7G RIAHORSE —_—_—, es IGHT BY CHAR (Continued). SYNOPSIS. CHAPTER I.—Under his grandfather's will, Stanford Broughton, society idler, finds his share of the estate, valued at something like $440,000, lies in a ‘‘safe re- pository,” latitude and longitude de- scribed, and that is all. It may be identi- fled by the presence nearby of a brown- haired, blue-eyed girl, a piebald horse, and a dog with a split face, half black and half white. Stanford at first regards the bequest as a joke, but after considera- tion sets out to find his legacy. CHAPTER II.—On his way to Denver, the city nearest the meridian described in his grandfather’s will, Stanford hears from a fellow traveler a story having to do with a flooded mine. CHAPTER IIL—Thinking things over, he begins to imagine there may be some- thing in his grandfather's bequest worth while, his idea finally centering on the possibility of a mine, as a “safe reposi- tory.” Recalling the narrative on the train, he ascertains that his fellow trav- eler was a mining engineer, Charles Bul- lerton. Bullerton refuses him _informa- tion, but from other sources Broughton learns enough to make him proceed to Placerville, in the Red desert. | CHAPTER IV.—On the station platform | at Atropia, just as the train pulls out, | Stanford sees what appear to be the iden- ! tical horse and dog described in his grandfather's will. Impressed, he leaves ! the train at the next stop, Angels. There | he finds that Atropia was originally Placerville, his destination. Unable to | secure a conveyance at once to take him | to Placerville, Broughton seizes a con-! struction car and escapes, leaving the im- pression on the town marshal, Beasley, that he is slightly demented. CHAPTER the car, which is wrecked, and escapes on foot. In the darkness, he is overtaken by a girl on horseback, and THE dog. | After he explains his presence, she in- vites him to her home, at the Old Cinna- bar mine. to meet her father. CHAPTER VI.—Broughton’s hosts are Hiram Twombly, caretaker of the mine, and his daughter Jeanie. Seeing the girl, Stanford is satisfied he has located his property, but does not reveal his identity. CHAPTER VIIL.—Next morning, with Hiram, he visits the mine. Hiram asks him to look over the machinery, and he | does so, glad of an excuse to be near Jeanie, In whom he has become inter- ested, and he engages in the first real work he has ever done. CHAPTER VIII.—Broughton and Hiram get the pumps started, but are unable to make an impression on the water. Bul- lerton, apparently an old friend of the Twomblys, visits the mine. He offers to drain it in consideration of Brough- ton’s giving hm fifty-one per cent of the property. Stanford refuses. Then Buller- ton offers to buy the mine outright for $50,000. It had cost Broughton’s Land: V.—Pursued, he abandons y. father more than half a million. ford again refuses. algnt exactly where I did in the! beginning,” I snapped. “I don’t want any forty-nine-fifty-one per cent part- nership with you; neither that nor any other kind.” “All right,” he rejoined, brusquely; “we'll call that phase of it a back num- | ber and go on to something else. I'll buy your mine, just as it stands. water ! and all—and that’s what nobody else would do, you'd better believe.” i “For how much?” ! “For fifty thousand dollars—cash.” | “No,” I grated. “I don’t need a lit- | tle money that badly.” ! “Fifty thousand isn’t a little: at a! good, safe, investment interest it will give you an income of three thousand | a year. And that's more than you're getting now out of what your father | left you.” “You seem to know a good bit about | my private affairs,” I growled. | “You seid a mouthful, then. TI've | made it my business to find out about | them. There's nothing much to you, | | Broughton, when you come right down | to brass tacks. You had a good educa- | tion. hut you haven't had get-up-and-gcet ! enough in vou to make any use of it.” | “The less you dig in my private gar- | den patch, the better we shall get along,” I told him. He was silent for a moment. He | had picked up a bit of iron rod and was tracing hieroglyphic figures with it in the dust of the shop floor. Pres- ently he looked up with a sort of mock- ing leer. “Been trying to carry sentimental water on both shoulders, haven't you? I'm telling you right now, Broughton, it’s no use. I filed on the little Blue- eyes claim over yonder in Twombly's cabin a long, long time before you ever saw or heard of it.” That remark of his carried things over the edge for me. “See here, Bullerton,” I said, and I suppose I stuck out my jaw at him as people say I do when I'm beginning to feel ugly, “there are limits, and I'll pay you the compliment of assum- ing that you are not quite a born fool. We are going to leave Miss Twombly out of it; completely and absolutely out of it.” “You may; but I shan’t,” he grinned back at me. “In point of fact, my dear fellow, now that I come to think of it, you'll have to leave her out.” “Not for anything you may say or do, or leave unsaid or undone.” “Yes, you will; and for something that I may say. And I guess this is as good a time as any to mention it. Have you forgotten that you have ad- vertised yourself in this out-of-the-way corner of the world rather successful- ly as one of two things: a pretty dangerous sort of lunatic, or—a crim- inal? As a matter of fact, the rail- road detectives have been looking high, low and level for you ever since you ANDADOG By Stole that Inspection motor at the An- | gels platform and oot it smashed.” “Twombly knows about that; and so does Miss Twombly,” I cut in. “They wouldn't give you away, of course; in a certain sense you are Twombly’s guest, and in another you're his employer. But you'll notice that neither of these restrictions apply to me. Now, perhaps, you can understan~ just why you are obliged, in ordinary prudence, to leave the girl out of it— and why I am not so obliged.” “Miss Twombly, herself, has the casting vote on that,” is what I flung at him. “She has already voted,” he said coolly. Then: “You're not in the zame, Broughton; you don’t hold any- thing higher than 1 seven-spot, and you are bucking a straight flush. Do you take fifty thousand and vanish? That is the one live question of the moment.” “No.” “Very well; I'll give you another | day to think it over; but I'm warning | you here and now that the price will shrink, It is fifty thousand today, say up to sunset: tomorrow it will be for- ty thousand.” I slid from the anvil and half un- consciously picked up the blacksmith’s hand-hammer. “You go straight to h—1,” I said; and at that he left me. I sat down to try once more to think things out to some sort of an action focus. Should I take Bullerton’s fif- ty thousand and quit? Common sense said Yes, spelling it with a capital and underscoring it for emphasis. What was the use in hanging on? Hadn't we proved that the mine was undrain- able, save, perhaps, at the enormous cost of driving an underrunning tunnel from a lower slope of the mountain? Then there was Jeanie. Then, again, there was Lisette. Fifty thousand dollars at six per cent would buy ner hats—but it wouldn't buy much else. 1 could picture the calm and collected way in which she would say, “Yes. Stannie; you've succeeded nicely in financing the hats. But you know as well as I do that we couldn't buy hats and keep a car on three thousand a { year.” I had just climbed down to this bot- tom round of the ladder of dejection when I heard a bit of noise and looked up to see a small, trim figure darken- SR SESS eS SIRE os SaaS ZS > a, oS nS “Mr. Broughton—Stannie, Are You Here?” ing the engine-room door. Then a voice that I would have recognized in 1 thousand voices all speaking at once, said: “Mr. Broughton—Stannie, are you here?” CHAPTER IX. To Fish or Cut Bait. it is nothing short of wonderful how the sourest grouch can sometimes be banished by a single word. That word “Stannie,” you know; she had never called me that before; though her father had been using the familiar han- dle, western-wise, right along, almost from the day I landed on the Cinnabar reservation, “Yes,” I said, and jumped up and went to her. “Did you ever hear of such a thing as a bear with a sore head?’ she asked, In the tone of a schoolma’am asking the dull boy if he'd ever heard of the letter “A.” “Often,” 1 admitted. “Well, isn’t that the way you've been acting?” “Haven't I some little cause?” “Maybe, of course, I'm willing to make some allowances. It does seem provoking that your grandfather should have left things in such a dreadful muddle.” | almost a total stranger to him.” readier to talk than a stuck pig is te! | pany. time hammering around this old bunch torment me?” I rasped. “How much do you know about the i | muddle?’ I asked. “] know that old Mr. Dudley let, or partly let, a contract for the drain- ! ing of the mine, to a man who was I saw how it was. Bullerton, always bleed, had been giving her his own | version of things. But I let that part of it go. “Grandfather Jasper was laboring for the good of my soul. He knew his ‘medium,’ as the artists say. He wanted to make me work—something that nobody else has ever been able to do.” “Don’t you like to work?” “Why-e-e, I guess I'm like other folk in that respect. I don’t mind working if I can pick my job—and my com- I've been having a bully good of junk with your father. Or I was having one until Satan came also.” “Meaning Mr. Bullerton?” “Quite so; meaning Mr. Bullerton, christened ‘Charles.’” “Ought I to stay here and listen if you're going to say things about him?” | “Not if you are going to marry him, : you shouldn’t.” “Well, why shouldn’t I marry him | if T want to? Hasn't he plenty of | money? And haven't I told you that I'd marry for money?” “Humph!” said I; “when you talk ! that way you are saying out loud just what Lisette says to herself—only you don’t mean it and she does. But tell ! me how did you get permission to | come over here and talk with me?” “Whose permission—Daddy’s?” “No; Bullerton’s, of course.” “I don’t have to ask it—yet.” “Not yet, but soon,” I grinned. “All things come to him—or her—who waits. Just the same, you shouidn’t have come. It's cruelty to animals. After a man has traveled thousands of miles to sit at the feet of the one girl in the universe, only to find himself ! elbowed by a brown-whiskered jeet—" | “Hush!” she chided. “Can't you ever be serious? You are not sitting at anybody's feet. What are you go- ing to do about the mine?” “Bullerton offered to unwater the Cinnabar if I'd deed him a bit more than a half interest—and possibly he'd still be willing to do that, which would mean that he’d form a stock company and freeze me out completely when he got good and ready.” “And what is the other way?’ “He offers to buy the mine outright, just as it stands, for fifty thousand dollars.” “But your grandfather paid nearly half a million for it, didn’t he?” “Even so. But, you see, in the pres- ent scrap I'm the under dog. The man | you are going to marry has none of the | nice little scruples in a business trans- | action—if you'll permit me to go that ! far. He even threatens to turn me ! over to the authorities for stealing that inspection car and getting it | smashed.” : “Oh, I don’t believe he’d do that!” | she deprecated. “It is perfectly right and preper that you shouldn’t think so—in the ! circumstances. Just the same, you'll | pardon me if I say that I'm swearing i continuously and prayerfully at the | circumstances.” “You don’t want me to marry money ! and have good clothes and all the other nice things, and travel and see the : world, and all that?” “No, by Jove! I want you to marry ! me.” | Her laugh was just a funny littie gurgle. “Bluebeard!” she said, just like that. “And you haven't even killed Miss Randle yet! Thank you, ever so much; but I don’t want to be one of several. Besides, you haven’t any money.” Talk of impasses and impossible sit- uations! What could a man say, or hope to say, to such a girl as that! “Did you come over here just to “Woof!” she shivered, “here comes , the bear again!” and then, right smash | once, Stannie-bear.” . head and wouldn’t stay another min- ute, though I begged and pleaded with out of a clear sky: “Kiss me—just Did I? She was gasping a bit when she got up rather unsteadily to go back to the cabin across the dump her. “No, indeed, Bluebeard man,” she said with that queer little gurgle of a laugh. “I—I think I have found out | what I wanted to. Goodby.” And | | then, after I thought she was clean ' gone, she turned back to say, airily: | “Oh, yes; I had almost forgotten what | I came over here to tell you. You ! mustn’t sell the Cinnabar, Stannie; not for any price that anybody might offer | -ou. Goodby, again.” Can you beat it? When the good ! Lora made women He doubtless had | many patterns; but T do believe the mold was broken and thrown away | after this Jeanie girl had been fash- | ioned. For a solid hour or more I sat on that slab bench at the shafthouse door in a sort of bewildered daze, won- dering if I had been asleep and dream- | ing, or if the bedazzling thing had really happened. | At breakfast the next morning every- | thing passed off as usual and for any- thing that Jeanie said or looked there needn't have been any bench beside the shafthouse door and the dream theory I had been playing with might have been the sober fact. An hour later, after I had gone across to the mine, Bullerton came over to dig me | out, as before, “Forty thousand this morning,” he announced as chipper as an English sparrow over an unexpected heap of street sweepings. “Say, Broughton, can you afford to let your capital shrink at the rate of ten thousand dol- lars a day? If you should ask me, I should say not.” “You never miss what you haven't had,” I shot back. “There are no takers on the floor this morning.” “Right-0; it'll be thirty thousand to- morrow, you must remember, At that rate you'll be owing me quite a chunk of money by this time next week That's about all I have to say—ex- cepting one more little thing: No more chinny little tete-a-tetes in the star- | light, old man, or I shall be obliged to put the gad to you; the railroad gad, ! you know.” It made me so boiling hot to have him admit, thus baldly, that he had been spying upon Jeanie and me the previous evening that I could scarcely see straight. “That will be about enough!” 1 barked. “I told you the other day that there were limits, and you've walked up and looked over the edge two or three times. You may think you have as many lives as a cat, but I doubt it!” He laughed and threw back the la- pel of his coat to show me a regula- tion six-gun slung by a shoulder strap under his left arm. “You pulled a hammer on me yester- day,” he said, letting the laugh lapse into a grin that showed his fine mouth- ful of teeth, “and you probably didn’t know that you would have been a dead man before you could swing it. Oh, ves; 1 could do it, and any coroner's jury in the Red desert would acquit me; dangerous lunatic—self-defense, you know. That's a word to the wise, and it ought to be sufficient. But I have a better life-insurance policy than any that the six-gun could write me: you're in love with Jeanie Twombly— in spite of that girl back East; and be- cause you are, you are not going to make her a widow before the fact. You're not selling your mine for forty thousand—cold cash—this morning?” “Not this morning or any other morning.” “Good. I can afford to stick around here a few days longer, I guess—at the rate of ten thousand dollars a day. So long.” And he picked his way out of the clutter of the shop and went across to the cabin—and Jeanie. Later, along in this same day, while I was standing at the shaft mouth and staring down at the water that was keeping me out of my heritage, Dad- dy Hiram came up. “Still a-puzzlin’ over it, Stannie?” he asked, in the sympathetic tone that he always used when he spoke of the Great Disappointment. “There’s ncthing to- it, Daddy,” I gloomed. “Bullerton has me by the neck, and he knows it.” He tiptoed to the door and peeped out. “You've heard ’em say ’at curiosity ikilled a cat,” he said, out of the cor- ner of his mouth; “well, the cat's a- comin’. Skip out o’ that other door, Stannie, and hit for the timber. Tl ketch up with you in a little spell.” I didn’t know exactly what he was driving at until after I got clear of the mine buiplings and was climbing ‘the slope of the mountain above. Then 1, He Waved Me to a Seat, on a Pile of Broken Rock. I looked back and saw Bullerton saun- tering across the dump head. He was evidently bent on another liitle job of spying; either that, or else he didn’t want Daddy and me to get together by ourselves. Under cover of the forest I sat down and waited ; and in a short time Daddy joined me, making an excuse for the dodge-away that didn’t mean anything at all. “] got a claim over yonder in the right-hand gulch—the one ’at I was workin’ when your gran’paw came along,” he said. “Thought maybe you'd like to mog over with me and take a look at her.” Of course, I said I'd be delighted; 80 we made a detour around the Cin- nabar, keeping out of sight from the cabin and shaft-house, and pushing on around the western slope for maybe half a mile until we came to the gulch in which the abandoned claim lay. Working entirely alone, Daddy had driven a tunnel possibly ‘a hundred feet deep straight into the solid rock of the mountain side, following the thin vein and hoping that it would widen into a “pay-streak.” After he had led me a few yards into the tunnel, he waved me to a seat on a pile of broken rock, and took one himself with his back against the opposite wall. “I'm gettin’ just naturally so I hate a gosh-dummed crowd,” he remarked, switching suddenly from his talk of the abandoned claim. “Feel sometimes as if I'd like to swap skins with a con- dummed gopher and duck plumb into a hole.” “Well, said 1, grinning at him, “you’ve ducked, for once in a way, an‘ so have I. What about it?” “Charley Bullerton,” he spat ont without further preface. ‘That slick- tongued word artist sure does get onto my nerves. What-all’s he tryin’ to do ! to you, anyway, Stannie?” I didn’t see any reason why he shouldn’t know, so I told him ali of it, from start to finish, offers, bully- ings, and threats, but, of course, noth- ing about the Jeanie factor. “Great Moses!” he ejaculated, at the end of the sorry tale. Methusaleh !—it’s a hold-up! Do you reckon he kin unwater the Cinnabar?” “Surest thing ir the world. So could you or I, if we had the money the lower slope.” The old man smoked along in thoughtful silence for a few minutes. Then ha said: “Bout that there tunnel job; some- thin’ like two hundred thousand, we fiugerd that’d cost, with no bad luck, didn’t we, Stannie?” “That was the figure.” “And, first off, Charley Bulierton was willin’ to give you fifty thousand for your rights—though now you say he's shaved it down to forty. That'd mean an investment of at least two hundred and fifty thousand; all a-goin’ out and nothin’ a-comin’ in. Let's see where that's fetchin' us to. 1 don’t know what your gran’paw paid for the mine, but it was less'n half a million, and I reckon he paid ever’ dollar it was worth, don’t you?” (Continued Next Veek). CAROL SINGING. The custom of outdoor carol sing- 'ing on Christmas Eve, which has | been spreading throughout the coun- | try so rapidly during the past few | years, has in the course of its exten- i sion developed different characterist- lics in various cities, which are coming iin for serious discussion, now that the i Yuletide season is approaching, by j community workers and others who | will organize this year’s singing i groups. The National Bureau for the | Advancement of Music, which made "a survey of the cities in which carol- {ing through the streets was done last year, at the same time made a study | of the methods followed in rehearsing {and costuming the itinerant bands, | mapping out the districts to be cover- | ed, selecting stopping places and col- i lecting funds for charitable purposes where this was a feature of the ar- rangements. ‘this study shows that where the town has a community Christmas tree in some central place it is usual for the carolers to meet and sing in a body around the tree before dividing up into groups to visit the residential sections. In the absence of a general rendezvous the starting place of each group is as a rule the church, school- house or community centre where it has been rehearsed. There are rare- ly more than 25 singers in a band and rarely less than 10. . Cities in which the Community Service has a representative usually ‘have their caroling plans worked out by that organization acting either in- dependently or in co-operation with i local individuals or groups. Last year the Community Service included in its | preparations a campaign to teach the public “a carol a day” in order that young and old might join in the sing- ing. This campaign will be given i even more attention this year. | rr rn ' Resident Fisherman’s License Effect- ive January 1st, 1922. i | | CHRISTMAS EVE i | i The resident fisherman’s license law which was approved by the Governor the 16th day of May, 1921, becomes effective the first day of January, 1922, and provides that all citizens of the State of Pennsylvania (male or female) over twenty-one years of age must take out a license to fish or an- gle in any of the waters of this Com- monwealth or in the waters bounding or adjacent thereto. These licenses can be secured from the county treasurer of any county, or the Department of Fisheries, Harris- burg, upon the payment of one dollar for each license, together with the cost of treasurer’s fee, if secured through him. In applying for license the applicant must give name, resi- dence, occupation and age. The act provides that for violations the fine is twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and the Department of Fisheries will en- deavor to enforce the same. All persons who are interested in the propagation of the fish and the purification of the streams are urged to take out their license by January first as the appropriations received from the last Legislature by the De- partment of Fisheries were only suf- ficient to operate all branches of its work until January 1st, 1922. COAL MINERS IN “BACK TO SCHOOL” MOVEMENT. Coal miners in central and western Pennsylvania have joined the “Back to School” movement. Six hundred of them are now attending instruction classes established in sixteen towns by the mining extension division of The Pennsylvania State College. Started on a large scale only a year ago, the mine schools have grown in numbers, attendance and popularity through the efforts of Dean E. S. Moore and Prof. W. C. Duncan, extension direc- tor. Several more classes are to be started after the first of the year. The miners are given such instruc tion that will fit them to become fore- { men, inspectors, fire bosses, etc., and | they are greatly interested in the | work. Towns where classes are now Low held after working hours and the number of enrollments in each are: Patton, 88; Barnesboro, 75; St. Ben- ! edict, 20; Madera, 22; Houtzd2le, 15; | Hastings, 34; Winburne, 75; Philips- | burg, 20; Johnstown, 25; Somerset, 40; Brownsville, 76; Curtisville, 45; . Robertsdale, 80; Cresson, 22; Dudley, 26, and Woodvale, 25. EE — — ————————————————————————————————————E———————— GOVERNMENT SAVINGS SECURITIES. A new issue of government savings securities is being offered by the Treasury Department for sale to the public beginning this week. The new securities consist of treasury savings ' certificates in three denominations, maturing five years from date of is- sue, and bearing 4% per cent. interest compounded semi-annually. The pric- es are $20, $80 and $800, which at ma- turity will yield $25, $100 and $1,000 respectively. ‘they are designed particularly for | the convenience and safety of small investors, and for offering satisfac- ' tory income r nd satety f “Why. zosti-to. | y e return and satety for the surplus 1unds of labor, 1raternal, church and similar organizations. The new certificates are redeemable before they mature at their cost price plus 3% per cent. interest compounded to drive a long drainage tunnel from | SS ally. With the new certificates, Secretary i Mellon announced the postal savings and treasury savings have been co- ordinated with the result that the gov- ernment will have a unified savings | system, starting with the 10 per cent. | postal saving stamp, postal savings | deposits from $1 and up, the treasury savings stamp and the $25, $100 and $1,000 treasury savings certificates. | Lhe treasury 25 cent thrift stamp and | $6 war savings stamp will be discon- tinued December 31. The certificates mature five years from the date of issue in each case, instead of at a uniform maturity date, and if held to maturity yield interest at the rate of about 4% per cent. per annum compounded semi-annually. The certificates are redeemable before maturity at the redemption values stated on the backs of the certificates, upon presentation and surrender to the Treasury Department, and in that event yield interest at the rate of about 3% per cent. per annum com- pounded semi-annually. The $25 cer- tificate bears the portrait head of Theodore Roosevelt, the $100 certifi- cate that of Washington, and the $1,000 certificate that of Lincoln. The new certificates are issued only in reg- istered form, in order to afford pro- tection against loss and theft, and will be recorded on the books of the Treas- ury Department in Washington. The name and address of the owner and the date of issue will be inscribed on each certificate by the issuing agent at the time of issue. The terms of the certificates have been much sim- plified as compared with previous is- sues, and the offering is on a basis which should prove particularly at- tractive to small investors. The limit of holdings has been in- creased by the Act of Congress ap- proved November 23, 1921, from $1,- 000 to $5,000, and it is now possible therefore to hold treasury (war) sav- ings certificates of any one series up to an aggregate maturity value not exceeding $5,000. This change makes the certificates attractive for the in- vestment of trust funds and the sur- plus funds of labor, fraternal, church and similar organizations which seek an investment of intermediate length, with absolute safety and a satisfac- tory income return. A COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS TREE. Salt Lake City, Utah.—This year the city square in Salt Lake City will be the scene, for the fifth time, of the live community Christmas tree. In a large area set with native trees stands one large fir, transplanted years ago from the mountains. Hach Christmas it is gayly lighted and dec- orated, and the surrounding area is fenced off with holiday colors and Yuletide wreaths, about which the snow is trodden by thousands as they gaze with joy at this symbol of com- munity cheer and promise of good will to men. Last Christmas a new fall of snow made the tree a glamor of crystal loveliness in a setting of pure white- ness. As the lights were switched on, came the carollers. In large, lighted busses sixty singers from Salt Lake’s Oratorio Society were carried from corner to corner, where they bade the passers-by pause and join in a carol. Then after a dozen or more stops they drove, singing, into the city square and encircled the tree. They sang, and all the crowd sang. As they de- parted they left behind a Christmas cheer on every lip. The plans tor the present year con- template the redecoration of the same tree, the Oratorio Carollers, the Cim- munity Orchestra and the Boy Scout Band. Since the weather does not permit prolonged outdoor programs, the plan this year includes, in addi- tion, a free Christmas production in the Little Theatre by the Players Club or the University Dramatic Club. The great finale of the holiday season comes with the annual community production of Handel’s Messiah by the Salt Lake Oratorio Society under the direction of Squire Coop. This New Year’s Day rendition is given in the large tabernacle that will seat 10,000, and at the small fees of 25 and 50 cents. The 200 singers and the di- rector give their time as a community service, the building is furnished free, and the only expense incurred comes from soloists brought from out of town and for the orchestra. It has been the ambition of the Recreation Department to develop a Community Orchestra that will eventually be able to do justice to such a rendition. CHARLOTTE STEWART, Supervisor of Recreation. Short Course Nearly Full at Agricul- tural College. There are only a score of vacancies left in the enrollment allotment of the eight week’s course in agriculture to be conducted by The Pennsylvania State College beginning January 4th. Applications have been coming in at the office of Dean R. L. Watts at the rate of from five to ten a day for the past two weeks. Because of crowded conditions at the college a class of not more than 150 men and women can be accommodated. All courses are filled with the exception of those |in horticulture and general farming. Dairy manufacture is the most popu- lar course and is already filled. { ——Subseribe for the “Watchman.”