Aire ee EE Bemorrai Yada Bellefonte, Pa., March 24, 1922. SIDELIGHT Gi SYRIAN LIFE Writer Gives an Insight Into His Life as a Small Boy in That Little Known Country. The roads were oven. Travelers came into our village. Scarcely a night was the guest house in our court- yard unoccupied. I liked to sit with my father and his guests in this room, built after European style with four Jarge windows over which in winter oiled paper was passed to keep the cold out. The walls of the guest room were white and on them were hung the choicest rugs brought back from Kurdistan by my Grandfather Mirza. There were chairs in this room. I was very proud that we should own chairs, but I found them most uncom- fortable to sit on. After a few mo- ments my legs began to ache and I slipped down on the cushions. In the alcove of the guest chamber were some old manuscripts bound in course leather. They were holy books with il- luminated margins. Among tnem was a Bible in Syriac. I carefully refrained from touching it. It was too holy. I might perhaps be struck dead for my temerity. Among the travelers that came along the road was Hady, the singer. He was the ugliest man that I had ever seen, sore-eyed, pock-marked and dirty. But he was very wise. His ivory han- dled dagger in its silver sheath was so long that it reached from his chest te his hips. My playmates and I would have laughed and jeered at him, per- haps, it he had not carried this dag- ger.—Youel B. Mirza in Asia Maga- zine. BARGAIN AT $30 A MONTH Chinese Boy With “Exceptional Knowl- edge of English” Should Have Been Snapped Up Quickly. The following application for em- ployment was received by a Shanghai hong from a student in the Shanghai college: “Nothing is of less importance than the age of a person; nevertheless, it fg proper to begin that I am in my twenty-first year. Having a firing am- bition: to do some service in the busi- ness world, I grasp this opportunity to insert myself into the sphere. It iz true that many are now wanderin< fdly in the market awaiting employ- ment. But it is true to the same ex- tent that many of these, ii not all. are good for nothing. To take notice npon them, or to put some duty upon them is to give gun powder to children as a plaything. The danger can be imag- ined. “I am now going to give some ac- count of my personal abilities. It is not too much to say that my know! edge of English can hardly be repre sented to the full color by such a little adjective as ‘thorough.’ It is excep tionally excellent, to be outspoken. As to the art of typewriting, my hands go on as smoothly as to skate on an fcy river. With such intellectual weapons any hard duties can be as easily conquered as an egg shell by a wave. The salary I look for would he $30 a month. “Awaiting your answer earnestly I am, Sir, ———.""—North China Ga- zette. Robin ls Inventor. Tre robin lives in trees and part ly on the ground, so that it some- times hops, like birds that live in trees, and sometimes walks or runs, like birds that live on the ground. The robin is a plucky little fellow. He will stand up for himself, and refuses to let other birds put upon him. Generally he lives alone—some- times with a mate, but never do you find robins in flocks. This little bird can claim to be the Inventor of pottery. Look at a robin’'s nest and you will gee that it is a clay pot, set into a pile of straw. When a robin has fin- ished with a nest, take it and put it on the fire, having first thoroughly dried it. Leave it on the fire until all the straws have been burnt, and if it has not broken, you will find that you have a perfectly good earthen pot. —Pearson’s Weekly. Peculiar Manx Cats. The origin of Manx cats is now at- tributed to the arrival of these cats on the Isle of Man from ships belong- fing to the Spanish armada that were ‘wrecked there. They were probably brought from Japan or eastern Asia. ‘They are a distinct species with short forelegs, and elevated hindquarters, and differ from other cats somewhat in call, ways, and character. They vary in color. People who have owned them for long periods say they are not good mousers or hunters. In character they are rather similar to a dog, being high- ly companionable and having some of the qualities of a guardian, but they are not considered hunters in any sense of the word. Sense of Obligation. “what a wonderful thing it would be if Shakespeare were alive today?” “I wish he were,” said Mr. Storm- ington Barnes, earnestly. “I should like to meet him. I'm sure he would be very grateful to me for the manner in which I have interpreted his po- etry.” isk pestis — When you see it in the “Watch- man” you know its true. SY MARY GRAHAM En—— COPYRIONT BY WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION semeeammmmet MONKEY TALK “It is well that all creatures do not like the same food,” said the Monkey. “for if they did so much food would go to waste and there wouldn't Le enough of the other kind. “I mean if we all liked the same kind of food there wouldn't be enough of that kind for every single creature, and then all the kinds of food we didn't care for would go to waste—if no one cared for other kinds, I mean.” “I'm glad to know what you mean,” said Miss Monkey. “By the way, 1 hear they are very anxious to have an- other gorilla in the zoo. Dinah was an interesting creature for all her queer ways.” “Yes,” said the Monkey, “they are very interested in having a new monkey. I've also been told there aie iots of other animals they want. They like to have a huge zoo here with plenty of interesting creatures, “They want an OKkapi, which is a queer animal, I believe. The Okapi comes from Africa and looks a little bit like a giraffe. “They do not believe they will ever get one, though, for those creatules are very rare, Once, I'm told, a zoo had one Okapi, but that is all. “Then they want a White Rhinoe- eros badly, but they're afraid they can’t get one, because the White Rhino is u very rare creature, too. “They'll be pleased, though, to have an Indian Rhino, which is larger than the African Rhino. The White Rhino “l Saw You Swinging.” hides away in long grass when he is being looked for, and it is hard to get him. “Then they want a Takin goat and some wild goats and some antelopes. “They'd like to have a handsome gi- raffe from East Africa and a Pygmy Elephant. “Of course they'd like some more of the regular animals.” “What do you mean by regular ani- mals?” asked Miss Monkey. “Like ourselves and the lions and the tigers and the usual elephants, and all the others. “We're very fine, of course, and in- teresting, but we're not very, very rare. “It means a lot to be rare, of course, for then folks want to see you So much, They want to see the new and queer beast they've never seen before. “But still it is nice to be known, for then one is greeted as an old friend. “Yes, when the children come in here they look at me and they say: “ ‘Oh, see the monkey!’ “They know me and they know you, too, Miss Monkey.” “1 think it is nice to be known as an old friend, and not to have people say when they see you: “Oh, what strange looking animal ls that? “But we were talking about food,” continued Miss Monkey. “I'm think- ing that a taste of banana would be very nice, too. Dcubtless the snake thinks an egg or so would be pleasant. and the lion wants plenty of meat, and the Sea Lion wants plenty of fish. “I am hungry for supper because I have had plenty of exercise today. I have some nice new tricks to show you, which I tried today.” “I saw you swinging back and forth, catching yourself by your tail and by your hands and in all sorts of ways,” said Mr. Monkey. “I could see you were trying out seme new tricks and I'll be glad to see them.” “Let's give a circus performance to- morrow,” said Miss Monkey, “and if no one else comes to our circus, at least the keeper will, for he is always interested in seeing any new tricks we have to perform. “He will watch us, and he will be very proud of us, and he will smile as he sees us. Then he will take us out of our cages and he'll pet us. We'll pet him, too, and knock of his hat, just to tease him. How we will laugh at him when we do that. “Then he'll pick up his hat and put it on again, and once more we'li knock it off, and again we’ll laugh.” “What a good time we do have,” said Mr. Monkey. ‘What lots of fun, especially with the keeper.” “You're right,” agreed Miss Monkey. Good Imitations. Eva, aged five, -7as visiting in the country and, seeing a lot of sheep and lambs for the first time, exclaimed: “Oh, mamma, just look at the cute little lambs, and they're such good imitations, too. They look just like my toy lamb and have the same kind of hair on.” SHORT FUR COATS rane or — noveities Have Been Launched by Paris Designers. Band Trimmings of Embroidery Done on Bright-Colored Cloth; Satin Lining to Match. Novelties launched by Paris de- signers are short box coats of fur, with band trimmings of lovely em- broidery done on bright-colored cloth, The coats are lined with satin to match the embroidery, and the general effect is one of youth, simplicity and becom: ingness. Another novelty launched by the same maker is the short shoulder cape and deep gauntlet cuffs of astrakhan, to be worn with the heavy wool stree{ dress. The vest of fur is new ang comfortable for motoring. It may 0) may not have sleeves of crepe d¢ chine. Another designer shows a mod el made of beaver fur with sleeves of crepe de chine. Inexpensive or substitute furs ary very much used by Paris dressmakers Dyed rabbit, dyed squirrel, dyed sheep skin, masquerading under variou names, zibeling as petit-gris-lustre, Shoulder Cape and G.untiet Gloves Parisienne, agneau, etc., are success fully used for these, as well as fo! trimming purposes. The novelty wis tatch is yet to be tasted. Among the smartest of the so-called costumes is a camel’s-hair dress in chemise form with bell sleeves and high collar. It buttons from neckling to hem with tan bone buttons. An accompanying cape reaching below the hips is circular, although it may be had in straight effect as well, and hag a collar of raccoon fur, Long rib bon ends which tie the cape trimmed with balls of fur. FROCKS TO WEAR AT DANCES Lace Skirt With Taffeta Bodice Among Favorites That Have Appeared This Season. A lace skirt with a taffeta bedice is among the frocks that have made their appearances at dances. There was a full lace skirt, in cream color, and a bodice of mauve taffeta, that were most interesting as a combination for an evening frock. Then there was one with a skirt made in three tiers of black lace flounces, with a darted and fitted bodice of black taffeta. To be sure, this was worn by a girl whose hair was a brilliant red, so that noth- ing was taken from its youthfulness, as the hair supplied the necessary note of color and sparkle. The slippers and stockings of the present season are worthy of mention —more so than they have ever been before. They are taking a place of prominence that has not been granted them for a long, long time. Indeed sometimes they are the sole trimming and note of color, and for this reason they must be regarded with reverence, even with awe. Silver slippers and those made of cloth of gold are famous from fairy tale days, to be sure, but now they have stepped into real life with a ven- geance. Hardly a twinkling foot but shows the glint of precious metal about its toes. And there are slippers made of brilliant brocades—even sandals, and those with heels that are given every appearance of a veritable sandal, Often one sees light-colored stockings (even those with apparently no color at all), that are worn with black pumps. These, in fact, are the rule rath- er than the exception, and it is quite extraordinary to see feet and legs clad in the same color, unless that color happens to be something more than ex- traordinarily brilliant. Buckles, when there are any, are apt to be rather inconspicuous. The bro- cades are the thing, and they are used to make the whole slipper, with its in- {ricacies of strappings over the instep. Girdles in Variety. A good deal of interest centers around the girdle which a frock adopts. The trend at present, it is said, is to make the hips appear as large as pos- sible by means of padded girdle effects, or fur running through velvet loops, and the apron effects are also men- tioned. Girdles of metal and girdles of ribbon onto which cabochons, buckles and metal squares have been applied are being shown in the New York shops to the exclusion of any other kind of a belt. Wooden beads, too, In fantastc designs and colors are popular, for the girdle at the moment is the decorative feature of the | costume. -—_— — are SLEEPING IN SIBERIA. “A snow-bound Siberian village in the full light of day,” says an Amer- ican who has seen service in that quarter of the globe, “looks about as desolate and uninviting a place as you can well imagine, but to the traveler who enters it at night, after a long day of sledging against the wind, its cheeriness is overwhelming. “I found Brookhanover a very pleas- ant spot. Every little window blazed out its warm welcome. Here and there I caught the glint of a brass samover on a table with a knot of people sit- ting around it. Cascades of sparks poured from chimneys. Men’s voices rose to accompany the brayings and bleatings of an accordion. “We stopped at a two-story log cot- tage. Supper was a banquet of soup, potatoes, meat, bread and milk. There was no guest room here; so I went to bed with the rest of the family—men, women and children. “Going to bed in a Siberian peas- ant’s hut is a simple matter. You take a blanket or two, cocoon your- self in them, lie down on the floor, and go to sleep then and there. There are no bedrooms, no beds. You do not disrobe. Men, women and children, cats and dogs, chickens, ducks, and turkeys, lie down side by side. The last person to turn in stacks pine logs into the stove to its fullest capacity. Then he extinguishes the lamp and another day is over. Sometimes there will be a bench, a pair of chests or a niche in the wall to serve as a couch; and sometimes the grandfather or grandmother of the household exer- cises the prerogative of sleeping on the flat, whitewashed top of the brick stove, hazardous as that may seem. But in the great majority of cases every one, with a fine democracy, shares the floor.”—Edward Tarrisse. Boncilla massage sets, consist- ing of face powder, mud, vanishing and cold creams, for 50c. at The Mott Drug Co. 11-2¢ ——Two cakes of soap FREE with a 25c. package of talcum at The Mott Drug Co. 11-2t NET CTR LL pt RT ATE Columbia Dry Bat- teries work better and last longer | —for ignition on the Ford while starting —for gas engines —for tractors —for bells and buzzers —for thermostats ~—for dry battery light- ing outfits in closet, _ cellar, garret, barn, | woodshed, etc.] The world’s most famous dry battery. Used where group of individual cells is needed. Fahnestock Spring Clip Binding Posts at no extra charge PA fo) (orLuppIA IGNITOR BA ‘ Y Save your back! Put a Columbia “Hot Shot”, Ignition Battery under the front seat of your Ford, and use its cur- rent for sure-fire ignition while start- ing. Full ignition power instantly, regardless of weather. The Col- umbia “Hot Shot” No. 1461 fits under the front seat—put it there today. Columbia Dry Batteries for all purposes are sold by electricians, auto supply shops and garages, hardware and general stores, and implement dealers. Insist upon Columbia. Dry B ia tteries EE a Be CT A ES, HOOD’S SARSAPARILLA. Bad Blood Bad Health First, the well- known cause. Second, the sure result. It is equally sure that if you purify your blood with Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the standard blood purifier and tonic medicine, good health, appetite and Seng will follow as night follows ay. Hood’s Sarsaparilla gives relief in such troubles as blood humors, scrof- ula, eczema, boils, pimples, and other eruptions; acid blood which causes the pains and aches of rheumatism or lumbago; nervous twinges and ca- tarrh; weak blood, that tired feeling, loss of appetite and run-down condi- tions. Heed these warnings before you de- cline to the condition of chronic ill- ness. Get Hood’s today. Some one in your family needs it now. War tax removed, price reduced. For a mild laxative, Hood’s Pills. 67-10 Ira D. Garman Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry “JEWELRY MADE OVER” 11th Street Below Chestnut, 63-34-6m PHILADELPHIA, PA. Caldwell & Son BELLEFONTE, PA. Plumbing and Heating By Hot Water Vapor Steam Pipeless Furnaces Full Line of Pipe and Fittings AND MILL SUPPLIES ALL SIZES OF Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings Estimates Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished. 66-15 CHICHESTER S PILLS sk DAMS BARD adles! Ask your Dru, or Chi-ches-ter s fet To Pllls in Red and Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon, Take no other. Buy of your Druggint "Ask for OIN1.ONES-TER § DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for 25 years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable OLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE nm Any boy born in the United States may some day be president of the Republic. ‘Any town large enough to have a postoffice may some day become a metropolis with subways and sky- scrapers. To keep pace with the growth, fast or slow, of every community they serve is the ambition of the men and women in the Bell Telephone organization. To give good service today and to anticipate the needs of that service tomorrow is a responsibility we all feel. The Bell Telephone System is not a garment to be outgrown and then discarded. Itis a living thing that grows and develops as conditions require. Each community’s telephone service is a unit in itself but it is also a part of a nation-wide system. Every new improvement though it be developed three thousand miles away is available to every Bell office where it may be used in giving a better and more economical service. DS es THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA C. W. HEILHECKER Local Maneger