The Women’s Guild of St. John’s Episcopal church will hold an Easter food sale tomorrow (Saturday) in the parish house from 2 to 4 o’clock. Cakes, pies, desserts, bread, rolls and candy will be on sale. Notice! The coal business in this place, which was financed by, and is conduct- ed in the name of M. J. Thomas, con- tinues to be run under the same bus- iness arrangements as when started less than a year ago. J. D. and Arthur Thomas are only employed to conduct the business for me. t 67-14-2¢ MARTHA J. THOMAS. Geiss’ Bazaar. ; Saturday, April 15th, 1922, at 1:30 p. m., horses, cattle (8 cows, 2 heifers and a stock bull), pigs, poultry and a lot of household goods. These sales will be held every Saturday during April. Bring what you have to sell; come, there may be something you will buy. S. H. Hoy, auctioneer. 15-1t ——Mrs. George Miller will have an Easter display and sale of potted plants, Wednesday, Thursday and Fri- day of next week, in the W. H. Miller hardware store on Allegheny street. 67-14-2t ——Thirty-two models of F. A. Whitnew and Bloch baby carriages and stollers, genuine hand-woven reed, in all the new finishes. “The leaders for over sixty years.” Larg- est selection in Centre county found at—W. R. Brachbill’s. 15-1t ——Try a Princess Pat and your foot troubles will be over. It’s a Walk-Over shoe and you will find it only at Fauble’s. 15-1t ——————— ee ———— Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co. Se aN es Red Wheat - d White Wheat - mE 1.20 Rye, per bushel - wt .70 Corn, shelled, per bushel - - 50 Corn, ears, per bushel - - 50 Oats, per bushel - - - - .30 Barley, per bushel - - - - 60
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers