ee ® 9 Jail Expense Accoun t. District Attorney Docket.......... Road, Aris! Auditor ~ Statement Electric light and supplies........5 391 43 Remington Typewriter Co...c.c... 5 8 %. FEANE MAYES, Ia Acpouat With School, Poor and Interest Funds ing Foe ay Wee 370 63 | Index Store .............. os ne. 10095 nseated and Seated Lands. : terial and supplies.............. 18804 Burrows Adding Machine Co...... 1430 BOAD UNSEATED OF Erecting garage ees seamen ines ISA2 00 Kee Lox Manufacturing Co........ 38 50 : THE Reading and clothing for prisoners 63 16 Sundry Supplies ......coceeceeeeece 156 13 " Receipts and [Expenditures of Centr wa Lap Sn gid | Edd p es of Centre Coun z BY |g BE | 28 Juvenile Court Expense. Mother's Asssociation Fund Account. DISTRICTS we = ge g we F t Y Sundry costs in sundry cases......$ 616 51 Sundry expense to Mother's Fund..$1508 00 22 s = s = or he ear 1921 Rev. M. DePui Maynard........... 275 00 — Su 5 gt 2 x : TE iow he Aid Road Account. £ $ 5 HIE ZT neivrriziirnesi ..$.393 61 - ® go Route 57 Receipts. Expenditures Jury Commissioners Pay Route 107°... se+e.. 1817 16 | Henner Twp, ......... rr ee a ; evi na nis ) fr oniiea ge rissa § 4308 395 Bal. in hands of Treas. Appropriation Acct. . ...$2395 00 John D. Decker, serv.and mileage..$ 189 94 9133 61 Josgs ob. ra issmsensns freanseel 18 or 7 ue 0 2 87 a al’ se Jan. 3, 1921.......537022 30 ‘Assessors account...... 9744 18 Joseph A. Emerick, services and $11307 41 | College ar Ty || 348 58| 204 57) 643 15| 33115 17 43) 204 57 Amt, from County Asylum account. ....... 2828 08 he mE anh 181 08 Tw. Aliana aia = 3 73 Har». 2808 97 Auditors account oi... 584 76 . Amy Potter, (clerk).......... 16400 State Highway Damage. TTL WWD: = iiss rmarh ates revsnams ATH Wik 412 20] 31192] 1642 8386 A eohas, 50065 5D ghosts Bogpital a Too | Route 21 I es Gregg Twp. Da aan) HZ 108) 25 03 26 92 Amt. from unseated Board of Road View en Route ihn swenaranvsbreeves 1010001 1 IDSS Oh wp LET AN 12 51| 695 19 46 ne lands 2118 78 account ..... 80 Route 219 f......ceens 131 Ynimeon TWD.% erearvacesianesscs s...| *23500 478 478 11s earn nie Brit uk ui % Miscellaneous Aceount. vesavesaasaes HATS TWD. «cooonraeenneses 7 88 *18 72 Amt from seated 0 Criigrens Ald 80 Postage on Tax notices...........$ 206 27 $2638 43 a wn go ian % i 20,31 R 5312 eesecesnsiens en xpresg, drayage le ge Pe eeeenenes Amt. from liquor l- con mnt Costs 1001 97 Postage, Jravage ond; Feah. 10 % Liberty SND, i 7 27 a a8 10 og : Censes ............ 28499 ACCOUNE ..eieeseeres 2820 21 Postage, (County Supt. office) ..... 0506 Telephone Account. Jisrion Twp. arenes 10 46| 1675] 36 21] 18 49 97 sn Amt, from dog licenses 2036 00—§162057 73 Com. of Penna. ac- County Commissioners expense to Bell Telephone ........... ceeeesss $176 70 a. 158 76| 114 67( 273 43 8 % count State convention United Telephone Patton Twp. .. 5 : IME is 5 COSTE coe 75 00 Tax Ri rreeereessaens 200 00 | Boia Eagle Telephone ...111 1000 $03 03 | Penn TWP.» Bi gh UE Jee » as ia 2 Ton I rp ad TE EL me | Et Ta ol 3% esi a8 26 38 56 u > CRNA a, ; oo Soils Soi a ne ly Oo WH OR She Wo Court expense account. 4986 58 To Sundry 8cCOUNt.......e...... .. 20092 Taylor Tw TWD: s1renpssrensessranres 526 13| 526 13| 497 76{ 26 19 3 1 Court House account... 4239 08 Rent (District Attorney’s office)... 236 00 Soldiers’ and Soldier's Widows’ Account. Union Pry aidianoy part aay 96 98) 45 142 84 142 amage State | High- Emma Shively ......c.con Srsiniad ..$ 7500 | Walker Twp. ws a Salo oe an z i 33 211 98) 104 17 548 102 33 Dog 7 Jseonn os ae 2638 43 $1616 03 Jolin ora aaa diees cil ane. 8 300) Worth Twp. ...o oi iii “3 % Er % 9 > S570 293 #20 : : 3 7 eens wsnsrvtveseserese 5 SONNE srr es ZONE O iffey rine erseranaine eens: 195 00 | \ ) 17 10 i G18 50 Bi Sens Mills School. : en Al perenne fereens BOL, eM [$1723 17/$4577 62/$6300 T9$ 494 os 200 24 Glenn Mils "account: 107 53 ning Sundry Tnmates...... 5970 33 | ain otters" 1111IIIIIII 4 J | Ttems Marked thos 570 Ovo Sop mm y eforma- amu . Osman ...... aL B00 rhe resign Bonet | SEETE I BRL SEG, PETES. Or 0h 00 Maintaining Sundry inmates... En 4 | REESE JePonala Vi cedens 75 wu Benner rp seins saline y be seein nie 12 00 £751 T1676 Inquest account ....... 1823 : Robert Hurly .......... zi a8 OES TWD. cruressaraasnsonantsesrael 303 48| 106 76 ks Inspector of Weights Inspector of Weights and Measures. H. D, Laaeind 2 : 3 w ey Yecoevvsrrpvedsrennatyy 330 72 350 % 314 18] 16 54 £10:2¢ Tr D. 7. Pesuis, salary seem Jan 3 ie Ban; © 7300 Curtin Twp. [I i il m 11s 115 Foo nent .. 718 90 6 ADTil L.eescreesneeooensees$ 200 00 pqppj Fontius 7500 | Ferguson Twp. ........ pirstesssneen] 08 3 8 98] 907 64| 362 26] 45 38 Je CO aL. D. z av from Jan. Fannie 8 hl aa iia LR Bb he Sl 2% 3 2 34 3 x 2297 121] 2714 ha : er eareransntuit 35 . + BO | Hates TWD. vreesssnsseerer : 45 83 J BEY Con issioners ac- a5 rg Edward Shen . 10 fo Halimoon PWD, ..oeeser % un 2 & 3 EA 2s 135: US eet ndsnd srvedanenrves seit J arr Juvenile account veers 901.01 Ww. A. Bowes, salary from April Joseph Sparie Chl rp bie ensheere 75 00 Homred oD. I 7 29 30 19 0 10 & Librarian SL sees oo 60 Ww 3 w Jan. 1, 1922.......... ....3 750 00 B oO M fans ceceeaes Cesssesenne . 75 00 | Huston Twp. ... ‘ 522 12 51 12 51 Jiorarian ee oe a vii] owes, expenses from April Ea io nley ...... lv ison) Liberty Twp. .. 6317 45 50 50 Loan account .......- 14041 oe om tmp | BAST EY a i 8 of Maries Twp. Sgn a NY we cL 45 95 ; ere se bevsnvenesnray eons 7 8 wp. .. 7 Boe Miscellaneous ‘account . 1617 03 $1033 73 | Isnac Smith o.oo an 15 00 | Eatton, Tw. 2 of SO WnSN SOI mE ns 20 3 . seae sesesssarsrres cena AD Cw a ear 46 13 DE Tort = Insurance Account. Hohert Sime son LPotter Twp. AW eressare ere eaes ns taney 20 N 10 © 45 7 0 Roglutrars account .... 452 50 Sundry Fire insurance............ $ 690 64 | Elizabeth DOAS av iaar aromas 3 00 Bush DRED. = covsoneaenses 933 41| 4501 95| 5435 30 5163 60| 271 76 1618 Soldier's and Wi ho Sundry Compensation insurance... 88 20 Pauline BDOLIAT aire, BO ag hg TR 41 83) 16 58 51 “l sem mE 4146 15 rt Gabriel M. HEP ocitissnmmrnnrn nr BOD TAVIOr TWH! ue cee nT 30 02 1757 37| 1757 37| 1662 25| 87 491 7 63 SO he uid "ar 2448 31 John SBHEly Loueueesser renee LR con] 08 dol 208 19 46 39 oop 4a) 1066 05 10 e Highway Ald ac- 5 i eeienan ID, or on isa esrnes anne io Lorie account zeae 1007 2 Ga Fund Account " Mary GIOVE oir . z 0 Worth TWD. c.oevecesrnnenassosesnees 204 » it; 2 Fit 2 279 08] 14 74 11S 3 To Bal. in hands of L. elephone account .... 550 73 y wp AY Alfred Hassinger .... 9 — - Bal. in is zo & Western Pe ary. 5132 00—$§120900 70 I efonte Trust Co. Sinking fund. 2200 00 | John D. Long ....... 2 % I$ 17|$7804 52/10803 69($8820 28]$ 464 24/$1519 17 rons. OR Jam. 2 y Balance ....... 32157 03 : Louis Thomas .... 75 00 a a $ 32157 03 i Se OE x POOR TASES TED eeseres 7 —$162057 73 Susan A. Kelly .... 75 00 | Benner Tw : notices aos Busan A 43 U0 | SOREEE WRC Te TF 209i 223% 514s $ Sundry costs inquest.............$ 1823 William Treaster ... 75 00 | Burnside Twp. i i retinas Sb nN Ase 2% of oa Harry P. Austin, George H. Yarnell and Court Expense A A > P. Butler vein irebaa 75 00 | College TWD. «oun. 24 26| 272 07| 206 33| 2305 121) 27207 OF orse M. Harter, County Commission- Cait Oo tas ccoun ih ng Awunt eadstones and Markers ........ . 996 15 | Curtin Twp. ....... 110 5 54 37| 164 o 5 ere In account with the County of Cen- | Grand and Traverse Jurors vay. S201 99 | Keystone Gazette, Sund inti $4146 15 Ene 3 85 1% wo 54 31 tre, for the year 1621. Bait M. Gate (A. Glin)... 9 75 | The Republican, Fovirilatvind $059 8 RL ON sal 1 55 EY i 5 { Lan sie Appropriation Account Oilbert M. Gs Gntes, oO 20 % Dem Watchman, Sundry 1253 Harry Dukeman, Sheriff, in Account with Harris oT vp. } 8 61 is 3 ol 8 18 43 B50 , CC. Smeltzer, Agricultural J. 1. Hagerman, stenographer..... 21 90 | Centre Dersocrat, Sundry printing 309 411 ¢he County of Centre for the year 1921 Howard Twp. g70 236 1108 er 2 21, , Pg Te «0 Spangler & Walker, (Benedict 5.20 Philipsburg edger, y Py 30 | mo 2739 days board for ftuston Twp, 28 1 oF 25 un 26 reer R i isis cerns niiveenavatry PEANLINE +orneeesossessvsseecees 420 64 at 50 cents per day............ Liberty Twp. . S$ gmeriesh FBION vnrsarrniesrarnis 5000 Boy Raa 615 00 | Nittany Printing Co., Sundry Po or dave banid oY fai pee LI RR 18] 819 837 £50 , . Biters, County Superintend- y PeNSe...cooeersee 20 50 Printing ....cesceesencosconcses 24 00 sane prisoners at $2.00 per day. 102 00 Miles Twp. . 3 2 SY RE 12 68 Lr essrasarn raters; S00 00 Millheim Journal, Sundry printing 2 00 To Nat Th aye | Dotan, THD. pos Ta 8 082 395 +5631 56 | The Sentinel, Sundry printing... 768 | mq 55° anys SG nee go! Eoon Tap, 2 256 2% 5 = a To % days : boarding prisoners, JOU eh easssvavensen 10 1 26 a 2 C 46 ve n pipes, etc. at $1.00. 55 00 + eseeesssssssessessenes Assessors Account. Electric Tome Bosayase To $70 Turn Key fees at 50 cents Spring TWD: sensssivessasnsriors ise 02 3 1228 8 1171 40]. 61 68 Sundry Assessors PAY-seneeseess. $9744 18 Fel vanes Pp €B. eases $ 620 04 Registrars Account. eacn ....... cease se areenesssises 185 00 now hoe Twp. evesss 307 11 307 13 33 nr, T30m5 ae To Ledger account Taylor Tw 11 290 51| 1529 DTGEIEE te tasrssr arisnvararstnen. OF Reporting 1127 Births and 683 Ine © prisoncrs 3 snd ponveyas Toon TWo vs iainmes an 0% 155 1263 % 3 Seliatonte, Hospital Atcoust Material dnd Repairs... 10.0000 be $i EE nos 2 00 | Danville and I eo Jays un | 2lker TVD. ee i i EH wx 20 058 Maintaining Sadie Delige..........$ 498 00 | Plumbing, Ete. . Brriivweveeneassivy 5 2 Sottoior and Sopplh To Sundry Indictments and Costs.. 478 40 orth TWD. «.ooeveenes eta rssanees | 8114 56) 3170 20 58] 156 oH oa Plumping, | covereeneneeseennne 240 20 and Supplies. De nr wm. G. y Sundry Vouchers. ..§2000.00 3 | on see WES BE wi. Tohmen Go. reer 109 3 | BY Stniey adcqpunly” 4m a Ee CC CE aintaining inmates, (Danville)... 168 L ramanra Se Eliot Fisher Co..... a re lie Horry Maintaining fumes (Farren. re $2108 5 aundry bills .....cccceecennnenees 12 4 Yiliai Mara Co an > : 25 Dukeman ,......... 1373 40 Gregg Twp INTERESY UNSEATED. ntainin nmates al : . obert He An 880. — + sevessnee essrsevssessnvnes TE TT OGEBS TT Maintaining inmates, em . 1% 2 2420 08 oi pL ). A $301 30 sh Haines ep. rh hi aiid wi pi i 3 5° 3 56" 4 : 3 9 SE a : = ke ra SI 105 17 613 8 718 97 nls Harry P. Austin, Co. Com.. $1000 00 tatement of Taxes Outstanding on the Duplicate for the Year 1920. I$ 107 411% 621 10/$ 728 51| $ 728 01 G seve .e . Cost of the Assessment of Centre County Gorge i Yarnell, Co. Com. 1000 00 ROA as returned and sworn to by the va- | L. ge lane hi 30% 00 Districts Collecto B2 DUE J Amount Due Boggs Twp Da — on. Bysepsuser frem April 1, 1921, to gas, © Thesh Dist Atty, inclu J . ollectors. 5 per ? ont, Added Jan. 3, 1922. Curtin Twp. fame . eens} = 5s 2 3018 3 20 $5 20 pril 1, 1922. 00 Bal. of 1990......... 1300 00 : Liberty Twp. ; 5% Bellefonte Boro N. W...$ 737 50 Rng Relier, County Sclicitor.... 600 00 | Bellefonte Boro J. K. Joh [ County | State | County | State Marion Prey 51 3 8 = 51 67 51 67 Bellefonte Boro S. W... 675 50 RW eed, County Physician... 100 00 | Centre Hall ign Jo nston ...... 16 623 961 60 Patton Twp. : pa 3 18 38 18 38 Bellefonte Boro W. W.. 265 00 BR Irwin, Chief Clerk......... 1800 00 | Howard Boro ela Sarthe lomew r=. 34 94 Rush Twp. .. mens) HWS ® 10 20 19 20 Be "Hall Boro. © 300 28 Harry Valentine, sistant Cierk.. 1440 00 | Milesburg 10 Se teee ibs 3 oe BF vossees Taylor Twp. revi: sts sees | 13% 06 3 1 40 74 40 74 Howard Boro .. ug 1 re. Horrish Ray Smith, assist- ML BOD avesisns TW. 0 i 3 = al aa ine esburg Boro. : 68 eesssssssasesnaensaene Whieabald ands Ire 121 87 Millhelm Boro co: 114 36 30 00 | Eee ei ER Wilkinson roa 1056 07) 467 10 3 51 Is 300 01ls 45 64ls 354 65) I$ 35¢ 65 psburg Boro . 159 59 11040 00 ** Logal Sd Philipsburg Boro 2 W. 402 12 : ee Yona Ne Pn. Emon. 2AM A Euilipsburg Boro 2 390 38 Lic Ste ‘ata EwelEs Wade er 0 aes: Jas “HABINS vere. 193 63 gontin, Twp, sessesnvssssaneersirasnes ul 296) 2 96 $ 29 SW, RC . W. ee ush TWD. ...... Apa iy 8 Philipsburg Boro... us 5 (Dog Law of 1917) Be a oa aa on o1| 508 81 an E a for 2 Ae | 13s Brie College Boro. oie oop kine) and injured includ-_ Farsads Twp. B. T. Barger... 920 10073 9 Ed liniveariorriE, 2208 4.22) 1 Is 422 DE TD, ave pila 63 dogs killed by Constables, in- 00 Curtin Twp.’ Se an 51 00 30 Boggs Twp. ow: 133 08 cluding costs "es 18750 Twp ey 1 8 5 SCHOOL SEATED, Dilleenorsre Cea age end NOUREY, (iw. ghe 2 Robert D. Musser .... OBES TWP, .:earevess College TWD. ..v.rress. 191 80 P aa 00 obert D. Musser .... 189 35 Curt reremreeriees[8 SO TSE 32818 53 S59 College Twp. o.oo: 193 oultry, hogs, cattle, colts kilied.. 204 00 Wilson Haines ......- 7 84 Cr uu SUE Soe ee 7a 2867 Gurtla Twp --ovott 100 00 ise | Hake wp Grant Davidson .....- 44 39 Mr TEE ivr enardvnnss sean randns 719 52] 7471 7048 871 52 Gregg Two. naa 261 42 a Bares TED rte A pjfeyere . coves. 38 51| 31753] 2846 Patton Twp. a ua Is je 701 37 8 & Le H ] di Tae 1 RE cereness ie 2 Election Expense Account. Liberty Two. i Geo, 1 Campbell a go Bn 52 Taylor Twp. staan aren 2 hg 125 5 9 629 54s Passa nsst ; TWD. +.0ee00ee0|Chas. A. Dola an | Howard TWD. «........ 183 Primary Gen’l Miles T A: 13 31 Huston TWD. « 146 66 Huy Elisa, stpense 25 Patton BoD, visirss eens ® % runt rN 336° 63 115 |s 836 32/s 66 328 505 50l$ 338 00 17 79] 151 09 Liverty wp. LL 11602 © SSSENg ib SR oa 00S 3000 | Bote rwp. seiensreis.s |W. E. Brauch 4 40 POOR SEA Marlon Twp. ..-:-: 248 72 delivering supplies .... 4530 4530 Dotfer Rh LT B. Fortney . a 53 Bere TE TED. pete on BO Sag tippner oe 800 13.00 Goh Hep 1 RR ki w | Eherty Eo iE Bal [sk Potter Twp. 190 90 ection Officers pay and REE TD on Rr Marion Twp. 15 13 14| 1526 15 26 Potter, Twp. 190 90 On lis nr Bi sovnss J. T, Beckwith ....... 10 80 Patt P 410] 330 -740 Baow Shoe Tw. 313 38 Election" supplies tor Unlon Twp. 0 BD Hii By Rush Twp... 28 MN 28 48 Taylor For: ne Philipsburg Spec. election Be Worth TWD. +..e-sss-++H. C. Rothrock rae 43 1254 69) 99 65 | Taylor Twp. . rasa seal 1037 87 138 3% 5 Union Twp. 165 78 John Love, Tabulating | | | I Walker mr 1% Hs 8312 Dry ia Gener! 2000 2000 §10636 33$ 2305 96I$ 4557 50/8 253 15 |$ 97 13) 12 34|$ 109 47|$ I$ s 100 47 ise riden 12 35 D. Re Foreman, Tapa: Statement of Taxes Outstanding on the Duplicate for the Year 1921 S— an . Registration Assessor. General election returns 2000 20 00 | Amount Amount Due s ent of County Funds from Duplicate 1015 te 1910. State College Boro.....§ 46 50 Mary A. Kline, Tabulating Districts. Collectors. Levied Year Collectors Benner, Twp. ROTO. holo ing primary election re- » {County | State | County T Sirs 1915—W. C. Raymond i Districts LE i inary election . <i tavarecsasnse. Harris: Twp .... Bors TNE I 8B vera Chsbers, Tibial rar ore my bole FE BET Colamt i BEAR gE me erguson y avsiesse on re- re rin ieivisnsersnnsns renin RELES A Ee ww Ey pletcher ......: | 108 81) 3380 45% A St 1 Bors. Em we Bg TWD, reser rans B00 rE Hie Lan ava eee . K. Neva rsssesavey nte BOro .... Harris TWD. 8640 $3282 45 52 | Philipsburg "Bore ow Fog Ci pLousenian, 158 sean ass 158 I th Heaton a Milesburg Boro .... 32 5 Livert Twp. ....: 12 98 Grand Total ....eeeececrsenesesss $7604 87 : Philipsburg Boro ...J. B. Hoffman nS 53 52 “310 & er % 1 - 1919—Logan A an, Phllipshurg Sore .- 332 96 le seen V al ge or ap. oo. 13 38 3 ppm EE oo i Th As a NE Aan Me State College Boro. . at nd mon \brarisn of County Library Account. | Unionville Boro ....... G. W. Rumberger .... | 521 ® rr 00| 1236 57 4650 |1910—Geo. B. Meyer .. Curtin THES rei: 11 Snow Shoe Twp 80 00 W. C. Armstrong, (8 months......5 40 00 | Benner TWD. cocoeeeace John Spearley cerier | pTS3 OB 8 85.81 1919—H. K "Matters ” Harris TWD: s2eeess 95 98 Spring TWD. .. 169 50 John G. Love, (3 months) 15 Boggs Tw H Sahin 155 08| 850 90} °1 64 1plict i Huston Twp. . 3 Sore 105% ove, read 00 | Boggs Bei ‘Harry H. Curtin ......| 1966 12| 86 943 13 1920 Duplicate ...... id eee 44—§ 1326 63 Peer 63 Tow Duna et 5 EB Barger Hh veel cd Ral oat il 179.20 1921 Duplicate ........ AIR 8 ee Ty rere iris A: 358mm. Co an PS tite County Auditer’s Account. Fer n A Mann ........| 82301 82 76 74 83 Total Outstanding Taxes Jan. 3, 1922..... $33982 T. A. Pletcher, services & mileage.$ 180 08 Roy wilkinson, Prothonetary’s Account. Seng Twp. Dox 2? 1222 JE De Mis eesense, 4628 21 866 69| 1028 46! 7 60 sesscsssen £9 DA eer: services & mileage. 202 76 | BY Bal O20 Account...$ 416 8 EE To arora Wilson Bain user ... | #1034 7036s 04302 3% H. H. Stover services and mileage. To Sundry Treas. Acct. Halfmoon TWD. +.+v..../Grant A 3718 96| 615 38) 1108 53) 41 67 LIAB epi TOOL on. sanusessnsse TOS. 0% Harris Twp. varkara]den E. Me io hw 3353 46 joist 3% ASSESS TPES 3561 76 | To Sundry ‘Acct, i021. 58 30 Bod Tats neve rll A RSE +r tone: WH Wa ws BY Liabilities To Commonwealth ac-: Huston Twp H. K. Mat Ba ps1 63 4241 2000 To Outstanding Bonds at 4 Commonwealth ac og Huston Twp. .-. «oH. K. Mattern . 731 71] 48 00| 28% 69] 48 00 | To Balance INE oS rs COD... .0vessescrsnsssnsassesesess$ 100000 00 Board of Road View. By Voucher ......eoosr s 416 84 | Marion Twp, ...l..0.0l (Chas, A. Dolan | 15% 951 256 61] 25431) 3500 | To Balance due Ro RL etl 1313 40 M. Ward Fleming serv. and y leage$ 21 40 |BY VOUCHER averensssns 416 84 | Men Twp. ys xenmerrisell 8s. A Do an 1881 79] 78 76| 798 01 S00 {30 rare Tran 380 33 Ear re id Aaeer i 8 by Tovsher frites ot 48 | Mee wo. rrereeenne® A Bferly a 3212 &1 375 71 301 08 ars 13 | To Ketimated Exonerations BER. ese cisanssvasssnssrarvensone pes 17 EB : : mileage... g v ee 2 i ENR ER AR Vi ey oad uileage.»» a By Juchet Hoy Wii 617 25 Penn ; TRY. Les V. Ek. ranch 152 01 50s 24 2 2 Te mare Copumissions oes wade sr sass sway 1699 15 Arthur C. Dale serv, and mileage. 55 5 | “inson, due Roy Wil eras Jo To IB : 5068 36| 317 80| 1275 95] 8 87 SN OE nanny 0m Helent Schhaeffer, stenographer... 00 Snow Shoe T a You a $470 I 3m Eu By cash in'hands of Treasurer Jan. 3, 1022 —_— $1841 20 $1841 20 | Spring Twp. Bove MULE neennesverr | 4 g0| 3477 73168 1165 HY Cash in Sinking Fund.......eeseer vu pes $ 605 80 Taylor TWD. Lev), A Beckwith . 914 20 625 33| 2201 92 By Outsanding Duplicate ........ tesessasseesesssasncnasatneriae 00 es tisa] Bepert. of amr as Union Twp. ¥. T. Hall Ith ores re 1100494 ae 223 54 12 By Tax Liens PE vl ey i ratsseransrantins 33982 99 Bridge Account. Oa Farm Walker Twp. Wilbur Dunkle........ 3426 46] 714 16| 1210 40 160 i BY Tax Liens entered and BE SL vans tnrmarert ou Sundry Bridge account...........-§2007 42 | Appropriation to =, Lp. DB. veenrereei Il C Rothrock ...... | 196 1140 S670) ess BY Snow BE Tas AGOUMAL se: sessass ans sesancans 010 TNT sxsnssrsess« 51500 00 BY McKean County, (Escaped Convicts} ....... rieaeaanes 1151 5 Children’s Ald Society of Western Penn- Stenographic Work .... 5 600 oo | *Teeme marked thus are overpaid. [$91603 101810473 611525606 50[§ 1833 01 | By CHIbIAC County, (Escaped Convicts)... 13% 50 och Sistemas wna mal By Blair County, (Hacaped CORVICES) 1 evs rene BY Matntatning Sunny Tamates......$1001 97 | Postage ei ‘and Tel! 3% By Mercer County, (Rncy, (Becaped. Convicts). 123 88 Bupplies .......oois 29 11 Recapitulation of State Licemscs for the Year 1921. By Erie County, (Escaped Convicts) ....... a ® Commonwealth Costs Account. Faia aid Fixtures 2 47 | mo Retall Mercantil Dr. Cr BY Somerset County, (Becaped Convicts) oe Sundry Witnesses, Constable, Jus-__ ° Traveling other than 0541 To Wholesal Me 2 Lounges. oo cooceesennserenereernesene en 11626 19 : ? VIE ose Bo tice and Commonwealth costs $2820 21 yollng oer a2 a5 | To hols BE gates csssstsanstananes ... 8172 98 5564 HC Contingent expenses 2a 3 90 To Wholesale Liquor IRE es eras ™» 2 Total Indebtedness of Centre County, January 3, ns 75 $5630 » Returns to COUTt....ceecssensosss.$ 182 76 Bal oa EAN ce erss trons Rea To itard. apd Fool Licenses. 1111111100100: by Commnwenith of Feansyivasie Account : $7600 00 $1500 00 | To Theatre and Circus Seana ak . W. i Sie: TBO —— 0 REBLAUFANL ccvovecvncscnanccese a We, th ving carefully —.— eri Janitor’s Account. To Resident Humters.........coeee : 5531 % co 0g f s uaiorsipued Auiiisre of Cents SEAN 1e SXasiiued tho ue nty Road Acceunt. Jobs. Lo To Non-resident Hunters.......... unte of the County Commissioners, Sheriff and Treasurer of sald County, d Boalsburg Pike oc.ccecsreecscecss $1987 631 J C. Show TABHOT so everreersses 3102000 | To SalaiceiDue County Treasurer esis 1008 certify that the foregoing is @ true and correct statem: ) do horehy DO re.d Howard Pike......... 2248 87 | Wii owers, TAREEOT +e mee manne s$1020 00 | By Sundry Vouchers... ssesuptnINtY 455 & » ent of the recelpis and expendi. Fort Matiidy Bowdon 246 81 liam McGovern, (17 days Asst. eo BY Sundry Commiseidis. rossassvaeesess an g3 | tures and of their respective accounts for the year 1921. . al laa oo wil x) i y Exonerations. er an Hd a ITI ssy: os aves am Wolf, (4 days assistant By Sundry Printing. Takers 140 47 CO, H. GRAMLEY B01 | THERIOT) cevestrrimarrssrrssesse 1200 BY Sundry Postage.... 813 30 THOS. A. PLETCHER, i 3550 12 a ir HERBERT H. STOVER, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, April 1st, 1022, Auditers of Centre County.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers