Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 06, 1922, Image 5
1922 PRIMARY DATE SET. Tuesday, May 16, Named by State. . : . UNITED EV. Nominations Close April 6. ANGELICAL CHURCH. Worship and sermon 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Subject, “Second Coming of Christ.” Class meeting 9 2. m. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Evangelistic services each night during the week. Everybody is very cordially invited to attend these means of grace. Reed O. Steely, Minister. Harrisburg, Dec. 31.—The date of the 1922 State primary election has been designated as Tuesday, May 16, and announcement to that effect will be made shortly by State officials. Next year being a year in which State elections occur the primary will be held in May, while the other years it takes place in September. The time for filing nominating pe- titions will expire on Thursday, April 6. Signatures may not be obtained before February 2b under the opera- tion of recent laws. The mew Ap- portionment Acts take effect with the coming elections, and Congressmen, Senators and Representatives will be elected according to the acts of 1921. e—————————— Sudden Death of Senator Penrose. THE MAN THAT'S WISE, TAKES CARE OF HIS EYES. The wise man’s eyes are in his head but the fool walketh in darkness.— Ecl. 2:14. In this enlightened age it is hard to believe the number of people who are absolutely walking in darkness while the sun is shining. We can refer you to hundreds whose Myopia was so bad that they never saw the blossoms on the trees or knew the grass was green. Persons with Myopia require con- cave lenses which should be selected by a thorough optometrist. Washington, January 4.—Boies Penrose, senior Senator from Penn- sylvania, died suddenly at his hotel apartment at 11:30 Saturday night from pulmonary thrombosis. He had been ill since Tuesday, first with a se- If you want to walk in sunshine con- vere cold, which yielded quickly to sult me. 2 treatment, but on Thursday his con- Satisfaction Guaranteed. dition became more serious. He made | BELLEFONTE. little progress toward recovery from | Eyery Saturday, 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. that time. It was not until late Saturday, how- STATE COLLEGE Every Day except Saturday. ever, that his physician, Dr. Roy D. | Adams, realized that his condition | DR. EVA B. ROAN, Optometrist, was desperate. Heroic efforts were ; Both Phones. 66-42 made to save him and while it was re- | alized that he was gravely ill, his' death was described as sudden. | Worn out by long illness a year or == more ago, which kept him long from ! the Senate, Senator Penrose Jae S nual Seeting of Stacgholdsrs of back early during the year an oF | yoo. will Ae Sidi Yan a oy oh omBANY, the last few months was working ini Ty i A ot ec Com: his old time legislative form on the | Zony, Phoinis Ave, Boo oe etn tax bill which took effect on Monday. | 23rd, 1922, at 3:00 o'clock. With this out of the way he took up A. BLANCHE UNDERWOOD, the tariff, attending daily meetings, cretary overtaxing his strength. Except for of his nurses and physician, the Penn- sylvania Senator, long a power in pol- itics and in the Senate, was alone in : his large apartment on the top floor of a hotel overlooking the city when he passed away at 11:30 o’clock Sat- urday night; up to within five minutes | of his death his condition ‘had been | ADVERTISEMENTS NE TOCKHOLDER'S MEETING.—The An- 67-1-3t E XECUTOR'S NOTICE.—Estate Joseph Grossman, deceased. Letters testamentary on the Estate of Joseph Grossman, late of Flemington bor- ough, Clinton county, Pa., deceased have been granted to James K. Barnhart, resid- ing in the borough af Bellefonte, Centre county, Penna. to whom all persons in- debted to said estate are requested to make payment and those having demands will make known the same without delay. described as “quite comfortable.” JAMES K. BARNHART, Executor, Then he lapsed into unconsciousness, Clement Dale, Bellefonte, Pa. Attorney. 67-1-6i and died peacefully. The death of Senator Penrose, at a moment when the city was in the! midst of its noisy New Year's cele- bration, followed closely upon that of Philander C. Knox, his colleague, on October 12th. Senator Penrose had been holding his seat in the Senate since 1897. He was sixty-one years old on November 1st. His only sur- vivor is a brother, Dr. Charles Pen- rose, of Philadelphia. OTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEET- N ING.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders of Whiterock Quarries will be held at the offices of the company, in the Centre County Bank build- ing, Bellefonte. Pa., on Monday, January 23rd, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the election of directors for the ensuing Year and transact such other business as may prop- erly come before said meeting. I. A. SCHAEFFER, 67-1-3t Secretary. Penn State 1922 Football Schedule. The Penn State 1922 football sched- ule has been announced. It provides for ten games, six of which will be played on the home gridiron. Four of the games will be with teams which never appeared on a State schedule. The list is as follows: : Sept. 23.—St. Bonaventure at State Col- lege. Sept. 30.—William and Mary at State College. Oct. 7.—Gettysburg at State College. Oct. 14.—Lebanon valley at State Col- lege. : Oct. 21.—(Alumni Day), Middleburg College at State College. Oct. 28.—Syracuse at New York. Nov. 4—Navy at Annapolis. : Nov. 11.— (Pennsylvania Day), Carnegie Tech at State College. Nov. 18.—U. of P., at Philadelphia. Dr. Louis Dammers Nov. 30.— (Thanksgiving) Pitt at Pitts- | Eyesight Specialist burgh. i ONE DAY ONLY ——————————————————— ! i BELLEFONTE Academy Road Improvement Fund. Garman Hotel Parlors FRIDAY, JANUARY 13th, 1922. Office Hours 10 a. m. to 2 p.m. Amount previously acknowledged. .$2031.00 State Centre-Electric Co 25.00 Total... oi G........52056.00 Our GENUINE REDUCTION Offer This Visit Only Owing to recent purchases of high grade optical goods at low prices, and to further advertise the high class eye work we do, we offer you a perfect fitting pair of glasses, including consultation, eye examina- | tion, and an elegant case, at the low prices of — The ladies Bible class of the | ¥, 82, 55 COMPLETE. Lutheran church will hold a sauer Regular Prices, $5, $8, $10, $12. kraut and baked bean supper on Twenty-five styles to select from. Latest eee pee — County auditors C. H. Gramley, Thomas A. Pletcher and Herbert H. Stover started in this week on audit- ing the accounts of the various county | officials. | the basement of the church. Price of | § Eye Examination Without Charge Church Services Next Sunday. | F NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. | i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ARM WANTED.—Wanted ~ from owner of a farm for sale; give lowest price, and full partic- ulars.—L. Jones, Box 551, Olney. IIL — Subscribe for the “Watchman — The “Watchman” makes the HARTER NOTICE.—Notice is hereby ii) given that an application will be hear & made to the Court of Common to NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. best kind of Christmas present. Pleas of Centre county, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, January 17th, 1922, at ten o’clock 67-11t* 7-11t a. m., under the provisions of the Corpor- A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—Letters | of administration d. b. n. c. i. a. | having been signed upon the estate of Emanuel Noll, | late of Spring township, deceased, all per- | ter sons knowing themselves indebted to said | estate are requested to make prompt pay- ment, and those having claims against the same must present them, cated, for settlement. Gettig & Bower, ation Act of 1874 and its supplements for a charter of an intended corporation to be called “LODGE NO. 206, LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE,” of the Borough of Bellefonte, Centre county, Pennsylvania, the charac- and object of which are the promotion the moral, intellectual and social wel- to purchase, take, jssued to the under- quested of those having fare of its members; hold, let, rent, lease or mortgage real | property for the purpose of owning or op- | erating a social club or lodge rooms as tlement. duly authenti- | set forth in full in the a plication for : Ww. C. ROWE, | charter now on file in the Phothonotary’s W. Harrison Administrator d. b. n. C. t. a, | office of Centre county, Pennsylvania, to Bellefonte, Pa. | No. 6 February term, 1922, and to do all XECUTOR'S NOTICE.—Letters testa- mentary upoua .s D. Gray, late of State College borough, deceased, to the undersigned, themselves indebted to said estate are re- to make prompt payment, present them, duly authenticated, Mrs. RALPH W. GRAY, Attorney the estate of Thom- Express Bellefonte and State College We Make a Specialty of Moving Furniture, Trunks & Baggage “SERVICE AND RIGHT PRICE” Anthracite Coal at Retail. having been granted all persons knowing and claims against the same must for set- NNIE B. GRAY, Executors, Walker, State College, Pa. 66-46-6t 66-16-6m Attorneys. 67-1-6t | things incidental, necessary or convenient Ce | in carrying out of the foregoing pur- — mm m—ee—— | poses, and for this purpose to have, pos- I | sess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and Ira Farmers and Others Take Notice. | privileges conferred by the said act and 1 will insure dwellings at $1.00 a hun- | dred and barns at cash plan, for three years, and lightning. | the supplements thereto. HARRISON WALKER, Ww. Solicitor. $1.60 a hundred on the | 66-50-3t as against fire | J. M. KEICHLINE, — Subscribe for the “Watchman.” | Bellefonte, Pa. | 63-34-6m Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry “JEWELRY MADE OVER” 11th Street Below Chestnut, Pittsburgh Coal Wholesale and Retail A. 1. PETERS GENERAL DRAYING STATE COLLEGE, PA. Bell Phone No. 487-R-13. Commercial Phone No. 48-J. Terms Cash. 66-50-tf D. Garma PHILADELPHIA, PA. UE 20 61-46 Bellefon ce, Pa. 86-6-tf Some eee SUSUR RR ol [el ol f= el = Io —n Problem of Christmas Expense. The First National Bank | = | Christmas Savings! Begin the New Year by depositing with us for the 1922 Christmas. Small weekly deposits will solve the hard Call to see us and we will explain Our Plan. SKATES Price Today $1.00 Regular Price $1.50 Qleds at Greatly Reduced Prices ee: Watch this Space next week for our remarkable January Sale. Prices will astonish you The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. A AARAARAAAAI NIN NAAAAAIININI SIREN supper 60 cents including dessert. : Drs. Dammers & Sigler { | Thursday evening, January 12th, in styles in Shell Eyeglasses and Spectacles. 1126} Eleventh Avenue Altoona, Pa. —If you want good printing done, this is the place to come. mh I E INVITE YOU to Share the Pleas- ures and Benefits of Our 1922 Christmas Savings Club Which Started Monday, December 12th, 1921 It is not too late to join. You can become a Member any time. Please come in and let us explain to you. BELLEFONTE TRUST COMPANY BELLEFONTE PA TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY Matinee at 2:30 p. m. Nights at 8:15 p. m. BELLEFONTE of the APOCALYPS By VICENTE BLASCO IBANEZ A REX INGRAM PRODUCTION Adaptedby JUNE MA THIS Photographed by John F. Seitz was expended in transferr- ing this famed work of fiction to the screen. MORE THAN 12,500 IN THE CAST INCLUDING 50 PRINCIPALS appear in this most gigantic undertaking nf motion pictures Over One Million Dollars PICTURE Aa Prices +. Matinees 25c¢ 50c and 75¢ Children 25¢ to all parts of theatre e Nights 50c %5¢ and $1.00 Children 50c. to all parts of the theatre. Seats (1: Now Opera House Next Tues. CORPORATION and Wednesday JAN. 10th and 11th in every part of the world have thrilled to the powerful dramatic story unfolded in the internation- ally famous novel of the renowned Vicente Blasco Ibanez which is sweeping on to its two hundredth edition. From this Internationally Famous Novel Metro’s Pinnacle of Screen Excellence is Attained or hl Ts All the virile force and dramatic intensity of the noted story is pre- served and heightened in the colossal screen version while the vast magnitude of the gigantic events recounted are pictured by the camera with a power beyond the description of mere words. tinal tt SS LE S All Seats Resorsel Get Yours Early