Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 23, 1921, Image 1

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    Bemorraic atin
—DMerry Christmas.
‘ —Wednesday was the shortest day
of the year.
—1If it were ours to give this Christ-
mas season would be the most joyous |
you have ever known.
—Let your own Christmas be what
it will, but make that of your little
ones a season of good cheer.
—On the calendar Wednesday was
the shortest day of the year but in re-
ality yesterday was the shortest.
—The one thing you can give and
give without ever exhausting the store
of it is your good will. It is the real
Christmas gift.
—Discarding Beidleman and tak-
ing up Highway Commissioner Sad-
ler would be like jumping out of the
frying pan into the fire.
——We have heard of no recent
feast but the hand writing on some
wall somewhere appears to have caus-
ed the usual consternation.
—What a wonderful Christmas it
would be for our Allies in the late war
if Uncle Sam were to put a receipted
bill for all they owe us in each one of
their stockings.
—That “Golden Wedding” moon-
shine made in 1921 and “bottled in
1902” is of very superior quality. We |
have only the word of some one else
for that, however.
—We have so much live local news
to give you in this issue that we
haven't space to express all the bright
and cheerful thoughts that we have of
you at this season.
—Here’s hoping that both the Lo-
gans and the Undines will be very
happy with the bright red and blue
water pumpers that the borough
dropped into their socks on Wednes-
—The capture of a still and the
stillers was one of our sensations on
Tuesday morning. For a long time
we have been hearing that the moun-
tains of Kentucky and Tennessee have
nothing on the Alleghenies when it
comes to moonshine.
—Anyway it will be admitted that
Cash and Carry are not bad nom-de-
plumes for the proprietors of a still.
They carried the moonshine and got
the cash up to the time the state po-
lice located their place of business and
now the whole community is agog 4s
to who they are.
Senator T. Larry Eyre may and
‘may not know what he is talking
about, but every one will give him the
credit of naming gubernatorial pos-
sibilities who are in a class by
themselves when measured with the
others who are spoken of as seeking
the Republican nomination.
—The child is the whole of the Christ-
mas theme,
It embodies all that is dear,
“The innocent, sinless, beautiful life:
It is the real message, Good Cheer.
May there be something for every one
And may not one of them say
On Christmas night, when the day is done
That “Santa wasn't ‘round our way.”
—May the spirit of peace on earth
and good will to men so fill the hearts
and minds of the men who are in
Washington making world’s history
today that they wille rise above all
sordid, selfish ambitions and give to
all nations the most hopeful Christ-
mas since that one in the little town
of Bethlehem centuries ago.
—The hold up of the bank at Karth-
aus has started us to wondering
whether we would enjoy looking down
the barrel of an automatic in the:
‘hands of a desperado, who wants mon- |
ey, more than staring at the menac-
ing fist of an outraged individual
about whom the “Watchman”
published an unpleasant truth.
—1It doesn’t make a particle of dif-
ference what the arms limitations
conference is leading up to so long as
its aims are lessening the burden of
‘taxation and permanent peace,
Let President Harding go in at the
front or sneak in at the back door of
‘the League of Nations the result will
be the same and results are what our
‘boys fought for and what we who love
peace are praying for.
—Davy Chambers will resign the
chairmanship of the Republican coun-
ty committee, effective January 1st
and L. Frank Mayes will probably be
his successor. While Frank will be
just as capable as an executive head
as Davy we fancy “the boys” will hear
‘the news of Davy’s retirement with
profound sorrow for once out of the
chairmanship that “bar’l” of his won’t
be so easily tapped as it has been in
the past.
—The great day is approaching.
The day of the miracle in the lowly
stable of Bethlehem. It is the irresisti-
ble day and—please God—may it al-
ways be so, and it will, for the inex-
haustible grace flowing from the birth
of the Child in the manger somehow
touches even the callowest hearts at
this season. If yours is touched, keep
it so. Let it go out in love for others
and blessings such as you have never
known will be yours, for that is why
God gave us Christ and Christmas.
—This is the last call in the old
year. We need money. And if a lot
of it doesn’t come along by next Jan-
uary 6th we are likely to greet you
with the same old song. Honestly if
we have to keep this up much longer
youll get as tired of our eternal dun-
ning as we used to get of the Meth- |
odist church, before it adopted a bud-
get system, That budget system is a
great thing and we’d have one, too, if
we could only budge all those who are
not paid up to some date in 1922 to
put something more than a December
look into our hope chest.
VOL. 66.
NO. 50.
Larry Eyre Spills the Beans.
State Senator T. Larry Eyre has
apparently changed the political map
of Pennsylvania by an interview made
public the other day. Senator Eyre
has not hitherto been regarded as a
political oracle. His principal dis-
tinction in the past has rested upon
the correctness of his clothes rather
than the keenness of his discernment.
The importance of his recent decla-
ration with respect to future party
plans, therefore, may be attributed to
| the instability of the plans rather than
| to the perspicacity of the Senator. As
'a rule his preference or prejudices as
‘to candidates or policies made little
| impression on the minds of the party
‘leaders. But his recent declaration
‘seems to have crushed Beidleman’s
Three weeks ago it looked as if the
‘campaign for Beidleman’s nomination
| for Governor was running over the
State like a tidal wave. With the skill
'of W. Harry Baker earnestly behind
{him and the force of the Sproul ad-
| ministration professing fidelity the in-
| dications were exceedingly flattering
{ to his hopes. But a single blast from
| the throat of an inconspicuous figure
lin the ranks of the party seems to
| have swept him out of the race en-
‘tirely. It may be only a temporary
| reverse which may be overcome by a
| skillful turn of the elements in the
equation, but it looks serious and
(final. The Eyre sentiment has met
| with surprising approval in all sec-
‘tions of the Commonwealth. It has
. run like wild fire in a prairie.
| But while Senator Eyre’s blast was
destructive enough, so far as it re-
‘lated to the ambitions of Lieutenant
{ Governor Beidleman, it fails complete-
‘ly in a constructive sense with re-
spect to the pretences of the candi-
dates he names as available. His first
guess is Highway Commissioner Sad-
ler, his second Banking Commissioner
‘Fisher and his third Attorney Gener-
‘al Alter, while his platform is econo-
‘my and opposition to the profligacy
of the Sproul administration. Each
of the candidates is a member of the
Sproul cabinet and by some will be
charged with Sproul with the respon-
sibility for the profligacy of which he
complains. - Naturally there is a fail-
‘ure of popular approval of his offers
to the party and maybe he will help
‘rather than hurt Beidleman, unless
‘the public later reacts to the fact
| that all three of the gentlemen are of
entirely different calibre than Beidle-
‘man. This being notably so in the
case of General Alter, who would be
the one man whose candidacy would
‘encourage the public to hope for
something more than mere politics at
| Harrisburg.
Mr. Beidleman hasn’t changed
'in principle, purpose or methods. The
| change is in the minds of the bosses
| who have been overtaken by a whole-
I some fear.
False Pretense of Economy.
President Harding is a real humor-
“ist. That is he is striving with all the
‘energy of an ample mouth to please
‘the people of the country by making
| promises of economy. His latest ven-
| ture along these lines is to suggest to
| Congress that it is desirable to save a
! million dollars a day, beginning about
11923. The saving of a million dollars
‘a day is certainly an enticing propo-
sition. But reduced to actual facts,
'as contemplated by the President, it
{means nothing. The saving he pro-
! poses is in the expenditures for 1923
jas compared with those of the last
{year of the Wilson administration.
During the last year of the Wilson
‘administration the government of the
United States was struggling with the
‘task of demobilizing an army of more
' than four million men, more than half
‘of whom were three thousand miles
from home. In addition to that her-
'culean task the greatest navy the
, country had ever had was in process
‘of dissolution to the extent of reduc-
{ing it to a peace level. The war equip-
ment was being disposed of as rapidly
as possible and the expenses of these
| operations were as great if not great-
| er than those of actual war activities.
| An estimate of five or six million dol-
"lars a day would be reasonable and
| possibly under the actual figures.
| But in 1923, the time fixed by Pres-
ident Harding for cutting the expen-
ditures a million dollars a day all
these expensive operations will be
ended and the expenses of government
might easily be reduced two or three
| million dollars a day. Of course, Pres-
!ident Harding knows this quite as
| well as any one else, but he imagines
{the people are not informed on such
| matters and he may impose upon them
' the false pretense of economy. Thus
| far no decrease in the expenses of the
| government has been made, though
he has been in office for nearly ten
‘months and before the election he
! promised an immediate decrease.
——The profligacy of the Sproul
{ administration is all that keeps Pen-
rose in his position as boss of the Re-
I publican party.
‘for a period of ten years.
Funding Bill Gone Over.
The bill to fund the $11,000,000,-
000 debt due to the United States
from foreign governments has gone
over until after the holiday recess.
This measure has been a source of
trouble to the administration ever
since the opening of the extra session
of Congress eight months ago. It is
gravely suspected that there is con-
cealed somewhere in the verbiage a
large sized and exceedingly venomous
serpent. Wall Street interests are
urging its passage and the impression
is growing that it was one of the
promises made to the slush contribu-
tors during the campaign. For that
reason the opposition is not only de-
termined but vigilant. The snake is
in danger of decapitation. There are
several clubs poised for it.
It has been universally agreed from
the beginning that some understand-
ing should be arrived at concerning
this vast debt. The people of this
country are being heavily taxed to pay
expenses incurred in the prosecution
of the war and Germany is being
pressed to pay indemnities to the gov-
ernments which owe us. But not a
dollar of the money due us, not even
a penny on interest account, has been
paid, though England, France and It-
aly ought to be as able to pay as
Germany. But the difference and de-
lay in the matter is not on this ac-
count, though that is a just cause of
complaint. The delay is caused by
the fact that the President and Sec-
retary of the Treasury ask for blanket
authority to settle on any terms they
This fact has led to the belief that
the campaign agreement was to can-
cel the foreign debt, including inter-
est, and that a group of favored poli-
ticians are to get an immense com-
mission for this generous favor to
the foreign governments concerned.
This impression is greatly strength-
ened by events since the election.
Congress has been ready and willing
to fund the debt on a liberal basis and
legislation authorizing such action
might easily have been enacted dur-
ing the special session. But Secreta-
ry Mellon insists upon authority to
transact the business in his own way
and upon his own terms without either
the consent or supervision of Congress
and the President supports his extra-
ordinary demand.
Dr. Haynes thinks the whis-
key traffic has been completely wiped
out in Pennsylvania but closer observ-
ers are convinced that Haynes is only
Disturbing the Machinery.
It seems that France has sort of ;
thrown a monkey-wrench into the
machinery of the Limitations Confer-
ence at Washington by setting up a
claim to an increased navy under the
agreement as among Great Britain,
‘Japan and the United States to scrap
warships and take a building holiday
Hughes fixed a standard with sur-
prising self-complacency to regulate
the naval strength of the three big
naval powers and, as it left each on
the ratio as before and saved money
for all, it was cheerfully accepted.
But France with an eye to her own
safety has made a demand for a na-
val force in proportion to the others.
England objects and throws the whole
machinery out of order.
This scrapping of navies by the
three great naval powers in equal ra-
tio under pretense of promoting
peace was about as absurd a proposi-
tion as ever was seriously offered to
a thinking public. It couldn’t possi-
bly exert any influence in the direc-
tion of permanent peace. Each coun-
try had the same power as against
the other after as before the agree-
ment and the militant spirit was in no
respect diminished. Moreover the
proposition to destroy good ships and
build air fleets and submarine boats
took away from the proposition most
of the virtue of economy. But Secre-
tary Hughes and President Harding
imagined they were “fooling all the
people all the time,” until France in-
terposed its demand.
We sincerely hope, however, that
the unexpected difficulty will be over-
come, as it may be by acceding to the
French demand, for the naval holiday
and the decrease of the naval force
will cut expenses some and maybe
after awhile the building of air ships
and submarines will be cut down, by
mutual agreement, by all the govern-
ments in the civilized world. That
would work real economy in the serv-
ice of government and might help
some in creating a spirit of peace and
righteousness which will make for
permanent peace. But Harding and
Hughes are fooling only the very
credulous by their schemes to post-
pone the entrance of the United
States into the League of Nations,
which is inevitable ultimately.
——1In searching for a reform can-
didate for Governor the Republican
leaders might give Senator Vare at
least “the once over.”
Begin Preparations Now.
Senator Capper, of Kansas, reputed
to be the leading spirit in the so-call-
ed Agricultural bloc, operating in
tration as well as the Republican ma-
chine, made a vigorous attack on Sec-
retary of War Weeks, the other day.
In a speech recently delivered in New
York the Secretary of War denounced
the agricultural bloc and other fac-
tions which are making trouble for
the Republican leaders and Capper’s
speech was in the way of reply to this
arraignment which the Kansan de-
clared was an indirect attack upon
the President who has approved var-
ious measures supported by the Mid-
dle western Senators. He forgot that
the President in his message had pro-
tested against factions.
We haye already referred to the
schism in the Republican ranks in
Pennsylvania as expressed in the re-
cent interview of Senator Larry Eyre
and the reflections cast by various Re-
publican newspapers upon certain
prominent candidates for the Repub-
lican nomination for Governor of
Pennsylvania. Both the North Amer-
ican and the Inquirer, of Philadelphia,
have issued admonitions against the
nomination of Lieutenant Governor
Beidleman for Governor and State
Senator Crow for United States Sen-
ator and even Penrose himself has set
up cautionary signals of party dis-
tress in the State. The profligacy of
the present State administration has
aroused an opposition among the peo-
ple that threatens disaster for the
These are unmistakable signs of
popular discontent with the work of
the Republican party since its resto-
ration to power in Washington and
indicate a revolt against the excesses
and abuses of the party in Pennsylva-
nia. But they mean nothing unless the
opposition is in shape to take advan-
tage of its opportunities. In other
words, Republican dissensions will
work no important benefits to the peo-
ple of the State unless the Democrat-
ic party is so organized as to be able
to offer a remedy. It will not do to
defer this preparation until political
excitethent has created prejudices that
will impair the work. We ought to
begin now to put our house in order
for the battle of next year.
Secretary Hughes thinks the
demand of France for consideration
in naval apportionment is preposter-
ous and probably France imagines that
Mr. Hughes’ assumption of the power
“to apportion is absurd.
New First National Bank for Centre
* Hall,
There is a very well defined rumor
that Centre Hall is to have a new
First National bank. It will not de-
velop in time for a Christmas offer-
ing but may be an institution of the
near future. According to the rumor
a number of well known Centre coun-
ty men have taken an option on the
S. W. Smith building and are now en-
gaged in selling stock in the proposed
bank. According to one story reach-
ing this office the bulk of the stock
has already been sold and preliminary
steps will be taken in the near future
towards complete organization.
Rumor also has it that included in
the purchase of the Smith building
will be the plant of the Centre Repor-
ter, and that the purpose is to change
the complexion of that paper into a
Republican organ. Of course, if the
paper changes hands and its future
owners should prove to be Republi-
cans, it will not be a difficult matter
to change the politics of the paper,
but if in doing so they anticipate mak-
ing any impression on the rock-rib-
bed Democrats of the South side we
feel sure they will fall short of their
Sr ————— A
——1Tt took Governor Sproul a long
time to overtake that fleeting phan-
tom economy but having accomplish-
ed that result he is very eager.
No “Watchman” Next Week.
For twenty-five weeks, with unre-
lenting regularity, the “Watchman”
force has toiled and struggled that
you, dear reader, might have your fa-
vorite paper on time. Getting out a
newspaper with clock-like regularity
is not entirely a “labor of love,” but
a continual grind from one week’s end
to the other and notwithstanding the
fact that there is a world of satisfac-
tion in the many letters of apprecia-
tion that come to this office every
week there is always a tendency to
grow weary physically and that is the
reason why no paper will be issued
from this office next week. The entire
force is going to take a week’s respite
and enjoy the pleasures of the holiday
The next issue of the “Watchman”
will go out on January 6th, 1922. In
the meantime we bespeak for every
reader of this paper and mankind in
general a Christmas teeming with
happiness and a New Year brightened
with wonderful success.
! From the Philadelphia Record.
: : . | said that the future of the world de-
Congress and confusing the adminis- | jo) ded on the Washington conference.
will not ask the United States to
' plausibility in the suggestion that we
The Allied Debts.
On a recent occasion Lord Birken-
head, Lord Chancellor of England,
if that were a success the world might !
survive its present economic ills, but
if that failed the world would go to
the demnition bow-wows, and it
wouldn’t be long about it.
To Americans the connection is not
exactly obvious. The Outlook, of
London, helps us a little to understand
by saying that Washington is a clin-
ic where the serum of international
good-will and co-operation is being
tried on the bodies of two important,
and yet secondary, issues. If the se-
rum cures the naval cat and the Chi-
nese rabbit there will be hope that it
will cure the far greater disease from
which the world is suffering, but if it
fails on the cat and the rabbit of the
international laboratory the world
may as well sit in the dust and await
a general wreck that will not be quick
or merciful.
The Lord Chancellor and the Prime
Minister have probably been confer-
ling on the laboratory experiments in
the Washington clinic. Evidently
Lloyd George sees excellent results
from the serum of international good-
will and co-operation, for he is now
reported to be nearly ready to pre-
sume so far on the world’s good-will
and co-operation as to propose a wip-
ing-off of the financial slates of the
Allied and Associated Nations.
It is understood that Mr. George
sponge off the score which we hold
against his country, amounting to
about $4,250,000,000, and we have
claims against our other associates in
the war amounting to more than that
sum. The aggregate amounts to a lit-
tle less than ten billion dollars with-
out interest, and more than eleven bil-
lions with interest. But Mr. Gecrge
would not have the bad taste to ask
the United States to give receipted
bills to its debtors; he would simpiy,
and munificently, give receipted bills
to all the debtors to England.
That would force our hands. If
England forgave its debtors we could
hardly be less generous. England's
credits are about double its debt to
the United States. By a general clear-
ing of slates Great Britain would lose
more than it would gain, with this
rather important qualification, that’
England never can collect from sev-
eral of its debtors, while most of our
debtors, notably England and France,
and probably Italy and some of the
smaller nations, can pay in the course
of time.
However, let us take a broad view
of the matter. Our entrance into the
war made the conflict ours. The Al-
lies had been fighting for three years
in what we subsequently declared to
be our war. We did not furnish as
many men as England and France,
and our casualties were trifling com-
pared with theirs. There is some
should carry a part of the financial
load which they assumed. England
had to let France have a good deal of
money; it helped Italy, and it sup-
ported the Belgian, Servian and Por-
tuguese armies, while its financial
contributions to Russia were enor-
The suggestion that all the war
loans between governments be wiped
out is not preposterous. We may have
to think seriously about it. Undoubt-
edly we were profoundly interested in
stopping Germany, and while we ren-
dered important, and perhaps decisive,
aid to the Allies they had fought for
our interests for three years before
we got into it. And furthermore, the
economic condition of the world is
pretty bad and is not getting better.
It might possibly be better for us, on
our own account, to help our debtors
than to have several of them go bank-
api; and perhaps drag the others
Bellefonte’s $20,000 Fire Fighting
Apparatus Here.
Bellefonte’s twenty thousand dollar
motorized fire fighting apparatus, two
of the best triple pumpers manufac-
tured by the White Motor company,
of Hamilton, Ohio, arrived in Belle-
fonte on Tuesday morning. The White
company was promptly notified by
telegraph and the pumpers were al. |
lowed to remain in a sealed car until
the arrival of a mechanic on Wednes-
day morning when they were unload-
ed and run up to the Emerick garage.
The pumper for the Logan company
is painted red while that for the Un-
dines is blue, almost the color of the
uniforms of the members of that com-
According to the contract both
pumpers will have to pass the under-
writer's test for efficiency before their
acceptance by the borough. In the
meantime an experienced mechanician
will instruct the firemen how to han-
dle them.
tems seers fA ——————
Japan isn’t half as generous as
she pretended to be. It turns out that
there was a strong string attached to
the offer to restore Shantung to Chi-
Ud Sal
— Let us hope that our friend
Santa Claus will have the busiest and
best season of his beneficent life.
— Tt looks asif De Valera would
rather be President of an Irish Re-
public than be right.
—Dr. Bertha Caldwell, Miss Mabel
Jacques and Miss Winifred Postlewaite,
are rivals for the appointment as proba-
tion officer in Cambria county.
—One year in the work house and $145
fine was the sentence imposed by Judge
George S. Criswell on Joseph Mason, of
- Oil City, convicted of involuntary man-
slaughter in connection with the running
down and killing of a boy and injuring
two others with an auto.
—John Ditzler, aged 28 years, who was
shot by mistake for a bear by J. E. Ar-
nold, of Shamokin, died Friday night in
the Williamsport hospital. Arnold waiv-
ed a hearing and was held for court. This
is the second fatality of the hunting sea-
son in Lycoming county.
—Old woolen underwear and blankets
might as well be put back in the moth
ball stage for a farmer near Huntingdon,
Pa., found one of his hens, which had been
missing for some time, sitting on a nest
of ten eggs and one chick at the foot of
a tree in the woods near his home.
—Mrs. William Baker has offered her
1 month old son, Robert Eugene Baker,
as a Chirstmas gift to any one who will
adopt him. Mrs. Baker has been desert-
ed by her husband and is in ill health.
The mother has inserted an advertisement
in the local papers, offering to give the
child away on Christmas.
— Professor George L. Swank, of Sun-
bury, has been appointed superintendent
of public schools for Northumberland
county, to succeed Prof. I. H. Mauser, of
Sunbury, who died a month ago. The job
pays $3500 a year. He will serve until
next May, when the school directors of the
county elect his successor.
—A claim for $6640, alleged to be due on
the tax duplicate of former city treasurer
Clarence I. Weber, of Harrisburg, has ,
been made by the city on the Fidelity
Deposit company, of Maryland, which
bonded Weber. The former treasurer is
said to maintain that most of the money
due is for taxes not collected.
—Wicinty Zerunbe, 55 years old, a Pol-
ish miner of Pittsburgh, was run down
and instantly killed near Lewistown on
Thursday night by a fast freight train on
the Pennsylvania Railroad. Coroner W. A.
Barr found two dressed chickens in the
pockets of his clothing which evidently
had been stolen from the roosts of near-
by farmers.
-—The body of Mike Bucho, a prisoner,
was found hanging from his cell door
with a chain around his neck in the West-
moreland county jail at Greensburg, last
Thursday, by warden James Keating.
Bucho, convicted of felonious assault and
battery with intent to kill, was to have
been removed to the western penitentiary
within a few days.
—Physicians are puzzled by William
Hickman, a negro, of Mount Pleasant,
shot by Lucy Smith, who is showing no
evidences of a bullet lodged in his brain.
Although they agree that the bullet is in
the centre of the brain the negro is able
to eat regularly and sit up in bed. The
ball has neither paralyzed the brain nor
rendered him unconscious. On account of
the position of the bullet no attempt has
been made to remove it.
—More than a million and a quarter dol-
lars has been paid into the State Treas
ury ds revenue from applications for 1022
motor vehicle licenses thus far, and it is
expected millions more will be received by
the end of the year. The revenue from
motor vehicle licenses of 1921 is expected
to be around $10,000,000, which will break
the records. The new license plates are
being sent out by the truck-loads and also
issued from the windows of the Automo-
bile Division offices in Harrisburg.
—T. C. Cochran, attorney for the Mercer
county commissioners, has revived the old
Pennsylvania blue laws, enacted in 1794,
in an opinion given at the request of the
commissioners. Recently two men were
sentenced by Mayor Frank Gilbert, of
Sharon, to serve thirty days each in the
county jail, for “drunkenness.” Attorney
Cochran advised the commissioners to re-
fuse the men admission on the ground that
the law of 1794 holds that a 67-cent fine
and twenty-four hours in jail is the pun-
ishment for “drunkenness.”
—Adjutant General Beary has approved
the first 500 applications for the Pennsyl-
vania medal for members of the National
Guard who went into the world war and
in orders issued regarding them provides
that all men who were in the Guard on the
day war was declared and who entered
the service for war are entitled to the med-
al. This will enable Guardsmen who went
overseas with the Rainbow Division or to
camps separate from the National Guard
division camps to get medals, including
Pennsylvania Naval Militia members.
—Beginning Sunday night the American
Sheet and Tinplate company started to op-
erate its Farrel and New Castle mills at
full capacity for the first time since last
March. For the past several weeks the
New Castle tin mills have been running
at full capacity. It is said that the Amer-
ican Sheet and Tinplate company recent-
ly secured a considerable portion of an or-
der for 85,000 boxes of tinplate from Ja-
pan. This in addition to another large
order which was awarded last summer.
Prospects are good for continuous opera-
tion through the winter.
—George McDonald, a miner of Cole-
mont, Huntingdon county, is dead and his
wife, Ollie Long McDonald, is in a serious
condition at a Johnstown hospital as the
result of a shooting at Cassandra late
Thursday evening. According to author-
jties who investigated, McDonald went to
the home of Charles Long, a brother of
his wife, and asked her to return to Cole-
mont with him. The wife, it is said, was
keeping house for Long during the ab-
sence of his wife, who is in a hospital.
She refused, according to reports, and he
shot her twice, one bullet passing through
her lung, after which McDonald killed
—A small automobile on peaceful pur-
suits survived an attack by two powerful
locomotives at Sunbury, last Saturday, and
went merrily on its way. Two persons
whom police say were Mr, and Mrs, H. TF.
Bowersox, of Middleburg, who were in the
car, escaped death miraculously, accord-
ing to bystanders, when the automobile
was struck by one train at a grade cross-
ing, thrown over on another track and
hammered by a train going in the oppo-
site direction. The auto was pushed along
the tracks and finally slid off to the side
in the street. Then the auto righted itself,
drew up along the side of the curb, and
there it was found that the woman only
had a slight cut on her face and the man
was uninjured. The car continued under
its own power. The occupants were on a
shopping trip to Sunbury.