Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 23, 1921, Image 8

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Bewreatic. {ek
Pa, December 23, 1921.
The new pipe organ is now bz-
ing installed in the Lutheran church.
———Game protectors haye figured:
up the deer kill in Centre county dur-
ing the two weeks’ season at 333, with
nine killed unlawfully.
The campaign for funds {for
Near East relief orphanages will be
early in February. A general appeal
to the public all over the country will
then be made.
It is estimated that Centre
county’s portion of the one cent geso-
line tax collected from dealers within
the county will aggregate ten thous-
ant dollars a year or more.
The plant of the Titan Metal
company has been closed down o take
account of stock, which will not ba
company has been closed down to take
werk will again be resumed.
Rev. Therow Hewitt, of Wil-
liamsburg, will preach in the Pres-
byterian church, Bellefonte, on Sun-
day morning, at the usual hour. No
services will be held in the evening.
It isn’t the turkey that makes
for Christmas cheer. A chicken or a
savory roast of any other k
meat wiil prove very appetiz
it of good fellowship.
Any person in Eellefonte who
has any complaint to make regarding
cruelty to animals should report the
same to George Glenn, who is humane
ofiicer for the society for the preven-
tion of cruelty- to animals:
———New Chuistmas advertisements
in this issue of the “Watchman” are
. those’ of the’ Spencer Economy Store
and the Electric Supply company. If!
you have not yet completed your heli-
day shopping look them over.
Several lsiters from
correspondents have been crowded out
of this week’s “Watchman” becaus>
they did not reach us in time. They
came in yesterday morning when we
were already overwhelmed with news
As it looks now the four thous-
and bottles of Vintena, the only re-
maining liquid assets of the Amme:-
man estate, will go the sewer route,
as there is a certain delicacy on the
part of those closing out in
putting it on the market.
Krights Templar of Belicfouie have
issued invitations a social for the
Sir Knights snd their ladies, io be
held Thursday, December 26th, irom.
8 to 11 p. m,, in the Masonic Tamplo.
Cards willbe the piineipall diveriiss-
ment. th
The regular monthly
of the Weman’s club will be held in
the We C. 1. U. foomicn Monday, De-
cember 26th, at 7:80 p. m. There will
be a short business session and all
members are urged to attend. Don’t
let (he merry Christmas
keep you away.
——Positively no favors will be
shown in the matter of “first depos-
itors at the opening cf the Bellefonte
Trust company tomorrow morning.
The doors will be opened promptly at
nine o’clock and the first man or wom-
an to reach the teller’s windew will
be the fixst depositor.
— lay evening, February i7ih,
1922, has been fixed as the evening for
the Academy’s annual football dance
in the Armory. The famous Mason
and Dixon seven orchestra, of Clarks-
burg, W. Va., will furn the music.
Organizations are asked to please not
conflict with this date. ;
——The first day of winter gave
every indication of knowing what it
was here for. From a mild morning
the afternoon turned very cold and by
ten o'clock Wednesday thermometers
had dropped to ten degrees above ze-
ro. There was little variation of tem-
perature during the night as yester-
day morning at seven the mercury
was at four above.
The second large charity dance
of the season will be held Monday
evening, December 26th, in the Mar-
ket hall, Lewistown.
the dance will be used toward paying
for the American Legion home. Ad-
mission will be $2.50 per couple and
free refreshments will be served.
Dancing will continue from 9 to 2
o'clock. Music will be furnished by
Wian’s saxophone orchestra.
Announcement was made last
week of the wedding of Estelle L.
Grauer and Gideon C. Payne, the maxr-
riage having taken place at Elkton,
Md., November 27th, 1920. Miss
Grauer is the only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Grauer, and 2 member
now in her Senior year at Cedar Crest
College, at Allentown. Mr. Payne is
the youngest son of Mrs. Payne, of
Bellefonte and Recancke. It is ex-
pected that they will make their home
in Bellefonte.
——Do not forget the Christmas
oratorio, “The Light of the World,”
in the Reformed church, Sunday even-
ing, at 7:30 o'clock. This oratorio
will be rendered by a large chorus with
the following soloists: Miss Mildred
Locke, Mrs. M. R. Krader, Mrs. A. M.
Schmidt, and Messrs. James Y. Sieg,
Cecil A. Walker and J. Millard Harts- |
wick. The regular Reformed Sunday
school, including the children’s can-
tata, “A Secret for Christmas,” will
be held on Monday evening, at 7
o'clock instead of 7:30, as previously
announced. A collection for the ben-
efit of Bethany Orphans’ Home will
be lifted. All are cordially invited to
attend these services.
valued |
CY rth Ty avy rl Ah LN a0
vommansery NO. 00 |
festivities |
The proceeds of |
Will Open for Business in the Hand-
somely Remodeled Structure
Alinost nine months tc the day
“rom the time the Bellefonte Trust
company was moved out of its old lo-
cation on the southeast corner of the
Diamond for the purpcse of remodel-
ing the building it will be back at the
old stand doing business as of yore.
To be cxact the banking equipment
was moved on Good Friday (March
* 25th) to the Harter building on the
north side of the court house yard and
tomorrow morning, December 24th,
the handsomely remodeled building
will be thrown open to the pubiic.
For a year or more prior to the act-
ual start of the work the Trust com-
‘pany officials had been considering the
question of remodeling their building.
The old banking quarters were too
small and in order to spread out it
was necessary to take in the adjoin-
ing room. Plans were submitted by
New York archiccts but they were not
considered available. Dennison &
Yirons, of New York, whose specialty
is bank architecture, were invited to
submit plans and were admonished to
conform to no particular style.
what was desired more than anything
else was an interior that would be
simple, attractive and impressive. The |
plans were submitted and approved, |
contract for remodeling the
awarded to the Shamokin
Lumber and Construction
william Snyder, the man who erccted
the Bellefonte silk mill, was placed in
and the
. building
| charge of the work and it was hoped |
at the time to have the job done in six
months, but unusual delay in receiv-
ing material {or the interior equip-
{ ment caused a delay of three months.
: But now that the building is com-
pleted it is a credit to Bellefonte. In
fact it is a modern
small scale, and when
there tomorrow morning to transact
business they will be pleasantly sur-
prised at what has been accoraplish-
! ed.
| Entering the bank through the
large double plate glass doors on Al-
legheny street the visitor will pass
! through a spacious entrance hall cov-
! ered with a heavy rubber mat to the
main lobby, where he cannot help but
bz impressed with the spaciousness of
he building. At the right of the en-
trance hall is the ladies room, with
lavatory attached. To the left of the
be used for private consultation with
bank officials. Adjoining this is the
Cully a three foot
scparetes this office frem the lobby of
the bank, so that that official will al-
ways be accessible {o patrons. Ad-
joining the secretary’s office and in
ident’s office. The principal working
space is along the north side of the
bank, while in the northeast corner is
the beok-keeving machine rcom.
There are seven windows for pa-
| trons of the institution. The window
nearest the secretary and treasurer’s
i office is marked “notes.” Next in or-
der are two teller’s windows, then a
savings window, ali on the north side.
Around the corner on the cast are
comes a small room for lady patrons
with a window marked ladies teller.
On the south side of the room, in the
' rear of the lobby, is a small rooin
which is for the use of the public in
| carrying on a private conversation or
to write letters.
room are two coupon booths, where
patrons can take their safety depos-
it boxes for the purpose of clipping
coupons or locking over private pa-
The bank’s vaults are located in the
equipped with 210 safety deposit box-
es but an order has been placed for
enough more to make 500, while there
| Bpoimies savings and trust, then
The safety deposit part of the vault is
divided from that portion of the vault
where the banks money, securities,
| etc., are stored by a heavy grill door,
while in the rear of the vault is a full
\ length mirror, which enables the bank
l officials to see all that is going on in-
| side.
| The intericr of the room is finished
| with a block effect in three shades of
| gray, with spacious panels which bear
| out the effect of the large windows.
The floor of the lobby is of pink Ten-
nessee marble while the partition be-
tween the lobby and main banking
room is of Tavernelle (Italian) mar-
ble surmounted by heavy bronze. All
the grill work is bronze. The doors,
desks and all the woodwork used in
the interior finishing is solid mahog-
any. Over the vault and machine
also furnished quite luxuriously.
Alongside the main vault is a small-
| bank’s bocks. Both vaults extend to
| the basement and these lower vaults
i will be used for storing bank records,
cld papers, ete. The basement is
about as complete as the banking
room. In the front to the right is lo-
cated the big heating plant, while un-
der the corner of the bank is the coal
room, large enough to house a carload
of coal. Leading out from the front
of the heating plant is a spacious al-
| leyway for taking out the ashes. This
alleyway opens on High street and an
automatic lift will be put there to
hoist the ashes out. A fireproof door
| divides the boiler room fiom the east-
! ern part of the cellar, where there is
a large room which has not been de-
signed for any special purpose. In
| addition to the boiler for heating the
! building there is a small furnace and
large water tank to furnish hot water
That :
city bank on a
patrons go!
entrance is a small room which will |
office of the secretary and treasurer.
marble partition :
the corner of the building is the pres- |
In the rear of this i
The main bank vault is now |
is ample space in the vault for 1000. |
, OEY | room is the director's room, which is!
of the younger set in Bellefonte, being |
!er one which will be used for the!
,all the time. * The building is also
equipped with ample fire protection.
One thing that especially impress-
i ed the writer is that every arrange-
ment has been made for the comfort,
convenience and efficiency of the em-
i ployees of the bank. At every win- |
| dow is a large money drawer, as well
: as other drawers and bookrack. The
lighting system is also the most up- |
| to-date that could be desired, as all |
; the lights at the counter and on desks
{are thoroughly screened so that the
; workers will not be blinded by the di-
| rect glare. Draperies have been hung
iat all the windows which can be op-
| erated either up and down or from
| the centre out.
Of course the bank is equipped with
{a burglar alarm system, complete in
I every detail. A telephone system has
| also been installed so that the secre-
| tary and treasurer can communicate
to any one in the bank from his desk.
{ A monster clock hangs in the direec-
| tor’s room which will control the
{ clock over the main vault and also
| one to be placed in the wall on the
| corner of the bank. Under this latter
i clock will be the words “The Belle-
‘ fonte Trust Co.,” in letters seven inch-
es high.
As stated at the beginning of this
article the Shamokin Lumber and
Construction company had entire
charge of the work of remodeling.
' The marble was furnished by the B.
L. Marble Co. The interior furnish-
i ings were the product of the Taylor-
Palmer Co., of Milwaukee, Mich. The
heating and plumbing was done by C.
F. Tate, of Bellefonte. The painting
by A. L. McGinley. The electric work
by R. C. Witmer while the furniture
was supplied by F. E. Naginey.
The Bellefonte Trust company has
a capitalization of $125,000, with sux-
i plus and undivided profits totalling
1 $65,000. The officers are J. L. Spang-
i ler, president; C. T. Gerberich, vice
president; Nelson E. Robb, sceretary
and treasurer; Earl S. Orr, assistant
The direc-
{ tors include J. L. Spangler, C. T. Ger-
| berich, Claude Cook, A. C. Mingle, A.
{ R. McNitt, C. Y. Wagner and N. E.
Robb. The active personnel in the
{bank includes Mr. Robb, Charles F.
| Cook, teller; Earl S. Orr, who in ad-
| dition to his other duties also acts as
| teller; Fred C. Witmer, book-keeper;
Miss Helen Robb, who will have
charge of the ladies window and also
the Christmas savings and trust de-
partments, and Miss Grace Witmer,
| stenographer and teller.
The bank will be open all day to-
' morrow and up to ten o’clock at night
| secretary and treasurer.
and 500 useful presents will be given
i the first 500 depositors on checking
accounts only.
But the fact that you perchance are
not a depositor need not deter you
from visiting the bank. The bank
officials are anxious to have every-
body call and see them in their new
and they also wish it
tnown that the public at large is wel-
| come at all times to use the bank’s ac-
: commodations and conveniences,
{ whether they are patrons or not.
!..——A very snappy dress shoe in
Mahogany for men and young men at
$3.98 per pair.—Cohen & Co. 50-1t
| quarters,
Meeting of Threshermen.
The Centre county Threshermen
land Farmers’ Protective association
: will meet in the library room in the
i court house, Bellefonte, Saturday, De-
cember 24th, at 10 o’clock a. m. Im-
portant business will be considered at,
this meeting and a full attendance is
desired. Every thresherman, sawinill
man and farmer will learn something
of interest and profit by attending.
You want to know the new rulings in
| regard to boiler inspection and regis-
tration of tractors. A representative
of the Threshermen and Farmers’ In-
surance company will be present to
explain what the company has done
and what it proposes to do. Every
employer of labor is interested in this
report. ?
——LErnie Welles and his harmony
boys will play for a Christmas dance
in the Arcade Tuesday night. Don’t
| miss it. 50-1t
Centre County Insurance Agents
in the neighborhood of twenty in-
surance agents in Centre county held
a meeting in the grand jury room in
the court house last Friday afternoon
and perfected an organization to be
known as the Centre County Insurance
Agents association. The meeting was
called at the request of Insurance
Commissioner Thomas J. Donaldson,
{ who, with the president and secretary
| of the State organization, was pres-
| ent to explain the necessity of co-op-
eration among agents as a means of
attaining better relations between the
; insuring companies and the insured.
The county association was organ-
ized by the election of W. B. Rankin,
president, and G. Oscar Gray, secre-
tary, and the appointment of the fol-
lowing committees:
Fire Insurance—H. E. Fenlon,
chairman, and G. Oscar Gray, of
Bellefonte; Chester A. Moore, of
Howard; C. T. Fryberger, of Philips-
burg, and John T. Taylor, of State
Life Insurance—Robert F. Hunter,
chairman, and Harry N. Meyer, of
Bellefonte, and Lynn R. Daugherty,
of State College.
——Ladies, if you haven't seen the
famous “Marcella line” of muslin un-
derwear you've missed a treat.—Co-
hen & Co. 50-1t
ees eee en ese esteees.
——Don’t forget the dance next
Tuesday in the Arcade. Ernie Welles
‘will be there with his orchestra. 50-1t |
Two Foreigners, Three Stills, Twen-
ty-three Barrels of Mash and
Fifty-six Bottles Among
the Loot.
The most complete moonshiner’s
outfit so far recorded in this section
of the State was captured on Monday
morning by state policemen Crouch
i and Hughes, of State College, and
Cain, of Hollidaysburg, in a house on
the Bigelow farm, three miles west
of Port Matilda on the road to Phil-
ipsburg. Two foreigners who gave
their names as Paul Cicivich and
John Cracey, were caught red-handed,
making moonshine whiskey. The out-
fit included three fifty gallon stills,
oil stoves on which the mash was
cooked, twenty-three barrels of mash,
fifty-six bottles of whiskey, some of
it labelled “Golden Wedding” and
stamped with labels marked “bottled
in spring of 1902.” The outfit also in-
cluded an up-to-date rectifying and
blending process. The moonshine as
it came from the still was 130 proof
but was reduced to 100 proof by the
addition of distilled water, put
through the rectifying process and
blended through a charcoal filter.
For some time past the state police
have had knowledge that a big plant
was being operated up in that section
of the county but were never able to
locate it. On Monday morning they
went to that locality determined to
make a thorough search and in doing
so just happened to visit the house
where the still was located. The two
men in charge offered no resistance,
but maintained that they were not the
principals in the business. They de-
clared that the plant was owned by
two men and they were simply work-
ing for them. They also declared that
they did not know the real names of
the owners or where they lived.
They were known to them as
“Cash” and “Carry.” The foreigners
manufactured the whiskey and Cash
and Carry marketed the same and
paid them for their work. According
to the state police the moonshine was
made from rye mash and looked to be
of a superior quality. It is somewhat
lighter in color than the real stuff.
The twenty-three barrels of mash
were destroyed but all the rest of the
outfit was confiscated and, with the
two foreigners brought to Bellefonte
and locked up in the Centre county
jail. Efforts are now being made to
discover the real identity of Cash and
Carry. .
A rather amusing incident transpir-
ed just about the time the officers
were ready to leave for Bellefonte
with their loot. A man whose name
has not been made public appeared at
the house with a rooster under his
arm. He was at first believed to be
implicated in running the moonshine
plant but stoutly denied the implica-
tion, stating that he had come there
to trade his rooster on some moon-
shine whiskey.
Terrific Storm Saturday Night.
One of the fiercest wind and rain
storms, accompanied by rolling thun-
der, ever known at this time of year,
occurred shortly before two o'clock
on Sunday morning. The strong wind
blew in one of the large plate glass
windows in Lyon & Co’s store, shat-
tering it into fragments. A window
was also broken in the High school
building. Several panels of the high
board fence surrounding Hughes field
were blown down and dead limbs were
torn from various trees in Bellefonte.
Several store awnings were badly
torn and a strip of the cornice and
roof were torn from the Bush house.
Out at Dr. Kirk’s farm a small por-
tion of the roof was torn from the
Over at Centre Hall the wind tore a
portion of the roof off of the house
occupied by the miller at Bradford &
Son’s mill; tore the roof from the big
coal shed of Bradford & Son, the tim-
bers being carried across the street
knocking part of the cornice off of G.
O. Benner’s house and breaking the
windows in Clyde Bradford’s house.
The entire top, roof, timbers and all,
was torn from Will Odenkirk’s barn.
A threshing machine was in the barn
floor and Mr. Odenkirk candidly be-
lieves that the weight of the machine
kept the barn from blowing away.
Christmas Stockings for
The Junior Red Cross has been ask-
ed to help provide Christmas cheer
pitals by filling Christmas stockings
for them.
men are in hospitals now* and Prof.
project both as a service to the men
and as a lesson in patriotism for the
school children. Ninety stockings
Chapter and one has been sent to each
school room in the Chapter territory
to be filled with candy, nuts, and fruit.
The enthusiasm of the children was
his grade would like to have a stock-
ing to fill.
The school children of State Col-
lege, Boalsburg, Centre Hall, Spring
Mills and Pine Grove Mills have en-
rolled one hundred per cent in the
Junior Red Cross this fall.
are not yet in from some of the other
schools in the territory of the Chap-
ter. The Red Cross News, a monthly
publication, is sent to each school
room that enrolls so that the children
may be kept in touch with the things
the Juniors are doing both in this
country and in Europe.
Disabled |
for disabled ex-service men in hos- |
More than 25,000 disabled |
Etters, Centre county superintendent |
of public schools, has approved the |
were secured by the State College
expressed by one boy in the seventh |
grade who reported that each pupil in |
Reports |
—G. Fred Musser will go to Philadel-
phia to join Mrs. Musser at Mrs. Sample’s,
i for an over Sunday visit.
—Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ramey, of Altoona,
will be members of the family party to be
entertained at the John Dunlap home for
—While in Bellefonte doing some holi-
day buying on Wednesda, Miss Rachel
Knox, of Buffalo Run valley, made her
customary annual visit to this office.
—Mpr. and Mrs. James Nolan have gone
to Pittsburgh, where they will spend the
Holiday week as guests of Mrs. Nolan's
sister, Mrs. Julia Conley and her family.
—Miss Grace Mitchell, an instructor in
Miss Fines’ school at Princeton, is spend-
ing her vacation in Bellefonte, and while
here will be with her aunt, Mrs. James B.
—The G. Ross Parker family will carry
out their long made plans of going to At-
lantiec City, to be with Mr. Parker's sis-
ters at the Empress apartments, for the
Holiday week.
—George B. McClellan Fry, of Pennsyl-
vania Furnace, was a breezy caller at the
“Watchman” office on Wednesday, having
brought some of his family to Bellefonte
to do their Christmas shopping.
—IR. B. Freeman, of Philadelphia, will
Join Mr and Mrs. Hugh N. Crider here for
a Christmas visit in Pittsburgh; going out
tomorrow to be guests of Mr. Freeman's
other daughter, Mrs. H. S. Biddle.
—8. E. Weber, of Boalsburg, was a Belle-
fonte visitor on Monday, and sent his
brother in Huntingdon, Mr. P. W. Weber,
@ Christmas present in the shape of a
year's subscription to the “Watchman.”
—Miss Maude Johnston, a teacher in the
punlic schools of Pittsburgh, was an over
sunday guest of Miss Winifred M. Gates.
ss Jonhston lived in Bellefonte until the
passing away of her parents a few years
—Miss Mary Cooney returned Tuesday
from the University hospital in Philadel-
phiz. so greatly improved that she is now
able to be about the house. Miss Cooney’s
present condition indicates a permanent
—DMiss Alice Tate has been with Mrs.
Daniel Hall and her son, J. E. Hall, at
Unionville, since her return from Baby-
lon, L. I, where she had been for a six
week’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. John Mont-
gomery Ward.
—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Mitchell, of
Burnham, and their two children, will be
Christmas day dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. John Porter Lyon, coming over to
spend the day with Mr. Mitchell's father,
Isaac Mitchell.
—John H. Hayes, a student at Penn
State, and his brother Thomas, of LaFay-
ette, will spend their mid-winter vacation
with their mother, Mrs. R. G. H. Hayes,
at the Clifton Springs sanitorium, Clifton
Springs, N. Y.
—Philip 8. Banrhart, with the General
Electric company, of Pittsfield, Mass., will
make a short mid-winter visit home, ex-
pecting to be in Bellefonte today, to be
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Barn-
hart, until Tuesday.
—R. C. Bigleman, who had been in
Bellefonte for a two week’s visit with his
sisters, Mrs. John Mignot and Mrs. An-
derson, left I'riday to spend Christmas
with relatives in Pittsburgh, before re-
turning to Wilkes-Barre.
James R. and Charles Hughes will
spend next week traveling through Penn-
sylvania, following up some applications
for entrance of students at the Academy.
The former will cover the western section
while the latter will go east.
—DMiss Sara Malin will leave today to
join her sister, Mrs. Shugert, near Wind-
ber, where they will both be Christmas
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Lochrie.
Mrs. Shugert has been with her daughter,
Mrs. Lochrie, for the greater part of the
—Mr. and Mrs. Lee Larimer, of Jersey
Shore, and their son McCullough, were
guests Sunday of Mr. Larimer’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Larimer, at Peru,
stopping in Bellefonte on their way home,
for a short time with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
—DMiss Esther Strong, of Washington, D.
C., a Senior and class-mate of Miss Henri-
etta Quigley at Vassar, is Miss Quigley’s
guest at the home of her parents, Judge
and Mrs, Henry C. Quigley, on Linn street.
Both young women are here for their Hol-
iday vacation.
—M. F. Hazel will come in from Pitts-
burgh to be with his family for Christmas.
| Mr. Hazel had been employed at the pen-
itentiary at Rockview but was transferred
early in the fall to Pittsburgh, where he
has been working on the repairs at the
western penitentiary.
—Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baum, of State
College, who had arranged to spend the
Holiday week in Florida, have abandoned
going south, expecting to enjoy the open
in the north. Their plans are now com-
pleted for a Christmas to be spent in camp
in the Bear Meadows.
Christmas visit, a guest of her brother's
family. Mr. Irwin, whose business will
not permit of his leaving at this time, will
spend his short vacation with his mother,
Mrs. E. G. Irwin, at Julian.
—Mr. and Mrs. Albert Numbers will be
the honor guests at Mr. and Mrs. Miles
Walker's Christmas party. Mr. and Mrs.
! Numbers are leaving Charleston, W. Va.,
and after a visit in Bellefonte will go to
their new home in Philadelphia. Mrs.
Numbers is better known here as Miss
Lillian Walker.
| —Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schaeffer and
their daughter Larue, are contemplating a
| drive to Williamsport, where they will be
guests of friends on Christmas day. Mrs.
Schaeffer's mother, Mrs. Michael Hess, will
| go to State College to be with her son, N.
1. Hess and his family, expecting to visit
there for the remainder of the winter.
—Mrs. William A. Lyon is with her
daughter, Mrs. J. IE. McGinness, in Atlan-
| ta. Ga., where she has planned to spend
| the winter. Mrs. Lyon went south from
Cleveland, following a visit there with
| Mrs. J. A. Aikens; her time since leaving
| Bellefonte having been spent mostly in
, Buffalo with her son Edward and his fam-
—Mrs. Charles Smith and Mrs. Susan
| Wooden will spend their Christmas with
{ Mrs. Smith's oldest daughter, Mrs. Seixas,
at Germantown, going from there to Read-
ing for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. James
! Harris and their family, from where Mrs.
Smith will return home. Mrs. Wooden, as
has been her custom for a number of
years, will remain east for the greater
part of the winter.
—Mrs. Edward P. Irwin will be in Wash-.
ington, D. C., for Christmas and an after
—Dorothy Fox will go to Lock Haven
to spend the Christmas vacation with her
father, LeRoy Fox and his family.
—DMiss Mary Rankin, of Harrisburg, will
be the guest of honor at the Christmas
celebration, at the William B. Rankin
+ —Miss Caroline McClure is considering
going to Wilkinsburg, where she will vis-
it during the Holidays with her sister,
Mrs. Murdock Claney.
— —Mrs. Moeslien, of Brooklyn, will
be here Tuesday of next week for a visit
of several weeks with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Undercoffer.
—James Foreman will come in from
Pittsburgh for a Christmas visit with Mrs.
Foreman at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward M. Gehret.
—Idward Grauer, of Philadelphia, the
only son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Grauer,
came to Bellefonte last week to visit with
his parents until after Christmas.
—Boyd Irwin, of New York city, is ex-
pected in Bellefonte to be the Christmas
guest of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. U.
Irwin, at their home on Spring street.
—Mrs. W. Hassell Montgomery and lit-
tle daughter, Dorothy Ann, arrived in
Bellefonte from Boston on Monday to join
her husband at the Montgomery home on
Linn street.
—Murs. Ioward Gearhart, of Princeton,
arrived in Bellefonte Monday night for her
Christmas visit with her mother, Mrs.
Joseph Fox. Mr. Gearhart expects to join
her here Sunday morning.
—Miss Mary Bradley came over from
Bradford, where she is spending the win-
ter with her sister, Mrs. Riley, to take the
organ in the Nj »al church for the
Christmas ive midnight service.
—J. Iarris Hoy, of Wilmington, Del,
will come today, aad Philip D. Reynolds,
of New York city, tomorrow, to be Christ-
lias guests of the Misses Anna and Mary
Hoy and of Col. and Mrs. Reynolds.
—Clarence Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Hamilton will drive here from
New York this week to spend Christmas
with the parents of the two men, Mr. and
Mrs, Thaddeus Hamilton, of Howard
—Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bible are con-
templaiing spending Sunday in Altoona
with Dr. and Mrs. Bowles. The three
grand-daughters being the especial attrac-
tion for the Christmas visit of Mr. and
Mrs. Bible.
—Mr. and Mrs. John Love, of Reynolds
avenue, left Tuesday for Philadelphia,
where Mrs. Love entered the University
hospital as a surgical patient. A growth
on her foot necessitated the treatment of
—Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Topelt will ar-
rive here Saturday; Mr. Topelt’s business
permitting of but an ever Sunday Christ-
mas visit, while Mrs. Topelt will remain
with her mother, Mrs. R. S. Brouse, for the
Holiday week.
—John Garman, of Philipsburg, will cel-
ebrate his Christmas in Bellefonte with his
father and sister, William Garman and
Miss Ruth. Mr. Garman is also expecting
his son Spencer, of Washington, to join
the family party. .
—Mrs. William B. Wallis, of Pittsburgh,
has been in Bellefonte with her mother
and grandmother, Mrs. Conley and Mrs.
Meese, for the past week and expects to
have Mr. Wallis join her here for an over
Sunday Christmas visit.
—Mr. and Mrs. James Reeder, of Sioux
City, Towa, who have been guests of Mrs.
Reeder's sister, Mrs. Etta Leathers, at
Mt. Eagle, left Sunday for Tyrone, to vis-
it until after Christmas with relatives of
Mr. Reeder, before starting west.
—Mr. and Mrs. James Harter drove to
jellefonte from Coburn, Monday. Mr. Har-
ter came up to attend a meeting of the
Farmer’s Mutual Fire Insurance company,
while Mrs. Harter spent the time in the
stores and visiting with Mrs. J. F. Gart-
—Mr. and Mrs. J. Kennedy Johnston's
family Christmas party will include all
their children. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D.
Stitzinger and their young son will come
in from New Castle, while Phil and Hugh
Johnston will be home from Dickinson.
—Margery Way, who has been living
with her aunt, Mrs. Waddle, at the Brant
house, while in Bellefonte going to school,
will join her mother, Mrs. Driver, at her
new home in Grampian for the mid-winter
vacation. A visit from there will be made
with her aunt, Mrs. Francis Musser, in
—Mrs. William Dawson returned from
Philadelphia, Monday, accompanied by her
great grand-son, the younger of Mrs.
Dahl's boys. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore,
with their daughter, Mrs. Dahl, of Minne-
apolis, and her other son, will come to
Bellefonte Saturday from Philadelphia, to
be Christmas guests of Mrs. Dawson and
Mr. and Mrs. T. Clayton Brown.
—Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McClure came in
from Springfield, Ohio, yesterday; Charles
A. McClure, of Philadelphia, will arrive to-
day, and Lawrence, of Renovo, will come
tomorrow morning, for the family -cele-
bration of Christmas tomorrow, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. James McClure. The
Lawrence McClure family will
Dellefonte Monday.
—DMr. and Mrs. John Van Pelt, of Johns-
town, and their daughter Rachel; Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Harris, of Hagerstown, Md.,
and George Harris, of Baltimore, will all
spend Christmas in Bellefonte with Mrs.
Rachel Harris, the entire party, including
Mr. and Mrs. John MeCoy, to be Christ-
mas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Spangler. Joseph Harris, of Detroit,
Mich., will join the family party here the
day after Christmas.
come to
—The younger set at ccllege who are
home for their vacation include Henrietta
and Mary Sebring, of Smith; Mildred Wag-
ner and Thelma Hazel, of Cedar Crest Col-
lege, Allentown; George Geiss, who has
finished a course at the Pierce Business
College, Philadelphia; Xerbert Beezer and
Jack Montgomery, also of Pierce; George
Shugert, from St. Luke's; Nevin Robb and
Frederick Herr, from University of Penn-
sylvania; Clarence Smeltzer, Columbia
University, New York, and all Bellefonte
students at Penn State.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. R. North, of Dickin-
son Seminary, Williamsport, came to Belle-
fonte Saturday and have been guests of
Mrs. North’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Shuey. Mr. and Mrs. Shuey and Mr. and
Mrs. North will drive to Kingston, Pa.,
Saturday, to be Christmas guests of Mr.
Shuey’s oldest daughter, Mrs. C. A. Don-
achy and her family, Miss Rachel Shuey
joining them there Monday. The Christ-
mas service in the Methodist church, of
which she is organist, obliges Miss Shuey
to remain in Béllefonte over Sunday.
(Additional personal news on page 4.)