Beworraii atc, Bellefonte, Pa., March 3, 1922. Editer P. GRAY. MEEK, - - z To Correspondents.—No communications published unless accompanied by the real mame of the writer. Terms of Subscription.—Until further motice this paper will be furnished to sub- scribers at the following rates: Paid strictly in advance - - Paid before expiration of year - 175 Paid after expiration of year - 2.00 Published weekly, every Friday morning. Entered at the postoffice Bellefonte, Pa., as second class mail matter. In ordering change of address always give the old as well as the new address. It is important that the publisher be no- tified when a subscriber wishes the pa- per discontinued. In all such cases the subscription must be paid up to date of cancellation. A sample copy of the “Watchman” will be sent without cost to applicants. me— Call $1.50 for Meeting of Democratic County Committee. Conforming to a request from the Democratic state chairman, Bruce F. Sterling, under date of February 25th, the Democratic county committee will meet on Saturday, March 4th, 1922, at 2 p. m., second floor Centre County Bank building, at Bellefonte, Pa. A full attendance is requested, both men and women, who are interested in the welfare of the Democratic party. Matters of prime importance will be discussed, including the suggestion of names for Congress, Senate, State Legislature and county chairman and county committee. If ever there was a time in your party history that you should show your colors it is now. It is not only a party duty but a patriotic duty to lend your counsel and your energy. Bring party workers with you. We want the counsel and advice of all Democrats who are interested in the success of good government. G. OSCAR GRAY, Chairman Democratic County Com. ——The absence of A. Mitchell Pal- mer from the Democratic harmony conference in Harrisburg, last week had a good deal to do with its success. Plan Now for Next Winter's Eggs. Start now to prepare for a good supply of high priced egges next fall and winter. ‘The number of eggs which your hens will lay next Novem- ber, December and January will de- pend largely upon the care which you give your young chicks this spring and summer. As a part of the poultry program of the Centre county Farm Bureau, coun- ty agent Robinson has arranged to have the services of H. D. Monroe, poultry extension specialist, during the week of March 6-11th. Meetings will be held for the purpose of dis- cussing the poultry problems in gen- eral and especially the rearing of young chicks. The meetings have been arranged as follows: Monday, March 6th, F. L. Crust, 118 N. 4th St., Philipsburg, at 2:30 p. m. Tuesday, March 7th, O. P. Smith, Feid- ler; at 10 a. m. Tuesday, March 7th, Ira Brungart, Re- bersburg, at 1 p. m. Tuesday, March 7th, George Gingerich, Madisonburg, at 3:30 p. m. Wednesday, March 8th, J. O. Peters, Stormstown, at 10 a. m. Wednesday, March 8th, Thomas Henry, Martha, at 1 p. m. Wednesday, March 8th, A. F. Showers, Unionville, at 3:30 p. m. Thursday, March 9th, Howard, at 10 a. m. Thursday, March 9th, Paul Carner, Hub- lersburg, at 1 p. m. Thursday, March 9th, A. D. Smeltzer, Pleasant Gap, at 3:30 p. m. Thursday, March 9th, Spring Mills Vo- cational School, Spring Mills, 7:30 p. m. Friday, March 10th, P. H. Luse, Centre Hall, 10 a. m. Friday, March 10th, George Fortney, Boalsburg, at 1 p. m. Friday, March 10th, L. G. Peters, Penn- sylvania Furnace, at 3:30 p. m. If you are interested in poultry at- tend one of these meetings. J. H. Harvey, An Appeal from the Boy Scouts. There are now twenty-four boys in the Scout troop started not long ago in the Episcopal church. We have our meetings every Friday night at seven o’clock, when we talk on different sub- jects, about the American flag and knots every Scout should know. The tenderfoot test which has to be passed before you become a Scout will take place March 10th. Some of the things required in this test are: He must know the scout laws, motto, sign, salute and significance of the badge. Composition and history of the national flag and the customary forms of respect due it; and how to tie the nine different knots required. We have been getting along very well and hope we get the Scouts or- ganized in Bellefonte for good. We think that the business men of this town could help us and our friends who have started it for us. Every boy wants to earn money for uniform and equipment, so if anybody has odd jobs to do call Rev. Maynard, Bell phone 306, or at the Bush house, and we will try to help you. This is what we call a help in trying to start the Scouts. ‘The Scout movement is what makes a boy a real man. We hope that the ople will be interested enough to start several other troops in the town of Bellefonte. Look in the papers for more about our troop next week. (Signed) Scout Scribes, David Geiss, Donald Mallory, Carl Gray. “Watchman” BECK.—The week contained a notice of the death of William Henry Beck, at his home at Snydertown. He had been in his usual good health up to midnight on Tuesday when he complained. of not feeling well. A physician was sum- moned who was able to give relief. At noon on Wednesday Mr. Beck had a sinking spell but soon recovered. At 4:30 p. m. he suddenly and unexpect- edly passed away, witheut any suffer- ing and apparently not realizing that the end of life had come, being con- scious to the last. Miss Lulu Gloss- ner, a trained nurse of Jacksonville, had been summoned at noon time but did not reach the Beck home until after Mr. Beck had passed away. The attending physician stated that death had been caused by cardiac asthma. Mr. Beck’s parents were Henry and Annaliza Beck and he was born in the original log house built by his ances- tors across the road from his present home on September 2nd, 1857, hence was 64 years, 5 months and 20 days old. As a young man he joined the Reformed church at Hublersburg but later helped to haul the lumber to build the Lutheran church at Snyder- town and became one of the original members, being a trustee for many years. His first wife was Elvira Mor- ris, of Ohio, who passed away years ago, as did also a young son. His sec- ond wife was Miss Clara Snyder, of Romolo, who survives with a daugh- ter and son, Margaret and William. He also leaves one brother and a sister, M. L. Beck, of Howard, and Mrs. Em- ma C. Decker, of Stroudsburg. The funeral services, held at the home on Saturday afternoon at two o'clock, were largely attended. They were in charge of Rev. W. J. Shultz, a former pastor of Snydertown, who was assisted by Rev. Dingman, of Clearfield. Members of the family, through the columns of the “Watch- man,” wish to thank all those who so kindly assisted them during their be- reavement, with the assurance that their services were greatly appreciat- ed. # Il ZIMMERMAN. — Following = close upon the death of her husband Mrs. Jane Martin Zimmerman, widow of the late Harry E. Zimmerman, passed away at 2:20 o'clock on Tuesday morning, following an illness of some months with arterio sclerosis. She was a daughter of David and Nancy Martin and was born on June 17th, 1853," hence was 68 years, 8 months and 11 days old. She was married t¢ Mr. Zimmerman in 1879 and most of her life thereafter was spent in Benner township and at Pleasant ‘Gap. She was a member of the Lutheran church at Pleasant Gap and a: conscientious, christian woman: Mr. Zimmerman passed away two weeks ago on Wednesday while her surviving children are Oscar M. Zim- merman, of Bellefonte; Roy F., of Nigh Bank; Eva L., Marion S. and Harold, at home. Rev. W. J. Wagner, of the Lutheran church, will officiate at the funeral which will be held at 2:30 o’clock this (Friday) afternoon at the Zimmer- man home in Pleasant Gap, burial to be made in the Pleasant Gap ceme- tery. Ii I] BLAKE.—Joseph Blake, of Point Lookout, died at the Cottage State hospital, Philipsburg, last Thursday, of peritonitis, the result of an attack of appendicitis. He was a son of Thomas and Agnes Blake and was born in Snow Shoe on October 31st, 1884, hence was 37 years, 3 months and 238 days old. He was a mine la- borer and an honest, industrious man. He was married to Miss Nord Houde- shell who survives. He also leaves his father, now living at Patton, three brothers and nine sisters, one of the latter being Sarah Ann Blake, of Bellefonte. Burial was made in the Philipsburg cemetery on Sunday afternoon. IH } CARPER.—Mrs. Mary Anne Car- per died on Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. G. Rupp, in Altoo- na, of diseases incident to her advanc- ed age. She was a native of Harris township, this county, where she lived until three yeas ago. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Zeigler, of Spring Mills, and Mrs. Rupp, of Al- toona. She was a member of the Re- formed church and Rev. James M. Runkle had charge of the funeral services which were held at the Rupp home on Monday evening and on Tuesday the remains were taken to Boalsburg for interment. 1 W OLEWINE.—Mrs. Julia Olewine died at her home in Altoona last Thursday afternoon following an ill- ness of three months with a complica- tion of diseases. Her maiden name was Julia Irvin and she was born at Pennsylvania Furnace over seventy years ago. She was married to George H. Olewine, who died twenty- four years ago but surviving her are two children, Julia and George Ole- wine, and two brothers, William H. Irvin, of Pennsylvania Furnace, and Samuel P., of Lewistown. Interment was made in the Fairview cemetery, Altoona. il PIPER. Rev. H. S. Piper, pastor of the Beaver Falls Methodist church, but formerly a minister in the Central Pennsylvania Methodist conference, died on Monday of neuralgia of the heart with which he was stricken while in the pulpit on Sunday night preaching a sermon. He was in his forty-seventh year and was a brother- in-law of Rev. David F. Kapp, of State College. His widow and two sons survive, last i [ fone by Mr. Lytle yesterday. ARMOR.—Monroe Armor, one of the oldest residents of Bellefonte, passed away on Saturday night at his home on east Linn street as the result of general debility. He had been in feeble health since last fall and was unconscious for some hours before his death. He was a son of James and Ruth Armor and was born in Bellefonte on January 28th, 1836, hence was 86 years and 20 days old. His entire life was spent in Bellefonte. When the Civil war broke out in 1861 he answer- ed the first call for troops and enlist ed for ninety days’ service with the Bellefonte Fencibles. He served a few days over his enlistment when he was discharged. Shortly after return- ing home he became ill and his health prevented him from reenlisting. Fol- lowing the death of his father he took charge of the Armor farm and for many years gave that his entire at- tention. He was a member of the Episcopal church and a good citizen. Surviving him are the following chil- dren: Father Benner Armor, of Lo- retto; Mrs. Claude Jones, of Tyrone; George M., of Hartford, Conn.; Mrs. H. S. Ray, of Bellefonte, and Mrs. T. B. Connery, of Tyrone. He also leaves one sister, Mrs. S. B. Miller, of Belle- fonte. Funeral services were held at his late home at 10:30 o’clock on Tuesday morning by Rev. M. DePui Maynard, after which burial was made in the Union cemetery. 1 i] THOMPSON. — Mrs. Margaret Johnston Thompson, widow of the late John I. Thompson, passed away at her home at State College yesterday morning as the result of a stroke of paralysis. She was stricken two weeks ago and failed to recover there- from. She was a daughter of Alexander and Ellen Johnston Johnston and was born at Boalsburg about stxty-four years ago. Her entire life was spent at the home of her birth until her marriage to Mr. Thompson in 1913 when she went to reside at Lemont, living there until four years ago when she took up her residence at State College. Mr. Thompson died some years ago but surviving her are’ one brother, James E. Johnston, of Canandagua, N. Y., and five step-chil- dren, namely: Dr. Mary Shaffer, of Altoona; Mrs. George Sellers, of Wil- liamsport; Mrs. L. H. Crossman, of Oaks, Pa.; George B. Thompson, of Alto, and Charles M., of Lemont. She was a member of the Presbyterian church all her life. dh Funeral services will be held at her late home at 2:30 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, after which interment will be made in the Branch cemetery. { ! : SNYDER.—Mrs. Apres McCormick Snyder died at her home in Tyrone on’ Saturday night following a year’s de- cline in health. She was a daughter of James H. and Isabelle Pollock Mec- Cormick, and was born at Hublers- burg, Centre county, on September, 19th, 1847, hence was in her seventy- | fifth year. Her girlhood life was spent at Hublersburg and Centre Hall and at the latter place she was married, in 1868, to Samuel Fisher Snyder.: Some time afterwards they took up their residence in Tyrone where they spent the balance of their lives. Mr. Snyder died in 1917 but surviving her are a daughter and two sons. She al- so leaves the following brothers and sisters: W. F. McCormick, of Flem- ington; J. W. McCormick, in Colum- bia, S. C.; J. O. McCormick, of Spring Mills; Miss Kate, of Tyrone, and Mrs. Cora Bartholomew, of Pittsburgh. She was a life-long member of the Presbyterian church and active in the work of the Ladies Aid society. Bur- ial was made in the Grandview cem- etery, Tyrone, on Tuesday afternoon. Il I! ECKLEY.—Austin .C. Eckley died: on Saturday night at the home of his niece, Mrs. William Jodon, in Belle- fonte, as the result of a stroke of par- alysis, aged 79 years, 6 months and 8 days. He was born and spent almost his entire life near Snow Shoe. He married Miss Catherine Rhoads who died a year ago, while his son, Lot Eckley, also preceded him to the grave. Mr. Eckley served in the 148th regiment during the Civil war. The funeral was held on Wednesday morning. Rev. Scott officiated and burial was made in the Union ceme- tery. Burns Prove Fatal to C. E. Snyder. Cleaver E. Snyder, proprietor of a garage at Port Matilda, who was so badly burned on February 14th when he attempted to start a fire in his stove by the use of gasoline, died at the Altoona hospital last Thursday morning. Snyder was severely burned on the hands and about the thighs and while it was realized his burns were serious they were not considered crit- ical until last week when he was tak- en to the Altoona hospital. His death followed shortly after. Mr. Snyder was thirty-seven years old and is survived by his wife and one daughter, Louise; also by his mother, Mrs. Ella Snyder, of Roaring Spring, two sisters and two brothers. The remains were prepared for burial by an Altoona undertaker and taken to the home of his mother at Roaring Spring. Funeral services were held on Sunday afternoon in the Holsinger church at Baker’s Summit, Blair coun- ty, and burial made in the Holsinger cemetery. — Mrs. Wade Lytle, of Halfmoon township, is a patient in the local hos- pital, having been brought to Belle- | Student Bootlegger Given Salty Sen- tence. Adam A. Baweic, of Nanticoke, Pa., a graduate student of State College, pleaded guilty to the charge of boot- legging before Judge Quigley last Friday and was sentenced to pay a fine of $500 and undergo imprison- ment in the Centre county jail for a period of six months. Baweic was arrested on January 27th by the state police at State Col- lege just as he stepped off the bus which conveyed him from Lemont to State College. He carried a black handbag which the police investigated and in which they found three quart bottles of whiskey. The young man was brought to Bellefonte and in due time was given a hearing before Squire ‘Keichline who held him under one thousand dollars bail for his ap- pearance at court. As stated above, he appeared before the court last Fri- day afternoon and entered a plea of guilty. Baweic’s attorney told the court that while he was technically guilty under the law there were extenuat- ing circumstances that, ought to count in his favor. He is one of a family of eight children and his boyhood days were spent around the mines, his fath- er being a miner. Not content with his lot he decided to get an education and worked his way through State College, graduating last June. He went home and it was some months before he landed a job. Then in the latter part of January he decided to return to the College for a visit and attend a dance. The young man, it was alleged, does not drink himself, and the liquor he had with him had been brought to the College at the so- licitation of friends there and not with a view of bootlegging it broad- cast. The above story was uncontra- dicted, but it didn’t mitigate the fact that under the law Baweic was guilty of the crime charged, and the court sentenced him as above stated. The three bottles of whiskey taken from Baweic’s handbag were taken into court by the police and offered in evidence against him. After the case had been disposed of the court author- ized the state police to keep one bot- tle and have it analyzed, and further ordered the other two to be destroyed. They were forthwith taken to the prothonotary’s office and in the pres- ence of duly accredited witnesses emptied into the wash bowl and the whiskey, or whatever it was, is now well on its way down the Sus- :{'quehanna river. ‘ February Term of Court. Cases heard at the February term of court this week included that of. Seth Poorman, of Bellefonte, charged: | Students] Ina ependents, MeréHants. with cheating and defrauding James I. McClure out of a sum of money, He was found guilty and sentenced to pay the costs of prosecution and to pay Mr. McClure the amount claim- ed within six months. William Reed and Byron Lewis, ad- judged guilty of attempted arson in Philipsburg on the morning of Janu- ary 20th, were each sentenced to three years imprisonment, but in each case the sentence was suspended and the young men placed on parole for the same period, pending their good be- havior. The license of the Continental hotel in Philipsburg was revoked in open court and the application for a license for 1922 refused. Burdine Butler, of Howard, was convicted of disregarding the compul- sory school law and was fined five dol- lars and costs. Blain Milliner, of Rush township, was convicted of a serious offence against a four year old girl and was sent to the penitentiary for a term of four years and six months to five years. James Stitt and Walter Oswalt, also of Philipsburg, who last week plead .| guilty to the charge of breaking into and robbing the Globe store in that place, were sent to the Glenn Mills reform school. Two other youths who were implicated were severely reprimanded and sent home. The grand jury completed their work on Tuesday and were discharg- ed. Social Happenings Up Buffalo Run. A bazaar and social was held in the Gray church Friday night of last week for the benefit of the church. A sale of fancy work and refreshments was interspersed with lantern slides of the life of Abraham Lincoln, mak- ing the evening a success both finan- cially and socially. A box social, originated by the teacher of the Bugersburg school, was given Tuesday night at the school house, and was one of the most suc- cessful social events of the younger set for the season, in that community. The same night the young married set were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ebbs. Last night society in the lower part of Buffalo Run valley met at a chick- en and waffle supper given at Thom- as Tresslers, for the benefit of the Fillmore church. Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Bud Benner will be host and hostess at a communi- ty box social, given principally for the young married set of the valley. ——————— A —————— Academy Road Improvement Fund. Amount previously acknowledged. .$2056.00 Walter Laskaris, Elmira, N. Y..... 10.00 Arthur Whalen, Binghamton, N, XY. 5.00 1 Match Factory, Jewelers, Activities of the Y. M. C. A, The membership committee is re- ceiving good results from the effort they are making for securing the three hundred new members in the next two months. It has been neces- sary to confine the privileges to mem- bers this week, as the 150 mark will be passed, and the members are coni- ing in a steady flow and enabling the physical director to enroll them in the classes. The business men’s class will open next week and will be tried out on Tuesday evenings from 7 to 8 o’clock. Volley ball and gym games will be the order of exercise with a little calesthenics to keep the organs in good condition. General Secretary Aplin attended the 53rd State Y. M. C. A. convention at Tyrone last Saturday. There was a good interest and attendance. Im- portant business relative to State Y. M. C. A. policy and operation was acted upon and the coming year prom- ises to be a productive one. Arrangements for Sunday after- ‘noon meetings in March are complete. On Sunday Rev. Wilson P. Ard, of the Lutheran church, will give an address on “The Measure of a Man.” March 12th a speaker will be here from State College. March 19th Rev. George E. Smith will speak on “Half Baked.” March 26th Congressman Clyde Kel- ly will address a mass meeting in the court house. Meetings will open at 3:30 and an effort will be made to have them close not later than 4:30. Good singing and a cheerful service, with a special message to young men, is the purpose of the meetings. The association rooms will be open on Sun- days from 2 to 5 p. m. Starting Saturday night, March 11th, social events will be arranged to be known as Saturday Night Pops. The entertainment will be varied and open to the public. A small admis- sion fee will be charged. Watch for the announcement later. The bowling alleys are taxed to their limit now that the Bellefonte bowling league has started. There is a demand for the alleys by the teams for practice and try-outs for a place on the teams. rss A SS Bellefonte Bowling Association Or- ganized. The opening: of the Bellefonte Y. M. C. A. and contingent therewith the bowling alleys has already resulted in the organization of a bowling asso- ciation of two leagues of six teams each. The council of directors of the association consists of Dr. David Dale, John Curtin and John B. Payne. Harry H. Ruhl is manager of League No. 1, which consists of the following teams: American Legion, igh School Prof. A. H. Sloop is in charge of League No. 2, which is made up of the following teams: Beatty Motor Co., Grocerymen, High School Alumni, Stone Quarries, Bankers and Lawyers, Potter-Hoy Co. The Y. M. C. A. alleys will be open for mateh games Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. Two teams from each league will play each of the above nights. Each league will hold contests independent of each oth- er. At the end of the season the champion team of each league will play a series for the championship. A large silver cup will be the prize awarded the winners. The men with the highest average in each league will play at the end of the season for the individual championship, a suita- ble prize to be awarded the winner. ——e———————— ee e———— William Jennings Bryan to Speak at State College. Centre county is to have another opportunity to hear William Jennings Bryan. He is to speak at State Col- lege on the evening of March 15th. Not everybody is convinced that he is a great statesman, but all agree that he is a great orator. His tongue has lost none of the persuasive eloquence that has dominated a great political party, swayed conventions and nomi- nated Presidents ever since 1896, when he was known as “The Boy Ora- tor of the Platte.” When Mr. Bryan was at State Col- lege last year his subject was: “Ev- olution,” and he combatted the Dar- winian theory in eloquent, if not con- vincing, words. Of course many of his audience did not fully agree with his position, but that did not prevent them from appreciating his remarka- ble gifts as an orator. This time his subject will be: “The Fascinating Game of Politics.” Surely no man is better qualified to speak on that topic than Mr. Bryan. ‘He has played hide- and-seek with the presidéntial nom- ination for more than twenty years, and always is to be found in the thick of every political and ethical contro- versy. His political reminiscences and his interpretation of modern ten- dencies in politics, national and inter- national, ought to make this speech rival his famous “Cross of Gold and Crown of Thorns” speech, when he was first nominated for the Presiden- cy. He appears under the auspices of the honor society of Phi Kappa Phi, on March 15th. Tickets are 50 and 75 cents. They can be obtained of Prof. I. L. Foster, who is in charge of ar- rangements. The last time he was there many people were unable even to secure standing room in the audi- torium, ——The scandalous reports con- cerning Beidleman have probably shocked Senator Vare and that is cer- tainly “going some.” Church Services Next Sunday. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. Christian Science Society, Furst building, Hight street, Sunday service 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet- ing at 8 o'clock. To these meetings all are welcome. A free reading room is open to the public every Thursday afternoon, from 2 to 4. Here the Bible and Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. 8T. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services for the week beginning March 5th: First Sunday in Lent, Quadragesima, 8 a. m. Holy Eucha- rist. 8:45 a. m. Mattins. 9:45 a. m. church school. 11 a. m. Holy Eucha- rist and sermon, “The Divine Office Daily.” 2:30 p. m. children’s vespers and catechism. 7:30 p. m. evensong and sermon, “An Act of Contrition.” Every day, 9 a. m. Mattins; 5 p. m. evensong. Celebration of the Holy Eucharist Tuesday, 10 a. m., and Thursday, 7:30 a. m. Visitors always welcome. Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. First Sunday in Lent. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning worship, 10:45, “The Offering Up of Isaac as a Type of the Sacrifice of Christ.” The first of a special series of Lenten ser- mons. Vesper service 7:30, “Joy.” Lenten devotions each Wednesday evening at 7:30. Visitors are always welcomae. Rev. Wilson P. Ard, Minister. ST. JOHN'S REFORMED CHURCH. Services next Sunday morning at 10:45 with sermon, “The Third Temptation.” Evening service at 7:30, “Jonah at Ninevah.” Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. and C. E. meeting at 6:45 p. m. Ambrose M. Schmidt, D. D., Minister. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Bible school with last offering for Missions for the Conference year. Let every class have a banner offer- ing. Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper at 10:45. Junior League 2 p. m. In- termediate and Senior League, 6:30. Sacramental service with short ser- mon, 7:30. _ Coleville—Bible school with offer- ing for Missions, 2:30. Alexander Scott, Minister. United Evangelical Church Confer- ence. Rev. Reed O. Steely, pastor of the United Evangelical church of Belle- fonte, and E. J. Teaman, as lay dele- gate, are at Lewisburg this week at- tending the annual sessions of the Central Pennsylvania conference of the United Evangelical church. The local congregation has closed one of the most successful years since its organization. All departments have made great strides forward, probably: the best of ‘which was the great revival, recently closed, which resulted in the conversion of 165 souls. It is expected that the conference at Lewisburg will be one of the most important held in a good many years. One vital question will be the union of the Evangelical Association with the United Evangelical church, re- uniting the two factions of this old religious organization. It will be re- called that there was a break in the church about thirty years ago and it looks now as if all differences have been forgotten and the two factions will again unite under one church ban- ner. The Eastern Pennsylvania con- ference, in session at Reading last week, acted favorably upon the union and it is believed that the conference at Lewisburg will take similar action. Bishop W. F. Heil is the presiding officer of the conference and Bishop M. T. Maze, of Le Mars, Ia., will take an important part in the convocation. The conference district covers Pennsylvania, Maryland, District of Columbia and Virginia, being the largest of that church in the country. It has 135 ministers and 118 lay del- egates, and represents a communicant membership of 27,727 and a Sunday school enrollment of 42,024. The selection of Lewisburg as the place of holding the sessions is an ex- ceptionally fortunate one. The $250,- 000 home of that church is located along the Susquehanna river, a few miles north of Lewisburg, and much of the important early history of the church was made in New Berlin, also in Union county. i ———— fp rar seen ——Washington Camp No. 887, P. 0. S. of A. will hold their annual ban- quet Friday evening, March 3rd, in the lodge rooms over the Potter-Hoy Hardware store. All members of P. GO. of A. No. 231 and Beaver Com- mandary No. 68 are especially invited to attend. Tickets, 50 cents. H. W. Johnson, E. F. Young, Charles Gar- brick, Wm. J. Sager, committee. ——When considering an evening’s entertainment or amusement don’t overlook the Scenic. You can spend two hours there at small cost and be pleasantly entertained watching the motion pictures. Big programs shown every evening and nothing old or stale shown. Be a regular and see them all. ——— A A ——— Big Interest in Economy. From the Pittsburgh Dispatch. Pennsylvania, paying one-tenth of the country’s personal income tax and almost one-tenth of the Nation’s cor- poration income tax, is proportionate- ly interested in national economy. Smaller States contributing less may have a keener thirst for Federal ap- propriations. ————— A ——————— ——Senator Lodge is satisfied now that the Senate has nothing to do with treaties except to ratify or reject them.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers