y course of time and thus willing to sell i 5 J. : i ‘| to suspect that there is or are any dan- . ? Centre County Contributions to Near daughter spent Sunday at Milesburg, 10 rTashech that there Is oF JIC any dan. The Girla Horse and a Dog By i 3 FRANCIS LYNDE a ta Copyright by Charles Scribner Sons (Continued). “Doubtless he did,” I admitted. “So there's where we land,” he went on speculatively. “Two hundred and fifty thousand tacked onto half a mil- lion gives her a capital of three-quar- ters of a million sunk in her, first and last. Question is: Ts she worth it?’ I was beginning to get his idea at last. He was wondering if a mine that had once sold at a top-notch price of half a million could stand the investment of a quarter of a mil- lion additional and still hope to be a paying proposition. “You mean that Bullerton is figur- ing upon spending a quarter of a mil- lion more on it?’ I queried. “Nope; I reckon I can’t. There's too nigger in the woodpile, somewheres, Stannie, as sure ’s you're born.” “Can you carry it any further?” “Nope; I reckon I can’t. There's too many darned things a-puzzlin’ me. One of ’em is where in Sam Hill did Charley Bullerton get all the money that he’s flashin’ around so peacocky ?” “I don’t know where he got it, but he has it, all right; carries it with him,” I said sourly. “Yes; but see here, Stannie, son, T'll bet a fice dog worth a hundred dol- lars that it ain’t his money.” “What makes you say that?” “Well, for one thing, because I know Charley Bullerton; been knowin’ him since Adam was a little boy in knee- breeches. He can’t keep any money of his own; just naturally ain't built that-away.” “Gambles it?” I suggested. “Big gambles, yes; stocks and that sort o’ truck. No sir-ee; these yeller- backs he’s a-flashin’ around ain’t his'n, not by a long chalk, and I'd bet on it. Somebody else is settin’ ‘em up; and if that’s so, Stannie, there’s a reason for it.” “Sure,” 1 conceded. Then: “Could you make a long, high, running jump and guess at the reason, Daddy?” “Not so ’s it’d hold together, 1 reckon,” he. replied dubiously. “But there’s a few little notions ’at I've picked up from foiks that's older in this neck o’ woods than I am—been here longer. The old Cinnabar never was what you'd call a ‘bonanza.’ Plen- ty of ore, to be sure, but mostly low grade, ’cepting them rich little pockets now and then.” “Those rich pockets,” I put in. “A strike of one of them would be about the right time to sell, wouldn't it?” He nodded. “You're shoutin’, now. 1 reckon that’s about how they caught your gran’paw. But Buddy Fuller—he’s the ’Tropia telegraph operator and a sort o' half-way nephew 0 mine—says there’s more to it than that. ‘Long back couple o’ years ’r so there was a copper strike made in Little Cinnabar gulch, about four mile west o’ here, and follerin’ it there was a heap o’ talk about the railroad runnin’ a branch to it. That there branch, if it was built—'r when it’s built, for it’s goin’ to be, some day, to open them copper mines—that there branch ’11 go right along our bench within a hun- dred yards of the old Cinnabar; so close you could mighty near dump from the ore sheds into the cars.” I began to see more crookings in the sacrificial road over which Grand- father Jasper had been led; many more and more devious ones. “In that case, even the low-grade Cinnabar would come a bit nearer he- ing a bonanza, wouldn't it?” I asked. “She sure would, Stannie. That long, hard wagon haul to Tropia was what was puttin® the cuss in the cost 0’ handlin’.” “And with the railroad right at the door, so to speak, it might even pay to recapitalize at three-quarters of a wmil- lion and drive that long drainage tun- nel we have been figuring on?” “Somethin’ like that; yes. Can you see any furder into the millstone? I'll say I've got about to the end of my squintin’.” I refilled my pipe and did a bit of cogitating, Supposing I had been the boss figurer in the bunch that did Grandfather Jasper the honor to bilk him; as conscienceless as that pirate, whoever he was, and in the secret of the conditions as Daddy had just out- lined them, what would I have done?” The answer came as pat as you please. With a railroad in prospect which would turn a small profit into a big one, I should quite probabiy have shut the mine down to wait until I could hear the whistle of the locomo- tive. This conclusion led promptly and logically to another. Supposing, at the moment when [ had decided upon the shut-down, some doddering old gentle- man had come along and offered to buy the mine? Add, as a corollary, the supposition that the water problem was daily growing more insistent, with the ultimate threat of flood. As an or- dinary, garden-variety mining shark, what would I have done? That answer came pat, also. I should have taken the old gentleman’s money, trusting to the rising flood to make him sick of his bargain in due out for anything he could get. “I believe I have it doped out,” 1 told Daddy at the end of the cogitating pause; and then I passed the infer- ences along to him. The immediate effect was to evoke a couple of his quaint substitutes for profanity. “Jehoiachim-to-breakfast!” he ex- claimed; “I'll be ding-swizzled if I don’t believe you've struck the true lead, Stannie, my son! If you have, here’s what follers: Charley Buller- ton’s here to do the dickerin’ for that same old high-bindin’ Cinnabar outfit that did your gran’paw up. They sold for half a million 'r so and now they're willin’ to buy back for thirty or forty or fifty thousand. By Jezebel! I just knew that slick-tongued rooster was tryin’ to work some skin game!” “Yet he is going to marry your daughter,” I put in grimly. At this the old man turned gloomy- serlous in the batting of an eye, draw- ing his mouth down at the corner and sucking hard at the pipe which had long since burned out. “That's been a-pinchin’ ime like =a tight boot, Stannie,” he admitted. “it you'd ast me afore he come, I'd ‘a’ told you she hadn't a morsel o use for that con-dummed blowhard. But just you look at the way things are | stackin’ up now! He's snoopin’ "round her mighty near all the whole time | and she hain’t never once give me the wink to send him a-kitin’, like Tn itchin’ to!” He told me to.lock. I had been look- ing until my eyes ached. Tlie indi- cations were all one way, them; with only one little impulsive Riss to put in the other pan of the scale. I didn’t tell Daddy about the kiss; but I did tell him that Jeanie had told me not to sell the Cinnabar. “So?” he commented, livening up a little. “That brings on more talk. Reckon you can make out to hang onto the old cow’s tail for a spell longer?” I took time to consider my answer. “I've been wondering if, all things given their due footing, it were worth while to hang on, Daddy. As matters stand now, Bullerton is stuck unless I sell out to him. 1f I should take my foot in my hand and walk out, he'd be left up in the air. But, on the oth- er hand, there's Jeanie, If she's go- ing to marry Bullerton, why, that's a horse of another color. I'm not enough of a dog-in-the-manger to bite her nose off to spite Bullerton’s face.” “Um,” was the grunted response. Then, with a side swipe that IT wasn't looking for: “Charley Bullerton’s been hintin’ round that you're tied up with a girl back East. Is that so?—or is it on’y another one 0’ his frilly lies?” I laughed. “I wish I knew, Daddy; I'd sure tel! you if I would anybody. We were really engaged—the back-East girl and I; but T don’t think we are now. and I don’t think she thinks so. Anyway. she called it all off when we found out —or thought we found out—that my grandfather hadn't left me anything in his will. She’s like Jeanie says she is, you know: she’s got to mary money.” “Jus’ 80,” he .s9id, with a grim glint in the mild blue eyes. “Al! the same, if you had the old Cinnabar | in slap-up workin’ order, 1 reckon you'd have to go back yonder and marry her, wouldn't ye?” “I'd be in honor bound to offer to. anyway.” “That don’t sound much like you was carin’ a whole lot for her.” he obh- jected gravely. I despaired in advance of making him understand the lack of sentiment in the case, or the viewpoint from which any such condition could be con- sidered as a human possibility. He was much too simple-hearted. So i got rid of the Lisette obstacle, or got around it, as best J could. “She has been free for several weeks, now ; in all probability she is wearing some other fellow’s ring by this time. But about the Cinnabar: assuming that my string of guesses is hitched up to the true state of affairs, what would you advise me to do? Shali I hang on—with no prospect, that !} can see, of getting anywhere on my own hook? Or shall I sell out to Bul- lerton and thus let your daughter in for a wife’s share of a possible for- tune?” “Gosh-all-hemlock!” he sputtered, “when you line it up that-away, I reckon I ain’t the man to tell you what to do!” Then, as upon a second and belated thought: “Jeanie says for you not to sell; if she said that to me, I'd hang on till the cows come home. I would so!” I got up and knocked the ashes from my pipe. “And that, Daddy, is precisely what I'm going to do,” I said; and the say- ing of it ended the conference in the abandoned tunnel of the “Little Jean- ie.” CHAPTER X. The Deep-Wells. The next morning I turned out at break of day, before anybody else was up, slipped into my clothes, straight- ened up my bunk, and dropped through the ladder hatchway to the main-deck. I had told myself that the reason for the daybreak turn-out was a desire to see if the railroad people really had been sufficiently in earnest about the proposed copper mine branch to make a survey for it; but the true underly- ing push was a biting reluctance to have anything more to do with Buller- ton, or even to sit at table with him, Tiptoeing through the common room, so as not to wake Daddy Hiram, I broke into Jeanie’s kitchen and raided the cupboard for a bite of something to eat. There was plenty of bread, and some cold fried ham, and cutting ‘a couple of generous sandwiches, I hiked out to make my breakfast in the open. rather Raided the Cupboard for a Bite of Something to Eat. The sandwiches disposed of, I began { to quarter the bench woodland back and forth, searching for some indica- tions of the railroad survey. In due ! time I found one of the location stakes. tons of | and from its facing and the markings on it, got the direction of the proposed line and was able to trace it for some distance along the bench. As Dad- dy had said, it ran within a few hun- dred yards of the Cinnabar claim, and a short sidetrack would make his sug- gestion perfectly feasible; our ore could be shot into the cars with but a | single handling. From tracing the railroad survey, I edged around to take another look at the possibilities of the drainage tunnel Daddy and I had figured on. Going over the ground this second time, and with some better knowledge of the dif- ficulties, it appeared that we must have ridiculously underestimated the prob- able cost. Pacing the distances care- fully, and guessing at the differences in altitude by the heights of the trees, 1 saw that it wouldn’t be safe to count upon less than a mile of tunneling, and this, in the solid porphyry of Old Cinnabar, and in a situation remote from the nearest base of supplies, would run—no, it wouldn't run; it would fairly gallop into money. Was this what Bullerton meant to do if he could oust me? That he was ut- terly confident of his ability to drain me Cinnabar was evident. But how was it to be done? Would he, or his backers, be willing to spend a quar- ter of a million or more, and the better | part of a year’s time, driving that mile-long tunnel? (Continued next week). ree pf eee ee PLEASANT GAP. Mrs. Thomas Jodon returned home on Sunday last after spending ten days at the home of Prof. Jonas Wag- ner, at Capitol Hill, Harrisburg. Jack Noll, wife and daughter Jean returned on Saturday night, after a week’s sojourn in Woodlawn, Beaver county. They divided their time be- tween the Kirkwoods, Leslie Miller and Pittsburgh. Prof. John Herman and wife, of Philadelphia, after spending their hol- iday vacation with their parents, re- turnad to their home on Tuesday last. i John says if he ever worked double time he surely did on this occasion. Charles Rimmey, a progressive far- mer of Pennsvalley, has purchased the former property of the late Mrs. Charlotte Eckenroth, consisting of two houses and three acres of ground, from E. H. Zeigler, of Madisonburg. Consideration $2000 cash. Mrs. Esther Melroy had the misfor- tune to fall on the ice on Monday last, and was painfully injured; so much | so that she was obliged to call into requisition a wheel chair. Her hus- band, Raymond Melroy, is absent from home, touring the Anthracite region on official business. Ten teams are busily engaged in transporting standard props to the Pleasant Gap station for shipment by the P. R. R. The other vast accumu- lations of finished products of the Me- Nitt-Huyett Lumber Co. are lying dormant. No market up to this time for the same is in sight. It is grati- fying to note that this extensive firm is doing its utmost to continue their old employees at work, market or no market. It may seem a little discouraging when you occasionally see a family buying a bushel of coal on a cold win- try day. However, we have but few families who are driven to that un- pleasantness. Our favorite industry, Whiterock Quarries, is doing its ut- most to give employment to all that they can place under these stringent times, so that most of our communi- ty are employed and little suffering is noticeable. It is rumored that the corporation is running at a loss, but is eager to retain as many of its old employees as possible. This situation is to be commended, and is apparently appreciatel by the ones directly con- cerned. Our Methodist cantata of the holi- day week was, as usual, a decided suc- cess and was patronized to the full extent of the church capacity. All the performers acquitted themselves admirably well. Frank Milward, act- ing in the capacity of Kris Kinkle, was complimented on all sides for the able manner in which he conducted his assignment, while his son, a youngster not much larger than a pound of soap, proved to be the clown for the occasion, rendered remarkable service and was vociferously applaud- ed. The youngster played his part ex- ceedingly well, in fact all acted their parts so well that the chronic kickers were as silent as clams. East Relief. i | | i i July 1st, 1921, the people of Centre | county contributed the sum of $11, ! 750.67 to the Near East relief, as fol- at the home of her parents, Mr. and ' Mrs. Joseph Fetzer. During the year July 1st, 1920, to | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Witherite and little daughter Ruth, of Osceola Mills, spent New Year’s day at the home of Mr. Witherite’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Witherite. ‘ plaints. Cl gp Making Bad Things Worse. Winter, as if it were an evil seems io take. delight in making bad things worse. Rheumatism twists harder, twinges sharper, ecatarrh becomes more annoying, and the many symptoms of scrofula are developed and aggravated. These are common diseases, and it is a wonder that more people don’t get rid of them. Hood’s Sarsaparilla has been very sue- cessful in the treatment of these com- It is easily obtained, and there is abundant testimony that its effects are spirit, | radical and permanent. In cases where a laxative or cathartic is | needed, it is well to supplement Hood's Sarsaparilla with ITood's Pills, which are lows: : I AATONSBUPrE .... 0. ie. oats ane eased 102.45 1AXEe Mann ......0...o0n coveencnn 10.00 Bellefonte .........¢c.o cc eonns. 4086.47 | Blanchard *.. 00. 0... 0... 0... 95.06 rt BoISPUrE &.. .. ae 407.72 wCoenttpe Hall .......... ccc... is, 388.53 Clarenee |... criccerercnernnens 40.00 Coleville .......c.....c0ivvnen cee. 11.00 tCODULIY. ie tries etinan snes 17.83 LEarmers Mills ....... 0. 0... 26.50 Filmore ...ccc.cceive. rile vei 30.00 | Gatesburg ..............00ienen. 62.00 {HOWHFE ......J ... co. 0s dinrniness 258.49 CHublerSburg i es eae 35.00 JUHA ra aan. 20.00 | Lemont and Oak Hall Station ... 166.46 I Madisonburg ... 0... 0th hud, 49.00 Martha Furnace .................. 40.65 Milesburg .. oe 64.25 : Millheim 271.44 ' Monument 69.35 | Moshannon 39.00 { Mount Eagle 10.00 ORVISEON lh a. 200.42 Penn Hall .2.........00. ini 90.00 Philipsburg. ........... Lo et. 1835.85 wPineiQGrove: Mills ....... 0.0.0. hl. 152.00 Pleasant (ap ,......... conan 3 Port Matilda BeberShuUrS ........ coher chal qunyille ooo aaa Snowshoe Fo 0 a Snydertown i... .u 0 isin Guives Spring Mills State College Stormstown ........... 0 Tusseyville Unionville Woodward... ......c.. cou Lu 10.00 Yarnell oo. a ey 10.00 Zion Lda La io6.41 Centre County Grange ..L......... 50.00 Centre County League of Women Voters L.,..... 0. ae 60.00 Centre County W. C. T. U, $120.00 (credited to communities). Brungart Lutheran Church (Miles Township) .......... ie 5.00 Fairview Union (Boggs Town: ).00 Houserville Charg ren Churelt” oo 0, L,.. 35.55 i Nittany Valley Charge, Reformed Chueh. i iin snes asivnnnss 99.2 Pine Hall Lutheran Church ..... 69.00 Shiloh Lutheran Church ......... 120.00 St. Paul's Union Sunday School } (Heines Township) .......... 17.62 Not Located. ....W....0.0.0... 44.77 i a a | Total... ...,............. 511,750.07 ; This amount is the cash paid in i during the fiscal year July, 1920,— July, 1921. Bellefonte, Boalsburg, Clarence, Lemont and State College had a considerable amount in pledges | made in February, 1921, but only what | was paid on them before July first is included here. All money paid after i that date goes toward the 1921—1922 quota, just as pledges made in Feb- { ruary, 1920, and partly or wholly paid {after July first of this year helped | very materially to increase the 1920 {—1921 amount. This means that i Centre county in the past year has | cared for 195 orphans at $60.00 an { orphan. Let us try to keep the 195 { alive through the coming year. Bellefonte, Centre Hall, | burg, Linden Hall, Philipsburg, State , College and Tusseyville have given very substantial amounts of second hand and new clothing. If any communities not listed here have sent in either money or clothing, will they kindly report to the county | chairman that full credit may be giv- en them. | MARY H. LINN. Chairman Centre County Near East Relief. CENTRE HALL. Mrs. Witter, of Harrisburg, came noon. er, at Reedsville. James Smith, of spent the Christmas vacation his mother, Mrs. Issac Smith. Prof. and Mrs. Reitz spent several | weeks at the home of the Ilatter’s mother, Mrs. Aaron Thomas. The schools re-opened on Monday, | with a good attendance. The week’s | orasion was enjoyed by all the pu- | pis. | Miss Elizabeth Boozer, of Pitts- | burgh, spent her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. | Boozer. | “Week of Prayer” services have | been attended very well here. The i different ministers have given us some very good sermons. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Fisher, with i | after Capt. G. M. Boal spent Christmas | with his daughter, Mrs. Charles Mey- | gentle, thorough and effective. 67-1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A’ ORDINANCE TO CREATE A FIRE DEPARTMENT IN BOROUGH ar 'B AND REPEALING AN OID PROVED JULY 23, 1888. SECTION 1. BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED BY THE TOWN. COUNCIL 1 OF THE BOROUGH OF BELLEFONTE, ! at a regular meeting assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by authority {of the same that from and after the pas- sage of this Ordinance the several ire Companies, now in existence and recog- | nized in the Borough of Bellefonte as be- longing to and being a part of the Fire Department of said Borough, as well as any which may hereafter be organized or chartered and recognized by said DBor- ough, shall together form the Fire Depart- ment of the Borough of Bellefonte. Each of the Companies, now recognized us forming a part of the ire Department of said Borough, are evidenced by a certifi- cate from the Town Council, signed by ' the President, and attested by the Clerk thereof, and have affixed the corporate or common seal of the Borough, which cer- tificates have been or should be framed by the Companies to whom granted and hung in a conspicuous place in the meeting room of such Company. Like certificates shall be granted by the Town Council to any new Companies, which may be form- ed and recognized by said Council as forming a portion of the Fire Department of said Borough, who shall be required to ! comply with the ¢onditions, hereinabove stated, relative to the present Companies. SECTION 2. shall at all times be under the direction. control and supervision of an officer, whe shall be styled the Chief Marshal of the | Fire Department, and the Chief Director of each of the said several Fire Compa- nies, now or hereafter recognized as part of the Fire Department, shall be assistants to the said Chief Marshal and shall at all times be subject to his order and direc- tion. All changes or repairs to any fire apparatus or equipment shall be made and done by order of said Chief Marshal, who I shall also purchase all supplies and repairs Hublers- | for same. SECTION 3. The Chief Marshal may or may not he a member of a Fire Compa- ny, but shall not be an officer or member of any committee of the same. He shall Lold his office for the term of one yea: and shall be elected by the Town Council at its second regular meeting in January in each and every year and shall serve un- til his successor has been duly elected. SECTION 4. In case of a vacancy in the office of Chief Marshal, by reason of death, resignation, refusal to serve, re- moval from the Borough, or by removal i from office, such vacancy shall be filled by the Town Council by the election of anoth- er person for the unexpired term. Pro- . vided further, that said Council may for any reason, which to them may seem just ‘and proper, by a two-thirds vote of all to the Arney home on Tuesday after- | members, declare the office of Chief Mar- shal vacant, and proceed to fill the same by an election for the unexpired term. SECTION 5. (is or shall be made against the Chief Di- rector of a Itire Company, charging such person as being incompetent or as having neglected to perform his duty, the Town | Council shall at its next meeting take the Saas | necessary meas Williamsport, res to charge or charges and to that end the Council shail notify the party accused in writing, wherewith he stands charged or shall designate in such notice a time and place when and where the charges will be | investigated and when the accused may be heard, and at the time so designated | the said Council shall hear and determine whether the charges made are sustained, and, if sustained, it shall be the duty of the Fire Company, of which said Chief Director is a member, to forthwith elect some other member of its organization in i his place and stead for the unexpired term. SECTION 6. That the said Chief Mar- shal and the Chief Directors, when elected to the said several offices, shall be sworn by the Chief Burgess to perform their re- spective duties with fidelity and to the | Chief Marshal best of their ability. SECTION 7. That the shall have absolute control over the direc- . tion of all firemen and all fire apparatus ‘and equipment during and at the time of i spending a delightful Christmas with { their daughter, at Cresona, returned | to their home last Thursday. | The young people of our town who are students in different institutions { of learning returned to their respect- | ive schools during the past week. | Mrs. John Auman, who was fright- | fully shocked when the storm unroof- i ed their house several weeks ago, was | taken to the Bellefonte hospital over a week ago. | Several cases of flu have developed {in and around Potters Mills. John Blauser, a boy of fifteen or sixteen | years, was the first victim. He took sick on Sunday and died on Monday. Rev. W. R. Picken was quite ill over last Sunday. He was threatened with pneumonia, but has greatly improved during the week. Mrs. J. H. Puff and Mrs. I. M. Arney were also threaten- ed with pneumonia recently. The dread disease seems to be quite prev- alent. So many people are suffering from very severe colds. RUNVILLE. Edward Lucas is visiting among friends in Pihladelphia. Mrs. D. F. Poorman spent the week- end at Williamsport, visiting among friends. ited at the home of Mrs. Annie Lucas, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Shutt and three children, of Bellefonte, spent Sunday at the home of E. S. Bennett. W. T. Kunes and sister, Mrs. Addie night at the home of L. J. Heaton. Mrs. Clair Poorman and two chil- dren, of Hornell, N. Y., are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Walker. Hayden Sparks, of Washington, D. C., and Miss Verda Sparks, of Altoo- na, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Sparks. Mrs. Edward Reese and little Daniel Houseman, of Altoona, vis- | | every six months. Swisher, of Mill Hall, spent Friday fires, and for any insubordination thereat may suspend from the Department any member or members of their Company for such period as he may deem proper, sub- ject to an appeal by such suspended mem- ; ber or members to the Town Council, which shall thereupon investigate the ecir- cumstances of such suspension, and shall concur in the action of said Marshal or shall reinstate the member or members so suspended. SECTION 8. the Borough Police force and the patrol, hereinafter provided for, to exclude every person from in any manner interfering with the functions of the Department while on duty at a fire, except owners of prop- erty in the immediate vicinity of such fire or persons having a pecuniary interest therein or their agents. SECTION 9. The said Chief Marshal and the patrol, hereinafter named, shall severally have the power and authority to arrest and take into custody any person or persons who shall persist in any unau- thorized interference with the firemen or with the fire apparatus and equipment used by the Department during and at the time of the fire and such offender or offenders to convey before the Chief Burgess or any Justice of the Peace of the said Borough, and upon conviction of any such offend- er before the said Burgess or Justice of the Peace, he shall forfeit and pay a fine of not less than Five Dollars nor more than Twenty Dollars at the discretion of said Burgess or Justice of the Peace and in default of payment of such fine shall be committed to the Jail of Centre County for a period of one day for each and every dollar of fine so imposed. SECTION 10. That the said Chief Mar- shal shall keep a record of all fires and in such record shall note the time and place of occurrence, and shall ascertain, if pos- sible, the cause or origin of such fires, to- gether with the amount of insurance, if any, on the property destroyed and the amount of actual loss sustained, which record shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Town Council and to such other person or persons, who may have a pecuniary or public interest therein. It shall be the further duty of the said Chief Marshal to inspect the entire fire appara- tus and equipment at least once a month, and to test the fire hose at least once He shall also in the months of October and April of each year at the first meeting of the Town Council in said month, render to the Council a de- tailed report, which shall show the num- ber of firemen in the respective organiza- tions, composing the Fire Department, the number of fires that shall have occurred during the preceding six months, the amount and condition of hose and other equipment, as well as the conditions gen- erally of said Department. It shall be the further and especial duty of the said Chief Fire Marshal to inspect dwelling houses and other buildings in | the Borough, wherever there may be cause THI | BLLEOFONTI | INANCE AP-; The Department so created | That whenever complaint investigate the . That the said Chief Mar- shal is hereby authorized with the aid of | pipe or pipes pass through a ceiling or ceilings or project through the roof without being made sufficiently secure against acci- dent by fire and in case any such dan- gerous flue or pipe is found or other con- dition, which might cause fire, he shall at once report the same to the proper com- mittee of the Town Council and recom- mend action in the premises according to the ordinance in such case made and pro- vided: and in case he should discover or learn of the existence of any other ele- ment, which is dangerous or likely to be- come dangerous, he shall likewise report the same to the proper committee of Council with recommendation as to the proper action to be taken to speedily abate or remove the dangerous element. SECTION 11. Each Fire Company shalt on or before the second regular meeting of Council in January of each and every year hereafter recommend to Council six persons, members of said Companies, each of whom shall be qualified to act as driver and operator of cars equipped with triple combination fire extinguishing apparatus; whereupon said Council at said meeting shall elect four of said six persons so named for the positions aforesaid, who shall serve for one year. Any of said drivers and operators may be dismissed by the Chief Marshal upon approval by the Town Council for failure to serve, in- competency or for failure to properly dis- charge the duties required of such person. I In case of a vacancy, either by dismissal as aforesaid, death, resignation, removal | from the Borough, or otherwise, the Fire { Company wherein such vacaney occurs ! shall recommend to Council one more than | the required number of persons to fill such i vacancy, whereupon the same shall be filled by an election by Council for the unexpired term. SECTION 12. The Chief Marshal of the I'ire Department and the Chief Directors of the Fire Companies, shall make such { rules and regulations to regulate the work i of the several Companies in the Depart- ! ment upon the arrival at fires while re- | maining thereat and returning therefrom, and in the caring for and preserving of "all property, apparatus and equipment of said Department, as they shall deem prop- er and necessary. | SECTION 13. That from and after the passage of this Ordinance or when a va- { caney shall occur, the Chief Director of each Company or organization in the Fire Department shall appoint five of its mem- bers to be members of the fire pa- trol. and it. shall be the duty of the persons composing the fire patrol to be present at all fires to aid in rescuing persons and securing property from burning buildings, to preserve the : property so rescued and secured from be- ing stolen or destroyed and to prevent all unauthorized persons from in any man- ner interfering with any of the fire ap- paratus and equipment belonging to the said Department; provided, however, that each member of the said fire patrol shall at all times be subject to and under the order and direction of the Chief Fire Mar- shal. SECTION 14. That each and every ! member of the fire patrol shall be sworn | before the Chief Burgess to discharge with fidelity all the duties hereby imposed, and after being so sworn, while in the line of duty, each member thereof shall have and exercise all the powers of a po- liceman- and peace officer. SECTION 15. That at no time and un- der no circumstances shall any truck, fire apparatus or other equipment belonging ' to the Fire Department be removed from the Borough of Bellefonte without the consent of the Town Council, unless the ' same shall be required to assist at a fire in a neighboring town or village and in that event, not more than one truck, with i its necessary equipment, shall be removed from said Borough and then only at the {instance and direction of the Chief Fire Marshal. SECTION 16. That a member of the Town Council shall not be eligible for the election to the office of Chief Marshal of the Fire Department for and during the term of office, to which he has been elect- ed. SECTION 17. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith, as well as the ordinances relating to the same subject, approved the 23rd day of July, 1888, are hereby repealed. ORDAINED AND ENACTED into an ordinance this 19th day of December, A. D. 1921. JOHN S. WALKER, ATTEST: President of Town Council. W. T. KELLY, Secretary of Council. AND NOW, January 2nd, 1922, the above Ordinance returned to said Town Council with the veto message of the Chief Burgess and, the same day, by two-thirds vote of the membership of said Town Council the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed over said veto. Certified from the minutes of said meet- ing. W. TT. KELLY, Secretary of Council. 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