Be ..-.e wont Bellefonte, Pa., April 7, 1922, ————————————————— NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. | " — H. Laird Curtin is a surgical patient in the Bellefonte hospital, re- covering from an operation for ap- pendicitis. ——M. B. Hall is the new manager of the Western Union telegraph office in Bellefonte, succeeding Sheldon Haines, resigned. The Bellefonte Academy bas- ket ball team won their game in Johnstown last Friday night by the score of 46 to 28. ——The Ladies Aid society of the Methodist church will hold an Easter food sale at the Bellefonte Hardware, Saturday, April 15th. The Easter market of the la- dies of the Reformed church will be held at Runkle’s drug store on Sat- urday, April 15th, the day before Easter. Don’t fail to attend the Undine fire company dance to be held in the armory April 17th. The company is in need of money and they desire your patronage. Please help! Archie Adolph Patterson, col- ored, of Northampton county, was electrocuted at the Rickview peniten- tiary on Monday morning for the murder of Maude Duran in March, 1921. The Bellefonte Academy min- strels are now practicing faithfully under the able leadership of Cecil ‘Walker, and promise to give lovers of good music the greatest treat they have enjoyed in years. ——Ralph T. Smith, local editor of the Centre Democrat, has leased the third story apartment in the Shoe- maker house, to take possession May first, in anticipation of his marriage some time this month to Miss Anna Rider. A chicken and noodle supper will be held in the Fire company hall at Milesburg on the evening of April 15th, from 4:30 o’clock on. The pro- ceeds will be devoted to the purchase of new uniforms for the Boys band. This is a commendahle object and we bespeak for the supper a liberal pa- tronage. ——John Glenn and John Coakley are the new watchmen at the High street crossing of the Pennsylvania railroad in Bellefonte, Mr. Williams and Perry Moran having been reliev- ed from duty on April first. The two latter had been engaged for service during the war but had been kept on up until last week. ——The regular meeting of the Bellefonte Pareni-Teachers Associa- tion will be held April 10th, in the High school building, at 8 p. m. A demonstration of the Stanford revis- ion of the Binet-Simon Intelligence Tests will be given. These are the tests which are now being studied by the Bellefonte teachers. The Williamsport district min- isterial, Sunday school and Christian Endeavor convention of the United Evangelical church will be held in the Bellefonte church the latter part of May, definate date to be set later. The district comprises thirty-one congre- gations and there will be approxi- mately one hundred delegates in at- ‘tendance. The ministers of Bellefonte met in the Y. M. C. A. rooms on Mon- day morning and transacted the bus- iness relative to their organization. The census to be taken under the au- spices of the Sunday schools the fourth Sunday in April, was discussed and action taken favoring same, and pledging their hearty support in every way possible. Prof. F. H. Wentze, of Pitts- burgh, in the extension department of the Presbyterian board of temperance and moral welfare, addressed the pub- lic school students and the boys of the Academy here on Friday. His talks were highly appreciated, instructive and entertaining; having been princi- pally along the line of proper treat- ment of dumb animals. The many friends of William H. Derstine will regret to learn that he suffered a stroke of paralysis on Sun- day just as he sat down to the dinner table. His entire left side and throat are affected. His two sons, Frank, of Juniata, and Jesse, of Ambridge, were promptly notified and came to Bellefonte as quickly as possible. They are still here and are assisting their mother in making their father as comfortable as possible. According to reports from Hol- llywood, Cal., the salaries of motion picture actors and actresses are be- coming more stabilized, but that does not affect the quality of the motion pictures shown at the Scenic. Man- ager T. Clayton Brown makes it a point to get the best on the market for exhibition at the Scenic, which is the main reason why that popular place of amusement has attained a wide reputation for showing good pic- tures. Two kilns of the Pike quarries of the American Lime & Stone com- pany were fired on Monday. This makes thirty-two kilns this company now has in operation, burning lime for chemical industries. The company is also shipping out a few cars of furnace stone daily. The Chemical Lime Co. has secured a big contract for crushed stone for state road work so that business is begin- ning to pick up at the various quar- ries in this section. { WITH THE BOROUGH DADS. - | should have a building code to govern | Residents Oppose the erection of all kinds of buildings | | Howard Street Erection of Krader & Co. Garage. John J. Bower Esq., appeared ap- ' peared before borough council on Mon- day evening as representative of W. ' C. Krader & Co., automobile dealers, requesting the granting of an appli- cation for the erection of a garage on Allegheny street property. Mr. Bow- er. stated that the company is compelled to vacate the build- ing they now occupy and being unable to secure another suitable location had gone ahead with their arrangements to build a garage on their own prop- erty. That the framework of the building would be of heavy timbers but the sides and roofing would be corrugated iron, which would make the building semi-fireproof. Mr. Bow- er further stated that the company had not anticipated any objections to the erection of the building until they were notified by the borough solicitor that they had better secure a permit from council. Hard P. Harris personally protested against the erection of the garage and also presented a petition signed by citizens of that locality requesting council to refuse a permit. John Blanchard Esq., also appeared on be- half of the residents of that locality and vehemently protested against the building of a garage at the designated point, because of the fact that it is a residential section and would to a cer- tain extent depreciate the value of property in that locality. He also called attention to the fact that the courts have granted injunctions re- straining the erection of garages in residential localities. T. R. Hamilton also entered a protest. In reply, Mr. Bower stated that while it is true, as Mr. Blanchard stated, that courts have issued re- straining injunctions it is also true that they have refused to issue injunctions. He further pointed out the fact that the stockholders of the Krader company are practically all business men of Bellefonte and en- titled to some consideration. That it was impossible for them to secure a building elsewhere and they should not be restrained from erecting one on their own property. He further requested council in the event they refuse the permit to state the reason therefore, so that the question of the rights of the property owners can be settled in the courts. Inasmuch as the rights of all par- ties might be properly conserved pres- ident Walker decided that it would be better to refer the whole matter to the Fire and Police committee and borough solicitor for investigation and report at next meeting. Morris. D. Runkle asked for a grade for pavement in front of his property on north Spring street and the matter was referred to the bor- ough manager. The Street committee reported the collection of $30.00 for three sewer permits. The Water committee reported the cleaning of the big spring. Mr. Flack, of the Fire and Police committee, stated that the Eureka Fire Hose company had furnished two sections of new hose to take the place of two damaged sections. Mr. Em- erick, of the same committee, stated that so far the committee had not worked out any plan governing the parking of cars on south Water street, but it was the general sentiment of the committee that all parking should be limited to five minutes. The com- mittee was instructed to continue its work. The Street committee presented the agreement with the County Commis- sioners to pay the sum of $500 toward the expense of repairing the Lamb street bridge. The Finance committee presented the report of the borough treasurer showing a balance on hand April 3rd of $6960.31. He also asked for the re- newal of notes for $1,100, $600, $1,000, $630 and $1,000, and that a new note of $1,000 be authorized to take up a note of like amount with the Belle- font Trust company. Mr. Emerick stated that the bor- ough council of State College is con- templating the purchase of new fire- fighting apparatus and he asked per- mission of council to take one pump- er to the College to give a demonstra- tion. The matter was referred to the Fire and Police committee and chief fire marshall. Mr. Brouse, of the Street commit- tee, stated that the American Lime & Stone company have resumed work at the Pike quarries and inasmuch as they offered to make the fill for the opening of north Water street the committee should be empowered to make the necessary arrangements. Mr. Fauble stated that some estimate should be made of the cost before any steps were takento open that street, as the borough has almost reached its limit in finances. Mr. Brouse stated that the fill is to be made without any cost to the borough, as the American Lime & Stone company is anxious to have the chance to thus dispose of their waste material. Under the circumstances the matter was referred to the Street committee, the borough manager and the borough engineer to locate the street and des- ignate where the fill is to be made. Conrad Miller stated to council that he is ready to start work on the new porch at the Elk’s club and stated that as a matter of safety it might be nec- essary to close the pavement there during operations. The matter was referred to the Street committee. Howard street, in the rear of their | Mr. Fauble stated that Bellefonte and the matter was referred to the | Street committee and borough solic- «itor. i Mr. Fauble also stated that it was ‘ time to fix the tax millage for the en- suing year and he suggested that i council adopt the budget system so that the Finance committee might have some idea of the amount of mon- i ey needed. The chairman of the var- ious committees were instructed to prepare estimates and submit the same to the Finance committee. A representative of the Sanborn Map company, of New York, was present and offered to furnish coun- cil with a complete sectional may of the town, in colors, for $34.00, and council voted to purchase one. Bills to the amount of $3426.25 were approved after which council ad- journed. ——The Granger’s picnic at Centre Hall will be held, this year, during the week of September 2nd to 8th. ——Boy’s suits with 2 pair of pants, strictly all wool, priced from $6 to $12. Back to before the war prices. Let us show you.—Fauble’s. 14-1t Mrs. John Kostok, of Snow Shoe township, whose husband was found dead near his home on Saturday morning, March 25th, is not satisfied that he committed suicide, notwith- standing the fact that he was found with a rope around his neck, one end of which was tied to a root of the stump of a fallen tree. After the body was found a physician made a most careful examination but was un- able to find any evidence of foul play. Kostok carried insurance in a benefi- cial association but the policy especial- ly provides that no payments will be made in a case of suicide, and unless she can prove that his death was caus- ed in some other way the widow will reap no benefit from his insurance. ———————— ee ——— Thirty-two models of F. A. Whitnew and Bloch baby carriages and strollers, genuine hand-woven reed, in all the new finishes. “The leaders for over sixty years.” Larg- est selection in Centre county found at—W. R. Brachbill’s. 14-1t Religious Census of Bellefonte. Plans are on foot to take a com- plete religious census of Bellefonte and vicinity Sunday, April 23rd, from 2 to 5 o’clock in the afternoon, by six- ty men of the churches of the town, in teams of two. The follow-up work will be completed by Wednesday, the 26th of April. The aim is to get: a complete record of all the members of each house and the religious pref- erence of each person. The churches and the bible schools of Bellefonte de- sire to render service to every man, woman and child in the town, and this information will be used toward that end. Childrens’ Week—(April 30-May 7). The Sunday School Association of Bellefonte is making great plans for the observance of Childrens’ week from April 30th to May 7th, inclusive. A tentative program follows: Sun- day evening, April 30th, mass meet- ing with program stressing “Child- hood.” Tuesday afternoon ‘“Cradle- Roll” party for mothers and cradle- roll members. Wednesday evening in each church the pastors will be asked to speak on some theme relating to “Childhood.” Thursday, 3:30, “Story Hour and Treat.” Thursday night stereopticon lecture. Friday night, “Pageant.” Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, parade of all the Sabbath schools of the town. Each bible school will also have a special pro- gram for the day. State College Organizes a Building and Loan Association. In order to help with the great building movement that has been on at State College for some years, by enabling home makers to pay on the installment plan the Mt. Nittany Building and Loan Association has been organized. It will operate on the same lines as similar organizations elsewhere and is being gotten under way by some of the town’s most active and represen- tative men, among them being: Da- vid F. Kapp, John L. Holmes, J. How- ard Musser, Charles W. Swartz, Roy I. Webber, Joseph W. Henszey, Har- old B. Shattuck, Charles H. Foster, David K. Peet, Irving L. Foster, Luther D. Fye, J. Orvis Keller, Linn R. Daugherty and John T. Taylor. Boy Scout News. At a meeting of the Boy Scouts last Friday night Donald Mallory, Charles Mensch, James Shope and Victor Em- el were selected as members of the Scouts drum corps. A troop picture was to have been taken that evening but because of the weather it had to be postponed. Two short games of basket ball were played, one with the colored boys and the other between two Scout teams. On Saturday after- noon the troop, in charge of assistant scoutmaster Malin and Sergeant Steltz took a hike, practicing track- ing, taking landscapes and hunting for each other’s patrols. Another hike will be taken tommorrow afternoon. This (Friday) evening Dr. Dale will begin a course in first aid, which is one of the tests everybody must pass before becoming first-class Scouts. Don’t forget to give the Scouts a call if you have any odd jobs to do. "Sheep and Wool Association Elects : Officers. { The future of the sheep and wool in- “dustry never looked brighter in thir- i ty years than it does at present, (war ; time prices excepted), says J. N. Rob- inson, county farm agent. Medium “wool at present is worth thirty cents - at your local loading station, and grade ' ewes with lambs at side have sold as i high as twenty-five dollars each at farm sales in Centre county. This is quite a different story from two years ago when wool could not be sold at any price and sheep were worth four or five dollars each. The sheep men of the United States are one of the best organized bodies of men in agri- culture, and it is the efforts of these county and State sheep and wool growers’ associations that are large- ly responsible for the present good condition of the wool market, and the price of wool is reflected in the price of lambs and breeding sheep. The various branches of the Centre county Sheep and Wool Grower’s As- sociation held their annual meeting last week and elected officers and made extensive plans for this sum- mer. The officers of the local branch- es elected for this year are: President, Harry Harter; secretary and treasurer, W. C. Smeltzer, Belle- fote. President, R. P. Campbell; secre- tary and treasurer, J. W. Evans, Spring Mills. President, I. O. Campbell; secretary and treasurer, S. M. Hess, Pine Grove Mills. The association expects to market the wool on a graded basis the same as last year. If you are a producer of wool in Centre county you cannot afford to remain outside of your sheep and wool grower’s association. The members during the past year, and past three years have saved from 35 to 50 per cent. by marketing their wool co-operatively and on a graded basis. It is economy to tie each fleece sep- arately, flesh side out and with paper twine. A loose fleece shrinks heav- ily, looks bad, is hard to handle and often means a difference of grade which may mean several cents per pound, because it comes before the grader looking its worst, while if properly tied the reverse is true. Put up a good honest package in an attractive way, market co-operatively through your own association and you will come out ahead in the long run. If you are interested in a pure-bred ram or a few pure-bred ewes your as- sociation can help you locate good ones at a right price. Corl-Boal Bus Wrecked Last Friday. Seven passengers in the Corl-Boal bus, running from Boalsburg to State College, had a thrilling experience last Friday afternoon when the bus col- over a twelve foot embankment, and just missed tumbling into Spring creek. While all the passengers were considerably shaken up and some sus- tained a few slight bruises, none were seriously hurt. The bus was a Reo, one of the light weight machines of the Corl-Boal com- pany, and was driven by Luther Brouse. He was on his way to. State College. The bridge where the acci- dent occurred is at the bottom of a hill and located about the middle of a curve. It is barely wide enough for generally customary for drivers to wait on one side when they see anoth- er machine or team closer to the bridge on the other side. i It just happened last Friday after- noon that three two horse teams were in line on their way to Lemont.: Wil- liam McClintic was in charge of the team in front, Clarence Blazier was in the middle and Frank MecClintic drove the rear team. Two of the | teams were about over the bridge when the bus came in view on top of the hill. The driver kept on down the hill but unfortunately when he real- ized that the last team would not be able to clear the bridge he was una- ble to stop his machine. He managed to evade hitting the horses but caught the rear end of the wagon, which threw the bus around and it plunged down over the bank at the left of the road. The wagon was damaged and Frank McClellan thrown from the seat onto the brake, injuring his side. The passengers in the bus were quickly rescued from the overturned vehicle. ——We sell Walkover shoes for men and absolutely guarantee every pair we sell. A new pair for every one that goes bad.—Fauble’s. 14-1t Lock Haven an Examination Centre. The State College entrance exam- ination board has designated Lock Haven as one of the examination cen- tres in Pennsylvania, and the examin- ations during the week of June 18th will be held in one of the commodious halls of the High school. Notice of this fact should be taken by all can- didates who live in the central and northwestern part of the State, who may find Lock Haven more convenient to reach than larger cities. Notifica- tion of a candidate’s intention to take the examination should be sent to Dr. Nelson P. Benson, superintendent of schools, Lock Haven, Pa., and conduc- tor of the examination, several days before the examination is held, in ac- cordance with the rules of the College entrance examination board. ———————— teat For Rent.—A six room house on north Thomas street. Inquire of Mrs. Isaac Thomas. 14-1¢ two vehicles to pass thereon, and it is | NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. ‘—Rev. Reed O. Steeley was in Williams- port yesterday attending a district minis- terial conference. —Edward S. Moore, of Pine Grove Mills, was a business visitor in Bellefonte on Tuesday and made a brief call at the “Watchman” office. —Mrs. John Blanchard and her mother, Mrs. Merriman, who had been in Belle- fonte with her daughter, left Wednesday morning for New York city. —Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fulton, of Wil- kinsburg, and their son Joseph, have been in Bellefonte for the past week, gueses of Mr. and Mrs. William Daley, on Lamb street. —Mrs. Samuel Harris has returned to her home in Mill Hall, where she will spend the summer. Mrs. Harris had been .with her daughter, Mrs. Willis Hartsock, since fall. —Mrs. David R. Evans, who was called to her home in Easton by the serious ill- ness of her father, returned to Bellefonte on Monday. While not out of danger, her father’s condition has greatly improved. —Mr. and Mrs. George M. Gamble and their daughter, Mrs. Williams, of Tyrone, are among those from Bellefonte in Atlan- tic City for the Easter season. Mr. and Mrs. Gamble went to the Shore the early part of the week. —Mrs. John McNeill, of Haddonfield, N. J., left Wednesday to return home, after a month’s visit in Bellefonte. Mrs, Mec- Neill, who is a niece of the late Mrs. W. H. Wilkinson, had spent the greater part of the past year here with her aunt. —Miss Katherine H. Hoover, in making her business plans for 1923, is seriously considering spending the year in Califor- nia. According to her present arrange- ments, she will leave here in the fall of 1922, returning in the fall of 1923. —Mrs. John Ardell, who is now visiting at Curtin, has been with her daughter, Mrs. Harry H. Curtin, for two weeks. Her e¢lder daughter, Mrs. Wilcox, of Norfolk, Va., joined Mrs. Ardell there this week, to spend a few days with her mother and sister. —Mrs. Fred Fleming and her little daughter came here from Williamsport, Saturday, for a week-end visit with Mr. | Fleming, who is a draughtsman in the state highway office. During Mrs. Flem- ing’s stay they all were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Fleming. —Rev. W. J. Campbell, presiding elder of the United Evangelical church, was in Bellefonte on Saturday and Sunday, pre- siding at Quarterly Conference in the lo- cal church on Saturday evening, and offi- ciating at the Holy Communion services on Sunday morning. —Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Miller had as guests on Sunday Mr, Miller's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Miller, of Lock Haven. The latter have sold their home in Lock Haven and have gone to Phila- delphia where Mr. Miller will continue his work as a cigarmaker. —Mrs. Henry Wetzel returned recently from a winter's trip through the middle west and in Canada, visits being made with Mr. and Mrs, L. C. Wetzel, in Wind- sor, Canada; with her son, Paul L. Wet- zel, in indianapolis, Ind., and with rela- tives through the State of Ohio. —W. Cordiss Snyder Jr., a Senior at the lided with a wagon on the second | Harrisburg Academy, has been spending bridge beyond Lemont and went down | his spring vacation in Snow Shoe with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cordiss Snyder. Cordiss is preparing to enter the Naval Academy at Annapolis, and has already passed his first entrance examination. —Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffith, who will have public sale of their household goods tomorrow, expect to leave next week for Wildwood, N. J., where Mrs. Griffith's daughter has built them a summer cottage. The winters, according to present arrange- ments, they will continue to spend with their children in Philadelphia and New Jersey. —David Bohn, of Linden Hall, was a business visitor to Bellefonte Wednesday and was accompanied here by Joseph Mar- kle, of Uniontown, a former resident of the county, who is back home on a week’s visit. Although having left here sixteen years ago his remembrance of Centre coun- ty friends is sufficieent inducement to Mr. Markle to make yearly visits. —Minot Willard, the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Willard, left Sunday on a visit of several weeks with his brother and sister in the western part of the State. Going directly to Swissvale, Minot will spend the first week of his vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Willard, going from there to Tarrs, to be with Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Kirk for the remainder of the time. —Mrs. M. G. Worthington and the Hon. Mrs. B. Russell, of London, England, school-mates at Bryn Mawr College of Miss Hoy, Mrs, Beach and Miss Blanch- ard, were their guests here for a week-end visit. Mrs. Worthington is a sister of M. Carey Thomas, president of Bryn Mawr College, and Mrs. Russell is a well known English philanthropist and public worker. —Mrs, Martin Fauble and her daughter, Mrs. Schloss, who returned to Bellefonte two weeks ago, bringing with them Mrs. Fauble’s grand-daughters, Jane and Anne Houseman, of Steelton, are only in Belle- fonte temporarily. Having been in Harris- burg since the death of Mrs. Fauble's daughter and the children’s mother, they are home only to make arrangements to go back to be with the children indefinitely. —Miss Ellen Shoemaker is here with her mother, Mrs. T. A. Shoemaker, who is re- covering from a recent serious illness at the home of Dr. Joseph M. Brockerhoff. Mrs. Ebe, Mrs. Shoemaker’s oldest daugh- ter, had been with her mother until Sun- day, when she returned to her home in Pittsburgh. Mrs. Shoemaker and the younger members of her family are antic- ipating returning to Bellefonte to live, ex- pecting to occupy a part of their home on Allegheny and Curtin streets. —Mrs. George M. Glenn will join her sis- ter, Miss Esther Gray, on the latter's farm in Halfmoon valley, next week, going there from Brooklyn, where she has been with her son John during the winter. Miss Gray returned to the farm two weeks ago, after a three month’s visit with friends in Lewisburg, and with her sister, Mrs. Hart- sock, in Scranton. Both women expect to be in the valley for the summer, Mrs, Glenn’s son George M. Jr., will return to- day to Harrisburg, where he is instructor in English in the Harrisburg Academy. Mr. Glenn had been with his brother Ran- dolf on the farm at Brierly, for a week's visit during the spring vacation. ——Subscribe for the “Watchman.” Wagner—Brachbill.—The W. R. Brachbill home on south Spring street was the scene of a pretty wedding, at 7:30 o’clock last Thursday evening, when his only daughter, Miss Mary Louise Brachbill, was united in mar- riage to Ned Folmer Wagner, of Wat- sontown. Rev. David R. Evans, pas- tor of the Presbyterian church, per- formed the ceremony in the presence of only a few guests which included members of the Brachbill family; Mrs. Wagner, Miss Edith Wagner and the bridegroom’s uncle, Mr. Folmer, of Grand Rapids, Mich. The bride- groom served on the Mexican border during the trouble with Mexico and was a lieutenant of aviation during the world war. He is now connected in a business way with the Watson- town Door and Sash company. Mr. and Mrs. Wagner went to Williams- port by automobile the same night and the next day proceeded direct to Watsontown. For the present they will occupy the home of a relative un- til their own bungalow is completed. Tanner — Emerick. — Forrest W. Tanner, son of Mrs. Crissie D. Tan- ner, and Miss Mildred Rae Emerick, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Emerick, both of Bellefonte, were married on Wednesday afternoon at the Methodist parsonage in Woolrich, by the pastor, Dr. Ezra H. Yocum. The young people were taken to Woolrich by the bride’s father in an automobile and returning to Belle- fonte the same evening went direct to their already furnished apartment in Petrikin hall. The bride is a splen- did young woman and for several years has filled the position of secre- tary of the Emerick Motor Bus com- pany. The bridegroom is a world war veteran, having served in the aviation corps and now holds a good position at the Bellefonte aviation field. el eee ese— Lutz—Badger.—Edgar Lutz, a son of Hiram Lutz, of near Zion, and Miss Elizabeth Badger, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Badger, of Bellefonte, were married at Lewistown on Tues- day by the pastor of the Lutheran church. The young people left Belle- fonte at nine o’clock in the morning, motored to Lewistown, were made man and wife and were back in town at two o'clock. Both Miss Badger and Mr. Lutz have been employees of the American Union Telephone company in this place. Harter—Jodon.—Paul W. Harter and Miss Helen N. Jodon, both of Bellefonte, were married at Miles- burg last Friday by Rev. M. C. Piper. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Foster Jodon, of Centre Hall, while the bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harter. They will make their home in Bellefonte. ——The coal strike is on in earn- est, but we should worry. If the sup- ply in Bellefonte and Centre county runs out the Schaeffer hardware store has that wonderful Red Star vapor stove that burns oil and the fuel costs less than half as much as coal. Even .if coal doesn’t become scarce there is a stove worth looking at. It is eco- nomical and a great labor saver. Notice! The coal business in this place, which was financed by, and is conduct- ed in the name of M. J. Thomas, con- tinues to be run under the same bus- iness arrangements as when started less than a year ago. J. D. and Arthur Thomas are only employed to conduct the business for me. 67-14-2t MARTHA J. THOMAS. ——Announcing the agency for the Leonard Cleanable Refrigerator in one-piece porcelain lined and white enamel interior. Uses less ice, has the most economical ice consumption of any refrigerator in the world. Spring stock now on display.—W. R. Brachbill. 14-1t eee pees een. Pocketbook Found.—A small purse containing some money was found Sunday afternoon near the Pike kilns of the American Lime and Stone Co. Owner can recover same by calling on Thomas Quinn, at the Bellefonte Academy, and identifying property. A public sale of all kinds of household furniture, floor coverings, dishes, household tools, etc., will be held at the home of Benjamin Brad- ley, N. Spring St., Saturday, April 8th, at 1:30 p. m. 14-1t ——MTrs. George Miller will have an Easter display and sale of potted plants, Wednesday, Thursday and Fri- day of next week, in the W. H. Miller hardware store on Allegheny street. 67-14-2¢ ——Hats -for men! All the new shapes and colors are here. Priced from $3.00 to $10.00. Ask to see the new Spring Stetsons.—Fauble’s. 14-1t ee Tt Sale Register. Saturday, April 8.—At the residence of Michael Witherite, Runville, at 1 p. m,, 2 work horses, 3 year old colt, two-horse wagon, 2-horse bob sled, wheeled culti- vator, 4 scaps of bees, 6 empty bee box- es, copper apple butter kettle, 2 room stoves, 2 level and 1 hill plow, shovel plow, corn worker, spring wagon, black- smith’s bellows and vice, - double harpoon fork, and other articles. Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co. Red Wheat - - - - - $1.25 ‘White Wheat - - - = 1.20 Rye, per bushel - = ww}. - 70 Corn, shelled, per bushel - - 50 Corn, ears, per bushel - - 50 Oats, per bushel - - - - 30 Barley, per bushel - - - - 60