Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 24, 1922, Image 8

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    oe — —
Bellefonte, Pa.,, March 24, 1922.
———— i
Winter sure lingered in the lap
of spring this year.
——J. Frank Smith has resigned
his position with the G. F. Musser Co.
and is now with the Lauderbach-Zer- :
by company.
——The Ladies Aid of the Reform-
ed church wish to announce their an-
nual Easter market to be held Satur-
day, April 15th.
——A marriage license was grant-
ed at Cumberland, Md., last Saturday,
to Robert B. Wallace, of Milesburg,
and Miss Mildred E. Robb, of How-
The stockholders and employ-
ees of the Bellefonte Hardware com-
pany to the number of seventeen held
their annual banquet at the Nittany
Country club on Monday evening.
——1In passing the postoffice appro-
priations bill on Monday the United
States Senate included the appropria-
tion for the continuance of the air-
mail between New York and San
Last Saturday evening two cars
on the Lewisburg local freight picked
the switch below the watch box just
north of High street and were derail-
ed, blocking the track. It took the
crew an hour or more to get the cars
back on the track.
Go to the poverty social to be
held in the armory this (Friday) even-
ing by the Brooks-Doll Post of the
American Legion. Good music, danc-
ing, fortune telling, refreshments,
ete. It will be an evening of unalloy-
ed fun and good entertainment.
On Tuesday burgess W. Harri-
son Walker telephoned this office as a
matter of news that the stopping or
parking of cars on the wrong side of
the street will not be permitted under
any circumstances; and just at that
time the writer saw three cars park-
ed on the wrong side of High street
and they remained there half an hour
or longer.
—Have you picked your old
clothes for the poverty social to be
held by the American Legion boys at
the armory tonight? The older the
clothes the less fine you will be charg-
ed as an admission fee. But what-
ever you wear don’t fail to attend, as
the Legion boys have arranged a pro-
gram of entertainment that will
please everybody.
——Headmaster James R. Hughes,
of the Bellefonte Academy, announces
that in the future he will be compel-
led to make a charge of ten dollars for
the use of Hughes field for all paid
athletic sports instead of five dollars
as heretofore. This increase is made
necessary owing to the high cost of
upkeep, which includes grand stand,
bleechers and high board fence.
Announcement has been made
by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Henson
Simpson of the marriage of their
daughter Winifred and Robert Gray-
son Yarrington, which took place at
Front Royal, Virginia, on Saturady,
March 11th. Mr. Yarrington is a son
of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yarrington, of
Richmond, Va., and a grand-son of the
late Senator Cyrus T. Alexander, of
——Mrs. G. Ross Parker was called
to Atlantic City yesterday by the
serious illness of Mr. Parker, who has
been there at his sister’s winter apart-
ments for a week. Although not in
good health for some time, Mr. Parker
left last week, before he had entirely
recovered from an attack of the grip,
and became very much worse on the
train, his condition being alarming
ever since reaching the Shore.
——Local music lovers will be glad
to know that Prof. C. Walter Wallace,
the famous blind concert organist, of
Philadelphia, has been engaged to ap-
pear in the Lutheran church, Belle-
fonte, in a musical recital at an early
date after Easter. Prof. Wallace is
an artist of exceptional skill and his
ability as an organist is very high.
He will have with him a soprano so-
loist so as to give a varied program.
The recital will be under the direction
of the Lutheran Brotherhood and will
be free. Full announcement later.
——The Bellefonte Academy athlet-
ic banquet was held at the Academy
last Friday evening and proved a very
successful and enjoyable gathering.
The decorations were quite elaborate,
the Academy colors predominating.
Rev. David R. Evans, the new pastor
of the Presbyterian church, was the
speaker of the evening and won the
hearts of all his hearers. Other speak-
ser of the evening were John Love
Esq., who spoke in behalf of the alum-
mi, and Dick Harlow and Dutch Her-
man, the well known athletic coaches
of State College. Brief talks were
also made by a number of the stu-
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Leitzell,
of Port Matilda, have annuonced the
marriage of their daughter Sara and
Clive Howard Sickmon, which happy
event took place in Lock Haven on
Saturday, March 18th. Miss Leitzell
is a graduate nurse of the Bellefonte
hospital and Mr. Sickmon has been a
resident of Bellefonte the past tow
years on a special contract with the
Pennsylvania Match company. He
was formerly connected with the Dia-
mond Match company and his contract
in Bellefonte having expired he and
his bride will make a short visit at his
home in Buffalo, N. Y., then go to
Chico, Cal., where he will take charge
of a match factory.
Important Business Transacted by
Borough Council.
W. C. Coxey appeared before. bor-
“ough council on Monday evening with
a petition signed by residents of east
Bishop street asking that the exten-
sion of east Logan street be opened to
traffic. The petition stated that over
thirty years ago, when that part of
the town was laid out in lots, a street
forty feet in width was provided for;
that the same had been open to traffic
continuously until within the past
year when it was partially closed by
Harry Keeler after purchasing a lot
in that section. The matter was re-
ferred to the Street committee ‘and
borough solicitor to ascertain the bor-
ough’s rights in said street.
Secretary Kelly presented the bond
of borough treasurer Edward M. Geh-
ret in the sum of $16,000 and that of
borough solicitor N. B. Spangler in
the sum of $500, both of which were
The Street committee presented the
borough manager’s report which in-
cluded the collection of $16.00 for
work done. The committee also re-
ported that they had interviewed the
County Commissioners relative to re-
pairing the Lamb street bridge and
they agreed to appropriate $500 to-
ward the expense. The committee
also presented a bid from H. S. Moore
who agrees to put the steel beams nec-
essary to strengthen the bridge in
place and paint same for the sum of
$570. The total cost for repairing the
bridge will be about $1,100, and when
the work is completed it will be capa-
ble of carrying a load of fifteen tons.
Council authorized the committee to
proceed with the work.
The Water committee reported the
collection of $39.50 cx the 1920 water
duplicate. At the last meeting of
council the committee suggested the
installation of a new turbine wheel at
the Phoenix mill pumping station as a
matter of economy, and were instruct-
ed to ascertain figures and present the
same to council for consideration. In
connection therewith Mr. Cunningham
stated that according to actual figures
the present pump at the Phoenix sta-
tion pumps 864,000 gallons of water
in a continuous run of twenty-four
hours; the electric pump will throw
864,000 gallons in a continuous run of
sixteen hours, while the Aldrich pump
at the old pumping station throws
185,000 gallons in a continuous run of
twenty-four hours, making a total of
1,913,000 gallons, which is about the
daily consumption in Bellefonte. With
a new turbine wheel at the Phoenix
station the capacity of the pump there
will be increased to 1,400,000 gallons,.
and adding to this amount the water
thrown by the Aldrich pump would
leave only about 350,000 gallons to be
pumped daily by the electric pump, or
less than half the amount now drawn
from that source. The monthly bills
for the electric pump run over four
hundred dollars and by the reduction
in time as above noted these bills
would be cut down at least one-half,
which would mean a saving of over
two thousand dollars a year. As to
the wheel and new fixtures needed will
cost close to $700, while the committee
estimated the total cost of installation
at approximately $1,000. A motion
was passed authorizing the committee
to purchase the new wheel and have
it installed.
The Finance committee asked for
the renewal of notes for $500, $2,000,
$1,200, $1,800, $1,500, $2,500, $5,500
and $7,000, a total of $22,000, which
was authorized.
President Walker called attention
to the fact that the boys in the man-
ual training department at the Belle-
fonte High school, under the direction
of Prof. Menold, had made a number
of street markers and he instructed
the Street committee to take a look at
the markers and make a survey of the
town to see if they can be used to ad-
Borough manager J..D. Seibert re-
ported that the fire alarm motor had
been sent to the Scranton Electric
company for examination as to wheth-
er it can be repaired but so far no
word has been received from the com-
President Walker reappointed as
members of the Bellefonte board of
health Col. W. Fred Reynolds, whose
term will expire in 1924; James C.
Furst Esq., whose term will run to
1925; Dr. M. J. Locke, 1926; John
Blanchard Esq., 1927, while Dr. David
Dale’s term will end in 1923. The ap-
pointments were approved by council.
Mr. Brouse inquired as to the le-
gality of parking cars on south Water
street, especially adjacent to the Bush
Arcade, and this promoted a general
discussion of the traffic ordinance, the
rights of automobilists, ete. Finally
the president referred the entire mat-
ter to the Fire and Police committee
and the borough solicitor to solve all
questions and get things in shape so
that the ordinance can be enforced.
It might be stated that the attitude
of council is not to be understood as
one of hostility to owners and drivers
of motor cars. But so many drivers
of cars show such utter disregard of
even the most simple road rules in
driving on the streets of Bellefonte
that it is time some action is taken
for the protection of pedestrians as
well as automobilists themselves.
Just what plans will be worked out re-
mains to be seen, but if all drivers of
cars observe general road rules they
will find little to complain about. One
thing, especially, which drivers should
not do is to drive on the wrong side of
the street. Some drivers in Bellefonte
the cost of installation of a new wheel, :
not only disregard this rule but stop
their car on the wrong side of the
street then become offended when told
about it. ; i -
Bills to the amount of $1342.53
were approved and council adjourned.
——*Connecticut * Yankee” at op-
era house tonight and tomorrow night. |.
Matinees at Scenic. 12-1t
——Boncilla massage sets, consist- ;
ing of face powder, mud, vanishing
and cold creams, for 50c. at The Mott
Drug Co.. : 11-2t
Book Shower for the Y. Library.
The library committee of the Wom-
an’s Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. met.
on Tuesday afternoon and formulated
plans for the immediate opening of a
library for the citizens of Bellefonte
and vicinity. It was decided to hold
a “book shower” at the Y. building on
Saturday evening, March 25th, from 7
to 9 o'clock. The price of admission
will be the donation of a book suitable
for placing in the boys, girls, or adult
sections of the library. The library
committee of the Auxiliary will serve
refreshments free. Those having a
number of books they wish to donate
may leave notice for them to be called
for by the Y. boys messenger corps.
Two cakes of soap FREE with
a 2bc. package of taleum at The Mott
Drug Co. 11-2t
Clyde Kelly Coming.
Hear Hon. M. Clyde Kelly, Member
of Congress, of Washington, D. C., on
“Shall Liquor or Law Rule?” at the
court house, Bellefonte, at 3 p. m.
Sunday, March 26th. Admission free,
everybody welcome. : :
Mr. Kelly is a strong speaker, of
vivid personality, convincing in his
arguments as well as entertaining.
His recent prominence in the public
press as figuring largely in the State
political tangle will add interest to
his appearance here at this time. All
who go will enjoy a treat. whether
they agree with kim or not.
Mr. Kelly, as Congressman from
the 30th District, Pittsburgh, is a
very busy man but always embraces
every opportunity to “strike from the
shoulder” in the interest of civic
righteousness. Hear his opinion on
law-violation and the remedy for it.
Nine Snow: Shoe Miners Now in
Centre County Jail.
As an aftermath of the dynamiting
of a house in Snow Shoe township on
Monday night of last week in which
one man was killed nine men are now
in the Centre county jail, although
none of them are charged directly
with being implicated in the tragedy:
John and ‘Andy Malchisky were sent
to jail for thirty days by ‘Squire
George F. Brown, of Clarence, for
disorderly conduct.
Andy Lesko, of Clarence, is being
held as a suspect in the dynamiting
case. John E. Kachic, Joseph Kachic,
Andy Soltis, Joe Kinchock, Joe Kor-
kus and John Frueck were arrested
on charges preferred by O. G. Mor-
gan, who asserted that the men had
cut the props in his mine thus endan-
gering the lives of fellowworkmen.
The men admitted their guilt and are |
held until their cases can be dispos- |
ed of by the court.” i
Double Birthday Party.
A very pleasant gathering was held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs Oscar |
McMullen, on Monday evening, in cel-
ebration of the fourteenth birthday
anniversary of Miss Dorothy McMul-
len and Oscar Lucas, whose birthdays.
are only fifteen days apart. Various
games were played and very appetiz-
ing refreshments served and. every-.
body present had a most enjoyable
time. The guests were as follows:
Gertrude Osman, Louise Rhine, Myra
Kelly, Beulah Justice, Pearl Justice,
Louise Justice, Thelma Grubb, Mary Rote,
Susie Kovacic, Mabel Poorman, Pearl
Miles, Sarah Billett, Margaret Rote, Ray
Kellerman, John Kovacie, John Shope, Ly-
man Osman, Boyd Osman, John Dean, Ho-
mer Sprankle, Frederick Rider, William
Mills, Raymond Young, Hassell Martin,
Joe Riglen, Austin Kellerman, George Bar-
ner, Earl Baldwin, Wellington Lucas, Os-
car Lucas, George Shaffer, Paul Shaffer,
Harry McMullen, James Young, George
Young, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McMullen, An-
na McMullen, Dorothy McMullen and Ma-
rie Baney.
rn —p rene.
——Two cakes of soap FREE with
a 2bc. package of talcum at The Mott
Drug Co. 11-2t
Blair and Son Announce a Novel
Guessing Contest.
The beautifully dressed show win-
dows of the Blair and Son jewelry
store, in Temple Court, always attract
attention but from tomorrow until the
next Saturday we opine they will be
the object of extraordinary interest.
Tomorrow morning, March 25th, the
windows will be filled with watches,
parts of watches and empty cases.
Every person will be invited to guess
how many complete watches there are
in the pile. No purchase, no promise
of any sort will be exacted of any one
who wishes to try a guess.
The person who comes nearest the
actual number of complete watches in
the window, if a man, will be present-
ed with a gold pocket watch and, if a
lady, the award will be a gold wrist
Here's a chance to get something
for nothing and it surely should ap-
peal to every one. Details of the con-
test will be found in Blair and Son's
regular advertisement elsewhere in
this edition.
County Conservationists Hold Annual
Meeting and Elect Officers.
A good representation was present
at the annual meeting of the Centre
County Conservation Association held
at State College last Thursday even-
ing. Officers for the ensuing year
were elected as follows:
President—S. Ward Gramley, Mill-
heim. ; 57 :
« Vice-Presidents—Col. Theodore Da-
vis Boal, Boalsburg; J. R. Miller, Mill-
heim; Prof.’ R. D. Anthony, State
Secretary—Prof. J. A. Ferguson,
State College. :
Treasurer—Prof. Frank M. Tor-
rence, State College. ’
_ Directors at Large—Thomas Horne,
Philipsburg; T. H. Harter, Bellefonte;
Prof. Thomas. A. Pletcher, Howard;
Frank Bradford, Centre Hall; Phil. D.
Foster, State College; Prof. W. G. Ed-
wards, State College.
Dean R. L. Watts, of State College,
was elected as the official representa-
tive of the Association at the organi-
zation meeting for a State Conserva-
tion Council to be held at State Col-
lege, March 30th and 31st.
Resolutions were adopted closing
Centre county to ringneck pheasants
for two years; placing the raven on
the list of protected birds in Penn-
sylvania, and against the proposed
transfer of the U. S. forest service in
whole or in part, from the Depart-
ment of Agriculture to the Depart-
ment of Interior.
It was decided to hold the annual
convention at Boalsburg in June, ac-
cepting the generous offer of Col.
Theodore Davis Boal of the use of his
grounds. The annual convention will
be in the nature of a basket picnic for
members of the Association and their
families and friends. There will be
contests on shooting, fly casting, bird
houses, collections of leaves and flow-
ers, and Boy Scout activities.
The county was redistricted as to
conservation districts as follows, with
headquarters at towns named:
Port Matilda—Taylor, Worth and
the western portions of Patton and
Halfmoon townships.
Philipsburg—Rush township.
Unionville—Union and
and Howard township.
Walker township.
Millheim—Haines, Penn and Miles
township. ran
State College—Harris,
and College township.
Stormstown—Halfmoon and Patton
township. = . f= ath ;
Centre Hall—Potter and Gregg
township. ‘
Marion, Curtin
Spring and
Interesting Notes of Methodist Epis-
copal Conference. + =
One of the most interesting items
in the week’s business of any Metho-
dist Episcopal conference to each and
every congregation is the question of
their next pastor, and in Bellefonte
this has been solved by the appoint-
ment of Rev. E. E. McKelvey to the
pastorate of the Bellefonte church to
succeed Rev. Alexander Scott, who has
been in Bellefonte three years. Rev.
Scott was assigned to Grace church,
Williamsport, one of the best churches
in the conference. Rev. McKelvey
will come to Bellefonte from Wil-
liamsport. The other appointments in
Centre county are as follows:
Halfmoon—C. H. Monroe.
Howard—Matthew S. Q. Mellott.
Milesburg and Unionville—J. F.
Andreas. :
Pensvalley—Charles F. Catherman.
Port Matilda—Walter H. Upham.
Philipsburg—Richard S. Oyler.
Pine Grove Mills—J. S. Hammond.
Pleasant Gap—McKinley Kepler.
‘Salona and Lamar—Hugh Fraser.
Snow Shoe—John M. Stevens.
State College—Robert C. Peters and
H. F. Babcock. - °
Rev. Babcock was made assistant to
Rev. Peters at State College, on rec-
ommendation of Rev. J. W. Long, and
Rev. H. H. Battenhotuse was appoint-
ed to the chair in the College hereto-
fore occupied by Rev. Babcock:
Rev. James B. Stein, a former Belle-
fonte pastor but who during the past
few years has been located in Altoo-
na, was elected secretary of the board
of philanthropies for a period of five
years, with headquarters at Harris-
The conference was very largely at-
tended and accepted an invitation to
meet in Harrisburg next year.
Quigley Grants Eleven
Licenses, Refuses Four.
The fifteen applicants for licenses
in Centre county learned their fate on
Monday when the fifteen applications
were filed in the prothonotary’s office.
Eleven of the applications were grant-
ed “subject to the restrictions of the
federal and State laws,” and four
were refused. Those granted are the
Philipsburg Brewing company, the
Coal Exchange hotel, the Passmore
house and the Central hotel, all of
Philipsburg; the National hotel, Mill-
heim; the Central hotel, Boggs town-
ship; the Cassanova hotel, the hotel
at Sandy Ridge, the Washington
house, Snow Shoe, the Clarence hotel,
and Andrew Chambers, wholesaler,
Those refused are the Garman
house, Bellefonte; The Ramsdale,
Farmers and Continental hotels, Phil-
ipsburg. The refusal of the license
for the Garman house, of Bellefonte,
will close the last bar in Bellefonte,
while the number of licensed places in
Philipsburg have been reduced one-
CLR -—
—Judge Henry C. Quigley is holding
court in Pittsburgh, expecting to be away
two weeks.
—Miss Lucy Potter is with her cousins,
the Misses Sommerville, at Robertsdale,
having gone out last week for a ten day’s
‘—Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Richard are on
their annual Lenten visit to Atlantic City,
having left Monday for a stay of several
weeks at the Shore.
—Col. and Mrs. W. F. Reynolds went to
New York Sunday to spend a short time
with Col. Reynold’s sister, Mrs. Water-
man, before she sailed for Europe, Monday.
—Mrs. William Eckels, of Pittsburgh,
was sent for this week on account of the
illness of her mother, Mrs. Boniface Mig-
not, who is now a patient in the Bellefonte
—Mrs. James Runkle returned to Tus-
seyville Friday of last week, after a visit
here with her son, W. Groh Runkle Esq.,
and his family, at their home on Alleghe-
ny street.
—John Blanchard, president of the board
of health, and James C. Furst, one of its
members, represented the local board at a
district meeting held in Altoona Friday of
‘last week.
—Mrs. Frank Driscoll and her small
daughter came in from Snow Shoe the ear-
ly part of the week, remaining here for
several days wit’ Mrs. Driscoll’s aunt, Miss
Josephine McDermot.
—Miss Elizabeth Ammerman, a daugh-
ter of Albert Ammerman, of Philadelphia,
came to Bellefonte Sunday for a visit of
several weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Frank
Compani, and other relatives.
—DMiss Blanche Underwood is taking a
well earned vacation of a week, spending
the time with her brother, Irvin Under-
wood and his family, in Erie. Miss Un-
derwood left Bellefonte last Saturday.
—Mr. Martin Dreiblebis and daughter,
Miss Dora, of State College, were ‘“Watch-
man” office callers yesterday, having mo-
tored to Bellefonte to look after some bus-
iness matters and do a little shopping.
—Mr. and Mrs. J. Kennedy Johnston
entertained a family week-end party which
included Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Stizing-
er, of New Castle, and Hugh and Phil
Johnston, students at Dickinson College.
—Miss Winifred M. Gates and Mrs. Law-
rence Jones will go to Johnstown today
for a brief visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward L. Gates and to see that new neph-
ew who recently arrived at the Gates
—Miss Zoe Meek, postmistress at Clar-
ence, spent Friday night and a part of Sat-
urday in Bellefonte looking after some
matters relative to her campaign as a can-
didate for the Legislature on the Demo-
cratic ticket.
—J. 8. McCargar left Bellefonte on Wed-
nesday afternoon for Greensburg to enter
a hospital for treatment. During his ab-
sence his sister, Mrs. D. C. Mosher, of
Genoa, N. Y., will stay in Bellefonte with
Mrs. McCargar.
—H. 8. Spotts, one of the leading far-
mers of Union township, was among the
many from over the county who spent
Saturday in Bellefonte, here looking after
some early farm needs and enjoying a look }
in at the automobile show.
—Mrs. Hiram Fetterhoff will go to her
former home at Pleasant Gp immediately
following her sale tomorrow afternoon;
plans having been completed for the two
sisters and brother, Mrs. Noll, Mrs. Fetter-
hoff and George Tate to live together.
—James A. Harter, formerly of Belle-
fonte, will move his family here from
Freehold, N. J., and reopen his music store
in the room now occupied by Mrs. Delmon-
ico, on Allegheny street. Mr. Harter’s fam-
ily will live in the flat over the W. H. Mil-
ler store.
—Thomas R. Buck, with the American
Car and Foundry company, of Berwick,
Pa., was in Bellefonte last week, coming
here from Millheim, where he had been
spending a part of the week, called there
by the death of his father-in-law, David
L. Zerby. Mrs. Buck was Mr. Zerby's only
—DMiss Mary Foster, her brother Charles,
and Deemer Pearce, of State College; Miss
Zoe Meek, of Clarence; John D. Miller, of
Hublersburg; J. W. Swabb, of Linden
Hall, and A. B. Lee, of Spring Mills, were
in Bellefonte Friday night to serve on a
special Democratic committee, called by
the county chairman.
—Mrs. Eyer, of Buffalo, who has been
with her daughter, Mrs. Benjamin Bradley
during the winter, expects to remain in
Bellefonte until the Bradleys are estab-
lished in their mew home, which is ready
for occupancy now, but which will not be
completed before May. Following their
public sale on April 8th, Mr. and Mrs.
Bradley will go to their new home.
—The Misses Maude and Gertrude Mil-
ler, of Pennsylvania Furnace, with their
niece, Miss Helen Lemon, the only daugh-
ter of Mrs. Clarence Lemon, of State Col-
lege, as a motor guest, drove to Bellefonte
Saturday to spend a part of the day in the
shops. Miss Gertrude Miller is an instrue-
tor in the schools of Huntingdon county,
her work being but a short distance from
her home at Pennsylvania Furnace.
—Those from out of town who were
here for the funeral of Mrs. M. F. Hazel,
Saturday, included Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Klesius, their daughters Helen and Chris-
tine and their son John; Mr. and Mrs.
George Klesius, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Enz-
brenner and their son Francis, Mr. and
Mrs. C. J. Enzbrenner, Mr. and Mrs. John
M. Enzbrenner, their daughters Barbara
Walburga, Elizabeth and son Julius; Mrs.
Katherine Enzbrenner, Mrs. B. Hibbs, Mrs.
Frank Enzbrenner, Edward and Charles
Laubacher, Miss Rose Laubacher, Miss M.
Flaugh, Miss J. Wahl, Miss Gene Fox,
Miss Anna Snyder, Mrs. Boslett and her
daughter Betty, and Miss Elizabeth Kis-
sel, all of Altoona; Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Beezer, of Pittsburgh; John Beezer, of
Punxsutawney; E. C. and Ferd J. Beezer
and the latter's son, Ferdinand, of Philips-
Sheldon Haines, who the past
chree years has been manager of the
Western Union Telegraph office in
this place, has tendered his resigna-
tion to take effect on April first. Mr.
Haines has taken the agency for the
Fuller brushes in Centre county and
in this capacity will probably contin-
ue to make Bellefonte his home. Just
who his successor will be with the
Western Union has not yet been de-
Mrs. Miller Delightfully Surprised.
« A delightful surprise party was held
i at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
‘ Miller, on east High street last Wed-
-nesday night, in honor of Mrs. Miller.
: Refreshments were served and the
evening was spent in amusing games,
music and social enjoyment. Those
present were Rev. George E. Smith,
Mrs. Wallace Woomer, Mrs. Stella
Woomer, Mr. and Mrs. Homer John-
son and daughter Louise, Mrs. John-
son, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Young, Mrs.
Lillidahl, Mrs. Bert Bathurst, Mrs. L.
H. Wion, Mrs. Niles Davis, Mrs. John
Mignot, Mrs. Sidney ‘Poorman, Mrs.
Harry Ulrich, Miss Mary Eberhart,
Stella Gheen, Mrs. Homer Walker, son
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Weilie, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Miller
and family. When the guests de-
parted they wished Mrs. Miller many
more bright and happy birthdays.
Among Those Who are Sick.
Mrs. W. H. Wilkinson has been
ill at her home on Allegheny street
for the past week, her condition being
regarded as critical.
Mrs. Margaret Rhodenbush, who
was taken ill last week at the home of
Mrs. William Dawson, was taken to
the Bellefonte hospital Tuesday.
Frances and Elizabeth Glenn,
daughters of Jerry Glenn, of Curtin,
are both recovering from an attack of
| pneumonia, which developed from the
grip; Mr. Glenn's family being among
those who were victims of the epidem-
——The inmates at the Rockview
penitentiary were given a musical
treat on Sunday afternoon when the
State College orchestra of sixty piec-
es responded to the request of James
H. Potter and went to the institution
and gave an hour’s concert in the
afternoon. Mr. Potter avers that the
| concert was superior to the one the
same musical organization gave in
the court house some weeks ago. In
addition to the instrumental music a
vocalist sang three songs which pleas-
ed the prisoners very much. The con-
cert was given in the large dining
room. Rev. David R. Evans accom-
panied Mr. Potter to the penitentia-
ry. and made a brief talk. Mr. Potter
has also arranged for the Odd Fellows
band to go up to the penitentiary and
give a concert the first Sunday in
Roy C. Witmer has purchased
the office building on High street from
the Superior Silica Brick company and
will take it over on or about April
first. The building now occupied by
Mr. Witmer was purchased some time
ago by C. F. Tate, who will move his
plumbing shop into the rooms now oc-
cupied by Mr. Witmer. The latter
will tear away the porch from the
stone building he has just purchased,
have a big show window put in and
will move his electrical supply store
there. He will occupy the entire low-
er floor and move his family into the
second floor. The law firm of Orvis
& Zerby will go back into rooms in
Temple Court.
——Rev. and Mrs. Alexander Scott
will be honor guests at a dinner given
tonight by Mrs. Scott’s bible class, at
the Nittany Country club, in appre-
ciation of the splendid service render-
ed them and the young people of the
church. Many requests for places
from members of the other church or-
ganizations have been refused, owing
to the size of the class, which in itself
has forty members: The party will be
guests of M. R. Johnson on the drive
to and from the club house. Mr. and
Mrs. Scott’s popularity among the
younger element, has done much for
the church during Rev. Scott’s pas-
torate in Bellefonte.
——Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Burnes
are receiving congratulations on the
birth of their first child, Louis John
Jr., who was born at their home in
Nutley, N. J., on the 16th of Febru-
ary. Mrs. Nutley lived all her girl-
hood life in Bellefonte and was well
known here as Miss Margaret Finne-
Mark Twain’s most Jumorous
story, “A Connecticut Yankee at Kin,
Arthur's Court” will be shown at the
opera house tonight and tomorrow
night, with matinees both days at the
Scenic. A lavishly produced 8 reel
scream from start to finish. Don’t
fail to see it. 12-1t
r—— pe
——A public sale of all kinds of
household furniture, floor coverings,
dishes, household tools, etc., will be
held at the home of Benjamin Brad-
ley, N. Spring St. Saturday, April
8th, at 1:30 p. m. 12-3t
Geiss’ Bazar, March 25th.
Horses, cattle, pigs, ducks, and plenty
of furniture. Bring what you have to
sell, or come and there may be some-
thing you will buy. 12-1t*
——Boncilla massage sets, consist-
ing of face powder, mud, vanishing
and cold creams, for 50c. at The Mott
Drug Co. 11-2¢
Sale Register.
Tuesday, March 28.—At his flat over Gar-
man’s store C. P. Brachbill will sell all
kinds of household furniture. Sale at
1:30 p. m.
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co.
Red Wheat - - - - $1.25
White Wheat - - - - 1.20
Rye, per bushel - - - 70
Corn, shelled, per bushel - - 50
Corn, ears, per bushel - - 50
Oats, per bushel - - - - 30
Barley, per bushel - - - - 60