RRA RTC CO RE A TT CER Bellefonte, Pa., December 23, 1921. WHEN THE CHRIST CHILD CAME. By Laura Spencer Portor. While ye twine these garlands and dance and sing, Oh, forget not the little Lord's wandering; | Let the mistletoe branching with berries | white, Remember the snow of that blessed night; i And the holly so red—like warming flame, | Recall us the night that the Christ Child : came. | So little a child He was to come . | To a world of strife, from a heavenly home; : Who left such beauty that you and I | Might love each other more heartily. | While ye twine these garlands and dance and sing, | Oh, forget not the Little Lord's wander- ing; | Let the mistletoe branching with berries | white, | Remember the snow of that blessed night; | And the holly so red—like the warming HEALTHFUL VIGOR me through the veins. Jes epto-Mangan is put up in liquid an IN STRONG BLOOD in tablet form. They are the same Rich, Red Blood Built Up by Pepto- Ean Prysicany have pps. Tita) scribed. Gude’s Pepto-Mangan for Mangan Liquid or Tablet. years. The name “Gude’s Pepto- Blood is strong and full of life-giv- | Mangan” is on the package.—Ady. ing vigor when there are plenty of 66-50 red cells in it. Anaemic people have | little strength because there are not Pennsylvania Heads the List of Nine States in Hunting Accidents. Gude’s : flame— enough red cells in the blood. It is | { Recall us the night that the Christ Child thin and watery. Weak blood makes came. faces pale, pulls down the strength ee eee: and leaves the body tired, weak, and sickly. A course in Gude’s Pepto-Mangan restores weak blood to its normal strength. Taken regularly for a while it adds red cells to the blood. Then with good blood, the strength and vigor of health return. There is pleasure in living, with good blood An Old Joke. I never believed in platonic friend- ship. I’ve heard a lot about it, but I claim it’s a joke! But one summer I met a pretty girl who believed in it. She told me that our friendship would have to be She said we Reports of hunting fatalities gath- ered by the United Press from nine States are as follows: Pennsylvania 35 killed, 75 wounded; Lower Michi- gan and Wisconsin 24 killed, 100 wounded; Ohio 18 killed, 38 wounded; Indiana 12 killed; Colorado 6, Minne- sota 5, Illinois 3 killed, 5 wounded; New York 19 killed, including one caused by target practice, 52 injured. Yet He chose to leave his heavenly games, | platonic or nothing. 1 1 And the angels of silver-sounding names, | could be good chums, an hot oid 1t That the world might be blessed; and that | all by becoming sentimental. idn’t you and I want to get married, so I readily Might love each other more heartily. j agreed As we both then knew that 5 : | it would be perfectly safe, we started Now Raphael begged Him to wait, you | in at once with moonlight and so see; forth. And Sandalphon had said, “Nay bide with | That was ten years ago. me!” : | have seven fine children, and my wife And Israfel took up his lute to play | is very busy. So am I. Any woman And said, “Lo! here is eternal day— | who has ever had to take care of sev- Why seek you the night? Go not away!” | en fine children knows how busy my And Azrael warned Him,—oh, grave and | wife is, and any man who has ever sweet— | had to provide for that number knows Of thorns for His head and wounds for how busy I am. His feet. | I never believed in platonic friend- Then they sang in chorus and danced in! ship. I've heard a lot about it, but I | measure, | claim it’s a joke!—William Sanford in ! J To Israfel’s lute, to give Him pleasure. i Judge. But een while their gleaming footsteps | shone, i Anti ntiquated Uncle Eb. He slipped away from their dance and was a gone. Representative Frear was praising standardization. . heavenly | . Lhe opponents of standardization,” | he said, “are like old Uncle Eb. “Uncle Eb was whitewashing his Only a savage watchdog’s bark | barn one morning with a brush that And an infant crying across the dark, | contained very few bristles. The And a rabbit half numb, that limped, as | Squire happened along and said: though | Uncle Eb, why don’t you get a It were well-nigh spent, across the snow. | brush with more bristles in it? ‘And an aziola, poor frozen thing— What for, squire?” asked the old A little brown owl with a wounded wing. Ri He stood on earth and looked around; But He heard no music, nor sound Of lute or dance on the frozen ground. i | The rabbit and owl, He held them warm | ‘Why, man, if you had a brush with 'Gainst His beating heart, in the bend of | more bristles in it you could do twice His arm. | as much work.’ He patted the dog with a loving hand, | “‘Mebbe so, squire; mebbe so,” said In a way that watchdogs understand. | Uncle Eb; ‘only, ye see, I ain’t got Then the Little Lord left it the rabbit to | twice as much work to do.’ »_Wash- fend | ington Star. From harm and cold, and the owl for | friend. ! And the three of them pondered the whole | night through i On what had happened, as animals do;— | And the little brown owl said frequently, “Whoo-00?" Then the Little Lord sought out the in- fant who wept, And hushed it and sang it a song till it | slept. 1 Then on once more the Little Lord went, | On love and pity and healing bent. But the way was long, as Azrael Had said, and He often tripped and fell. | But He took no note of these things at all, Nor missed He His heavenly games and ball, | Nor the angels dancing in coronal. And wherever He went, there more and | more L | Such comfort came as was never before, — | For, wherever He passed, began to glow ; Warming fires, and glad desires, | And kindness, and comfort and charity; | —Pwas a loving and wonderful thing to | see; | And His pity, it lighted a Christmas tree; | | | | 1 t 5 If you are considering Buying Gifts there is nothing you could And His love was a thing to warm you So, You took no heed of the frost and snow. And it lighted a fire on every hearth; In old and young it enkindled mirth; His love and pity hung gifts for all, In hovel and hut and in castle hall. There were choirs of singing and loving glance, | There were bells a-ringing and braided | dance, And they kept that more blest, More festive and kindly than all the rest. ‘buy more useful than night like a thing But the angels above, they leaned to look | To discern if they might the way He took. And they sang in chorus to guide Him back By golden song, lest He miss the track Of stars to lead Him. ‘Oh, Light of the World!” Beyond where the little cold moon lies We wait your coming! We miss face! your 7.85 and $9.95. Today we an. ; | “‘What for?’ shouted the squire. ‘noted for its Low Prices and Dependable Merchandise. We advise you to do all your shopping here where the Low Prices help your holiday purse to stretch to its farthest limit. Useful Christmas Gifts Sheepskin Coats, made of the best grade of moleskin covering and of one curled, plas skins, with or without belts— = EEE E INVITE YOU to Share the Pleas- ures and Benefits of Jur 1922 Shoes. Shoes. Christmas Savings Club \ | Which Started Monday, December 12th, 1921 It is not too late to join. You can become a Member any time. Please come in and let us explain to you. BELLEFONTE TRUST COMPANY BELLEFONTE PA HRISTMAS sz, HEADQUARTIRS £8) 243) Fn FH 4 EL 5 % z RS J x [5 h CIALS Wearing Apparel. The Spencer Store is Boys’ Mackinaws in all the new shades and styles with much more, sizes up to 18—8§5.95, $6,95, $7.95. Till heaven itself is a lonely place. Come back, and with lovelier dance and song We will please you the golden day, heav- Sheepskin Vests, moleskin cover- ing or pelt outside—$2.95 and $3.45. Men’s Flannel Shirts in all the wanted colors and styles, from the me- dium weight gray to the heavy army en-long. Men’s Heavy Corduroy Coats, made style—$1.45 to $3.95. Visit our store before you make your purchases in the Shoes C NCER’'S ! you need for Christmas presents. Ladies’ Felt Slippers, all colors - - $2.00 Men’s Leather Slippers, good quality - 2.50 Children’s Rubber boots - - - 2.00 Children’s Shoes, good quality, sizes to 11 2.00 Warm Slippers for cold feet - - - 125 We have so many bargains, that we cannot tell you all about them, but we ask you to call and we can prove that we can save you money. E THe an Yeager's Shoe Store THE SHOE STORE FOR THE POOR MAN HL ty psd Bush Arcade Building 58-27 BELLEFONTE, PA. ffice for High Class Job work. LENE 1 = pn ¥ 1 Come to the “Watchman” o Christmas Gifts Help to Warm Old Friendships and Strengthen the New...... Our low prices will help you fill your list quickly. Bath-Robes for ladies and children. Bed-Room Slippers to match. Indian Blankets, beautiful combination of colors. So the angels sang, learn, O’er the ramparts of heaven, of His return. Twas Azreal only who knew the thing That must come to pass; and he did not sing. For ‘twas only he who knew death’s sting, And the woe of the earth, and its sorrow- ing, For ’'twas only he across heaven’s track Might ever go to guide Him back. And this was the knowledge that lay along The flute of his voice and stopped its song. "Twas the thought of this which upon the flute Of his heart lay trembling, and made it mute. as they leaned to But even as he stood, it seemed he heard His loved little Master's spoken word Come winging, singing, “O Azreal! "Tis well that I came to the earth, ’tis well; Be glad, O Azreal, glad indeed, That I came to a world in such sore need!” Then Azrael folded his wings. No word He spake of the mystical thing he had heard ; But when the rest wondered and waited in vain Tor their loved Little Lord to come again, And questioned, then answered them Azrael: “Peace, Brothers! Tis well!” On Earth is Peace! Oh, sometimes, I rest me and sleep and dream Of a heavenly place by a heavenly stream, Where angels dance by a Living River Of sapphire waters that gleam and quiver, "Neath jeweled branches drooping forever; White-footed angels treading a measure Of delicate music to infinite leisure; Gentle and bending, returning, complying, Like winds of the morning in meadows undying. And I dream not less, of a Heavenly Child, Whose ways are gentle, whose eyes are mild; ug of a fine grade cord with a wind-proof lining, large collar, double breasted style—$5.95. Men’s Work Trousers made of all the wanted materials; well made— $1.45, $1.95, $2.45. Men’s Corduroy Pants made of the best grade cord obtainable, very low priced at—$2.45, $2.95, $3.95. Men’s Extra Heavy Pants made of part wool and of all wool materials. in wear—$1.95, $2.95, $3.95, Men’s Work Shirts in blue cham- bray, polka dots, black sateen, khaki or black and white styles—95c¢. Men’s Dress Shirts in all the new patterns; a large assortment to choose from, sizes 14 to 17—95¢ to $2.95. Men’s Overalls and Blouses made of heavy denims, full cut, most of them triple stitched; all sizes up to 50— 95¢, $1.45, $1.75. Boys’ Knickerbockers of serge, cor- duroy or cashmere; sizes up to 18. Many patterns to choose from—95c, $1.45, $1.75. Teddy Bear Blankets, all colors. Children’s Angora Suits, Brown, Navy and Rose. Leggings, Mittens, Sacques, Gloves and Sweaters. ACCEPTABLE GIFTS A silk dress is always acceptable. Canton Crepes, Satins, Charmeuse, Radium, Crepe de Chene and Georgettes, all colors and black. worsteds, made. $3.95, $4.45, $4.95. cashmere, nearly half at our in work or dress. dress. penders. S P i; ge Men’s Fine Dress Pants made of serges; well Low priced at—$2.95, $3.45, Boys’ Suits, a wonderful line and selections to choose from. rice—$4.95, $5.95, $6.95, $7.95, $8.95, $9.95. A complete line of Men’s Hosiery Gloves for work or Garters, Arm Bands, Collors, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Belts BUSH ARCADE Men’s and Boys’ Underwear, a com- plete line of union suits or 2 piece, in wool or fleece, or ribbed, at very low prices. See our display. You save Men’s and Boys’ Sweaters, V neck or crab style, made in all the durable shades from the cotton to the all wool - materials—98¢c, to $5.98. * Men’s and Boys’ Winter Caps with or without ear flaps. All the new wanted styles and patterns at low prices. and Sus- FURS Furs, Coats, Suits and Dresses reduced. We have made clearance sale prices on all Furs, Coats, Suits, and Dresses, that will make prices low enough for every one. SPECIAL Taffetas and Satin Dresses at less than wholesale. LINENS Table Damask and Napkins to match. Maderia Embroidered Luncheon Sets. Pillow Cases, Center Pieces, Tea Napkins. ENCER’S Shop Early and Shop Here. Gloves, Kid, Fabric and Woolen. Hand and Bead Bags, handsome Pocket Books, sweet grass and fancy Baskets, and Trays. Boudoir Caps. Necklaces, Jet and Pearls, and all colors in Beads. Waists and Overblouses, Ladies’ Silk Waists and Overblouses in black, white and colors. A beautiful line of fine Voile Embroidered Waists. Lyon & Co. BELLEFONTE, PA { Lyon & Co. SW WWW WATS ATW SR RR