Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 17, 1922, Image 5
Church Services Next Sunday. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Lord’s day services: 9:45 Bible- school. Classes for all ages and a welcome for every one. 10:45, morn- ing worship. Sermon theme, “Man’s Thought Versus God’s Thought.” 7:30, evening worship. Sermon theme, “The Blessedness of the Right- eous and the Doom of the Wicked.” Mid-week service of bible-study and ~ prayer on Wednesday evening at 7:30 in the chapel. General theme for the month, “Favorite Psalms.” Special Notes: —It will be the aim of the Pastor of this church to carry into every organization of the church the spirit of the motto, “We Aim to Serve.” To accomplish this, he asks the co-operation of every one who makes this their church home. There will be special services in this church the week preceding Eas- ter Sunday (from Monday until Fri- day evening inclusive), at which time we shall meditate on the events lead- ing up to the Resurrection of our Lord. There will be a special Com- munion service Easter Sunday morn- ing with reception of members on con- fession of faith or by letter from oth- er churches. Plan for these meet- ings! Pray for them! Seats are free. All are welcome! Rev. David R. Evans, Minister. ST. JOHN'S REFORMED CHURCH. Sunday, March 19th, at 10:45 a. m., service with sermon, “In the Begin- ning Sin.” 7:30 p. m., song serv- ice with familiar hymns and special music by the Academy quartette. 9:30 a. m., Sunday school, and C. E. meeting at 6:45 p. m. Litany service Friday evening at 7:30. Strangers welcome at all services. Ambrose M. Schmidt, D.D., Minister. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. Third Sunday in Lent. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning worship 10:45, “Mary, the Mother of Jesus.” Vesper service with sermon 7:30. Brotherhood will meet this (Friday) evening in the social room of the church. Special entertainment will be provided. Visitors always welcome. “ Rev. Wilson P. Ard, Minister. Conrad Miller has been award- ed the contract for building the new porch at the Elk’s home. a ——— ly ——— RICH MAN, POOR MAN, BEGGAR- MAN, THIEF; DOCTOR, LAW- YER, INDIAN CHIEF. All have their troubles. The rich man has nothing on the poor man when it comes to trouble. The doctor and lawyer, as well as the beggarman and thief have their troubles. They may differ somewhat, but trouble is trouble and why trouble trouble until trouble troubles you? But if you have trouble with your eyes I am at your service and can overcome eye trouble which well help you overcome all other trouble. No drops. Satisfaction guaranteed. ~ DR. EVA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed by the State Board. BELLEFONTE. Every Saturday, 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. STATE COLLEGE Every Day except Saturday. Both Phones. 66-42 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ANTED.—Experienced man to take W charge of farm 5 miles from Re- novo, Clinton county. Prefer mar- ried man. Good opportunity for right party. State wages expected. Address, C. F. MAXWELL, Renovo, Pa. 67-10-2t XECUTOR’S NOTICE.—Letters testa- mentary having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Amos Garbrick, late of Spring township, deceased ,all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt payment, and those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. EDWARD E. GARBRICK, Executor, Gettig & Bower, Bellefonte, Pa. Attorneys. 67-8- LE Pie sud HIRE Bloomers GARMANS Attention Farmers This is the time to fat- ten your hogs for Fall There is Nothing Better Than Fresh Skimmed Milk Our price only 235c. per ten-gallon can. Western Maryland Dairy 66-24-tf Bellefonte, Pa. Easter Toys AND CANDIES Wait for Them GARMANS 1922 Centre County Automobile Show BELLEFONTE ARMORY Today and Tomorrow THE CLOSING DAYS ...All the New Models and New Prices...... SEDANS, COUPES, TRUCKS AND TRACTORS TOURING CARS, ROADSTERS, All Paid Admissions will have A CHANCE ON Daily Prizes Daily Prizes GOOD MUSIC ADMISSION Full Orchestra, Male Quartettes, REDUCED TO NOMINAL PRICE OF Vocal and Instrumental Soloists 25 cents Come: Plenty of Entertainment Come: Light Refreshments CENTRE COUNTY AUTOMOBILE DEALERS Asso. Our Representatives * Are men who have lived among you for years. They are residents of your community and men with families. They expect to live among you for years. They solicit your surplus funds for investment because they know they are rendering you a service. Your SaUIngs placed with them are carefully conserved and made to yield a comfortable income. Their efforts aid in building up your city and your community. THE R. L. DOLLINGS COMPANY 1421 Walnut St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. E. B. FELTY, Representative Telephone 140-R BELLEFONTE, PA. ELLIS B. ROHRBACK, Dist. Mgr. Central Trust Building ALTOONA, PA. Mr. Fisherman, ONLY 29 DAYS LEFT We have established a Fishing Tackle department in con- nection with our store and have a stock of Tackle to warrant the approval of the most exacting angler. We have on display the largest assortment of the best Tackle to be found in town. Our Trout Flies, Rods, Leaders, Bas- kets, Hooks, etc., are unexcelled. We are featuring a Special Double Hook for minnow fishing. Our Prices ARE RIGHT. Come in and Inspect Our Stock and We'll do the Rest. With every $5.00 purchase of Fishing Tackle we will Present You with a $1.25 pint Thermos Bottle The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. 66-6-tf eo A. SN. Does Your Budget Balance? You read in the newspapers about the various European governments trying to make their budgets balance. A government cannot long expend more money than it receives, any more than an individual can. It is import- ant to balance the household budget, and included in this budget should be a proper provision for saving. The finances of the family must be placed on a business basis if proper provision is to be made for the time when earning power diminishes. Nine times out of ten the women are the money savers of the family. They have the real knack of saving. They know, too, how to make one dollar do the work of two in buying. This bank welcomes the savings ac- counts of thrifty women and will be glad to assist them in business mat- ters. CENTRE COUNTY BANKING C0 60-4 BELLEFONTE, PA. GARMAN OPERA HOUSE arch 18 Yr: LADIES ONLY No Children Admitted $1.00 for all over 16 Saturday Matinees 50c. all Seats. Night Prices 50c. A Million Women’s Lives Sacrificed on the Altar of Love 75¢C. really every Wife Mother Daughter Is the Wedding Ring Only a Golden Fetter? SEATS NOW SELLING AT MOTT DRUG COMPANY . A Connecticut Yankee LE EUELEL EL ELSE EEL EUS ELE EEE El El Ele El El El El ELLE El ELE SUSUSLUSUSUEUSLTLIC] NSN Siznanzn=anan=n2nananzi2n2i=n2n2i=2 nae 2am nina SNe la el bel See the Famous Mark Twain Play King Arthur’s Court The Greatest Comedy of the Age Thursday Friday, Saturday, March 23, 24, 25 FEUELELIELUEIEURLUELEUELELS Ioisisnanzn=t=2nsnaian2nanan=nan2n=n=ranelafNanannSnan=l la lala l= lat WEEE LELEE EEL ELE EEL EELS ELSES LUE 0 My He LIE ATA] ERLE EUE cl aD ZS [Ga x5 2 ; - 0 Sceng from <A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR'S COURT" LG “WILLIAM_FOX PRODUCTIONO Se oi] ves Garman Opera House : vwors Gf A Riot of Fun Two Hours of Laughter A Lavish Production pi ° ° ° A A Delightful Nonsensical Fantasy ~~ A Scream A Roar A Riot g u = I «If lies were lilies that guy would be a landscape.” a “It’s a wise stock that knocketh its own par.” LG “Try and get this—Cans’t tell me where the helleth I am?” J [ Nights at Opera House at 6:40. Matinees at Scenic Friday and Saturday at 2:30 i 1 Admission to all Shows oh Children 28c. Adults 55c. 31 These are the Minimum Prices Played Everywhere TL 1 Lc