maining unpaid it will be seen that the original $16,277.00 has shrunk: to $11,370.54 or nearly $5000 short of , the amount originally supposed to’: “ i. Volley Ball League. Ba Bellefonte, Pa. January 21, 1922. P. GRAY MEEK, - - Editer Te Correspondents.—NoO communications published unless accompanied by the real mame of the writer. Terms of Subscription.—Until further motice this paper will be furnished to sub- seribers at the following rates: Paid strictly in advance Paid before expiration of year 1.75 Paid after expiration of year 2.00 Published weekly, every Friday morning. Entered at the postoffice Bellefonte, Pa., as second class mail matter. — IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT THE Y. M. C. A. What Has Been Done and What Must be Done to Accomplish the De- sired Results. No one familiar with sentiment in Bellefonte has failed to take cogni- zance of the interest in the Y. M. C. A. that has been awakened since the pre- opening reception that was held in the remodeled building on January 2nd. In all quarters and from all classes we have had inquiries that indicate an earnest and insistent desire to have the building opened and func- tioning in every one of the branches in which its equipment offers facili- ties for public service. Mr. Stephen S. Aplin, the new gen- eral secretary, is here and it is quite possible that his assistant, a trained physical director, will be with him be- fore this is in print. Plans for the opening are completed, classified memberships have been arranged, the budget for the year 1922 has been adopted and tentative plans for car- rying on the social and religious fea- tures of the work for the year are made so that it would seem that noth- ing more is necessary than to throw open the doors and invite the public in, old and young, rich and poor alike. But something more is necessary and in order that everyone may under- stand just what it is we will have to hark back three years to the time when the rehabilitation of the Asse- elation was thought to have been per- manently assured. Most of you will recall that at that * time, after what was thought to be a most careful survey of the needs of the Association and a compilation of its debts, it was announced that $16,- 000 would pay off all the old obliga- tions, remodel the interior and provide capital on which to run the Y. for a year. We were all enthused over the project, for many of us especially wanted to have it open and ready for the soldier boys when they came home. We went to work with a will and in a week $16,277.00 had been pledged. - - $1.30 At once plans and specifications’ were prepared for the improvement work and contractors invited to bid on them. The first shock came when the bids submitted were opened. Not one of them was within the limit of cash available for new work, if the debts were to be paid, any new equip- ment purchased or running expenses for the year provided for. In such a perplexity several very well known builders and engineers were called in- to conference and it was their opinion that the work could be done cheaper by the day than by contract, for the reason that in tearing out an old building a contractor never knows what his element of risk in shattered walls will be so he very properly fig- ures on a larger margin of safety than is necessary on entirely new ‘pointed work. Largely on the advice of Mr. Hora- tio Moore, engineer, the committee de- cided to take the risk itself and build ' by the day. It was a long drawn out | work, caused general dissatisfaction | and we have no intention of justifying | have been available. . When we consider how much more . has been done than was contemplated at first and compare it with what we know of recent building costs in Belle- fonte we are not surprised that the Y.: is now $6000.00 in debt, for this actu- ally represents the $2700 of unpaid pledges and only $3300 for a new building, 45x70, that was not in the original plans and four bowling alleys that would cost new today, $2200. This $6000 is part of the something else necessary that we started out to | tell you about. Today the Y. has only fifteen cred- itors, be exact it owes $6,604.12. They must be paid. It is an honest debt, con- tracted in good faith. The work has been done clean and square and we know of no instance where more could : have been accomplished for the same expenditure. In fact it is a marvel that so much was accomplished, under existing conditions, within the figures given. It will require $6667.50 to pay the general secretary, the physical di- rector, the clerk, provide coal, light, repairs, replacements, social enter- tainments and what-not for 1922. $1400 could be very advantageously expended on new gymnasium appara- : tus and additional repairs. Enlarge- ment of the house heating plant and renewal of the heater for the swim- ming pool will require $2000 more so that if we expect to greet 1923 with a clean slate and a Y. that is reach- ing out into every quarter for oppor- tunities for service we must have $16,571.62. Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Don’t throw up your hands and ex- claim that we are taking you right ' back to where we started three years ago. We're simply playing square. Showing you the situation as it is, so you'll know it all. Now let’s take off $2,000 of the $2,700 of unpaid pledges, for that amount will surely be paid, and we’ll need $14,571.62. Then let’s take off $4600 which is the minimum income from membership and other sources to be evnlained below, and we'll have a total of $9,971.62, the sum necessary to pay all debts and run the Y. right, clean through to January 1st, 1923. This should be raised right now to clean off the slate, start the work right and guarantee the gentle- men who are here to carry it on that they will be handicapped in no wise by financial matters and that every moment of their time and every bit of their energy can be devoted to giv- ing this community such a welfare service as it has never thought possi- ble through Y. work. The American Legion boys are for ! it! Are you? Come on fellows. Let’s go. Let’s raise it now! BELLEFONTF FOR THE PRESENT “ri £4 © AND FUTURE. - "The ‘work during the past three years has been directed by a tempora- ry Board of Directors who will be re- elected or repiaced by a regular Board appointed by an active membership as soon as a sufficient number have joined’ to justify the election. This is a membership privilege. Commit- tees for the various departments will be appointed by the Board and a cab- inet will be formed of the chairmen of the various committees who will be responsible for the work of the de- partments. Committees to be ap- are: Finance, building, membership, religious, boys, phys- ical, social, educational. A department for work with the la- dies and girls will be promoted through a Ladies’ Auxiliary and a Mothers’ committee. Privileges for -r , them will be provided as quickly as {onportunity permits. The use of the gym and showers will be set apart for their use at stated periods. The divisions of membership have been decided on and are in age all of them in Bellefonte. To: Hi Y. Club for High School Boys. Outing Club for Boys. Radio Club. Camera Club. Bowling League. Basket Ball League. Book Clubs. Sunday afternoon meeting for Men. ; 9 to 12 regular Gym Classes for men, boys and girls. : Saturday Night Entertainments. With the co-operation of churches and welfare organizations of the town and community, the Young Men's Christian Association is sure to be- come ‘the influence it ought to be for better manhood, womanhood and citi- : zenship, and assuredly will be, if the . people of Bellefonte rally to its sup- port and patronage as they should Watch and help it grow into a bee- hive of activity for the betterment of the community. Advises Subscribers to Buy Stock. C. W. Heilhecker, the local manager of the Bell Telephone company of Pennsylvania, is sending out personal letters to telephone subscribers in his, district urging their purchase of the: shares of the American Telephone and | Telegraph company. This move is in line with the best thought of the times. It is becoming more and more evi- i dent every day to thoughtful peopie be interested as investors in the com- panies that render the service. A | widespread ownership of this sort in the communities served leads to a sympathetic understanding on the part of the users of such service of the problems and difficulties with which the utility companies are con- fronted from time to time, resulting in more cordial relations between the purveyors of the service and their pa- trons. The American Telephone and Tele- graph company, directly or indirectly, owns the entire capital stock of the local Bell company, and about 90 per cent. of all the other so-called Bell Telephone companies in the United States. The American Telephone and Telegraph company is one of the larg- est industrial organizations in ‘the country and has over 183,000 share- holders. Local manager Heilhecker points out with enviable pride that over 75,000 of the employees of the company are regularly paying for shares of its stock, taken under re- cent subscription plans, and that al- ready some 23,000 of them ‘hold shares for which they have paid in full. He also points, with natural satisfaction to the dividend record of the American Telephone and :Tele- graph company, which has paid divi-’ dends regularly for the last forty years at rates varying from $7.50 per share per annum, to $9.00 per .share per annum which is the present“tate, dividends being paid quarterly in‘Jan- uary, April, July, and October. Two Men Electrocuted. Walter A. Lewis, of Delaware coun- ty, and John Mason, of Allegheny county, both colored, were electrocut- ed at the Rockview penitentiary on Monday morning. Lewis was only twenty-two years old and was con- victed of the murder of John Dalton, a son of Dr. Dalton, of Sharon Hill. Three men were implicated in the crime, ‘one of whom was acquitted, another sent to the penitentiary for twenty years and Lewis convicted of first degree murder. Lewis was noti- fied last Friday that he would be tak- i en to Rockview on Saturday and some ‘ time during :'viday night he tore his {iron cot from iis fa-tening: and bar- | ricaded his cell door.. He also pound- ‘ ed plaster in the lock of the door so | that the warden was unable to get the { key in to unlock it, and it was neces- ‘sary te tear away a portion of the i steel frame to get the door open when the delay nor offering alibis for those | grouping, with price of membership | the sheriff went to get Lewis Satur- who managed it. We are ready to forget the past. What we want to do is appraise the present and look to the | future. Today we have a Y plant that a city | of fifty-thousand population could | point to with pride. The original plans provided for a place for bowl- ing, billiards and showers in the base- ment where there was little ventilla- tion, ne light and always dampness. Mark you, we say, only provided places for these things. The commit- tee, without leave or license, tore down an old barn that was on the rear of the lot, used the stone that was in it and more that Hon. A. G. Morris gave and built the handsome build- ing at the rear that is airy, well light- ‘ed and has not only places for four bowling alleys but has the alleys and with them three billiard and pool ta- bles, lockers and showers for women, Jeekers and showers for men and a fine kitchen, fitted out with a big range, sink and ample cupboards. Looking back over the cellar lay-out that might have been and seeing the splendid mew ground floor building that is almost we are persuaded to think that that dilatory committee wasn’t such a bad institution after all. Now let us see what they did with the $16,277.00 that were pledged: First they paid every long whiskered old debt the Association had but one. They amounted to $2,206.46. That left $14,070.54 of the pledged sum available. Then they started work and went as fast as subscriptions were paid in and they got so far on that they couldn’t stop until things were under cover and then when they took account of the situation they found themselves in debt because pledges to the amount of over $4000 were unpaid. From that on it was optimism and faith in Bellefonte. As there are still $2700 of pledges re- accordingly. Junior 10 to 13 $ 3.00 a year High school boys 14 to 17 5.00 a year Kmployed boys 14 to 17 5.00 a year Young men 18 to 21 7.00 a year Seniors over 21 10.00 a year A contributing membership may be secured by an annual payment of amounts exceeding $10.00, which will ‘corttribute to the deficit in the receipts from memberships and the amount required for current expenses. The price of membership for the ladies and girls has not been decided upon at the present time as the ex- tent of their privileges and number using them has not been settled. A membership campaign will be con- ducted on the opening of the building. The building will be open until 10 p. m. and an effort made to have some officer on duty at the desk from 10 a. m. In the plan for the development of the work, it is the earnest desire of the Directors to make the building and equipment, with the staff of offi- cers, of the greatest service to the town and rural community in the up- building of Christian citizenship, and be of service to welfare organizations having no local home or headquarters. It is hoped that the ladies will soon have a room fitted up as a rest room for those coming to town from the neighboring community. Boys and young men will be organ- ized into groups for club activities and the spacious rooms in the build- ing will make efficient work possible. On the arrival of the physical direc- tor, a leaders corps will be organized to train selected members with lead- ership ability to assist in the activ- ities of the Association and the churches they belong to. The organization of the tolling groups is planned for activities as soon as possible after the opening of the building: | day morning to take him to Rock- view. Being informed of these facts offi- i cials at Rockview prepared for any i contingency in the event Lewis should | offer any resistance on Monday morn- ing, but he didn’t. Supported by two guards and with little show of fear he walked to the chair. Mason followed thirteen minutes later. Dr. Robert M. Campbell was the physician in charge. | Vocational Boys at State College. | As a result of their good scoring in ‘a livestock judging contest at State College last Friday three Centre coun- ty boys, Fred Ross, of Boalsburg; Ward Hosterman, of Aaronsburg, and Philip Musser, of Centre Hall, got a trip to the State farm products show at Harrisburg this week at the ex- pense of the State Department of Ag- riculture. Under the direction of John B. Payne, vocational education direc- tor for Centre county, the boys will | compete in the livestock judging con- tests held there. A large number of boys were entered in the contests at State College last Friday and the best first to fourth grades, with the per cent. made, were as follows: | , that it is very desirable that the us- | ers of public utilities’ services shouid | DAIRY CATTLE i Fred Ross, Boalsburg Jesse @ray, Port Matilda Joseph Shutt, Boalsburg Paul Ripka, Centre Hall POULTRY Philip Musser, Centre Hall Bdgar Jodon, Centre Hall Harry Burd, Aaronsburg . Newton Crawford, Centre Hall CORN Ward Hosterman, Aaronsburg Rossman Wert, Boalsburg Harold Crain, Port Matilda , George Sweeney, Centre Hall ——Reyv. J. Shibley, of State Col- lege, will fill the pulpit in the Belle- fonte Presbyterian church on Sunday, both morning and evening. KRBE BERS RBI FITZGERALD.—Miss Fitzgerald passed away at 11:30 o’clock last Thursday night at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Sadie M. Deitrick, :in Williamsport, where she | had made her home since leaving! Bellefonte about nineteen months ago. She had not been in good health the past few weeks but-her condition did not become serious until within thirty- six hours of her death. Miss Fitzgerald ‘was a daughter of ‘William T. and Isabelle Kase Fitz-. gerald and was born in Bellefonte, “practically her entire life having been spent here. She was educated in the public schools and at an early age displayed considerable musical talent. When she grew to womanhood she spent several years in Philadelphia studying music and made that her life work. Returning to Bellefonte she taught music for several years. She was one of the leading figures in most of the musicales and amateur theat- ricals given in Bellefonte in recent i years and in a great measure aided in their success. She was a member of the Patriotic League which later was merged into the Y. W. C. A., and always took an active part in all its work. She went with her father to Wil- liamsport in June, 1920, and at the time of her death was supervisor of | music in the schools of Loyalsock { township. She was active in the Sto- ry Telling League of Williamsport and voluntarily contributed her serv- ices in training the boys at the Boys’ Industrial Home in singing. She was a member of St. John’s Episcopal church, of Bellefonte, and after going to Williamsport attended the Trinity Episcopal church. Her mother died in May, 1916, and her father in June, 1921, and her only survivor is a half-brother, Harry Fitzgerald, of Columbus, Ohio. The remains were brought to Bellefonte on the 3:10 train last Saturday after- noon, and taken direct to the Union cemetery for burial. Rev. M. DePui Maynard had charge of the services at the grave. {l I PEASE.—Mrs. Bessie Emma Pease, | wife of William H. Pease, died at her home in Tyrone on Saturday evening following several year’s illness with Bright's disease. Two months ago’ she was taken to the: Clearfield hos- pital for treatment but was taken back to her home early last week, suf- fered a relapse and passed away Sat- | urday evening. | She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Edward Packer and was born at Pleasant Valley, Bucks county, on No- vember 14th, 1890, hence was 31 years, “2 months and 7 days old. When she was a child her parents moved to Milesburg, where she lived until six years ago since which time she had been a resident of Tyrone. On March 19th, 1914, she married William: Pease who survives with two children, Harold” and -Sardh." She alSo’ leaves her mother and the following brothers and sisters: Cleveland Packer, of | Milesburg; Ira Packer, of Yarnell; Mrs. Frances Ammerman, of McAl- listerville, and Mrs. Kate Jacobs, of Milesburg. Mrs. Pease was a member of the United Brethren church and a good christian woman. The body was brought to Milesburg Tuesday after- noon where funeral services were held on Wednesday by Rev. Sparks. Bur- | ial was made in the Fairview ceme- tery. } Il I | KELLEY.—Mrs. Emma Mary Kel- ley, widow of the late William Kel- ley, died on Saturday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Sherlock, at Josephine, Pa., following an illness of some days with heart trouble and uraemic poisoning. She was ‘a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Fort- ney and was born at Scottdale, Pa., on January 5th, 1855, hence was 67 | years and 14 days old. | Forty years ago she married Wil- liam Kelley, a well known furnaceman, and for two score or more years they resided near Bellefonte. Mr. Kelley died five years ago and about a year ago Mrs. Kelley went to Josephine to make her home with her daughter. Her surviving children are Mrs. Sher- lock, of Josephine; Mrs. Harry Aus- tin, of Bellefonte; Mrs. Ernest Ebe- ling, of Saltsburg; Mrs. Frank Sals- giver, of Slicksville; Mrs. Samuel D. Rumberger, of Pleasant Gap; Daniel Kelley, of Canton, Ohio, and William Jr., of Scottdale. She also leaves three brothers, Harry Fortney, of Greensburg; John, of Scottdale, and James, of Connellsville. Burial was made in the family lot at Scottdale. il i CLARK.—Mrs. Mary Ellen Moore Clark, wife of J. E. Clark, died at her home at Waddle on Sunday evening, following a lingering illness with sar- coma. She was born at Centre Fur- nace over sixty-six years ago but all her married life has been spent in Buffalo Run valley. She was a member | of the United Brethren church at Par- adise for forty-one years, and an earnest christian woman. Surviving her are her husband and one daughter, Mrs. Ethel Snyder, of Pittsburgh. She also leaves a foster son, John, on the home farm, two sis- ters and a brother, namely: Mrs. Andrew Gummo, of Bellefonte, R. F. D.; Mrs. Maggie Bair, of Pitcairn, and John Moore, of Warriersmark. Funeral services were held at her late home on Wednesday morning by Rev. George E. Smith, her pastor, as- sisted by Revs. L. C. McKinley and G. W. Emenbhizer, after which burial was made in the Meyer's cemetery. { Il GRAY.—George S. Gray, an old- time resident of Halfmoon township, died last Saturday night of general debility, aged 92 years, 5 months and 26 days. He was the last of the fam- ily of Isaac and Catherine Gray, pi- Sarah G. oneer settlers of that valley, while his survivors include one son and four daughters. Burial was made at Gray’s cemetery on Tuesday. wi i Ir. : ROSS.—Mrs. Gertrude M. Ross, wife of Elmer C. Ross, of Lemont, passed away at eight o'clock on Wed- nesday evening. She had been a suf- ferer for several years with a com- ! plication of diseases but her condition had not become critical until a few weeks ago. She was a daughter of William and Sarah Allison Irwin and was born in Marion township about fifty-eight years ago. All her married life had been spent at Lemont.. In ad- dition to her husband she is survived by one daughter, Miss Edith, at home. She also leaves one brother and four sisters, D. Allison Irwin, of Ebens- burg; Mrs. Jessie Rosser, of Mill Hall; Mrs. J. Will Mayes, of How- ard; Mrs. Samuel L. Allen, of Pitts- burgh, and Mrs. Harry B. Martin, of Wilkinsburg. She was a lifelong member of the Presbyterian church and Rev. Kirk- patrick will have charge of the funeral which will be held at ten o’clock to- morrow morning, at the house, burial to be made in the Branch cemetery. I) 1 a . MILLER.—William Frank Miller, a well known resident of Hublersburg, died on Saturday night following an illness of some weeks with a compli- cation of diseases, aged 69 years, 8 months and 19 days. He was a son of John and Sarah Miller and was born at Hublersburg. He was twice mar- ried, his first wife being Miss Laura Carner, who died a number of years ago. His second wife was Miss Eli- ra Harshbarger who survives with the following children to his first wife: P. C. Miller, of Punxsutawney; John A., of New York, and Mrs. Ethel Stover, of Zion. He also leaves two brothers and a sister, John D. Miller, of Hublersburg; Charles, of Johns- town, and Mrs. Minnie Hoy, of Jack- sonville. Rev. Faust had charge of the funeral services which were held , on Wednesday afternoon, burial being made at Hublersburg. Il Il CORMAN.—James T. Corman, a Civil war veteran and one of the old- est residents of Rebersburg passed ,away last Friday evening, aged 82 years, 1 month dnd 12 days. For many years he was one of Miles town- ‘ ship’s most successful farmers but re- tired sixteen years ago. He is sur- vived by his wife and the following children: Mrs. A. E. Strayer, of Jer- sey Shore; George A., of Rebersburg; Mrs. Warren F. Stover, of Millheim, and Mrs. Charles Diehl, of Clyde. He also leaves two sisters and a brother, Mrs. Ellen Brungart, Miss Emma and Noah, all of Rebersburg. Burial was made in the Union cemetery at Re- bersburg on Wednesday afternoon. Former Coleville: Man Killed in, Wil- liamsport. Richard Barlett, a native of Cole- ville and for many years a drayman : in Bellefonte, was run down by a pas- senger train on the Philadelphia and Reading railroad at the Chestnut street crossing in Williamsport, on Tuesday morning and so badly in- jured that he died in a few minutes. ‘The family moved to Williamsport four years ago where Mr. Barlett was employed in the city highway depart- ment. On Tuesday morning he was shoveling cinder from a battleship freight car into wagons. The car was almost empty and the workmen de- cided to dump the balance of the cin- der. Mr. Barlett got down to open the hopper and in doing so stepped onto the main track just as a passen- ger train came along. He was hit and thrown some distance, his head . being crushed and left leg broken. Mr. Barlett was sixty-five years old and had lived at @oleville all his life until his removal to Williamsport four years ago. He is survived by his wife and one son, David. He also leaves two brothers, William and Ja- cob, of Bellefonte, and one sister, Mrs. Jacob Jury, of York. The remains were brought to Bellefonte on the 3:10 train yesterday afternoon and taken to the United Brethren church where funeral services were held by Rev. George E. Smith, after which burial was made in the Union ceme- tery. Plan for 10,000 Students at Pennsyl- vania State. Harrisburg, Jan. 24.—Building plans on the basis of caring for a student body of 10,000 at Pennsylvania State College were viewed and accepted in principle by the college board of trus- tees in annual session here today. Ground will be broken soon for the first units of the program consisting of a dormitory for men and a cattle barn for the college farms. The architect’s plans for the completed program were referred to a special committee of trustees. MANY PEOPLE THINK THEY SEE STRAIGHT. Do you see straight, or do you only think you do? Unless you are sure and have satisfied yourself by a stand- and examination you do not know. Many people are handicapped be- cause of poor vision. If you wish to be successful it is essential that you have perfect vision. It will be worth your time to consult me. I Use no Drops and Prescribe Glasses only when Necessary. DR. EVA B. ROAN, Optometrist, BELLEF®NTE. Every Saturday, 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. STATE COLLEGE Every Day except Saturday. Both Phones. 06-42 Jury List for February Court. Six women have been drawn as grand jurors and ten as traverse jur- ors for the February term of court which will begin on the fourth Mon- day, the 27th. Following is the list: LIST OF GRAND JURORS. Atcheson, Mrs. Agnes, housekeeper Bellefonte Auman, Mrs, Victor, housekeeper Centre Hall Armstrong, Walter, clerk....Spring Twp. Bennett, Paul, farmer......... Boggs Twp. Corman, Z. N., farmer........ Spring Twp. Dale, Chas. N., farmer....... College Twp. Dale, Edwin H., student Gette, C. A., accountant Philipsburg Gordon, L. D., farmer Walker Twp. Gleason, Thos., farmer....Snow Shoe Twp. Hinds, Emma J., housekeeper Haines Twp. Heverly, J. P., laborer Boggs Twp. Harrison, R. B., clerk........ State College Ishler, John H., laborer Potter Twp. Kelley, Mrs. Eliz., housekeeper Snow Shoe Mitchell, John I., merchant..College Twp. Malone, Nellie, housekeeper...Boggs Twp. Neff, Edward, carpenter Spring Twp. Neese, Emanuel, farmer Gregg Twp. Nolan, G. H., farmer........ Walker Twp. Packer, Wm. A., laborer Liberty Twp. Shive, Allen, foreman Snow Shoe Twp. Tressler, Wm., gentleman Bellefonte Williams, Mrs. Jas., housekeeper State College LIST OF TRAVERSE JURORS. Aikens, J. P., inn keeper State College Brown, State College cesses trseenas James, laborer........ Philipsburg Behrer, Chester, farmer....Ferguson Twp. Beehtol, 'W. H., laborer.......... Millheim Burkett, I. G., merchant. ..Halfmoon Twp. Benner, Geo. 0O., merchant Centre Hall Barlett, Mrs. J. R., housekeeper....Spring Breon, Wm. O., laborer.......... Millheim Cowher, blacksmith........... Worth Twp. Cook, James, gentleman......... Bellefonte Caldwell, Chas., weaver....... Boggs Twp. Dale, Henry L., clerk Bellefonte Decker, Mrs. Ida, housekeeper Gregg Twp. Deal, H. H., clerk State College Eisenhauer, Fred coal operator.Rush Twp. Frank, Philip C., veterinary..Potter Twp. Freeman, Mrs. Harry, housekeeper Philipsburg Grenoble, Geo., farmer Gregg Twp. Goodyear, Earl foreman..Snow Shoe Twp. Grauer, Mrs. Tillie, housekeeper Bellefonte Gramley, James, farmer........ Miles Twp. Harter, Chas. S., laborer....... Miles Twp. Heberling, Musser, clerk..... State College Hicks, Leonard, laborer....... Rush Twp. Houtz, Mrs. Curtis, housekeeper....College Hennig, David G., laborer...... . Hewitt, Henry H., assessor...Philipsburg Hawkins, Jas. coal operator..Philipsburg Herman, Clark, retired State College Justice, Elmer, laborer....... Spring Twp. Kerstetter, Merrill, farmer..... Miles Twp. Kreamer, Jared, gentleman..... Miles Twp. Loraine, Mrs. Kate, housekeeper Phiiips’bg Lucas, J. T., invalid Snow Shoe Twp. Millard, Truman, laborer..Snow Shoe Twp. Meyer, M. B., merchant...... State College Musser, Edward, laborer......... Millheim Miller, Alonza B., laborer....Liberty Twp. Miles, Miss Bessie A., housekeeper reese Milesburg Markle, Willis, carpenter..... Spring Twp. Noonan, Mrs. Louise, housekeeper Bellefonte Pletcher, Harry, farmer..... Howard Twp. Rishel, J. F., farmer........... Penn Twp. Robb, Edward, bank clerk...... Bellefonfe Reed, J. O., merchant......... Philipsburg Rhoads, . George; contraetor:.....Bellefonte Runkle, Calvin, carpenter Centre Hall Sickel, W. A., laborer.......... Smeltzer, Earl J., farmer..Ferguson Twp. Shope, Robert K., laborer Schaffer, Bilger, farmer Stover, Scott, carpenter Miles Twp. Smith, John H., farmer...Halfmoon Twp. Stover, Orrie J., hotel proprietor..Liberty Strayer, Clarence, farmer Miles Twp. Shields, Michael, carpenter Bellefonte Todd, Mrs. Effie E., housekeeper Philipsbg Thorp, F. R., farmer......... Thomas, Miss Corilla, housekeeper Howard ‘Wagner, Harry, laborer Boggs Twp. cesses seesenas seven eserves msm piesa ——St. John’s Brotherhood (Luth- eran) was royally entertained Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Garbrick, on Bishop street. Charles Schlow, of the Schlow quali- ty shop, addressed the men on the subject of “Business Efficiency.” NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ; ANTED.~8ome dry walnut lumber, four quarter to eight quarter. Good prices for good lumber. BOALSBURG REPRODUCTION SHOP, 67-3-2t* Boalsburg, Pa. XECUTOR’S NOTICE.—Letters testa- mentary upon the estate of Frank- lin Bowersox, late of Ferguson township, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are re- quested to make prompt payment, and those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenticated, for set- tlement. ALFRED BOWERSOX, . Pine Grove Mills, Pa. EDGAR BOWERSOX, ; Lansdowne, Pa. Gettig & Bewer, Executors. Attorneys. 67-3-6¢ Valuable Real Estate FOR SALE FOURTEEN HUNDRED ACRES LIMESTONE FARM LAND in Franklin township, Huntingdon ceun- oF £ ty, Pennsylvania, divided into FOUR FARMS, OF 190 ACRES, 250 acres, 300 acres, and 470 acres, respect- ively, each with a complete and adequate set of good buildings, two tracts of 50 acres and 150 acres, respectively, without buildings, but with water for pasture, a water power FLOUR AND FEED MILL, - mill dam, house, etc., and a Homestead property consisting of two residences with modern conveniences, tenant house, office, garage, stable, etc. Each ef these farms has excellent water facilities and wonderful pasture meadows, a trout stream traversing the entire tract. The 470 acre farm has four silos and sta- bles 110 feeders; the 250 acre farm has one silo and the usual dairy facilities, and the 800 acre farm has one silo and a modern barn built in 1920 with Louden equipment for thirty-four cows. All are splendid dai- ry and stock farms with tractor land, cen- trally located. The highest value on any of these farms is $60.00 Dex acre, the Grist Mill and Home- stead being valued separately, and any of these tracts con be purchased Separdtely by responsible pasties with a small cas, payment and a first mortgage for the bal- | ance of purchase money with interest at six per cent, payable semi-annually, and the principal payable in yearly instalM : ments covering a period of ten years if de- sired. Possession can be given on or be- fore April 1st, 1922, Personal inspection is invited, and fur- ther detailed information may be had by addressing the owners, A. C. and F. BE. GRAZIER, 67-4-2t Warriors Mark, Pa,