__ Church Services Next Sunday. ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services for the week beginning March 12: Second Sunday in Lent, 8 a. m. Holy Eucharist. 9:45 a. m, church school. 11 a. m. Mattins and sermon, “St. Stephen’s College.” 2:30 p. m. children’s vespers and catechism. 4 p. m. Holy Baptism. 7:30 p.m. evensong and sermon, “An Act of Faith.” Daily Lenten services. Eu- charists on Tuesday at 10 and Thurs- day at 7:30 a. m. Visitors always welcome. Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. ST. JOHN'S REFORMED CHURCH. Services next Sunday morning at 10:45; sermon, “In the Beginning— Man.” Evening service 7:30, “The Fall of Jerico.” Good singing; famil- iar hymns. Violin solo by Mr. Kelly, of the Academy. A cordial welcome to all, Sunday school at 9:30 and C. E. meeting at 6:45. Litany service Friday evening at 7:30. : Ambrose M. Schmidt, D. D., Minister. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Bible school 9:30; sermon, “Num- bered with the Transgressors,” 10:45. Junior League, 2 p. m. Senior and Intermediate League, 6:30; reception of members and sermon 7:30. Class meeting Tuesday evening 7:30. Prayer service Wednesday, 7:30. Coleville—Bible school 2:30; sermon by Rev. C. C. Shuey, 7:30. Alexander Scott, Minister. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. Christian Science Society, Furst building, Hight street, Sunday service 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet- ing at 8 o'clock. To these meetings all are welcome. A free reading room is open to the public every Thursday afternoon, from 2 to 4. Here the Bible and Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. Foods for School Children. Following is a list of the generally approved foods for school children, with suggestions for the school lunch, prepared by the State Health Depart- ment: BREAKFAST Cereal (oatmeal, cornmeal, rice, cream of wheat, shredded wheat, farina, corn flakes). : Milk, or cocoa made with milk. Bread and butter (preferably whole- wheat bread). Egg or fruit (egg soft boiled or poach- ed); (stewed apples, peaches, apricots, prunes; oranges or grapefruit). LUNCH Vegetable soup, or cereal, or egg. Milk, Bread and butter. Cooked fruit (apple sauce, baked or stewed apples). DINNER Meat or fish (about two ounces. Never fried). Fresh vegetables (spinach, chard, beet tops, greens, carrots, beets, boiled onions). Raw celery, cucumbers and corn should not be given until after the tenth year. Starchy vegetables (potatoes, Sweet po- tatoes, rice, hominy, spaghetti, macaroni). Bread and butter. Dessert (rice, tapioca, bread pudding, cooked fruit, cornstarch pudding, gelatine, ice cream). Candy should be eaten immediately after meals. If the child is hungry after school give him bread and but- ter. Never give a child under twelve tea, coffee, mustard, catsup, pickles, pork, dried or salted meats, kidney, liver, game or rich pastries. ——The poverty social to be held in the armory by the Brooks-Doll Post of the American Legion on Friday evening, March 24th, promises to be an unique affair. Everybody is invit- ed and are expected to wear the old- est clothes they can find, the older the better, as a fine not exceeding ten cents will be levied on well dressed people. No admission will be charg- ed but a charge will be made for the dance and refreshments. Make your plans to be on hand. $3500 Buys $11.500 Farm. By paying $3,000.00 down and the bal- ance on very easy terms, This farm of 270 acres of practically all tillable soil is located in the heart of the great potato growing section of Potter county, Pa., and is just one mile from railroad station. The barn is 60x100, with two silos, gam- brel roof, etc. The house is cottage style, one and one-half stories, both buildings are in excellent condition. With the farm goes 25 head of registered Ayrshire cows and heifers, one registered Ayrshire bull, and complete line of farm- ing machinery and tools. This is a great bargain and must be sold at once. For particulars and further in- formation write, F. W. KENDIG Agency, Coudersport, Pa. 67-10-2t Caldwell & Son BELLEFONTE, PA. Plumbing and Heating By Hot Water Vapor Steam Pipeless Furnaces Full Line of Pipe and Fittings AND MILL SUPPLIES en ALL SIZES OF Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings Estimates Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished. 1-99 —Get your job work done here. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OR SALE.—A 2 horse power Kerosene engine, in No. 1 condition. Reason for selling, getting electric equip- ment for power. Price very reasonable. H. H. STOVER, Smullton, Pa. Commercial phone 2-H. ANTED.—Experienced man to take charge of farm 5 miles from Re- novo, Clinton county. Prefer mar- ried man. Good opportunity for right party. State wages expected. Address, C. F. MAXWELL, 67-10-2t Renovo, Pa, XECUTOR’'S NOTICE.—Letters testa- mentary upon the estate of George 8. Gray, late of Halfmoon town- ship, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing them- selves indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt payment, and those hav- ing claims against the same must present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. MATTHEW A. ELDER, Executor, 67-5-6t Philipsburg, Pa. Public Sale! At Huntingdon . Furnace, Pa. 4 miles from Warriorsmark, 4 miles from Spruce Creek, and 11 miles from Tyrone. TUESDAY, MARCH 14, at 10 A. M. BATES STEEL MULE TRACTOR, Model “D” GEISER NO. 4 SEPARATOR, 24x32. NO. 2 JEFFLEY LIME PULVER. 19 INCH PAPEC ENSILAGE CUTTER. 13 INCH BLIZZARD ENSILAGE CUT- TER. 11 Wagons, Spring Wagon, 7 Wood Racks, 5 Hay Ladders, 3 Binders, 4 Mow- ers, 2 Side Rakes, Loader, Tedder, 3 Drills, 3 Corn Planters, Potato Planter, Alfalfa Sower, 2 Corn Binders, 2 Manure Spreaders, Lime Sower, 6-Row Sprayer, Potato Digger, 7 Cultivators, Disc Harrow, 3-Bottom Tractor Plow, 10 Plows, 6 Spring Harrows, Smooth Harrows, § Rollers, Wood Saw, Concrete Mixer, Pow- er Clippers, Incubator, Forge, Scales, 8 Sleds, Surrey, Bob Sled, Sleigh, Wheel Barrows, Lard Press, Grinder, Iron Ket- tles, Copper Kettle, Potato Grader, etc. etc. 2 WED., MARCH 15, at 1 P. M. Mated Teams of Heavy Draft Mules, all but One Team Under 10 Years of Age. 2 Cows, one fresh and the other a close springer. 8 6 Sows, 3 of which are registered Duroc Jerseys. 1 Registered Duroc Boar, 18 Shoats, 12 Pigs. 11 Double Sets Tug and Chain Harness, Carriage and Buggy Harness, ete. Myers’ Bus leaves Tyrone at 8 a. m. and 11 a. m.; return at 5 p. m. Lunch Served. Terms announced at Sale, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Albert Shaffer, Zion. ph OST.—-Large black and tan fox hound, between Nittany and Zion. North- umberland Co. license tag. Call Com. or 221-J Bell one. 9-1t* Ames Garbrick, late of deceased ,all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt payment, and those having claims ag them, duly authenticated, for settlement. Gettig & Bower, XECUTOR’S NOTICE.—Letters testa- mentary having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of pring township, nst the same must present EDWARD E. GARBRICK, Executor, Bellefonte, Pa. Attorneys. 67-8-6t Remember GARMAN’S REMOVAL SALE EVERYTHING MUST G Attention Farmers This is the time to fat- ten your hogs for Fall There is Nothing Better Than Fresh Skimmed Milk Our price only 25c¢. per ten-gallon can. Western Maryland Dairy 66-24-tf Bellefonte, Pa. Farmers and Others Take Notice. I will insure dwellings at $1.00 a hun- dred and barns at $1.60 a hundred on the cash plan, for three years, as against fire and lightning. J. M. KEIC. 66.16-6m Delictonte, Ba. _—_ sy Daily Motor Express BETWEEN Bellefonte and State College We Make a Specialty of Moving Furniture, Trunks & Baggage “SERVICE AND RIGHT PRICE” Anthracite Coal at Retail. Pittsburgh Coal Wholesale and Retail A. L. PETERS GENERAL DRAYING STATE COLLEGE, PA. Bell Phone No. 487-R-13. Commercial Phone No. 48-J. Terms Cash. 66-50-tf pe—— Ira D. Garman | Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry “JEWELRY MADE OVER” 11th Street Below Chestnut, 63-24-6m PHILADELPHIA, PA. 00 Wastinglon Round OR BALTIMORE Trip , Sunday, Mar. 26 SPECIAL TRAIN Leaves Bellefonte Saturday night, March 25, at 10.30 p-m. Stopping at principal Stations to Lewisburg Returning, leaves Washington - 4.30 p.m. Baltimore (Union Station) 5.40 p.m. Tickets on sale beginning Friday. March 24 —Visit LIBRARY OF CON- GRESS, 2:00 p. m.,, NEW NA- TIONAL MUSEUM, 1:30 te 4:30 p. m., CORCORAN ART GAL- LERY, 1:30 to 4:30 p. m.,, BO- TANIC GARDEN, 8:00 a. m,, to 4:30 p. m.,, WASHINGTON MONUMENT, 1:30 to 4:30 p. m. Pennsylvania System The Route of the Broadway Limtd 67.9-3t A. C. and F. E. GRAZIER. G. C. Waite, Auct. H. L. Orr, Clerk. | sommes Garman’s REMOVA SALE Now On Dr. Louis Dammers Eyesight Specialist ONE DAY ONLY HOWARD Mrs. John Baney’s Residence Friday, Mar. 17th 1922 Office Hours 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. BELLEFONTE Garman Hotel Parlors Sat., March 18th, 1922 Office Hours 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Our GENUINE REDUCTION Offer This Visit Only Owing to recent purchases of high grade optical goods at low prices, and to further advertise the high class eye work we do, we offer you a perfect fitting pair of glasses, including consultation, eye examina: tion, and an elegant case, at the low prices of $2, $3, $5 COMPLETE. Regular Prices, $5, $8, $10, $12. Twenty-five styles to select from. Latest styles in Shell Eyeglasses and Spectacles. Eye Examination Without Charge Drs. Dammers & Sigler 11264 Eleventh Avenue Altoona, Pa. Fours Sixes At the Show You Might Know WION GARAGE BELLEFONTE, PA Nash Leads the World in Motor Car Value Scenic Theatre.. Week-Ahead Program Cut this out and save for reference. SATURDAY, MARCH 11: BARBARA BEDFORD in “CINDERELLA OF THE HILLS,” a story of a girl who suffers cruelties of a step-mother in order to win back father to Also, Snub Pollard Comedy. her divorced mother. MONDAY, MARCH 13: ALL STAR CAST in “THE BARRICADE,” a story that teaches a moral without becoming preachy. Six reel tale of a christian boy reared by a kindly Jew deserts his benefactor to accomplish selfish ambitions. Also, Pathe News, Topics and Lloyd Comedy. : TUESDAY, MARCH 14: MARY MILES MINTER in “TILLIE,” a story founded on the Mennonite faith in that a daughter of Pennsylvania Dutch farmer refuses to marry man of her father’s choice. Also, Screen Snap Shots and Kineto Comedy. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15: HOPE HAMPTON in “STAR DUST,” written by thought, bigness of theme is a realistic picture of life of today. A thrilling train wreck and some other spectacular scenes. interest; a good one. THURSDAY, MARCH 16: NAZIMOVA in “MADAME PEACOCK,” a seven reel production by this ever entertaining and versatile actress, in which as leading actress in thea- tre mad for applause lives to satiate it. Also, Pathe News and Review. FRIDAY, MARCH 17: MARIE PREVOST in “DON'T GET PERSONAL.” This actress, who is al- ways good to look at, is kept constantly to the front and shows up to ad- vantage. Story of a charming girl who visits small town friends. Also, beginning first episode of new serial, “THE ADVENTURES OF TAR- ZAN,” a continuation of the ever interesting Tarzan series. episode. OPERA MARCH 10 AND 11, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY: “THE LAST TRAIL,” a seven reel Zane Grey story of the west produced A thrilling, stirring, excellent picture. by an all star cast. SEMON in “THE SIMPLE LIFE.” SATURDAY, MARCH 18: TOM MIX in “THE NIGHT HORSEMAN.” Enuf sed. You all know Tom, Also, two reel Ben Turpin, “LOVE'S OUTCAST.” Matinees at Scenic every Wednesday and Saturday. and what he can do. Also, a good Torchy Comedy. Fannie Hurst, full of Pathos, tragedies, human Plays a dual role. Very good. See the first HOUSE Also, LARRY 1922 ji Centre County Automobile Show Armory, BELLEFONTE, Penna Bors ory March 14, Sonex 1% March 18, ...All the New Models and New Prices.... TOURING CARS, SEDANS, COUPES, ROADSTERS, TRUCKS AND TRACTORS All Paid Admissions will have A CHANCE ON Daily Prizes Daily Prizes GOOD MUSIC ADMISSION Full Orchestra, Male Quartettes, REDUCED TO NOMINAL PRICE OF Vocal and Instrumental Soloists 25 cts, Come: Plenty of Entertainment Come; Light Refreshments CENTRE COUNTY AUTOMOBILE DEALERS’ ASSO. The Value of Records “We have no way of judging of the future except by the past.” Past history, as written into records, forms the guide posts for both nations and business institutions. The ledgers, cash books and journals tell the story of achievement or disaster for any business. The business records, the books of this Company show a constructive policy of business building that has steadily progressed. Our safe handling of millions of dollars of cap- ital, with prompt payment of dividends to ALL investors is a “Matter of Record.” THE R. L. DOLLINGS COMPANY : 1421 Walnut St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. E. B. FELTY, Representative Telephone 140-R BELLEFONTE, PA. ELLIS B. ROHRBACK, Dist. Mgr. Central Trust Building ALTOONA, PA. SS Mr. Fisherman, ONLY 36 DAYS LEFT We have established a Fishing Tackle department in. con- nection with our store and have a stock of Tackle to warrant the approval of the most exacting angler. We have on display the largest assortment of the best Tackle to be found in town. Our Trout Flies, Rods,” Leaders, Bas- kets, Hooks, etc., are unexcelled. We are featuring a Special Double Hook for minnow fishing. Our Prices ARE Rica. Coie in and Inspect Our Stock and We'll do the Rest. With every $5.00 purchase of Fishing Tackle we will Present You with a $1.25 pint Thermos Bottle The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. 66-6-t£ “ov Teaching You Thrift Practice makes perfect. School- masters of today as well as yesterday constantly repeat that truth. Pupils learn by applying it. Application of that principle to our everyday habits proves its practical help. We learn by practicing, wheth- er it be a good habit or a bad habit. This bank teaches you thrift by leading you to practice it. The lesson is easily learned once it is begun, To become perfect in it requires constant practice. A savings account is the most consistent method of practicing thrift. Try it by starting an account with us and see how easy and profita- ble the habit becomes. CENTRE COUNTY BANKING CO 60-4 BELLEFONTE, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers