Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 31, 1922, Image 8

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n—— . ME AAS p— an a — : Lu i
A SUICIDE IN SNOW SHOE short distance from the house. Co-operative Associations Beneficial | = NEWS PURELY PERSONAL.
Peworwaiic; Waipu TCWNSHIP. Luckasavage and Mike Wasina were to Centre County Farmers. vi «George Harris Shugert- Is- home from
. —~sreD
Bellefonte, Pa., March 31, 1922.
——Tomorrow will be All Fool’s
day, and incidentally moving day.
—The public drinking place will
make its exit from Bellefonte tonight.
— The annual Easter market of
the ladies of the. Reformed church
will be held Saturday, April 15th.
——The Thimble Bee of the ladies
of the Reformed church was enter-
tained at the home of Mrs. Nevin
Cole, yesterday afternoon.
The J. Mac Goheen sale at
Boalsburg on Monday totalled $4,600.
Horses sold as high as $250, cows av-
eraged $70 and shoats $20.
——The Krader Motor company has
started work on the erection of a ga-
rage on Howard street in the rear of
their office building, the old Curtin
——The Woman’s Guild of St.
John’s Episcopal church will hold its
usual Easter food sale Saturday, April
15th, in the parish house, from 2 to 4
o'clock. Cakes, pies, bread, rolls, des-
serts and candy for sale.
——Just thirty-four tickets were
sold at the Bellefonte depot for the
Pennsylvania railroad’s excursion to
Washington on Saturday night. Oth-
ers joined the excursion at the var-
ious stations over the Lewisburg di-
——Work on the remodeling of the
First National bank building was at
a partial standstill this week because
sore of the masons are a little afraid
to attempt to remove the stone in or-
der to change the main entrance to
the bank.
——The State Department of For-
estry has announced the award of
thirty-seven meritorious service med-
als to Boy Scouts in Pennsylvania for
their activities in the protection of
state forests against fire, and on the
list are three from State College, Rob-
ert Fletcher, Richard Fletcher and
George Haller.
——The Queen Esther Circle of the
Milesburg Methodist church will pre-
sent “Queens and a Kingdom,” a mis-
sionary play; “Honest Peggy,” a com-
edietta by Alice C. Thompson, and
“The Minister's Wife,” a farce by Hel-
en Sherman Griffith, in the lecture
room of the church, on Friday even-
ing, April 7th, at eight o’clock. Adult
admission, 25 cents, children, 15 cents.
—If all reports are correct Belle-
fonte will soon have two more gro-
cery stores, one in the Brockerhoff
house block, in the room formerly oc-
cupied by Gheen’s music store, and
the other in the rooms which have
been occupied by Miss Delmonico,
further south on the same street. The
latter is said to be one of a chain of
grocery stores doing business all over
the country.
——The Woman’s Auxiliary of the
Y. M. C. A. has led a very busy life
since its reorganization, the results of
which will be told at a meeting in the
“Y” on Friday evening, March 31st, at
7:30 o'clock. A most urgent invita-
tion is extended to all women who are
interested, but who for various rea-
sons have not yet joined the Auxilia-
ry, to attend this meeting and become
members. The dues are low, and un-
der the splendid new management of
the Y. M. C. A,, women will want to
share in its success.
——The Bellefonte Academy basket
ball team journeyed to Kingston last
Friday and on Saturday defeated the
strong Wyoming Seminary quintette
by the score of 30 to 29. The Wy-
oming team is the strongest in north-
western Pennsylvania. They have
played 21 games this year and lost
but three, and two of these defeats
were administered by the Bellefonte
Academy five. The Academy team
will go out to Johnstown today to
play their last game of the season
with the Johnstown High school five.
——On Sunday afternoon John Sto-
ver, an employee at Wion’s garage,
accompanied by his sister, Miss Nora
Stover, motored to Altoona for a brief
visit with Mrs. Bowles. About nine
miles this side of Tyrone, on the trip
home, their machine slipped from the
road and stuck in the mud, and they
were unable to get out. No house was
near and as it was pouring rain they
were compelled to sit in the car all
‘night and until 8:30 the next morning.
“Then Mr. Stover walked a mile to a
farm house and secured the services
of the farmer and a team of horses to
pull the car out and tow it half a mile
through a road deep with mud, when
~ they were able to proceed, reaching
Bellefonte about 10:30 o’clock on Mon-
«day morning.
~—=={hester Barnes, who is now
‘teaching in a school near Philadel-
phia, has been invited to deliver one
of the addresses at the schoolman’s
week exercises at the University of
Pennsylvania, which will be held the
last week in April. Mr. Barnes, by
the way, is a Centre county man and
got his preliminary education in the
Bellefonte public schools. Later he
graduated at the University of Penn-
sylvania and took a post-graduate
course in school administration work.
He is now a candidate for the office of
superintendent of public schools (of
Centre county, before the convention
of school directors which will be held
in Bellefonte on April 11th. Mr.
‘Barnes is a young man, filled with en-
thusiasm for his work and, if elected,
will undoubtedly make a good super-
Lifeless Body Found Hanging to a
Stump Last Saturday Morning.
The lifeless body of John Kostok, a
resident of the village at No. 25 mine
of the Lehigh Valley Coal company, in
Snow Shoe township, was found at an
early hour last Saturday morning
hanging, or rather tied by the neck to
a root of the stump of an uprooted
pine tree not far from his home, and
while it is generally believed the man
ity that he may have met his death in
some other way. The body was in a
kneeling posture and leaning forward
in such a manner that a portion of the
bodily weight rested on the rope,
which was tied tightly about his neck.
But notwithstanding the manner of
the man’s death there is hardly any
doubt that it followed as a sequence
to the recent dynamiting tragedy in
that section. On Friday Kostok, who
had always been considered by almost
everybody in the community to be a
quiet, peaceable neighbor and citizen,
was placed under arrest by a state po-
liceman, handcuffed and taken to
Snow Shoe where, if his own story
was correct, he was put through the
third degree. He even blamed the of-
ficer for beating and roughly handling
In due time he was released by the
police and returned home. He then
went to the home of his nearest neigh-
bor, John Kutzmedo where, it is al-
leged, he made this assertion:
61 years old, was never before accus-
ed of bad behavior and today the po-
lice handcuffed and beat me.” While
at Kutzmedo’s he did not sit down to
talk but paced the floor saying sev-
eral times, “I have too much trouble.”
He then went to his own home and
repeated to his wife that he was dis-
graced and that his trouble was too
great, this being after six o’clock in
the evening. He then left his home,
passed the Kutzmedo house, which is
the last in the row, and a short dis-
tance beyond sat down on a log. This
was the last time he was seen alive.
When he did not return after dark the
family and some of his neighbors
started a search which was kept up
all night. About 6:30 o’clock Satur-
day morning one of the searchers dis-
covered the lifeless body not far from
the place where the man sat down on
the log the previous evening.
Kostok was about sixty-one years
old and a native of Nowy Bistryeca,
Slovakia. He came to America about
twenty-five years ago and most of the
time since had been a resident of Snow
Shoe township. He is survived by his
wife, two sons and one daughter,
namely: John, living in Houtzdale;
Mike, at home, and Mrs. Mary Bucka,
of Clarence. Interment was made
without ceremony of any kind in the
Greek Catholic cemetery on Monday
r———— te tes et.
Snow Shoe Man Held for Murder
Committed I'our Years Ago.
John Andy Lesko, a Lithuanian, of
Snow Shoe township, and one of the
suspects arrested last week in con-
nection with the recent dynamiting
tragedy in that locality, will proba-
bly have to stand trial in the Centre
county courts for a murder committed
four years ago, and for the commis-
sion of which one man was tried for
his life, but acquitted.
Most readers of the “Watchman”
will probably recall the free for all
fight that took place on March 18th,
1918, at the home of John Yadosky,
at Clarence, on the occasion of a
housewarming, and in which Joe Ber-
bitzky lost his life. Bill Luckasavage
was arrested for the murder but was
acquitted by a Centre county jury at
the May term of court the same year.
Practically all the participants in the
fight were Lithuanians, and the only
damaging evidence produced against
Luckasavage at his trial, aside from
the fact that he was in the fight, were
the facts that he was known to have
quarrelled with Berbitzky and several
persons had seen him throw a stone
after he got out of the Yadosky house.
In his own behalf Luckasavage, who
was educated in this country and
could talk and understand the English
language, told an impressive story
while on the witness stand. He admit-
ted that he and Berbitzky had quarrel-
ed over the world war. Luckasavage |
was one hundred per cent. American
in his belief and always took the side
of the Allies, while others out there
were rather inclined the other way.
When Yadosky invited Luckasavage
to his housewarming he declined the
invitation because he did not want te
get into any argument, he said, about
the war, but on being assured that
the war would be tabooed during the
evening he accepted.
Everything passed off all right dur-
ing the first hour or so of the party
then some one made the assertion that
Lithuania was right in surrendering
to Germany. The men were all sit-
ting around the table drinking and
playing cards, and one of the women,
it is alleged, accused Luckasavage of
being a traitor and struck him in the
face. Bedlam broke loose at once.
Every man there drew a knife and be-
fore he could get out of the house
Luckasavage received several knife
thrusts, but none of them serious. Ac-
cording to his story, once clear of the
house he grabbed a stone and threw
it into the crowd, but at no one in par-
ticular. He further testified that in
the act of throwing the stone he saw
a man come from the side of the house
and strike Berbitzky with a club. It
was perhaps a half hour later when
Berbitsky’s dead body was found a
committed suicide there is a possibil- |
cut in several places but both soon
"recovered. The above were the only
facts borught out at the trial of Luck-
i asavage and after being out one hour
the jury returned a verdict of not
guilty. In hunting for evidence last
week in connection with the dynamit-
ing case the officers inadvertantly un-
earthed what they believed was suf-
ficient evidence to arrest and hold Les-
.ko for the murder of Berbitzky, but
| how direct that evidence is the au-
! thorities decline to state at this time.
{ Penitentiary Sentences.
A special session of court was held
' on -Monday morning to dispose of the
| cases of Joe Korkus, John E. Kachic,
Joe Kachic and Joe Kinchock, four of
the men arrested last week in connec-
tion with the attempt to wreck the
coal mine of O. P. Morgan, of Snow
| Shoe. Judge Quigley, who held court
lin Pittsburgh last week and intended
| staying at least a portion of this week,
! returned home on Saturday night so
‘as to dispose of the above cases
| The four men had all plead guilty
: to the crime charged and were repre-
sented by Clement Dale Esq. When
the cases were called on Monday
morning Mr. Morgan was interrogat-
ed as to the damage done his mine.
He stated that he had put his mine in
operation on March first and the men
worked until about four or five o’clock.
“I am | Between that time and the next morn-
ing fifty or more props had been re-
moved from the main heading of the
mine, which is about ninety yards
from the mouth of the mine, with the
result that the mine was not only con-
siderably damaged but was also ren-
dered dangerous for the workmen.
Mr. Morgan stated that it took a night
and a day to repair the damage done.
State policeman McHugh testified
to arresting the men charged with the
attempt to wreck the mine and that
all of them had given signed confes-
sions of their participation. Mr. Dale
plead for leniency on the part of the
court on the grounds that some of the
men are married and have families to
Judge Quigley explained to the men
the gravity of the crime they had
committed and then pronounced sen-
tence individually. Joe Korkus, who
was presented as being the ringleader
of the crowd, was sentenced to pay
the costs of prosecution, $500 fine and
undergo imprisonment in the western
penitentiary for not less than one year
and ten months nor more than two
years. John E. Kachic, Joe Kachic
and Joe Kinchock were each sentenc-
ed to pay the costs, $500 fine and
serve from one year and six months to
two years in the penitentiary. i
The cases against Andy Soltis and
district attorney James C. Furst.
Clifford Nevling, of Sandy Ridge,
dollars from Charles Cartwright and
was sent to the Huntingdon reforma-
tory under an indeterminate sentence.
Country Fair at the “Y.”
The first rural night at the “Y” will
be held Saturday, April 1st. Great
preparations have been made to pro-
vide an evening of fun and frolic. Al-
most the entire building will be devot-
ed to the affair. In the gymnasium |
the side shows and stalls will hold
forth with their attractions and wares.
Tom Thumb and his wife will be in
view and on special request will con-
verse. A number of performers and
entertainers are being secured
through the co-operation of the State
College Y extension work, and a com-
mittee of workers under Mr. Ralph
Adams’ direction will assist in making
the affair a success.
The affair would not be complete
without the “nigger baby” stall, crazy
kitchen, ring toss: for walking canes,
the strong man and tumblers. Vocal
and instrumental artists will come
from the most talented of State Col-
lege. Hot dogs, soft drinks and can-
dy will be supplied by the fair ladies
of the Y. W. C. A., wito are rendering
valuable assistance to make the affair
a success.
The out-of-town folks will be espe-
cially catered to in this affair and the
officials of the Y. M. C. A. want them
to come in and see the fine equipment
| and building and make themselves at
: home.
Special arrangements are be-
ing made to enter a duck-pin tourna-
ment on the bowling alleys. Some
: visitors from out of town have been
in and are enthusiastic about the fun
of knocking the rubber banded duck
pins from their feet.
A motion picture show will be giv-
en during the evening im the commu-
nity room. Lots of fum, be sure to
come. Old folks, young folks, every-
body come. Remember the date,
April 1st.
Good pictures will alweys at-
tract a crowd but good pictures wel
advertised means a rush for any meo-
tion picture theatre. That is the se-
cret of the success at the Scenic.
Manager Brown not only adheres to
the rule of high standard in selecting
his pictures but he believes in leaving
the pukic know what he is going to
show, hence the large crowds at the
Scenic every evening. If you are not
among the regulars you miss lots of
good ones.
——Monday, April 3rd, has been set
as official moving day this year in
some sections of Centre county, but
every day seems to be moving day in
Bellefonte at this time of year.
Snow Shoe Mine Wreckers Draw |
John Frenck were not presented y |
Few people appreciate the variety
and volume. of farm products that
now pass through at least one co-op-
erative handling agency on their way
to market. One eminent authority
has placed the estimated value of ag-
ricultural products so handled in 1921
at $2,000,000, but this figure includes
many products which are ordinarily
handled co-operatively in only one or
two stages of the marketing process.
Co-operative distribution to the con-
sumer has been attempted as yet in
but few instances. :
Figures collected by B. H. Hibbard,
of State College, indicate that at pres-
ent, broadly speaking, nearly all the
citrus fruits are marketed co-opera-
tively; probably one-third to one-half
of all the milk, butter and cheese; not
far from one-half of all the grain
going to central markets; a quarter of
the live stock, and a considerable
‘amount of such other products as
wool, eggs, vegetables, fruits and
The last census showed that for the
year 1919 9.7% of the farmers in the
United States reported some form of
co-operative activity, either buying or
selling, or both; 7.9% reported co-op-
erative selling. Minnesota heads the
lists of States in co-operative activi-
ty, 43.9% of all the farmers in the
State doing some business co-opera-
tively. © Iowa ranks next with Wis-
consin a close second. Co-operative
creameries and elevators are strong
‘in these States. So much for organi-
zation in rather a brief way over the
State, and now as to the organization
at your home door.
First: Are you aware, dear broth-
er, that instead of having a near one
hundred members we have grown to
a close three hundred group, and have
bright prospects for a still ‘larger
membership in the near future.
Second: That your neighbor to the
right and left of you is a member of
the organization, which is just and
right in its purpose, and is a booster
for his own interest and for yours.
Third: That even though you have
refused to pay your dues and join our
group the community is aware that
you have been benefitted by the or-
ganization, due to its efforts in the
community, so why not be out and
walk with us.
Fourth: Would you non-members
on the part of farmers be enjoying
(1st) tariff protection on farm pro-
| ducts ? (2nd) farm representation in
government offices and legislation?
| (3rd) extension of farm credit? (4th)
‘organized co-operative marketing, and
{the removal of legal obstructions
thereto? How, dear brother, can you
| resist from aiding a work which is
well begun, harmful to no one, and
beneficial to you?
At our last annual meeting the
i chair appointed a nominating com-
| mittee to nominate a group of
plead guilty to the larceny of seven eighteen men to be voted upon at the
annual meeting the first Saturday
night in April, at 8 o'clock, in the dai-
ry husbandry building at State Col-
lege. The nine men securing the
highest number of votes will serve as
directors in the Centre County Farm-
ers’ Co-operative Association for a
term of one year. The committee has
chosen men whose interest has been
with the organization, as well as town-
ship representation, for upon these
men much of the prosperity of the or-
ganization will depend. 3
The men chosen are as follows: J.
J. Markle, S. E. Wasson, D. R. Thom-
as, J. M. Campbell, A. J. Way, C. M.
Foster, N. O. Dreiblebis, J. H. Bailey,
J. S. Miller, W. E. Ralston, Elisha
Shoemaker, J. F. Musser, C. E. Moth-
ersbaugh, N. C. Wilson, E. Hess, D.
B. Bottorf, S. H. Hoy and Clyde Det-
Tow. :
Will these men, if in any way pos-
friends with you on Saturday even-
ing. This will not be a lengthy meet-
ing. We will be through in plenty of
time to do down town shopping, so be
present promptly.
Two Men Electrocuted.
A double electrocution took place
at the Rockview penitentiary on Mon-
day morning, Bernard McAneny, of
McKeesport, going to the chair for
the murder of his wife and adopted
daughter in Oetober, 1920, and John
Shurilla, of Greensburg, meeting a
like fate for killing a boy in Fayette
county. Both men were brought here
on Saturday under heavy guard and
taken by automobile to Rockview.
McAneny was attended to the chair
on Monday merning by Father James
Delaney, of McKeesport, and Father
Thomas B. Lappin, of Pittsburgh.
Shurilla was attended by Father Lap-
pin and Father O'Hanlon. MecAneny’s
remains were sent to McKeesport for
burial while Shurilla was buried in
the penitentiary cemetery.
Near East Relief.
The annual “bundle day” will be
some time in May, when all the com-
munities in the county will be asked
to collect warm, second-hand clothing.
Please keep this in mind during house-
cleaning. On account of the lack of
statements of contributions which did
not go through the county treasurer,
the committee cannot yet state how
much is lacking for the support of
Centre county’s 146 orphans.
——The Catholic Daughters of
America will hold a dance at the ar-
mory Friday evening, April 28th. Mu-
sic by the Academy orchestra. Every-
body welcome. Admission, 75 cents.
without co-operation and organization.
sible, be at the meeting and bring all |
i St. Lukes on a ten day’s spring vacation.
| —Mrs. Hunter Knisely has returned to
her home in Bellefonte after a visit of sev-
eral months with her daughter in Reading.
Easton early in the week by the illness of
her father, who was stricken Sunday with
—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kase, of Sun-
bury, spent Sunday in Bellefonte with
Mrs. Kase's father, G. R. Spigelmyer, at
his home on Howard street.
—Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bailey, of Fer-
guson township, were in Bellefonte on
Tuesday attending to some business mat-
ters and doing a little Easter shopping.
—Mrs. Eben Bower will spend Sunday
in Millheim with her sister, Mrs. Burd.
The condition of Mr. Burd, who has been
ill for a year or more, remains unchanged.
—After spending almost three months
with her sister, Mrs. William McGowan,
at her home on Spring creek, Mrs. King
left yesterday morning for her home in
Rochester, N. Y.
—Harry D. Otto, of Jonhstown, was an
over Sunday guest of Mrs. Otto’s relatives
in Bellefonte, being a house guest while
here of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Craft, at their
home on Spring street.
—Mrs. Cherry and her son have been
guests this week of Mrs. Cherry’s mother,
Mrs. Martin Haines, having come over
from Clearfield to be with Mrs. Haines for
the celebration of her birthday.
—Miss Henrietta Quigley, a Senior at
Vassar, is among those away at college,
who have been spending their spring va-
cation at home. Miss Quigley is the elder
daughter of Judge and Mrs. H. C. Quigley.
—Mrs. George T. Brew, librarian at the
Indiana State Normal, is arranging to
spend Easter in Bellefonte. During her
stay here Mrs. Brew will be a house guest
of both Mrs. Harry Keller and Mrs. H. E.
—Frank Derstine, of Altoona, spent
Tuesday here with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Derstine. The condition of
Mr. Derstine, who has been an invalid for
several years, was the reason of his son's
visit at this time.
—After a week’s visit in Bellefonte Mrs.
A. G. McMillan and little daughter return-
ed to their home in New York on Monday,
accompanied by Mrs. J. R. Storch, who
will be a guest of the McMillans for ten
days or two weeks.
—Eliza Blackburn, daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. Blackburn, of Philadelphia, came to
Bellefonte Saturday accompanied by a
school-mate, both of whom are spending a
ten day’s vacation here as guests of Col.
and Mrs. J. L. Spangler.
—Mrs. Mary Page, of Linden Hall, is
visiting with her grand-daughter, Mrs.
Wolfe, in Greensburg. Mrs. Page, wko is
eighty-nine years old, went out two weeks
ago, expecting to be in the western part
of the State for an indefinite time.
—Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Gross, of Lock
Haven, visited here with Mr. Gross’ moth-
er, Mrs. Jacob Gross, Friday and Satur-
day of last week. Mr. Gross is now dis-
trict sales manager of the E. N. Cralk Co.,
contracting painters, of Lock Haven.
—Mrs. Martin Hogan, who has spent the
winter with relatives in Tyrone, will re-
turn to Unionville today to open her house
there for the summer. It has been Mrs.
| Hogan's custom for a number of years to
spend the winter months away from Un-
ionville. :
—Miss Maude Dreiblebis, Mrs. Sara Bow-
ersox, Mrs. Alberta Wrigley and their
two brothers, Newton and John Drei-
blebis, all of State College, were in Belle-
fonte last Friday looking after some bus-
iness realtive to the settlement of their
father’s estate.
—Mrs. Chaney Hicklen, for several years
a victim of arthritis, has been very ill dur-
ing the past week, at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Ivan Walker, om Linn
street. Mrs. Hicklen’s sister, Miss Anna
Peters, of Philadelphia, has been with her
for the past two months.
—Among those from out of town who
were in Bellefonte Monday for the funeral
of the late G. Ross Parker, were his
daughter, Mrs. Heury Keller, of Madison,
‘Wis. ; his son, Ferguson, of Bedford; Mrs.
Webster Parker, of Pittsburgh; Mr. and
Mrs. M. A. McGinness, of Clearfield, amd
Miss Kelley, of Philadelphia.
—DMrs. James H. Potter, Mrs. A. B. Suth-
erland, Miss Mary H. Linn, Miss Anna Mec-
Coy and Miss Janet Petter were in Lewis-
town Wednesday representing the Wom-
an’s Foreign Missionary society, of Belle-
fonte, at the missionary convention of the
Huntingdon Presbytery. From there Miss
Linn went on to Harrisburg, where she
will visit until next week.
—Relatives of Mrs. Thaddeus Hamilton,
who were in Bellefonte Wednesday for her
funeral included her daughter amd family,
Mrs. E. M. Broderiek, Mr. Broderick and
their two children; her two sons, Clarence
and Thomas Hamilton and the Iatter’s
wife, all of New Yerk; Mrs. Harvey Ling-
le, of Carrolltown, and Thomas Brew, of
—Miss Sara Malin, Mrs. George Waite
and her daughter, Miss Emma, and Miss
Eleanor McGinley, of Bellefonte, and Mrs.
Holter, of State College, were among those
who went from here on the excursion to
Washington Saturday night. Miss Malin’s
time was spent with her aunt, Mrs. Sam-
uel Malin, in Baltimore, while Miss Mec-
Ginley remained in Washington for a twe
week's visit with her sister, Miss Mar-
gery, who is continuing her work in the
war risk insurance department.
—Louis Shidaker, son-in-law of Mrs.
Alexander Risk, of Altoona, brought the
body of his infant son to Bellefonte yes-
terday for burial. Mr. Shidaker was ac-
companied by Damiel Wallen and Michael
Casben. Mr. and Mrs. Shidaker have been
living in Albany, but recently came to Al-
toona for a temporary stay with Mrs.
Shidaker’'s mother, who has been living
there since leaving Bellefonte several years
ago. The child was Mr. and Mrs. Shid-
aker’s second son, both of whom are dead.
—Mrs. Thomas A. Shoemaker, who has
been a guest at the home of Dr. Brocker-
hoff since early in February, has been ill
there for the past two weeks, her condi-
tion for a part of the time being regard-
ed as serious. Mrs. Ebe, of Pittsburgh,
better known here as Miss Martha Shoe-
maker, has been with her mother during
the greater part of her illness. During
Mrs. Shoemaker’s absence from her home
in Wilkinsburg, Miss Annie Mignot has
been with the family, having gone out
from here at the time Mrs. Shoemaker
came to Bellefonte.
David R. Evans was called to!
—Mrs. Jack Decker, who had been in
Lancaster with Mr. Decker for some time,
returned home on Sunday.
—X¥red Bryan, of Philipsburg, visited
over Sunday with his father and sisters,
at their home on east High street.
_ —The Misses Anna and Careline Valen-
tine, who had spent the late winter in the
Bermudas, returned to Bellefonte Tuesday.
—Mrs. Harry Norris, of Altoona, spent
Wednesday in Bellefonte, being a guest for
the day of the John Love family, on Rey-
nolds avenue.
—DMrs. Albert T. Numbers left on Tues-
day for her home in Philadelphia, after a
visit here with her pareuts, Mr. and Mrs.
W. Miles Walker.
—Miss Emily Valentine has gone to Eu-
rope for the summer, leaving from Balti-
more, where she had spent the winter with
her sister, Mrs. Bond.
—Frank E. Naginey left on Wednesday
to attend the funeral of Mrs. Naginey’s
nephew, Rev. John T. Bell, which was held
at Easton, Pa., that day.
—Mrs. Kellerman, the Misses Agnes and
Katherine McGowan and Miss Margaret
Rosenhoover spent Monday in Altoona,
having gone over for a day in the shops.
—The Misses Henrietta and Mary Se-
bring, both students at Smith college, have
{ been spending their spring vacation at
home with their parents, Dr. and Mrs.
. John Sebring.
—Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hile were ar-
rivals from Portland, Oregon, on Satur-
; day night. Mrs. Hile will spend several
{ weeks with her mother, Mrs. Parker, of
Bishop street, before going on to New
York to join her husband, who left here
Wednesday to go into business in that
city. In consequence of his new position
the Hiles will probably not return to the
——————— een esnee ae.
and Mrs. Alexander
Leave Bellefonte.
On Wednesday Rev. and Mrs, Alex-
ander Scott said good-bye to their
many friends in Bellefonte and de-
parted, by motor, for Woolrich, where
they spent the night with friends be-
fore continuing to their new charge
iin Williamsport.
Rev. Scott had just closed three
very fruitful years as pastor of the
Methodist church here and left with
the feeling that his good works will
live long after him. While here he
brought 151 members into the church
and there are 15 probationers in ad-
dition. Under his pastorate a Junior
League, having a present membership
of 66, was organized and out of it
grew an Intermediate League with 24
members. The Standard Bearer so-
ciety, with 80 members, and the
| King’s Heralds, with 40 members, are
' two other flourishing organizations in
the church that originated under Rev.
Scott’s pastorate.
To our mind his most notable
achievement was the carrying to the
last Conference a report showing a
balance in the treasury of every or-
ganization in the church. We believe
that to be a rare occurrence in the
Methodist church.
Both Rev. and Mrs. Scott will be
missed in Bellefonte. Mrs. Scott was
a very progressive woman and in ad-
dition to the wide range of her church
activities found time for enthusiastic
and intelligent co-operation in all the
forward movements the women of
Bellefonte have inaugurated.
Rev. Scott
——William Duck, who lives down
at Sunnyside, was on his way home
from town on Monday evening when
he stepped on a live electric wire
which had torn loose from its moor-
ings and fallen to the ground. The
current knocked him to the ground in
an unconscious condition, but fortu-
nately other men happened along and
released him. At that he was several
hours coming to and one hand was
badly burned.
Dr. Coburn Rogers has leased
rooms on the first floor of the Holtz
house on Spring street and will move
his office there from the Garman
building. The rooms he now occupies
have been leased by James A. Harter,
who will open a music store therein.
Mr. Harter a few years ago had a sim-
ilar store in the south side of the
same building.
——Ernie Wells’ dance, Bush Ar-
cade, Friday, March 31. 13-1t
——The law offices of Orvis & Zer-
by were moved this week from High
street into rooms in Temple Court,
and R. C. Witmer promptly took pos-
session of the building formerly the
property of the Superior Silica Brick
——An average of seventy persons
are buried in the Bellefonte cemetery
every year, according to the records.
Some years the number is a little less
than that figure and some years more.
The past year the number was seven-
——Rev. E. E. McKelvey, the new
pastor of the Methodist church, ar-
rived in Bellefonte with his family
this week and will hold services at the
usual hours on Sunday.
——The annual election of officers
in St. John’s Lutheran church will
take place on Sunday immediately fol-
lowing the morning church services.
Mprs. J. Calvin Gates, of Penn-
sylvania Furnace, is reported as being
seriously ill with heart trouble.
——Remember Ernie Wells’ dance,
Friday, March 31. COME. 13-1t
en —r re en—
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co.
Red Wheat - - - - - $1.25
White Wheat - - A 1.20
Rye, per bushel - - = - 70
Corn, shelled, per bushel - - 0
Corn, ears, per bushel - - Bb
Oats, per bushel - - - - .30
Barley, per bushel - - - 00