Bewoa itdan. Bellefonte, Pa., April 7, 1922. 4—— The — Scrap Book HAVE MANY KINDS OF BELIEF Almost Every Denomination Would Seem to Be Represented in Con- gressional Membership. That the churches are well repre- sented in both houses of congress is evidenced by a statement issued by the board of temperance, prohibition and public morals of the Methodist Episcopal church, which recently made a survey and issued the following statement: Out of the total of 435 members of congress 24 are non-members, and church affiliation of 98 could not be ascertained. The following are the church affiliations: United Brethren, Mormon, Independ- ent, Mennonite, Dutch Reformed, Evan- gelical have one member each. There are two Unlversalists. There are three members of the Quaker church and three of the Jewish church, five Uni- tarians, ten Disciples, ten Lutherans, 11 Christians, 18 Catholics, 23 Congre- gationalists, 35 Episcopalians, 20 Bap- tists, 56 Presbyterians and 99 Meth- odists. In the senate the survey showed that out of a total of 96 senators the church affiliations of 23 was unknown and only four were non-members. ‘There was one Protestant Episcopal- jan, one Christian. The Lutherans, Dutch Reformed, Unitarians and Mor- mons all have two members each. There are six Catholics and six Bap- tists, :seven Congregationalists, 11 Presbyterians, 12 Episcopalians and 17 Methodists. STARTING A FAD Mrs. Fussbody: If you must wear patched trousers while you're doing my work why don’t you use patches that match? The Serving Man: Oh, dear me! Didn't you notice? These pants are the very latest. It's the popular camouflage pattern, copied from the army mocor lorries. Shows Footprints of Dinosaurs. The department of geology at Mount Holyoke college, in replacing collec- tions lost by fire, has obtained a slab of Connecticut valley sandstone on which are found fossilized mud cracks and ripple marks of bygone ages, and with them seven footprints made by giant dinosaurs. The slab is an un- usually good specimen, as both sides have marks of geological interest. It measures 12 by 6 feet. The ripple marks were made in the ooze millions of years ago, when the region of the present Connecticut val- ley was a large river bottom, occa- sionally flooded. They are unusually distinct. The footprints show that at least two dinosaurs, one a big one, the oth- er apparently its young, roamed over the mud flats on their hind legs. The larger tracks are about 8 inches long and the indicated stride 4 or 5 feet. African King's Curious Custom, In Central Africa is a little kingdom that has a ferocious king that has an old and curious custom of frightening his subjects, no matter whether they wish to speuk to him or he to them. If one of his subjects wishes to in- terview the king, the subject must cough three times and the king will roar at him and try to frighten him away. If the subject is unafraid and repeats his cough, he can gain audience with the king, but if he shows the least sign of fear and starts backward, the king follows him until the man is off and away. Tom Cat “Adopted” Turkeys. An Alberta woman who owns a farm says that she had two turkeys hatched out late in the summer, by an old hen. “The hen would have nothing to do with the chicks so she brought them up around the door yard. At night she covered the birds up but in the daytime they wandered at will, A young tom cat took a fancy to the little turkeys and it was a common sight to see Tom curled up in the sun- shine with a turkey on either side of him, Lived Long With Broken Neck. A ten-year-old Walsall, Staffordshire, Eng., schoolboy went to school regu- larly for five weeks with a broken neck, The lad, when in a hospital for treatment, made a slight movement which caused pressure on the spinal cord and instant death. The surgeon sald that the boy had been protected by nature’s own method of contrac tion of the muscles. The best job work can be had at the “Watchman” office. CHOICE OF DRESS Women Should Use Brains, As serts Fashion Writer. Thought to Right Garment for Righ' Occasion, and Glance at Mode Will Be Aid. — “The reactionary period of fashiox is upon us, when the French designers insist on purity of line, women must return to her stays, the uncorseted fig: ure, the extremely short skirt, and an immodest decolletage must give way to dignity and modesty in dress.” This is the opinion expressed by a promi. nent writer of fashions and designer of many a distinctive dress and dress accessories. “The corset bids fair to come back a modified and corrective article of dress, an inconspicuous and usefu! preserver of the beautiful lines of the natural figure. “This is the opportunity of the wom- an who is clever enough to dress with her brains instead of with her purse alone. If a woman of average intel- ligence gives her thought to the right garment for the right occasion and casts a sharp glance at the present mode she may dress well at compara- tively small outlay.” The speaker was busily fashioning an odd little bag of velvet. She was wearing a knitted sport dress, high of neck and long of sleeve, in a deli- cate lavender. “I knitted this dress. You see, I p.actice as well as preach,” she naive- ly produced the daintiest of work bags and exhibited a black lace stocking she has just finished. “Here's a stocking I made to match a black lace evening gown. Simply rip up an old stocking for a pattern and cut from a yard of all-over lace, use silk jersey for sole, heel and toe, whip the seam carefully and finish the top with the hem from a discarded pair of stockings.” The directions were simple and the product a tell- ing tribute to the skill of the maker. “And here's a sport dress any girl may have now that tweed-like fabrics and economy are in vogue. This de- sign will be brought out in the spring by a manufacturer in several colors. I did it this way: The one-piece skirt ! is in brown burlap; the six-inch hem is cut and fringed. The shirt is at- tached to a darted brassiere with | shoulder straps and is worn with a sweater. A soft-crowned hat with a brim of burlap is fringed to match the skirt.” Even the shoes were her own design, black, patent leather, high lace boots with sides of dull black satin. Of course there was reason. “I'm a great friend of the high lace boot with a low heel and moderate sole for golfing, general walking in fact, for all | of-doors sperts. Low shoes ruin the | line of the ankle, so the sensible wom- | an will choose the high shoe, even if | it is a bit inconvenient as to lacing, | in order to present a trim silken clad | ankle in the drawing room.” i In the matter of home furnishings | she was enthuslastic. She declared she “dressed up” her own home in unbleached muslin dyed in shades from brown to gold, used black lace shades appliqued with a medallion of color cut from a design in cretonne in a room furnished with old-fashioned hair | cloth furniture. | “The effect is artistic and restful, the browns and golds cheer up the haircloth furniture in its austere wal- nut, the tones of the medallions blend the schemes together, The expense was small, but the investment of time and thought repaid me, as it does any woman who loves her home.” { THE HOOP-SKIRT FOR SPRING The hoop effect is quite pronounced in a new style of skirt already being manufactured in Chicago for milady’s spring wear. Worth Remembering. Rub grease on the seams of new tinware, keep in a warm place for a day or two and the article will not rust in the seams. Have a little bag hung on the inside of the sewing ma- chine frame to receive the clippings ASK FOR INSURANCE. What percentage of ex-soldiers will choose cash in the event compensation passes Congress? That question is troubling Legislators at Washington. Results of referendum votes conduct- ed by the American Legion in widely separated localities indicate that the choice of the five provisions of the bill would largely depend on the vary- ing geographical and economic condi- tions existing in the different sections of the country. More than 80 per cent. of 5,000 Pennsylvania veterans chose paid-up insurance in a recent poll. On the oth- er hand, two-thirds of the 6,106 Iowa ex-soldiers that voted chose to receive cash. This fact has been attributed to the hardships accruing from agri- cultural depression there. The refer- endum was conducted by the Iowa Legionnaire, an official Legion publi- cation and showed the State to be strong for compensation, only two negative votes having been cast. If the Kansas balloting were to be taken as a criterion, less than one-half of all ex-service men would ask for ready cash. At Wichita 36 per cent. of Legion members signified they wished cash, and at Atchison 35 per cent. The latter Post favored paid- up insurance, while Wichita cast a majority for the home and farm aid feature of the bill. In preparing an estimate for the House, Ways and Means committee, fiscal officers for the Army, Navy and Marine Corps worked on the basis that 50 per cent. of the navy men would elect cash settlement. On this division the cost of compensation was put at $2,500,000,000. Legion officials took issue with the navy and marine corps heads on the 75 per cent. esti- mate. ——Subscribe for the “Watchman” HOOD’S SARSAPARILLA. Loss of Appetite Pimples, Boils, Eruptions, Ete.— Mental and Physical Weakness, Are all very prevalent just now, and are positive proof that the blood is awnting in the power to defend the body against contagious and infec- tious diseases. They show conclusive- ly that the blood needs thorough cleansing, enriching and vitalizing. Do not put off giving attention to these dangerous symptoms. Get Hood’s Sarsaparilla today and begin taking it at once. Remember, this medicine has giv- en satisfaction to three generations, as a treatment for the blood, stomach, liver and kidneys, and for catarrh, : rheumatism and other common dis- ‘eases. It builds up the system, makes food taste good, and helps you to eat and sleep well. For a gentle laxative or an active cathartic, take Hood’s Pills. You will like them. 67-14 ——When you see it in the “Watch- man” you know its true. Ira D. Garman Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry “JEWELRY MADE OVER” 11th Street Below Chestnut, 63-34-6m PHILADELPHIA, PA. Caldwell & Son BELLEFONTE, PA. Plumbing and Heating By Hot Water Vapor Steam Pipeless Furnaces Full Line of Pipe and Fittings AND MILL SUPPLIES ALL SIZES OF Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings Estimates Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished. 66-15 CHICHESTER S PILLS £0 Ladics! Ask your D Ohl.ches-ter 8 Diamo DIA OND HAND iE ones for 85 ~ yearsknown as Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Fine Job Printing 0—A SPECIALTY—o AT THE WATCHMAN OFFICE. There is no style of work, from the cheapest “Dodger” to the finest BOOK WORK that we can not do in the most sat- isfactory manner, and at Prices consistent with the class of work. Call + on or communicate with this FREE The MIE DIT TT: SEE Book In WM. ee MAULE, Inc, 25 fis Arep 31. price. that accumulate when working at the ! machine, FOB. DETROIT NEW PRICE You have never before had the opportunity of securing as much motor car value at so low a Take advantage of this opportunity and place your order now when you can obtain prompt delivery. Terms if desired. Beatty Motor Company BELLEFONTE, PA. E will SAVE YOU from $5. to $10. on your EASTER SUIT Let us show you. A. Fauble An Unlimited Service We shall be glad to have you start a checking account with $5.00. On an average each person has hoarded or is carry- ing $28.00. Put this money in our Trust Company and it will increase business and help every one. Don’t carry mon- ey in your pocket or hide it where it will not do any good. You can start a Savings Account with only $1.00. We will pay 3 per cent. interest annually, compounded January 1st and July 1st, of each year. Watch it grow. We issue Certificates of Deposit at six months or one year and pay 3 per cent interest annually, We have Safe Deposit Boxes for rent at a very small rental. ‘Watch for our advertisement about the service we ren- der in our Trust Department. You haven’t made your Will, but you intend to, may be put it off until it is too late. We invite you to visit our new banking rooms. Bellefonte Trust Company BELLEFONTE, PA. re) Does Your Budget Balance? You read in the newspapers about the various European governments trying to make their budgets balance. A government cannot long expend more money than it receives, any more than an individual can. It is import- ant to balance the household budget, and included in this budget should be a proper provision for saving. The finances of the family must be placed on a business basis if proper provision is to be made for the time when earning power diminishes. Nine times out of ten the women are the money savers of the family. They have the real knack of saving. They know, too, how to make one dollar do the work of two in buying. This bank welcomes the savings ac- counts of thrifty women and will be glad to assist them in business mat- ters. CENTRE COUNTY BANKING CO 60-4 BELLEFONTE, PA. iB