Bellefonte, Pa., March 3, 1922. o—— The —= Scrap Book UNHURT BY DEADLY POISONS Many Animals and Birds Make Food of Insects and Reptiles That Are Usually Avoided. ree There are many animals and birds which are quite unharmed by the stings of insects, or even the poison of the most deadly snakes. Ducks love to feed on bees, which they will swallow in dozens without any ill-effects. The same immunity is shared by another bird—the bee- eater, and apparently by the death’s- head moth. The South American ant-eater makes tasty meals off ants of the most poisonous kinds. He goes to a hill and proceeds to scratch a hole in it with his powerful fore-claws; then, lying down, he pushes his long tongue into the breach. The ants swarm on the waiting tongue, and as soon as it is nicely covered its owner draws it in. The badger’s thick fur seems to pro- tect him completely against the at- tacks of wasps. His 1ondness for honey often induces him to dig out a wasp's nest. Most curious of all are certain birds which delight in eat- ing deadly snakes. The stork lunches contentedly on an adder or two, though he has swallowed poison enough to kill a man. ; NOT BIG ENOUGH “Do you think this hat is toe big, John?” “Not for the money it cost.” Read Forty Pages an Hour. How fast can you read? President R. M. Hughes of Miami university, af- ter an investigation states that in the case of ordinary reading the average college student should be able to glean the thought from the printed page at the rate of 40 pages an hour. He also says that there are several students at Miami able to read intelligently at the rate of 120 pages an hour. Tests were made with regular read- ing assignments made by the profes- sors and not with light reading such as fiction, It is sometimes erroneous- ly thought that the rapid reader skims over his text, not comprehending com- pletely what he reads. However, it has been definitely proved that the efficient reader is the rapid reader and as the result of his investigation, President Hughes is requiring all Mi- ami freshmen to attend a series of lectures given by the faculty men on the subject of efficient reading. Ancient Myth of the Forgst-Me-Not. How the forget-me-not was named goes back to an old, old myth, A knight and his love were walking by a lake when she saw at the other shore some beautiful blue flowers and expressed her wish for some of them. I'or her to wish was for him to obey. He dashed into the lake, swam to the opposite bank, plucked the flowers and was returning to his love. Near the shore his strength gave out. He threw the flowers to his beloved, cry- ing, “Forget me not,” and then sank.— Cleveland News-Leader. Bees Faster Than Pigeons. Which fly the faster; bees or pigeons? Two rival fanciers in Eng- land decided to put the speed of their pets to the test over a distance of three miles. Twelve bees and twelve pigeons being selected to cover the course. The first bee romped home an easy winner, arriving a whole minute sooner than the earliest pigeon to appear. Then came three more bees, followed by the second pigeon. The remainder of the contestants reached the winning post more or less to- gether, Deaf People Enjoyed Singing. A majority of nearly two hundred persons with defective hearing heard vocal music for the first time when they gathered in the specially wired auditorium of the New York League for Hard of Hearing, to hear Miss Amelia Donovan, a concert contralto. The singer's voice was heard by all through a device that magnified the voice to coincide with various degrees of deafness. stork Had Busy Day. The stork arrived at the home of Isaac Devons, Kansas City, Mo, in Leavy marching order, one morning last month. He left behind one new citizen, Isaac, Jr., in the Devon home, fn the woodshed and barns, he left: Five new terrier puppies; six new Bel- gian hares; one new calf, and three new maltese kittens. ——Subscribe for the “Watchman.” WHEN MILADY MOTORS For tne wintry aays in the big car this warm outfit has been designed. ‘The coat is of gray astrakhan, with a Cossack cap of same material and high Russian feather. HEADGEAR MUST HAVE CARE Hats Are Perishable and Judgment Should Be Used in Putting On and Removing. boots of fine blacit Choosing a hat suited to one’s par- ticular style of beauty and which harmonizes with the entire wardrobe end will be suitable for any occasion will help reduce the annual millinery bili. Oftentimes we fail to realize that fiats are perishable articles of wear- ing apparel and should be handled with care when putting on or when removing from the head. Without (nestion, intelligent care prolongs their life. Like other garments, they should be aired and brushed, and it is well even for those worn daily to be put into boxes when removed from the head. A soft brush or a piece of silk or velvet is excellent to use for cleaning felt, silk beaver, silk, satin or velvet hats. Care should be given when brushing to get the dust out from under the edges of bands, folds | and trimmings. Silk or satin hats are the most inexpensive in the long run, for they can be worn the year round. ‘Never allow trimmings, bows, bands or linings to become loosened; as soon gs you discover broken or loose threads put in fresh stitches and keep ornaments tacked in place. If you have an opportunity to take a few les- gons in millinery avail yourself of this privilege and see if you can’t learn the art of manufacturing attractive “headgear.” This is by far the easiest way to reduce the millinery budget. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN Satins are most popular in such ghades as purple, red and rust. The long, fur-trimmed blouse wort. with the suit is usually high-necked and long-sleeved. With light frocks is worn a hat of biack velvet, with a low crown and a very wide, softly roiling brim. Ribbon rosettes, big ones, really more in the nature of cocardes, made of stiff-corded ribbon, are held in place on evening slippers by flaring buckles of metal or beads. Four definite features make the | winter modes; a very long waistline, longer circular skirts with full sides. eccentric sleeves of gay colors and the famous Bateau neckline. Green and white, either in com- bination or singly, are very much to the fore in the season's evening ap- parel, and not for a long time have so many all-white evening gowns been seen. Some of the little toques of the sea- son are converted into the quaintest and most becoming little bonnets by the addition of chin straps of ribbon or bands of roses mounted on ribbon. They frame the face most enticingly. WAYS TO RENOVATE THE FURS Peltry May Be Cleaned With Gasoline or in Suds Made With Castile Soap. — Furs may be cleaned by gasoline or in suds made soap and a little borax, followed by geveral rinsings in clear water, is a suggestion that comes from the biolog- fecal survey, United States Department of Agriculture. It is best to hang them out of doors to dry. When dry or nearly so they require to be stretched and rubbed on the flesh side to make them pliable again. Fur garments may be brightened by sponging them with gasoline and then robbing cornmeal into the fur while it is still damp to take up the particles of dirt that have been loosened. Gaso- line should never be used, of course, where its fumes can come in contact with fire. washing in with castile A NEW VOTER. This is the second of a series of articles that will be published in the “Watch- man” from time to time. When it became certain in the sum- mer of 1920, that women would vote at the approaching election, they be- gan to register as voters and were asked to express their political pref- erence. Speculation was very com- VOTERS AND NEW VOTERS BY have done? Or will they show the men of the nation how the right of suffrage should be esteemed and used, according to our American ideals? I If women voters simply slip into | some political party, and vote year after year for a party name, their en- trance into the electorate will accom- plish no good at all. It will simply increase the trouble and expense of “holding elections. mon as to how women would register, | There should always be in the elec- For example, if a woman’s father be- | torate a large body of voters who longed to one political party, and her would have to be represented by X, in husband to another, would she regis- | the political equation, before an elec- ter with the party of her father or of tion; voters who cannot be counted her husband? It did not seem to be taken into consideration, at all, that she might have an opinion of her own. Surprise, and even indignation, were expressed, when a widow failed to register with the party of her deceas- ed husband. In some cases, the fath- er had been dead so long that no one remembered to which party he had be- longed; yet an effort was made to re- call whether he had been a Republican or a Democrat, in order to determine how his daughter would vote. He had died probably before the candidates to be voted for were born, yet his polit- ical party was supposed to determine that of his daughters. It was amusing, on the face of it, but it was also saddening, as it re- vealed the genius, the evil genius, of American politics, the tendency to vote thoughtlessly and carelessly, year after year, for the candidates of certain party name; the tendency to vote as the voter’s father or grand- father had voted, and for no better reason. Women were supposed to vote in this thoughtless way because their fathers and mothers voted in the same careless fashion,—they would be following a well-established prece- dent. How strong is the disposition of voters to vote year after year for the candidates of a certain party name, is shown by the remarks ferquently made before elections, as to the chances of the various candidates. A certain man, who is a Republican, will be elected, because the district is strongly Republican. Elsewhere, it is said, a Democrat will be elected, be- cause the district is Democratic. A moments’ reflection will convince any one what an opportunity such condi- tions give to political “bosses” to “boss,” how they enable the few to control the many. If political parties | knew that their policies and candi- | dates would be studied, and the result i registered by the election returns, ' they would be more careful in regard | to both than they have been in the ' past. If a public official knew that his chance of re-election depended on his | official record, rather than on hig par- 'ty’s name, he would be more careful than some office-holders have been. There may have been times when | voters could be told to “vote for prin- | ciples, not men,” but very many times i the men on the ticket, their character | and ability, are the chief things to be : considered. Take, for example, the Republican party. It was organized in 1856, and _its distinguishing characteristics were | its anti-slavery principles. Those who { went into it at that time and later no ! doubt went into it to vote for a prin- { ciple. Is there any such vital princi- . ple dividing the parties now? In our country, the governmental | power belongs to the people. Presi- | dents, Governors, law makers of na- | tion and State, judges and other pub- | lic officers, exercise powers delegated | to them, for a limited time, by the \ people; in the exercise of the right of , suffrage. The exercise of the right of | suffrage is, therefore, a high privi- lege, a serious duty and responsibil- (ity. It is the exercise of the highest ' function of citizenship. It is valued as a privilege, and exercised carefully i and thoughtfully,—but what are we | saying? This is the ideal and not the | reality. New voters are told by those | who have been voting for years, that | the process of delegating governmen- jal powers to the peoples’ representa- | tives is the “mire and filth of politics,” and that it is so miry and filthy that women, gentle souls, should have been i kept out of it, for their own sweet sakes. It really shocks the sensibili- ties of new voters to hear such things. They had been taught to believe that our government was the best in the world, something to respect and love, and die for, if necessary. They had been taught to believe that the selec- tion of executives and Legislators by the people was the ideal form of gov- ernment. But instead, the process is | “mire and filth” according to those ' who ought to know. The men of the nation have been voting from its very foundation. The ‘women of the nation have been ac- | corded the right of suffrage only re- ‘cently, and after a long, hard fight for it on the part of some of the | American women. Whether one be- | lieves in equal suffrage or not, it chal- | lenges admiration, that long, hard, | earnest fight against odds that at first ! must have seemed hopeless; a fight | against opposition on moral and reli- | gious grounds, as well as on econom- “ic and political grounds, but a fight that was, never the less, fought . through to final victory. i Now that the women of America have the long-coveted right, what will [they do with it? Something, it is to be hoped, worthy of that long, hard fight. Will they treat it with indif- ference, as many men have done? Will they exercise it thoughtlessly and carelessly, as many men have done? Will they make merchandise of it, as men have done, as men them- selves, by their own laws, say they upon to vote merely for a party name, but who can be counted upon to vote | for candidates worthy of their suf- | frage. Women can, if they will, help | to make up this unknown quantity. If a man can hold up his hand to heaven, and say that he has never cut his party ticket, such a record is gen- erally pointed to with pride. Such voters make possible the power of “The Organization,” and the methods which men say are “miry and filthy.” Women are in politics, whether they want to be or not. They cannot get out. Even if they never go to the polls they are exercising the right of suffrage, they are helping to elect or defeat some candidate. They are, perhaps, helping an unworthy cause, or hindering a worthy one. And since they are in the “mire and filth,” men’s term,—it is the part of wisdom to try to improve conditions. Whenever a political party finds that miry and filthy methods are unprofitable, it will abandon them. Whenever parties rll pl A — —r A — or candidates find that such methods are visited with swift defeat at the polls, other methods will be adopted. Judge Head, of the Superior court, says that the Act of 1906, which reg- ulates election expenses, “Was the legislative response to a vigorous de- mand by the people, that a remedy be found to stop the corruption fast be- coming an incident of our popular elections, which, if unchecked, would soon destroy the free and honest ex- pression of the will of the people.” Mark the words, “vigorous demand by the people;” and let the women re- member that they are now potently a part of “The people.” The business of making men worse is a very profitable one just now, but it is quite as mean and dev- ilish as it ever was. grandmo Telephone of the Bell C. W. HEILHECKER ther’s trunk in the attic. System in the past. System. Looking through an old Bell Directory is as interesting as rummaging through It is a good way to check up on the progress of the community. It is surprising to find how often the first users of the telephone were the men of vision who later developed into leaders in their respective fields. The first telephone directory was merely a sheet of paper with the names of about a dozen subscribers. In most cases no numbers were printed in the directory and calls were made by name. You simply said to the operator “Get me Mrs. Jones.” Every new telephone directory is a new footprint in the path of progress. The extension of the service and your increasing dependence on this means of com- munication is a tribute to the performance of the Bell New problems of operation and management de- velop as fast as the old ones are solved. but we have faith in our ability to meet the demands of each new era as we have met those of the past. And we have the benefit of the experience of others who are working on similar problems in other parts OY TE ED SEES THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA Eel ele EUR RUSE ELeueEn =U ISUEEUSLEUEL UN NISRA 2A N22 22MM SNS USS URNS US U2 le le AT YOUR SERVICE SR A A A ARE REE RGRE ul ELE EL EL ELE El El El El Ele El ElClcUSUS SUSE USLTLTLEUL = an=2nan=2n=2n=2nan2n=2na2n2nanan=Snia nian i= Mian UGni= = LR Pianos. Over 10,000 Records i WE style machine you favor or call our representative. chine or parcel post any records or player rolls you may want. If you want Sheet Music, or anything in the music line, write us, our revwresentative will call. n stock, always the latest. SELL ON THE EASY PAYMENT PLAN. THE MUSIC SHOP Commercial Telephone, 9 East Main St., THE MUSIC: SHOP SHAFFER, KREAMER & Co., Lock Haven, Pa. Represented in Bellefonte, by John Smith, Allegheny Sreet We represent nothing but the Best in Talking Machines, Phonographs and We absolutely guarantee satisfaction or your money back. VICTROLAS $25.00 to $350.00 BRUNSWICK $125.00 to $285.00 EDISON DISC $95.00 to $295.00 EDISON AMBEROLA $41.00 to $100.00 HARDMAN and LUDWIG PIANOS and PLAYERS Write us for catalogue of the latest We can make quick delivery of any ma- LOCK HAVEN, PENNA.