Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 13, 1922, Image 8

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    Bellefonte, Pa., January 13, 1922,
The snow will be kept off of the
skating pond on Hughes field so that
lovers of skating will find good sport
there all the time.
The Ladies Aid society of the
Lutheran church will hold a bake sale
Saturday, January 21st, at C. E.
Gheen’s store.
The United States Senate last
week confirmed the appointment of
Frank Wythe as postmaster at Phil-
ipsburg to succeed Roy Rowles.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church will have a food sale at Spig-
elmyer’s store on Allegheny street,
tomorrow, (Saturday) afternoon at
two o’clock.
— The undefeated Academy bas-
ket ball team will play the Blooms-
burg Normal five on the armory floor
tomorrow (Saturday) evening. Game
called at 7:30. Dor’ miss it.
——Prof. A. H. Sloop, superintend-
ent of the Bellefonte schools, fell on
the ice on Thursday morning of last
week and fractured the bones in his
right arm just above the wrist. He
went to the hospital to have the frac-
ture reduced and this week is on his
job, but carrying his arm in a sling.
Mr. Samuel Tressler desires us
to correct a statement made in the
“Watchman” last week that Mr. and
Mrs. William Tressler would move
back into their house on Howard street
in the spring. He avers that they
have no intention of moving but will
continue to make their home with him
on east Curtin street.
Representatives of the Red
Cross were in Bellefonte yesterday
morning and made arrangements to
be here again on Monday, January
23rd for the purpose of meeting all
disabled veterans of the world war or
any others who have any unsettled
compensation claims against the gov-
ernment. Watch next week’s paper
for full particulars.
The Bellefonte school board
has equipped the manual training de-
partment at the hight school with a
lathe, joiner and trimmer, each one
operated by its own individual motor.
The board also purchased a quantity
of tools and has established a manual
training department at the brick
school building to the great delight of
the boys who are pupils there.
The Lutheran church has set
February 12th as the day for the ded-
ication of the new two manual Moller
pipe organ just installed. The pro-
gram, to be announced later, will like-
ly include several prominent visiting
clergymen, an organ recital, and var-
ied musical numbers. Mr. George A.
Johnston, of Warren, has been secur-
ed as regular organist and his work
is exceptionally fine. The young man
is a musical genius and his organ per-
formance is of unusual merit.
——Now that the new year is well
under way everybody will naturally
plan for some amusement in the even-
ings, and there is no place in Belle-
fonte where both amusement and en-
tertainment can be had under such
comfortable and pleasant conditions
as at the Scenic watching the motion
pictures. Movie fans realize that
manager Brown is doing his best to
give the people of Bellefonte and vi-
cinity the very best pictures that can
be procured and this is the reason the
Scenic is always well patronized.
—— During Wednesday's hard snow
storm Mrs. Sadie Brown, wife of
George Brown, of Oak Hall, attempt-
ed to take her own life by drowning.
She has been in poor health for some
time and this was probably the cause
of her rash act. She left her home
and deliberately walked to the breast
of the dam where the channel is free
of ice and walked into the water. She
was in up to her armpits when discov-
ered by Waldo Homan and Ross Lou-
der, who waded in and rescued her.
Mrs. Brown is about twenty-five years
old and has two little children.
The Right Eminent Commander
of the Knights Templar of Pennsylva-
nia, Alfred E. Lister, of Scranton, will
make an official visit to Constans
Commandery, No. 83, Knights Tem-
plar, of Bellefonte, this evening, on
the occasion of the regular meeting
in the Masonic temple on Allegheny
street. He will be surrounded by sev-
eral members of his staff, one of
whom is George T. Bush, of Belle-
fonte. The Order of the Temple will
be conferred on several candidates.
Prominent Masons are expected to be
present from Huntingden, Altoona,
Lewistown, Philipsburg, Lock Haven
and Williamsport. At the conclusion
of the degree work a banquet will be
served in the temple.
——The Presbyterian Brotherhood
began to function at a meeting and
supper in the Presbyterian chapel on
Monday evening. Some sixty or more
gentlemen were present to partake of
the good things served by the ladies
of the church. Music was also a fea-
ture. Following the repast questions
of interest to the welfare of the church
were discussed, such as why more men
do not attend Sunday school and the
weekly prayer meetings to a new pas-
tor, etc. The most important action
taken, however, was that in the event
of the selection of a new pastor by the
church session it was deemed advisa-
ble to pay a larger salary than the
church has heretofore been paying the
Brotherhood assume the obligation of
making up the difference, either by
securing increased pledges from mem-
bers of the church or subscription
among the Brotherhood.
Efforts to Make Farm Bureau a Fee
Organization Voted Down.
A special meeting of the Centre
‘county Farm Bureau was held in the
court house last Saturday to take ac-
tion on a resolution presented at the
| annual meeting of the Bureau on the
{ 94th of December providing for a paid
membership in the organization. The
object of the resolution had a two-
fold purpose. First, to supply funds
to augment the appropriation of the
County Commissioners so that the
county agent will not be handicapped
in giving more effective service. It
appears that the county appropriation,
though liberal, is not deemed sufficient
for the wide scope of work being per-
| formed by the Farm Bureau. And
| secondly, the lack of funds for the
publishing of an annual report of the
work of the Bureau, a very important
thing, and which has not been done
the past two years because of lack of
funds. The officers of the Bureau
{eel that the county agent’s report
should be published and placed in the
hands of every farmer in Centre
county. There ave other equally im-
portant phases of the work that ought
to be done but which cannct be per-
formed with the limited finances.
Some three hundred or more farm-
ers attended the meeting and it was
evident from the first that their pres-
ence was prompted by other motives
than financial help to the Farm Bu-
| reau. One of the first points brought
| out at the meeting was the fact that
a paid membership would make the
Centre county organization eligible to
| membership in a State federation of
| farm bureaus should such an organi-
{ zation be formed. The full advantag-
jes of such an organization were ex-
| plained in detail to the farmers.
Although the meeting was designed
primarily for Centre county farmers
Mr. Brinkman, secretary of the State
Grange, was present and was given
an opportunity to speak. It at once
developed that the State Grange is
opposed to the organization of a State
federation of farm bureaus. Mi.
Brinkman’s talk dealt largely upon
the merits of the Grange as a farm-
er’s organization, stating that it was
well represented all over the State,
and is equipped to do for the farmers
all that is necessary, hence the folly
of another state-wide farmers organ-
ization. From the personnel of the
crowd and the presence of the secre-
tary of the State Grange it was quite
apparent that the members of that or-
ganization had come prepared to buck
against making the Farm Bureau a
paid organization, and the result was
the resolution was overwhelmingly
As 2 considerable number of those
present were farmers who have here-
tofore taken only a passive interest in
the work of the Farm Bureau, the
president made a strong plea for sup-
port of the county agent and his work.
it was quite evident from the re-
marks of all the speakers that all
those present were enthusiastic over
the present form of Farm Bureau or-
| ganization and the work that has been
| done in Centre county. The officers of
the Bureau also feel that the agricul-
tural interests of the ocunty should
centre around the county agent and
his work.
Killed by the Kick of a Horse.
James Klinger, of Potter township,
died at the Bellefonte hospital at 8:15
o’clock last Saturday as the result of
a kick on the head by a horse on Fri-
day afternoon. Just how the accident
happened will never be known. The
young man, who lives at the heme of
his parents in Potter township, start-
ed to lead a horse to water. Some
minutes later he appeared at the
home of William Lingle, almost a half
mile away, riding the animal. He
coliapsed and almost fell from the
horse and persons who went to his as-
sistance made the discovery that he
had been kicked on the back of the
head by the horse but he was not able
to tell a coherent story as to how the
accident happened.
A physician was quickly summoned
who advised taking him to the Belle-
fonte hospital, which was done. At
the hospital it was found that he had
suffered a bad fracture of the skull
at the base of the brain and although
everything possible was done for him
he passed away on Saturday morning.
James Klinger was a son of Daniel
and Anna Klinger and was thirty
years old on the fourth of this month.
He was unmarried and in addition to
his parents is survived by the follow-
ing brothers and sisters: Robert
Klinger, of Bellefonte; Herbert, at
home; Mrs. Charles Crust, of Centre
Hall; Blanche and Bessie, at home.
Funeral services were held at his late
home at 2 o’clock on Tuesday after-
noon by Rev. Drumm, of the Luther-
an church, after which the remains
were taken to the Shiloh cemetery for
Penn State to Graduate Large Mid-
year Class.
A group of sixty-five members of
the Senior class at The Pennsylvania
State College will complete their
studies next week, and following final
waminations will be graduated at
special excrcises on Tuesday, January
31st. Ever since the war activities
caused hundreds of Penn State stu-
dents to drop their studies, they have
been returning whenever possible to
finish their work and earn a degree.
Others have found that they could
complete courses in less than the us-
ual four years, these reasons account-
ing for the large number to be grad-
uated at mid-year.
Reduced Rates to State Farm Pro-
ducts Show.
Centre county farmers who may
attend the State farm products show
will be given reduced rates by all
trunk line railroads, which includes
all railroads through Centre county.
These rates are available to all per-
sons expecting to attend any of the
agricultural meetings held at Harris-
burg during the week of January 23rd
to January 27th, inclusive.
necessary to obtain a certificate from
county agent Robinson at the Farm
must be presented when the tickets
are purchased. This commission from |
Bureau office in Bellefonte,
the railroad will be of great assist-
ance to the many Centre county peo-
ple who attend this show each year.
“Facts Americans Should Know.”
Above is the subject of a sermon
given by the pastor of the Methodist
church during the week of prayer.
Numerous requests for a repetition of
this sermon have been made and in
compliance therewith it will be repeat-
ed in the Methodist church the coming
Sunday evening at 7:30. What two
outstanding facts threaten the moral
and spiritual life of America? How
long since Chicago was a village of
one hundred population? How
since New York city had only
hundred thousand?
In how many
places under the Stars and Stripes is
incense being burned to foreign gods?
How many newspapers are printed in |
America and sent through our mails
by the I. W. W.>s? These are but a
few of the facts considered and ques-
tions answered in this sermon. From
present indications every seat in the
Methodist church will be taken on:
Sunday evening. The ushers will be!
at the doors promptly at seven o’clock.
The public is cordially invited.
Big Game Preserve in Rush Township.
According to an announcement
made last Friday by Secretary Gor-
don, of the State Game Commission, a
big game preserve will be established
by the State in Rush township, south
and east of Philipsburg. Options
have been taken on about eight thous-
and acres of forest lands, and at a
meeting of the Game Commission in
It will be
long .
: Banquet.
' erhoff house, spent the latter part of last
week on a business trip to Philadelphia.
, —DMr. and Mrs. Richard Quigley, of Lock
Haven, spent last Saturday in Bellefonte,
guests of Judge and Mrs. H. C. Quigley.
The members of the Logan fire
company were hosts at the seven-
teenth annual banquet of the Fire-
men’s Relief association held at the
Logan building on east Howard street
on Tuesday evening. The annual
prior to the banquet and at 9:30
o’cleck the deors into the main room |
were thrown open, Lewis Hill’s or-
chestra struck up a lively tune and
the march to foodland was on. The
quickly filled and the firemen and a
few invited guests fell to with as
much avidity as they usually display
in fighting fires. The menu was quite
elaborate, running all the way from
oysters to coffee and cigars, and it
{ was really remarkable how most of
them got away with every course.
A banquet without some talking
would be a tame affair and when the
proper time arrived M. R. Johnson,
president of the Relief association,
called for order and in a few well
chosen remarks told that these ban-
quets have been an annual affair since
1906 and how they resulted in foster-
ing a kindred spirit among the mem-
bers of both companies.
clared that both companies had good
usual at this time because of the fact
: that borough council had supplied
i date fire fighting equipment obtaina-
ble. Mr. Johnson said he knew that
the new pumpers and to render to the
town the most efficient service.
with brief
responded talks
James C. Furst, Roy Wilkinson, rep-
resentatives of the White Motor com-
pany, Darius Waite, the new council-
: man from the West ward, and burgess
| W. Harrison Walker. It was midnight
| or later before the affair came to an!
end. |
| Just here it might be stated that |
| both of the new pumpers were given
| the underwriter’s test last Thursday |
{ and passed by a good margin. They |
‘will likely be officially accepted by
{ council at the regular meeting next
sii ji 1
Firemen Hosts at Firemen’s
seven or eight large tables were
He also de- |
reason to jubilate a little more than
them with the very best and up-to-
all the firemen appreciated the action ,
of council and he could safely pledge
that it would be the aim of each com- |
pany to take the best possible care of |
Other speakers called on and who |
were |
. Charles R. Kurtz, Thaddeus Hamilton, |
{ —Landlord M. A. Landsy, of the Brock-
i spent Saturday and Sunday at his home
| in this place.
—@Gilbert Beaver is making his annual
| winter visit with his mother, Mrs. James |
| A. Beaver, having come here the latter
part of December.
—Harry B. Rote, of Chestertown, Md.,
| was home on a short visit within the week,
coming here to spend Saturday. and Sun-
| day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Rote, at Axe Mann.
: —Miss Janet Potter -vent out to Pitis-
| burgh Wednesday to attend a showing of
' dishes and glassware, in anticipation of
| adding to the already large stock now car-
| ried by the Potter-Hoy Hardware Co.
| —Mrs. H. Laird Curtin and her son,
i flugh Laird Jr. of Curtin, left yescterday
| for a two week's stay in Philadelphia,
{ where the child will be under the care of
| ear specialists during the time they spend
| in the city.
{| —Mrs. Frank McCoy, with her daugh-
! Frank McCoy II, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
McCoy, will leave today for Atlantic City.
| to spend the remainder of the month of
i January at the Shore.
—Mrs. O. P. Bell, her daughter Betty,
and Mrs. Arthur Conger, of Sunbury, were
‘over night guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. G.
Morris Jr., at their home on Linn street,
| this week, coming to Bellefonte Tuesday
afternoon and leaving Wednesday.
—Mrs. Harold Kirk went over to Phil-
of the week with her sister, Mrs. Earl Tu-
i ten. Mrs. Kirk was joined in Tyrone by
i her sister-in-law, Mrs. Amos Cole, of Lew-
jstown, who was also Mrs. Tuten's guest
{ during Mrs. Kirk’s stay in Philipsburg.
—Samuel HH. Donachy, of New Hamp-
shire, spent several days in Bellefonte this
week, leaving on Wednesday for his home
in the New England State. Mr. Donachy
and family spent a number of years in
Dellefonte at the time he was superinten-
dent of the Pennsylvania Match company.
——Mr. William Ashbaugh, of Washing-
ton, Pa., who was the centre of the Uni-
versity of Pittsburgh Freshmen football
eleven last fall, and who has been elected
{a member of the student council of his
| class, spent several days recently as the
guest of Miss Ofttilie Hughes, his fiance,
at the Academy.
—Mrs. Odillie Mott, who in December
was appointed district deputy of the na-
Philadelphia on Friday it was decided { Monday evening and turned over to | tional order Catholic Daughters of Amer-
to exercise the options. The territory
includes lands of the Sharer estate,
the Woodring and Kelly families and
the E. J. Pruner estate. Within the
tract of eight thousand acres about
two thousand acres will be enclosed |
with a wire as a game refuge. With-
in this enclosure all kinds of game
will be protected against hunters.
Gamekeepers will be employed to see
that the State’s rights are maintained
and the game protected against ille-
gal hunters. Titles to the land will
likely be transferred to the State in
the near future and the laying out
the preserve will take place early
the spring.
Russia from the Inside.
Count Ilya Tolstoy, son of Leo Tol-
stoy, the great Russian author and re-
former, will speak in the auditorium,
State College, on Saturday, January
14th, at 8 p. m. He is traveling in the
interests of the Russian relief com-
mittee and the proceeds from the lec-
ture will go to that cause. The ad-
mission will be by ticket, which will
cost 25 cents.
Count Tolstoy will speak on “Rus-
sia from the Inside,” and will give a
faithful interpretation of the trouble
in his native land, based on personal
experiences. He has recently come
from Russia and feels able to give a
judgment deduced from his investiga-
tions of Bolshevist and Soviet rule
and his knowledge of the Russian
people. An eminent lecturer and
writer himself, he is able to express
himself forcibly and to bring a mes-
sage well worth while to his audience.
His lectures have been well received
in all sections of the country and his
coming to State College will no doubt
be a profitable occasion for those who
will hear him. His visit to the Col-
lege was arranged for by the program
committee of the honor society of
Phi Kappa Phi.
“Wilson Hour” at Noon on Monday.
All over the country a “Wilson
Hour” will be observed next Monday,
January 16th. The ceremony will
mark the beginning of a campaign to
raise a fund of at least $1,000,000.00
with which to endow awards for dis-
tinguished public service under the
direction of what is to be called the
Woodrow Wilson Foundation.
During the hour that intervenes
from noon until 1 o'clock contribu-
tions to the fund will be received not
sought. This is a movement to hon-
or Woodrow Wilson only by giving his
name to a great public recognition of
the service of men who shall follow in
the trail he has blazed toward perma-
nent world peace. In other words the
fund is to endow awards that will be
made from time to time to those who
have striven to great heights of hau-
manitarian endeavor. It is not a be-
neficence to Woodrow Wilson. It is a
great ideal which his name, of all liv-
ing Americans, seems most wholly to
If you feel that you would like to
contribute to the fund—remember
that you are not being even requested
to do it——Mr. Charles McCurdy, Mr,
John M. Shugert and Mr. Nelson E.
Robb, at the First National, the Cen-
tre County or the Bellefonte Trust
Co., will receive your contribution
during the hour announced, on Mon-
day and forward it to the Foundation
committee in New York.
( the fire companies.
| Home of William Katz Badly Dam-
| aged by Fire and Water.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. William
i Katz, on High street, was badly dam- |
aged as the result of a fire early Mon- |
day morning, the greatest damage,
however, being caused by the water
, thrown on the building to extinguish |
‘the flames. The fire started on the
roof in the rear of the main building
‘and is believed to have been caused !
by a spark from the furnace chimney
in Petrikin hall. The entire rear por-
; tion of the roof is burned off but the
‘ flames were confined to the roof and
i the attic rooms.
| The fire afforded an opportunity for
‘a tryout of one of the new pumpers,
the Logan company responding with
the machine designed for it. The Un-
dines also had one plug stream on and
did efficient service. The new pump-
! er started with one stream but final-
ly put on two. Its performance was
up to every claim made for it, as both
streams could have been thrown clear
over the house.
While the fire itself did not do so
much damage, the house was water-
soaked from the top to the bottom
and will have to be entirely overhaul-
ed. While it is impossible to esti-
mate the damage it is undoubtedly
considerable, but is covered by insur- |
Dr. Sparks Receives Appointment.
Bishop William F. McDowell, chair-
man of the speakers’ bureau of the
general committee on the Limitation
of Armament, has appointed Dr. Ed-
win E. Sparks, of State College, as
its representative in this community
and to make speaking engagements
for the public discussion of disarma-
ment, America’s position in world re-
lations growing out of the interna-
tional conference, and practical means
for the preservation of a world peace.
The committee has passed resolu-
tions favoring the administration’s
stand to consider future problems in
international relationship and, further
an expression of public opinion in fa-
vor of an International Economic
Conference, to be invited by the Unit-
ed States of America, following the
present conference.
Any organization, civic, commercial,
religious, fraternal, etc., may be pro-
vided with a speaker by communicat-
ing with Dr. Sparks. It is hoped that
every such meeting will pass resolu-
tions regarding “an organic and con-
tinuing relationship of nations” and
future conferences for the peaceful
discussion of world problems.
——Lewis Hill had a narraw escape :
from being overcome by carbon mo-
noxide gas in his garage on Sunday.
He was testing out his car with the
doors closed when he suddenly be-
| came faint and dizzy. He attempted
| to sit down on the running board of
his car but fell and struck his head on
the side of the car. The slight injury
was just enough to awake him to the
danger and he managed to stagger
| out into the open where the fresh air
| soon revived him, but he felt the ef-
| fects of the gas for some hours after-
wards. This is another warning to
auto owners who keep their cars in a
| small garage, not to test out the mo-
i tor with all doors and windows closed.
| Altoona,
ica, with supervision over the Courts at
Bellefonte, Lock. Haven, Wil-
liamsport and Renovo, went to Renovo on
Monday to install the newly elected offi-
cers of the Court at that place.
—Mrs. Elizabeth Callaway will leave
Tuesday for New York city, to spend the
time between that and the 5th of Febru-
ary, looking after the last minute arrange-
ments of her party of fifty or more sail-
ing on the Clark cruise to the Orient. Mrs.
Callaway’s grandson, John I. Thompson
II, will join her the following week.
—Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Driver, of Gram-
pian, spent the greater part of the past
week at Mrs. Driver's former home at
Waddle, as guests of her brother, Lester
Meek and his family. Mr. Driver went
from there to Lock Haven for an over
Sunday visit with his family before join-
ing Mrs. Driver here to go back to Gram-
—Mrs. Mobely, of Pittsburgh, spent the
greater part of last week with her sister,
Mrs, Bitner, who has: been critically ill for
several weeks at her home in Lock Haven.
Mrs. James McClure, another sister, was
with Mrs. Mobely during her stay in Lock
Haven, accompanying her to Bellefonte,
where she made a short visit before re-
turning home.
—Editor Thomas H. Harter and wife
have planned to spend the month of Feb-
ruary in Florida. In company with Judge
and Mrs. C. B. Witmer, of Sunbury, they
will leave Bellefonte on January 28th,
spend the next day in Washington and
then go on to. Florida. During editor
Harter’'s absence Dr. George P. Bible will
do the heavy editorial work on the Ga-
—Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Williams, of
Altoona, were arrivals in Bellefonte Sun-
day morning. They came down to spend
the day with friends and relatives at their
old home here. Frank says that work in
the shops at Altoona is very spasmodic;
while men are taken on in one department
almost the same number are laid off in
another. While not exactly pessimistic
about the outlook he is of the opinion that
not much real improvement can be looked
for before next fall.
—Miss Mabel Allison, of Spring Mills,
went to Baltimore Saturday to join in
some college social affairs given by friends
of the alumni of Bucknell. Miss Allison
went from there to Atlantic City, where
she was joined early in the week by Miss
Louise McMullen, of Hecla, who will visit
at Ventnor for several weeks, before going
to Landsdowne to spend an equal length of
time with Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson,
while Miss Allison will spend a few days
with Miss M. Eloise Schuyler, in West
—Dr. and Mrs. Walter Dahl, who have
been spending the past two weeks in New
York and Philadelphia, will come to Belle-
fonte tomorrow, expecting to be here for
a week with Mrs. Dahl's uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. T. Clayton Brown, before
leaving for their home in Minneapolis.
Their two sons, Walter Jr. and Thomas
Moore, have been in Bellefonte since
Christmas, they and their mother having
come east before Thanksgiving for a visit
with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Moore, in Philadelphia. Dr. Dahl
joined his family here Christmas week.
— Among the throng of “Watchman” of-
fice visitors on Monday was J. Wesley Bid-
dle, of Buffalo Run, who informed us that
he was going to the College to make his
home with his son and family, and this
fact calls to mind the many changes that
have taken place in that valley during the
past two decades. Some of the old fami-
lies that were cotemperaneous with the
early history of Centre county and whose
very names signified a residence in the
Buffalo Run valley, have disappeared en-
tirely. The older generation has passed
on and their descendants have gone out
into the world to battle for a living else-
where. And now Mr. Biddle has departed
from his old home and gone to spend his
declining years in peace and comfort at
State College.
—Judge Henry C. Quigley, who is hold- |
ing common pleas court in Philadelphia, |
meeting of the association was held
ter, Miss Anna, Miss Kate D. Shugert, and !
ipsburg yesterday to spend the remainder |
i —Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mallory are en-
' tertaining Mrs. Mallory's mother, Mrs.
Murphy, of Philadelphia.
—Mrs. Norbury left Tuesday to return
to Detroit, after visiting in Bellefonte, as
a guest of Mrs, M. B. Garman.
i —Mrs. A. J. Cruse returned Tuesday
‘ from a Christmas visit with her son, T. G.
Cruse and his family, in Pittsburgh.
—Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Boozer, of Centre
i ITall, spent Monday in Bellefonte, having
. come over on a business and buying trip
~-Mrs. A. O. Furst and Mrs. John Curtin
are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. William
Furst, at Overbrook, and with Mr. and
Mrs. John Furst, in Philadelphia.
—Vincent Bauer, of Somerset, has been
in Bellefonte within the week, being a
guest during his stay, of his brother, John
Bauer and his family on Bishop street.
—Roy Grove attended a meeting of the
employees council of the Williamsport di-
vision of the Bell Telephone company, on
Tuesday. Mr. Grove was made chairman
of the district.
—Miss Elizabeth Schiller, who had been
the Holiday guest of her sister, Mrs. John
Dubbs, left Saturday to return to her
home in Cumberland, Md. Miss Schiller
came to Bellefonte the day after Christ-
—2Mr., and Mrs. Frank McFarlane, of
Boalsburg, spent Monday in Bellefonte,
Mrz. McFarlane having come over to attend
{ the annual meeting of the Farmers Mu-
tual Fire Insurance company, while Mrs.
{ McFarlane visited with her sister, Mrs.
Hastings, who was up from Harrisburg
for a week-end visit.
—Mrs. P. A. Sellers and her two daugh-
ters closed their home on the farm in
Halfmoon valley this week, leaving for
Johnstown Tuesday, where they will spend
| the remainder of the winter with Mrs.
Sellers’ two sons. This is the second win-
ter Mrs. Sellers and the four of her chil-
dren have been together in Johnstown.
—Mr. and Mrs. Paul Irvin Jr., of Can-
ton, Ohio, came to Bellefonte a week ago
for a two week's visit with Mrs. Irvin's
relatives. While here Mr. and Mrs. Irvin
have been house guests of Mr. and Mrs. L.
H. Musser, of Howard street. Mrs. Irvin,
who is a niece of Mrs. Musser, was Miss
Alice Barnhart before her marriage.
—Mrs. C. H. Gramley, of Rebers-
burg, joined Mr. Gramley in Belle-
foente Tuesday for a visit of several days,
while he is here in the official capacity of
one of the county auditors. During her
stay Mrs. Gramley has been a guest of her
cousing, Mrs. J. F. Garthoff and Mrs.
Claude Herr. Mr. and Mrs. Gramley will
return home this afternoon.
Free for a Few Minutes Only.
A prisoner by the name of McDon-
ald, from Fayette county, was given
his discharge papers at the Rockview
institution on Tuesday morning, and
just as he stepped from the deputy
warden’s office deputy sheriff Wilson,
of Fayette county, confronted him.
The man gasped “My God, Wilson,
what do you want?” And Wilson
answered “you.” :
McDonala was convicted in Fayette
county for defrauding foreigners out
of their hard earned savings, reaping
a harvest of money estimated at from
$200,000 upwards. He organized, or
purported to organize, a fake coal
company and sold the stock to the for-
eigners on the promise of giving to
each purchaser an acre of ground with
a nice, new bungalow erected thereon.
The scheme was a good one and took
like wild fire with the foreign element.
Large quantities of the stock was
sold and when McDonald failed to
make good he was arrested, tried, con-
victed and sent to the penitentiary.
He is a man of geod breeding and
more than the ordinary intelligence,
hence made a model prisoner. The
first part of his sentence was served
at Pittsburgh but he was finally sent
to Rockview.
Evidently he had forgotten the fact
that another indictment was hanging
over him as he could not hide his re-
lief and pleasure when given his dis-
charge. And because of this fact the
shock of being confronted by deputy
sheriff Wilson with a warrant for his
re-arrest was all the greater.
Deputy Wilson is authority for the
fact that there is little sympathy for
McDonald in Fayette county, and it
would not be surprising if he is con-
victed again that he will be sent to the
work house instead of the penitenti-
ary, which as a prison is by far the
most to be dreaded of the two insti-
In Society.
Mrs. Jerome G. Harper was hostess
at a house dance given at her home
on Bishop street, Friday night of last
Mrs. M. B. Garman entertained with
a card dinner at the Nittany Country
club, Monday night.
Mrs. H. C. Quigley was hostess
Tuesday for the two table bridge club,
which has been meeting weekly dur-
ing the winter.
Twenty-eight invitations were is-
sued by Miss Lillian Rankin for the
card party she gave last night in com-
pliment to her sister, Mrs. John Helli-
well, of Atlantic City, who is home on
a visit.
Five tables were in play at the card
party given by Dr. and Mrs. E. M.
Nissley Wednesday evening, at their
home on Spring street.
The jury commissioners have
finally completed their task of filling
the jury wheel for the year 1922. The
custom adopted last year of putting
the names of women in the jury wheel
was followed this year.
Rubin and Rubin Coming.
Rubin and Rubin, Harrisburg’s
leading eyesight specialists will be at
the Mott Drug store, Bellefonte, on
Friday, January 27th. Eyes examined
free and no drops used. All $10.00
glasses now $7.50. All $5.00 glasses
now $8.75. Good glasses as low as
$2.00. 67-2-3t