Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 14, 1922, Image 5
A ——— Church Services Next Sunday. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. “We Aim to Serve.” Special services from Tuesday to Friday evenings (inclusive) at 7:30. At 7 oclock each of these evenings, the pastor will hold a class of instruc- tion for those who expect to unite with the church on confession of faith. This class will start promptly at 7 and close promptly at 7:30. Easter Sunday: 9:45 Bible school. The men’s class is rapidly growing in strength. Mr. Man, join us! One hour of fine fellowship and a helpful discussion of the big things of life. 10:45 morning worship. Celebra- tion of Communion. Easter message. Special music. Baptism of children. Baptism of adults. Reception of mem- bers on confession of faith and by let- ter. 17:30, special Easter service. Eas- ter theme in music and sermon. The church that says, “Welcome” and “Well, Come.” Rev. David R. Evans, Minister. ST. JOHN’S REFORMED CHURCH. Good Friday services from 2 to 3 o'clock and at 7:30 p. m. Easter day, Holy Communion at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Special music at both serv- jces. At 7:30 p. m. the Sunday school Easter festal service will be held, with presentation of the self-denial, lenten offerings. The sacrament of baptism will be administered to infants at this service. “He Giveth Life,” is the ti- tle of the musical service for Easter evening. Ambrose M. Schmidt, D. D., Minister. ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Schedule of services for Easter week: Holy Saturday, 4:30 p. m., Ho- ly baptism. 5 p. m. first evensong of Easter. Easter day 6:40 a. m. Mat- tins. 7 and 8 a. m. Holy Communion. No session of the church school. 11 a. m. procession, sermon and Holy Eu- charist. 3 p. m. children’s vespers with Lenten mite-box offering for Missions. 7:30 p. m. evensong, pro- cession and Te Deum, Easter Mon- day and Tuesday, 10 a. m. Holy Eu- charist. On Easter Monday evening takes place the annual parish meet- ing for the election of a Vestry and the transaction of other business. Easter Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. even- song. Thursday, 7:30 a. m. Holy Eu- charist. Visitors cordially welcome. Easter Music—11 a. m. Entry of choir, March Pontificale Lemmons For the Procession, Salve, Festa Dies - - - Baden Powell Kyrie Eloison - - - Bradley Sequence, Carol, “Very Early” Anon Hymn, “Jesus Christ is Risen To- day, Alleluia” = - 112 Offertorium, “Christ is Risen” Maunder Sursum Corda, Sanctus, Bendictus Qui Venit - - - - Simper At the Communion, Agnus Dei Simper Gloria in Excelsis - - - Simper Post-Communion, “At the Lamb's High Feast,” - - - 118 7:80 p. m. Office Hymn - - - - 112 Magnificat ‘and Nunc Dimittis : Christ Our Passover - - Sheppherd Offertory Anthem, “As it Began to Dawn” - - - - Harker For the Procession, Salve, Festa Dies - - - - Baden Powell Te Deum - - - - - Stults Mrs, R. R. Blair, organist; Mrs. Louis Schad, violinist. Soloists, John M. Bul- lock, R. R. Blair, Mrs. Russie C. Kessler. Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH. “The Friendly Church.” Services tonight (Friday) at 7:30, “Calvary.” Preparatory service. Easter Sunday as follows: 7 a. m. early service and Holy Communion. 9:30 Sunday school. 10:45 the Holy Communion (chief service). 7:30 p. m. Easter Festal music with speeches and songs by the children. The Len- ten self-denial boxes will be received at this service. Visitors always wel- come. Rev. Wilson P. Ard, Minister. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. Christian Science Society, Furst building, Hight street, Sunday service 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet- ing at 8 o'clock. To these meetings all are welcome. A free reading room Re — is open to the public every Thursday afternoon, from 2 to 4. Here the Bible and Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Easter services: 6:30, Sunrise meeting. 9:30, program by the Sun- day school. 10:45, Communion. 2:30, Juniors. 6:30, Love Feast. 7:30, Communion and sermon, “The Empty Sepulcher.” E. E. McKelvey, Pastor. Elevator to Success is Not Running. Take the Stairs. It is surprising how often we take the hardest way to do a thing when we are looking for the easiest. Draughts- men, stenographers, bookkeepers, at- torneys and bankers are usually con- fined to near work which is very fa- tiguing. They would be surprised how much better they would feel when the day’s work is finished if they would wear a pair of rest glasses fitted by me. toonmliation free. Prices moder- ate. Dr. Eva B. Roan, Optometrist. Li- censed by the State Board. Bellefonte every Saturday, 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. State College every day except Sun- day. Both phones. 66-42 Statement of Ownership. In compliance with Section 443 of the Postal Laws and Regulations the state- ment is hereby publicly made that the P. Gray Meek Estate is the sole owner and publisher of “The Democratic Watchman,” a weekly paper published at Bellefonte, Pa., and that there are no bonds or stock on the property in existence. GEO. R. MEEK, Acting Publisher. NEW "ADVERTISEMENTS. XECUTRIX’S NOTICE.—Letters tes- tamentary on the estate of George Ross Parker, late of Bellefonte borough, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are re- quested to make prompt payment, and those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenticated, for set- tlement. MARY SCHOFIELD PARKER. Executrix, Harry Keller, Bellefonte, Pa. Attorney. 67-14-6t HARTER NOTICE.—In the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County. No. 60 May Term, 1922, Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the above Court, on Mon- day, the 17th day of April, A. D., 1922, at ten o'clock a. m., under the Corporation Act of 1874 of the Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called "ZETA CHAPTER OF KAPPA DELTA RHO FRATERNITY,” the charac- ter and object of which is the promotion of good fellowship among its members and to uphold truth, honor and virtue; and for these purposes to have and possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privi- leges of the said Act of Assembly and its supplements. The proposed charter is now on file in the Prothonotary’s office. SPANGLER & WALKER, 67-12-4t Solicitors. Bac-te-lac Costs no more than ordinary Buttermilk Is superior to ordinary Buttermilk because of its Delicious, Velvety Smooth- ness, Appetizing, Creamy Richness, Uniformity, Puri- ty, Keeping Qualities, Pal- atable Flavor and High Food Value. SPLENDID RESULTS IN COOKING and BAKING BAC-TE-LAC Highly recommended by physicians as a healthful bev- erage and general conditioner. SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY Western Maryland Dairy 66-24-tf Bellefonte, Pa. ptm— on ARAAAAAAAAAASAAAAS UAT IIIS ISIS IIIS National Accounting Company Owned, Bonded and Controlled by National Surety Company Audits, Cost and Accounting Systems - Local Office, 67-13tf FURS A AAS A AAS j—— oy sa i | The reinforced c¢ putting in of the Steel buy until we had more demands. The First N 61-46 EEE we Room 17, WILLIAMSPORT, PENNA. Our New Vaults new Vaults is completed. The next step will be wiring for the Burglar Alarm and the While for many years we have furnish- ed Individual Safe Deposit Boxes to our depositors, our supply has, for a year or more, been inadequate, because we had our improvements in mind and did not want to We now intend to install a large num- ber of additional boxes sufficient to meet all Bellefonte, Pa. ee - Federal and State Tax Service 82 West Fourth Street, Bell Phone 1547 - - EER oncrete work on our JERE Il Lining vault space. ational Bank NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OR SALE.—Seven farms of James M. Miller, of Lock Haven, Penna., lo- cated along river in Wayne town- Clinton county. ship, McElhattan and railroad bridge. in high state of cultivation. Also granary at McElhattan and brown stone residence in Lock Haven. HANNA AGENCY, Lock Haven, Pensa. — Lying between All are Bellefonte and State College We Make a Specialty of Moving Furniture, Trunks & Baggage For details consult H. A. 14-3t XECUTOR’S NOTICE.—Letters testa- mentary upon the estate of Marga- ret J. Thompson, late of the bor- ough of State College, been granted to the undersigned, all per- sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt pay- ment, and those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenticat- ed, for settlement. FARMERS TRUST CO., W. Harrison Walker, “SERVICE AND RIGHT PRICE” Anthracite Coal at Retail. Pittsburgh Coal Wholesale and Retail A. L. PETERS GENERAL DRAYING STATE COLLEGE, PA. Bell Phone No. 487-R-13. Commercial deceased, having Executors, Phone No. 48-J Terms Cash. State College, Pa. : . Attorney. ori 6t 66-50-tf The FRANKLIN Touring Car Sedan NEW PRICES $1950 (War price $3100) (War price $4350) $2850 Other types in proportion f. 0. b. Syracuse RANKLIN cars are selling today at the lowest prices in the history of our six-cylinder types, extending as far back .. as 1906—with the single exception of a four-month period in 1916. : : Franklin construction and quality of material are not surpassed in any car made anywhere. WION GARAGE BELLEFONTE, PA. |64-22-tf Special One-half dnzen each celebrated Rogers & Bros., Star Brand Knives and "Forks for $5.25. Regular price $8.40. This is for one week only F. P. Blair & Son, Jewelers and Optometrists Bellefonte, Pa. Daily Motor Express NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OR SALE.—The McQuistion home on west High street. For further in- : formation inquire at the home of Miss M. E. McQuistion, Bellefonte. 67-14-tf DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.—Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of William H. Beck, late of Walker township, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said es- tate are requested to make prompt pay- ment, and those having claims against the same must present them, properly authen- ticated, for settlement. JOHN H. BECK, Nittany, M. L. BECK, Howard, Orvis & Zerby, Administrators. Attorneys. 67-11-6t Smm— ———— Seasoned our supervision. EDWARD B. FELTY, Rep. Telephone 140-R BELLEFONTE, PA. ‘OUNG TEAM FOR SALE.—A gelding, 6. years old, weighing close to 1300 and a mare, 5 years old, weight 1255, both black with white star, can be bought for $200 cash. Both animals are guaranteed sound and will grow a bit heavier, They are low and well legged. Inquire at this office. 67-14-tf Farmers and Others Take Notice. I will insure dwellings at $1.00 a hun- dred and barns at $1.60 a hundred on the cash Jaen. Jor three years, as against fire and 2 J. M. REICHLING Bellefonte, Pa. 66-16-6m A SR RR Industrial Preferred Stocks Among our present offerings is the seven per cent. pre- ferred stock of one of the principal iron industries of Penn- sylvania. It has a consistent dividend paying record and is now busy, with three eight-hour shift days. The income to stockholders is tax-exempt under Penn- sylvania laws. Dividend guarantee fund and sinking fund requirements are provided for under charter and enforced by May our representative give you the details of this of- fering and explain our plan of supervision. THE R. L. DOLLINGS COMPANY 142 Walnut St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. ELLIS B. ROHRBACK, Dist. Mgr. Central Trust Building ALTOONA, PA. Scenic Theatre.. Week-Ahead Program Cut this eut and save for reference. SATURDAY, APRIL 15: MONDAY, APRIL 17: TUESDAY, APRIL 18: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19: THURSDAY, APRIL 20: Pathe News and Review. ; FRIDAY, APRIL 21: ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN ir “HANDCUFFS AND KISSES,” in which un- kind relatives send girl to reformatory and she encounters untold obstacles until hero marries her. Also, Snub Pellard Comedy. CONSTANCE BINNEY, in “MIDNIGHT” is a charming romance. A young daughter of American Ambassador in a Latin American republic marries _ a forger, repents, moves to: States, falls in love when villain appears to blackmail but is found murdered. Also, Pathe News and Topics. HODKINSON presents “THE MYSTERIOUS RIDER,” a six reel story in which Robert McKim plays a sympathetic role. daughter proves to be long lost daughter of sheriff who saves her from un- happy marriage. Also, Screen Snap Shots and a Comedy. A ranchman’s adopted SHIRLFY MASON in “TREASURE ISLAND,” a seven reel fine feature. One of the forty best plays of the year, on the story of Robert Louis Ste- venson. Some elegant wild scenery. A good one. Also, a good Fox 2 reel Cook comedy, “THE CHAUFFEUR.” THOMAS ROSS, JUNE ELRIDGE and others in “FINE FEATHERS,” a drama similar to “Paid in Full,” in that wage earner dishonestly acquires wealth and loses it, then shoots himself and man who ruins him. Also, NEAL HART in “TANGLED TRAILS,” is a thrilling tale of the great Northwest where the motto “Get Your Man” is carried to New York city and back. Also, the 6th episode of “THE ADVENTURES OF TARZAN,” with something new in the wild animal line. “THE SKIPPER’S SCHEME.” comedy. - Hoy Hardware Company. $550 - - Size—10x17 12x20 14x24 66- OPERA HOUSE SATURDAY, APRIL 15, (Matinee at Scenic) : TOM MIX in “THE ROUGH DIAMOND.” A regular and ginger, that will please. Also, a reel Tooverville Trolley comedy, Also good. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 21 AND 22: WILLIAM FARNUM in “PERJURY,” an eight reel story of convict wrong- ly convicted but finally pardoned. Good action. Also, good two reel Mix story, full of pep See Your Home before you build it Hundreds of Modern Plans for your Inspection at the office of the Bellefonte Lumber Company. Estimates on materials complete, furnished on any de- sign promptly, by Bellefonte Lumber Company and Petter- We also carry a complete line of Bath Room Fixtures and are offering a 10 Day Special on the following articles: WHITE ENAMELED MEDICINE CABINETS $6.75 FRENCH BEVEL PLATE MIRRORS WITH WHITE ENAMELED FRAMES $8.50 - = $250 3.50 - =-5.00 The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. | AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANAA