Church Services Next Sunday. ST. JOHN'S REFORMED CHURCH. Next Sunday at 10:45 service with sermon, “Prepare Ye the Way.” Evening at 7:30 “Third study in the Book of Daniel.” Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. and C. E. meeting at 6:45 p. m. Ambrose M. Schmidt, D. D., Minister. UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST. Rev. J. S. Fulton, D. D., superin- tendent of Allegheny Conference, will preach at 10:30 and preside at the first quarterly conference at 11 a. m. Misses Elsie Hall and Amy Clipping- er, of Dayton, Ohio, will meet the W. M. A. and Otterbein Guild organiza- tions at 2:30 and will speak at the evening service at 7:30. A special program is being arranged and prepared by the prayer meet- ing committee for the devotional meeting in the Christian Endeavor at 6:30. This service should be attend- ed if you really want to receive the most good from the after service. George E. Smith, Pastor. Geo. WwW. Emenhizer, Pastor Emeritus. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Bible school 9:30 2. m.. Baptism of children and sermon, “Christ a Rev- elation of Man to Man,” 10:45 a. m. Junior League 2 p. m. Senior League 6:30 p. m. Sermon, “The Possibili- ties and Revelations of the Future Life,” 7:30 p. m. Visitors cordially welcome. Class meeting Tuesday, 7:30. Prayer service Wednesday, 7:30. Coleville—Bible school 2:30 p. m. Baptism of children and reception of members 3:15. Alexander Scott, Minister. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. Christian Science Society, Furst building, High street, Sunday service 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet- ing at 8 o'clock. To these meetings all are welcome. A free reading room is open to the public every Thursday afternoon from 2 to 4. Here the Bible and Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services for the week beginning December 18: Fourth Sunday in Ad- vent, 8 a. m. Holy Eucharist. 9:45 a. m. church school. 11 a. m. Mattins and sermon, “The Lord’s Abiding Presence.” 7:30 p. m. evensong and sermon. Wednesday, feast of St. Thomas, the Apostle, 10 a. m. Eucha- rist. Thursday, 7:30 a. m. Eucharist. Friday service omitted. Visitors al- ways welcome. Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning worship 10:45, “A Cripple Healed.” Evening service 7:30, “Tall, Sun- Crowned Men.” Visitors always wel- come. Rev. Wilson P. Ard, Minister. CENTRE HALL. Myra Miller and little niece, Mary Horner, spent several days among friends in Centre Hall. Mrs. C. F. Emery and daughter Al- gie spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Tom. Foss, in Altoona, return- ing home on Monday afternoon. A serious cough seems to be going the rounds now. Many grown people and children are greatly annoyed by ' it. Among the former, is Mrs. C. M. Smith, who has been quite miserable. Mrs. P. S. Garis and two children, from Altoona, spent last Sunday at the home of W. B. Garis. They were accompanied home by Miss Anna Garis, who had visited a month or more in Altoona. The remains of W. G. Miller, of Glenside, Philadelphia, were brought to Centre Hall on Tuesday afternoon and buried from the train. Mrs. Mil- ler, who will be remembered as Miss Virna Geiss, and their two daughters, accompanied the body. — Have you inquired about “HOW COME THE GIVEAWAY ONE” at Beatty Motor Company? 49-1t IF YOU ARE SATISFIED TO TAKE POT LUCK, DON'T CALL THE KETTLE BLACK. If you are satisfied with what is handed out to you, thinking what's to be will be, so why try to change the course of events, don’t kick. Your future is what you make it. All suc- cessful men make opportunities and, having keen vision, they look ahead. You may be handicapped and over- look opportunities because of poor | vision. If such is the case step inside | , my office. I will advise you honestly. Satisfaction Guaranteed. DR. EVA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Both Phones. BELLEFONTE. | Every Saturday, 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. : STATE COLLEGE Every Day except Saturday. 66-42 P—— For the One Best Girl. Genuine Tennessee red cedar chests. The only cedar that is moth proof by government test. $18.00 up at Brachbill’s. 48-2t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ANTED.—A position as janitor or to take care of furnaces. Telephone this office or communicate with CYRUS GEARHART, Bellefonte. 49-2t Farm at Private Sale! The HUMES FARM, adjoin- ing Bellefonte, containing 290 ACRES is offered for sale on at- tractive terms. Apply to CHAS. M. McCURDY, 66-49-3t Administrator XECUTOR’S NOTICE.—Letters testa- mentary upon the estate of Thom- _s D. Gray, late of State College borough, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are re- quested to make prompt payment, and those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenticated, for set- tlement. Mrs. ANNIE B. GRAY, RALPH W. GRAY, Executors, W. Harrison Walker, State College, Pa. Attorney 66-46-6t PAAAAAAAALAAAAALALI PPPS SPP P PSI IPSS IIIT Christmas Opportunities Truly distinctive Gifts are always the most appreciated. Never before have we had such a wonderful display of useful and attrac- tive articles from which to make your selec- tion and at just the Right Price. BASKETS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Watches, Clocks, Clasps, Brooches, Scarf fered before. Cuff-Links, Bar Pins, Pins, at prices never of- You will find here all that is latest and best in Dinner-Ware, Cut Glass, Fancy Hand- Painted China, Fern Dishes, Casseroles, Py- rex, Silverware. Skates, Sleds, Wagons, Pen Knives, Scissors, Flash Lights, Etc., Etc. We invite you to call and join our host of satisfied customers. The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. 66-6-tf PAP IRESIDERT CORDIALLY OFFICERS & DIRECTORS OF THE BELLEFONTE TRUST COMPANY BELLEFONTE . PA. INVITE YOU TO BE PRESENT AT THE OPENING OF THE - NEW BANKING ROOMS ON SATURDAY. DECEMBER THE TWENTY FOURTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY ONE FROM TEN QCLOCK A-M: UNTIL TEN OCLOCK P-M- OFFICERS J-L'SPANGLER, CTGERBERICH N-E-ROBB ~~ E-S-O VICE PRESIDENT: DIRECTORS SECY & TRIAS ASST-SICY B J-L SPANGLER.. A-C-MINGLE CT GERBERICH,, CLAUDE COOK. A-RMSNITT: CY WAGNER. N-E:ROBD 3) Ee A Useful Gift for Everbody Commencing December 24th, 1921 THE BrrLEroNTE TrUusT COMPANY, BELLEFONTE, PA. will give away 500 very useful presents to the first 500 depositors to checking accounts only. The distribution of these gifts will start at the Opening Day of the New Building. Don't delay. You are entitled to a Christ- mas Present by making a checking account deposit. N E INVITE YOU to Share the Pleas- ares and Benefits of Our 1922 Christmas Savings Club Which Started Monday, December 12th, 1921 It is not too late to join. You can become a Member any time. Please come in and let us explain to you. BELLEFONTE TRUST COMPANY BELLEFONTE PA 50 21 ay, eRe eS EE EO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OR SALE.—On easy terms, all vacant lots in Bush Addition, belonging te the Bush estate; a house and lot corner of Ridge and High streets, and the Bush property on Spring street. Inquire of GEORGE T. BUSH or Mrs. LOUISA T. | BUSH, Bellefonte, Pa. 45-tf HARTER NOTICE.—In the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, . 0. 99 December Term, 1921. Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the above Court on the 24th day of December A. D. 1921 at 10 o'clock a. m., under the incorporation Act of 1874 of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania and the supplements thereto, for the Charter of an intended corporation to be called the DELTA PI FRATERNITY the character and object of which is to up- hold the Christian faith, promote religious activities, encourage scholastic endeavors, support athletics, and above all always work for the good and advancement of Pennsylvania State College and for these purposes to have and possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said Act of Assembly and supplements. The proposed Charter is now on file in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, at Belle- fonte, Centre County, Pennsylvania. ARTHUR C. DALE, Esq., 66-46-4t Solicitor. Ira D. Garman Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry “JEWELRY MADE OVER” 11th Street Below Chestnut, 63-34-6m PHILADELPHIA. PA. NE PPT CBS RO El EA, Farmers and Others Take Notice. I will insure dwellings at $1.00 a hun- dred and barns at $1.60 a hundred on the cash plan, for three years, as against fire and lightning. 1 . M. KEICHLINE, 66-16-6m Bellefonte, Pa. ey Building Lots Houses for Sale ON EASY TERMS All the Vacant Lots in Bush Addition BELONGING TO THE BUSH ESTATE House and Lot Located at corner of Ridge and High Sts The Bush Homestead on Spring St., Bellefonte. If interested in any of these properties inquire of Mrs. LOUISA BUSH GEO. T. BUSH larity in the future. O’coats $50.00 and s35.0044.44 Suits $60.00 and (iB) SiucChe y Correct. lothier J Qress roNTE AND STATE CovLece -Pa, Dissolution Sale! The partnership existing between Sim Baum and Maurice Baum in the firm of Sim, The Clothier, is to be dissolved by mu- tual consent. The business will be continued with the same policy and along the same progressive lines by Sim Baum, who for years has been conducting this store and endeavoring to make it the most popular store in this section. With this end in view—I will now place my entire stock of Men's Suits and O’coats on sale at Decid- ed Reductions. There will be no reservation, every Suit and Over- coat in the store will be sold at February Clearance prices. It is your opportunity to obtain the newest and: most choice clothes at the start of the season—at after season's prices. De- cided savings on the most trustworthy merchandise has made this store successful in the past. The same policy, methods, and straightforward dealings cannot fail to make it continue its popu- YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE IS NOW Suits $45.00 and $40.00 $33.33 Or $22.50 O’coats $37.50 O’coats $25.00 $17.17 Suits $27.50 Sim, The Clothier Suits $35.00 Scenic Theatre Week-Ahead Program SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17: Also, Snub Pollard comedy. MONDAY, DECEMBER 19: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21: Sunshine Comedy. A good show. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23: Wonderful wild animal pictures. (Cut this out and save for reference). JOSEPH DOWLING in “THE KENTUCKY COLONEL,” a story with the sweet southern atmosphere that will please any who like those stories. BUSTER KEATON, in “SKIRTS,” is a jazzy, thrilling comedy; also fea- turing the single midgets, something new, worth seeing. Also, Pathe News, Topics and Spanuth’s Vod-a-Vil. BEBE DANIELS in “THE SPEED GIRL,” is a good, swift action picture, amusing in its absurdity. Built around the jail term she served for speed- ing. Gives star room for athletics. Also, two 2-reel comedies. LON CHANEY and BETTY COMPSON in “FOR THOSE WE LOVE,” a six reel fine production of a real drama of small town life. Story of re- demption of four people of the Underworld. Don’t miss this. Also, 2-reel NAOMI CHILDERS in the big Albert Kauffman picture, “COURAGE.” A six reel story of wife of husband wrongly convicted of murder carries on his life work until his innocence is proven. Also, Pathe News and Review, FRANK MAYO in “GO STRAIGHT.” Story of minister who shows up ne- farious schemes of man who runs town. See Mayo as the figthing parson. Also, 4th episode of the best yet serial, “MIRACLES OF THE JUNGLE.” SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17: pictures. January 10 and 11. OPERA HOUSE. TOM MIX in “AFTER YOUR CWN HEART,” one of his most interesting COMING :—“Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,” the big feature of the year, Watch for our big X-mas week program. APIS SIN 0 00,000, 00 SNPSAPNIIINISINIS SIPS
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