Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 24, 1922, Image 3

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    Dro fitdn
Bellefonte, Pa., March 24, 1922,
Country Correspondence
Items of Interest Dished Up for the
Delectation of “Watchman” Read-
ers by a Corps of Gifted
Harry Grove and family, of Belle-
fonte, spent Sunday with Mrs. John
Herman, mother of Mrs. Grove.
It is said that the heirs of the late
Harry Zimmerman expect to hold the
farm and residence intact. They will,
however, expose at public sale a sur-
plus of stock and farm implements.
Mr. T. E. Jodon, our efficient over-
seer of the poor, has been confined to
his bed the past week with a vicious
attack of the flu. His doctor thinks
he is now on a fair way to recovery.
Owing to the tardiness of our tax-
payers our tax collector thinks it ad-
visable to turn over his duplicate for
collection. If so, sheriff Dukeman will
be the gainer by having a batch of
new boarders.
Now that spring is here and our an-
nual group of robins are having a pic-
nic—reminds us that the task of stick-
ing onions, planting early corn and
cultivating our everbearing strawber-
ries is about due.
Harvey Markle, farmer and dairy-
man, who was recently pulled in for
violating the health ordinance during
our measle epidemic, went to Belle-
fonte recently, paid his fine like a man
and is again a free man.
Mr. Lee Sampsel, engineer of the
Whiterock dinkey, has been laid up
the past week with a severe attack of
grippe. His little daughter was also
confined to bed for a few days, but
both are recovering nicely.
Mrs. Elsie Rimmey, teacher of our
intermediate school, and Mrs. Grove,
of the primary school, each closed
their school for a day last week, both
being afflicted with an inveterate cold.
The good work is again progressing.
Rural honor, rural pride, rural in-
tegrity is the bulwark of the nation,
and we must stop the influx of our
young people into the sin-polluting
cities by making farming more at-
tractive, if we expect to preserve our
present institutions.
When conscience has ceased to be a
governing factor in the affairs of so-
ciety, then of a necessity we must go
back to the school of nature, and learn
through antagonism and all the severe
lessons it teaches, that harmony after
all is the best condition in which we
William Smeltzer, our neighbor far-
mer, had an excellent sale and things
almost brought war prices. Good stuff
usually brings remunerative prices.
Ex-County Commissioner Dan Grove’s
sale was likewise well patronized and
the prices paid for stock and imple-
ments more than pleased the retired
If the truth shall make you free,
Liberty is therefore the truth, and the
Creator cares not what opinions you
hold or what actions you perform, so
they do not infringe on the rights of
others. This is the triumph of the
Golden Rule, and when mankind reach
the zenith of their existence they will
tolerate with profound respect, all
men’s opinions favoring liberty and
just as strongly oppose those savor-
ing of tyrrany.
Too many horses for the available
stalls in the coming animated conflict
for the various nominations on the ap-
proaching make-up of the Republican
ticket is what is apparently embar-
rassing our noted politicians at this
particular time. It is beginning to
look as though a dark horse will have
to be brought into requisition. If so
why not concentrate on Alter, who no
doubt would be able to defeat the
strongest man that dared to measure
lances with him in the coming conflict.
His motto is, “No peace without liber-
ty.” Alter is a very strong man in
this locality. Without eccentricities
or sensational endeavor, he has won
his way to a lofty place, and his lit-
erary labor is in perfect accord with
his benevolent and beautiful life.
When a great and good man—great
in his goodness, and good in his great-
ness, comes to the front, he adds to
the capital of brains and hearts. His
experience and his talents deserve rec-
Notwithstanding the continuous
clamor for a bonus for the world war
vets a wonderful help has already
been given them by our liberal govern-
ment. Did it ever occur to the read-
er that since the Armistice was signed
our government has obligated itself
for the benefit of the veterans to the
enormous sum of $2,683,000,000, more
than half the sum expended on the
veterans of the Civil war in 60 years.
The number of Civil war vets was
more than half those engaged in the
world war. Already the government
has expended for the veterans of the
world war $1,567,000,000 plus $256,-
000,000 bonus paid as the men were
mustered out. The rate was $60 to
the man. $850,000,000 in addition has
been awarded by way of insurance for
death and disability. To permanent-
ly disabled soldiers we pay an annual
pension of $1200. Now, as a compar-
ison, England’s fixed pension is $376;
$540 for Canada, $314 for France and
$55.00 for Italy. The U. S. has al-
ready spent more than double the ex-
penditures of Great Britain and
France. The total enrollment of the
U. S. was 4,000,000, of whom 2,085,000
reached the front. Our casualties ag-
gregated 205,000. The United States
government pays out daily out of the
U. 8. Treasury $1,330,000 to the world
war veterans and beneficiaries. Un-
grateful as this may seem, there is no
end to the kicking that prevails. The
statistics given above are official, not
the creation of the writer. One word
in conclusion—The world war vets re-
ceived as pay during service $30.00
cash monthly, clothing, and were the
best fed soldiers the world ever knew.
On the other hand the Civil war vets
received $13.00 a month with hard
tack and pork as their daily ration.
And still they are insistent on a bo-
nus forthwith, when in fact it would
prove suicidal to pass a bonus bill
when the money to liquidate the same
is not available. A postponement for
the time being is the only safeguard
for our government. God pity the tax
payer; and God save the nation. Let
us resort to ratiocination.
That good and popuiar song “Hold
the Fort,” will no doubt be sung while
time lasts. A bunch of school chil-
dren were making the welkin ring
with its sweet strains as they were re-
turning from school yesterday. Even
on account of its popule.ivy few peo-
ple can tell you how the same origi-
nated. This song was suggested by
an incident of the Civil war during
Sherman’s march from Chattanooga,
Tenn., to Atlanta, Ga. The entire
march was almost one continuous bat-
tle, and the 140 miles was in fact one
long drawn-out battleground. About
five miles north of Marietta stands
Kenesaw mountain, surrounded by
neighboring peaks, and the battle of
Kenesaw was one of the most famous
engagements of the Civil war. It was
during this battle the incident occur-
red that made subject for the song.
In signaling from one of the adjacent
hill-tops, one of Sherman’s guards
manifested an inclination to surren-
der because of the superior forces of
the enemy and he signaled his weak-
ness to General Sherman’s headquar-
ters. General Sherman determined at
once to reinforce him and hold the po-
sition and signaled him back, “Hold
the Fort for I am coming.” P. B.
Bliss, the famous song-writer, who
was killed in the awful railroad disas-
ter at Ashtabula in 1876, wrote the
song. The chorus runs:
“Hold the Fort for I am Coming,”
Jesus signals still.”
Charles Rodgers is very sick with
congestion of the lungs.
The sale of Mrs. Cyrus Lucas was
well attended last Friday.
LeRoy Fye, of Moshannon, spent
last Friday night at the home of Ja-
cob Shirk.
Robert Parks, who has been very
sick with pneumonia, at this writing
is improving.
Mrs. Clara Iddings, of Bellefonte,
visited over Sunday at the home of
Mrs. Annie Lucas.
Mary Heaton spent last week in Al-
toona, visiting at the home of her sis-
ter, Mrs. E. R. Lucas.
Mrs. Carl Garbrick, of Tyrone, vis-
ited over Sunday at the home of her
aunt, Mrs. Alice Rodgers.
Mrs. Ida Witmer received word on
Monday of the death of her niece,
Mrs. Agnes Shipley, at Philipsburg.
Dean Walker and Lemoyne Lucas,
of Snow Shoe, spent Saturday at the
home of their grandmother Witmer.
Rev. G. A. Sparks, L. J. Heaton,
Freel and Fay Reese attended the
Janeral of Mrs. Miles Heaton on Mon-
Mrs. Ida Witmer returned home last
Saturday morning, after spending a
few weeks with her son, Carl Poor-
man, at Johnstown.
The grand climax of the White
Tiger—Willing Worker Sunday school
contest was observed on Saturday
night, March 18th, at the U. B. par-
sonage. The Willing Worker girls,
who lost the victory, entertained the
White Tiger boys during the even-
ing, the proceedings of which were
enjoyed by all in attendance. In the
fore part of the evening games were
played, in which many participated.
Refreshments were then served in a
delightful manner after which music
was rendered and more games were
played. Those in attendance were:
Georgianna and Bessie McClincy,
Esther and Marie Bennett, Ruth and
Louise Reese, Helen Kauffman, Grace
Kline, Eleanor Fetzer; Edward Furl,
Melvin Kauffman, Walter Bennett,
James Parks, Paul Strunk, Raymond
Walker, Vincent Lucas, Donald Mec-
Millen, John Furl, Miss Lulu McClin-
cy, Mrs. G. A. Sparks, and Maynard
—Get your job work done here.
John Hess, of Altoona, was a visit-
or in town over Sunday.
James Reed is making some im-
provements on the interior of his res-
D. M. Snyder and daughters recent-
ly visited at the Korman home, at
Oak Hall.
Miss Geraldine Hackenberg, of
Spring Mills, spent Sunday at the A.
J. Hazel home.
Robert Reitz and son Henry, of
Charter Oak, spent a short time at the
home of Mr. Reitz’s parents.
The remains of Mrs. Henry Evey, of
Lemont, were interred in the Union
cemetery on Tuesday forenoon.
Dr. Woods, of Pine Grove Mills; Dr.
Kidder, of State College, and Dr.
Longwell, of Centre Hall, were in
town on Tuesday, being called here on
account of the many cases of grip.
A fire in the residence of Mrs. Jen-
nie Fortney raised quite an excite-
ment on Saturday morning. Volun-
teer firemen hauled the hose carriage
to the scene, but fortunately little
harm resulted.
Bears thesignature of Chas, H.Fletcher.
In use for over thirty years, and
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
Farmers and Others Take Notice.
I will insure dwellings at $1.00 a hun-
dred and barns at $1.60 a hundred on the
cash plan, for three years, as against fire
and lightning.
66-16-6m Bellefonte, Pa.
Spring was ushered in on Tuesday
with a mild blizzard.
Mrs. Myra Miller and little niece,
Mary Horner, spent Tuesday with
friends in Centre Hall.
Rev. C. F. Catherman was returned
to the Pennsvalley charge by the
Methodist conference which convened
at Tyrone.
Mrs. Dayton Lansberry, formerly
Miss Annabel Smith, spent several
days at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Smith.
S. C. Brungart submitted to an op-
eration on Monday forenoon. The op-
erating physician was Dr. H. H. Long-
well, assisted by Dr. J. V. Foster.
Mr. and Mrs. Al. Spayd moved into
their new house on Tuesday. Their
daughter, Mrs. Roy Dutrow, spent
several days with them, helping them
to get settled.
The “Bake” given last Saturday by
a class of the Lutheran Sunday school
was well patronized. The eats were
choice and the supply was not suffi-
cient to accommodate the patrons.
Miss Laura Runkle has been very
ill, suffering from pneumonia. Her
heart, also, is very much affected. She
has had the best of care, being attend-
ed by Miss Ferma Hoover, as nurse.
The spelling contest between Mill-
heim and Centre Hall High schools, to |
be held in Grange Arcadia on Friday
evening is a move in the right direc-
tion. A contest in practical arithme-
tic by students of the same or similar
institutions of learning would no
doubt prove helpful and interesting.
The best job work can be had at the
“Watchman” office.
Messrs. Harold Wagner, Glenn and
Carl Zong were recent callers at State
Mr. and Mrs. James Swabb, of Lin-
den Hall, spent Sunday at the J. J.
Tressler home.
George Lohr had a severe attack of
heart trouble Sunday night, but at if
this writing, is improving.
Miss Levon Ferree, secretary of the
Y. W. C. A, of Williamsport, return-
ed home to spend an indefinite time
with her parents in this place.
Quite a few changes will take place
in this vicinity about the 1st of April:
Wayne Rishel will move his family to
the Homan house recently vacated by
Frank Brown; Walter Korman will
take possession of the Barton proper-
ty which he recently purchased; E. C.
Radel will move from Boalsburg into
the Boal house on Main street, vacat-
ed by Walter Korman; James Gilli-
land will move his family to the Rock-
ey farm, below Boalsburg; George Ho-
man will take possession of the® Blue
Spring” farm, near Boalsburg. These
movings will make pronounced chang-
es in this community.
“Just Folks.”—A home talent play
will be given in the Boal hall, Boals-
burg, April 1st. Eevrybody wishing
to see a good play, with many home-
like scenes, combined with music,
should go to Boalsburg on that date.
——Subscribe for the “Watchman?
Straighten that
Bent Back
No need to suffer from that tired,
dead ache in your back, that lameness,
those distressing urinary disorders.
Bellefonte people have found how to
get relief. Follow this Bellefonte res-
ident’s example.
Mrs. J. C. Johnson, 356 E. Bishop
St., Bellefonte, says: “I was a great
sufferer from kidney trouble. I could
hardly straighten up or get around
the house. I had dizzy spells and
nearly fell over. My kidneys acted
very irregularly. On the advice of a
member of the family I got a box of
Doan’s Kidney Pills from the Green
Pharmacy Co. They did me more
good than anything I ever used, and
I am now enjoying good health.
Doan’s cured me.”
Eleven years later Mrs. Johnson
added: “Iam very glad to confirm
my former endorsement. No one
knows better than I what wonderful
benefit Doan’s have been. They cured
me of kidney trouble.”
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t
simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that
Mrs. Johnson had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 67-12
Taken Steaming Hot at Bedtime As-
sists Nature
To guard against influenza.
To purify the kidneys.
To tone the liver.
To gently move the bowels.
Bulgarian Blood Tea is a wonderful
First-Aid Family medicine. Sold by
Druggists everywhere.
Fine Job Printing
There is no style of work, from the
cheapest “Dodger” to the finest
that we can not do in the most sat-
isfactory manner, and at Prices
consistent with the class of work.
cal on or communicate with this
ep i Tr ——
sono FREE
our 46 years of experience as seodamen, gardeners and
farmers. Send @ postal for it toda,
WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc. Has Arn se.
"The Standar
all other Makes
by the fact that concrete roads sufficient to
reach from New York to San Francisco and
back again, more than twice the mileage of
any previous year, were built in 1921.
The contractor and building material
dealer are good judges of of con-
struction. They know the advantages of
permanence and economy. They also know
materials, and recommend Atlas Portland
Cement, “the Standard by which all other
makes are measured.”
Sales Offices: New York—Boston—Philadelphis
Mills: Northampton, Pa.
Hudson, N. Y.—Leeds, Ala.
A »
aremeasured” \
Doni goa
zeed a new’
A RAIN COAT is a serviceable garment
It will keep off
rain and chill on a raw
day and dust on cool evenings all the year
“numbers” in rai
OURS are not only serviceable
We have many splendid
ncoats and cravenettes.
When you price them you will buy one.
Me’ve got the UMBRELLAS, too.
Look at your
don’t need a NEW one.
OLD hat and see if you
We are “hat”
quarters for heads.
Wear our good, “Nifty” clothes.
A. Fauble
Safe Deposit Boxes
To prote
ance papers
ct your Deeds, Insur-
, Mortgages, Notes,
Bonds and all valuables from loss by
fire, theft and burglary we have
provided at a very great expense a
modern vault and safe deposit
We have four sizes of safe de-
posit boxes.
small. You
any chances.
The rental is very
cannot afford to take
Please come in and
let us explain to you.
seam —
KLINE WOODRING — Attorney-at~
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices im
all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s
Exchange. 51-1y
B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law,
Practices in all the courts. Come
sultation in English - or German,
Office in Crider’s Exchange, Belletolte
a. .
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt ate
tention given ail legal business em-
trusted to his care. Offices—No. 5 Hast
High street. 57-44
M. KEICHLINE—Attorney-at-Law
and Jus:zice of the Peace. All pre-
fessional business will receive
prompt attention. Office on second floor ef
emple Court. 49-5-1y
G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law,
Consulisiion 2 Suglish 2 Ger-
man. ce er’, chan
Bellefonte, Pa. 8 fa 558
State Coll
66-11 Holmes Bldg,
| Bellefonte
Crider’s Exch.
8. GLENN, M. D., Physician amd
Surgeon, State College, Centre
county, Pa. Office at his resi-
. (a LL : »
0 IT
> A 3 . /
Nothing like our feed mixture.
Our little songster says that if
you want more milk—or cattle
weight—there is one best way
to get it; buy your feed from us.
Quality talks”
C. Y. Wagner Co., Inc.
66-11-1yr BELLEFONTE, PA.
This Interests You
The Workmans’ Compensation
Law goes into effect Jan. 1, 1916.
It makes Insurance Compulsory.
We specialize in placing such in-
surance. We Inspect Plants and
recommend Accident Prevention
Safe Guards which Reduce In-
surance rates.
It will be to your interest to con-
sult us before placing your In-
Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College
The Preferred
$5,000 death DS Sccldant,
5,000 loss of both feet,
5,000 loss of both hands,
5,000 loss of one hand and one foot,
2,500 loss of either hand,
2,000 loss of either foot,
630 loss of one eve
25 per week, total disability,
(limit 52 weeks)
10 per week, partial disability,
(limit 26 weeks)
pavable quarterly if desired.
Larger or smaller amounts in proportion :
Any person, male or female, engaged in a
preferred occupation, including house
eeping, over eighteen years of age of
moral and physical condition may
nsure under this policv.
Fire Insurance
I invite your attention to my Fire Insur-
ance Agen cy, the strongest and Most Ex
tensive Line of Solid Companies represent-
ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania
Agent, Bellefonte Fa.
Get the Best Meats
You save nothing by bu
thin or gristly meats. i ayia y Pen,
and supply my customers with the
freshest, choicest, best blood and muse
cle making Steaks and Roasts. My
prices are no higher than the poorer
meats are elsewhere,
I always have
Game in season, and any kinds of goed
meats you want.
Hight Street. 84-34-1y Bellefonts Pa