Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 10, 1922, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., March 10, 1922
——The Hockman chicken farm at
Hecla has begun the shipment of day
old chicks.
——John Eckel has been critically
ill with pneumonia, at his home on
Reynolds avenue.
- ——Watch for the St. Patrick’s day
$1.00 dinner menu at the Bush house,
in next week’s issue.
——One week from today will be
St. Patrick’s day when the wearing o’
the green will be in order.
: The P. O. S. of A., of Miles-
burg, will hold a chicken and noodle
supper in Wetzler’s hall next Mon-
day evening.
——Sunshiny and warm on Mon-
day, a hard rain on Tuesday and cold
and spitting snow on Wednesday was
real March weather. >
Bellefonte at present is with-
out a fire alarm, but let us all hope
that there will be no occasion to use
one even if we had it.
——Don’t overlook the big banquet
to be given by the Bellefonte Lodge of
Moose next Thursday evening, March
16th. Tickets 50 cents.
In preparation of moving his
store on April first Edwin F. Garman
has put on a big removal sale. See
advertisements elsewhere in this pa-
——~Quite flattering notices appear-
ed in Philadelphia’s Sunday papers of
the concert given by the State College
glee club in that city on Friday night.
——Charles P. Brachbill will offer
at public sale on Tuesday, March
28th, at 1:30 o’clock p. m., at his flat
over Garman’s store, a complete line
of household goods.
The members of the Methodist
church of Lemont will hold a chicken
and waffle supper on Wednesday even-
ing, March 15th, in the Odd Fellows
hall. The public is cordially invited.
Come to the big auto show next
week and see the many new models of
cars at greatly reduced prices. If you
contemplate buying a car this spring
look them over at the show before de-
——DMrs. Henry. Homan, of Centre
Hall, purchased the residence of the
late Mrs. Philip H. Meyer, in Centre
Hall, at public sale on Saturday, for
$3,950, expecting to make it her home
in the future.
+ ——Allithe standard makes of cars
will be on exhibition at the big auto
show ‘in Bellefonte next week. Many
new and attractive models at greatly
reduced prices. Don’t make a mistake
by not attending.
——The regular meeting and thim-
ble bee of the W. C. T. U. will be held
at the home of Mrs. E. O. Struble, on
Thomas street, Wednesday, March
16th, at 2:30 o’clock. All the mem-
bers are urged to attend.
-———Up to this time 109 of Centre
county’s 146 orphans are provided for
in the Near East relief contributions.
Is the one you supported, or helped
to support last year, to be turned out
for the lack of five cents a meal ?
After having spent the greater
part of their lives at Shingletown Mr.
and Mrs. William Kuhn will move to
Baltimore, Md., next week to make a
new home there. Wednesday night
their friends gave them a large fare-
well party as a token of the general
esteem in which they are held and to
express the general regret at their de-
Rev. David R. Evans, the new
niinister of the Presbyterian church in
Bellefonte, will preach his first ser-
mons next Sunday, the 12th. His sub-
ject for the morning discourse will be
“Organization for World Conquest,”
and in the evening he will preach on
“The Pre-eminence of Jesus.” Morn-
ing service at 10:45 and evening at
7:50. The public is invited to turn
out and hear him.
——The strong Wyoming Seminary
basket ball team will play the Belle-
fonte Academy five on the armory
floor this (Friday) evening, at 8:30
o'clock. The Wyoming quintette is
one of the strongest prep teams in
the State, being the champions of
northeastern Pennsylvania. The game
in the armory this evening, therefore,
should be intensely interesting, and
every fan in Bellefonte should be
there to see it.
——The Misses Virginia and Grace
McCurdy were hostesses at the March
meeting of the Bellefonte Chapter of
the D. A. R., held Tuesday evening,
March 6th. A delightful musical pro-
gram, furnished by Ben Witkoff, lead-
er of the Penn State orchestra with
his violin and Mrs. H. H. Havener, as
his accompanist, was a feature of the
evening; the speaker being Charles M.
McCurdy, who read a paper oa “The
Last Crusade,” an account of the tak-
ing of Jerusalem by the British under
General Allenby in 1917.
——The old fashioned grippe has
laid siege to Bellefonte and many per-
sons have been victims of the disease.
Of course there have been no deaths
and so far as known at present no
cases are critical, but industries have
been affected through illness of their
employees. The silk mill last week
was short in the neighborhood of thir-
ty people. The Pennsylvania Match
company and the shirt factory also
were short of help. A number of stu-
dents at the Academy were also afflict-
ed and many people throughout the
town are likewise sufferers.
cles on pavements, as he knew of sev-
Tag System to be Adopted to Punish
Wilfull Violators of the Au-
tomobile Laws.
Burges W. Harrison Walker was
present at the regular meeting of bor-
ough council on Monday evening and
reported that he had sworn into office
chief fire marshal Robert Kline as
well as John J. Bower, chief of the
Logan fire company, and Charles An-
‘derson, chief of the Undines. The
burgess stated that so far only four
or five jitney operators and draymen
in Bellefonte had lifted their borough
license, according to the ordinance, all
the others simply ignoring the matter,
and he requested authority to consult
with the borough solicitor and take ac-
tion compelling the lifting of the li-
censes. Council empowered him to go
Burgess Walker also complained of
the utter disregard of the traffic or-
dinance on the part of some drivers
of automobiles, some of the persistent
offenders being drivers of delivery
cars, and stated that some means
would have to be taken to en-
force the ordinance. He called atten-
tion to the danger to children of fast
driving past the school grounds and
also cited the fact that automobilists
pay no attention to the requirement
not to park cars at fireplugs or in
front of the fire houses. The burgess
suggested making extra policemen of
the fire patrol of the Logan and Un-
dine companies or else calling into
service a plain clothes man. Presi-
dent Walker stated that council could
not make special policemen of the fire
patrol without putting them on the
pay roll, and Mr. Cunningham called
the burgess’ attention to the fact that
at his request two years ago council
paid out over a hundred dollars for a
plain clothes man and notwithstand-
ing the fact that he had a book full of
names of traffic law violators not a
single individual was called to account
and fired. Mr. Cunningham suggest-
ed the introduction of the tag system,
whereby the police and members of
the Fire and Police committee are fur-
nished with tags similar to baggage
checks used by the railroads and when
a car is discovered parked contrary to
the provisions of the traffic ordinance
put a tag on the steering wheel noti-
fying the owner to appear before the
burgess. The number of the car is
placed on the other end of the tag
which is turned in to the burgess. It
was finally decided to try out the tag
system, so all drivers should take due!
Mr. Waite asked if there is any or-
dinance permitting boys to ride bicy-
eral instancesiwhere it was not only a
nuisance but’ ‘dangerous to pedes-|
trians. He was informed that there |
is an ordinance prohibiting it and |
the Fire and Police committee were |
instructed to have the police enforce !
the ordinance.
The Water committee reported the !
collection of $49.50 on the 1920 water |
duplicate by the borough manager. |
Mr. Cunningham, chairman of the!
committee, stated that the reservoir |
——At Clearfield last Saturday
Judge Bell sentenced William Fry-
berger and Morgan Shope, two Phil-
ipsburgers implicated in the Karthaus
bank robbery, to pay a fine of one
dollar, costs of prosecution and under-
go imprisonment in the Clearfield
county jail for a period of one year.
Garden Seeds and Flower Seeds.
The “Watchman” has received from
Congressman Evan J. Jones a large
quantity of garden seeds and a limit-
ed number of flower seeds for free dis-
tribution among its readers. The seeds
are at this office and will be cheerfully
given to all who call for them with
the good intention of planting the
same. Come and get the seeds now
and have them on hand when the
planting season begins.
Farmers Asked to Co-operate,
There will be a meeting of all far-
mers whose common shipping station
is Howard, at the Furnace school this
(Friday) evening, at 7:45 o'clock, for
the purpose of organizing an auxil-
iary to the Centre County Farmer's
Co-operative association.
You can make a big saving on your
spring fertilizers by being a member
of this association. Co-operation is an
indication of progress in all lines of
business. Why not co-operate
farming? Attend this meeting and
learn some of the advantages to be
derived from co-operation.
Pavlowa to Visit Altoona.
The Mishler theatre, Altoona, will
on Saturday evening, March 18th,
present the season’s most distinctive
and artistic engagement in the ap-
pearance of the incomparable Anna
Pavlowa and her ballet russe, with
the largest and most distinguished
cast, corps de ballet and symphony
orchestra that has ever surrounded
her on this side of the Atlantic, in
cluding Laurent Novikoff, Hilda But-
sova, M. Pianowski, Ivan Clustine, S.
Karavaieff and other mimes and dan-
cers with Theodore Stier, conductor.
Reservations for seats can now be
made by mail or telephone.
Directors Elected for First National
Bank of Centre Hall.
A meeting of the stockholders of
the proposed First National Bank of
Centre Hall was held in the store room
of Frank V. Goodhart, at that place,
on Monday morning. Daniel Daup pre-
sided and the following men were
chosen as the board of directors:
Daniel Daup, Frank V. Goodhart,
Robert M. Smith, Thomas Delaney,
Edward Durst, J. Cloyd Brooks, James
L. Decker and Arthur E. Kerlin, all
of Centre Hall; L. Frank Mayes, of
Lemont; Frank E. Wieland, of Linden
Hall;-and Charles S. Stoner, of Tus-
seyville. The promoters have been
notified by the comptroller of curren-
cy that their charter has been author-
ized and can be lifted at any time.
Parent Teachers’ Meeting.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Parent Teachers’ association will be
is badly in need of repairs. That
much of the cement has scaled off of
the inside of the wall which eventual-
‘held at the public school building, Al-
i legheny and Linn streets, next Mon-
! 0 day evening, March 18th, at eight
ly will result in leakage. He also! clock. Among other things there
stated that some ten or twelve resi- | wil] be a very instructive talk by pro-
dents out near the Jewish cemetery | fossor N D. Hubbell, of The Penn-
would like to have the borough water. |
That they will lay the pipe and make
all connections without a cent of ex-
pense to the borough and then pay the
regular yearly rate charged users out-
side the borough limits. Both the
above were referred to the Water
committee and borough manager with
power. Report was also made that
residents of Coleville would like the
borough water and will bear all the
expense of laying the pipe, etc., and
that the people on Halfmoon hill also
want the water. These requests were
referred ack to the Water committee
for further investigation.
Mr. Cunningham further reported
that the borough manager and him-
self had been investigating the water
pumping system at the Phoenix mill
station and found it very inefficient,
which accounts for the heavy demand
on the electric pump. He stated that
a modern wheel could be installed
which would pump 270,000 more gal-
lons in twenty hours than the pres-
ent pump is doing and he felt certain
that such a wheel would pay for it-
self in less than a year in the reduc-
tion of the bills for the electric pump.
The committee was instructed to as-
certain the cost of such a wheel and
all data in connection therewith and
report at next meeting.
The Finance committee presented
the borough treasurer’s request for
the renewal of notes for $3,000, $2,-
000, $1,000, $1,000, $18,000, $7,000,
$2,000 and $2,000, a total of $36,000,
which was authorized.
Borough manager Seibert announe-:
ed that the motor on the fire alarm
is burned out. The motor can proba-
bly be rewound and repaired for ap-
proximately $75.00, while a new mo-!
tor will cost $125.00. The matter was
referred to the Fire and Police com-
mittee with instructions to ascertain
if a brake can be put on the motor so
as to enable the blowing of signals,
and report at next meeting.
Bills to the amount of $2632.35
were approved and council adjourned.
——Geiss’ bazaar will be held Sat-
urday, March 11th, at 10 o’clock.
Horses, mules, furniture and many
other articles not known of now. Be
on hand, there may be something you
will want. S. H. Hoy, auctioneer.
'sylvania State College, on “Intelli-
gence Tests.” This is a very import-
ant subject and is now being studied
by our teachers under the guidance of
Professor A. L. Rhotan, of The Penn-
sylvania State College; and it should
be brought to the attention of the par-
ents as well. It is hoped that there
will be a large attendance of both par-
ents and teachers and all persons in-
terested in education. Refreshments.
Important Meeting of Centre County
Conservation Association.
The annual meeting of the Centre
County Conservation Association to
be held at State College March 16th,
at the University Club, will be an im-
portant meeting. A president, vice-
president and directors at large are to
be elected. In addition an official del-
egate will be chosen to represent the
County Conservation Association at
the organization meeting of a State
Conservation Council to be held at
State College, March 30th and 81st.
All officers and committeemen and
active members are urged to attend.
A supper costing $1.00 a plate will
be served at 6:30, after which a busi-
ness meeting will be held. The meet-
ing will be addressed by Dr. John M.
Thomas, president of State College;
by Dean R. L. Watts, and others.
Camp Sites for Junior Organizations.
The Department of Forestry has
started plans to encourage wider use
of the State forests this summer by
the junior outdoor organizations of
Pennsylvania. Efforts will be made
to have them take up permanent camp
sites in the forests, and the district
foresters will co-operate with the
leaders of the oganizations in the se-
lection of desirable camping grounds.
For the benefit of the boys and
girls of the State, the department is
preparing a guide to forestry, which
will be published and issued early this
summer. Copies will be distributed
free to all applicants.
Some of the leading boys’ and girls’
organizations to be reached by the de-
partment are the Woodcraft League,
Knights of St. George cadets, the Boy
Scouts of America, campfire girls,
girl guides, American forestry guides,
and kindred groups.
Will be Held in Bellefonte Armory |
Next Week, March 14th to 18th.
Prospective buyers of new cars this
! year cannot afford to miss the big au-
tomobile show to be held in the armo-
ry, Bellefonte, Wednesday to Satur-
day of next week inclusive. Practic-
ally every available foot of space has
been taken and the exhibit will include
all the new models with all the new
prices. There will be touring cars,
sedans, coupes, roadsters, trucks and
tractors. These, with various automo-
bile accessories, will make up a dis-
play equal to that of any inland show
in Pennsylvania. : .
In addition to the auto exhibit there
will be plenty of side entertainment
to occupy the time of ‘all visitors.
There will be music by a full orches-
tra, a male quartette, vocal and in-
strumental solos, and light refresh-
Prizes will be awarded daily
and all paid admissions will have a
chance at these. Only a nominal ad-
mission of twenty-five cents will be
charged, and this small sum need not
keep anybody away. Remember the
show will open Wednesday morning
and continue until Saturday evening.
It will be held under the auspices of
the recently organized Centre County
Automobile Dealers’ Association.
A ———— A ———————
Statistics of Centre County Agricul-
ture for Year 1921.
During the year 1921 the total val-
ue of the crops, grain, hay and fruit,
grown on the farms in Centre county
aggregated the unprecedented amount
of $2,602,784.52, according to statis-
tics compiled by the Pennsylvania De-
partment of Agriculture. The above
figures do not include the milk, but-
ter, eggs, honey and wool produced
on farms, which amounted to upwards
of three quarters of a million dollars.
Following are the statistics in detail:
Acres Bushels Value
Wheat 521,779 $526,996.79
Corn 1,120,204 582,506.08
Rye .. 20,474 91,122.58
Oats ... 23, 675,760 236,516.90
Buckwheat . 1,188 23,404 18,255.12
Barley ws 1,170 29,325 17,595.00
Potatovs 2,531 242,976 267,273.60
: Tons
HAY: ovine 39,758 48,505 788,208.25
Apples ...... 25,216 69,344.00
Peaches ..... 53 2,786.10
Pears ..., 1,180 2,183.00
Potal,..... 00.00 $2,602,784.52
Milk produced ... 4,704,288
Butter made on farms 421,185 206,379.67
Eggs prod. on farms 858,925 343,570.00
: : Pounds :
Wool 24,710 4,694,90
Honey produced 20,858 4,797.34
Livestock—January 1, 1922.
Horses ........00 $813,194.00
Mules’, iii ee 45,981.00
Dairy cows 664,409.50
Other cattle .. 305,990.25
Sheep ........ 28,193.00
Swine ..... ' 237,314.00
Chickens ............ 153,469.20
Hives of bees ..... 1,205 6,475.00
Totals arr $2,255,025.95
Number of farms in Centre county
1020 CENSUS .voveresvrnnvans Ceeen 2,205
Estimated number acres of alfalfa
yer 192) LaLa LIE ie 402
Estimated number of automobiles
On the farms, 1021............... 1,607
Estimated number of motor trucks
on the farms, 1921.....,....5.. 100
Estimated number of farm trac-
tors, I92L. 0... 100
Estimated number of silos in use
D2 a 298
Percentage farmers using lime for
agriculture purposes, 1920...... 40
Estimated value of lime used 1920 53,703.00
Percentage of farmers using com-
mercial fertilizer, 1920.......... 83
Amount expended by farmers for
commercial fertilizers, 1920..... 113,307.50
Em a ——
Bryan to Talk on Politics.
The fascinating game of politics,
which he has played with perhaps
more variation than any other living
American, will be the subject of the
talk to be given by William Jennings
Bryan in the auditorium at State Col-
lege next Wednesday night, March
15th. No other of the many subjects
Mr. Bryan speaks upon would be more
interesting to a Centre county audi-
ence than this, in the opinion of many
who plan to hear him. He will ap-
pear at State College under the au-
spices of the Phi Kappa Phi honorary
society, the sale of tickets being in
charge of professor I. L. Foster, at
the College.
Indications are that many people
from Bellefonte, Centre Hall, Mill-
heim and Philipsburg, as well as the
outlying districts, will attend the lec-
ture, for it is not often that the op-
portunity to hear the silver tongued
orator is presented in this section.
The lecture will start at 8 o’clock in
the evening and be over in time for
motor trips home the same evening.
—— A rt anes.
State College Baseball Schedule.
The Penn State baseball schedule
for the coming season includes nine-
teen games, ten of which will be play-
ed on the home diamond. The com-
plete schedule is as follows:
April 8—Juniata at home.
April 17 and 18—U. 8S. Navy Training
Station at Hampton Roads.
April 19—Navy at Annapolis.
April 22—Gettysburg at home.
April 20—Bucknell at home.
May 5—Bethany at home.
May 6 (Father’s day)—Bethany at home.
May 10—Army at West Point.
May 11—Yale at New Haven.
May 13—Holy Cross at Worcester.
May 17—Pittsburgh Collegians at home.
May 20—Carnegie Tech at home.
May 25—Carnegie Tech at Pittsburgh.
May 26 and 27—Pitt at Pittsburgh.
June 3—Syracuse at home.
June 10 and 12 (Commencement)—Pitt at
home, ®
——————— serene sen.
——The Atlantic and Pacific Tea
company has leased the room in the
Brockerhoff house block lately occu-
pied by the Gheen music store, and in
the near future will open a grocery
store therein.
i Doll.
: Miss Esther Bryan, one of the Com-
mercial telephone employees, was an over
_ Sunday. visitor of friends in Altoona.
_ —Edward Doll and his son came down
from Altoona Sunday, spending the day
here with Mr. Doll's mother, Mrs. Louis
‘~Mrs. Clark Bidea. “of Willowbank
street, went to Cumberland, Md., Satur-
day, called there by the illness of “her
—Mrs. J. M. Curtin came in from Pitts-
burgh a week ago for a visit of several
days with her mother, Mrs. George F. Har-
ris, returning home Tuesday. 1
—Col. and Mrs. J. L. Spangler are ex-
pected in Bellefonte this week, from At-
Jantic City, where they spent the month
of February at “The Chalfonte.”
—Messrs. C. XY. Wagner and George Ha-
zel have been in New York this week lay-
ing in the spring and summer stock of
goods for the Hazel & Co. store,
—Mrs. G. O. Benner was in Bellefonte a
short time Tuesday, on her way home to
Centre Hall, from a visit with her sister,
Mrs. O. D. Eberts, at Martha Furnace.
—Miss Anne W. Keichline will return
from McKeesport within a few days, after
a visit there of several weeks with Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Lowery and their family.
—Mrs. George Williams, who had been
with relatives in Lock Haven since the ear-
ly fall, has returned home and is now oc- |
cupying her apartments in the Hibler
—DMrs. 8S. 8S. Aplin and her family will
come here from Philadelphia next week,
to join Mr. Aplin and to get their new
home in the Shoemaker house ready for
—Mr., and Mrs. Leo Kelley, of Altoona,
stopped in Bellefonte for a short time
Tuesday, on their way to Snow Shoe for a
visit with Mrs. Kelley's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Redding.
—Mrs. Madalene Bath, of Altoona, a bus-
iness associate of Philip D. Waddle at
Charleroi, was Mr. Waddle’s guest at the
Bush house Saturday, being in Bellefonte
on a business trip.
—Joseph McGowan, who had spent the
greater part of the past six months as a
plumber on the repairs at the western pen-
itentiary, returned home Friday, expect-
ing to be in Bellefonte temporarily.
—Miss Eckert, superintendent of the
Bellefonte hospital, and Miss Royer, the
community nurse, drove to Lock Haven
yesterday to take Albert Mulbarger to the
tuberculosis dispensary for an examina-
© —George W. Sherry spent several days
of the week at his former home in Ty-
rone, called there by the death of his neph-
ew, Anthony Sherry, who died there Mon-
day, the funeral being held from the Cath-
olic church yesterday. .
—Miss Anna M. Miller, who was called
to Salona two months ago, by the illness of
her mother, came up to Bellefonte Wednes-
day to make arrangements for remaining
in Salona indefinitely. The illness of both
her mother and sister make it necessary
for her to be at.home.
"—Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Krebs and their
grand-daughter drove to Bellefonte Satur-
day, spending a part of the day here do-
ing some early spring buying and attend-
ing to some business. Mr, Krebs has been
one of the helpers on the State College
farms for a number of years.
—Miss Ella Jones, who has been in
charge of a class of boys at the Odd Fel-
lews home in Sunbury since leaving Belle-
fonte, was back home on a short visit last
week. Miss Jones spent her two week's
vacation with friends in Lycoming and
Clinton counties and with her sister and
‘| brother, Mrs. Monsel and Paul Jones here,
leaving to return to Sunbury Friday.
—Mrs. J. A. Aiken, of Cleveland, spent
Tuesday and Wednesday in Bellefonte, on
the business visit she had anticipated
making a month or more ago. Mrs. Aiken
came here from Centre Hall, where she is
now visiting with her cousins, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Bradford, expecting later to
spend some time both at State College and
with Dr. and Mrs. Aiken, at Selinsgrove,
before returning home.
—George T. Bush departed on Sunday
afternoon for another week of visits with
the Grand Commander of Knights Templar
of Pennsylvania to various commanderies
in the northwestern part of the State as
follows: Warren on Monday evening;
Erie, Wednesday; Corry, Thursday, and
Coudersport on Friday night. These are
official visits of the Grand Commander
and a portion of his staff.
—Miss Mary Housel, Miss Alma Buchan-
an and Miss Betty Kling, with Don Moore
and Levi Buchanan, were members of a
party from Altoona who spent the week-
end in Bellefonte with friends on Reynolds
avenue. During their stay, Miss Housel
and Mr. Moore were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
John Love; Miss Buchanan and her broth-
er Levi spent the time with Mr. and Mrs.
Abe Bailey, and Miss Kling was entertain-
ed by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garbrick.
—Mrs. W. H. Gephart, of Bronxville, N.
X., and her two children, Ellen and Thom-
as, will leave Monday to return home, after
a two week’s visit here with Mrs. Gep-
hart’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. F. H. Thom-
as, The visit was made at this time that
the children might be with their grand-
parents for a short while before they close
their home to go to the Brockerhoff house
to live. Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas’
son, will spend a week with them later in
the month.
—Judge and Mrs. William H. Keller, of
Lancaster; Mrs. M. E. R. Keller and her
daughter, Miss Lucy, of Philadelphia; Mrs.
Joseph A. Beck, of Pittsburgh; Mrs. Ada
Duany, of Altoona, and Miss Ella Rhone
were all in Bellefonte this week, having
come here from Boalsburg, where they had
been for the funeral of Miss Sarah Keller.
Miss Rhone, who has been with her aunt,
Miss Keller, for two years or more, will
make arrangements at once for returning.
to her home in Los Angeles, this
spring or in the early summer.
—Mr. and Mrs.” Milton H. Willard left
Bellefonte Tuesday, after a visit of three
weeks with Mr. Willard’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. I. Willard. Mr. Willard was going
to Charlottsville, Va., to accept a tempor-
ary position, while his wife was returning
to Canada, where she will spend several
months with her parents. Mr. Willard re-
signed his position in Panama, after being
there in the government employ for several
years, to accept one with the Thompson
Norris Paper Co., of Brookville, Ind., ex-
pecting to begin his work there later in the
spring. Mrs, Willard will then join him
to make their home in Brookville,
—Mrs. Christ Beezer went down to Phil-
adelphia on Sunday to spend a week in the
city, visiting with her brother William.
—Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Gettig were in
Windber this week attending the funeral
«of Mr, Gettig’s aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Hahn.
—Mrs. M. I. Stover stopped in Bellefonte
Monday on her way home to Altoona, from
an over Sunday visit with her sister in
Boalsburg. While in town Mrs. Stover
made a short visit at the “Watchman” of-
fice. ?
—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irwin and their
two daughters, Mrs. W. H. Gardner, of
Mackeyville, and Mrs. George Miller, of
Bellefonte, attended the funeral of the late
E. J. Harkness, held from his home in Al-
toona Tuesday.
—Paul Royer was in Bellefonte Monday
and Tuesday on a short visit with his sis-
ter, Miss Pearl Royer, having stopped off
on his way from Erie to New York, to
which place he had been transferred by
the Kadex Co., with whom he has been
associated for some time.
—Miss Leslie Wentzel, state supervisor
of nursing activities of the Red Cross, was
in town, unofficially, for a short time Wed-
nesday afternoon. Miss Wentzel has re-
signed as’ state supervisor to accept a
more lucrative pesition as superintendent
| of a visiting nurse association in Secran-
i ton. Miss Intrekin will ‘succeed her as
! supervisor of ‘this district of the Red
—William M. Bottorf has been summon-
ed to serve as a juror in the United States
district court at Scranton for two weeks
beginning next Monday. In this connec-
tion it might be said that he was rather
bewailing the fact that he would be kept
away from his business such a length of
time but when informed by a friend as to
what his duties would consist of he seem-
ed perfectly resigned.
er — er——
Henry—Elder.—The home, of Mr.
and Mrs. H. A. Elder, on the Branch,
was the scene of a pretty twilight
wedding on Wednesday evening when
their daughter, Miss Grace Elder, be-
came the bride of Kelly Henry, a son
of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Henry. One
hundred or more guests were present
to witness the ceremony which was
performed by Dr. C. T. Aikens, of Se-
linsgrove. The young people were at-
tended by Miss Helen Henry and Carl
States, while Mrs. Minnie Hess played
the wedding march. Following the
ceremony and congratulations a boun-
tiful wedding feast was served. The
bride has for several years been one
of Ferguson township’s most success-
ful school teachers, while the bride-
groom is an industrious and progres-
sive young man. Following a wed-
ding trip to eastern cities they will
Joke up their residence at State Col-
Woodring—Rhule.—Willis D. Wood-
ring, of Port Matilda, and Miss S.
Claire Rhule, a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. G. M. Rhule, of Altoona, were
married at the First Methodist Epis-
copal church in Altoona, at noon last
Friday, by the pastor, Rev. James B.
Stein. Only a few immediate friends
of the contracting parties witnessed
the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Wood-
ring went on a brief wedding trip
after which they will take up their
residence with the bride’s parents.
A Call.
Membership in the Women’s Aux-
iliary of the Y. M. C. A. is greatly de-
sired. The annual dues—50 cents for
regular membership or $2.00 for
privilege membership—is all that is
Women, you are most cordially in-
vited to send your money and name
to Mrs. Harry Yeager, Mrs. James
Seibert or Mary Gray Meek, and thus
become a real member of a very real
All who wish to be enrolled as ac-
tive members will find a place on one
of the various committees, but all
members may vote.
——A meeting was held in Belle-
fonte last Saturday to arrange for the
second annual track and field meet of
Centre county High schools, which
will be held on Hughes field, Belle-
fonte, on May 20th. A county base-
ball association was also organized.
—————————— pe ——————
Baptismal Service.
A service of baptism will be held in
the Methodist church, Bellefonte, on
Sunday at 2 p. m. Parents having
children to be baptized will please
present them at that time. Several
adults will also be baptized.
ie gy
Big Bargains for Farmers and Others.
Reduction in harness, collars, bridles
and other goods. In the same busi-
ness, in the same room fifty-one
years. Examine our harness and get
our prices. Our stock is complete
and up-to-date. Be sure you don’t
pay more for old harness than it will
cost to buy new. Bring in your old
hames and collars and have them put
in shape.
——0Only several of our great spe-
cial 42 piece gold and white dinner
sets remaining—$5.79. Don’t miss
this bargain.—Potter-Hoy Hardware
Co. 10-1¢
Sale Register.
Tuesday, March 18.—At the residence of J.
W. Carson, one mile east of Rebersburg,
horses, cows and a general line of farm
stock and implements. Clean-up sale,
Wise & Hubler, Auctioneers. *
I —— An ———————
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co.
Red Wheat - - - - $1.25
White Wheat - - - - 1.20
Rye, per bushel - - - 70
Corn, shelled, per bushel - - B50
Corn, ears, per bushel - - 50
Oats, per bushel - - - - .30
Barley, per bushel - - - - 60