Dewalt, Bellefonte, Pa., April 7, 1922. Deemed RADIUM AND ITS POWER. If there is a microscopic bit of ra- dium contained in a crystal of zinc sulphide the crystal becomes lumin- ous. This effect is due to a most re- markable bombardment. It might be compared with the firing of many can- non enclosed in a rock-walled space where each steel shell that struck the walls emitted a flash of flame. The particles emitted by the radium strike the walls of the crystal and produce a spark. Radium is gradually becoming less mysterious in the hands of scientists. 1t is also slowly becoming more plen- tiful, though today there are scarcely five ounces of radium in the whole world. To make a mere thimble full of it, about eight car loads of ore must be reduced, and this involves the employment of 900 separate processes covering an interval of six months. Not more than three or four compa- nies are producing this precious met- al. One of these companies, the Unit- ed States Radium Corporation, is lo- cated in the United States. The ore in this country from which the radio active element is obtained usually comes in the form of a canary or sulphur-yellow rock. It is mined in the Rocky Mountains, in Utah and in Colorado. The rock is drilled by means of a diamond drill. The chunks of carno- tite are brought up and crushed and sifted. After testing the ore with an electroscope, to estimate its value, it is shipped all the way from the Rocky Mountains to Orange, New Jersey, Where the refining plants are located. Quantities of water and fuel are required in the refining processes, and as this is lacking in the vicinity of the mines, it is more economical to transport the ore across the continent. The reduction of radium demands the most exact work from the labora- tory assistants. Men who hold such positions are carefully chosen, since a fortune depends upon their judgment and accuracy. ‘When all the work of the laboratory is nearly finished, from the eight car loads of ore, the chemist has obtained a minute quantity of powder that looks about like ashes. But to hold a tiny pinch of it in one’s hand would soon burn the tissues and destroy the bones. To carry a little tube of it in one’s pocket would cause a severe sore. To prevent such injuries the tubes of radium salt are carried in protecting sheaths of lead. Lead is opaque to the dangerous rays. Luminous paint was formerly made of substances which had to be exposed to sunlight for a number of hours. The sunlight acted upon the crystals in a manner to agitate them and to make them flouresce. Taken into a dark room after exposure to the sun- light, the luminous paint would at first be bright; but in a few hours it would lose its brilliancy and this qual- ity could not be regained without ex- posure to the ultra-violet light of the sun or the electric are. Luminous material containing zinc sulphide crystals of radium, shines best when not having been exposed to sunlight. The longer it is protected from the light, the brighter it is in the dark. But the zinc sulphide crys- tals are not strong enough to live nearly so long as the radium. After about five years the crystals have broken down under the strain of the bombardment and a new coat of the paint must be given. A mere pinch of material made luminous by radium is enough to make 4,000,000 watch di- als visible at night. ‘An ounce of this precious metal is today worth more than $3,000,000. It would take longer than 1,700 years for the radium to lose one-half of its vitality. Then, after another like period, one-half of the remaining half would be lost. Thus it is seen that there is a source of energy which long outlives the lives of men. The great problem which scientists are trying to solve is that of discov- ering how to break apart other atoms, to turn them into energy-producing engines which will do the work of the world. To make other substances than radium perform the same work as ra- dium, would solve all of the world’s power problems. We would need no longer to mine coal nor harness the waterfalls. An atom of radium sends out perpetually a bombardment of particles which travel at the rate of 12,000 miles a second! Think of the power that a ton of radium would be able to furnish.—Ex. e———————————————— PENNSYLVANIA WILL AWARD 234 MILES OF ROAD. Sixty-five road construction pro- jects, aggregating 234 miles, the larg- est road-building program ever offer- ed at one time in Pennsylvania, will be opened to bidders next month at the State Highway Department. Bids will be received on two days, tender on thirty-five being for April 18 and for thirty on April 19. Included in the sections are the two big stretches in Snyder and Perry counties, which will close up the state main highway in the Susquehanna valley, bids having been rejected on the first offers last month and a num- ber of State and county propositions. Among the projects, according to counties and feet are: Armstrong, three, over 60,000 feet; Allegheny, 13,365 feet; Beaver, 2,990 feet; Blair, two, over 50,000 feet; Cambria, two, about 55,000 feet; Clearfield, nine, al- most 100,000 feet; Chester, 21,000 feet; Clarion, 15,335 feet; Crawford, five, over 120,000 feet; Erie, three, nearly 20,000 feet; Indiana, 21,000 feet; Jefferson, two, 39,000 feet; Lack- awanna, two, 34,000 feet; Lawrence, 33,000 feet; Mercer, nine, over 100,000 feet; Monroe, 18,000 feet; McKean, 7,800 feet; Perry, 33,000 feet; Snyder and Juniata, 64,000 feet; Susquehan- na, 18,000 feet; Venango, six, over 100,000 feet, in addition to work with Mercer and Crawford; Warren, three, over 41,000 feet; York, seven, over 125,000 feet. Gifts Doubly Useful. «The most useful gift is the hock- able one,” philosophized “uncle” as he dusted off the pledges. “For the past month or more we have been getting in the presents from the holiday sea- son, the ones for which there was no use first. Now, as hard times begin to pinch, we are getting in more.” Watches head the list, according to the pawnbrokers. The little ivory clock sent to the boy living in the | IN ballroom of the boarding house is of use in tiding over tight week ends. Girls bring in their wrist watches anda trinkets and explain in detail just what the circumstances are that force this last resort. That many new cus- tomers are being created was evi- denced by the manner in which they approached the shops. They enter cautiously and should there be an- other customer inside, try to whisper their wants and are reluctant to show the article carried. ———— Costs Money to Run Hotel. Twenty-two thousand dollars’ worth is a lot of pants pressing, but that’s what the annual statement of a lead- ing Chicago hotel put before the board of directors, showed as one operating item. There were soft drinks and oth- er heverages listed at $30,516.70 ; bar- per and boots, $16,714.50; laundry, $19,613.16, and telephone calls $37, 452.96. Those were just the few little things. The hotel itself took in $3, 157,834.56, and the restaurants $1,115, 33191. The grand total, under the earnings title amounts up to $2,400.- 491.20. Against the gross income the balance sheet shows expenses of $2,- 424,634.91, a superficial loss of $24,- 913.71. ee Remarkable Carving. San Franciscans are paying homage to one of the most remarkable wooden statues ever received, says Popular Mechanics Magazine. It is the work of Hananuma Masakichi, greatest Jap- anese artist in wood or ivory, who posed for himself by the ald of ad- justable mirrors and carved his own life-sized image from wood. The hair on the figure 4s the artist's own. He used the clippings from his head and heard, boring tiny boles for the hairs and setting them in place one by one. The figure is in every particular, even the most minute, an exaet counter- part of the artist. The carving re- quired three years, even to so adroit and masterly a workman as Masakichi. pr—— ed Plan to Change Easter. A conference of astronomers was called by the Vatican to take place in Rome in April with a view of reform- ing the ecclesiastical calendar and fix- ing the date of Easter, or at least con- fining its date within narrower limits. Easter is now regulated by Roman Catholics and Christians according to the old Jewish lunar month and the Gregorian calendar, which allows it to fall on any “one -of 35 dates.” The Greek church still holds to the Julian calendar. A wide demand has accord- ingly arisen for a more definite date for the great church festival, either a fixed date or a much narrower range of possible dates.—Ex. e——————————— Six Hunder Millions for Roads Dur- ing Last Year. The bureau of public roads of the United States Department of Agri- culture estimates the total expendi- ture for construction and maintenance of roads in the country in 1921 to be $600,000,000. The sources of this fund are ap- proximately as follows: Motor vehi- cle revenue, 19 per cent.; state road bonds, 7 per cent.; local road bonds, 33 per cent.; state taxes and appro- priations, 12 per cent.; federal aid, 14 per cent.; county, township and dis- trict taxes and assessments, 14 per cent., and miscellaneous, 1 per cent. VITALITY! VITALITY! VITALITY! You Must Have It to Keep Your Job, Your Friends, Your Happiness. Thousands of thoughtless people needlessly let themselves run down in health. The day comes when, with a terrible shock, they suddenly realize that they are permanently broken in health. For your own sake keep well. If you feel weak or run down or do not sleep well or are nervous and have a poor color, don’t wait until it is too late. Gude’s Pepto-Mangan taken with your meals for a few weeks will restore your good health, give you re- newed strength and vitality for your daily work. The healthy life is the only happy life—do not let it slip from you. For thirty years Gude’s Pepto- Mangan has been helping people who were run-down back to good health. It was made famous by the medical profession. Sold by druggists in both liquid and tablet form.—Adv. 67-14 ——————————————————— Trying Times. The reconstruction period after the great war is characterized by what may be call- ed high pressure days. The demands of business, the wants of the family, the re- quirements of society, are more numerous now than ever before. The first effect of the praiseworthy ef- fort to keep up with all these things is commonly seen in a weakened or debili- tated condition of the nervous system, which results in dyspepsia, defective nu- trition of both body and brain, and, in ex- treme cases, in complete nervous prostra- tion. It is clearly seen that what is needed is what will sustain the system, give vigor and tone to the nerves, and keep the diges- tive and assimilative functions healthy and active. Many persons from their own ex- perience recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla for this purpose. It acts on the vital or- gans, builds up the system, and fits men and women for these trying times. In cases where there is biliousness or constipation, it is well to take Hood’s Pills. They are a thorough cathartic, a gentle laxative, 67-14 THE FISH WARDEN’LL GET YOU IF YOU DON'T WATCH OUT. Take out your fishing license now and be on the safe side. Better to be safe than sorry; and we want no one to be sorry. The fishing season will be here before you know it; then you will have to rush for a license. All citizens of Pennsylvania, male or female, over twenty-one years of age must have a license before fish- g. Farmers who own and actually re- side upon the farm throughout the year, or the members of his family so residing upon the farm, may fish without the license in waters wholly within the limits of the farm or with- in the limits of the farm abutting on the waters. Persons temporarily residing upon the farms, or tenants who are not members of the family of the owner of the farm, must have a license be- fore fishing. Servants or employees of the far- mer must take out a license before fishing. The license is good only for the year in which it is issued, and be- comes void December 31 of each year. It cannot be loaned, transferred or altered. The penalty for any violation of the resident fish law is $25. The licenses can be secured by per- sonal application, or by mail, from the county treasurer. All applications by mail should give the name, age, oc- cupation and residence. The cost is $1, and the county treasurer collects a fee of ten cents when the license is secured from him. The license does not give one per- mission to fish with any of the special devices such as spear, outline, eel racks, nets, etc. You must have a “special device permit” before using any of the special devices. They can be secured from the Department of Fisheries, Harrisburg. 28 DENOMINATIONS PRESENTED AT PENN STATE. The annual census to determine the religious preference of students at The Pennsylvania State College shows that the Presbyterians lead with a to- tal of 737 out of the 8200 men and women enrolled at the time the sur- vey was made. The Methodists are a close second with 688, and the Luth- erans third with 417. The Roman Catholics stand fourth with 270, and the Reformed fifth with 232. The fact that there are twenty- eight denominations represented in the Penn State student body empha- sizes the thoroughly democratic char- acter of the college as a State educa- tional institution. ready mentioned, other churches with fairly large representations are the Protestant Episcopal, Baptist, United Brethren, Evangelical, Society of Friends, and Disciples. There is one representative each for the Greek Catholic, Russian Orthodox, Schwenk- felder, Unitarian and United Zion Children. There are 85 Hebrews. “No preference” was indicated by 177 students. A ————— A —————— Short Skirts Should be Retained. “It is ridiculous that the world should want to return to pre-war fashions and ideas in these enlighten- ed post-war days,” says Professor Baruch, German, biologist. “The war did away with many foolish ideas, among them a narrow conception -of modesty. Short skirts for women shocked many benevolent, old-fashion- ed souls when they first appeared. Now there is agitation for a return to the old dust-catching long skirt, an agitation based on a plea for mod- esty. But from the biological and hy- gienic standpoint short skirts have proved to be infinitely more desirable than long ones, and they should be re- tained.” MEDICAL. A Bit of Advice First—Don’t Delay. Second—Don’t Experiment. If you suffer from backache; head- aches or dizzy spells; if you rest poorly and are languid in the morn- ing; if the kidney secretions are ir- regular and unnatural in appearance, do not delay. In such cases the kid- neys often need help. Doan’s Kidney Pills are especially prepared for kidney trouble. They are recommended by thousands. Can Bellefonte residents desire more con- vincing proof of their effectiveness than the statement of a Bellefonte citizen who has used them and will- ingly testifies to their worth ? Mrs. Fred K. Houser, 10 Potter St., says: “I have used Doan’s Kidney Pills and found them very beneficial, in fact, Doan’s Kidney Pills cured me of very serious kidney trouble. I gladly recommend Doan’s to any one bothered with weak kidneys.” Price’ 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same: that Mrs. Houser had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 7-1 1 Next to those al- Columbia Dry Bat- teries work better and last longer ~—for bells and buzzers —for thermostats —for gas engines —for ignition on the Ford while starting —for dry battery light- ing in closet, cellar, garret, barn, etc. The world’s most famous dry Sateery, Lied Phere group o, vidual ce 2 need of, Ravzosivek rin, i i Sorry mo extra charge I BATTERY Cad Le Columbia Dry Batteries are for sale at your very door! You can insist upon and get Co- lumbia Dry Batteries wherever you live. Hardware and general stores, electricians, implement dealers, auto supply shops, and garages sell Columbias. Universally used for doorbells,buzz- ers, heat regulators, alarms, etc., for gas engine and tractor ignition, for quick starting ignition on non-self- starting Fords, and for every battery need under the sun. Insist upon Columbia. £19 € Dry Batte Fermin Columbia Bell Rixiger RE 4 ¥ lB ) Will You Help Build Industrial America? Now that our supremacy as a banking and commercial nation has been established will you help keep it so? Capital is needed for the many industries that supply us with the necessities of life. Such capital can be invested and at a good return under our plan of supervision. We have thousands of clients to whom we pay regular- ly seven per cent. per annum on their investments. Write us when an interview will suit your convenience. THE R. L. DOLLINGS COMPANY 142 Walnut St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. EDWARD B. FELTY, Rep. Telephone 140-R BELLEFONTE, PA. ELLIS B. ROHRBACK, Dist. Mgr. Central Trust Building ALTOONA, PA. ———— EO A A ' Shoes. ICL oo § [- CUE] Ueuce FO [TO SE TELE ; = 4 Cut git eu due Juche Ce ey Ay Cs EUELEUS UEC Ue he =} BS A FES FE NES I Te Ue Te Ue) Ue Tha Ue he) The) Ue ef he Mie = ; YEAGER’S h Ue sm iam 1 Fi Co iL Sh i : : = Ladies’ Grey Suede, 1 strap pumps, = = Baby Louis heels, - - = - $7.00 i Uc gl i Ladies Black Satin Pumps, 1 and Ue Lh 3 straps, a. - me $6.00 LE 3] Ie 2h Ladies’ Black Suede Pumps, I strap $7.00 i: 1 iL : Si Ladies’ Patent Leather Oxfords, - $6.00 =] te 5 1 | = Ladies’ 1 and 3 strap, Patent Colt = | 3 I to Pumps, - = - - $6.00 i 1 o 2h SH ; |] = ! 1! Sif Lc 1 : Lk Lo : i oe We have anything you need in Shoes. The quality is guar- Oc on anteed and the amount you will save, makes it worth your while fc oil to purchase your Shoes at Uo f= a Fil 20 I Lic 31] =p) 1] UE Ie iL 1 i ’ i 5 Yeager's Shoe Store g ic 1 E re THE SHOE STORE FOR THE POOR MAN fie 2 Bush Arcade Building 58-27 BELLEFONTE, PA. Te 1 1 3 L SL Aan SEE EEE EE EE EE Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class Job work. Le AAAAAARAAAAAARAAAAAAANAANN Easter Specials From now on until Easter we are making spe- cial mark-down prices on all coats, suits, wraps and furs. LOT 1—12 Silk Dresses in light and dark shades,, also black; Chiffon Taffeta and Satin; sizes from 18 to 44; while they last $14.98. LOT 2—All Wool Dresses in Serge and Trico- tine, now $10.00 and $12.00. LOT 3—All Wool Jersey Jumper Dresses, sale price $3.98. Ladies and Misses all wool Coats and Suits only $10.00. Tweed and Tricotine Suits from $15.00 up. GINGHAM DRESSES. Just received a large assortment of Gingham Dresses in stripes and checks, from $3.00 up. See our new bungalow apron dresses. WAISTS AND BLOUSES. Our new spring line is here for your inspection. Everything in silks, pongee, batiste and organdy. SHOES. Men's fine dress shoes from $3.50 to $7.50. Men’s working shoes from $2.50 to $5.00. Ladies’ Oxfords, tan and black, $3.50 to $5.00. Ladies’ high shoes, tan and black, $3.00 to $6.00. A complete line of children’s and infant’s shoes at all prices. ANARAAAAAAAAAAANANAAAAAARAANAII IIIS £ a A AAARAIAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAARAARAARAAN NI BIT TIT RAVINE WITT RUGS. Now is your time to buy Rugs. We have a full line in all sizes and colors. New Axminster Rugs, sizes 9x12, at $35.00. New Mottled Rugs, 27x54, at $3.50. New Axminster Rugs, 36x72, $5.00. Tapestry, cretonnes and draperies at marked down prices.