Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 17, 1922, Image 1

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    Deora; acm.
.—1In thirty-two days spring will be
here. Will your coal pile hold out?
—At last the farmers are beginning
to waken up to the fact that they
don’t need tariffs half so badly as they
need a restored Europe.
—Bellefonte hasn’t felt the depres-
sion quite so much as many other
towns for the reason that she didn’t
have the plethora of “war brides”
they had.
—Women’s dresses are to be two
inches longer in the spring. What
news for the dames whom nature
didn’t design for the short skirts in
vogue now.
—Just now a Free State is not a
very happy state for Ireland. Mr. De
Valera ought to be deported long
enough at least to give Michael Col-
lins a chance.
—1It takes half a million Russian
rubles to make a dollar, but based on
what it takes to make a ruble they
are probably not worth any more than :
the mark-down quotation of Satur-
—1If the young man who vamoosed
with the twenty dollar bill in Belle-
fonte last Friday is apprehended we
can see no greater way of uplifting '
the personnel of the community than
by putting him somewhere where he
won’t have opportunity to reproduce
his kind.
—The Altoona Tribune thinks “it
v.wuld be a preposterous thing for
Blair county to send a Democratic
Congressman to Washington.” It
wasn’t so long ago that Blair county
had a hand in sending a Democrat to
Congress and it wasn’t such a prepos-
terous thing at that, for Blair coun-
ty came very much nearer having a
place in the sun when Warren Worth
Bailey represented the district than
it has had since.
—We have not learned whether
Governor Sproul’s appointment of
brother Harter to membership on the
Snyder-Middleworth park commission
was made with or without prior ref-
erence to the Hon. Harry B. Scott.
Since the position carries no salary
and only the remotest possibilities of
“pickings” we fancy that it was pure-
ly personal with the Governor, con-
sequently not designed to bring Tom
into accord with the Scott Senatorial
—It has been estimated that a
high school education is worth nine
dollars a day to its recipient. Based
on the wage scale of 1913 uneducated
laborers earned an average of $500
per year while the earnings of those
with a high school education earned
just twice as much. Assuming that
it would require eighteen years of one
hundred and eighty school days each
to acquire such an education and, as-
suming that the normal person works
forty years, it will be seen that the
twenty-one hundred and sixty days he |
spent in school have added $20,000 to
his earning capacity; to be exact each
day in school has been worth $9.25 to
the educated worker.
—The United Mine Workers, in ses-
sion at Indianapolis, have announced
that they do not intend to demand an
increase in wages, but will insist on
maintaining the present scale. The
miners are queer economists. Thous-
ands of them have been out of work
for a year or more because they will
not work for less than the present
scale and it makes the cost of their
product prohibitive to industries
waiting to resume operations on a
pre-war basis. If the miners, who
‘have been out so long, had accepted a
reduction a year ago they might have
been at work instead of being idle and
in that event would be far better off
than they are today.
—The DuBois Express of last Wed-
nesday published a very caustic and
timely editorial comment on the pro-
visions of the penal code of Pennsyl-
vania that prescribes punishment in
“solitary confinement.” We agree
with the Express, but we don’t view
the situation with the same horror,
for the reason that “solitary confine-
ment” has come to be little more than
judicial phraseology. In none of the
great penal institutions of the State
are prisoners actually kept in “soli-
tary confinement.” In the old and new
western penitentiaries no approach
even is made toward “solitary confine-
ment” and while there is an appear-
ance of it in the eastern institution it
is almost wholly a temporary punish-
ment for infraction of the rules.
—Every one of the objects of the
proposed taxation for raising funds
with which to pay a soldier bonus will
hit the soldiers themselves so hard
that it is a question whether many of
them would profit at all from a boun-
ty so raised. Taxes on gasoline,
horse-power of automobiles, chewing
and smoking tobacco, parcels post
packages, theatre tickets and cigar-
ettes all strike harder at the pockets
of the young men of the land than
they do at those of the fellows who
were too old to be accepted for serv-
ice by their country. The bonus for
the soldiers is in reality a very grave
problem. In principle all will agree
that it is wholly meritorious, but the
more the matter is discussed the more
President Harding and his Congress
plead one reason or another for
delaying it. Personally, we feel
that we can never discharge the debt
we owe the boys who went to fight a
battle that was more ours than theirs.
It is an obligation that can never be
discharged, but we can always pay on
account of it with honor and helpful-
ness, the value of which cannot be es-
Le —————— ce a ——
—The Indiana county Red Cross is call-
ing for emergency nurses to combat the
various types of contagious disease that
are gaining headway in that region.
—Williamsport High school has receiv~
ied a contribution from J. Ogden Armour
of $25 toward the purchase of a pipe or-
gan for the school. The gift was presented
through a member of the orchestra.
—Collins Ross, a Huntingdon county
boy, who shot out the eyes of another boy
near Shaffersville a few weeks ago, was
sentenced to pay a fine of $200 by the
court. Collins fired at a wild goose.
—Warning is sent out of a check Kkiter
VOL. 67.
Senator Pepper’s Painful Garrulity.
Mr. George Wharton Pepper has
become painfully garrulous since he
donned a Senatorial toga which does
not seem to fit. In New York the oth-
his admiration for a party boss whom
shamelessly traduced all the Demo-
crats in the Senate because they re-
fused to ratify the purchase of a seat
in the body by a man who had been
convicted in a federal court of bribery
and corruption. In this he was as in-
accurate as to the facts as he was
sions. He said the Democrats, be-
cans voted with them and all other
Republicans, including Pepper,
headlong into another equally absurd.
Governor Sproul coveted to
purpose by an outburst of public pro-
test. Then Brigadier General Atter-
bury is reputed to have select-
ed Pepper for the favor. At-
terbury probably would have pre-
ferred Sproul as the safer if less ser-
vile, servant of corporate interests,
but his appointment was palpably in-
expedient. Sproul simply ratified At-
terbury’s choice by directing that a
commission be issued to Pepper.
_ In voting for confirmation of the
pressed one of the purposes for which
General Atterbury had chosen him,
and in maligning the Democratic Sen-
ators at a banquet in honor of Boss
Barnes, of New York, Mr. Pepper
simply expressed the views of General
Atterbury on the subject. In ex-
pressing - gratitude = to. Governor
Sproul, in Lancaster, Mr. Pepper only
expressed General Atterbury’s appre-.
ciation of Governor Sproul’s favor to
corporations in general, and that mag-
nificent organization with which Gen-
eral Atterbury is affiliated in partic-
ular. What Mr. Pepper says or thinks
in such matters is of no consequence
except for the fact that it is what
General Atterbury thinks or says by
The administration at Wash-
ment can’t get money to pay bonuses
to the soldiers, but it can find abun-
dance to pay subsidies to ship owners.
The School Question in Fact.
In the controversy between Audit-
or General Lewis and Superintendent
of Public Instruction Finegan both
disputants seem to have lost sight of
the main question. Dr. Finegan pro-
tests that he has set out to make the
educational system of Pennsylvania
“the best ever.” That is certainly “a
consummation devoutly to be wished
for.” But the trouble is most people
imagine it is costing too much. Most
of the owners of Ford flivvers would
prefer a Packard or Pierce-Arrow,
but can’t afford such luxuries. Nearly
every Pennsylvanian would like to
see our school system fixed on the
highest level, but feel that this is a
bad time for extravagance even in
the most commendable purposes.
Mr. Lewis complains that Dr. Fin-
egan has been neglectful in making
requisitions on the State Treasury
for funds to meet the necessary school
expenses, and Dr. Finegan protests
that the State fiscal officers have fail-
ed to collect the money to meet req-
uisitions. In this aspect of the dis-
pute they are probably both right.
Dr. Finegan has certainly made requi-
sition and procured funds to pay his
expensive staff and the fiscal officers
have honored his requisitions for such
purposes. But the schools are crip-
pled for want of money to meet re-
quirements, and this is the just cause
of complaint which the people are
making all over the State. And it is
a just complaint.
The fact is that the State owes the
several school districts and the teach-
ers’ retirement fund something like
ten million dollars and it appears that
there are no funds to pay these enor-
mous sums. Why this is the case is
left to conjecture. It certainly isn’t
altogether Dr. Finegan’s fault, though
he is blamable for making his staff
top-heavy and extravagant. The
fault is in the system which has been
in vogue in the State for years. The
liberal appropriations for education
are false pretenses to satisfy one ele-
ment of the public, while the fiscal of-
ficers are using the funds for partisan
political purposes in other directions.
If the pending controversy reveals the
timated in dollars and cents.
facts it will be worth while.
as Senator. The truth is that Gover- |
nor Sproul can scarcely be charged | tions.
with the appointment further than | Senators refused to ratify it and now
compliance with the desires of anoth- | have given as a substitute an imita-! get from them any assurance of a
er. There was a vacancy which tion of the work of the Vienna con-!united purpose in this behalf.” His
fill | ference with the United States instead work ought to have achieved better
himself but was frightened from the | of Napoleon swinging the big stick.
ington is convinced that the govern-
Harding Submits the Treaties.
President Harding was at his best
in his address in submitting the treat-
Democrats Called to Duty.
i State chairman Bruce F. Sterling
has issued an appeal to the active
ies adopted by the Washington con- | Democrats of Pennsylvania to assem-
| ference on the Limitation of Arma- | ble at Harrishurg next Friday for
er evening, in paying the tribute of .
Colonel Roosevelt once vehemently de- '
nounced as a public thief, Mr. Pepper '
ments. In the exudation of oily and
odorous hypocrisy he has the best ef-
forts of the late Mr. Podsnap “skin-
ned a mile.” In praising the work of
the conference he appears to be whol-
ly unconscious and entirely oblivious
of the fact that he is stultifying not
{ only himself but all his Republican as-
reckless and immoral in his conclu-
‘every respect.
| cause they voted as a unit, were par- |
But nine reputable Republi-
In Lancaster on Saturday evening, macy,”
at a banquet in honor of some other | states, “let it be so called.” But it
party boss, Mr. Pepper side-stepped developed nothing of the kind. The
the Newberry pitfall and plunged | Versailles conference suggested a new
sociates in the last Congress who vot-
ed against the ratification of a treaty
which had every merit that those he
presented possess and was better in
In fact these treaties
can have force only through the op-
eration of the League of Nations.
But President Harding was elo-
voted : quent in presenting the work of the
as a unit and must have been parti- | conference to the Senate.
“It has de-
veloped a new world school of diplo-
the President unctiously
school of world diplomacy by declar-
He expressed profound gratitude to ing against secret agreements and al-
Governor Sproul for his appointment | liances and gave it clear expression
in the covenant of the League of Na-
But the bigoted Republican
In so far as it will promote peace it
is valuable.
But even appraising the work of the
conference in the most friendly spir-
it it doesn’t promise much. The meet-
ing in Washington gave the statesmen
of China and Japan an opportunity
to consult together and come to an
agreement on certain points in dis-
of the Asiatics and gives Harding lit-
tle reason for strutting. The so-call-
purchase of a Senatorial seat by a|ed naval vacation and the inciden-
Michigan millionaire Mr. Pepper ex- | tal scrapping of war materials was
the logic of events that worked itself
. to completion.
In fact the conference
has achieved nothing of enduring val-
ue but it has done no harm and for
that reason its work may as well be
ratified and the sooner it is done the
better. . Sed :
—We regard the recent declaration
of President Harding in favor of a
restoration of the old convention sys-
tem and abandonment of the direct
primary as the most constructive sug-
gestion thus far promulgated by his
ee e———— eee eee.
As to Economy and Efficiency.
The insincerity as well as the ab-
surdity of Republican candidates for
office promising economy is revealed
at every glimpse into the records of
the present State administration. Yet
Mr. Mackey, who imagines he is run-
ining for Governor, and Mr. Beidle-
man, who is laboring under the same
delusion, have already announced
platforms of economy and efficiency
and Senator Vare and other party
bosses are proclaiming economy and
efficiency as the basis of their hopes
for victory this year. Beidleman and
Mackey are both associated with the
Sproul administration and each con-
tributed a share toward the profliga-
cy of the last Legislature.
We have heretofore referred to the
rapid multiplication of expenses in
the Department of Public Instruction, |
the Department of Public Health and
that of Public Welfare. Within a few ;
days, through the enterprise of a Har-
risburg contemporary, the public has
been permitted to take a peep into the
profligate operations of the Highway
Department. This department was
established in 1903 and the act creat-
ing it provided for a salary list of
$8,200. This roll has been gradually
increased, by act of Assembly and
without any authority of law, as the
case required, until last year there!
was expended for salaries in the de-
partment the vast aggregate of
State Treasurer Snyder, who also
thinks he is running for Governor on
an economy basis, stated before the
reorganization commission the other
day that there are at present overdue
obligations against the State amount-
ing to upwzrds of $18,000,000, and
the available funds to meet these de-
mands are only $762,896.57. The
nomination and election of either of
these candidates, or for that matter
any Republican for Governor, will be
interpreted as an endorsement of the
profligacy and a license to continue
it. The only hope of relief lies in the
election of a Democratic Governor and
a Legislature that will support him
in genuine economy.
—Public schools in Lycoming coun-
ty have been compelled to close be-
cause the State owes them money and
can’t pay. Verily such a condition
has never existed in the grand old
Keystone State before.
——Borah and “Hungry Hi” may
be reconciled by Harding bunk but
Jim Reed never will consent.
But that was purely the work
| consultation. He says that “a faction-
tal fight in the Democratic party this
i year would give aid and comfort to
‘the Republican machine that has too
{long dominated the affairs of the
‘State government.” He invites the
active Democrats to come together
i with the purpose of averting such a
‘fight. The response ought to be
prompt and cordial. Every Democrat
in the Commonwealth ought to feel it
his duty to contribute to the success
of the undertaking. Every voter who
desires to rescue the people from toils
and spoils of misgovernment should
be interested. .
Chairman Sterling doesn’t seem to
‘be in a hopeful frame of mind. He
'says: “I have met representatives of
‘the opposing factions separately and
together. I have urged upon them
the service which a united Democrat-
ic party may give to the people of the
| State in the present situation. The
'men with whom I have talked all
agree that conditions are intolerable
| and that the Democratic party is the
‘one instrument for the redemption of
the State, but I have not been able to
| results. His hypothesis is obvious.
His purpose is commendable. His
reward ought to be a complete suc-
| To this end we hope the meeting in
{ Harrisburg next Friday will be large-
ly attended and earnestly enthusiastic.
i The incentive is certainly great. The
Republican machine has looted the
! treasury, debauched the morals and
destroyed the character of this great
Commonwealth. The purpose of the
conference is to rescue the govern-
ment from the despoilers. There can
be no differences of opinion as to the
necessity of this work or the import-
ance of promptly undertaking it. If
there are differences as to the meth-
ods of procedure they can and ought
to be reconciled. The plan of chair-
man Sterling is feasible and should
be "supported cordially by all Demo-
crats of the State.
——We are not asking Republicans
to become Democrats. We are not
condemning the rank and file of that
party because their leaders have be-
come so arrogant that they have
neither consideration for the tax-
payers of the State nor shame for
. their outrageous practices. All we
'are asking is that those Republicans
who believe that the thing has gone
too far, that a good cleaning out in
Harrisburg is absolutely necessary,
will join Democrats in an effort at
house cleaning.
Mr. Beidleman’s promises of an
economical administration, if he
: should be chosen Governor, are being
laughed at. As a salaried officer of
"the State he permitted his law firm
‘to charge and accept $5000, for serv-
ices which he was already supposed
| to have been paid for through his sal-
|ary. There are too many of the Bei-
‘dleman stripe around Harrisburg now
and the public is in no mood to add
meee flee.
—If Boies Penrose in his grave
could reason he’d probably wonder
why he hadn’t made a servile and effi-
cient tool of George Wharton Pepper
long ago.
en —————— oe —————
One of the Legion Posts in
Georgia wants Senator Watson im-
peached. That is too expensive an op-
eration. A stiff kick is what he needs.
——The volume of paper currency
in Russia is now eleven trillions of
| rubles. The rag man will certainly
have a rich harvest in the future.
——Mr. Edison frankly declares
that he wouldn’t vote for Henry Ford
for President and it may be said that
that makes it unanimous.
—— Tt is to be hoped that the prac-
tice of killing movie magnates will be
discontinued before Will Hays gets
into the harness.
——One difference between Lincoln
and Harding is that Harding thinks
it is possible to “fool all the people
all the time.”
Meantime wouldn’t it be a good
idea for the Republican Senators to
invite Oscar Underwood into their
caucus ?
— There are those who believe
that George Wharton is the poorest
product of the famous Pepper distil-
it ol
—If the treaties put nobody un-
der obligations of any kind to any-
body else what use can they possibly
RY 17, 1922. °
NO. 7.
From the Philadelphia Record.
including Mr. Harding,
treaty of Versailles.
his mind while he was speaking.
shameless insincerity.
the United States.
is two-fold:
member of the League.
lican charge was false?
der of
rights. Mr. Harding says:
only one that refused.
that thing or not.
assume any moral obligation.
publican Senators rejected.
the treaties the Pres:
the participants.
obligaticn, then
Is there a moral obligation?
defense.” But he also says:
on each
only to keep them,
and with other nations concerned.
and therefore valueless.”
advocating their rejection;
consequence of their acceptance.
Cutting the Vast British Debt.
From the New York Herald.
lions of dollars.
mately $1,200,000,000.
| more of population.
| er.
Thimble-Rigging with Obligations.
It is impossible to read the address
of the President to the Senate—fol-
lowing the precedents established by
President Wilson—without recalling
the fight of the Republican Senators,
against the
The President had the fight against
the treaty of Versailles very much i
was at much labor to convince the
Senate that the products of the con-
ference were free from the objections
urged against the product of the peace
conference, and he only succeeds in
convicting his party of flagrant,
The most persistent attack upon
the peace treaty was the charge that
it infringed upon the independence of
The reply to this
If it infringed the inde-
pendence of the United States, it in-
fringed the independence of every
Shall we say
that 51 nations are indifferent to their
own independence, or that the Repub-
The second
reply is that the treaties prepared by
the conference do involve, according
to the President himself, some surren-
independence and national
i “All the
signatories have given up certain
rights, which they had, as their con-
tribution to concord and peace.” Well,
that is all that any nation was asked
to give up in entering the League of
Nations, and the United States is the
The next most malignant attack up-
on the peace treaty was the charge
that it would commit the United
States to certain action in the future.
The only action that members of the
League are committed to is the eco-
nomic boycott. If that be insufficient,
the Council is to advise the members
what action should be taken. It still
remains with each member, being a
sovereign, to decide whether it will do
Undoubtedly there is a moral obli-
gation upon every member to contrib-
ute its share to the ends agreed on. |S°
The Republican Senators refused to
moral obligation to do something was
repudiated by the Lodge reservations;
it was asserted in Chief Justice Taft’s
substitute for Article X, which the Re-
Now, there is a moral obligation in sn
The agreement of the nations in the
four-Power treaty to confer with each
other is either an agreement morally
obligatory on the participants to pre-
vent a violation of the treaty, or
“these are mere meaningless treaties
If the Sen-
ate shall ratify these treaties it will
assume moral obligations on the part
of the United States, and the Senate
refused to accept any moral obliga-
tion in the peace treaty. We are not
we are
pointing out merely the inescapable
Great Britain’s national deadweight
debt bulked last year to the incompar-
able total, so far as real money 1s con-
cerned, of more than thirty-eight bil-
Not only was this
the outstanding war debt of the world,
but it was borne on the shoulders of a
population not nearly one-half so
large as our own. Yet in 12 months
the British nation succeeded in reduc-
ing that staggering load by approxi-
If the United States cannot make
heavier cuts in our national debt than
the British have shown they could
make in theirs it will not be because
we lack the productive power, the in-
come and the resources of Great Brit-
for we have vastly more of all
those assets just as we have vastly
But the United States, great as it
is in territory, superior as it is in
number of people and powerful as it
is in financial reserves, is not on the
road to getting out of the debt when
it recklessly rushes into one new
spending scheme after another, wheth-
er a bonus distribution or some oth-
who is visiting Pennsylvania cities offer-
ing checks purporting to be signed by
some reputable citizen who doesn’t have a
telephone. Watch for checks of $49.05, his
favorite amount.
—A large memorial theatre is to be built
this spring at Mount Carmel at a cost of
about $100,000. Sons of Veterans are push-
ing the movement and the American Le-
gion will have headquarters in the build-
ing when completed.
—Two men sentenced in Jefferson coun-
ty court to pay a fine of $1,000 each and
serve a year in the work house for selling
liquor without license have appealed to
the Superior court, claiming that the
‘Woner act is not constitutional.
—In an action of slander, a jury at
Clearfield on Saturday returned a verdict
of 6 cents for the plaintiff. Mrs. Lillian
Young was the aggrieved party, and the
defendant was Mrs. Verna Rothrock, both
of Cecoper township. Two women were on
the jury.
—Improvements and extensions to cost
$800,000 have been begun on the power
plant of the Pennsylvania Edison compa-
ny, at Easton, Pa., company officials an-
nounced last Friday. The company sup-
plies electricity to Easton and surround-
ing towns.
—Miss Mabel T. Myers, of Castanea,
while driving along Bald Eagle creek
road, had her new Maxwell touring car
destroyed by fire, which broke out under
the rear seat. Its origin is unknown, but
it was none the less destructive, burning
the top, sides and seats and singing the
lady’s hair before she could jump out of
the car.
—A wholesale fruit dealer at Sunbury
opened a car consigned to him a few days
ago and found a young man imprisoned
for two days, coming from Baltimore. He
was almost perished from cold and was
taken to the dompany offices, warmed and
fed, then provided with means to go on
his way to Denver without traveling in a
fruit car.
—Penn township, Lycoming county, is
going to close its schools for lack of funds.
Not all of the State appropriation for last
year has been paid, and none of this year’s
appropriation has arrived. The people
are taxed to the limit. There are seven
schools, with 135 pupils, and some of
them have already completed five months.
Others will stop as soon as they have done
—Superintendent W. A. Hutchinson, of
the Lewistown schools, has arranged for
the purchase of a trophy cup. An orator-
ical contest for the schools of the Juniata
valley will be held in the last week of
April, Mount Union, Huntingdon and
Newport have already filed their applica-
ms as members of the league, while oth-
ent has laid be-{ er High schools h
fore the Senate, or there isn’t. If |} . Re seul vue
there isn’t, then the agreements are
of no future value; they are mere ex-
pressions of the present sentiments of
If there is a moral
if the Republican
Senators ratify these treaties they
will do for President Harding what
they refused to do for President Wil-
President says there is, and says there
isn’t. He says: “There is no commit-
ment to armed force, no alliance, no
written or moral obligation to join in
“it has
been said if this is true these are mere
meaningless treaties, and therefore,
Let us accept no such doc-
trine of despair as that.” Then he be-
lieves there is a moral obligation up-
arty to these treaties, not
but to enforce
them; for if they shall be violated the
parties to them shall confer upon
what is to be done about it. Do na-
tions have to enter a treaty in advance
that in certain contingencies they will
confer with each other about a mat-
ter of importance to them? Of course,
no such treaty is necessary; nations
will always confer with each other on
everything that concerns them, and
no nation will go to war, or ever did
go to war, without conferring with
the nation it was at controversy with,
—Three Danville factories are to resume
operation this week and will give work to
more than 600 men who have been idle or
working only part of the time for the past
year. The Danville Structural Tubing
works, the American-Swedo Iron compa-
ny and the Danville Stove works are the
mills which have resumed work. The
Reading Iron company will also put on a
large force of men this week.
—The tables were turned in a suit be-
fore Alderman Anthony ,of Lock Haven,
in which Louis Simcox, an aged resident
of Pine, was accused of assault and threats
to kill Frank Michol. When Simcox ap-
peared to defend himself he was found to
be so badly beaten up that the prosecutor
became defendant and was sent to jail in
default of payment of costs. Michol now
faces an assault and battery charge.
—Judson T. Snodgrass, once cashier of
the bank of Conneautville, who last week
pleaded guilty to charges of larceny, for-
gery and falsifying as a result of his
speculations as an official of the bank,
also confessed he embezzled funds of the
Conneautville Methodist Episcopal church,
of which he was treasurer. Funds amount-
ing to $1500 for memorial windows went
with the rest of the money. Snodgrass
was sentenced last Saturday to not less
than twelve nor more than fourteen years
in the western penitentiary.
—Knisley Wagner, 17 years old,
drowned in the swimming pool
Lewistown Y. M. C. A. last Thursday
night. He was subject to epilepsy and
had to leave school only recently on that
account. He accepted a position as under-
secretary at the “Y,” and in this capacity
had a key to the swimming pool, which
was closed for the day. It is believed he
went to the pool for a plunge and was
seized with an attack and drowned with-
out a struggle. The father, Ross Wagner,
going to the “XY” to ascertain why his son
did not come home, found the body float-
ing in the pool.
at the
—William Doyle, of Locust Gap, on tri-
al in the Northumberland county court at
Sunbury last week for the murder of his
wife, whom he shot and killed July 13th,
last, was convicted of voluntary man-
slaughter. After the verdict was read and
he was taken back to jail, he remarked to
Sheriff Martz: “This is the end of a per-
fect day,” and chuckled. The murder was
most atrocious, according to witnesses.
Doyle is said to have shot her in the back
as she walked away from him, carrying
their baby. At the trial he testified
against the dead woman’s good character
and pleaded emotional insanity, saying he
didn’t remember what he had done when
he shot.
—In these days, when workmen are
plentiful, it is not often that a man is
sued for quitting a job and taking another,
but such a case was heard before Jndge
Koch, at Pottsville, on Saturday. The
Pottsville Baking company asked for an
injunction against William Gilmore, a for-
mer employee, which, if granted, will pre-
vent Gilmore from working for the Man-
deck Baking company ,of Cumberland
county. The Pottsville company alleges
Gilmore agreed that he would not quit
their service for that of another company
without giving six months’ notice to that
effect, which he failed to do. Court took
the issuance of a permanent injunction
against Gilmore under consideration.