INK SLINGS. | . —It sometimes happens that your friend is not your friend at all. He is merely your parasite. : . —Soft coal is much cheaper than hard, but it tries the patience of a Job to put up with the smoke and soot. : —Death has done to the Republican organization in this State in a very few weeks more than we Democrats have been able to do to it in a great many years. —The weather man has issued the comforting bulletin that the backbone of the present cold wave is broken. Glory be! And let no one try to re- duce the fracture. - — Senator Pepper is described by his eulogists as a very pious man, but it is not likely that he asked for Di- vine guidance when he voted in favor of seating Newberry. —It requires super-patience now te enjoy a sleigh ride. The swift-mov- ing automobile has taken much of the joy out of the sled and four that jin- gles along at five or six miles an hour. ——Senator McConnell, prohibition officer, says his resignation is one of the results of the death of Penrose. They appear to be moving heaven and earth to make Penrose’s final act popular. —The school child who can’t pro- nounce the name Abraham might as well play hookey on the 12th of next month. There’ll be no speech or song in school that day for them with such a disability. ——The Japs seem to be the most amiable people in the world. They consent to every proposition that comes before the Washington confer- ence and most of the propositions are adverse to their interests. —We have gotten so accustomed to being driven that another drive or so isn’t going to worry us a bit. Come on, you Y.M. C. A. solicitors we might as well get it over with. It’ll have to be paid some day, so why not now. ——Chairman Lasker, of the Ship- ping board, has the real Republican idea of finance. He favors ship subsi- dies so liberal that every capitalist will want to buy ships, thus providing a market for the surplus now in pos- session of the government. —Our announcement last week of the movement to hang stars in the homes in which there is no liquor seems to have caused a mild conster- nation among some of our acquaint- ances. They view it from a different — a. VOL. 67. An Excellent Propositien. In an interview made public in Mitchell Palmer suggested “a State- wide convention of Democrats at which every faction and element of the party would be represented.” This is not a new idea. It has been urged by the “Watchman” at intervals dur- ing the last half dozen years. But the movement in that direction has been resisted as frequently by Mr. Palmer and his followers. They im- agined that there were only two men in the party entitled to consideration in framing party policies and choos- ing candidates. One of these had money and the other felt certain he had all the brains necessary. Under their direction the party has been re- duced almost to the vanishing point. For more than a dozen years there has been no conference of Democrats of Pennsylvania for open discussion of policies or candidates. One or two men have arrogated to themselves ab- solute control of party affairs and if by any chance the voters selected a candidate not entirely agreeable to them, they bolted and bargained for favors from the opposition. No chance was given to discover new and promising material or develop ability in leadership. Control of the party organization for the purpose of dis- pensing patronage was the highest aspirations of those leaders and per- sonal aggrandizement their aim. There is no longer patronage to dis- pense and the necessity for exclusive- ness is ended. In any event the suggestion of Mr. Palmer is an excellent one and we sincerely hope it will be taken up by Democrats-in every part of the State. The vote polled for a volunteer can- didate last fall, without the least help from the organization, shows there are enough Democrats in the State to make a formidable fight. Such a con- vention as has been suggested might easily be arranged for and while it would have no authority to nominate candidates it would have the right to angle. They don’t want to lie yet, they say, if they don’t hang out the star their friends will know they have ! it and pester them until it is all gone. | —The King of the Bulgars has an elephant on his hands and is too poor to buy hay for it. Charles and Zita ! are on the Maderia islands too poor to buy food for themselves, so they have become white elephants on Spain’s hands, for she offered them an asylum when they were driven zut of Austria. Which elephant would you rather be? We believe it would be easier to hustle for hay than for King-food. —The $226,000 in currency that was found in one of the late Senator Pen- rose’s strong boxes has been the cause of much conjecture. Certainly the Senator was not a hoarder, for had he | been it would have been gold, the met- | al, instead of currency that was laid away there. It couldn’t be said that he lacked faith in banks because that wouldn’t square with the mentality of the man. He wasn’t the timid, skeptical type. He was a man of mystery to be sure. All who knew him well coincide in that, but to us there was no mystery in the finding of that vast sum of money. Senator Penrose played big games for big stakes and when it comes to swinging a National convention or a Legisla- ture a bunch of the yellow backs come in handy; especially if you know where to get them without leaving a trail behind. —Many of our readers will recall the lilting little verses that “Priscil- 1a” wrote for the “Watchman” some five or six years ago. At the time we made every effort to discover the iden- tity of our anonymous contributor. They were clever little songs of a soul that we knew must have high ideals and we published them because of the purity of the thoughts and the pleasing, pleading rhythm of their ex- pression. They intrigued us so much, as Jay House would say, that we ran every - possible clue to its very end. We called one day at a home in Belle- fonte where we thought such thoughts were thought and such songs sung, but the daughter of the home assured that her father was our “Priscilla.” Yesterday we learned that her’s was the soul that housed the muse we sought. She it was who a week later sent in the taunting couplet “Mys- terious Priscilla” that ended thus: “She is never in hiding, always happy and free On the streets of Bellefonte any day you may see. She is handy with paper and handy with pen, Is making a living—independent of men. Her name and her nature is worthy a guess If you leave it to her she will never con- fess.” Of a truth she is happy and free today, for they laid the remains of Sallie Fitzgerald to rest in the Union cemetery on Saturday and our “Pris- cilla” is the new member of the angel- Resi and promulgate a platform. bright and earnest men of the party would have a heartening effect and ‘encourage effort and energy sufficient to command victory. - : i ments made by delegates attending the national agricultural conference in Washington we are persuaded that everything has been reduced in price except such articles as people have to buy. Degenerating Into a Joke. The Washington conference is rap- idly degenerating into a joke. In the beginning there were signs prom- ising good results. First three, and afterward four, powers agreed to the scrapping of navies at a fixed ratio which might have saved the several governments concerned considerable money. But the refusal to include lair craft in the scrapping operation altogether and the failure to agree on restrictions on the building of sub- mersible craft, takes away every ex- pectation of economy and there nev- er was any promise of preventing wars in the future. The governments concerned would have relatively the same fighting capacity and equipment after the agreement as before. Some time later, with considerable flourish, an announcement was made that the four great countries, or may- be five of them, had come to an agree- ment that would adjust all troubles in the near and far east, and make Great Britain’s control in India not only complete but peaceful. That was alike encouraging and gratifying. Great Britain owes us a lot of money and it is distressing to our philan- thropic authorities to see her harrass- ed with other troubles, though her debt to us appears to give her no trou- ble. But it seems that even this hope has been disappointed. It is true that everybody agrees “in principle” to everything the other fellow suggests but the differences in detail are so great as to be irreconcilable. The truth is that this Washington conference was conceived in fraud. The vicious element in the Republican arty had determined against enter- us that we were wrong in thinking Donny 2 ing into the League of Nations be- ers and war profiteers, want war. The Washington conference was called to create a substitute for the League the people. Of course it has failed and will continue to fail for the rea- son that it is a false pretense. The Republican party leaders do not want enduring peace. It would take away a vast part of their revenues alike as tion. The only way to secure peace is to join the League of Nations and every one knows that. that he knows something about hero- ie choir. ism and how it should be rewarded. esides, such an assembly of the. ——After reading all the state- cause their masters, munition mak- that would both deceive and satisfy individuals and as a party organiza- | ———Maybe it’s modesty and possi- bly it’s something less meritorious but | General Pershing has again shown A Dangerous Combination. The statement that an alliance has adelphia, “for the purpose of exercis- ing a controlling hand in the politics of the State,” suggests that some one | ought to call the police. Mr. Magee, recently elected Mayor of Pittsburgh ° as the representative of the most vi- cious element of a corrupt city gov- ernment, would naturally be ready for any sort of a combination that “would serve his selfish purposes. Vare needs no introduction. As the con- tractor boss of Philadelphia he has made his name a synonym for politie- al corruption. In recent years he has aspired to extend his zone of influ- ence beyond the city limits but thus far has not succeeded. The influence of the late Senator Penrose had much to do with the re- striction of the Vare dominion to the city. The late Senator had his faults and they were flagrant enough. But he never could endure the Vare meth- ods and outside of the, city his voice was sufficiently potent to prevent the spread. Immediately after the death of Penrose, however, the lines were cast out and Magee promptly seized them. It is an unholy alliance and palpably for the purpose of loot. But it is likely to be a dangerous force. Both leaders of the enterprise are shrewd and resourceful and they are equally ambitious. The combination of such elements admonish the public of a grave danger. Since the Vares, through the elec- tion of Mayor Moore, lost control of the municipal contracts in Philadel- phia, they have been reaching out for State road building contracts and have gathered up quite a lot of them. It is understood that if the Vare-Magee combination gets the candidate for Governor the Vare contracting ener- gies will be invested altogether in State road building. In that event the people of the State will need to be watchful. The Vare contracting firm is out to make money and with as lit- tle expenditure of enérgy as possible. Therefore the combination proposed is a menace to the public. Itis a com- bination of the big cities to plunder the rest of the State. 0 i ——Mr. Harding has a remedy at hand for every evil and freely prom- ises to apply it. But Congress per- versely refuses to do its part and the poor President can only promise again, Two Deaths on Sunday. w Two men of great importance and much distinction “departed this life” on Sunday. Pope Benedict XV died at the Vatican in Rome at six o’clock in the morning. He became the head of the Catholic church during the world war, and addressed himself promptly and vigorously to the task of restoring peace. Never a robust man the labors of his great office soon undermined his health. But he work- ed on with undiminished energy and zeal until peace was concluded. He was not an old man in years, having only recently celebrated his sixty- seventh birthday. The immediate cause of his death was pneumonia. His successor will be chosen by the College of Cardinals within a short time. : Viscount James Bryce, who died at Sidmouth, England, was eighty-three years old and had been a distinguish- ed figure in public and literary life since the publication of his book, the “Holy Roman Empire,” in 1862. Since that his work in statesmanship, diplo- macy and literature has commanded the highest praise. His “American Commonwealth” has been a standard text book in schools and colleges of the United States for a great many years. He was appointed Ambassa- dor to the United States in 1907 and served with distinction for several years. His most important work since was his investigation of charges of German cruelties in Belgium at the beginning of the great war. The Pope, Benedict XV, rendered valuable service to his, church and the world during the brief period of his Pontificate, but his successor will be chosen in due time and the affairs of the church and the world will move on. But there will be no successor to Viscount James Bryce, though his vast achievements in the various lines of endeavor will be an enduring mon- ument to his memory. He was a for- eigner, as we term those born abroad, but it has been said that he understood ‘our government better than most of our native statesmen. The world is a great loser by the deaths of Sunday, but the world survives all losses and recovers from all calamities. ——The Washington conference has afforded those who attended it a good , time and that is about the sum and substance of its achievement. rir mime ptciop——— ——1In a search for new subjects of taxation a Republican Congressman poposes a graduated tax on gifts. That is about the limit. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. BELLEFONTE, PA. JANUARY 27, ¢ A Statesman “Out of Luck.” | Harry Mackey, who is chairman of Philadelphia the other day Mr. A. been formed between Mayor Magee, the Workmen's Compensation board : of Pittsburgh, and the Vares, of Phil- and a servile follower of the Vare ma- chine, is considerably worried over ;a recent incident of his campaign work. Mr. Mackey imagines that he ‘is a candidate for Governor and for some time back has been supplying ' the country papers with propaganda. | The other day he sent out 900 circu- i lars eulogistic of his services to the ! public upon which insufficient postage was placed. Some of the publishers , to whom the circulars were addressed refused to receive them. As they : were enclosed in envelopes of the De- partment of Labor and Industry, they were returned to that department and the postal deficiency collected. As usual some busybody in the newspaper service found out the fact and published it. Mr. Mackey hast- ened to Harrisburg and reimbursed the department. But the reimburse- ment didn’t cover the cost of the pub- lic stationery used in printing and distributing the circulars. The post- age was a trifle in comparison with the entire cost of the transaction. Mr. Mackey states that the whole thing was an error of “a blond stenogra- pher” employed in the bureau of which he is head. Possibly that is true but the newspaper account of the matter states that several other batches of circulars have been sent out in the same way and that the mistake ought to have been discovered sooner. As a matter of fact Mr. Mackey has done nothing unusual in the matter of propaganda. It has become a habit with State officials to put all the bur- den of their expenses on the State. Nearly a hundred automobiles are li- censed to the State and any public of- fice who doesn’t ride in a car is neg- lecting his opportunities. Other can- didates in the service of the State have probably done as Mackey did, the difference being that they were not found out. If the Mackey argu- ments had been less weighty probably he wouldn’t have been found out either. The contributions to the covlitry papers would have been re- cei and the matter thus ended. Harry was “out of luck.” seit Sia ——1If the ice dealers of Bellefonte run short of ice next summer it will undoubtedy be because they have not taken advantage of the opportunity this winter to harvest an abundant crop, because there has certainly been plenty of opportunity. This item was written Wednesday morning when the temperature in Bellefonte and throughout Centre county ranged any- where from ten to fifteen degrees be- low zero, which was ice making weather with a vengeance. Recurring to the ice dealer, however, it might be said that Edward Garbrick com- pleted filling his ice house last week. Last winter he was able to get only about one-third as much as he has now stored, and he contemplates another cutting which he will pile up outside his ice house, for early sum- mer use. Other dealers have also stored good supplies and contemplate piling up another cutting, so that there should be no dearth of ice next summer. ——The Board of Pardons, at its regular meeting in February will con- sider the question of granting pardons to James Strail, of Franklin, and Ivy D. Foster, of Allegheny, who have been recommended for pardon by pris- on officials for exceptionally meritor- ious conduct during the riot in the western penitentiary at Pittsburgh last summer. Both men assisted the prison officials in fighting the crazed mob of inmates and were undoubted- ly responsible for saving considera- ble property from being burned. ——A total of $128,299.50 was paid out of the State Treasury as bounties on noxious animals during 1921. Of this amount Centre county hunters and trappers collected $2,815.50, as bounties on 7 wildcats, 233 foxes, 28 minks and 1259 weasels. Clinton county led the State with wildcats, a total of 38; Susquehanna reported the greatest number of foxes, 395, while Crawford county led with 258 minks and 34756 weasels, as well as in the total of bounties, $6,645.50. reste ———————— —Just as a matter of record it might be stated that thermometers in Bellefonte yesterday morning fell to 12 to 14 degrees below zero. At Pine Grove Mills it was 16 below and at Tadpole 28, which is probably the low record for the county, not only this winter, but for some years. ——Another airplane built at the Bellefonte aviation field was tested out last Friday and pronounced satis- factory in every way. This is the third plane that has been turned out BY mechanics at the Bellefonte field. —There must be some boss some- where if it is true that already Pen- rose office.holders are being bumped. 1922. Pope Benedict XV Dead. Pope Benedict XV died at 6 o'clock Sunday morning following a short ill- ness with pneumonia. He offered a brave fight for life but gradually weakened, and lay at death’s door for two days. Pope Benedict, or Giacomo della Chiesa, the spiritual head of 300,000,- 000 Catholics, was born of noble line at Pegli, Italy, on November 21, 1854. His father was the Marchese della Chiesa (pronounced Keeaze). He re- ceived his education at the Caproni- can College and later attended the Academy of Ecclesiastics. Ordained to the priesthood in 1878, he soon at- tracted the attention of Cardinal Ram- polla, who under Pope Leo XIII was the Papal Secretary of State. He ac- companied Rampolla to Madrid in 1883 when his patron was Nuncio, re- maining there until 1887, when he re- turned to Rome upon the elevation of Rampolla to the Cardinalate. In 1901, after having served four years as secretary of the Nunciature in Spain, he was appointed secretary of the Cypher. This position gave its incumbent considerable authority and the same year Mgr. della Chiesa was named as consultor of the holy office. A notable promotion came to him on December 16, 1907, when Pope Pius X appointed della Chiesa as archbish- op of the important see of Bologna to succeed the late Cardinal Svampa. His administration of this office for seven years was characterized, it is said, by prudence and diplomacy. His consecration as an archbishop was performed by Pius himself in the Sis- tine chapel, an honor so unusual that it attracted world wide attention. Archbishop della Chiesa was made a cardinal in May, 1914, less than six months before mounting the throne of St. Peter’s. He took his ecclesiastical title from Pope Benedict XIV, one of the ablest pontiffs of the church, who was born in Bologna on March 31, 1657, and died on May 3, 1758. = The dead Pope was buried on Wed- nesday and interest now centres in the election of his successor, which will probably take place on February ist or 2nd. Cardinal Maffi is considered the leading candidate as Pope Bene- dict’s successor. ; Sudden Death of Highway Commis- sioner Sadler. : a Lewis S. Sadler, State Highway Commissioner, died of pneumonia “at his home at Carlisle last Friday. He was 47 ‘years. old. His illness was brought on by a severe cold contract- ed while on a tour of inspection of state highways. Two weeks ago to- day he was in Philadelphia, returning to his office at Harrisburg on Monday. He was forced to return fo his home Monday night. Last Thursday the cold developed into pneumonia and Mr. Sadler’s condition grew rapidly worse. Death occurred at 9:40 Fri- day morning. ; Mr. Sadler, who was active in state political circles, was prominently mentioned as a probable successor to Senator Penrose. He was also prom- inently mentioned for the Republican nomination as’ Governor. He was ap- pointed State Highway Commissioner in January, 1919, when Governor Sproul assumed office. : He was born in Carlisle, March 3, 1874. His parents were Judge and Mrs. Wilbur F. Sadler. Educated in the public schools of Carlisle and at Dickinson preparatory school, he later attended Yale and the Dickinson law school. Mr. Sadler's wife, who was Miss Mary Rosler, of Carlisle, died in 1916. They had no children. Two brothers, Horace E. Sadler, a retired manufac- turer of Carlisle, and Justice Sylves- ter B. Sadler, of the State Supreme court, survive. One Estimate of De Valera. John Davey, in The Gaelic American. The writer of this article has known and dealt at close range with every Irish leader for the past half century, but he has never met one so imprac- ticable, self-willed, stubborn and in- capable of winning other men to his views, or of conciliating honest dif- ferences of opinions, as de Valera. De Valera is absolutely impossible. He has no real strength of character and no convictions except an overweening self-confidence, which is founded neither on achievement nor power of persuasion. His position is: “I want this thing done, and you must not ask me why. The Irish people have se- lected me as their spokesman, and that is enough.” This attitude on the part of a man with wide experience of public affairs would be bad enough, but in the case of a man with no ex- perience at all and no training it is simply intolerable. . A Penrose Mystery. From the New York World. Senator Penrose was a man of means. The hight cost of living prob- ably cost him no personal anxiety as to the future. He was familiar, of course, with the conveniences that the banks afford depositors in the way of easy access to their funds and the op- portunities the market offered for ob- taining gilt-edged bonds. In resisting the temptation to take advantage of the usual machinery of finance, it may have been through indifference that he followed the course he did, it may have been through motives of his own. The presence of $226,100 in bills in a Washington safe-deposit box held in his name is an added mys- tery in the life of a man of mystery. : SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —J. D. Snyder, 9 year old son of Mr, and Mrs. Clair Snyder, of Homer City, died at the home of bis parents, as the re- sult of swallowing a lima bean, which { lodged in his windpipe. A physician was immediately summoned, but despite all ef- forts to dislodge the bean, the boy died in about an hour. —One of the largest verdicts to be re- turned by a Lebanon county jury in years was that recorded on Monday in the suit of Charles S. Kalbach, a Richland grain dealer, against the Philadelphia and Read- ing Railway company for $14,920. Kal- bach’s grain elevator at Richland was de- stroyed by fire last March. He claimed the fire was caused by sparks from a pass- ing locomotive on the Reading railway. —Police Monday night found the body of Mrs. Stella Tapa, who with her husband Frank Tapa recently arrived in Pittsburgh from Kentucky, in a rooming house with a huge butcher knife stuck through her body. She was bleeding from several other wounds. An examination of the room revealed that a hasty exit had been made through the window. The police an- nounced that they are looking for the slain woman's husband. —Two burglars broke into the G. W. Shaffer grocery store in Altoona early on Saturday, carried out the combination steel safe and filing case, loaded it into a bobsled and hauled it to Oak Ridge ceme- tery, where they obtained a pick by forec- ing entrance into the tool house, then cracked the safe, extracted $203 in money and fled without taking valuable papers. They were tracked in the snow to Pleasant Valley, but escaped. —A wallet containing $17,450 worth of negotiable securitiees and thrift stamps was found last Wednesday by David Knep- per in an oats bin in a barn on his farm near Lovett, Cambria county. According to Knepper the wallet was the property of John Hogentoger, a farm hand, who was killed January 19th, by a falling tree. The securities and stamps were turned over to Charles Hogentoger, of Portage, Pa., a brother of the dead man. —After a close-down of about eighteen weeks, the rolling mills of the Phoenix Iron company at Phoenixville, started up Monday morning and about 335 men were called to work. The opening of this de- partment brings the total number of men now employed to about 1300, or nearly 80 per cent. of normal. Another of the large furnaces in the steel plant has also been ‘started, increasing the output about 700,- 000 pounds a week. This is the fourth fur- nace now in operation. —John A. Smith, of Altoona, is 92 years old, and he is still active, devoting much time to the care of a large number of chickens. Mr. Smith helped to build the first house in Altoona and he has seen the place grow to a city of 60,000 people. He was born in Blair county and has occu- pied his home since 1871. He became a carpenter's apprentice in 1848 at $5 a month, and later was in the mercantile business. He was elected a county com- missioner in 1896 and served three years. —Former coroner Jacob Eckinger paid back to Danphin county last week $2172 in fees for which he was surcharged by Con- troller Gough. It was the custom of cor- oners to charge inquest fees in all cases, but Controller Gough ruled that where no inquest was held the coroner could not ‘collect a fee only for investigating the case and not add the additional sum allowed 1ér has cut the annual salary of the cor- oner to a small sum and has resulted in a considerable saving to the county. —Harry L. Brindle, 63 years old, former- ly of Mercer county and until last April 30th appropriation clerk in the Auditor General's Department, was last Thursday sentenced by the Dauphin county court to from two and a half to three years in the eastern penitentiary, a fine of $5 and costs, and to make restitution of $2006 embezzled from the State. The sentence was impos- ed by Judge Frank B. Wickersham follow- ing pleas that a prison sentence be omitted because of Brindle’s age and physical condition and that he had made no defense. —Taking the money given him by Mag- istrate Succop to buy food until he could get work, Nick Kozlowski, of Pittsburgh, jobless and despondent, hurried to a near- by drug store, bought poisen and killed himself. Arrested on Friday as a suspi- cious person, he told Magistrate Succop he had been out of work for months and was hungry. The Magistrate gave him money for his immediate wants and told him that if he would come to him twice a week un- til he found a job he would be provided for, Apparently grateful, Kozlowski went out and early Saturday his body was found. —~Charles D. Zell, defaulting treasurer of the Agricultural Trust company of Lan- caster, who was sentenced to twenty-two and one-half years in the eastern peniten- tiary by Judge Landis Thursday morning, must serve this minimum sentence. The Judge on Saturday morning fixed that as the minimum and thirty years as the max- imum. The former banker heard his new sentence without showing any .emotion and refused to make any comment as he sank into his seat after the new penalty had been read. It was explained that of- ficials of the penitentiary will decide whether he is to serve twenty-two and one-half years or the full term of thirty. —Edgar R. Nesbit, an $1800 a year cash- ier of the Pennsylvania Power and Light company, of Sunbury, was on Monday sen- tenced to serve not more than three nor less than two years in the Northumberland county prison by Judge Albert W. Lloyd after he pleaded guilty to the embezzle- ment of upward of $6000. Nesbit for years handled large sums, getting as much as $15,000 a day, according to friends. Then one day he started taking a little, hoping to put it back, but it grew worse, he said, until the defalcation was discovered. He pleaded guilty and did not whimper when the sentence was applied. He has a wife and one child and was considered one of the finest young men in the community. —Mrs. BE. W. Hess, wife of one of the best known engineers of Clearfield county, surprised a housebreaker with a demon- stration of her pluck early Tuesday morn- ing. As a result, it is possible that hidden away somewhere near by is a man nurs- ing a revolver shot wound of more or less importance. Mrs. Hess, with her mother and sister, were alone in the house at the time. Mrs. Hess was awakened by the noise down stairs. She armed herself and stealthily crept to a vantage point, where she suddenly switched on the lights and began shooting. The intruder escaped through a parlor window, but persons at- tracted to the scene by the shooting are of the opinion that one of her shots might have scored a hit. «for an inquest. : The ruling of. the centrol-.... . ... ..